
Edo Meibutsu


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Edo Meibutsu 江戸名物 Specialities of Edo - Index -
meisanhin 名産品


Many words come with EDO at the beginning - here is a growing list.
Ooedo 大江戸 Oedo, "Great Edo" is another keyword.

. Edo, The City That Became Tokyo .
An Illustrated History - Akira Naito

. The Edo Clan of the Musashi Taira 武蔵江戸氏 Musashi Edo-Shi .
江戸太郎重長 Edo Taro Shigenaga (? around 1180)

. Edo o shoshite Tokyo to nasu 江戸を称して東京と為す .
- The End of Edo - September 3rd, 1868 : Imperial Edict Renaming Edo to Tōkyō.

. Edo Tokyo Hyakkei 百景 100 views of Edo / Tokyo .


Edo is an inland state in Western Nigeria. Benin Edo or Bini.
Edo-Khel, a Pashtun tribe of southeastern Afghanistan


. Edo - 40 Traditional Crafts of Tokyo - Introduction .
- - - - - including
. Edo Bekko 江戸鼈甲 Tortoiseshell Products.
- Edo chokin 江戸彫金 metal chasing
. Edo Fude 江戸筆 Handmade Calligraphy Brushes .
. Edo Garasu 江戸硝子 Edo Glassware .
. Edo Hake 江戸刷毛 Edo Brushes .
. Edo Hyogu 江戸表具 scroll mounting .
. Edo Ishogi Ningyo 江戸衣裳着人形 Costumed Dolls .
. Edo Karakami 江戸からかみ Hand-Made Patterned Paper .
. Edo Katchu 江戸甲冑 Warrior Armor from Edo .
. Edo kimekomi ningyoo 江戸木目込人形 kimekomi dolls from Edo .
. Edo Kiriko 江戸切子 Cut Glassware .
. Edo Moku-Chokoku 江戸木彫刻 Wood Sculptures .
. Edo Moku-Hanga 江戸木版画 Woodblock Prints .
. Edo Oshi-e Hagoita 江戸押絵羽子板 Battledore, Shuttlecock .
. Edo Sarasa 江戸更紗 Printed Silk Calico .
. Edo Sashimono 江戸指物 Wood Joinery .
. Edo shikki 江戸漆器 Edo laquerware .
. Edo Shishu 江戸刺繍 Embroidery .
. Edo Sudare 江戸簾 Slatted Blinds .
. Edo Tegaki Chochin (Hand-Painted Paper Lanterns) 江戸手描提灯
. Edo Tsumami-Kanzashi 江戸つまみ簪 Ornamental Hairpins .
. Edo Wazao (Bamboo Fishing Rods) 江戸和竿 .
. Edo Zooge 江戸象牙 Edo Zoge, Ivory Carvings


. Edo Bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government and Administration .

Edobarai, Edo tokorobarai 江戸払い banishment from Edo (EG188)

. Edobina, Edo-bina 江戸雛 Hina dolls, Edo style .

. Edo Culture: Daily Life and Diversions in Urban Japan, 1600-1868 .
book by Nishiyama Matsunosuke, tr. ‎Gerald Groemer - 1997

. Edo Dandyism: From Swords to Inro .

. Edo Daruma 江戸だるま 江戸達磨 papermachee dolls .

. Edo Daruma Hakkei 江戸だるま八景 .
senbei せんべい。Nihonbashi Nishiki Horin : 日本橋錦豊琳 -

Edo deetabeesu データベース Illustrated Database of Edo
source : library.metro.tokyo.jp/portals

. Edo Fuuzoku Ningyoo 江戸風俗人形 Edo Fuzoku Dolls .

. Edogawa 江戸川 river Edogawa . (BF)

. Edo Gokaidoo 江戸五街道 Five Kaido routes starting from Nihonbashi .
- - - Edo Itsu Kuchi  江戸五口 five entrance gates to/from Edo castle

. Edo gaidobukku 江戸のガイドブック Guidebooks for Edo .
江戸ウォーキング (大人の遠足ブック) Edo Walking - Excursions for Grown-Ups
ensoku 遠足 excursion, day trips and guidebooks for Edo

. Edo haikai 江戸俳諧 Edo Haiku Meetings .

. Edo hyaku nezu 江戸百鼠 100 shades of gray/grey color .

Edo jidai 江戸時代 the Edo period

. Edo joo 江戸城 Edo-Jo, Edo Castle .

Edo jooruri 江戸浄瑠璃 (EG)
. jooruri 浄瑠璃 narration and 文楽 bunraku puppet theater .

. Edo juuhachi daitsuu 十八大通 eighteen big spenders of Edo .

Edo kaijoo 江戸開城 Edo Kaijo - The Fall of Edo (wiki)

. Edo 江戸三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples .

. Edokko 江戸っ子 lit. "child of Edo" , born in Edo .

. Edo komon 江戸小紋 Small Edo Patterns .

Edomachi 江戸町 Edo district, in other towns, like Kobe and Nagasaki

. Edo machibugyoo 江戸町奉行 governor of Edo .
- - - - - 江戸の名奉行 Famous Bugyo from Edo

. Edo machi kan, Edomachikan 江戸町鑑 records of districts in Edo .

