Persons and People of Edo - Personen

source : www.heritage-images.com
People of Yedo, Japan
. Edokko 江戸っ子 / 江戸ッ子, lit. "child of Edo" .
a person born and raised in Edo
. - - - Persons and Place Names - Index - - - .
. samurai 侍, buke - Samurai warrious .
Abe Masahiro 阿部 正弘 / 阿部正弘 (1819 – 1857) 老中 Roju in the Bakufu Government
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Adams, William Adams "Anjin" 按針 .
. Amakusa Shirō 天草四郎 Amakusa Shiro .
(1621? – April 12, 1638) Nagasaki
Aoki Shukuya 青木夙夜 - nanga painter
literati (bunjin 文人)
. Asahi Shigeaki 朝日重章 . - (1674 - 1718) Samurai and diary writer
. Atsuhime, Atsu-Hime 篤姫 Princess Atsu
Tenshooin 天璋院 Tensho-In . - (1836 - 1883)
Baba Bunkoo, Baba Bunkō 馬場文耕 Baba Bunko - (1718 - 1759) political writer
. Baisaoo, Baisaō 売茶翁 Baisao, "Old Tea Seller" Zen master .
賣茶翁 (ばいさおう) / 高遊外 Ko Yugai. - (1675 – 1763)
. - - Bakumatsu 幕末 foreigners in Japan - - .
Aime, Humbert Aime エメ アンベール (1819-1900)
William John Alt - (1840-1905) ウィリアム・オールト
Bird, Isabella Bird, Isabella Lucy Bird イザベラ・バード (1831-1904)
Richard Henry Brunton - (1841 – 1901) - "Father of Japanese lighthouses"
Ranald MacDonald - (1824 – 1894) - first English teacher
- - Kenneth Ross MacKenzie
- - James Mitchell
Laurence Oliphant - (1829 – 1888)
Wirgman, Charles Wirgman チャールズ・ワーグマン(1832 - 1891)
Ernest Satow - Sir Ernest Mason Satow (1843 - 1929) アーネスト・サトウ
Schliemann, Johannes Heinrich Schliemann ハインリヒ・ユリウス・シュリーマン (1822 - 1890)
Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore エリザ・ルアマー・シドモア (1856 - 1928)
Suenson, Edouard Suenson エドゥアルド・スエンソン (1842 - 1921)
- - - - - Jack Seward (1924 – November 2010)
. Banzuin Chobei 幡随院長兵衛 Chobei of Bandzuin . - (1622–1657)
. Benkei Kozaemon 棟梁弁慶小左衛門 master carpenter .
. Bigot, Georges Ferdinand ジョルジュ・フェルディナン・ビゴー .
- and Charles Wirgman (1832 - 1891)
. Buruma Ian Buruma . - (1951 - ) - Historian
. Buson, 与謝蕪村 Yosa Buson in Edo .
(1715-1783) - Haiku poet
. bugyoo, bugyō 奉行 Bugyo officials in the Edo government .
. busshi 仏師 Buddhist sculptors and Buddha statues .
. Chaya Shiroojiroo, Chaya Shirōjirō 茶屋四郎次郎 Chaya Shirojiro merchant family .
Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyonobu 茶屋四郎次郎清信 (1545-1596)
Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyotada 茶屋清忠 (1584-1603)
Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyotsugu 茶屋清次 (1584-1622)
. Daidôzan Bungorô 大童山文五郎 Daidozan Bungoro .
(1788 - 1822) - "Great Child Mountain" Sumo wrestler
. Daikoku Sakubei Joze 大黒常是 Daikoku Joze .
- 湯浅作兵衛常是 Yuasa Sakubei Joze, Inspector of the Ginza Silver Mint
. Dodoitsubo Senka the First 都々逸坊扇歌 (1804 - 1852) .
. dokufu 毒婦 "poisonous woman" .
