. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
The Edo Clan of the Musashi Taira 武蔵江戸氏 Musashi Edo-Shi
They lived in the hamlet 江戸郷 Edo Go, their Homeland in the Musashi Plain. It was located in the
日比谷の入江 Hibiya no Irie inlet.
Edo 江戸 means "estuary", lit. "inlet door", "entrance to the inlet".
eto 江門 was another old spelling of this area.
Other clans who lived in the Edo area before Tokugawa Ieyasu established the Bakufu government:
畠山氏 Hatakeyama clan in 深谷 Fukaya
河越氏 Kawagoe clan in 川越 Kawagoe
豊島氏 Toyoshima clan in 川口 Kawaguchi
. Hibiya 日比谷 / 比々谷 district in Edo .
- quote
The Edo clan were a minor offshoot of the Taira clan,
and first fortified the settlement known as Edo, which would later become Tokyo. The Imperial Palace now stands at this location.
During the Azuchi-Momoyama period, the clan was renamed the 武蔵喜多見氏 Musashi Kitami clan.
The clan originated in Chichibu in Musashi Province (now Saitama Prefecture). In the late 12th century,
江戸重継 Edo Shigetsugu (Chichibu Shigetsugu) moved south and fortified the little hill at Edo, located where the Sumida River enters Tokyo Bay. This area later became the Honmaru and Ninomaru portions of Edo Castle. There, the Edo grew in military strength under the second patriarch, Edo Shigenaga 江戸重長.
In August 1180, Shigenaga attacked Muira Yoshizumi, an ally of the rival Minamoto clan. Three months later, he switched sides just as Minamoto Yoritomo entered Musashi. Shigenaga assisted the Minamoto in overthrowing the Taira in Kyoto. In return, Yoritomo granted Shigenaga seven new estates in Musashi Province, including Kitami in what is now Tokyo's western Setagaya Ward.
Records show that in 1457, Edo Shigeyasu surrendered his main base at Edo to Ota Dokan. Dokan was a vassal of the powerful Ōgigayatsu branch of the Uesugi clan under Uesugi Sadamasa. Sadamasa was the Kanto-Kanrei for the Ashikaga. Dokan built Edo castle on the site. The Edo clan then moved to Kitami.
In 1593, in a pledge of obedience to Tokugawa Ieyasu, Edo Katsutada changed the clan name to Kitami. Katsutada was employed by the first and second Tokugawa shoguns, reaching the position of Magistrate of Sakai, south of Osaka. Katsutada's grandson-in-law, Shigemasa, found favor with the fifth shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi. He rose from the position of hatamoto, with a stipend of one thousand koku, to sobayonin, or "Grand Chamberlain", with a stipend of twenty thousand. It was an influential post, responsible for relaying messages between the shogun and his senior councilors. He was also awarded a large domain in 1686. However, the clan's fortunes suddenly plummeted. In 1689, Shigemasa's nephew violated the Shogunate taboo on bloodshed. Shigemasa had to forfeit his status and property and was banished to Ise, where he died in 1693 at age 36. The 500-year-old Edo clan essentially ceased as a recognized clan.
Tombstones of several generations of the clan are at 慶元寺 Keigen-Ji, a Buddhist temple founded in 1186 by Edo Shigenaga, in Kitami.
The name later changed to 常陸江戸氏 Hitachi Edo-Shi.
- source : wikipedia
江戸重長 Edo Taro Shigenaga
was the second head of the Edo clan. He first settled and lent his name to the fishing village Edo that eventually grew to become Tokyo.
He was also known as Edo Taroo 江戸太郎 Edo Taro.
In 1180, Shigenaga was asked by Minamoto Yoritomo to cooperate in his uprising against rule of the Taira in Kyoto. Hesitant at first, Shigenaga eventually helped Yoritomo overthrow the Taira rule. Yoritomo granted Shigenaga seven new estates in Musashi Province, including Kitami in what is now Tokyo's western Setagaya Ward.
source : 4travel.jp/travelogue/10825822
Graves of the Musashi Kitami Clan - 江戸氏之墓所
慶元寺 Keigen-Ji - see below
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The ones who got there first
Four centuries before Tokugawa Ieyasu arrived at Edo, a fierce band of mounted warriors had already fortified the hill where Ieyasu would build his magnificent Edo Castle, and on which the Imperial Palace now stands.
In the late 12th century, the Edo clan, as these warriors called themselves, had moved south from Chichibu in present-day Saitama Prefecture led by their patriarch, Edo Shigetsugu. Seizing Edo, they rapidly built up their military presence in the southern Kanto Plain to such a point that, in 1180, Shigenaga, the second clan head, was asked by Minamoto Yoritomo (1147-99) to cooperate in his uprising against the great Taira family in Kyoto.
Shigenaga was not easily persuaded, but eventually lent his power to Yoritomo in overthrowing Taira rule. In appreciation, Yoritomo granted Shigenaga seven new estates in Musashi Province, including Kitami in what is now Tokyo’s western Setagaya Ward.
Little is known about the Edo clan in the turbulent Kamakura Period that began with Yoritomo’s founding of a shogunate in that city in 1192; nor do we know of their fate during the Kyoto-based shogunate known as the Muromachi Period, that ran from 1338-1573. However, records show that in 1457, Edo Shigeyasu surrendered his main base at Edo to Ota Dokan (1432-86), a vassal of Uesugi Sadamasa, Governor of the Kanto Plain, and moved to Kitami. Dokan then built a castle on the site with views of Mount Fuji and Edo Bay, before being killed by an assassin sent by his own master in 1486. The castle was then abandoned until it was taken over by Ieyasu in 1590.
In a pledge of obedience to Ieyasu, Edo Katsutada changed the clan name to Kitami in 1593. Katsutada was employed by the first and second shoguns, reaching the position of Magistrate of Sakai, south of Osaka.
His grandson-in-law, Shigemasa, bathed in the special favor of the fifth shogun and rose to the rank of daimyo by 1682. Promoted to a sobayonin (grand chamberlain), whose influential role was to relay messages between the shogun and his senior councilors, he was awarded a further large domain in 1686.
From this zenith of happiness, however, Shigemasa’s fortunes plummeted — and with them, those of the Edo clan. In 1689, Shigemasa’s nephew violated the shogunal taboo on bloodshed and the family was held collectively responsible. As punishment, Shigemasa forfeited his status and all property and was banished to Ise, where he died in 1693 at age 36. His kin was similarly punished, and with that the 500-year-old Edo clan vanished.
To this day, however, memories of the first possessor of Edo linger on at Keigen-ji in Kitami, Setagaya Ward, an impressive Buddhist temple founded in 1186 by Edo Shigenaga. Tombstones of several generations of the clan, some quite eroded but others recently renovated, huddle together in a corner of the graveyard, tied eternally by their invisible bond of kinship.
- source : Japan Times 2003 - Sumiko Enbutsu -
Keigenji 慶元寺 Keigen-Ji
永劫山 花林院 慶元寺 Eigosan Karin-In Keigen-Ji
世田谷区喜多見4-17-1 / 4 Chome-17-1 Kitami, Setagaya ward
浄土宗 Jodo Sect.
Apart from the main temple hall, it has a 鐘楼 bell tower and a 三重堂 three-story pagoda.
source and more photos : tesshow.jp/setagaya
The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.
Edo Taro Shigenaga founded this temple, then called 岩戸山大沢院東福寺 Tofuku-Ji in 1186, which then belonged to the 天台宗 Tendai sect.
In 1451 it was relocated to 成城(元喜多見) Seijo (Moto Kitami) and found its final place in 1468.
In 1540, the priest 空誉上人 / 空与(空與)/ 空与守欣上人 Kuyo Shonin revitalized the temple, which had lost its importance. The name changed 上山華林院慶元寺 and now it belonges to the Jodo Sect.
In 1636, Shogun Iemitsu awarded the temple with land of 10石 (about 1ha(10000㎡), annexing 6 temples in the neighborhood.
Number 4 in the pilgrimage to 33 Kannon temples along the Tamagawa 多摩川三十三ヶ所観音霊場.
Kitami eki 喜多見駅 Kitami station
on the Odakyu Railway Line, on the border between Setagaya Ward and Komae City.
The name of the area,
Kitami, (also written 北見)
is thought to originate from an ancient Ainu word meaning "flat, wooded place".
- quote wikipedia -
- Some further History -
... The Kantō Plain appears to have first been populated in the Late Jōmon Period sometime after 3100 BC. ...
... Kofun Period (200-500 AD) : It seems that around the 300’s, Kantō became a vassal state of the Yamato Court. There are more than 200 Kofun in the Tōkyō Metropolis.
丸山古墳 Maruyama Kofun “Round Mountain” Kofun is in 芝公園 Shiba Kōen park ...
... “A feudal warlord named Ōta Dōkan came into the small fishing village of Edo and built his castle there.”...
... “Though it was once an insignificant village in the marshy wetlands,
Tokugawa Ieyasu transformed Edo into a glorious capital befitting of the shōgun.”...
... The Edo clan still had a residence in Kitami, which is present day Setagawa Ward. In light of Tokugawa Ieyasu’s dominance over the area, it would be presumptuous (and confusing) for a clan to retain the name of the capital city when a new daimyō, appointed by the unifier of Japan, controlled that city. So in 1593, taking an oath of submission and fealty to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the last Edo Clan daimyō gave up the name Edo and assumed the name, Kitami, which was where their primary holdings were. ...
... In 1693, the direct family line, no longer Edo but Kitami, was extinguished after the banishment of Kitami Shigeyasu to Ise when his grandson murdered somebody or something.
... At the height of Tokugawa power, the castle is said to have been the biggest in the world and the city was likely the most populous.
- More details and history about the name of EDO -
- source : japanthis.com/2013 -
. Oota Dookan 太田道灌 Ota Dokan (1432 - 1486) .
. kofun 古墳 burial mounds in Tokyo .
- - - - - Now we come to September 3rd, 1868 :
Edo o shooshite Tōkyō to nasu shoosho 江戸を称して東京と為すの詔書
Imperial Edict Renaming Edo to Tōkyō.
"I at this time settle all matters of state myself in the interest of the people.
Edo is the largest city in the eastern provinces, a place in which things gather from every direction. It were well that
I should personally oversee its governance. Therefore from this time on I shall call it“Tokyo”(Eastern Capital).
This is so that I might oversee all affairs in the land equally, from east to west.
Let the people heed this my will."
- reference source : wikipedia -
- reference : Edo Shigenaga -
- reference : Kitami Edo Tokyo -
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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
- - - - - #edoclan #edoshigenaga #kitamitokyo #edohistory #hibiya #clan - - - -
Gakumonjo Academies
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
gakumonjo 学問所 Academies of Higher Learning
hankoo 藩黌 / 藩校 -- hangaku 藩学 - Hanko, domain schools, fief schools
. Hayashi Razan 林羅山 (1583 – 1657) .
