
nori starch glue


nori 糊 starch, glue

nori 糊 natural glue (rice starch) was used when changing paper for the sliding doors, for example. It was also used for robes.
Another name is  himenori 姫糊 "princess nori glue".

. kan nori 寒糊 (かんのり) glue made in the cold .
from the root of the Tororo aoi plant.
kigo for winter

- quote
himenori 姫糊 "princess glue"
Paste is the basis of color and must be mixed on the block with the pigment by use of a brush. The process must be done only just before printing, and not previously. This gives substantial body to the pigment and thus secures its uniform application to the block. It should be noted that this procedure is not for the purpose of making the pigment adhere to the paper. If too much paste is used, the paper will stick to the block and cannot be removed.

The paste, which is called himenori, is made of refined rice and water in the proportion of 50 grams (1.78 ounces) of rice to 340cc (.72 pint) of water. The method of preparing the paste is as follows:

The refined rice is placed in 50 cc of water and allowed to stand for two or three days.
When the rice has fully absorbed the water, the mixture is placed in a suribachi (earthenware mortar) and pounded until it is of uniform consistency.
The mixture is then placed in a pan with the remaining 290cc of water and set on a heater. During the heating process the mixture must be stirred constantly with a spatular stick.
As the mixture comes to a boil it begins to turn translucent. It must be removed from the heater at the moment when it becomes about seventy percent translucent. This is the most important part of the procedure.
Stirring must be continued vigorously until the mixture becomes tepid and returns to a more or less opaque condition.
Next, particles of foreign matter and grains of rice that have escaped the pounding process must be removed by squeezing the mixture through a cotton-cloth bag.

The consistency of the paste should be the same as that of cooked oatmeal. But for the purpose of pasting a hanshita, this must be as dense as that of cold cream, the water proportion being reduced by one-third at preparation. If it were boiled, it would soon lose the requisite consistency later on. It should be sufficiently fluid to be poured into another container, but thick enough so a drop smaller than thumb-tip size clings to the end of a stick.
- source : woodblock.com/encyclopedia

under construction

nori uri, nori-uri  糊売り vendor of starch
himenori uri 姫糊売り

Starch to be used after washing a kimono was sold in units of 1 mon.
The outfit of a vendor was almost like a tofu vendor with two tubs on a pole over the shoulders.
They uses two spatula made from bamboo to scoop the starch out of their buckets into a pot offered by the customer.

It was often sold by old ladies. On rainy days people did not to any washing, so the old ladies (baba ばば、ばあー) did not have to go out.

Noriya no baasan 糊屋の婆さん A Rakugo story.

. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .


norioke, nori-oke 糊桶 tub for glue

Here is a sample from workers putting new paper on sliding doors.

糊桶または糊盥, nori tarai

look carefully at the lower right to find the detail above  . . .

- Great source for checking out the tools of glueing paper on sliding doors
- source : db.ebiki.jp/annotations


- quote
Shita-kiri Suzume (舌切り雀 shita-kiri suzume)
"Tongue-Cut Sparrow"
is a traditional Japanese fable telling of a kind old man, his avaricious wife and an injured sparrow. The story explores the effects of greed, friendship and jealousy on the characters.

The plot
Once upon a time there lived a poor old woodcutter with his wife, who earned their living by cutting wood and fishing. The old man was honest and kind but his wife was arrogant and greedy. One morning, the old man went into the mountains to cut timber and saw an injured sparrow crying out for help. Feeling sorry for the bird, the man takes it back to his home and feeds it some rice to try to help it recover. His wife, being very greedy and rude, is annoyed that he would waste precious food on such a small little thing as a sparrow. The old man, however, continued caring for the bird.

The man had to return to the mountains one day and left the bird in the care of the old woman, who had no intention of feeding it. After her husband left, she went out fishing. While she was gone, the sparrow got into some starch that was left out and eventually ate all of it. The old woman was so angry upon her return that she cut out the bird's tongue and sent it flying back into the mountains from where it came.

Katsushika Hokusai

The old man went searching for the bird and, with the help of other sparrows, found his way into a bamboo grove in which the sparrow's inn was located. A multitude of sparrows greeted him and led him to his friend, the little sparrow he saved. The others brought him food and sang and danced for him.

Upon his departure, they presented him with a choice of a large basket or a small basket as a present. Being an older man, he chose the small basket as he thought it would be the least heavy. When he arrived home, he opened the basket and discovered a large amount of treasure inside. The wife, learning of the existence of a larger basket, ran to the sparrow's inn in the hope of getting more treasure for herself. She chose the larger basket but was warned not to open it before getting home.

Such was her greed that the wife could not resist opening the basket before she returned to the house. To her surprise, the box was full of deadly snakes and other monsters. They startled her so much that she tumbled all the way down the mountain, presumably to her death.

- The purity of friendship overcomes the evil of greed and jealousy.
- Greed only leads to one's own demise.
- source : wikipedia


- quote
nikawa 膠
A transparent or semi-transparent animal glue, used as a binder *baizai 媒剤, and an adhesive.
Nikawa is durable and elastic, although it loses flexibility with age. It is made from the skins, bones, tendons and intestines of animals or fish skins and bones, which are boiled in water to extract gelatin. Excess water is evaporated away, and after cooling leaves a jelly-like glue. Nikawa does not dissolve in cold water, but can be dissolved when heated.