Hanai O-Ume 花井お梅
Harada O-Kinu 原田お絹 / Yoarashi O-Kinu 夜嵐お絹
O-Miyo no Kata お美代の方 Senkoin 専行院
Shirakoya O-Kuma 白子屋お熊
Takahashi O-Den 高橋お伝
Torioi O-Matsu 鳥追お松
Yaoya o-Shichi 八百屋お七
. dooshin, dōshin 同心 Doshin, police officers .
onmitsu dooshin 隠密同心 secret police officers
yoriki 与力 police sergant
meakashi 目明し -okappiki 岡引 semi-official detectives
. Edo Taroo Shigenaga 江戸太郎重長 Edo Taro Shigenaga .
- The Edo Clan of the Musashi Taira 武蔵江戸氏 Musashi Edo-Shi
. Egawa Tarozaemon 江川太郎左衛門 . - (1801-1855) - Scholar - Hidetatsu Egawa
. Enku 円空 Master Carver .
. Fujiokaya Yoshizoo 藤岡屋由蔵 Fujiokaya Yoshizo . - (1739 - )
- Sudoo Yoshizoo 須藤由蔵 Sudo Yoshizo - Honyoshi 本由
. Fukagawa Hachiroemon 深川八郎右衛門 . - active around 1596. Headman of Fukagawa
Fukami Jikyu - samurai Edokko
source : www.myjapanesehanga.com
Furuyama Moromasa 古山師政 Ukiyoe painter, Edo
. Fuyukiya Yaheiji冬木屋弥平次 . Lumber merchant
gesakusha 戯作者 writers of light fiction in Edo
author of popular stories -
Kibyooshi 黄表紙 Kibyoshi "Yellow cover" magazines and kokkeibon 滑稽本 comic writing
- - - . Jippensha Ikku 十返舎一九 (1765 - 1831) .
Santoo Kyooden 山東京伝 Santo Kyoden (1761 - 1816)
Tamenaga Shunsui 為永春水 (1790 - 1843)
. Glover, Thomas Blake Glover トーマス グラバー (1838 - 1911) .
Merchant in Nagasaki
. Go Saga Tenno, Gosaga Tenno 後嵯峨天皇 "Saga the Second". - (1220 - 1272)
. Gotoo Nuinosuke 後藤縫之助 / 後藤縫殿助 Goto Nuinosuke . - Kimono dealer
. Gotoo Shoosaburo 後藤庄三郎 Goto Shosaburo .
- Inspector of the 金座 Kinza Gold Mint
. Habu Genseki Habu 土生玄碩 (1762 - 1848) . - Medical doctor
. Hanabusa Itchoo, Itchō 英一蝶 Hanabusa Itcho . (1652 – 1724) - painter
. Hasegawa Heizoo, Hasegawa Heizô 長谷川平蔵 Hasegawwa Heizo / Onihei . (1719 - 1773)
. hatamoto 旗本 samurai class .
. Hattori Hanzo 服部半蔵 / 風魔小太郎 Fuma Kotaro / ninja 忍者 spies .
. Hayashi Razan 林羅山 . - (1583 - 1657) - Neo-Confucian philosopher
. Hidari Jingoroo 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro . - left-handed carpenter - legends
. Hiki Ikkan 飛来一閑 . (1578年?~明暦3年(1657年)
papier-machee style lacquerer
. Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内 . (1728 - 80)
. Hijiri ひじり【聖】”holy men", mendicant monks .
. Hiroshige - 安藤広重 Ando Hiroshige, 歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige .
One Hundred Famous Views of Edo - Meisho Yedo Hiakkei 名所江戸百景
- - - - - source : www.hiroshige.org.uk
. Honinbo Sansa 本因坊算砂 (1612-1623) .
- first in the famous family of Go players Hon'inbō / Honin-Bo
. Horie Rokuroo 堀江六郎 Horie Rokuro . - fisherman
. Hoshina Masayuki 保科 正之 . (1611 - 1673). Founder of the Matsudaira clan of Aizu.
