
Tenpura Tempura in Edo

. Food in Edo  江戸の食卓 .

tenpura てんぷら . 天婦羅 . 天麩羅 . 天ぷら Tenpura, Tempura
deep-fried battered food

The name "Tempura" was only used to describe fish Tempura.
agemono 揚げ物 deep fried food
shoojin age 精進揚げ deep-fried vegetables

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"Agemono", or deep-fried foods, are of three basic types.
"Suage", in which foods are fried without a coating of flour or batter, is appropriate for freshwater fish, eggplant, green peppers and other vegetables whose color and shape can be utilized to good effect.
"Karaage", in which food is first dredged in flour or arrowroot starch, preserves the natural water content of the food and produces a crisp outer surface. In "tatsutaage", a variant of "karaage", pieces of chicken are marinated in a mixture of "sake", soy sauce and sugar, lightly covered with arrowroot starch and deep-fried.

"Tempura" belongs to a third type of "agemono", in which foods are coated with batter. For "agemono" a heavy pot with a wide bottom is used. Vegetable oil is poured into the pot to a depth twice the thickness of the foods to be fried and is then heated to a temperature of 160°to 180°C (320°to 360°F). To keep the oil at a constant temperature, it is important that the foods do not cover more than a third of the surface area of the oil.
- reference source : web-japan.org/museum/others/cuisine -

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Many ingredients are deep-fried. Mostly fish and seafood and vegetables.
Even the new leaves of greet tea are made into tempura during the season 新茶の天婦羅.
..... The recipe for tempura was introduced to Japan by Portuguese Jesuit missionaries particularly active in the city of Nagasaki also founded by the Portuguese, during the sixteenth century (1549).
Tokugawa Ieyasu, founder and first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan, reportedly loved tempura. Originally, tempura was a popular food eaten at street vendors called 'yatai'(屋台) since the Genroku era.

Tempura yatai (stall) - (Fukagawa Edo Museum)

Today, tempura is still a popular side dish at home, and is frequently eaten as a topping at soba stands.
..... In Japan, restaurants specializing in tempura are called tenpura-ya and range from inexpensive fast food chains to very expensive five-star restaurants. Many restaurants offer tempura as part of a set meal or a bento (lunch box), and it is also a popular ingredient in take-out or convenience store bento boxes. The ingredients and styles of cooking and serving tempura vary greatly through the country, with importance being placed on using fresh, seasonal ingredients.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

frittierter Fisch, frittiertes Gemüse

WASHOKU : Tenpura Tempura dishes in our BLOG

basu tenpura バス天ぷら tempura from black bass
From Lake Biwa

Maple leaves tempura (momiji tenpura)

kinpura きんぷら 【金麩羅】Kinpura, Kimpura (golden Tempura)
To make the dish look more "golden" in Edo they used egg yolk with the coating.

"Suwamachi Kimpura" すわ町 金ぷら Kinpura from the Suwamachi district
"Kimpura" using luxurious egg made a clear departure from tempura sold at the stand and "Kimpuraya" in Suwamachi (present-day Komagata, Taitō ward) gained popularity as a restaurant serving "Kimpura". A painter, Yoshitsuya was a student who was good at drawing samurai and showed great performance as an ukiyo-e (wood block prints) artist in the end of the Edo period.
source : library.metro.tokyo.jp/portals...

Sometimes the coating is made with buckwheat flour. Oil from torreya nuts (kaya 榧(かや) is used for frying.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. yatai 屋台 food stalls, pushcart stalls .
The most famous three ones were for Sushi, Tenpura and Soba buckwheat noodles.


江戸前天ぷら Edo-mae tempura, made with local seafood from Tokyo Bay.
The most favorite were shrimp and tiger prawns, ika 烏賊 squid, anago 穴子 sea eel and megochi めごち eel,
kohada 小鰭 spotted shad and kisu 鱚 smelt-whiting, Sillago japonica.

The fried ingredients were picked up with a small bamboo stick, dipped in a sauce of soy sauce with grated radish (daikon) and enjoyed outside, from spring to autumn.

In Edo, only goma-abura ごま油 sesame oil was used for Tempura. It kept longer tasty when re-heated.
Tempura stalls were only allowed to fry outside homes to prevent fires. Inside a home or restaurant it was forbidden to prepare Tempura.


tenpuraya 天麩羅屋 vendor of tenpura in Edo
They were the beginning of small stalls selling "fast food" to be eaten while standing, for the fast-living workers of Edo.

source : homepage3.nifty.com/shokubun

. Food vendors in Edo .

tenpura no yubi o giboshi e hikinasuri

he wipes his fatty tempura fingers
on the giboshi decoration
of the bridge

This Senryu tells us about the carefree behaviour of the tempura cooks.
Tempura was made with some flavor on the food items, but not served with sauce as it is today.
Some sources say Tempura dipping sauce was introduced much later in the Meiji period.

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .

. giboshi 擬宝珠 metal decoration of a railing .


source : togetter.com/li

Tsukioka 月岡芳年「風俗三十二相  むまさう 嘉永年間女郎之風俗」
A prostitute eating shrimp tempura

mumasao むまさう Umaso, this is so delicious !

. Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 月岡芳年 (1839 – June 9, 1892) .

The pose of the lady, turning to the side to wipe her face, is the same as in a favorite ukiyo-e by Utagawa Kuniyoshi, which was used to put on a handfan for some cooling in summer.