A solution of a few percent concentration is used in Japanese painting *nihonga 日本画 to adhere the pigments *ganryou 顔料 and fix them to the picture surface. Nikawa is mixed with alum to make *dousa 礬水 for sizing paper and is used as a primary coat in oil painting, abura-e 油絵.

Nikawa has many uses as an adhesive for wood, paper and cloth, and acts as binder for substances such as the white pigment *gofun 胡粉, and *tonoko 砥の粉, applied to statues before painting.
- source : JAANUS


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

. noridarai, nori darai 糊盥 glue tub .


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. Japanese Architecture - cultural keywords used in haiku .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .




seventh lunar month


The Seventh Lunar Month 七月 shichigatsu - 水無月 minazuki -
lit. "month without water"

In the old lunar calendar of the Edo period

spring lasted from the first month to the third,
summer from the fourth month through the sixth,
autumn from the seventh month through the ninth,
winter from the tenth month through the twelfth.

. WKD : The Asian Lunar Calendar and the Saijiki .

. Edo Saijiki 江戸歳時記 .

source : art.jcc-okinawa.net/okinawa/edonosiki

under construction

- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

chuugen, o-chuugen mid-year presents
- source : 江戸の歳時記 -

by Kitagawa Utamaro 歌麿 七夕
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

. Tanabata 七夕 Star Festival .



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. Edo Saijiki 江戸歳時記 .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .




fune boat ship


fune 舟 boats and ships on the rivers of Edo

source : www.t-greentec.com/annai

yuusen 遊船 excursion boat, pleasure boat
yuusan bune 遊山船 cruising boat, enjoying boat life
This refers mostly to the wooden boats of the Edo period.

Many boats were out only during the hot summer season, to provide cool river wind and enjoyment for those who could afford it.

. fune 船 boat, ship .
- Introduction and related kigo -

. sendoo sendō 船頭 boatman, ferryman .

source : suiro.blog27.fc2.com

funakagami 船鑑 Book about Boats of Edo
by Kawana Noboru 川名登

under construction

. choki 猪牙 / chokibune 猪牙舟 water taxi, river taxi .
- watashibune 渡し舟 river ferry


source of summer pleasures : kazuhisa.eco.coocan.jp

hanabi-bune 花火舟 boat for watching fireworks

The most popular boat night was the great firework at the Sumidagawa river.

. Edo no hanabi 江戸の花火 fireworks in Edo .


. segakibune 施餓鬼舟(せがきぶね)Segaki boat .
for the Segaki ceremony
Offering food and drink to the hungry ghosts, Segaki 施餓鬼

. shooryoobune (shoryobune) 精霊船
ships for the blessed souls of the O-Bon festival.


source : www10.ocn.ne.jp/~sobakiri

sobakiri-uri no fune そば切り売りの舟 boat selling buckwheat noodles
They were also popular in Osaka on the river Yodogawa 淀川の三十石船.


. suzumibune 納涼舟 boat to enjoy a cool evening breeze


source : www.t-yakata.com/tyh_edoyaka
by Torii Kiyonaga 鳥居清長 (1752 - 1815)

tsukimibune 月見船 boat for moon viewing in autumn


source : edoeten.cocolog-nifty

urourobune, uro-uro-bune うろうろ舟 ‘casual wandering’ boat
Small boats cruising up and down the river (urouro) amongst the large pleasure boats, selling light refreshments like watermelon and drinks.

urobune 売ろ舟 "boat selling something"


. watashibune わたし舟 / 渡し舟 / 渉舟 ferry boat, river ferry .


source : www.t-yakata.com/tyh_edoyaka

yakatabune 屋形船 "palace boat", river cruise boat
gozabune 御座船 boat with goza mat flooring
boat with a high roof, as opposed to the yanebune. house boat.
Pleasure boats for hiring, used for cooling off in the evening with a party of friends.
The agents along the river who provided the boats were called funayado 船宿.

Private boats of the Shogun from the Heian Era through the Edo Era were very lavishly decorated.
Yakatabune have tatami mats inside and Japanese low tables that resemble an upper class Japanese home, in fact it means Home style Boat, and are basically for entertaining guests in the old days.
Today they plow the waterways of the rivers and bays of Tokyo among the skyscrapers and temples for sighteseeing and retain a traditional feel.

source : www.t-yakata.com/tyh_edoyaka
Hiroshige 歌川広重 - 吾妻橋金龍山遠望

Yakatabune were also popular for hanami, cherry blossom viewing along the riverside in spring:
hanamibune 花見舟 boat for blossom viewing

source : edococo.exblog.jp

Kawa Ichimaru 川一丸 Famous Yakatabune in Edo
In the front is a gorgeous arrangement on a high tray, dai no mono 台の物, where food and flowers are displayed.

Kawa Ichimaru 川一丸 - Hiroshige 広重


yanebune 屋根舟 boat with a (low) roof
Used by poorer people to enjoy the evening cool of the river in summer.


猫のすゞみ cats enjoying the evening cool

. Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳 .


chokibune boat near the Yoshiware pleasure quarters

yuuhakusho Edo no shiryoo ni chokibune mo

mild summer evening
at the Edo Period Museum
there is even a Choki boat

Saitoo Toshiko 斉藤淑子 Saito Toshiko


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. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

- #yakatabune #edoboats -


taki waterfall Edo


Edo no taki 江戸の滝 waterfalls in Edo

waterfalls at Oji

. WKD : taki 滝 waterfall .
- Introduction -

There used to be at least seven natural waterfalls of the river Shakuji-I gawa 石神井川, also called 滝野川 in Edo. People came here in summer to feel the cool, have a snack and relax.
This was called taki ami 滝浴み.