. Iba Hachiroo 伊庭八郎 Iba Hachiro . - (1844 - 1869) Samurai and diary writer
. Ichiroo 一路 Ichiro "One Road" - 小野寺一路 Onodera Ichiro .
. Ii Naosuke 井伊直弼 -- Hikone 彦根 and Sakuradamon . - (1815 - 1860)
Okabe Sanjuro 岡部三十郎 // Arimura Jisaemon 有村次左衛門
. Iida Kihei 飯田喜兵衛 - 1590 .
. Ina Hanzaemon Tadanobu 伊奈半左衛門忠順 . (? - 1712)
Inoo Tadataka, Inō 伊能忠敬 Ino Tadataka, Inoh Tadataka
(1745 - 1818) cartographer
. Inoue Ryukan 井上龍閑 . and 龍閑町 Ryukan districts
. Inoue Enryō (井上円了, 1858 – 1919) .
Issa - . Issa, Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
- Haiku Poet
. Isshin Tasuke 一心太助 fictional fishmonger in Edo .
Iwahashi Zenbei 岩橋善兵衛 (1756–1811) observed the sky -
heitengi 平天儀 to measure celestial bodies
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. Iwasaki Yataroo 岩崎弥太郎 Iwasaki Yataro (1834 - 1885) . Founder of Mitsubishi 三菱
. Izawa Yasobei 井沢弥惣兵衛 (1654 - 1738) and the waterworks at Minuma 見沼 .
. Izu no Choohachi 伊豆の長八 Izu no Chohachi - Irie Choohachi 入江長八 Irie Chohachi .
(1815 - 1889) wall plasterer artist
. Jan Joosten van Lodensteyn - (1557 - 1623) .
ヤン・ヨーステン ファン・ローデンスタイン / 耶揚子
Yayosugashi district 八代洲河岸 / Yaesu 八重洲 named after him
. Jinboo Nagaharu 神保長治 Jinbo Nagaharu .
- and the district Jinbōchō 神保町 Jinbocho, Jimbocho in Kanda
. Jizooboo Shoogen 地蔵坊正元 Jizobo Shogen . - Priest around 1708
. Jiun Onkoo 慈雲飲光 Priest Jiun Onko . (1718 – 1804/1805)
. Kaga Heiemon 加賀平右衛門 .
and 銀座加賀町 Ginza Kaga cho district
. Kamada Matahachi (Kamata Matahachi) 鎌田又八 . (? 1657) loyal retainer, strong man
. Kasuga no Tsubone 春日局 Lady Kasuga. - (1579 – 1643)
. Katoo Tamikichi 加藤民吉 Kato Tamikichi .
(1772 - 1824) - the "father of porcelain" it Seto, Aichi.
. Keian 慶庵 / 桂庵 Keian matchmaker .
- - - - - doctor Yamato Keian 大和慶庵 (around 1653)
Kin Noo 金農 Kin-Nou, Kin No (1687 - 1764) painter
literati (bunjin 文人)
. Komusoo 虚無僧 Komuso monks and Shakuhachi flute players .
Koo Fuyoo 高芙蓉 Ko Fuyo (1722 - 1784) painter / literati (bunjin 文人)
. Kuki shi 九鬼氏 Kuki ke 九鬼家 the Kuki clan, Kuki family .
Kuki Yoshitaka (九鬼嘉隆) (1542 –1600)
. kyookaku 侠客 Kyokaku, "chivalrous Yakuza" .
Banzuiin Chōbei 幡随院長兵衛 Banzuin Chobei . (1622–1657)
Kunisada Chuuji 国定忠治 Kunisada Chuji . (1810-1851)
Shimizu no Jirocho 清水次郎長 . (1820-1893)
Shinmon Tatsugoro 新門辰五郎 . (?1792 / ?1800 - 1875)
. Maejima Hisoka 前島密 (1835 - 1919) .
Yūbin Seido no Chichi (郵便制度の父), or "Father of the Postal System".
Matsudaira shi 松平氏 Matsudaira clan
Matsudaira Motoyasu changed his name to Tokugawa Ieyasu . . .