歌川国芳- 園中八撰花 Enchu Hassenka (Eight flowers of the garden)
- 松 Matsu (with pine in the background)


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Collection of Famous Edo Restaurants: Keiseigakubo in Hakusan

This is one piece of a collection of 30 printes of famous restaurants in Edo.
Keiseigakubo was located on Nakasendō road that ran from Nihonbashi through Sugamo
and through to the post station of Itabashijuku.
The Hakusan Daigongen shrine was close by.
The print shows travelers relaxing and women busy attending to customers at the restaurant.
A partially-papered screen door shows the words "meals served instantly"
and a noren doorway curtain is adorned with the name of the restaurant, Mankin.
An official bulletin board can be seen at the right,
and the whole image exudes the atmosphere of a thoroughfare bustling with travelers and their horses.
The comic haiku written in the fan-shaped frame shows that this restaurant was famous for a thick rolled egg dish.
The name of the restaurant, 万金 Mankin, also appears in a restaurant ranking
compiled in 1861 (Bunkyū 1), suggesting that this streetside establishment had a long and prosperous history.
source : Tokyo Metropolitan Database


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

The kitsune 狐 Fox likes tempura and tempura oil . . .

................................................................................. Ibaraki 茨城県

In the 稲敷郡 Inashiki district at 江戸崎町 Edosaki village there are many fox legends, when people have to walk along the paths of the fields, were foxes and badgers play their tricks on the humans.
Sometimes the fox steals the tempura of someone returning from town and bringing it home as a present for the family 土産の天ぷら.

................................................................................. Miyazaki 宮崎県

In えびの市 Ebino town, in 尾八重野 Obeno, there was a lady fox called おせん狐 O-Sen , the King of all the regional foxes there.
She lived in the trenches dug during the war by the army of 西郷隆盛 Saigo Takamori.
When people walked along 浜川原 Hamawawabaru at night, there was a large branche of a pine tree in the middle of the road and they could not pass. This was an act of the Fox O-Sen. So they threw some Tempura at the branches, and they dissolved, leaving them to see a huge fox with a large tail on the road.

................................................................................. Nagano 長野県

Offerings for the ancestors on the family altar (butsudan 仏壇) for the O-Bon rituals contain many things, among them 野菜や天ぷら vegetables and tempura.
In the 上伊那郡 Kamiina district sometimes people get bewitched by a fox.
They behave quite wild and strange, walk on all four's an want only Tempura to eat.
To get rid of the spell they have to be kept in one room over night and hit with branches of a peach tree 桃の枝. That will bring them back to normal.
To get rid of the bewitchment of a fox, among other things, people say prayers and have to eat Tempura.
In the 東筑摩郡 Higashichikuma district were people kept silk worms 養蚕, they had to fry their tempura away from home by the river so as not to get the smell to the silk worms.
Sometimes at night a fox came, dipped his tail into the Tempura frying pan and made it un-usable. If the farmers forgot to take the bottle with sesame oil home, this would also be gone by next morning.

................................................................................. Niigata 新潟県

In 十日町市 Tokaichi town there was a fox called サンクロウギツネ Sankurogitsune, living between the hamlets of 蒲生集落 Gamo and 室野集落 Murono. If people walked there he would steal their 天ぷらや油揚 tempura and Aburaage Tofu.

................................................................................. Osaka 大阪府

In 堺市 Sakai town there was a fox
At the 城蔵稲荷 Inari Fox Shrine they tell this story:
An old priest once kept a White Fox with three legs. The brother of the priest was a hunter and the fox feared him. The fox shape-shifted into the old priest and pretended his brother had killed someone and wanted to have him punished. But the brother understood the trick, put some Tempura of a rat on the ground, tricked the White Fox to catch it and killed the fox.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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Sugoroku for Introducing Popular Local Specialties of Edo, New Edition
(Shinpan Gofunai Ryūkō meibutsu Annnai Surogoku)

This is an illustrated sugoroku (a Japanese board game similar to western Snakes and Ladders), which starts from morning market in Nihonbashi and ends at Sannō festival. In the form of a sugoroku, it depicts famous specialties in the Edo period. Many food and restaurant names can be found.
In this picture sugoroku, you can find soba (buckwheat noodles), broiled eel, sushi, and the names of confectioners and restaurants including those serving tempura. There are various stories regarding the origins of tempura, but an essay called "Kiyūshōran", written in the latter part of Edo period, introduced that Yoshibei sold fried fresh fish at a stand in Nihonbashi a little before the Bunka period (1804-1817). Tempura was popular among the general public in the 19th century.
You can also find the words "Suwamachi Kimpura" and a yellow picture of tempura. "Kimpura" means tempura with coating of flour mixed with egg yolk (it also means tempura with coating of buckwheat flour). "Kimpura" using luxurious egg made a clear departure from tempura sold at the stand and "Kimpuraya" in Suwamachi (present-day Komagata, Taitō ward) gained popularity as a restaurant serving "Kimpura".
A painter, Yoshitsuya was a student who was good at drawing samurai and showed great performance as an ukiyo-e (wood block prints) artist in the end of the Edo period.
- Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
. sugoroku  双六と伝説 Legends about the game Sugoroku .


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

tenpura ni kagiru sakana ya hanagumori

this fish is best
as Tempura . . .
cherry blossom haze

綾部仁喜 Ayabe Jinki (1929 - 2015)

. WKD : "hanagumori" 花曇, .
- - kigo for late spring - -
A clouded sky during the Cherry blossom season, blossom haze, is "hanagumori", 花曇, only in this season used as a kigo for late spring and never used for other flowers in haze or clouds.


