. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Yanaka 谷中 Yanaka district
source : ndl.go.jp/landmarks/edo/
根岸谷中辺絵図 Negishi Yanaka Map
Yanaka (谷中) is one of the few districts in Tokyo where the shitamachi atmosphere, an old town ambience reminiscent of Tokyo from past decades, still survives. Throughout the district, there is an air of nostalgia and a rustic charm. It is within walking distance of Ueno Park, and offers a sightseeing opportunity different from the metropolitan city feel of other parts of Tokyo.
A short walk from either Nippori Station or Sendagi Subway Station will take you to Yanaka Ginza, a shopping street which best represents the shitamachi flavor of the Yanaka District. Here, there are shops selling goods and produce, ranging from groceries and necessities to clothes and toys.
Another attraction of Yanaka is the Yanaka Cemetery, where the locals lay to rest in loving memory those who have passed away. Many of the tombs are elaborately decorated and nicely landscaped. Paths are well-kept and wide, presenting a good trail for a tranquil stroll. The grave of Tokugawa Yoshinobu, the last shogun of the Edo Period, is also situated within the cemetery.
The Sakura-dori Street, which runs through the center of the cemetery, is lined by cherry trees and attracts many visitors every year during the cherry blossom season. Yanaka Cemetery used to be part of Tennoji Temple, but was separated from it during the Meiji Period. The temple has a peaceful decor and atmosphere, and a big bronze Buddha statue sits on the left of its main building.
- reference source : japan-guide.com/e -
. Negishi 根岸 Negishi district - Taito ward .
Yanaka teramachi 谷中寺町 Yanaka temple town
There are more than 60 temples and shrines in Yanaka.
Chokyu-In 長久院
Daien-Ji 大円寺
Enmei-In 延命院
Enyu-Ji 延寿寺
Ichijo-Ji 一乗寺
Ishin-In 頤神院
. Kannonji 観音寺 Kannon-Ji(台東区谷中5-8-28)- Gofunai 42 .
Kyoo-Ji 経王寺
Myoen-Ji 妙円寺
Renge-Ji 蓮華寺
Ryusen-Ji 竜泉寺
Suwa Jinja Shrine 諏訪神社
. Tahooin, Tahō-In 多宝院 / 多寶院 Taho-In - Gofunai 49 .
- 多宝院吉祥天 Yanaka Kichijōten 吉祥天 Kichijoten
台東区谷中6-2-35 / 6 Chome-2-35 Yanaka, Taitō ward
Tenno-Ji 天王寺
Yanaka Reien 谷中霊園 cemetery
Yofuku-Ji 養福寺
Zuirin-Ji 瑞輪寺
- source : visiting-japan.com/en
Teramachi Art Museum
- reference source : teramachi-artmuseum.com -
under construction
stone walls in yanaka
. Temple walls .
- reference source : qppp3.exblog.jp -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Temple Kanno-Ji 感応寺 dream about a tomikuji 富くじ lottery .
. tsue 杖と伝説 Legends about a walking staff, Wanderstab .
At the temple 領玄寺 Ryogen-Ji in Yanaka priest 日享上人 Saint Nichiko planted his tsue 杖 staff with the bark of a cherry tree in the ground.
The staff became a cherry tree and was called 会式桜 Eshiki Sakura.
It blossoms every year in October during the Eshiki Rituals.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -

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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #edoyanaka #yanaka #kannoji #ryogenji - - - -
1 comment:
Yanaka: Tokyo’s Most Traditional District
Yanaka is one of the few areas of Tokyo that was spared from bombing in WWII. It's Tokyo's most traditional district and is home to artisans, temples, winding lanes and some great restaurants. It's a great place for a half-day stroll in Tokyo, as Mario Leto explains.
article with many photos
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