They have been lost due to modern town development, and only the one at Oji is still existant now.

. suzushisa 涼しさ feeling cool in Edo .

under construction

. Katsushika Hokusai . 葛飾北斎 (1760-1849)

Tootoo Aoigaoka no Taki 東都葵ケ岡の滝 Aoigaoka Waterfall in Edo
Now near 赤坂溜池 Akasaka Tameike Pool, Nagata Cho 永田町
During the Edo period, this was a kind of resort area for rich samurai to have a villa for summer.

A Journey to the Waterfalls in All the Provinces:
Aoigaoka Waterfall in Edo / (Shokoku Taki Meguri: Toto Aoigaoka no taki)

Akasaka Tameike pond pours over a wall, in the foreground are two laborers resting with their baskets of shellfish, to left is Aoicho (hollyhock) Street on Akasaka Hill
signed zen Hokusai aratame Iitsu hitsu, with censor's Kiwame seal and publisher's seal Eijudo (Nishimuraya Yohachi), ca. 1832
- source : www.scholten-japanese-art.com

. Tameike 赤坂溜池町 Akasaka Tameike district .


Utagawa Hiroshige

Benten no taki 弁天の滝 Benten Waterfall

. Benten, Benzaiten 弁天 弁財天 .

. Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 (1797-1858) .


. Meguro Fudo Temple 目黒不動 .
Ryuusenji 瀧泉寺 Ryusen-Ji

Tokko no taki 独鈷の滝


. 0oji Fudoo no Taki. Ōji 王子不動之滝 Fudo Waterfall in Oji .
The statue of Fudo 滝不動尊 is now preserved at the temple 正受院 Shoju-In
(北区滝野川2-49-5) Kita-ku, Takinogawa.

source : 2010 I.HATADA

There used to be five or seven waterfalls at Oji.

Ōji Inari Shrine and waterfall bathing
It is said that restaurants stood in line near the Otonashi River 音無川.
Ebi-ya and Ōgi-ya, in particular, were listed in the restaurant ranking of the Edo period. Ebi-ya was run by the brothers of Ōgi-ya, but only Ōgi-ya remains until now.
- source : www.library.metro.tokyo.jp

. Takinogawa 滝野川 Takinogawa district .

- quote -
Dam on the Otonashi River in Ōji
As charming in the twenty-first century as it was in the nineteenth, this dam can be found near Otonashi Shinsui Park. Asukayama, visible as a hill in the upper left of Hiroshige’s image, is today part of Asukayama Park, a historic cherry-blossom-viewing site.
The name Otonashi River applies to the short stretch of the Shakujii River that flows near Ōji Shrine. In the background of the composition we see a small dam with water spilling over the top. Although only a small cascade of water, it earned the lavish nickname “the Great Waterfall.”
Engineers in the 1960s diverted the Shakujii River to flow under Asukayama Park, but the original riverbed has been preserved as Otonashi Shinsui Park. The park boasts numerous flowering cherries and other deciduous trees, making it an excellent place to relax and enjoy the beauty of the changing seasons.
- source : nippon.com/en/guide ... -


. Todoroki Fudo 等々力不動尊 .
“Fudo no Taki” Fudo Waterfall
Temple Mangan-Ji 満願寺, Setagaya


- - - Introduction of cooling Edo waterfalls - Edo no taki ami 滝浴み(たきあみ)

小石川後楽園 - Koishikawa Korakuen
清澄庭園の滝 - Kiyosumi Teien
六義園の滝 - Rikugi-En
旧古河庭園の滝 - Kyu Furukawa Teien
旧芝離宮恩賜庭園の滝 - Kyu Shiba Rikyu Teien
殿ヶ谷戸庭園の滝 - Tonogayato

Look at the photos HERE:
- source : teien.tokyo-park.or.jp

- - - another LINK to parks in Tokyo, including the above and
Hama Rikyu-teien
Kiyosumi Gardens
Kyuu Iwasaki-tei
- source : teien.tokyo-park.or.jp

. Kiyosumi Teien 清澄庭園 Kiyosumi Park .


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. Japanese Architecture .

- #takiwaterfall #waterfalledo -

Ashida Kiso


Ashida-shuku 芦田宿 Postal Station Ashida

Nr. 26 on the road from Edo to Kyoto

. Nakasendo 中山道 - Kiso Kaido 木曾街道 .


This postat station is situated at the entrance to Kasatori Pass.
Now part of the of Tateshina, in the Kitasaku District of Nagano Prefecture.

Ando Hiroshige

Ashida-shuku was formed in 1601, during the Edo period, when the Nakasendō's route was altered and the government ordered creation of new post towns. It was located near the eastern entrance to the Kasadori Pass and was well known for its silk production.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !



