tagaya 箍屋 - see below
tarai 盥 - たらい tub, basin, washing bowl, wash tub
A wooden tub, used for washing and cleaning.
Some could be very elaborate with laquer decorations.

source : bunka.nii.ac.jp
badarai, umadarai 馬盥 basin for washing a horse
ashitsuki tarai 足付盥 basin with legs, about 30 cm diameter
badarai no mitsuhide 馬盥の光秀
a famous Kabuki play about Akechi Mitsuhide and Oda Nobunaga
source : www.kabuki21.com
. Mitsuhide - toki wa IMA .
In a Hatago lodging
When entering a hatago, travellers could wash their feet in a wooden basin (tarai たらい) and sometimes a woman servant would carry their luggage up to a room.

. Hatago (旅籠, 旅篭) Lodging in Edo .
sushi tarai 寿司たらい basin, barrel for making sushi

. sushi oke 鮓桶(すしおけ)barrel for making sushi .
kigo for summer
taraibune たらい舟 "tub boat"
used for fishing in shallow coastal regions or rivers.
Sado island is especially famous for its taraibune, used to harvest wakame and other treasures from the sea.
Now taraibune are also used to ship tourists on rivers.

. taraibune たらい舟 "barrel boat" and Matsuo Basho .
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
A frail hut with a leaking roof in a remote place, dwelling of a man of letters, was also a favorite of the Chinese hermits and Heian poets.
Matsuo Basho phrased it this way:
bashoo nowaki shite tarai ni ame o kiku yo kana
banana tree in a storm
the dripping sound of rain in a tub
all night long . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
. Matsuo Basho and the Banana plant .
- - - - - Yosa Buson - - - - -
uguisu ya ume fumikobosu nori darai
this bush warbler -
it scatters plum petals
around the glue tub
Tr. Gabi Greve

source : www.rakanneko.jp
nori 糊, natural glue was used when changing paper for the sliding doors, for example.
. kan nori 寒糊 (かんのり) glue made in the cold .
from the root of the Tororo aoi plant.
kigo for winter
. WKD : Nightingale, bush warbler (uguisu 鴬(うぐいす)) .
haru no yo ya tarai o hirou machi hazure
this spring night -
I pick up a washing tub
at the outskirts of town
senzoku no tarai mo morite yuku haru ya
the tub for washing my feet
also has a leak
and spring is coming to an end . . .
The cut marker YA is at the end of line 3. The use of MO is quite interesting here.
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .
ashibi taku tarai no naka mo chidori kana
even in the tub
where reeds are burning ...
a plover!
Tr. David Lanoue
. tarai kara tarai ni utsuru chimpunkan .
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
tagaya 箍屋 hoop repairman, clamp repairman
taga 箍 is a hoop or clamp, a ring around a wooden barrel or bucket. In the Edo period the hoop was usually made of bamboo or metal.
The tagaya walked around in Edo, calling out for his service.
oke yui 桶ゆい / 桶結い repairing buckets, barrels and tubs
wagae, wa-gae わがえ / 輪替え "changing rings" (hoops) of buckets, barrels and tubs

Some took the buckets home to repair them, others carried their tools and did the repair work right away at the roadside.
taga o kakeru 「―をかける / 掛ける」 / taga o shimeru 「―をはめる / 締める」

- source : ginjo.fc2web.com
tagakake wa no no ji shi no ji te hi o kurashi
to repair a hoop
he spends his day bending
and stretching it
This is a visual pun with the hiragana letter NO の。
tagakake ni shi-go ken saki ni inu ga jare
when the hoop repairman works
dogs is playing and biting at it
four, five meters away
The repairman had to stretch and fold the long bamboo string many times before applying it around the bucket. During that time the animals would play with one end.

尾州不二見原 Bishu Fujimihara by Hokusai 葛飾北斎
. Japanese Architecture - cultural keywords used in haiku .
1 comment:
nori 糊 starch, glue
himenori 姫糊 "princess nori glue"
nori uri, nori-uri 糊売り vendor of starch
himenori uri 姫糊売り
vendors in Edo
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