Introducing Neo-Confucianism in the Edo period
He founded the
. Yushima Seidoo, Yushima Seidō 湯島聖堂 Yushima Seido Bakufu School .
During the Edo period, many domains founded their own places of learning,
some of them later turned to Universities or High Schools.
The main subjects were kangaku 漢学 Chinese and Confucian Studies, kokugaku 国学 National Learning, and eventually yoogaku /yôgaku 洋学 Western Learning (rangaku 蘭学 "Dutch Learning").
儒学の祖 学問の神 The Confucian God of Learning
- - - - - - - - - - List of the most important schools - - - - - - - - - -
Gakushukan 学習館 Kishu
Jishukan 時習館 Kumamoto
Kodokan 弘道館 Mito
Kodokan 弘道館 Saga
Kojokan 興譲館 Yonezawa
Meirindo 明倫堂 Kanazawa
Meirindo 明倫堂 Owari
. Meirinkan 萩明倫館 Hagi .
Nisshinkan 日進館 Aizu
. Shizutani Gakko 閑谷学校 Okayama .
Shoheizaka Gakumonjo 昌平坂学問所 Edo
. Tooju shoin 藤樹書院 Toju Private School - Shiga .
founded by Nakae Tōju 中江藤樹 Nakae Toju (1608 – 1648)
Yokendo 養賢堂 Sendai
Zoshikan 造士館 Satsuma
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Samurai of the respective fiefs were required to attend these schools and toward the end of the Edo period
an increasing number of commoners were granted admittance.
A graded system for curricula developed and subjects relating to Western learning were added.
- more about the Japanese education system
- source : edux.pjwstk.edu.pl/mat -
- - - - - The oldest academic institution in Japan is the
. Ashikaga Gakkō 足利学校 Ashikaga Gakko - Tochigi .
founded ca. 832 by Ono no Takamura 小野篁.
Apart from the Samurai schools, there were institutions for the common people:
. terakoya 寺子屋 "temple school", private school .
. rangaku 蘭學 / 蘭学 "Dutch learning", Western learning .
. bunbu ryoodoo 文武両道 Bunbu Ryodo. .
"The Dual Path of Cultural and Martial Arts,"
A real samurai had to be well educated, but also strong in the martial arts.
budookan 武道館 Budokan Hall to practise martial arts (Budo, the Way of the Bushi Samurai)
- - - - - ABC-List - - - - -
Gakuushukan 学習館 Gakushukan
Founded in 1635 in the Kishu Domain, Wakayama.
During the reign of Shogun Yoshimune (who came from Wakayama), even common people were allowed to attend and the school had about 180 students.
In 1792, its head master was Motoori Norinaga.
In 1804, it was moved to Matsusaka town and renamed 松坂学問所 Matsusaka Gakumonjo.
In 1866, it war renamed 学習館文武場 Gakushukan Bunbujo and had about 600 students.
There are no remains of the buildings any more.
. Motoori Norinaga 本居宣長 (1730 - 1801) .
prominent Kokugakusha. Born in Matsusaka.
Jishuukan, Jishūkan 時習館 Jishukan
"study and at times learn"
Kumamoto 熊本
active between 1755 and 1870.
Founded by Hosokawa Shigekata 細川重賢 (1721 - 1785)
The first president was 秋山玉山 Akiyama Gyokuzan (1702 - 1764).
Famous students were Yokoi Shonan, Inoue Kowashi and Kitasato Shibasaburo.
- Other Jishūkan schools were built in
Mikawa Yoshida Han, Tahara Han, Kasama Han, Daiseiji Han and Sakurai Han.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Koodookan 弘道館 Kodokan - 水戸 Mito
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The Kōdōkan (弘道館) was the largest han school in the Edo period. Located in Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture,
founded in 1841 by Tokugawa Nariaki,
- source : wikipedia -
Koodookan 弘道館 Kodokan - 佐賀 Saga
Founded in 1781 by Lord 鍋島治茂 Nabeshima Harushige (1745 - 1805).
The first head master was the Confucian scholar 古賀精里 Koga Seiri (1750 - 1817).
Harushige also invited 石井鶴山 Ishii Kakuzan (1744 - 1790) from Kagoshima and famous scholars from other domains.
Lord 鍋島直正 Nabeshima Naomasa (1815 - 1871) improved the facility to educate future leaders of the Saga domain, introducing new technologies, especially new weapons from the West.
He also founded the 蒙養舎, where young Samurai children below the age of 15 were educated.
A memorial stone reminds of the school.
The third of the famous Kodokan schools was in 但馬 Tajima.
Koojookan 興譲館 Kojokan
Founded by Lord 上杉治憲 Uesugi Yozan in 米沢 Yonezawa, now Yamagata prefecture. He resurrected the Gakumonjo of his father, 上杉綱憲 Uesugi Tsunanori (1663 - 1704).
The teachers were Confucian scholars.
In 1775, 吉江輔長 became head master.
It is now the site of 山形県立米沢興譲館高等学校 the famous Yonezawa High Schoo.
- reference : Yonezawa Kojokan High School -
. Uesugi Yoozan Harunori 上杉鷹山 治憲 Uesugi Yozan (1751 - 1822) .
... he is best remembered for his financial reforms, and he is often cited as an example of a good governor of a domain.
Meirindoo 明倫堂 Meirindo - 金沢 Kanazawa
加賀金沢藩 Kaga Kanazawa Han Domain
Built in 1792 by Lord 前田治脩 Maeda Harunaga (1754 - 1810).
The first head master was the Confucian scholar 新井白蛾 Arai Hakuga (1715 - 1792).
The first building was in the South-West of park 兼六園 Kenraku-En, but in 1822 it was relocated to the district 仙石町 Sengokumachi.
It had a long corridor between the Southern and Northern buildings and also the hall 経武館 Keibukan a hall for martial arts.
It had about 300 students of all social positions and various ranks of teachers.
Special subjects were astronomy and herbal medicine.
Meirindoo Meirindo 明倫堂 Meirindo - 尾張 Owari
名古屋 Nagoya, 愛知県 Aichi
Founded in 1749 and reformed in 1782 by Lord 徳川宗睦 Tokugawa Munechika (1733 - 1800).
The first head master was 細井平洲 Hosoi Heishu (1728 - 1801), followed by 岡田新川 Okada Shinsen (1737 - 1799)、石川香山 Ishikawa Kozan (1736 - 1810)、冢田大峯 Tsukada Taiho (1745 - 1832)、細野要斎 Hosono Yosai (1811 - 1878) and other Confucian scholars.
The school was open not only for Samurai children, but all who wanted to study.
In 1871 the school was abolished. Later in 1875 its remains were brought to the Nagoya castle.
Now it is the site of 愛知県立明和高等学校 the Aichi school.
Meirindo 明倫堂 in the following domains:
久米村 Kumemura, Okinawa (1718)
小諸藩 Komoro、上田藩 Ueda、高鍋藩 Takanabe、新庄藩 Shinjo、大洲藩 Ozu and 安志藩 Anji.
Nisshinkan 日進館 Aizu Wakamatsu
Aizu hankoo. Aizu hankō 会津藩校 Old Aizu clan school
The Samurai school of the Aizu domain was built in 1803 by 松平容頌 Matsudaira Katanobu (1744 - 1805), the fifth Lord of the Aizu Matsudaira Clan. Samurai boys from the age of 10 years had to attend it. Katanobu also introduced other reforms in the Aizu domain, making agriculture, commerce and industry the main pillars.
At that time there were about 300 domain schools in Japan and Nisshinkan had a very good reputation. Many members of the Byakko-tai studied at Nisshinkan.
Medicine, astronomy, literary and military arts were taught based on the principles of Confucianism. Otherfacilities for the students included an observatory, a printing office, a large library and a swimming pool. The students were also taught Samurai etiquette, from table manners to ritual suicide (harakiri).
The present-day Nisshinkan is reconstructed.
- reference : aizu nisshinkan-
Shooheizaka Gakumonjo 昌平坂学問所 Shoheizaka Gakumonjo
Shooheikoo 昌平黌 Shoheiko
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(1)Education within Samurai Families
The samurai families of the Edo period not only used education to stabilize their own position but also came to further the cause of learning, especially through the systematized teaching of literary studies. Initially, the fief lords (daimyo), in order to further their own personal cultivation and, in turn, to maintain control of their fief governments, summoned Confucian scholars and military specialists (heigakusha) to conduct lectures which their chief vassals were required to attend. The fief lords also encouraged learning for the lesser vassals and urged the cultivation of literary accomplishments along with the practice of martial arts. Learning during this period, being based upon Shogunal policy, was thoroughly imbued with Confucian thought. Samurai families originally availed themselves of the services of priests in Buddhist temples for their education. But by the Edo period, this class began to employ Confucian scholars to act as preceptors in fief schools they founded in the castle towns. During the early days of the Edo period, only a few fiefs had established fief schools but from about the middle of this period onward the spread of such institutions increased rapidly, culminating in a total of some 270 schools at the end of the period.
The Shoheizaka Gakumonjo, alternately called the Shoheiko, under the direct control of the Shogunate at Edo, became the highest seat of learning in its time as well as a model for all the other fief schools, The original institution was the training center of the Confucian temple (koshibyo) which had been established on a site at Ueno in Edo by a Confucian scholar of the Chu Hsi school, Hayashi Razan (1583-1657), under the auspices of the Shogunal government. Later this was relocated at Yushima, where an Athenaeum was constructed known as the Yushima Temple. This school started first as a semiprivate, semigovernmental organization under the protection of the Shogunate. It was not long, however before the government recognized the necessity of direct control over these educational facilities and in 1797 the school was brought under the immediate supervision of the central authorities.
The school prospered from that time not only as the nucleus of education for the Shogunate but as the highest center of learning in the nation as well, a position it maintained until the decline of the Shogunate's authority and the development of Western learning. During the Edo period, this school acted as a model for other fief schools. Many fief governments established their fief schools along this model and also sent their brightest youths there for training. Many of those who completed their studies at the Shoheizaka Gakumonjo were engaged at fief schools as Confucian scholars. Thus besides enjoying the highest scholastic reputation in the land, the Shoheizaka Gakumonjo also served as a training ground for instructors assuming positions in fief schools. In addition to the Chinese-oriented Shoheizaka Gakumonjo, other government institutions included the National Learning-oriented Wagaku Kodanjo and the Igakukan which was devoted to the study of traditional Chinese medicine. Toward the end of Edo period, various centers for the study of Western learning were also established as we shall see below.