長谷川かな女 Hasegawa Kanajo

天麩羅にからりと揚げて春告げ草 高澤良一
天麩羅の種のねずつぽ石鼎忌 石川桂郎
てんぷらの揚げの終りの新生姜 草間時彦
てんぷらやすでに鰭張る今年鯊 水原秋櫻子

たらの芽の天麩羅の棘食べにけり 長谷川公二
人獣の舌の天麩羅花ぐもり 磯貝碧蹄館
刀豆の天麩羅といふごわつけり 高澤良一
土用入り天麩羅箸の先焦げて 荒巷樹(野火)
活鯊に天麩羅油ぱちぱちと 長谷川櫂 蓬莱
竹の春吹かれとてとて天麩羅食ふ 攝津幸彦
草餅に草の天麩羅みどりの日 御子柴弘子
落葉降るさなか天麩羅匂ひけり 中嶋秀子
退屈も*たらの芽も天麩羅にせり 櫂未知子
餅あはひ天麩羅そばを皆たのむ 櫻井康敞
餅花の下を天麩羅そば通る 鈴木鷹夫 春の門
鱚天麩羅に笑ひ納めをいたしけり 辻桃子
稲の秋てんぷらの鍋鳴りはじむ 長谷川櫂
蓮枯れたりかくててんぷら蕎麦の味 久保田万太郎
長月のてんぷらあぶら古りにけり 辻桃子
黄菊白菊てんぷら揚がる市場の中 穴井太

- reference : haikureikudb -


source : yoshi43.blog97.fc2.com

even the cats
enjoy their Tempura -
Spring in Edo

Gabi Greve, April 2016


- Senryu -

tenpura no mise ni medoki o tatete oki

at the Tempura shop
they put up bamboo stick containers
for all to use

The bamboo sticks were put into a bamboo container and customers could take one out to eat their fill of Tempura.


seichiku de handan saseru tenpura ya

the Tempura cook
judges the food
by the bamboo stick

Since the fish was covered in batter and put in hot oil, the cook had no other choice to guess the situation by the babmoo stick still sticking out of the oil.


koheiji o takeyari de tsuku tempuraya

at the Tempura shop
the spotted shad is pierced
by a bamboo spear

koheiji 小平次 is another word for kohada 小鰭 spotted shad


- reference : wheatbaku.exblog.jp -


source : www.6128080.com/sun/edo/ - Onodera Nenryou

To make good tempura, the heat of the oil has to be adjusted.
for fish, about 180 - 185℃, for vegetables only 160 - 180℃.


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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #tempura #edomaetempura #tenpura #foodinedo - - - -


seppuku and harakiri

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

seppuku 切腹 -- harakiri 腹切り ritual suicide

The shogunate executed criminals in various ways ...
Samurai were often sentenced to commit seppuku in lieu of these forms of punishment. Seppuku is a term of suicide for the samurai.
. Criminal Punishment in Edo .
- Introduction -

. Kiri-sute gomen, kirisute gomen 斬捨御免 or 切捨御免
literally, "authorization to cut and leave" - the body of the victim .

Punishment for the incorrect exercise of this right was severe. An offender could be beheaded without being allowed to perform seppuku and have his house abolished, meaning that none of his sons could succeed the title.


- quote
seppuku (切腹 or せっぷく, "stomach- or abdomen-cutting") or
harakiri (腹切り, "cutting the belly")

is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment.

It was originally reserved for samurai. Part of the samurai bushido honor code, seppuku was used either voluntarily by samurai to die with honor rather than fall into the hands of their enemies (and likely suffer torture) or as a form of capital punishment for samurai who had committed serious offenses, or performed because they had brought shame to themselves. The ceremonial disembowelment, which is usually part of a more elaborate ritual and performed in front of spectators, consists of plunging a short blade, traditionally a tantō, into the abdomen and drawing the blade from left to right, slicing the abdomen open.
1 Etymology
2 Overview
3 Ritual
4 Female ritual suicide
- - - 4.1 History
- - - 4.2 Religious and social context
- - - 4.3 Terminology
5 Seppuku as capital punishment
6 European witness
7 Seppuku in modern Japan
8 Notable cases
9 In popular culture
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- - - - - some vocabulary - - - - -

funshi 憤死 indignation death, which is any suicide made to state dissatisfaction or protest
jigai 自害 suicide / jisatsu 自殺
junshi 殉死 seppuku at the death of one's master
jūmonji giri 十文字切り, "cross-shaped cut"
kagebara 陰腹, "shadow stomach" (variety of kanshi)
kanshi 諫死, "remonstration death/death of understanding", in which a retainer would commit suicide in protest of a lord's decision.
kappuku 割腹 - Seppuku
oibara, tsuifuku 追腹 or 追い腹 Seppuku at the death of one's master

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/eraser1eraser


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .



jina 人痾,fukuyoo 服妖 in Kanto


Minamoto Yorimasa no kubi 源頼政の首

................................................................................. Akita 秋田県

takekomasama 竹駒様 TakeKoma Sama

In 仙北市, 現在堀之内に住んでいる田口イシノ氏は石を占いの道具にしているのでイシガミサマともいう。角館にはイシノ氏の姉のカミサマがいる。この人は27、8才のころから目が見えなくなったが、神様や仏様が飛んでくるのが見えるようになった。殿様や切腹した侍がくるとその真似をする。それが治らないので、神様におつかわれするようになればなおるといわれた。その1ヵ月後に竹駒様がついたので、神社に参拝しておつかわれするように決めた。すると2週間で目が開いて、3週間ですっかり見えるようになった。

................................................................................. Aomori 青森県

zashikiwaraji ザシキワラシ
In Sannohe 三戸郡, いまはもうとりこわされた、大きな屋敷だった堀川家の座敷にはザシキワラシがでた。昔座敷で切腹した人がいて、その血が板戸についていたという。上段の間で客が寝ているとトントン音がしたり、人の気配がしたりして、ザシキワラシが寝かしてくれないので、話者の家に夜中泊めてくれと来る客人もいたという。

................................................................................. Fukui 福井県

kitsune 狐 Fox

................................................................................. Gunma 群馬県

Some fields were ritually polluted and unfit for cultivation.
Amont the pollutions was a field where someone had commited Harakiri 腹切り畑.
The other reasons are


o-Kiku no tatari お菊の祟り curse of O-Kiku

................................................................................. Hiroshima 広島県

nanafushigi 七不思義

................................................................................. Ibaraki 茨城県

bodaiju no tatari ぼだい樹のたたり curse
In 常陸太田市

................................................................................. Kanto 関東方面


................................................................................. Kochi 高知県