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. Matsudaira Naonori 松平直矩 . - (1642 - 1695) Samurai and diary writer
. Matsudaira Nobutsuna 松平信綱 (1596 – 1662) .
. Matsui Gensui 松井源水 spinning top juggler family . - Asakusa, Edo
. Matsuo Basho in Edo 松尾芭蕉 . (1644 - 1694) - Haiku Poet
Meisho - Empress Meishō (1623–96)
and Cultural Pursuits at the Japanese Imperial Court"
by Elizabeth Lillehoj, DePaul University
- source : facebook -
. Mito Koomon 水戸黄門 Mito Komon .
Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川 光圀
July 11, 1628 - January 14, 1701
. Mizuno Heikuroo 水野兵九郎 Mizuno Heikuro - Setomonoya.
Mizuno Tadakuni 水野忠邦 (1794 – 1851) - Sōshaban (Master of Ceremonies)
Mizuno Tadamasa (水野忠政) and other MIZUNO officials in the Edo Bakufu
. Mokujiki 木食上人観正 Saint Mokujiki Shonin Kansho / 木食観正上人 . - around 1780
. Moriyama Takamori 森山孝盛 . - (1738 - 1815) Samurai and diary writer
. Murata Harumi 村田春海 (1746 - 1812) . Scholar and poet
. Nakae Tooju 中江藤樹 Nakae Tōju (1608 – 1648) .
Confucian philosopher - "the sage of Ōmi" 近江聖人
. Nami no Ihachi 波の伊八 "Ihachi the carver of waves" .
. Nichoosai, Nichōsai 耳鳥斎 Nichosai, Nicho-sai . - (?1751 - 1802/03) Painter from Osaka
. Nezumi Kozō ねずみ小僧 / 鼠小僧 Nezumi Kozo, a famous thief .
. Ninmiya Sontoku 二宮尊徳 . - (1787-1856)- studying food
. Nitta Yoshioki 新田義興 . (? - 1358) and
矢口渡 Yaguchi no Watashi
. Oguri Tadamasa 小栗 忠順 - Oguri Kozukenosuke 小栗上野介 . - (1827 - 1868) - Statesman
. Oni-Azami Seikichi 鬼あざみ清吉 - famous thief, bandit . *
. Onogawa Kisaburō 小野川喜三郎 Onogawa Kisaburo . - (1758 - 1806) Sumo wrestler
Ookubu Shibutsu 大窪詩佛 Okubo Shibutsu (1767 - 1837) Poet
literati (bunjin 文人)
. Ooka Echizen, 大岡越前 Oka Echizen, .
Ōoka Tadasuke (大岡 忠相) (1677 - 1752) - Governor of Edo (machi bugyoo 町奉行)
. Ookubo Hikozaemon 大久保彦左衛門 - Okubo Tadataka 大久保 忠教 . (1560 - 1639)
Ooshio Heihachiroo 大塩平八郎 Ōshio Heihachirō, Oshio Heihachiro
Neo-Confucianist scholar
- reference source : 江戸時代の人物 rekishi memo -
. Oota Dookan 太田道灌 Ota Dokan .
(1432 - 1486) Builder of Edo Castle / 道灌山 Mount Dokanyama
. Oota Nanpo 大田南畝 Ota Nanpo, Ota Nampo - 蜀山人 Shokusanjin . (1749 - 1823)
. Perry, Admiral Commodore Perry and Black Ships .
Rai Sanyoo 頼山陽 Rai Sanyo (1781- 1832)poet / literati (bunjin 文人)
. Ryuutatsu 隆達 Ryutatsu - 高三隆達 Takasabu Ryutatsu .
(1527 - 1611)
- - - - - and a monk named Roosai 弄斎 Rosai.
. Saeki Yataroo 佐柄木弥太郎 Saeki Yataro . - sword polisher
. Saito Gesshin 斉藤月岑 (1804 - 1878) .