Many schools which originally had been private institutions for Chinese studies (kangakujuku) came under the control of the fiefs and were enlarged and reorganized to form fief schools. Their curriculum was gradually expanded - in addition to Chinese studies National Learning and other subjects were introduced and toward the end of the Edo period Western learning and medicine were also offered. At the same time, the trend toward military subjects grew more pronounced, and thus in the fief schools there arose a special relationship between literary studies and martial arts.
By the close of the Shogunate the fief schools provided a comprehensive education for the samurai class. Instruction was centered about Chinese classics. This meant studies in Confucian doctrine and the history and literature of China. Elementary classes used the Primer of Chinese Characters (Senjimon) for practicing calligraphy and the Brief History of Japan (Sanjikyo) for practice in reading. Other elementary textbooks that were frequently used included the Book of Filial Piety (Kokyo), the Book of Manners (Shogaku), and the Collection of Chu Hsi's Sayings.
Others were the Four Books (Shisho):
1) Great Learning (Daigaku), 2) Doctrine of the Mean (Chuyo), 3) Confucian Analects (Rongo), and 4) Sayings of Mencius (Moshi);
and the Five Canons (Gokyo):
1) Book of Changes (Ekikyo); 2) Book of Odes (Shikyo); 3) Book of Annals (Shokyo), 4) Spring and Autumn (Shunju), and 5) Record of Rites (Raiki).
Hayashi Nobuatsu (1644-1732), a grand son of Hayashi Razan and also a Confucian scholar of the Chu Hsi school, was appointed by the government as Rector of the Shoheizaka Gakumonjo (Daigakunokami) and from that time on the successive heads of the Hayashi family were appointed to that post until the fall of the Shogunate, making the Shoheizaka Gakumonjo a vehicle for the ascendance of Chu Hsi Confucianism. At the same time various other schools of Confucian thought developed during the early Edo period and quite a few government officials were members of schools other than Chu Hsi. However in 1790 the teaching of other schools of Confucianism was banned, and Chu Hsi was officially accepted as the orthodoxy. .....
- source : Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology -
Yookendoo, Yōkendō 養賢堂 Yokendo
also called - 明倫館 Meirinkan
Sendai-han 仙台藩 Sendai Domain
It started with a school built by Lord 伊達吉村 Date Yoshimura (1680 - 1752) in 1736 in the compound of the 武沢家屋敷 Takezawa family.
In 1772 the school was named Yokendo.
In 1799 養賢堂文庫 Yokendo Bunko (Yokendo Library) was established.
Since 1821 Rangaku "Dutch Learning" was taught by
Sasaku Chutaku (1790 - 1846), student of Otsuki Gentaku
Ozeki Sanei (1787 - 1839) and others.
Since 1760 medicine was taught ant in 1822 the
Igakkan 医学館 Sendai Fief Medical School was established as a separate building in 百騎丁 (now 東二番丁).
In 1871 this institurion was abolished.
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Otsuki Gentaku 大槻玄沢 (1757 - 1827)
His 1799 Ransetsu benwaku (蘭説弁惑, "Clarifying Errors in Theories about the Dutch") was perhaps the first major Japanese work to assert that Africans were "no different from the rest of mankind," and that they were not, on the whole, as a group, less intelligent or otherwise of inherently lower birth, but rather that Africans, like anyone else, included "the noble and the lowly, ... the wise and the foolish."
This text was also among those which challenged the prevailing notion that dark skin came from extended contact with the water (and that blacks were particularly adept at swimming), suggesting instead that their dark skin derived from their hot, southerly climate, and from lengthy exposure to the sun.
Along with Shimura Hiroyuki,
Ôtsuki produced in 1807 a set of interviews called Kankai ibun, which recorded the experiences of a group of Japanese castaways who had seen the Atlantic, the Straits of Magellan, and Hawaii.
- source : wiki.samurai-archives.com/index -
Zooshikan, Zôshikan 造士館 Zoshikan
from 1773 - 1877
source : d.hatena.ne.jp/supernil
- quote -
The Zôshikan was a domain school established in Kagoshima by
島津重豪 Shimazu Shigehide in 1773.
The school covered some 3,350 tsubo, and included lecture halls, a small shrine called the Senseiden, and lodgings for samurai students who came from outside of the city. Tachibana Nankei, a scholar from Kyoto who visited Kagoshima in 1782-1783, wrote that it was large and beautiful, the best in the realm (i.e. in all of Japan).
As a result of succession disputes within the Shimazu clan in 1808-1809 (eventually ending in Shimazu Narinobu abdicating in favor of Shimazu Narioki), the curriculum of the school departed from its earlier purposes of training men for service. Shimazu Nariakira later lamented this change, and took steps to revive the quality of education at the school.
In 1869, the school was renamed Hongakkô (lit. "Main School"), and came to simply accept all students who completed elementary school. Studies were divided chiefly into Chinese Studies (kangaku), National Learning (kokugaku), and Western Learning (yôgaku). The school was completely destroyed in the Satsuma Rebellion of 1877.
- source : samurai-archives.com -
- reference -
List of the Hanko domain schools from North to South
江戸学問所 Edo gakumonjo
江戸幕府 Edo Bakufu Schools
昌平坂学問所(1797年)→ 東京大学 - Shoheizaka Gakumonjo
教諭所(江戸麹町)(1791年)- Kyogujo
教諭所(美作国久世)(1791年)→典学館(1796年)- Kyogujo
敬業館(備中国笠岡)(1797年)- Keigyokan
遷善館(武蔵国久喜)(1803年)- Senzenkan
倉敷教諭所明倫館(備中国倉敷)(1834年)- Meirinkan
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. terakoya 寺子屋 "temple school", private school .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #gakumonjo - - - -
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
gakumonjo 学問所 Academies of Higher Learning
hankoo 藩黌 / 藩校 -- hangaku 藩学 - Hanko, domain schools, fief schools
. Hayashi Razan 林羅山 (1583 – 1657) .
Introducing Neo-Confucianism in the Edo period
He founded the
. Yushima Seidoo, Yushima Seidō 湯島聖堂 Yushima Seido Bakufu School .
During the Edo period, many domains founded their own places of learning,
some of them later turned to Universities or High Schools.
The main subjects were kangaku 漢学 Chinese and Confucian Studies, kokugaku 国学 National Learning, and eventually yoogaku /yôgaku 洋学 Western Learning (rangaku 蘭学 "Dutch Learning").
儒学の祖 学問の神 The Confucian God of Learning
- - - - - - - - - - List of the most important schools - - - - - - - - - -
Gakushukan 学習館 Kishu
Jishukan 時習館 Kumamoto
Kodokan 弘道館 Mito
Kodokan 弘道館 Saga
Kojokan 興譲館 Yonezawa
Meirindo 明倫堂 Kanazawa
Meirindo 明倫堂 Owari
. Meirinkan 萩明倫館 Hagi .
Nisshinkan 日進館 Aizu
. Shizutani Gakko 閑谷学校 Okayama .
Shoheizaka Gakumonjo 昌平坂学問所 Edo
. Tooju shoin 藤樹書院 Toju Private School - Shiga .
founded by Nakae Tōju 中江藤樹 Nakae Toju (1608 – 1648)
Yokendo 養賢堂 Sendai
Zoshikan 造士館 Satsuma
- quote -
Samurai of the respective fiefs were required to attend these schools and toward the end of the Edo period
an increasing number of commoners were granted admittance.
A graded system for curricula developed and subjects relating to Western learning were added.
- more about the Japanese education system
- source : edux.pjwstk.edu.pl/mat -
- - - - - The oldest academic institution in Japan is the
. Ashikaga Gakkō 足利学校 Ashikaga Gakko - Tochigi .
founded ca. 832 by Ono no Takamura 小野篁.
Apart from the Samurai schools, there were institutions for the common people:
. terakoya 寺子屋 "temple school", private school .
. rangaku 蘭學 / 蘭学 "Dutch learning", Western learning .
. bunbu ryoodoo 文武両道 Bunbu Ryodo. .
"The Dual Path of Cultural and Martial Arts,"
A real samurai had to be well educated, but also strong in the martial arts.
budookan 武道館 Budokan Hall to practise martial arts (Budo, the Way of the Bushi Samurai)
- - - - - ABC-List - - - - -
Gakuushukan 学習館 Gakushukan
Founded in 1635 in the Kishu Domain, Wakayama.
During the reign of Shogun Yoshimune (who came from Wakayama), even common people were allowed to attend and the school had about 180 students.
In 1792, its head master was Motoori Norinaga.
In 1804, it was moved to Matsusaka town and renamed 松坂学問所 Matsusaka Gakumonjo.
In 1866, it war renamed 学習館文武場 Gakushukan Bunbujo and had about 600 students.
There are no remains of the buildings any more.
. Motoori Norinaga 本居宣長 (1730 - 1801) .
prominent Kokugakusha. Born in Matsusaka.
Jishuukan, Jishūkan 時習館 Jishukan
"study and at times learn"
Kumamoto 熊本
active between 1755 and 1870.
Founded by Hosokawa Shigekata 細川重賢 (1721 - 1785)
The first president was 秋山玉山 Akiyama Gyokuzan (1702 - 1764).
Famous students were Yokoi Shonan, Inoue Kowashi and Kitasato Shibasaburo.
- Other Jishūkan schools were built in
Mikawa Yoshida Han, Tahara Han, Kasama Han, Daiseiji Han and Sakurai Han.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Koodookan 弘道館 Kodokan - 水戸 Mito
- quote -
The Kōdōkan (弘道館) was the largest han school in the Edo period. Located in Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture,
founded in 1841 by Tokugawa Nariaki,
- source : wikipedia -
Koodookan 弘道館 Kodokan - 佐賀 Saga
Founded in 1781 by Lord 鍋島治茂 Nabeshima Harushige (1745 - 1805).
The first head master was the Confucian scholar 古賀精里 Koga Seiri (1750 - 1817).
Harushige also invited 石井鶴山 Ishii Kakuzan (1744 - 1790) from Kagoshima and famous scholars from other domains.
Lord 鍋島直正 Nabeshima Naomasa (1815 - 1871) improved the facility to educate future leaders of the Saga domain, introducing new technologies, especially new weapons from the West.
He also founded the 蒙養舎, where young Samurai children below the age of 15 were educated.
A memorial stone reminds of the school.
The third of the famous Kodokan schools was in 但馬 Tajima.
Koojookan 興譲館 Kojokan
Founded by Lord 上杉治憲 Uesugi Yozan in 米沢 Yonezawa, now Yamagata prefecture. He resurrected the Gakumonjo of his father, 上杉綱憲 Uesugi Tsunanori (1663 - 1704).
The teachers were Confucian scholars.
In 1775, 吉江輔長 became head master.
It is now the site of 山形県立米沢興譲館高等学校 the famous Yonezawa High Schoo.