Shichinin misaki 七人みさき

................................................................................. Kumamoto 熊本県

neko 猫 cat
In 人吉市, あるお坊さんが謀反の疑いで切腹させられたが、無実であった。その妾のひとりがそのことを恨みに思って、猫に「仇はとっておくれ」と願いを込めて、その猫を道連れに自殺した。以後、切腹を命じた相良侯の家では不思議なことが起きたので猫寺を建てた。

................................................................................. Mie 三重県

Hyoouemon gitsune 兵右衛門狐 the fox



. Jizoo 地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu of 大王町 Daio Town .
Shima 志摩市

................................................................................. Nagano 長野県

yamainu 山犬 wolf,高津大権現 Takatsu Daigongen

In 下條村, 馬を野飼いにしていると、荒々しい山犬が現れ馬を食い殺したので、「高津大権現」と唱えた後腰に持っていた鎌で山犬切腹した。その鎌を清めた後、奉納した。

................................................................................. Okayama 岡山県

In Niimi 新見市, Misaki

................................................................................. Tokyo 東京都

In 神着村, シナの王が漂流してきて、切腹して死んだ。「向かい畑」という丘に葬ったところ、夜な夜な光を発し、異変が生じた。そこで丘と根続きの中で一番高い、大堀の山に改葬したところ異変がやんだ。

................................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県

gorinzaka ゴリンザカ

In 都留市, 矢島員雄氏の畑の畔にある五輪の石塔のそばの坂をゴリンザカというが、これはこの石塔があるからとも、誰かがこの坂で5厘拾ったからとも、武士のゴリンサンが切腹した場所だからともいう。なお、馬に乗ってこの坂の石塔の前を通り過ぎるものは、必ず落馬するという。


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


source : oonisi.way-nifty.com/lameru

Family Seppuku of Bessho Nagaharu 一族切腹 - 別所長治

- quote -
Bessho Nagaharu 別所長治 (1558 - 1580)
a Japanese daimyo of the Sengoku period. He was the eldest son of Bessho Yasuharu.
In 1578
Oda Nobunaga called on his retainers to attack the Mōri clan. Nagaharu almost decided to lead the Oda troops, but after hearing that the low-born general Hashiba Hideyoshi, whom he did not respect, was allied with the Oda faction he revolted, instead allying himself with Hatano Hideharu of Tamba province.
This led to Nagaharu being besieged by Hideyoshi's troops on the orders of Nobunaga. Nagaharu took a stand in Miki Castle 三木城, starting the Siege of Miki. The siege did not go well for Hideyoshi, and with a revolt by Araki Murashige and the help of the Mōri clan Nagaharu successfully repelled the Oda force. But Hideyoshi returned and this time instead of launching a direct assault, he launched multiple sieges against smaller castles like Kamiyoshi Castle and Shigata Castle to cut off the support from Mori.
This led to a rapid depletion of food, and in 1580, with no hope of another reinforcement from Mōri clan, Nagaharu committed seppuku in exchange for the lives of the troops in Miki Castle.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


by Uemon Moridan (Author), eric shahan (Translator), Fumio Manaka (Translator)

An early 19th century Densho, or written transmission of knowledge, on how a Seppuku, or ritual suicide, ceremony should be conducted. This is the first time such a document has been translated into English.
It includes: A reproduction of the entire document A transliteration of the original medieval Japanese A contemporary Japanese interpretation English translation
source : amazon com


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

naganaga to seppuku no ba ya natsu shibai

the Seppuku scene
is just soooo long . . .
Kabuki summer performance

Tr. Gabi Greve

Ooki Amari 大木あまり Oki Amari (1941 - )

. WKD : natsu shibai 夏芝居 .
- - Kabuki kigo for late summer - -

source : jikabuki.com/learning_jikabuki


岬 雪夫






- - - - - Harakiri - - - - -

keiko suru harakiri no ba ya haru no ame

for a scene of Harakiri -
rain in spring

. 正岡子規 Masaoka Shiki .


どうせ最後は 腹切るつもりの人愛す





曾良 Sora

- - - - - Kappuku - - - - -




- More haiku about finding one's death -

- reference : HAIKUreikuDB -


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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yatai food stalls

. Food vendors in Edo .

yatai 屋台 food stalls, pushcart stalls
hikiko 引き子 puller of the yatai

In modern times, we now have "food stall villages", yatai mura, where many are located together to share water supply and toilets.

. Eating out in Japan - Introduction .

Edo Yatai 江戸屋台 Food stalls in Edo

The most famous three ones were for Sushi, Tenpura and Soba buckwheat noodles.
Others sold food based on cooked rice, like 稲荷ずし Inarizushi, 茶飯 Chameshi rice cooked with green tea or 麦飯 Mugimeshi mixed with barley. Others sold all kinds of mixes soups.
Sweets were also sold in Yatai stalls.
There were about 7600 yatai in Edo, because there were so many single men coming here to work who needed food.
The yatai was carried around, but it had all that was needed. A lamp (andon) at one side, stove (kama) at the other.

. Sushi 寿司屋台 Sushi Yatai .

. Tenpura 天ぷら屋台 Tempura Yatai .


Soba Yatai 蕎麦屋台 in Edo
They were out all evening and allowed to work the streets until morning. Carried on the shoulder pole, the two boxes contained all the cook needed.

CLICK for more photos !

The nihachi soba 二八蕎麦 (80% buckwheat and 20% wheat) was mostly frequented.

In the beginning, buckwheat was served as
sobagaki 蕎麦掻 (そばがき) buckwheat dumplings
Later it was cut in noodle form, kirisoba 切り蕎麦

tenpura soba 天麩羅そば Soba with Tempura topping
one of the more expensive ones.

The prize of Soba was in doubles of four Mon, the smallest coin available in Edo.
Simple Soba were just 16 Mon (about 320 Yen now), Tempura Soba and other delicious toppings cost 32 Mon.

. shimonya 四文屋 "Four Mon Shop" .
- Introducing the money of the Edo period -


fuurin soba 風鈴そば Furin "windbell Soba"

. Edo Fuurin 風鈴 Furin Wind Chimes from Edo .