芦田 あらい丸 女月尼 Ashida - Araimaru and Nyogetsu-Ni

- quote
"Nyogetsuni is the Buddhist name of the former nun who becomes the sorceress Takiyasha (the name used by Kuniyoshi on the title page) in the 1806 novel The Loyalty of Utō Yasukata (Utō Yasukata chūgiden), written by Santō Kyōden and illustrated by Kuniyoshi's teacher, Toyokuni. The book was very popular and became the basis for a number of puppet plays and kabuki plays, as well as a later sequel by another author.

In Kyōden's fantasy novel, Takiyasha and her brother, Yoshikado, are the children of the historical warrior Taira Masakado, who rebelled against imperial rule in the tenth century. After their father's death, the brother and sister learn toad magic from an immortal in the mountains in order to carry on the rebellion. Their headquarters is the ruined palace at Sōma, a place-name that could mean 'herd of horses,' and so horses are featured in the series title border. The name Ashida station is a pun on the word for 'clogs' (ashida, also called geta), and Takiyasha wears high clogs to walk through the snow as she performs a magical ritual, with a torch between her teeth, a mirror around her neck, a bell in her left hand, and a sword in her right. Her hair is still relatively short, a reminder of her recent past as a Buddhist nun. Takiyasha is followed by her henchman, Araimaru, who carries the head of one of their victims attached to a branch.

The bird shape of the outlines the inset landscape represents a seabird of northern Japan known as utō or utōyasukata, the source of the name of the character mentioned in the title of the book. Utō Yasukata is killed by the evil magic of Takiyasha and Yoshikado, but his relatives and their friends are eventually able to avenge him and defeat the sorcerous siblings.

Kuniyoshi designed a number of prints based on this story, including the famous triptych in which Takiyasha uses her magic to summon the evil spirit in the form of a giant skeleton."
- source : Lyon Collection

- quote
The sorceress Takiyasha, formerly the Buddhist nun Nyogetsuni (Nyogetsu-Ni, Jogetsu-Ni), walking through the snow as she performs a magic ritual. The daughter of the slain warrior Taira no Masakado, she and her brother Araimaru have vowed to carry on his rebellion and avenge his death. She grips a sword upright in one hand and carries a bell in the other, a flaming torch held between her teeth.

The Kisokaido Road was an inland route connecting Edo with Kyoto. There were sixty-nine rest stops along the Kisokaido Road. In this series, Kuniyoshi designed one print for each of the sixty-nine rest stops. the main design of each print portrays a historical, legendary or fictional scene associated with the location. A small panel in each print shows a view of the station.
- source : www.japanese-gallery.com

. 平将門(平將門) Taira no Masakado .

. Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳 .


Dooman Ashiya, Douman Ashiya 蘆屋道満 / 芦屋 Ashiya Doman
Dooman Hooshi 道摩法師 Doman Hoshi

- quote -
...one of the most powerful onmyoji from Abe no Seimei's era. He was the rival of Abe no Seimei and fought him nearly a thousand years ago.
- source : tokyo-ravens.wikia.com/wik -

- reference : ja.wikipedia.org/wiki -


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. Japanese Architecture - cultural keywords used in haiku .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .




Chinese learning

Chinese learning 漢学 kangaku study of the Chinese classics
kango  漢語 words of Chinese origin

江戸漢学の世界 / 徳田武著

Japanese poets, including the haiku poets, were well versed in the Chinese classics.

Bai Juyi, Bo Juyi, Po Chü-i 白居易 (Haku Kyoi はく きょい)
(772–846) Po Chu-i

. Confucius 孔子 Kooshi, Koshi .
Koofuushi 孔夫子, Kung Tzu, Kung Fu Tzu, Kung Fu Zi, Kǒng fū zǐ.
also called - Sekiten 釈奠 or Sekisai 釈菜

. Du Fu, Tu-Fu 杜甫 (To Ho と ほ).
(712 - 770)

. Hanshan and Shide 寒山拾得 Kanzan and Jittoku .

Huang Tingjiang 黄庭堅 (Koo Teiken こう ていけん)

. Li Bo, Li Po, Li Bai 李白 (Ri Haku (り はく) .
(701 - 762)

. Mozi (Mo-Tzu), Mo Di 墨子 (Bokushi) .
(460- 380 BC ?)

Su Shi 蘇軾 (So Shoku そ しょく)
Su Dongpo, Su Dungpo 蘇東坡 (So Toba そ とうば)
Dongpo Jushi (東坡居士) (1036―1101)
. . . a Chinese writer, poet, painter, calligrapher, pharmacologist, gastronome, and a statesman of the Song Dynasty (960–1279).
More in the WIKIPEDIA !

The Chinese background and roots of Japanese kigo
. Chinese Poets, Scholars and Matsuo Basho .


. Chinese Medicine 漢方 Kanpo, Kampo .
kanpooyaku 漢方薬 Kanpoyaku, medicine from China


yoogaku 洋学 Yogaku, "Western Learning"

Many young doctors went to Nagasaki to study
. rangaku 蘭學 / 蘭学 Dutch learning .
science from oranda オランダ / 阿蘭陀 Holland