- reference : Yonezawa Kojokan High School -
. Uesugi Yoozan Harunori 上杉鷹山 治憲 Uesugi Yozan (1751 - 1822) .
... he is best remembered for his financial reforms, and he is often cited as an example of a good governor of a domain.
Meirindoo 明倫堂 Meirindo - 金沢 Kanazawa
加賀金沢藩 Kaga Kanazawa Han Domain
Built in 1792 by Lord 前田治脩 Maeda Harunaga (1754 - 1810).
The first head master was the Confucian scholar 新井白蛾 Arai Hakuga (1715 - 1792).
The first building was in the South-West of park 兼六園 Kenraku-En, but in 1822 it was relocated to the district 仙石町 Sengokumachi.
It had a long corridor between the Southern and Northern buildings and also the hall 経武館 Keibukan a hall for martial arts.
It had about 300 students of all social positions and various ranks of teachers.
Special subjects were astronomy and herbal medicine.
Meirindoo Meirindo 明倫堂 Meirindo - 尾張 Owari
名古屋 Nagoya, 愛知県 Aichi
Founded in 1749 and reformed in 1782 by Lord 徳川宗睦 Tokugawa Munechika (1733 - 1800).
The first head master was 細井平洲 Hosoi Heishu (1728 - 1801), followed by 岡田新川 Okada Shinsen (1737 - 1799)、石川香山 Ishikawa Kozan (1736 - 1810)、冢田大峯 Tsukada Taiho (1745 - 1832)、細野要斎 Hosono Yosai (1811 - 1878) and other Confucian scholars.
The school was open not only for Samurai children, but all who wanted to study.
In 1871 the school was abolished. Later in 1875 its remains were brought to the Nagoya castle.
Now it is the site of 愛知県立明和高等学校 the Aichi school.
Meirindo 明倫堂 in the following domains:
久米村 Kumemura, Okinawa (1718)
小諸藩 Komoro、上田藩 Ueda、高鍋藩 Takanabe、新庄藩 Shinjo、大洲藩 Ozu and 安志藩 Anji.
Nisshinkan 日進館 Aizu Wakamatsu
Aizu hankoo. Aizu hankō 会津藩校 Old Aizu clan school
The Samurai school of the Aizu domain was built in 1803 by 松平容頌 Matsudaira Katanobu (1744 - 1805), the fifth Lord of the Aizu Matsudaira Clan. Samurai boys from the age of 10 years had to attend it. Katanobu also introduced other reforms in the Aizu domain, making agriculture, commerce and industry the main pillars.
At that time there were about 300 domain schools in Japan and Nisshinkan had a very good reputation. Many members of the Byakko-tai studied at Nisshinkan.
Medicine, astronomy, literary and military arts were taught based on the principles of Confucianism. Otherfacilities for the students included an observatory, a printing office, a large library and a swimming pool. The students were also taught Samurai etiquette, from table manners to ritual suicide (harakiri).
The present-day Nisshinkan is reconstructed.
- reference : aizu nisshinkan-
Shooheizaka Gakumonjo 昌平坂学問所 Shoheizaka Gakumonjo
Shooheikoo 昌平黌 Shoheiko
- quote -
(1)Education within Samurai Families
The samurai families of the Edo period not only used education to stabilize their own position but also came to further the cause of learning, especially through the systematized teaching of literary studies. Initially, the fief lords (daimyo), in order to further their own personal cultivation and, in turn, to maintain control of their fief governments, summoned Confucian scholars and military specialists (heigakusha) to conduct lectures which their chief vassals were required to attend. The fief lords also encouraged learning for the lesser vassals and urged the cultivation of literary accomplishments along with the practice of martial arts. Learning during this period, being based upon Shogunal policy, was thoroughly imbued with Confucian thought. Samurai families originally availed themselves of the services of priests in Buddhist temples for their education. But by the Edo period, this class began to employ Confucian scholars to act as preceptors in fief schools they founded in the castle towns. During the early days of the Edo period, only a few fiefs had established fief schools but from about the middle of this period onward the spread of such institutions increased rapidly, culminating in a total of some 270 schools at the end of the period.
The Shoheizaka Gakumonjo, alternately called the Shoheiko, under the direct control of the Shogunate at Edo, became the highest seat of learning in its time as well as a model for all the other fief schools, The original institution was the training center of the Confucian temple (koshibyo) which had been established on a site at Ueno in Edo by a Confucian scholar of the Chu Hsi school, Hayashi Razan (1583-1657), under the auspices of the Shogunal government. Later this was relocated at Yushima, where an Athenaeum was constructed known as the Yushima Temple. This school started first as a semiprivate, semigovernmental organization under the protection of the Shogunate. It was not long, however before the government recognized the necessity of direct control over these educational facilities and in 1797 the school was brought under the immediate supervision of the central authorities.
The school prospered from that time not only as the nucleus of education for the Shogunate but as the highest center of learning in the nation as well, a position it maintained until the decline of the Shogunate's authority and the development of Western learning. During the Edo period, this school acted as a model for other fief schools. Many fief governments established their fief schools along this model and also sent their brightest youths there for training. Many of those who completed their studies at the Shoheizaka Gakumonjo were engaged at fief schools as Confucian scholars. Thus besides enjoying the highest scholastic reputation in the land, the Shoheizaka Gakumonjo also served as a training ground for instructors assuming positions in fief schools. In addition to the Chinese-oriented Shoheizaka Gakumonjo, other government institutions included the National Learning-oriented Wagaku Kodanjo and the Igakukan which was devoted to the study of traditional Chinese medicine. Toward the end of Edo period, various centers for the study of Western learning were also established as we shall see below.
Many schools which originally had been private institutions for Chinese studies (kangakujuku) came under the control of the fiefs and were enlarged and reorganized to form fief schools. Their curriculum was gradually expanded - in addition to Chinese studies National Learning and other subjects were introduced and toward the end of the Edo period Western learning and medicine were also offered. At the same time, the trend toward military subjects grew more pronounced, and thus in the fief schools there arose a special relationship between literary studies and martial arts.
By the close of the Shogunate the fief schools provided a comprehensive education for the samurai class. Instruction was centered about Chinese classics. This meant studies in Confucian doctrine and the history and literature of China. Elementary classes used the Primer of Chinese Characters (Senjimon) for practicing calligraphy and the Brief History of Japan (Sanjikyo) for practice in reading. Other elementary textbooks that were frequently used included the Book of Filial Piety (Kokyo), the Book of Manners (Shogaku), and the Collection of Chu Hsi's Sayings.
Others were the Four Books (Shisho):
1) Great Learning (Daigaku), 2) Doctrine of the Mean (Chuyo), 3) Confucian Analects (Rongo), and 4) Sayings of Mencius (Moshi);
and the Five Canons (Gokyo):
1) Book of Changes (Ekikyo); 2) Book of Odes (Shikyo); 3) Book of Annals (Shokyo), 4) Spring and Autumn (Shunju), and 5) Record of Rites (Raiki).
Hayashi Nobuatsu (1644-1732), a grand son of Hayashi Razan and also a Confucian scholar of the Chu Hsi school, was appointed by the government as Rector of the Shoheizaka Gakumonjo (Daigakunokami) and from that time on the successive heads of the Hayashi family were appointed to that post until the fall of the Shogunate, making the Shoheizaka Gakumonjo a vehicle for the ascendance of Chu Hsi Confucianism. At the same time various other schools of Confucian thought developed during the early Edo period and quite a few government officials were members of schools other than Chu Hsi. However in 1790 the teaching of other schools of Confucianism was banned, and Chu Hsi was officially accepted as the orthodoxy. .....
- source : Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology -
Yookendoo, Yōkendō 養賢堂 Yokendo
also called - 明倫館 Meirinkan
Sendai-han 仙台藩 Sendai Domain
It started with a school built by Lord 伊達吉村 Date Yoshimura (1680 - 1752) in 1736 in the compound of the 武沢家屋敷 Takezawa family.
In 1772 the school was named Yokendo.
In 1799 養賢堂文庫 Yokendo Bunko (Yokendo Library) was established.
Since 1821 Rangaku "Dutch Learning" was taught by
Sasaku Chutaku (1790 - 1846), student of Otsuki Gentaku
Ozeki Sanei (1787 - 1839) and others.
Since 1760 medicine was taught ant in 1822 the
Igakkan 医学館 Sendai Fief Medical School was established as a separate building in 百騎丁 (now 東二番丁).
In 1871 this institurion was abolished.
- quote -
Otsuki Gentaku 大槻玄沢 (1757 - 1827)
His 1799 Ransetsu benwaku (蘭説弁惑, "Clarifying Errors in Theories about the Dutch") was perhaps the first major Japanese work to assert that Africans were "no different from the rest of mankind," and that they were not, on the whole, as a group, less intelligent or otherwise of inherently lower birth, but rather that Africans, like anyone else, included "the noble and the lowly, ... the wise and the foolish."
This text was also among those which challenged the prevailing notion that dark skin came from extended contact with the water (and that blacks were particularly adept at swimming), suggesting instead that their dark skin derived from their hot, southerly climate, and from lengthy exposure to the sun.
Along with Shimura Hiroyuki,
Ôtsuki produced in 1807 a set of interviews called Kankai ibun, which recorded the experiences of a group of Japanese castaways who had seen the Atlantic, the Straits of Magellan, and Hawaii.
- source : wiki.samurai-archives.com/index -
Zooshikan, Zôshikan 造士館 Zoshikan
from 1773 - 1877
source : d.hatena.ne.jp/supernil
- quote -
The Zôshikan was a domain school established in Kagoshima by
島津重豪 Shimazu Shigehide in 1773.
The school covered some 3,350 tsubo, and included lecture halls, a small shrine called the Senseiden, and lodgings for samurai students who came from outside of the city. Tachibana Nankei, a scholar from Kyoto who visited Kagoshima in 1782-1783, wrote that it was large and beautiful, the best in the realm (i.e. in all of Japan).
As a result of succession disputes within the Shimazu clan in 1808-1809 (eventually ending in Shimazu Narinobu abdicating in favor of Shimazu Narioki), the curriculum of the school departed from its earlier purposes of training men for service. Shimazu Nariakira later lamented this change, and took steps to revive the quality of education at the school.
In 1869, the school was renamed Hongakkô (lit. "Main School"), and came to simply accept all students who completed elementary school. Studies were divided chiefly into Chinese Studies (kangaku), National Learning (kokugaku), and Western Learning (yôgaku). The school was completely destroyed in the Satsuma Rebellion of 1877.