- quote -
The first person to eat soba noodles in Edo was a monk from Nihombashi (Nihonbashi 日本橋)
The first person to eat soba noodles in Edo was a Nihombashi resident four hundred years ago.

The first time soba noodles appeared in Edo literature was when it was mentioned in the Jisho Diary (1614), which was written by the monk Jisho of the Sonshoin Temple in Kyoto. The entry of February 3rd shows that he ate buckwheat noodles with Sencho of Edo Nihombashi’s Tokoin Temple and Kuun of Oumi Sakamoto’s Yakujuin when they went to a bathhouse but could not enter because it was too crowded.
Tokoin Temple was in Nihombashi’s Shinnawacho (now Nihombashi Honcho 4-Chome). It was then transferred and is now in Nishiasakusa. Soba noodles are a dish that spread out from temples and shrines out to the general public.

It is said that “Shinanoya”, which opened in Nihombashi’s Setomoncho (now Nihombashi Muromachi) during the Kanbun period (1661 to 1673) was the first soba noodle shop in Edo.
The noodles that were served at Shinanoya were called “kendon” noodles. Kendon noodles were originally served as light finishing meals served during tea ceremonies at places such as temples. They are served as single orders on bamboo trays and enjoyed by dipping small portions in broth. The broth is “taremiso”, which is made with strained miso and water containing plenty of flavorings such as juice derived from daikon, citrus peel, perilla, dried plum, and dried seaweed.

The soba broth we know today was developed around the mid- to late Edo period (mid-seventeenth century to the late eighteenth century), when it became easy for common people to get their hands on dried bonito, which serves as the base. It is also around this time when soy sauce, sake, and sweet cooking rice wine became what they are today. ...

Shinanoya in Nihombashi’s Shinzaimokumachi (now Nihombashi Horidomecho) began serving “bukkake soba” (soba noodles covered with toppings) during the Genroku period (1688 – 1704). It was from around the Kansei period (1789 – 1801) a hundred years later when it started to be called “kake soba”.
- - - The Big Four of Edo Dining
- source : nihombashi-tokyo.com/history-


source : edococo.exblog.jp


- quote -
A Long Story of the Long Soba
..... According to the book Soba-Edo no Shokubunnka (Buckwheat noodles―The Food Culture of the Edo Period) (2001) by Toshiya Kasai, the very origin of Soba found so far is pollen from a stratum of the beginning of the Jomon period. The direct origin of eating Soba on New Year’s Eve can be dated back to the Edo period. Soba was always eaten on special events in those days, and Toshi-koshi-soba, which means the New Year’s Eve Soba, used to be one of them. Today, Soba is not regarded as something to eat on special occasions, but still the tradition of Toshi-koshi-soba remains. Two different traditions, the tradition of eating Soba in December and the tradition of eating Soba at the end of each month have fused into the tradition of Toshi-koshi-soba.
..... Firstly, the tradition of eating Soba in December was popular among the people of the Edo period because it was the last chance of the year to taste Shin-soba, which is Soba made from fresh buckwheat flour.
..... Secondly, people tended to eat Soba at the end of each month in the Edo period. It was called Misoka-soba, since Misoka means ‘the last day of a month’. Soba was regarded as a frugal but special meal. They ate Misoka-soba to celebrate the fact that they have been able to live another month working hard with good health.
- source : komabatimes.wordpress.com - Tomoko Takahashi -


sobachoko 蕎麦猪口 dipping pot with Daruma design

In Summer, Soba were served cold.
At the Edo food stalls, the dipping sauce in the small cup/pot was mostly
hishio, 醤油 strong soy sauce base.


yotaka soba 夜鷹蕎麦 Soba for "night hawker" prostitutes

source : 77422158.at.webry.info - 蘭鋳郎の日常

Most ladies of the night did not even have sandals and had to make do with a hot pot of Soba to get warm between serving customers.

. yotaka 夜鷹 "nighthawks (night hawks)" cheap prostitutes .


Here is Daruma san, eating his fill at Moriyama, Tokaido
守山 - 「達磨大師」
He has various trays with Soba like a mountain (yama 山) filled with many Soba (mori 盛り)to make a pun of the place name Moriyama.

Print by Utagawa 歌川国芳

Daruma Yobanashi だるま夜話 "Night Stories" and more prints
. Daruma eating Buckwheat noodles .

. soba 蕎麦 Legends about buckwheat .


. soba 蕎麦 buckwheat - plant and food .
Polygonum fagopyrum - with kigo from various seasons

Buchweizen, Buchweizennudeln


Oniazami no Seikichi / Oni-Azami Seikichi 鬼あざみ清吉 Oniazami Seikichi
The Bandit Seikichi (Demon Thistle) - the thief Oniazami - Gangster Oniazami

He was a famous thief and soon the model of some novels, prints and stories.
He was caught in 伊勢 Ise and brought back to Edo, where he died in 1805.

source : shokubun.la.coocan.jp/kirisoba

The print shows the famous thief Oniazami no Seikichi, hiding in a Soba Yatai.

- quote -
Sato Moyo Azami no Ironui - Izayoi Seishin
This Sewamono, commonly called "Izayoi seishin," was written by Kawatake Mokuami. It depicts the vicissitudes of Seishin, a priest at Gokurakuji temple, and the courtesan Izayoi.
Seishin was expelled from his temple for nyobon (Buddhist priest's illicit sexual relations with a woman). Izayoi realizes that she is pregnant with Seishin's child, and escapes from the kuruwa (licensed prostitution quarter). Izayoi and Seishin meet near the Inase river, and jump into the river in an attempt to commit double suicide.
However, unknown to each other, they both survive. Seishin has become an outlaw because he accidentally killed a man, and Izayoi has become the mistress kept by Hakuren, who rescued her from drowning. Later, Izayoi and Seishin meet again in the mountains of Hakone.
They became thieves calling themselves Oniazami no Seikichi and Osayo, and visit Hakuren to extort money from him.
At present,
the play is performed from the 'Inasegawa hyappongui' scene in which Izayoi and Seishin attempt to commit double suicide, to the 'Hyappongui kawashimo' scene in which the two of them, each not knowing that the other has survived, pass by each other.
A highlight of the 'Hyappongui kawashimo' scene is Seishin's "Shikashi mateyo" speech after he has committed the crime of murder, and the evil in his heart has awakened.
- source : ntj.jac.go.jp/unesco/kabuki/en -

- reference : oniazami seikichi -

Oniazami is also a story of Rakugo in Kansai. 上方落語の演目の一つ.