漢学と洋学 伝統と新知識のはざまで Kangaku to Yogaku


Bian Que (Chinese: 扁鹊; pinyin: Biǎn Què) died 310 BC)
(also pronounced Bian Qiao, Wade–Giles: Pien Ch'iao; )
was, according to legend, the earliest known Chinese physician.
His real name is said to be Qin Yueren (秦越人), but his medical skills were so amazing that the people gave him the same name as the legendary doctor Bian Que, from the time of the Yellow Emperor. He was a native of the State of Qi.
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Guan Yu (died 220)
courtesy name Yunchang, was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the late Eastern Han dynasty. He played a significant role in the civil war that led to the collapse of the dynasty and the establishment of the state of Shu Han – founded by Liu Bei – in the Three Kingdoms period.
one of the best known Chinese historical figures throughout East Asia . . .
Guan Yu was once injured in the left arm by a stray arrow, which pierced through his arm. Although the wound had healed, he would experience pain in the bone whenever there was a heavy downpour. The physician Hua Tuo (see below) told him,
"The arrowhead had poison on it and the poison had seeped into the bone. The way to get rid of this problem is to cut open your arm and scrape away the poison in your bone."
Guan Yu then stretched out his arm and asked the physician to heal him. He then invited his subordinates to dine with him while the surgery was being performed. Blood flowed from his arm into a container below. Throughout the operation, Guan Yu feasted and drank wine and chatted with his men as though nothing had happened. . .
Guan Yu was deified as early as the Sui dynasty (581–618), and is still popularly worshipped today among the Chinese people.
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Han Tuitzhi - (768 - 824)
"Should I become prime minister and heal the realm, or should I become a physician and save others in acute need?"

Han Yu - (768–824)
(traditional Chinese: 韓愈; simplified Chinese: 韩愈; pinyin: Hán Yù; Wade–Giles : Han Yü) , born in Nanyang, Henan, China, was a precursor of Neo-Confucianism as well as an essayist and poet, during the Tang dynasty.
He gained his first central government position in 802, but was soon exiled . . .
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Hua Tuo (c. 140–208)
courtesy name Yuanhua, was an ancient Chinese physician who lived in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.
The name Hua Tuo combines the Chinese surname Hua (華, lit. "magnificent; China") with the uncommon Chinese given name Tuo (Wade–Giles: To; 佗 ["hunchback"] or 陀 ["steep hill"]). He was also known as Hua Fu (尃, "apply [powder/ointment/etc.]"), and his courtesy name was Yuanhua (元化, "Primal Transformation").
The historical texts Records of the Three Kingdoms and Book of the Later Han record Hua as the first person in China to use anaesthesia during surgery. He used a general anaesthetic combining wine with a herbal concoction called máfèisàn (麻沸散, lit. "cannabis boil powder"). Besides being respected for expertise in surgery and anaesthesia, Hua Tuo was famous for his abilities in acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal medicine, and medical Daoyin exercises. He developed the Wuqinxi (Wade–Giles: Wu-chin-hsi; 五禽戲; lit. "Exercise of the Five Animals") from studying movements of the tiger, deer, bear, ape, and crane.

In Luo Guanzhong's historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Hua Tuo supposedly healed the general Guan Yu, who had been struck with a poisoned arrow during the Battle of Fancheng in 219. Hua Tuo offered to anaesthetise Guan Yu, but he simply laughed that he was not afraid of pain. Hua Tuo used a knife to cut the flesh from Guan Yu's arm and scrape the poison from the bone, and the sounds chilled all those who heard them. During this excruciating treatment, Guan Yu continued to play a game of weiqi with Ma Liang without flinching from pain.
When later asked by Ma Liang, Guan Yu said that he feigned being unhurt to keep the morale of the army high. After Hua Tuo's successful operation, Guan Yu allegedly rewarded him with a sumptuous banquet, and offered a present of 100 ounces of gold, but he refused, saying that a doctor's duty was curing patients, not making profits. Despite the historical fact that Hua Tuo died in 208, a decade before Guan Yu fought the Battle of Fancheng, this storied operation is a popular artistic theme.
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- Reference -

世事見聞録 - Lust, Commerce, and Corruption:
An Account of What I Have Seen and Heard, by an Edo Samurai

- Beginning with warriors and farmers, he moves on to temple and shrine clergy, doctors, the guild of the blind, townspeople, rice agents, prostitutes, brothel keepers, actors, outcasts and more, outlining the position of each group within the larger society.
. Buyo Inshi 武陽隠士 .


Chinese Learning (kangaku) in Meiji Japan (1868–1912)
Margaret Mehl

Japan’s development since the middle of the nineteenth century is usually summarized under the headings ‘modernization’ and ‘westernization’. Such a perspective neglects the importance of indigenous traditions in the shaping of modern Japan, including Chinese learning (kangaku), which had been thoroughly assimilated and had formed the basis of the dominant ideology in the Tokugawa period (1600-1868). The leaders of the Meiji restoration of 1868 all had a kangaku education and their ideas were strongly influenced by it.

Kangaku continued to play a dominant role in Japanese culture until well into the Meiji period and did not fall into decline until the mid-1890s. The main reason for this was not contempt for contemporary China in the wake of the Sino-Japanese war (1894-5), as has been argued, but the new national education system which stressed western knowledge. It was not a sign of waning interest in China, but of new forms this interest took. China became the object of new academic disciplines, including tōyōshi (East Asian history), which applied western methods and a new interpretative framework to the study of China.
- source : onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi


kokugaku 國學 / 国学 - lit. National study
was a National revival, or school of Japanese philology and philosophy originating during the Tokugawa period. Kokugaku scholars worked to refocus Japanese scholarship away from the then-dominant study of Chinese, Confucian, and Buddhist texts in favor of research into the early Japanese classics.
The word 'Kokugaku', coined to distinguish this school from kangaku (Chinese studies), was popularized by Hirata Atsutane in the 19th century. I
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toohon wa kago ni noru toki bakari ire

they show books from China
only when they sit
in their palanquin

This makes fun of the "learned" folk in Edo, who liked to show off their wisdom buy just showing the books.
It was especially true of some medical doctors.