- source : samurai-archives.com -
- reference -
List of the Hanko domain schools from North to South
江戸学問所 Edo gakumonjo
江戸幕府 Edo Bakufu Schools
昌平坂学問所(1797年)→ 東京大学 - Shoheizaka Gakumonjo
教諭所(江戸麹町)(1791年)- Kyogujo
教諭所(美作国久世)(1791年)→典学館(1796年)- Kyogujo
敬業館(備中国笠岡)(1797年)- Keigyokan
遷善館(武蔵国久喜)(1803年)- Senzenkan
倉敷教諭所明倫館(備中国倉敷)(1834年)- Meirinkan
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. terakoya 寺子屋 "temple school", private school .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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Authors Edo Period
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
Authors and writers of the Edo period
. Books, Printing and Publishing in Edo .
. Edo no gaidobukku 江戸のガイドブック Guidebooks for Edo .
Asai Ryoi / Kinko Entsu / Kagiya Heiemon / Toda Mosui / Kikuoka Senryo / Tajihi Chikatomo / Mishima Masayuki / Kamiya Nobuyori
under construction
江戸艶本(えほん)ベストセラー Edo Ehon Bestsellers
林美一 Hayashi Yoshikazu (1922 - 1999)
- - - - - besutoseraa ベストセラー bestseller authors :
Jippensha Ikku 十返舎一九 (1765 – 1831)
. Tōkaidōchū Hizakurige 東海道中膝栗毛 Shank's Mare .
Yajirobē (彌次郎兵衛) and Kitahachi (喜多八) walking along the Tokaido road.
Santo Kyoden 山東京伝 (1761 - 1816)
心学早染草 Shingaku Hayasomegusa / "Quick-dye Mind Study"
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
Santō Kyōden - Kyōya Denzō 京屋伝蔵
He wrote Kibyōshi, Sharebon, Yomihon and Historical works
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Takizawa Bakin 滝沢馬琴 / Kyokutei Bakin 曲亭馬琴 (1767 - 1848)
曲亭 馬琴 Kyokutei Bakin, 澤興邦 Takizawa Okikuni
. 南総里見八犬伝 Nansō Satomi Hakkenden . (fb)
The Chronicles of the Eight Dog Heroes of the Satomi Clan of Nansô
. Types of Dragons explained in the Satomi Hakkenden .
In 1803 the first Haikai Saijiki Shiorigusa (Kanzoo) 俳諧歳時記栞草 was compiled by Takizawa Bakin, with about 2600 seasonal themes and topics (kidai) and 3300 kigo.
. History of Saijiki .
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Ryutei Tanehiko 柳亭種彦 (1783 - 1842)
偐紫田舎源氏 Nise Murasaki inaka Genji
The Rustic Genji, False Murasaki and a Country Genji
A Fraudulent Murasaki's Bumpkin Genji
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- - - - - ABC List - - - - -
. Baba Bunkoo, Baba Bunkō 馬場文耕 Baba Bunko . (1718 - 1759)
Domyaku Sensei 銅脈先生 (1752 - 1801)
. Hanabusa Itchoo, Itchō 英一蝶 Hanabusa Itcho . (1652 – 1724)
painter, calligrapher, and haiku poet.
. Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内 . (1728 - 1780)
Author, Inventor, Naturalist, free spirit of Edo
. Hirata Atsutane 平田篤胤 - kokugakusha . (1776 – 1843)
Tengu 仙境異聞 Senkyo Ibun / 寅吉物語 Torakichi Monogatari
- translated by Wilburn Hansen
When Tengu Talk: Hirata Atsutane's Ethnography of the Other World
Ichikawa Kansai 市河寛斎 (1749 - 1820)
Songs of the Northern Quarter
日本詩紀 -
Kawatake Mokuami 河竹黙阿弥 (1816 - 1893)
. Karai Senryu 柄井川柳 . (1718 - 1790)
Haifu-Yanagidaru 誹風柳多留 Senryu Poetry Collection
Nishimura Hakucho 西村白鳥 ( around 1773 )
Enka Kidan 煙霞綺談 Strange tales of smoke and mist, ghost stories and historical notes
Ryutei Rijo 滝亭鯉丈 (?- 1841)
Hanagoyomi 花暦八笑人 Eight footloose fools
Shiba Zenko 芝全交 (1750 - 1793)
Shikitei Sanba 式亭三馬 (1776 - 1822)
In the world of men, nothing but lies
Tadano Makuzu 只野真葛 (1765 - 1825)
Tales from the North 奥州波奈志(おうしゆうはなし)
Tamenaga Shunsui 為永春水 (1790 - 1843)
The Plum Calendar 春色梅児誉美うめごよみ
Terakado Seiken 寺門静軒 (1796 - 1868)
An account of the prosperity of Edo 江戸繁昌記 Edo hanjoki
- quote -
Terakado Seiken's "Blossoms Along the Sumida" Bokusui Ooka
- source : Andrew Markus - PDF file (21 pages)
Tsuruya Nanboku IV 鶴屋南北 (1755 - 1829)
Ebiya Genzō
Dramatist and Kabuki playwrite
He wrote plays with supernatural themes and macabre and grotesque characters.
- reference : tsuruya nanboku -
. Ueda Akinari 上田秋成 . (1734 - 1809)
雨月物語 Ugetsu Monogatari - Tales of Moonlight and Rain
Umebori Kokuga 梅暮里谷峨 (1750 - 1821)
At a fork on the road to hiring a hooker
Yamaoka Matsuake 山岡浚明 (1726 - 1780)
跖婦人伝 Seki the Night Hawk
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. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #authorsedo #bestsellersedo - - - -
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
Authors and writers of the Edo period
. Books, Printing and Publishing in Edo .
. Edo no gaidobukku 江戸のガイドブック Guidebooks for Edo .
Asai Ryoi / Kinko Entsu / Kagiya Heiemon / Toda Mosui / Kikuoka Senryo / Tajihi Chikatomo / Mishima Masayuki / Kamiya Nobuyori
under construction
江戸艶本(えほん)ベストセラー Edo Ehon Bestsellers
林美一 Hayashi Yoshikazu (1922 - 1999)
- - - - - besutoseraa ベストセラー bestseller authors :
Jippensha Ikku 十返舎一九 (1765 – 1831)
. Tōkaidōchū Hizakurige 東海道中膝栗毛 Shank's Mare .
Yajirobē (彌次郎兵衛) and Kitahachi (喜多八) walking along the Tokaido road.
Santo Kyoden 山東京伝 (1761 - 1816)
心学早染草 Shingaku Hayasomegusa / "Quick-dye Mind Study"
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
Santō Kyōden - Kyōya Denzō 京屋伝蔵
He wrote Kibyōshi, Sharebon, Yomihon and Historical works
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Takizawa Bakin 滝沢馬琴 / Kyokutei Bakin 曲亭馬琴 (1767 - 1848)
曲亭 馬琴 Kyokutei Bakin, 澤興邦 Takizawa Okikuni
. 南総里見八犬伝 Nansō Satomi Hakkenden . (fb)
The Chronicles of the Eight Dog Heroes of the Satomi Clan of Nansô
. Types of Dragons explained in the Satomi Hakkenden .
In 1803 the first Haikai Saijiki Shiorigusa (Kanzoo) 俳諧歳時記栞草 was compiled by Takizawa Bakin, with about 2600 seasonal themes and topics (kidai) and 3300 kigo.
. History of Saijiki .
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Ryutei Tanehiko 柳亭種彦 (1783 - 1842)
偐紫田舎源氏 Nise Murasaki inaka Genji
The Rustic Genji, False Murasaki and a Country Genji
A Fraudulent Murasaki's Bumpkin Genji
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- - - - - ABC List - - - - -
. Baba Bunkoo, Baba Bunkō 馬場文耕 Baba Bunko . (1718 - 1759)
Domyaku Sensei 銅脈先生 (1752 - 1801)
. Hanabusa Itchoo, Itchō 英一蝶 Hanabusa Itcho . (1652 – 1724)
painter, calligrapher, and haiku poet.
. Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内 . (1728 - 1780)
Author, Inventor, Naturalist, free spirit of Edo
. Hirata Atsutane 平田篤胤 - kokugakusha . (1776 – 1843)
Tengu 仙境異聞 Senkyo Ibun / 寅吉物語 Torakichi Monogatari
- translated by Wilburn Hansen
When Tengu Talk: Hirata Atsutane's Ethnography of the Other World
Ichikawa Kansai 市河寛斎 (1749 - 1820)
Songs of the Northern Quarter
日本詩紀 -
Kawatake Mokuami 河竹黙阿弥 (1816 - 1893)
. Karai Senryu 柄井川柳 . (1718 - 1790)
Haifu-Yanagidaru 誹風柳多留 Senryu Poetry Collection
Nishimura Hakucho 西村白鳥 ( around 1773 )
Enka Kidan 煙霞綺談 Strange tales of smoke and mist, ghost stories and historical notes
Ryutei Rijo 滝亭鯉丈 (?- 1841)
Hanagoyomi 花暦八笑人 Eight footloose fools
Shiba Zenko 芝全交 (1750 - 1793)
Shikitei Sanba 式亭三馬 (1776 - 1822)
In the world of men, nothing but lies
Tadano Makuzu 只野真葛 (1765 - 1825)
Tales from the North 奥州波奈志(おうしゆうはなし)
Tamenaga Shunsui 為永春水 (1790 - 1843)
The Plum Calendar 春色梅児誉美うめごよみ
Terakado Seiken 寺門静軒 (1796 - 1868)
An account of the prosperity of Edo 江戸繁昌記 Edo hanjoki
- quote -
Terakado Seiken's "Blossoms Along the Sumida" Bokusui Ooka
- source : Andrew Markus - PDF file (21 pages)
Tsuruya Nanboku IV 鶴屋南北 (1755 - 1829)
Ebiya Genzō
Dramatist and Kabuki playwrite
He wrote plays with supernatural themes and macabre and grotesque characters.
- reference : tsuruya nanboku -
. Ueda Akinari 上田秋成 . (1734 - 1809)
雨月物語 Ugetsu Monogatari - Tales of Moonlight and Rain
Umebori Kokuga 梅暮里谷峨 (1750 - 1821)
At a fork on the road to hiring a hooker
Yamaoka Matsuake 山岡浚明 (1726 - 1780)
跖婦人伝 Seki the Night Hawk
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #authorsedo #bestsellersedo - - - -
ensoku excursions
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
ensoku 遠足 excursion, day trip and guidebooks
Taking a day off to enjoy nature was popular in Edo.
Taking along some food and sake to enhance the joy of being with friends and family.
. WKD - ensoku 遠足 (えんそく) excursion .
kigo for spring and 秋の遠足 aki no ensoku, kigo for autumn.
- - - - - There were some guide books:
. Edo Meisho Zue 江戸名所図会, “Guide to famous Edo sites” .