. jooshuu oniazami 上州鬼薊 thistle, Cirsium okamotoi .
and other types of Oniazami plants in Japan

. nusutto 盗人 / ぬすっと robbers / villains of Edo .


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

koya kake no sobaya ikken yukimagusa

just one stall
of a Soba vendor -
plants out of the snow

Tr. Gabi Greve

岡本菊絵 Matsumoto Kikue

. WKD : yukimagusa 雪間草 plants peeking out of a break in the snow .
- - kigo for early spring - -


aosora ya ikusa de shinda oniazami

this blue sky -
Oniazami was killed
in the fight

駿河静男 Suruga Shizuo


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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

Sakigahara 関が原 / 関ケ原 / 関ヶ原

The village of Sekigahara 関ケ原町 Sekigahara-cho is located in the Fuwa District of Gifu.
In 1600, the Battle of Sekigahara took place here.


- quote
The Battle of Sekigahara
(関ヶ原の戦い/ 關ヶ原の戰い Sekigahara no Tatakai)

was a decisive battle on October 21, 1600 (Keichō 5, 15th day of the 9th month) that preceded the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate.
Tokugawa Ieyasu
took three more years to consolidate his position of power over the Toyotomi clan and the daimyo, but Sekigahara is widely considered to be the unofficial beginning of the Tokugawa bakufu, the last shogunate to control Japan. Japan had a long period of peace after the battle.
- snip -
- - - - - Seeds of dissent from Sekigahara
While most clans were content with their new status, there were many clans, especially those on the western side, who became bitter about their displacement or what they saw as a dishonorable defeat or punishment. Three clans in particular did not take the aftermath of Sekigahara lightly:
The Mōri clan,
headed by Mōri Terumoto (Mori Terumoto), remained angry toward the Tokugawa shogunate for being displaced from their fief, Aki, and being relocated to the Chōshū Domain, even though the clan did not take part in the battle at all.
The Shimazu clan,
headed by Shimazu Yoshihiro, blamed the defeat on its poor intelligence-gathering, and while they were not displaced from their home province of Satsuma, they did not become completely loyal to the Tokugawa shogunate either. Taking advantage of its large distance between Edo and the island of Kyūshū as well as its improved espionage, the Shimazu clan demonstrated that it was virtually an autonomous kingdom independent from the Tokugawa shogunate during its last days.
The Chōsokabe clan,
headed by Chōsokabe Morichika, was stripped of its title and domain of Tosa and sent into exile. Former Chōsokabe retainers never quite came to terms with the new ruling family, the Yamauchi clan, which made a distinction between its own retainers and former Chōsokabe retainers, giving them lesser status as well as discriminatory treatment. This class distinction continued even generations after the fall of the Chōsokabe clan.
The descendants of these three clans would in two centuries collaborate to bring down the Tokugawa shogunate, leading to the Meiji Restoration.
- - - More details in the WIKIPEDIA !

Sekigahara Kassen Byōbu (『関ヶ原合戦屏風』),
Japanese screen depicting the Battle of Sekigahara (関ヶ原の戦い).
This 1854 replica recreates the original Hikone-jō Bon Sekigahara Kassen Byōbu (彦根城本『関ヶ原合戦屏風』 by Sadanobu Kanō (狩野貞信) from the 1620s and was a treasure of the Lord Ii of Hikone (彦根藩井伊家) thereinafter.
However, it is not a faithful rendition of the original, with some noticeable omissions and design alterations throughout the layout. Collection of The Town of Sekigahara Archive of History and Cultural Anthropology (関ヶ原町歴史民俗資料館所蔵), found in a private collection of a long-term resident of Ōgaki, near Sekigahara.
- source : commons.wikimedia.org -

. Mori Terumoto about winning a battle .
"The Mori Clan should never be involved in a battle!".


. Nakasendoo 中山道 Nakasendo Road .

58. Sekigahara-juku 関ヶ原宿

Hiroshige print

- quote -
Sekigahara-juku is convenient because it is located at the intersection of many roads. In addition to being part of the Nakasendō, it also is connected to the Hokkoku Kaidō and the Ise Kaidō. However, its location has also been the site of many battles, including the Jinshin War and the Battle of Sekigahara.
In 1843,
the post station had 1,389 residents and 269 buildings. Among the buildings, there was one honjin, one sub-honjin, and 33 hatago.
As the area around the former Sekigahara-juku remains a convenient and popular transportation hub, there are no ruins of the former post town to be found. However, because of all the battles in their area, there are many other ruins that can be seen.
- source : wikipedia -


- quote - Japan Times -
Battle of Sekigahara: a war set in stone
by Stephen Mansfield

They were selling steamed buns and mugwort ice cream to a handful of history buffs when I arrived at the entrance to War Land, or to use its full name, The Immersion Museum — Sekigahara War Land.
- snip -
The open valley basins of Gifu Prefecture at the very center of Honshu, where the town of Sekigahara lies, were easily co-opted as theaters of war. It’s no coincidence, given the martial history of the region, that the prefectural town of Seki, sitting on the Nakasendo trunk road connecting Tokyo (then Edo) and Kyoto, was once known as the premier sword-making spot in the country.

CLICK for more photos !