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. Japanese Architecture - cultural keywords used in haiku .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

- #kangaku #kanpo #chineselearning


isha doctor


isha 医者, ishi 医師 doctors in Edo

source : www.gakken.co.jp
江戸時代の医者 Doctors in Edo


- How to wrap powder medicine in Edo
A small square sheet of paper was usually folded into a triangle.

. - igaku 医学 Medicine in Edo - .
- Introduction -


. Chinese Medicine 漢方 Kanpo, Kampo .
medicine from China, kanpoo, kanpooyaku 漢方薬
- - - biwayootoo 枇杷葉湯 (びわようとう) biwa yootoo, biwa yoto
drink from dried loquat leaves

. kusuribukuro  薬袋 Chinese medicine in bags .
Toyama no kusuri-uri 富山の薬売り Medicine sellers from Toyama

Many young doctors went to Nagasaki to study
. rangaku 蘭學 / 蘭学 Dutch learning .
science from oranda オランダ / 阿蘭陀 Holland

. Udagawa Yōan 宇田川榕菴 Udagawa Yoan (1798 - 1846) .

. yashi 薬師 vendor of medicine by the roadside .
koogushi, yashi 香具師 performer, yashi 野師、野士、弥四、矢師
tsuji isha 辻医者 doctor by the roadside

Battle of Medicines and Diseases 薬と病の合戦 Kusuri to yamai no gassen
Utagawa Yoshitora 歌川芳虎


- all kinds of doctors -
ban ishi 番医師 doctor for each Han
chootei i 朝廷医 doctor for the Imperial Court
isha 医者 / ishi 医師 doctor

kan i 官医 doctor for government officials, for the Shogun and his entourage
He was allowed to come to the Kikyo hall 桔梗の間 in Edo castle to attend to his duties.

machi ishi, machi-ishi 町医師 doctor of the town
doctor for the townspeople
oku ishi 奥医師 doctor for the harem (Oku) of the Shogun in Edo castle
te ishi, te isha 手医師 / 手医者
yabu isha, yabuisha  藪医者 quack doctor


gosei-ha 後世派 School of Later Developments in Medicine
die "Schule des späteren Zeitalters"

kohooha, kohooha 古方派 Koho-Ha, School of Classical Formulas

. Manase Dōsan 曲直瀬道三 Manase Dosan / Dozan .
Manase Doosan Imaooji / (1507 - 1594)
His honorable name was Suichiku-In 翠竹院 "Green Bamboo Hall" "Grünbambus Halle"

japanischer Arzt, der im Zeitalter der streitenden Reiche (戦国時代, Sengoku-jidai) auf die Entwicklung der Medizin in Japan einen entscheidenden Einfluss ausübte und neben Nagata Tokuhon und Tashiro Sanki zu den „Drei verehrungswürdigen Ärzten“ (三聖, sansei) im Umbruch zur Frühmoderne zählt. Auf ihn geht die „Schulrichtung des späteren Zeitalters“ (後世派, Gosei-ha auch 後世方派, Goseihō-ha) zurück.

Kaiteki-In 啓迪院 "Aufklärungsakademie"
„Abendgespräche im Schnee-Feldlager“ (雲陣夜話, Setsujin yawa)
„Keiteki-Sammlung“ (啓迪集, Keiteki-shū)
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His nephew was Manase Gensaku 曲直瀬玄朔 (1549-1632)


Nagata Tokuhon 永田徳本 Kai Tokuhon Nagata (1513 - 1630)
Kai no Tokuhon 甲斐の徳本. トクホン
juurokumon sensei 十六文先生 "doctor healing for 16 mon only"

ein japanischer Arzt, der im Zeitalter der streitenden Reiche (Sengoku-jidai) auf die Entwicklung der Medizin in Japan einen nachhaltigen Einfluss ausübte.

Atempraktiken (神仙吐納, Shinsen tonō)

Der Überlieferung zufolge zog Nagata Tokuhon mit einer Kuh durchs Land, um deren Hals Beutel mit diversen Arzneimitteln baumelten, die er zu einem äußerst niedrigen Einheitspreis abgab. Das galt auch für den Shōgun Hidetada. Arme wurden kostenlos behandelt.

