hari, ryoo 梁 beam, crossbeam
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A transverse or cross beam positioned at a right angle to a roof ridge. It stretches the width of a building to receive the roof truss.
Hari are tie beams connected to pillars or bracket complexes on top of the pillars, that surround the core of a building at given intervals.
kouryou, kooryoo 虹梁, lit. "rainbow beam"
A generic term for any curved transverse tie beam. It is used almost exclusively in temple or shrine construction.
ebikouryou, ebi kooryoo 海老虹梁 / Also written 蝦虹梁.
An usually-shaped rainbow tie beam thought to resemble the back of a lobster or shrimp or an s-shape turned on its side ~.
source : JAANUS

hari from Hikone castle 彦根城の梁
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ryooboku 梁木 wooden beam
The wooden beams for large buildings were often used with the natural curvings of the trees. This would give a structure more strength during an earthquake.
under construction
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古農家 屋根の梁の凍る音
furu-nooka yane no hari no kooru oto
my old farmhouse -
the sound of beams
. Gabi Greve, December 2005 .
oohari ni onimochi tsurusu gosun kugi
on the big beam
rice cakes for the demons hang
from a five-sun nail
Kureya Nana 呉屋菜々
In Okinawa
On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month, the day of MUUCHI, rice cakes are offered to the deities and then eaten with the wish for the health and well-being of children.
The muchi (mochi) are prepared with brown sugar or the local purple sweet potatoes. The dough is wrapped in fragrant leaves of ginger plants (月桃 gettoo, Alpinia zerumbet).
Sometimes the wrapped mochi are hung from the eves of the home to ward off evil spirits.
. gosun kugi 五寸釘 five-sun nail for curses .
source : vrantey
ainu-goya maruta no hari ni sake ibushi
this Ainu hut -
from the round crossbeams
salmon for smoking
Enoki Miyuki 榎美幸
. Ainu Food アイヌ料理 .
source : HAIKUreikuDB
. Japanese Architecture - cultural keywords used in haiku .
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