Sekigahara was second only to the Battle of Okinawa in being the largest armed conflict between two opposing armies to take place on Japanese soil. It was unquestionably the foremost confrontation between two Japanese forces. In terms of Japanese history, the battle altering the future course of the nation might be compared to Gettysburg.
- snip -
- source : japantimes.co.jp/life/2016/03/19-


- quote -
In 1600, Sekigahara, the dividing point between eastern and western Japan, was the scene of a decisive battle fought between the Eastern Army led by Tokugawa Ieyasu who aimed to unite Japan under his rule, and the Western Army formed to fight the Tokugawa forces under the command of Ishida Mitsunari.
Although the Western Army had a slight upper hand at first, the situation reversed when Kobayakawa Hideaki defected to the Eastern Army resulting in its victory.

The Battle of Sekigahara, regarded as one of the largest pivotal conflicts in Japanese history, lasted only six hours. Three years later, Ieyasu established the Tokugawa Shogunate at Edo (present-day Tokyo) and took over the rule of Japan. The town of Sekigahara which served as the battlefield of this massive battle abounds today with historic battle-related landmarks. We invite you to come and explore the army base camps and historic landmarks of the Battle of Sekigahara which will take you back to the time of this historic battle. You can also enjoy the beautiful natural surroundings as you stroll around the town of Sekigahara.
- source : kanko-sekigahara.jp -

- further reference -


やぎ乳アイス Ice cream from Goat's milk
笹尾山麓で関ヶ原名物 - speciality from Sekigahara

. aisukuriimu アイスクリーム ice cream .


shigure hamaguri 時雨蛤 clamshells in sweet syrup
This refers back to the famous battle of Sekigahara (1600), near Ogaki castle, where the fishermen of Kuwana gave some clams to Tokugawa Ieyasu.
The clams are harvested out of the sand and then left for a while in a bucket of plain water to spit out the sand they still have in their body. They are then boiled in this water with shredded ginger roots and then cooled. Next they are simmered in special soy sauce from Ise (tamari shoyu たまり醤油) and flavored with sweet mizuame syrup.

. WASHOKU - clamshell, hamaguri 蛤 (はまぐり) .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Yamabushi 山伏 mountain priest
During the Battle of Sekigahara, a Samurai cut off the legs of a mountain priest and took away all his food. The Yamabushi cursed him until the seventh generation and then died.
Since then, if a Head of this Samurai family inherits the name, he will suffer from heavy pain in his legs. If he passes on the Headship, he will be healed.

Ehime 愛媛県 砥部町 Tobe

mekura hebi メクラヘビ the blind snake
Once upon a time
in the 芳賀家 Haga famili, which served as village head, there was a very special woman. She had been to the Battle of Sekigahara and came back. But the family thought of her as a shame and killed her.
Since then there roamed a blind snake in 猿谷 Saruya and got killed, but was later venerated in a Shinto shrine.
She became the deity 芳賀大明神 Haga Daimyojin.

and not related another legend from Matsuyama
Yatsumata Enoki O-Sode Daimyojin
- source : wikipedia -

Gifu 岐阜県

Nagaragawa no kajika 長良川の河鹿 the Kajika frogs of Nagaragawa
The he lost the battle, female attendants of Oda Hidenobu 織田秀信 (1580 - 1605) threw themselves in the river Nagaragawa and died. Their souls became the Kajika frogs.

. kajikagaeru 河鹿蛙 Polypedates buergeri, river frog .

Mie 三重県 松坂市 Matsuzaka

Kawakami Hachimangu 川上八幡宮 Shrine
At the battle of Sekigaraha, the head of 大谷刑部 Otani Gyobu (Otani Yoshitsugu, 1559 - 1600) was burried at the roots of some 菖蒲 Japanese Iris by a vassal. A wandering priest observed this, and told Tokugawa Ieyasu that he had cut off the head. Later he became the first Lord of the Todo Clan of Ise 伊勢の藤堂家.
The head of Gyobu was burried at the Shrine Kawakami Hachimangu, but it brought a curse with it.
So the Head of the Todo clan cound never visit this shrine.

川上八幡宮 - 三重県津市美杉町川上3498
3498 Misugicho Kawakami, Tsu, Mie - - - HP of the shrine S
- reference : wakamiya.info-

Shiga 滋賀県

At the battle of Sekigahara, the leader of the loosing Western Army pleaded for its soldiers not to be beheaded,
but the Eastern Army, in its frenzy of victory, beheaded them all. A serpent living in the weeds there was all washed in blood and became blind and all white.
The souls of the dead slipped into its body and to our day a white serpent lingers on the mountain roads of the region.

When Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成 lost the battle of Sekigahara, his wife and her attendants threw themselves into the ponds 千貫池 Senkan-Ike and 万貫池 Mankan-Ike. Their curse stayed with the ponds and during a great rainfall at night people hear their crying and sniffing voices to our day.

. Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成 (1560 - 1600) .

Shizuoka 静岡県

Otoragitsune, O-Tora-Gitsune お寅狐 the Fox named Tora (Tiger)
In this area, there are many stories about people being bewitched by a special fox, the
When he heard the sound of guns during the Battle of Sekigahara, he run away and became lame on one leg. People who are bewitched by this fox become lame, but also begin to talk about war strategy.

. Otoragitsune, O-Tora-Gitsune お寅狐 The Fox named Tora (Tiger) .
and the Battle of Nagashino (長篠の戦い).

- LINK to many ema 絵馬 votive tablets with O-Toragitsune:
- source : youkaiodaie.blog.fc2.com -

This seems a mix-up with the name of the battle of Nagashino,
Nagashino Shitaragahara 長篠設楽原 (ながしの したらがはら).