Unter seinen Schriften fanden die „Neunzehn Rezepte des ehrwürdigen Tokuhon“ (徳本翁十九方, Tokuhon-ō jūkyū hō) eine große Verbreitung.
Im „Diskurs über die Medizin“ (医之弁, I-no-ben, 1585) zeigte er den zeitgenössischen Ärzten, dass das chinesische Werk Shānghán lùn („Abhandlung über die Kälte-Krankheiten“) mit seiner Krankheitslehre und den ebenso brauchbaren Therapieverfahren eine bedenkenswerte Alternative zu Manase Dōsans Lehren bot.
Dieser Ansatz wurde in der „Alten Schule“ (ko-ihō-ha, 古医方派) der Edo-Zeit aufgegriffen und weiter entwickelt.
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Tashiro Sanki 田代三喜 (1465 - 1544)

in Tashiro, Provinz Musashi (heute Koike, Ogose, Iruma-gun, Präfektur Saitama) - ) war ein japanischer Arzt, der im Zeitalter der streitenden Reiche (Sengoku-jidai) der Medizin in Japan einen starken und nachhaltigen Impuls gab und neben Manase Dōsan und Nagata Tokuhon zu den „Drei verehrungswürdigen Ärzten“ (三聖, sansei) im Umbruch zur Frühmoderne zählt.
Sanki Kaiō isho (三帰廻翁医書)
Sanki jikishi-hen (三喜直指篇)
Wakyoku-shū (和極集)
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Ashikaga Gakkoo 足利学校, Ashikaga Gakkō for Chinese medicine

Depending on two Chinese doctors
Li Gao (李杲, alias Li Dongyuan (李東垣), 1180–1251)
Zhū Dānxi (朱丹溪, 1281–1358).


Gekkō Dōjin, Gekkoo Doojin 月湖道人 Geko Dojin

. Itoo Genboku 伊藤玄朴 Ito Genboku (1801 – 1871) .

Rosner, Erhard Rosner: Medizingeschichte Japans.

. Philipp Franz Balthasar von Siebold (1796 – 1866) .


- quote
The Edo period saw a major advancement in Kampo, with the splitting of the two major styles of this therapeutic technique, each with different operating philosophies. The two schools were the Goseiha School (School of Later Developments in Medicine) and the Kohoha (School of Classical Formulas).

The Goseiha School was founded by Dosan Manase, who lived from 1507 to 1594. He was a student of Sanki Tashiro (1465-1537) and stayed in China for twelve years, spending his time there studying the medical systems used in the Jin (1115-1234 A.D.) and Yuan (1279-1368 A.D.) dynasties. There Manase found that the basis for Jin Yuan medicine was the dichotomy of the yin and the yang, as well as the ‘five elements’ theories, which compared the human body to a small universe. Manase wrote many textbooks such as Keitekishu. He also established a medical school, Keitekiin and trained several hundred physicians. Manase’s most significant contribution to Japanese medicine is also his most subtle; his ideas of simplicity and practicality, imparted through his lectures and his writing in Keitekishu, came to serve as a thematic foundation of the development of Kampo.

As the Jin Yuan style of medicine became to see wide practice in Japan, a small group of physicians began to criticize it. They claimed that it was ideology based only on speculative theory and they advocated a return to the classical concepts of Chinese medicine. They particularly advocated returning to the concepts and the teachings of the Shang Han Lun, translated as the ‘Treatise on Cold Damage’ and Jinkui Yaolue (Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Coffer). These texts were written over a thousand years earlier, and were hallmarks of the Kan period (Han Dynasty, 202 BC –220 A.D.). It is because these scholars sought a return to Kan medicine that they were, this group of physicians were referred to as Kohoha, or ‘followers of the classic method.’
The Kohoha School was proposed by Geni Nagoya, who lived from 1628 to 1696, then advocated by other proponents such as Konzan Goto (1659-1733), Toyou Yamawaki (1705-1762), and Todo Yoshimasu (1702-1773).

Todo Yoshimasu is considered to be one of the most influential figures in the history of Kampo medicine. Known for his positivistic Kampo approach, Yoshimasu was known as willing to accept and use any technique so long as it proved clinically effective, regardless of the surrounding theories or its particular philosophical background.
Although Yoshimasu made some controversial claims and often performed controversial treatments, he is most credited for his work in developing Kampo abdominal diagnosis. His abdominal diagnostic theories and practices not only became one of the most integral parts of today’s Kampo, but they are also commonly credited with differentiating Kampo from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Although various abdominal diagnoses were originally described in Chinese medical classics such as Shang Han Lun (‘Treatise on Cold Damage’) and Nan Jing (‘Canon of Eighty-One Difficult Issues’), this specific method had long been abandoned in China.

During the later part of the Edo period, many Kampo practitioners integrated the two teachings, utilizing the strengths of both the Goseiha and Kohoha schools. They are known as disciples of the Sechu-ha, or ‘eclectic’ school of Japanese medicine.
- source : www.kampo.ca/history


Hanaoka Seishū 華岡青洲
(October 23, 1760 – November 21, 1835)

Hanaoka Seishu was a Japanese surgeon of the Edo period with a knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine, as well as Western surgical techniques he had learned through Rangaku (literally "Dutch learning", and by extension "Western learning").
Hanaoka is said to have been the first to perform surgery using general anesthesia.
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. Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内 .
(1728 - 1780) - A well-known doctor, inventor and scientist :
"the spirit of Tokugawa genius"

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Author of 物類品隲 Butsurui hinshitsu, Record of the trade show held by Gennai.

. Okamoto Genya 岡本玄意 (1587 - 1645) .
doctor of Tokugawa Iemitsu


Sugita Genpaku 杉田玄白 (1733 - 1817)
rangaku doctor

a Japanese scholar known for his translation of Kaitai Shinsho 解体新書 (New Book of Anatomy).

Besides Kaitai Shinsho, he also authored Rangaku Kotohajime 蘭学事始 (Beginning of Dutch Studies).