----- . 斎藤月岑 Saito Gesshin . - (1674 - 1718) Samurai and diary writer
. Sakai Banshiroo 酒井伴四郎 Sakai Banshiro . - (1833 - ?) Samurai and diary writer
. Sakai Tadakatsu 酒井忠勝 (1587 - 1662) . - Daimoy, Roju
. Sakamoto Ryooma (Ryuuma) 坂本竜馬 Sakamoto Ryoma (1836 - 1867) .
. Sakuma Heihachi 佐久間平八 . lumber merchant
. Sanada Yukimura and the Sanada clan 真田幸村 . - (1567 -1615) Sanadamaru 真田丸
. Sanai 左内 - 島田左内 Shimada Sanai .
酒上熟寐 Sakenoue no Jukune (1724-1784) = 島田友直 Shimada Tomonao
and Ichigaya Magojirō 市ヶ谷孫四郎 / 市谷孫四郎 Ichigaya Magojiro
. Sengai Gibon 仙厓義梵 (1751–1837) .
. sendoo sendō 船頭 boatsman, ferryman, chief fisherman .
. shakan, sakan 左官 plasterer, stucco master .
. Shibata Zeshin 柴田是真 (1807 - 1891) and laquer ware .
. Shibukawa Shunkai 渋川春海 Shibukawa Harumi .
- (1639 - 1715) astronomer and go player
. Shinsengumi 新選組 Group of Samurai to protect Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
- - - - - takumi 匠 master craftsman
. Siebold, Philipp Franz von Siebold (1796 - 1866) .
German physician, botanist, and traveler. Stayed in Dejima, Nagasaki.
. Sukeroku 助六 - Hero of Edo .
. Sumitomo family 住友家, Osaka .
. Suruga Dainagon 駿河大納言 ー Tokugawa Tadanaga 徳川忠長 . - (1606 – 1634)
. Suuden, Konchi-In Suuden 金地院崇伝 Priest Konchin Suden - Ishin Suuden 以心崇伝 .
. Suzuki Shigenari 鈴木重成 .
(1588 - 1653)
. Tachibana Sakon no Shogen 立花左近将監 from Fukuoka / Asakusa .
. Taira no Masakado 平将門 (? – March 25, 940) .
. Tajima Zusho 田島図書 .
. Takadaya Kahei 高田屋嘉兵衛 .
(1769 - 1827) Merchant from Awajishima 淡路島, Shikoku
. 高松喜六 Takamatsu Kiroku (? - 1713) . and 内藤新宿 Naito Shinjuku
. Takano Chooei, Takano Chōei 高野長英 Takano Choei . - (1804 - 1850) . Doctor
. Takatsu Ihee, Ihei 高津伊兵衛 (1679 - ) .
Iseya 伊勢屋 Iseya Store and Iseya Ihee 伊勢屋伊兵衛
. Tamura clan 田村氏 Tamura-shi .
. Tani Bunchō, Tani Bunchoo 谷 文晁 Tani Buncho . (1763 - 1841)
literati (bunjin 文人) painter and poet.
. Tanuma Okitsugu 田沼意次 (1719 - 1788) Edo councillor .
. Tanzenburo Katsuyama Tanzen Buro Katsuyama 丹前風呂勝山 . - lady of pleasure
. Tokiwazu Moji Tayuu 常磐津 文字太夫 Tokiwazu Mojitayu . - (1709 - 1781)
and the Joruri Tokiwazu-bushi 常磐津節
- Tokugawa Shogun 将軍徳川家
Tokugawa Hidetada 徳川秀忠 (1579 - 1632) - Second Shogun
He died from a worm infection of マンソン孤虫 Schistosoma mansoni.