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

Sekigahara aze hitosuji no nobi hashiru

Sekigahara -
burning the small paths
between the withered fields

Tr. Gabi Greve

山本悦子 Yamamoto Etsuko

. WKD : nobi 野火(のび)fire of the withered fields .
noyaki 野焼 (のやき) burning the withered fields
- - kigo for spring - -

source : momotaro.naganoblog.jp






- source : haikureiku database -

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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #sekigahara - - - -


Yayosugashi district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Yayosugashi 八代洲河岸  / やよすがし Yayosu Quay
Now in Chuo Ward. Yaesu 八重洲

Yayosu / Yeasu is named after the Dutch merchant from Holland,
Jan Joosten van Lodensteyn
ヤン・ヨーステン ファン・ローデンスタイン (1557 - 1623) / 耶揚子

source : rootsdiscovery/yaesu3

A map from 1865. The letters 「八代洲(やよす)川岸」 can be seen beside the gate 和田倉門前.
Jan Joosten presented Tokugawa Ieyasu with 24 lion cubs 虎の子.
In 1872 this area became 八重洲町 Yaesu and in 1929 part of Marunouchi 丸の内.
The district was named 中央区八重洲 in 1954.
Yaesu Avenue has a monument dedicated to Jan Joosten and his life after his arrival in Japan on the Liefde with William Adams.

. William Adams - Miura Anjin 三浦按針 .
(1564 - 1620)


- quote
Nihonbashi, Yaesu-dōri / Chūō-dōri
Joosten was born in Delft 1556 and died in the South Chinese Sea 1623.

The monument is located in the middle of the Yaesu-dōri (= Jan Joosten Avenue) on the intersection with the Chūō-dōri (Chuo Avenue).

Bronze plaque with two rings, which are shaped as navigtational instruments. The left is dedicated to Jan Joosten van Lodensteyn, includes a copy of the Jan Joosten bust made by L. Braat, which is found a couple of hundred meters further in the Yaesu Shopping Mall. The right ring is dedicated to the ship De Liefde. Both halves contain a long explanation in Japanese and Dutch.

- source : vanderkrogt.net/statues


- quote -
Jan Joosten van Lodensteijn
(c. 1560 – 1623), or simply Jan Joosten, was a native of Delft and one of the first Dutchmen in Japan, arriving as one of William Adams's shipmates (the second mate) on the De Liefde, which was disabled on the coast of Kyūshū in 1600.
- - - - - Early life in Japan
The De Liefde departed Rotterdam in 1598, on a trading voyage and attempted a circumnavigation of the globe. It was wrecked in Japan in 1600. The 24 survivors were received by future Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu, who questioned them at length on European politics and foreign affairs. As with William Adams, Joosten was selected to be a confidant of the Shogun on foreign and military affairs, and he contributed to the development of relations between the Netherlands and Japan, thereby weakening the influence of Portugal and Spain.

For his services, Jan Joosten was granted a house in Edo (now Tokyo) in a part of the city that came to be called "Yayosu Quay" after him — his name was pronounced yan yōsuten in Japanese (short: Yayōsu (耶楊子)) — and the name exists in the name of Yaesu side of Tokyo Station. Although not allowed to return to the Netherlands, Joosten was allowed to take a Japanese wife and was given a permit to engage in foreign trade. He was privileged to wear the two swords of the samurai and received an annual stipend which placed him (along with Adams) among the ranks of the hatamoto or direct retainers of the Shogun. Joosten was said to be a drunk with a choleric temperament, and at one point was not welcome at Ieyasu's court.

Joosten is reported to have made a fortune in trade between Japan and Southeast Asia, chartering several Red Seal Ships under license from Tokugawa Ieyasu.
After the establishment of the Dutch Factory in Hirado, he became a middleman between Dutch merchants and the Shogunate.
He is also said to have been to Siam on one of his ships, with the Japanese adventurer and author Tenjiku Tokubei. Later, he attempted to return to the Netherlands, but after reaching Batavia, he was denied permission by Dutch authorities to proceed further.
He drowned in the South China Sea in 1623 when his ship sank as he was returning to Japan.
- - - source : WIKIPEDIA

Tenjiku Tokubei 天竺徳兵衛 (1612 - c. 1692)
a Japanese adventurer and writer of the early 17th century. He traveled to Southeast and South Asia, hence his "Tenjiku" (Japanese: 天竺, East Asian name of "India") nickname.
He was born in Sendo-machi, Takasago-cho, in today's Hyōgo Prefecture in 1612. His father was a salt wholesaler.
At the age of fifteen, in 1626, Tokubei was hired by a trading company in Kyoto. He pursued commercial activities aboard Japanese Red Seal Ships.
In 1627, Tokubei visited China, Vietnam and Siam (modern Thailand) on board a Japanese Red Seal ship. He would stay for some time in Siam and again visit the country on board one of the ships of the Dutch adventurer Jan Joosten van Lodensteijn. He also sailed to India, to the source of the Ganges, and the country of Magadha, and returned with great wealth and numerous stories to tell.
Upon his return to Japan,
and after the introduction of the Seclusion policy (Sakoku), Tokubei wrote an essay titled "Tenjiku Tokai Monogatari" (天竺渡海物語, "Relations of sea travels to India") on his adventures in foreign countries, which became very popular in Japan.

彩入御伽草 Eiri Otogi Zôshi - Kabuki actor 尾上松助 Onoe Matsusuke
Utagawa Toyokuni 歌川豊国

- - - - - The Kabuki character ...
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- quote -
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Utagawa Hiroshige was born in 1797 in the Yayosugashi district of Edo, the son of Ando Genemon, a member of the fire-fighting brigade maintained by the Tokugawa Shogunate. At the time, Kitagawa Utamaro and Toshusai Sharaku were at their prime as ukiyo-e artists. Ukiyo-e, which means art of the floating world, refers to the impermanence of life and the enjoyment of pleasure free of mundane concerns. ...
After the death of his parents in 1809, Andō Tokutarō (Hiroshige) took over his father's place as a firefighter.
- source : bk.mufg.jp/global/newsroom -

. Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 .


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

Yaesu ooji futo akikaze ni deai keri

at Yaesu Road
I come to meet a bout
of autumn wind . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

Sutoo Shooko 須藤省子 Suto Shoko (1923 - )


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

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