Edo Meisho Hanagoyomi 江戸名所花暦 Flower Calendar of Famous Places in Edo
Edo no gaidobukku 江戸のガイドブック Guidebooks for Edo
- quote -
In Edo, books introducing meisho (famous places), meiten (famous shops) and meibutsu (famous products) were sold, much like modern day guidebooks. These guidebooks were used not only by people visiting Edo, but by Edo residents as well, holding the guidebook in one hand as they enjoyed travelling around famous places. These guidebooks also became popular as souvenirs from Edo. The National Diet Library also maintains a large number of these guidebooks in its collections. Please enjoy the prosperity of the meisho in Edo from those times.
Edo Meishoki by Asai Ryoi, printed by Kono Michikiyo in 1662
Edo suzume 12 volumes, by Kinko Entsu ; illus. Hishikawa Moronobu, printed by Tsuruya Kiemon in 1677
Kokyo gaeri no Edo banashi by Kagiya Heiemon, et al. in 1687, 8 books
Murasaki no hitomoto by Toda Mosui copied in 1714, 2 books
Edo sunago 6 volumes, by Kikuoka Senryo and Tajihi Chikatomo, printed by Suharaya Ihachi, et al. in 1772
. Funai biko / 御府内備考 Gofunai Biko .
- - - edited by Mishima Masayuki and Kamiya Nobuyori, copy, 45 books
Edo hanjoki by Terakado Seiken, printed in 1832-36
Edo meisho zue 7 volumes 江戸名所図会
by Saito Choshu, illus. Hasegawa Settan, printed by Suharaya Mohei, et al. in 1834-1836, 20 books
Published from 1834 to 1836. This is an illustrated geographical booklet of meisho in Edo and surrounding areas. It has been praised as a comprehensive geographical booklet on Edo. The work was compiled by three generations of fathers and son, Saito Yukio (Choshu), Yukitaka (Kansai) and Yukinari (Gesshin). Consists of 7 volumes and 20 issues. Illustrations are by Hasegawa Settan. The work is written as on-site investigations of the history and current conditions of shrines, Buddhist temples and meisho and historical sites, and is of very high historical value. In particular, the drawings of Settan, that conveyed the customs, events and scenery, were sketches of the actual locations, with many portraying the scenes in extreme detail, making this work an extremely good historical reference of the scenery and customs of the time. The National Diet Library also holds a manuscript copy of the Koyu Manroku [134-270] which is a record of Yukitaka's site surveys.
- - - - - Meisho-e books
Edo meisho zue written and illustrated by Juppensha Ikku in [1813?]
Ehon Edo miyage 2 parts, 6 volumes, by Nishimura Shigenaga, illus. Suzuki Harunobu 1753
Ehon Toto asobi 3 volumes, by Asakusa'an, illus. Katsushika Hokusai in 1802
Kyoka Edo meisho zue 16 parts, edited by Tenmei rojin, illus. Hiroshige in 1856
- - - - - about food and seasons
Edo kaimono hitori an'nai edited by Nakagawa Gorozaemon, printed by Yamashiroya Sahei, et al. in 1824
Edo meibutsu shuhan tebikigusa printed in 1847
Hanagoyomi (floral calendar) and saijiki (compendium of seasonal words) 1834
Edo yuran hanagoyomi Suharaya Ihachi, et al. in 1837
Toto Saijiki 4 volumes,Hasegawa Settan and Hasegawa Settei 1838
- Read the text here :
- source : ndl.go.jp/landmarks -
- - Read the Japanese text here :
- source : national diet library -
江都近郊名勝一覧 Edo Kinko Meisho Ichiran
- reference : 四時遊観録 -
江戸ウォーキング (大人の遠足ブック) Edo Walking - Excursions for Grown-Ups
Even in our modern times, walking in "Edo" is quite popular!
Watching blossoms in spring and red autumn leaves in autumn soon became popular in Edo.
ume-mi 梅見 watching plum blossoms
亀戸梅屋敷 Kamei, 隅田川沿いの寺島村 along the river Sumidagawa, 蒲田村 Kamata village
. Kamata 蒲田 "bulrush district" - Ota ward .
hanami 花見 watching cherry blossoms
上野山 Ueno, 王子の飛鳥山 Asukayama in Oji, 隅田川堤 along the bank of Sumidagawa,
. Asukayama 飛鳥山, Kita .
. 品川の御殿山 Gotenyama in Shinagawa .
shiohigari 潮干狩り collecting small animals
on the beach in summer, especially Shinagawa
kawa-asobi 川遊び, fune-asobi 舟遊び
along the 隅田川 Kanda River
hotaru-gari ホタル狩り catching fireflies
. along the river 妙正寺川 Myoshojigawa .
tsukimi 月見 full moon watching in Autumn
富岡八幡, Tomioka Hachimangu, 飛鳥山 Asukayama
momijigari 紅葉狩り watching red autumn leaves
There were quite a few places in Edo.
All these activities are part of the Saijiki collection of season words for poetry and Haiku.
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. Authors and writers of the Edo period .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #ensoku #daytrip #excursion - - - -
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
ensoku 遠足 excursion, day trip and guidebooks
Taking a day off to enjoy nature was popular in Edo.
Taking along some food and sake to enhance the joy of being with friends and family.
. WKD - ensoku 遠足 (えんそく) excursion .
kigo for spring and 秋の遠足 aki no ensoku, kigo for autumn.
- - - - - There were some guide books:
. Edo Meisho Zue 江戸名所図会, “Guide to famous Edo sites” .
Edo Meisho Hanagoyomi 江戸名所花暦 Flower Calendar of Famous Places in Edo
Edo no gaidobukku 江戸のガイドブック Guidebooks for Edo
- quote -
In Edo, books introducing meisho (famous places), meiten (famous shops) and meibutsu (famous products) were sold, much like modern day guidebooks. These guidebooks were used not only by people visiting Edo, but by Edo residents as well, holding the guidebook in one hand as they enjoyed travelling around famous places. These guidebooks also became popular as souvenirs from Edo. The National Diet Library also maintains a large number of these guidebooks in its collections. Please enjoy the prosperity of the meisho in Edo from those times.
Edo Meishoki by Asai Ryoi, printed by Kono Michikiyo in 1662
Edo suzume 12 volumes, by Kinko Entsu ; illus. Hishikawa Moronobu, printed by Tsuruya Kiemon in 1677
Kokyo gaeri no Edo banashi by Kagiya Heiemon, et al. in 1687, 8 books
Murasaki no hitomoto by Toda Mosui copied in 1714, 2 books
Edo sunago 6 volumes, by Kikuoka Senryo and Tajihi Chikatomo, printed by Suharaya Ihachi, et al. in 1772
. Funai biko / 御府内備考 Gofunai Biko .
- - - edited by Mishima Masayuki and Kamiya Nobuyori, copy, 45 books
Edo hanjoki by Terakado Seiken, printed in 1832-36
Edo meisho zue 7 volumes 江戸名所図会
by Saito Choshu, illus. Hasegawa Settan, printed by Suharaya Mohei, et al. in 1834-1836, 20 books
Published from 1834 to 1836. This is an illustrated geographical booklet of meisho in Edo and surrounding areas. It has been praised as a comprehensive geographical booklet on Edo. The work was compiled by three generations of fathers and son, Saito Yukio (Choshu), Yukitaka (Kansai) and Yukinari (Gesshin). Consists of 7 volumes and 20 issues. Illustrations are by Hasegawa Settan. The work is written as on-site investigations of the history and current conditions of shrines, Buddhist temples and meisho and historical sites, and is of very high historical value. In particular, the drawings of Settan, that conveyed the customs, events and scenery, were sketches of the actual locations, with many portraying the scenes in extreme detail, making this work an extremely good historical reference of the scenery and customs of the time. The National Diet Library also holds a manuscript copy of the Koyu Manroku [134-270] which is a record of Yukitaka's site surveys.
- - - - - Meisho-e books
Edo meisho zue written and illustrated by Juppensha Ikku in [1813?]
Ehon Edo miyage 2 parts, 6 volumes, by Nishimura Shigenaga, illus. Suzuki Harunobu 1753
Ehon Toto asobi 3 volumes, by Asakusa'an, illus. Katsushika Hokusai in 1802
Kyoka Edo meisho zue 16 parts, edited by Tenmei rojin, illus. Hiroshige in 1856
- - - - - about food and seasons
Edo kaimono hitori an'nai edited by Nakagawa Gorozaemon, printed by Yamashiroya Sahei, et al. in 1824
Edo meibutsu shuhan tebikigusa printed in 1847
Hanagoyomi (floral calendar) and saijiki (compendium of seasonal words) 1834
Edo yuran hanagoyomi Suharaya Ihachi, et al. in 1837
Toto Saijiki 4 volumes,Hasegawa Settan and Hasegawa Settei 1838
- Read the text here :
- source : ndl.go.jp/landmarks -
- - Read the Japanese text here :
- source : national diet library -
江都近郊名勝一覧 Edo Kinko Meisho Ichiran
- reference : 四時遊観録 -
江戸ウォーキング (大人の遠足ブック) Edo Walking - Excursions for Grown-Ups
Even in our modern times, walking in "Edo" is quite popular!
Watching blossoms in spring and red autumn leaves in autumn soon became popular in Edo.
ume-mi 梅見 watching plum blossoms
亀戸梅屋敷 Kamei, 隅田川沿いの寺島村 along the river Sumidagawa, 蒲田村 Kamata village
. Kamata 蒲田 "bulrush district" - Ota ward .
hanami 花見 watching cherry blossoms
上野山 Ueno, 王子の飛鳥山 Asukayama in Oji, 隅田川堤 along the bank of Sumidagawa,
. Asukayama 飛鳥山, Kita .
. 品川の御殿山 Gotenyama in Shinagawa .
shiohigari 潮干狩り collecting small animals
on the beach in summer, especially Shinagawa
kawa-asobi 川遊び, fune-asobi 舟遊び
along the 隅田川 Kanda River
hotaru-gari ホタル狩り catching fireflies
. along the river 妙正寺川 Myoshojigawa .
tsukimi 月見 full moon watching in Autumn
富岡八幡, Tomioka Hachimangu, 飛鳥山 Asukayama
momijigari 紅葉狩り watching red autumn leaves
There were quite a few places in Edo.
All these activities are part of the Saijiki collection of season words for poetry and Haiku.
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. Authors and writers of the Edo period .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #ensoku #daytrip #excursion - - - -
Atsuhime Tenshoin Satsuma
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
Atsuhime, Atsu-Hime 篤姫 Princess Atsu
Tenshooin 天璋院 Tensho-In
(1836 - 1883)
- quote -
the wife of Tokugawa Iesada (徳川 家定), the 13th Shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan
She born as the daughter from Shimazu Tadatake (島津忠剛) was the head of Imaizumi Shimazu (今和泉島津) branch family of the Shimazu in Satsuma with his wife named lady oyuki
She was originally named Katsu (一) by her parents. When she was adopted by Shimazu Nariakira, her name was changed to Atsuko (篤子), and later changed to Fujiwara no Sumiko (藤原の敬子) when she was adopted by Konoe Tadahiro.