Sugita assembled a team of Japanese translators and doctors to translate a Dutch book of anatomy: Kulmus' "Ontleedkundige Tafelen". He did so because he found out, after observing the dissection of a human corpse, that the western drawings of human organs were much more accurate than the ones in his Chinese handbooks. They tried to make a Japanese translation. At a rate of one page a week/month, the work was published in 1774.
As an example of how difficult this work was, the collaborators had to study and discuss for several days before they realised that "neus" (nose) in Dutch, being a bulb on the front, meant hana (鼻) in Japanese.
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Genpaku was born in Edo,
. Yaraichoo  矢来町 Yarai-Cho "Palisade quarter" .

- quote -
Kaishi Hen, an 18th Century Japanese anatomical atlas
Images from Kaishi Hen (Analysis of Cadavers),
an anatomical atlas from the dawn of experimental medicine in Japan, published in Kyoto in 1772.
The book details, in exquisite woodcut illustrations by Aoki Shukuya (d. 1802), the experiments and findings of Kawaguchi Shinnin (1736-1811).
- source : publicdomain review.org/collection/kaishi-hen... -

Yamai no soshi 病草子 Ilustrated handscroll of various unusual illnesses
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. Takano Chooei, Takano Chōei 高野長英 Takano Choei . - (1804 - 1850)
He lived in hiding in the Hyakuninchoo 百人町 Hyakunincho district.


- - datai 堕胎 abortion - - ryuuzan 流産 miscarriage - - - -

chuujooryuu joisha, jo-isha 中条流女医者 doctors specializing in abortion "of the Churyu lineage"

joisha 女医者 here refers to male doctors attending to female patients.

chuujoo, nakajoo, 中条 - Nakajo is the popular pronounciation of Osaka.

chuujooryuu 中条流 chujoryu, medicine to induce abortion
Often disguised as menstruation treatment.

Chuuryuu Tatewaki 中条帯刀 Churyu Tatewaki
was a doctor attending to Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 (1536 - 1598). He also helped the womenfolk of the court with their problems. His famous book is called 中条流金創.

One popular medicine to induce abortion was Chuujoo maru 中条丸 Chujomaru , which contained quicksilver and rice powder. There are even some senryu about this:


The concubines of the Shogun (O-Tsubone お局) in Edo castle were not allowed to "play with men", but they did anyway and had to use abortion . . .


Many doctors lived at a moat named after the mortar to prepare medicine, called Yagenbori 薬研堀 in Edo.

Some of their homes had various exits for the patient to come and go unnoticed.

orosu koto mottomo shigoku Yagenbori

is most extremely done
at Yagenbori moat

pun with orosu - making to powder (orosu) in a mortar for medicine (yagen 薬研)
and orosu - the common word for aborting a child (子を下ろす)

The bakufu Shogunate had banned abortion in 1842, but it was still practiced in other parts of Japan. Only in 1869 was abortion forbidden by law in all of Japan.
Punishment was usually only given if the pregnant woman died during the process.

薬研堀とは現在の東京都中央区東日本橋 - Yagenbori
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- quote
A Short History of Reproductive Medical Problems in Japan
. . . . . In pre-modern Japan, the Tokugawa Shogunate Government took a policy of isolation from Euro-American countries, except the Netherlands, for more than 200 years up to 1858.
In this pre-modern period of the Tokugawa Shogunate, although the birth-rate in Japan was high, in other words probably more than 35 per 1,000 population, Japan's population stayed at a fairly constant 31-32 million people. This stabilization was a result of a variety of socioeconomic reasons, including frequent famines, natural disasters such as great earthquakes, and recurrent epidemics of acute infectious diseases such as smallpox, typhoid, dysentery, and measles. Besides these reasons, it is widely speculated that induced abortion and the practice of infanticide were quite common especially among poor peasants.
- source : www.eubios.info / Shinryo N. Shinagawa

- quote
Silences and Censures: - Abortion, History, and Buddhism in Japan
William LaFLeur
. . . Edo-period ema in a Chichibu temple that depicts a woman who turns into a demon by smothering a child.
- source : nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp - PDF

Those who killed newborn babies saw themselves as responsible parents to their chosen children.
. Mabiki まびき 間引き infanticide  .
and the kokeshi こけし of Japan

ryuukoobyoo 流行病 Ryukobyo, epidemic disease, Epidemie
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


. nakoodo isha 仲人医者 doctors as matchmakers for marriage .
keian 慶庵 / 桂庵 Keian matchmaker


- medicine peddlers and vendors 

. akagaeru uri 赤蛙売り selling red frogs (medicine for children) .
- akahikigan 赤蛙丸 "red frog medicine".
. biwa yootoo uri 枇杷葉湯売り selling biwa leaves as medicine .
. joozai uri 定斎売り selling Josai medicine .
. . . kusuri-uri 薬売り all kinds of medicine vendors
. . . Medicine sellers from Toyama 富山の薬売り


- Reference -

世事見聞録 - Lust, Commerce, and Corruption:
An Account of What I Have Seen and Heard, by an Edo Samurai

- Beginning with warriors and farmers, he moves on to temple and shrine clergy, doctors, the guild of the blind, townspeople, rice agents, prostitutes, brothel keepers, actors, outcasts and more, outlining the position of each group within the larger society.
. Buyo Inshi 武陽隠士 .


. Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of Medicine 薬師如来 .
The Buddha of Healing

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. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

- #isha #ishi #doctor #igaku -