. Tokugawa Iemitsu 徳川家光 Third Shogun . - (1604 – 1651)
and his reimuzoo 霊夢像 Reimuzo, Oracle Dream Images of Ieyasu
. Tokugawwa Ieyasu 徳川家康 First Shogun . - (1543 - 1616)
. Tokugawa Muneharu 徳川宗春 . - (1696 - 1764) - Nagoya
. Tokugawa Tsunayoshi 徳川綱吉 . - (1646 – 1709)
- "the dog Shōgun" 犬公方, inu kubo
. Tokugawa Yorinobu 徳川頼宣 . - (1602 - 1671)
. Tokugawa Yoshimune 徳川吉宗 . (1684 - 1751)
. Tokugawa Yoshinobu 徳川慶喜 . - (1873 - 1913) The Last Shogun
. Tomokuroo 鬘師の友九郎 Kabuki wig maker Tomokuro .
. Tooyama 遠山景元 Toyama Saemon no Jo Kagemoto .
(1793 – 1855) - Tōyama no Kin-san (遠山の金さん)
. Tsuchiya Goroemon 土屋五郎右衛門 . - and Konyachō 神田紺屋町 Konya-Cho Indigo dyeing
. Tsuruya Kiemon 鶴屋喜右衛門 Publisher 仙鶴堂 Senkakudo .
Tsuruya Nanboku 鶴屋南北 Tsuruya Namboku IV
Ebiya Genzō, Dai Namboku (1755 - 1892) playwright of macaber and supernatural stories.
Married to the daughter of Tsuruya Nanboku, the Kabuki actor.
. Tsutaya Jūzaburō 蔦屋重三郎 Tsutaya Jusaburo . (1750 - 1797) Publisher
Ukita Kookichi - Ukita Kōkichi - Ukita Kokichi 浮田 幸吉, 1757 - 1847
aviation pioneer from Okayama
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. Uzawa Shoogetsu 鵜沢松月 Uzawa Shogetsu (1853 - 1923) and laquer ware .
. Watanabe Kazan 渡辺崋山 (1793 - 1841) .
painter, scholar and statesman
. woman, women 女性, bijin 美人 beauties .
. Yagyu clan and legends 柳生一族と伝説 .
Yagyū "Sekishūsai" Munetoshi 柳生 石舟斎 宗厳 (1529 - 1606)
- His son,
Yagyū Munenori 柳生宗矩 (1571 – 1646)
- Munenori's sons,
Yagyū Jūbei Mitsuyoshi 柳生 十兵衞 三厳 (Yagyu Jubei) (1607 - 1650) -- and Yagyū Munefuyu 柳生宗冬 (1613 - 1675)
Yanagawa Kooran 梁川紅蘭 Yanagawa Koran (1804 - 1879) Poet
literati (bunjin 文人)
. Yanagisawa Nobutoki 柳沢信鴻 . - (1724 - 1792) Samurai and diary writer
. Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu 柳沢吉保 . - (1658 - 1714 )
worked for Shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi.
. Yoshimune, 8th Shogun, Tokugawa Yoshimune 徳川吉宗 . (1684 - 1751)
. zatoo 座頭 blind people, often playing the biwa .
- - - - - to be added - - - - -
Akera Kanko 朱楽菅江 (1740 – 1800) - Kyoka poet
Hoseido Kisanji 朋誠堂喜三二 / 平沢常富 Hirasawa Tsunetomi (1735 - 1813) - 出羽国久保田藩の定府藩士で江戸留守居
Jippensha Itsuku 十返舎一九 (1765 - 1831) - Shigeta Sadakazu, a Japanese writer
Koikawa Harumachi 恋川春町 (1744 - 1789) - 戯作者、浮世絵師
Maeda Tsunanori 前田綱紀 (1643 - 1724)
Matsudaira Sadamasa 松平定正 (1610 - 1673)
Ryutei Tanehiko 柳亭種彦 (1783 - 1842) - author
Sakakibara Masamine 榊原政岑 (1713 - 1743) - 姫路藩
Tachibana Jitsuuzan 立花実山 (1655 - 1708) - 福岡藩の家老
. Daruma Pilgrims .
All people mentioned in the Darumapedia :
. PERSONS - index - PERSONEN .
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