Tenshōin was born in Kagoshima in 1835. In 1853, she became the adopted daughter of Shimazu Nariakira. On August 21, 1853, she travelled by land from Kagoshima via Kokura to the Edo jurisdiction, never to return to Kagoshima again.
Atsuko was thought to have been sent to Edo castle with the aim of helping Shimazu Nariakira politically. The question of the next heir to the Shogunate was divided between the choice of Tokugawa Yoshinobu, then head of the Hitotsubashi-Tokugawa house and Tokugawa Yoshitomi, then head of Kii-Tokugawa house and later known as Tokugawa Iemochi. In order to ensure that Yoshinobu became the next in succession, Atsuko was arranged to wed into the Tokugawa clan.
In November, 1856, Atsuko married Tokugawa Iesada. In 1858, both Tokugawa Iesada and Shimazu Nariakira died. The 14th shogun was decided to be Tokugawa Iemochi. Following the demise of her husband, Atsuko took the tonsure, becoming a Buddhist nun, and took the name Tenshōin. In 1862, as part of the Kōbu Gattai ("Union of Court and Bakufu") movement, Iemochi was married to Imperial Princess Kazu-no-Miya Chikako daughter of Emperor Ninkō, and younger sister of Emperor Kōmei.
The Satsuma clan brought up the request for Tenshōin to return to Satsuma, but was rejected by Tenshōin herself. In 1866, Iemochi died. Tokugawa Yoshinobu became the next shogun. During the Meiji Restoration, Tenshōin and Seikan'in (Kazu-no-Miya's name after tonsure) helped negotiate for the peaceful surrender of Edo Castle.
She spent her remaining years nurturing Tokugawa Iesato, the 16th head of the Tokugawa clan. In 1883, she died in Edo at the age of 48. She was buried in Kaneiji in Ueno, Tokyo, together with her husband, Iesada.
The 2008 NHK Taiga drama Atsuhime (fifty episodes) was a dramatization of her life.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Atsuhime (drama)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- quote
The Shogun's Queen: The Shogun Quartet
Lesley Downer
Only one woman can save her world from barbarian invasion but to do so will mean sacrificing everything she holds dear - love, loyalty and maybe life itself . . .
Japan, and the year is 1853. Growing up among the samurai of the Satsuma Clan, in Japan's deep south, the fiery, beautiful and headstrong Okatsu has - like all the clan's women - been encouraged to be bold, taught to wield the halberd, and to ride a horse.
But when she is just seventeen, four black ships appear. Bristling with cannon and manned by strangers who to the Japanese eyes are barbarians, their appearance threatens Japan’s very existence. And turns Okatsu’s world upside down.
Chosen by her feudal lord, she has been given a very special role to play. Given a new name - Princess Atsu - and a new destiny, she is the only one who can save the realm. Her journey takes her to Edo Castle, a place so secret that it cannot be marked on any map. There, sequestered in the Women’s Palace - home to three thousand women, and where only one man may enter: the shogun - she seems doomed to live out her days. But beneath the palace's immaculate facade, there are whispers of murders and ghosts. It is here that Atsu must complete her mission and discover one last secret - the secret of the man whose fate is irrevocably linked to hers: the shogun himself . . .
- source : amazon.co.uk/gp
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #atsuhime #satsumaatsuhime #tenshoin - - - -
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
Atsuhime, Atsu-Hime 篤姫 Princess Atsu
Tenshooin 天璋院 Tensho-In
(1836 - 1883)
- quote -
the wife of Tokugawa Iesada (徳川 家定), the 13th Shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan
She born as the daughter from Shimazu Tadatake (島津忠剛) was the head of Imaizumi Shimazu (今和泉島津) branch family of the Shimazu in Satsuma with his wife named lady oyuki
She was originally named Katsu (一) by her parents. When she was adopted by Shimazu Nariakira, her name was changed to Atsuko (篤子), and later changed to Fujiwara no Sumiko (藤原の敬子) when she was adopted by Konoe Tadahiro.
Tenshōin was born in Kagoshima in 1835. In 1853, she became the adopted daughter of Shimazu Nariakira. On August 21, 1853, she travelled by land from Kagoshima via Kokura to the Edo jurisdiction, never to return to Kagoshima again.
Atsuko was thought to have been sent to Edo castle with the aim of helping Shimazu Nariakira politically. The question of the next heir to the Shogunate was divided between the choice of Tokugawa Yoshinobu, then head of the Hitotsubashi-Tokugawa house and Tokugawa Yoshitomi, then head of Kii-Tokugawa house and later known as Tokugawa Iemochi. In order to ensure that Yoshinobu became the next in succession, Atsuko was arranged to wed into the Tokugawa clan.
In November, 1856, Atsuko married Tokugawa Iesada. In 1858, both Tokugawa Iesada and Shimazu Nariakira died. The 14th shogun was decided to be Tokugawa Iemochi. Following the demise of her husband, Atsuko took the tonsure, becoming a Buddhist nun, and took the name Tenshōin. In 1862, as part of the Kōbu Gattai ("Union of Court and Bakufu") movement, Iemochi was married to Imperial Princess Kazu-no-Miya Chikako daughter of Emperor Ninkō, and younger sister of Emperor Kōmei.
The Satsuma clan brought up the request for Tenshōin to return to Satsuma, but was rejected by Tenshōin herself. In 1866, Iemochi died. Tokugawa Yoshinobu became the next shogun. During the Meiji Restoration, Tenshōin and Seikan'in (Kazu-no-Miya's name after tonsure) helped negotiate for the peaceful surrender of Edo Castle.
She spent her remaining years nurturing Tokugawa Iesato, the 16th head of the Tokugawa clan. In 1883, she died in Edo at the age of 48. She was buried in Kaneiji in Ueno, Tokyo, together with her husband, Iesada.
The 2008 NHK Taiga drama Atsuhime (fifty episodes) was a dramatization of her life.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Atsuhime (drama)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- quote
The Shogun's Queen: The Shogun Quartet
Lesley Downer
Only one woman can save her world from barbarian invasion but to do so will mean sacrificing everything she holds dear - love, loyalty and maybe life itself . . .
Japan, and the year is 1853. Growing up among the samurai of the Satsuma Clan, in Japan's deep south, the fiery, beautiful and headstrong Okatsu has - like all the clan's women - been encouraged to be bold, taught to wield the halberd, and to ride a horse.
But when she is just seventeen, four black ships appear. Bristling with cannon and manned by strangers who to the Japanese eyes are barbarians, their appearance threatens Japan’s very existence. And turns Okatsu’s world upside down.
Chosen by her feudal lord, she has been given a very special role to play. Given a new name - Princess Atsu - and a new destiny, she is the only one who can save the realm. Her journey takes her to Edo Castle, a place so secret that it cannot be marked on any map. There, sequestered in the Women’s Palace - home to three thousand women, and where only one man may enter: the shogun - she seems doomed to live out her days. But beneath the palace's immaculate facade, there are whispers of murders and ghosts. It is here that Atsu must complete her mission and discover one last secret - the secret of the man whose fate is irrevocably linked to hers: the shogun himself . . .
- source : amazon.co.uk/gp
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #atsuhime #satsumaatsuhime #tenshoin - - - -
Chaya Shirojiro
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
Chaya Shirōjirō 茶屋四郎次郎 Chaya Shirojiro
- quote
Chaya Shirōjirō
was the name of a series of wealthy and influential Kyoto-based merchants who took part in the red-seal trade licensed under the Tokugawa shogunate. Members of the Chaya family, they were also centrally involved in the country's production and trade in textiles. Along with the Suminokura and Gotō families, the Chaya were one of the top merchant families in Edo period Kyoto.
Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyonobu 茶屋四郎次郎清信 (1545-1596)
likely the first of the line, was the son of a ronin of the Nakajima family, descended from lords of a territory in Owari province. His father, a friend of Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru, was crippled in the wars of the Sengoku period. Adopted into the Chaya family, he established a humble business in Kyoto making drapes. He developed a strong business relationship with one of his clients, Matsudaira Hirotada, and later sent his son Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyonobu to Mikawa province to serve as a squire to Hirotada's son, now known as Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Kiyonobu thus became one of the primary suppliers of the Tokugawa family, and quickly came into great wealth and influence in Kyoto. He accompanied Ieyasu in battle, at both the Mikatagahara (1573), and served him in other ways, as an intelligence agent in Kyoto and in secretly transporting messages and goods for Ieyasu during the time when Toyotomi Hideyoshi held power. He obtained a red-seal license (朱印状 shuinjō) from Hideyoshi, permitting him to trade in the ports of southern Vietnam, where he obtained silks and other goods. Chaya was supposedly the one who informed Ieyasu of Oda Nobunaga's death in 1582, and thus allowed him to escape the forces of Akechi Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi, who seized power in the aftermath.
He is said to have helped design the layout of the city of Edo, and for his last year or so of life, did not leave Ieyasu's side. He repeatedly refused formal posts as governor of various Tokugawa lands, insisting that he was not a soldier, and was granted a stipend of 200 koku instead.
Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyotada 茶屋清忠 (1584-1603)
Following Kiyonobu's death in 1596, his son Kiyotada took over the family business, and succeeded his father in his relationship with the Tokugawa lord. Kiyotada fought at the battle of Sekigahara (1600), and soon afterward was made head of all the merchants in the Kansai region, "with particular jurisdiction over the business community of Kyoto".
However, Kiyotada died young, in 1603, at the age of nineteen.
Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyotsugu 茶屋清次 (1584-1622)
Thus, with the patronage of the shogunate behind them, the remaining brothers Kiyotsugu (1584-1622), Michizumi, and Nobumune took over the Chaya family business, worked to monopolize the trade in raw silk, and served as official suppliers of a variety of goods to the shogunate. Kiyotsugu was assigned by Ieyasu to help oversee shogunal operations at the formal trading post in Nagasaki, where he could keep an eye on the foreign traders and Christian missionaries, while working to his own commercial benefit as well.
A friend of artist Honami Kōetsu, Kiyotsugu was active socially in the Kyoto art world, and was known as both a patron of the arts in general, and a collector of tea bowls and other implements of the Japanese tea ceremony.
Beginning in 1612, the family obtained official licenses (朱印状 shuinjō) from the shogunate to continue trade with Cochinchina (aka Dang Trong, present-day southern Vietnam); these merchant vessels thus came to be known as chaya-sen (茶屋船, "Chaya ships").
- source : wikipedia
- reference : chaya shirojiro -
Ieyasu had Shirojiro Kiyonobu settle in a part of Asakusa, now known as
Chayamachi 茶屋町 Chaya machi .
