. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Koganei 小金井 Koganei district
Koganeimura 小金井村 Koganei mura village
lit. small gold well
こがねいてくてく歴史散策! Walk through the history of Koganei !
- reference source : shitteru-koganei.net... -
Koganei was a famous spot for hanami 花見 cherry blossom viewing.

「小金井の桜」Koganei no sakura
広重 Ando Hiroshige
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Koganei-sakura of the East Capital 東都小金井さくら
A row of sakura (cherry trees) along the Tamagawa aqueduct known as Koganei-zakura were planted around 1737
when Musashino Shinden was being developed,
on the both banks of the Tamagawa aqueduct around Koganei bridge as its center,
over a distance of about 6 kilometers.
For this, best breeds of wild cherry trees were purchased
from Yoshino (Nara Prefecture) and Sakuragawa (Ibaraki Prefecture).
This area was known as one of the prominent spots for "sakura (cherry blossom) viewing" in Edo since the late 18th century.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
- quote -
Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) on the Banks of Tama River
This work depicts sakura (cherry blossom) trees along the Tamagawa aqueduct,
which supplied water to the city of Edo.
It is thought to show what is now the vicinity of the main gate of Shinjuku Imperial Garden.
The rows of cherry trees planted in February 1956 were well received,
but the Shogunate took notice of the fact that these cherry trees were designated as “official trees”
and ordered their removal in March of the same year.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
Spring View of Koganei-bashi bridge 小金井橋 春景
The cherry trees in Koganei, totaling around 10,000 trees at their peak,
start to blossom on the 54th or 55th day from the first day of spring
according to the lunar calendar, and reach full blossom on the 60th day.
Especially, sakura planted around the Koganei bridge on the banks of the Tamagawa aqueduct
seems to have been the most beautiful.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
Koganei-bashi bridge 小金井橋
The Koganei-bashi bridge was built across the 玉川上水 Tamagawa aqueduct.
It is said that the name comes from the famous water of Koganei nearby, one of the seven wells in Musashi.
Koganei became one of the best spots for sakura (cherry blossom) viewing in Edo
towards the end of the 18th century and many people visited the area.
The Koganei-bashi bridge was originally a timber bridge, which was easily damaged and needed to be rebuilt frequently.
The inhabitants of the area around the bridge, who had taken pain for financing the repair costs,
each contributed their funds and in 1856 (the third year of Ansei), finally built the stone bridge that they longed for.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
Chōfu Tamagawa 調布玉川ノ景 Chofu
In the Nara period, clothes woven in the area along the Tama River were dedicated to the Imperial Court
as 調 "chō," part of the public levy.
Some say that this is the origin of the place name 調布 Chōfu.
The goods labeled as 美艶仙女香 "biensenjo-kō" on the left are face powder that was popular in the city of Edo.
It is also known that the distributor of this powder had the product inserted in ukiyo-e and was advertizing it.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
. Choofu 調布村 Chofu mura, Chofu village . / Denenchōfu 田園調布
Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum, Koganei
江戸東京たてもの園 Edo-Tokyo Tatemono-en
Dedicated to the architecture of the late Edo period, this outdoor museum showcases historic buildings.

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The Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum is an open air museum in the western suburbs of Tokyo, which exhibits a range of historic buildings from the Tokyo area. The buildings were relocated or reconstructed here in order to preserve a chapter of architectural history, which has been almost completely lost in fires, earthquakes, wars and city redevelopment.
Most of the buildings exhibited are from the Meiji Period (1868-1912) or more recent times, and include among others, a politician's elegant former residence, a farm house, a public bathhouse, various shops and a police box.
The Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum is a branch museum of the superb Edo-Tokyo Museum in Tokyo's Ryogoku district.
The open air museum is located in the western part of Koganei Park, Koganei City, 25 minutes west of Tokyo's Shinjuku Station by train.
- source : japan-guide.com/e... -
- Homepage of the Museum -
- source : tatemonoen.jp/english -
- Restoration Buildings - Introduction
- source : tatemonoen.jp/english/restore -
. Edo dentoo yasai 江戸伝統野菜 Traditional vegetables of Edo .
Most is now grown in hothouses near the homes of the farmers in Koganei and used for bringing life back into the community (machiokoshi).
nagakabu 長カブ long turnips
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
noraboona のらぼう菜 leafy vegetable
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
ookura daikon 大蔵大根(おおくらだいこん)extra large radish
It grows up to 50 cm lenght and is very compact. Good for boiling, since it does not change its form.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
shintorina しんとりな / しんとり菜 leafy stem vegetable
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Koganei Jinja 小金井神社 Koganei Shrine
4-7-2 Nakacho, Koganei 184-0012, Tokyo