- - - - - Edomae, Edo-mae 江戸前 "in front of Edo" - food from Tokyo Bay
. Edomae Sushi (Edomaezushi) 江戸前寿司 .

. Edomae tenpura 江戸前天ぷら Edo-mae Tempura, .

. Edo Meisho Zue 江戸名所図会, “Guide to famous Edo sites” .
Edo Meisho Hanagoyomi 江戸名所花暦 Flower Calendar of Famous Places in Edo

. Edo mingei  江戸民芸 folk art and craft from Edo .
. Edo anesama 江戸姉様 "elder sister" dolls from Edo .
. Edo gangu 江戸玩具 Edo Toys and the Color Red
. Edo koma, Edo-koma 江戸独楽 spinning top from Edo / Tokyo .
. Edo kaku, tako 凧 kites of Edo - 江戸奴凧
. Edo no engimono 江戸の縁起物 Good Luck Charms of Edo
. Patterns of the Edo Period .

Edo murasaki 江戸紫 purple of Edo (EG387)
. Colors of Japan #745399 purple .

Edo namari 江戸訛り dialect of Edo (EG300)
. namari なまり、訛 dialect, local speach .

. Edo Nana Fushigi 江戸七不思議 The Seven Wonders of Edo  . - tba -

. Edo no Hana 江戸の華名勝會 / 江戸の花名勝会 Edo no Hana Meisho E .
. The Flowers of Edo: A Collection of Famous Places

Edo no Idenshi 江戸の遺伝子 The Edo Inheritance (2009)
book by Tokugawa Tsunenari
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Edo no Izakaya 江戸の居酒屋 drinking shops in Edo .

Edo no kagaku 江戸の科学 - Natural Science of the Edo period
- source : gakken.co.jp/kagakusouken -

. Edo no kawa 江戸の川 -- 江戸の河 the rivers of Edo .

. Edo no susume 謎解き!江戸のススメ - BS-TBS .

. Edo no taika 江戸の大火 "Great Fires of Edo" .

. Edo Roku Benten 江戸六弁天 Six famous Benten in Edo .

. Edo Roku Jizo 江戸六地蔵 The Six Jizō Bosatsu of Edo .

. Edo Saijiki 江戸歳時記 - The Four Seasons in Edo .

. Edo Sengen sai 江戸浅間祭 Sengen festival in Edo .
at the Fuji Asama Sengen Shrine in Asakusa - 浅草の富士浅間神社

. Edo senke 江戸千家 the Sen family of Edo Tea masters .
..... founded by 川上不白 Kawakami Fuhaku (1716 – 1807)
- . Senke 千家 Sen family of Tea masters .

. Edo shigusa 江戸しぐさ the manners of Edo .

. Edo shishuku 江戸四宿 four postal stations out of of Edo . (EG45)
Edo Gokaidoo 江戸五街道 Edo Gokaido, Gokaidō - Edo Five Ruotes
Five Kaido starting at Nihonbashi, Edo

. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 the craftsmen of Edo .

. Edo Suzume 江戸雀 (えどすずめ) Edo Sparrow publishing .

. Edo Tokyo Hakubutsukan 江戸東京博物館 Edo-Tokyo Museum .
..... Tokyo Digital Museum
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography / MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART TOKYO
- source : digitalmuseum.rekibun.or.jp -

Tokugawa Art Museum - English
Tokugawa-cho Higashi-ku, Nagoya

. Edo uchiwa 江戸団扇 handfan made in Edo .

Edo uta 江戸唄 song of Edo (EG)

Edowan, Edo wan 江戸湾 #Edo bay", Tokyo bay 近世の東京湾 (wiki)

. Edo wazurai 江戸煩ひ/江戸煩い/江戸患い the "Edo disease" - beriberi . (EG590)

Edo yakusha 江戸役者 actor from Edo (EG502)
. Kabuki theaters in Edo 歌舞伎 .

. Edo yasai 江戸伝統野菜 Vegetables of Edo .

. Edo Yatai 江戸屋台 portable food stalls in Edo .

. Edo Yookai Karuta 江戸妖怪かるた Edo Yokai monsters card game .

. Edo yuuzen 江戸友禅 Yuzen - Kimono dyeing from Edo .

Edoza 江戸座 Edo theater (EG)
. Edo Sanza 江戸三座 three famous Kabuki theaters .

Edozuma 江戸妻 Edo roof formation (EG390)
. yane 屋根 Japanese roofs - Introduction .
kirizuma-zukuri 切妻造


. Tokyo Daibutsu 東京大仏 Great Buddha of Tokyo .
Joorenji 乗蓮寺 Joren-Ji - Itabashi

. Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mascots .


Edo dana 江戸店 (EG230) stores in Edo

江戸町監 (EG472)
Edomachi kaisho 江戸町会所 - Introduced by Matsudaira Sadanobu in 1797


- - - - - - back to - EEE -


Cultural Keywords of the Edo period - used by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .

- BF - bakufu book / EG - edogaku book -

江戸名物を歩く - 佐藤孔亮

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- #edomeibutsu #meibutsu #specialitiesedo #tokyo2020 -

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