Shinkun Iga-Goe 神君伊賀越え "The Heavenly Lord retreats via Iga"
also called
"Shinkun Koka-Iga Goe" or Tokugawa Ieyasu Iga-goe no kinan
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
Shirojiro helped Tokugawa Ieyasu during his hasty retreat from Sakai (Osaka) via Iga to Mikawa by going before him, paying money to the village heads to let Ieyasu pass.
This was also achieved with the help of Hattori Hanzo, a Ninja from the Iga and Koga region.
- quote -
Iga-goe(Crossing Iga)
TOKUGAWA Ieyasu experienced four disasters in his life, among which, according to him, Crossing Iga was the most difficult. When he learned his predecessor ODA Nobunaga committed suicide because of rebellion, he was on his way home with only 30 odd allegiants in civilian clothes, although they were all chief retainers. Ieyasu said, “I should kill the rebel, but we are too small a party to fight against the rebel force. It may be better for me to remain in dignity by committing suicide by harakiri.” A follower then made a proposal, however, “Let’s return home, raise forces, and send a punitive expedition against the rebel. That is our obligation to Nobunaga.” So, they discussed how they would be able to escape.
Although they were annoyed by bandits and riots that usually accompanied rebellion, they could somehow come to Iga through a number of dangerous points with the aid of several local lords. After they entered Iga, local warriors of Koka and Iga guided them to Ise. Thereafter, they returned home on ships. Ieyasu later hired two hundred Koka and Iga men and appointed HATTORI Hanzo to the head of the group, which is the beginning of the Iga section of Tokugawa shogunate.
- source : ninja-museum.com/ninja-database -
. Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 . (1543 - 1616) .
- reference : ieyasu igagoe -
shuinsen 朱印船 "red seal Ships"
ships with a special license for trade with Vietnam
CLICK for more photos !
- quote -
Japanese armed merchant sailing ships bound for Southeast Asian ports with red-sealed letters patent issued by the early Tokugawa shogunate in the first half of the 17th century. Between 1600 and 1635, more than 350 Japanese ships went overseas under this permit system.
..... The Red Seal system appears from at least 1592, under Hideyoshi, date of the first known mention of the system in a document. The first actually preserved Shuinjō (Red Seal Permit) is dated to 1604, under Tokugawa Ieyasu, first ruler of Tokugawa Japan. Tokugawa issued red-sealed permits to his favourite feudal lords and principal merchants who were interested in foreign trade. By doing so, he was able to control Japanese traders and reduce Japanese piracy in the South Sea. His seal also guaranteed the protection of the ships, since he vowed to pursue any pirate or nation who would violate it.
..... Ship design ...
The ships were managed by rich trading families such as the Sumikura, Araki, Chaya and Sueyoshi, or by individual adventurers such as Suetsugo Heizo, Yamada Nagamasa, William Adams, Jan Joosten or Murayama Toan. The funds for the purchase of merchandise in Asia were loaned to the managers of the expedition for an interest of 35% to 55% per trip, going as high as 100% in the case of Siam.
..... The 350 Red Seal ships recorded between 1604 and 1634, averaging about 10 ships per year,
..... In 1635, the Tokugawa Shogunate officially prohibited their citizens from overseas travel, thus ending the period of red-seal trade. .....
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- reference : shuinsen ship -
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
hototogisu e ni nake higashi shirojiroo
sing to the painting
the east is blanched white
Tr. Cheryl A. Crowley
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 .
at temple 大徳寺 Daitoku-Ji
The sky in the East is pale white (shirojiro 白じろ)
Shirojiroo is short for Kano Motonobu 元信, Genshin Shirojiro) 1476-1559
. hototogisu ホトトギス, 時鳥 Little Cuckoo .
- - kigo for summer - -
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. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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Chaya Shirōjirō 茶屋四郎次郎 Chaya Shirojiro
- quote
Chaya Shirōjirō
was the name of a series of wealthy and influential Kyoto-based merchants who took part in the red-seal trade licensed under the Tokugawa shogunate. Members of the Chaya family, they were also centrally involved in the country's production and trade in textiles. Along with the Suminokura and Gotō families, the Chaya were one of the top merchant families in Edo period Kyoto.
Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyonobu 茶屋四郎次郎清信 (1545-1596)
likely the first of the line, was the son of a ronin of the Nakajima family, descended from lords of a territory in Owari province. His father, a friend of Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru, was crippled in the wars of the Sengoku period. Adopted into the Chaya family, he established a humble business in Kyoto making drapes. He developed a strong business relationship with one of his clients, Matsudaira Hirotada, and later sent his son Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyonobu to Mikawa province to serve as a squire to Hirotada's son, now known as Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Kiyonobu thus became one of the primary suppliers of the Tokugawa family, and quickly came into great wealth and influence in Kyoto. He accompanied Ieyasu in battle, at both the Mikatagahara (1573), and served him in other ways, as an intelligence agent in Kyoto and in secretly transporting messages and goods for Ieyasu during the time when Toyotomi Hideyoshi held power. He obtained a red-seal license (朱印状 shuinjō) from Hideyoshi, permitting him to trade in the ports of southern Vietnam, where he obtained silks and other goods. Chaya was supposedly the one who informed Ieyasu of Oda Nobunaga's death in 1582, and thus allowed him to escape the forces of Akechi Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi, who seized power in the aftermath.
He is said to have helped design the layout of the city of Edo, and for his last year or so of life, did not leave Ieyasu's side. He repeatedly refused formal posts as governor of various Tokugawa lands, insisting that he was not a soldier, and was granted a stipend of 200 koku instead.
Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyotada 茶屋清忠 (1584-1603)
Following Kiyonobu's death in 1596, his son Kiyotada took over the family business, and succeeded his father in his relationship with the Tokugawa lord. Kiyotada fought at the battle of Sekigahara (1600), and soon afterward was made head of all the merchants in the Kansai region, "with particular jurisdiction over the business community of Kyoto".
However, Kiyotada died young, in 1603, at the age of nineteen.
Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyotsugu 茶屋清次 (1584-1622)
Thus, with the patronage of the shogunate behind them, the remaining brothers Kiyotsugu (1584-1622), Michizumi, and Nobumune took over the Chaya family business, worked to monopolize the trade in raw silk, and served as official suppliers of a variety of goods to the shogunate. Kiyotsugu was assigned by Ieyasu to help oversee shogunal operations at the formal trading post in Nagasaki, where he could keep an eye on the foreign traders and Christian missionaries, while working to his own commercial benefit as well.
A friend of artist Honami Kōetsu, Kiyotsugu was active socially in the Kyoto art world, and was known as both a patron of the arts in general, and a collector of tea bowls and other implements of the Japanese tea ceremony.
Beginning in 1612, the family obtained official licenses (朱印状 shuinjō) from the shogunate to continue trade with Cochinchina (aka Dang Trong, present-day southern Vietnam); these merchant vessels thus came to be known as chaya-sen (茶屋船, "Chaya ships").
- source : wikipedia
- reference : chaya shirojiro -
Ieyasu had Shirojiro Kiyonobu settle in a part of Asakusa, now known as
Chayamachi 茶屋町 Chaya machi .
Shinkun Iga-Goe 神君伊賀越え "The Heavenly Lord retreats via Iga"
also called
"Shinkun Koka-Iga Goe" or Tokugawa Ieyasu Iga-goe no kinan
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
Shirojiro helped Tokugawa Ieyasu during his hasty retreat from Sakai (Osaka) via Iga to Mikawa by going before him, paying money to the village heads to let Ieyasu pass.
This was also achieved with the help of Hattori Hanzo, a Ninja from the Iga and Koga region.
- quote -
Iga-goe(Crossing Iga)
TOKUGAWA Ieyasu experienced four disasters in his life, among which, according to him, Crossing Iga was the most difficult. When he learned his predecessor ODA Nobunaga committed suicide because of rebellion, he was on his way home with only 30 odd allegiants in civilian clothes, although they were all chief retainers. Ieyasu said, “I should kill the rebel, but we are too small a party to fight against the rebel force. It may be better for me to remain in dignity by committing suicide by harakiri.” A follower then made a proposal, however, “Let’s return home, raise forces, and send a punitive expedition against the rebel. That is our obligation to Nobunaga.” So, they discussed how they would be able to escape.
Although they were annoyed by bandits and riots that usually accompanied rebellion, they could somehow come to Iga through a number of dangerous points with the aid of several local lords. After they entered Iga, local warriors of Koka and Iga guided them to Ise. Thereafter, they returned home on ships. Ieyasu later hired two hundred Koka and Iga men and appointed HATTORI Hanzo to the head of the group, which is the beginning of the Iga section of Tokugawa shogunate.
- source : ninja-museum.com/ninja-database -
. Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 . (1543 - 1616) .
- reference : ieyasu igagoe -
shuinsen 朱印船 "red seal Ships"
ships with a special license for trade with Vietnam
CLICK for more photos !
- quote -
Japanese armed merchant sailing ships bound for Southeast Asian ports with red-sealed letters patent issued by the early Tokugawa shogunate in the first half of the 17th century. Between 1600 and 1635, more than 350 Japanese ships went overseas under this permit system.
..... The Red Seal system appears from at least 1592, under Hideyoshi, date of the first known mention of the system in a document. The first actually preserved Shuinjō (Red Seal Permit) is dated to 1604, under Tokugawa Ieyasu, first ruler of Tokugawa Japan. Tokugawa issued red-sealed permits to his favourite feudal lords and principal merchants who were interested in foreign trade. By doing so, he was able to control Japanese traders and reduce Japanese piracy in the South Sea. His seal also guaranteed the protection of the ships, since he vowed to pursue any pirate or nation who would violate it.
..... Ship design ...
The ships were managed by rich trading families such as the Sumikura, Araki, Chaya and Sueyoshi, or by individual adventurers such as Suetsugo Heizo, Yamada Nagamasa, William Adams, Jan Joosten or Murayama Toan. The funds for the purchase of merchandise in Asia were loaned to the managers of the expedition for an interest of 35% to 55% per trip, going as high as 100% in the case of Siam.
..... The 350 Red Seal ships recorded between 1604 and 1634, averaging about 10 ships per year,
..... In 1635, the Tokugawa Shogunate officially prohibited their citizens from overseas travel, thus ending the period of red-seal trade. .....
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- reference : shuinsen ship -
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
hototogisu e ni nake higashi shirojiroo
sing to the painting
the east is blanched white
Tr. Cheryl A. Crowley
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 .
at temple 大徳寺 Daitoku-Ji
The sky in the East is pale white (shirojiro 白じろ)
Shirojiroo is short for Kano Motonobu 元信, Genshin Shirojiro) 1476-1559
. hototogisu ホトトギス, 時鳥 Little Cuckoo .
- - kigo for summer - -
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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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