The deity in residence is Sugawara no Michizane, hence the name
Tenman-gu 天満宮.
. Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 .
- HP of the shrine
Tenmangu Koganei Jinja
- reference source : koganeijinja.com... -
. Tama Shikoku Henro 多摩四国八十八箇所 Pilgrimage .
Two temples are located in 金井市 Koganei:
30 Shinmyooji 真明寺 Shinmyo-Ji and 31 天神山 Konzoo-In 金蔵院 Konzo-In
Nr. 30 - Shinmyooji 真明寺 Shinmyo-Ji
- 貫井山 妙音院 真明寺 Shinmyo-Ji
小金井市貫井南町3-8-4 / Tōkyō-to, Koganei-shi, Nukui-Minamichō
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in 1539 by 阿闍梨海宥 priest Kaiyu Ajari.
The main statue is 胎蔵界大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai.
『新編武蔵風土記稿』に「真明寺 境内除地七段二十二歩、村の北にあり。貫井山と号す。新義真言宗府中妙光院末。客殿六間に五間。本尊大日、木の坐像、長さー尺。開山開基詳らかならず」と記載されてある。(「小金井市史」より)
- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/tama/koganeikokbunji
. Introduction of Dainichi Nyorai .
Nr. 31 - Kinzoo-In 金蔵院 Kinzo-In
- 天神山 金蔵院 Kinzo-In 観音寺 Kannon-Ji
小金井市中町4-13-25 / Tōkyō-to, Koganei-shi, Nakachō,
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded by 阿闍梨堯存 priest Ajari. He died in 1566.
The main statue is 十一面観世音菩薩 Kannon with 11 heads .
The temple was related to 天満宮- 小金井神社 Tenmangu Koganei Jinja
- (所在地)中町4-13-25。新義真言宗豊山派。十一面観音を本尊とする。本堂は正面・側面ともに 9.1m。庫裡は正面 25.48m、側面 9.1m。明和 7年(1770)火災にあい、多くの文書その他を焼失した。幸い過去帳だけは類焼をまぬがれた。その過去帳には慶長年間以降の詳細な記載がある。寺宝に中世以前と思われる仏体及び兆殿司作と伝えられる仏画がある。
- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/tama/koganeikokbunji.. kinzo
. Nikko Kaido 日光街道 Road to Nikko / Ōshū Kaidō 奥州街道 .
14. Koganei-shuku (小金井宿) (Shimotsuke - Tochigi)
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Koganei-town 小金井市
hitodama 人魂 a bluish-white fireball
It usually appears when somebody has died.
. Nukui 貫井町 Nukui town and the Hitodama .
- 関野町 Sekinocho village で、市議会議員をしていた人が亡くなって、その通夜の夕方、隣の家に遊びに来ていた娘の友人が帰るのを見送っていたら、その友人が眼前に人魂を見たと言う。そこは、その議員がいつも自分の自動車を置いている場所だったと言う。
- 緑町の人が、夜9時頃、親子3人井戸端で歯を磨いていたら、近くの家の屋根を越した辺りから人魂が提灯のようにゆっくりふらりふらりと暗い空を東方に飛んで行くのを見た。次ぎの日、その家の人が亡くなったと言う。
- 昭和12・3年頃、お兄さんの家の棟上げの日、現れた。オレンジ色の丸い玉で光っていなかったが、あっと思っている間に消えた。
- 梶野町 Kajinocho, village の人が言うには、東の方からオレンジ色の人魂が此方に向かって飛んで来て消えたが、そのときは三鷹の叔父さんが亡くなった時だった。
- 大正初期、曇っていて薄暗い日の3時か4時頃、透き通ったオレンジ色をした丸いものが飛んだ。光らず、尾も曳いていなかった。あまり速くなく冬の太陽の高さだった。森の近くで消えた。
- 戦争中、山本五十六将軍が亡くなった頃、北の方から西の空に大きな木の上を見え隠れしながら飛んでいた。オレンジ色をしていた。
- reference : nichibun yokai database -

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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #koganei - - - -
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