. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Honzaimokuchoo, Hon-Zaimokuchō 本材木町 Honzaimokucho, Honzaimoku-cho district
Chuo ward. 中央区京橋一~三丁目 Kyobashi first to third sub-district
- Fuyukicho, see below
zaimoku 材木 wood for construction work, lumber, timber
zaimoku shoonin 材木商人 dealers in timber
zaimokudonya, zaimokudoya 材木問屋 timber brokers
Since fires were quite frequent in Edo, the provision of construction wood was essential.
. taika 江戸の大火 Edo no Taika "Great Fires of Edo" .
Timber was transported on boats, so the district is located from Nihonbashi along the river Kaedegawa 楓川 with eight sub-districts along 2 km.
Kaedegawa is now Nihonbashi 3-chome.
To make a difference to Nihonbashi, it was also called 新肴場 Shinsakanaba.

In the beginning, the construction of Edo castle called for a lot of timber to be transported to the town. Also the building of homes for the many new citizens needed timber.
A lot was brokered by timber merchants from Suruga (Shizuoka) and 遠江 Totomi, called in by Tokugawa Ieyasu himself.
They first lived at 道三堀 Dosanbori and八重洲岸 Yaesugishi and were soon moved along the Western side of the Kaedegawa embankment.
The area is now filled in and became the 首都高速都心環状線 Inner Circular Route.
During the Edo period, there were many bridges crossing Kaedegawa.
One of them was 海運橋 Kaiunbashi.
- - - see the WIKIPEDIA for details !

source : 大江戸歴史散歩を楽しむ会
Since 1647, there was an overseer of construction materials for the Shogun's properties
Zaimoku-ishi bugyō 材木石奉行 Saimoku Ishi Bugyo - Bugyo for timber and stones
海運橋と第一国立銀行 Kaiunbashi bridge and the first national bank
- reference source : 大江戸歴史散歩を楽しむ会 -
Shirandoo 芝蘭堂 Shirando Academy
the first private school for rangaku 蘭学 Dutch learning
founded in Honzaimokucho by
. Otsuki Gentaku 大槻玄沢 (1757 - 1827) .

芝蘭堂新元会図 - Waseda University Library
本材木町処刑場跡 Honzaimokucho Keijo - execution ground
was relocated to Shibaguchi.

This is the look of the area today.
. Criminal Punishment in Edo .
keijoo, keijō 刑場 execution ground
Zaimoku Kawagishi 材木河岸 "timber embankment"
zaimokudonya, zaimokudoya 材木問屋 timber brokers
In the beginning there were four big groups
板材木問屋 Itazaimokudoia
熊野問屋 Kumanodoia
川辺問屋 Kawabedoia (炭薪問屋 - also dealing in coal and firewood )
木場材木問屋 Kiba zaimokudoia
In 1701 they were concentrated in 深川木場 Fukagawa kiba. They merged in the course of time and finally there were only
板材木熊野問屋 and 木場材木問屋
. Kiba 木場 "place for wood" .
Lumberyards and Carpenters
on the east bank of the Sumida river.
Fuyukichoo 冬木町 Fuyuki district
Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward
Close to 仙台堀川 Sendai Horikawa. Fuyuki literally means "winter trees".

Fuyukiya 冬木屋 was a lumber merchant. The first Fuyuki had come from Gunma. His name was 上田直次 Ueno Naoji. The third owner was 冬木屋弥平次 Fuyukiya Yaheiji, who established a large lumber yard here.
In 1705 Fuyukiya Yaheiji became the head man of district, which was then named after him.

冬木弁天堂 Fuyuki Benten was the shrine of the Fuyuki family.
. Edo roku Benten 江戸六弁天 Six famous Benten in Edo - Fuyuki .

- quote -
Fuyuki Kosode 冬木 小袖 (Garment with small wrist openings) Autumn grass design on white twill ground
Hand-painted by Ogata Korin
Ogata Korin (1658–1716) left from Kyoto for Edo (now Tokyo) in 1704. The first people with whom Korin lived in Edo were the Fuyuki family, who were lumber dealers in Fukagawa. This garment is said to have been created for Mrs. Fuyuki as a token of his appreciation for the hospitality he had received.
At the time, kosode garments painted by famous artists on special orders were in fashion among women in affluent merchant families.
- source : colbase.nich.go.jp/collectionItems... -
- quote -
- The value of Onjoji
A merchant of Edo, Fuyuki by name, had desired to obtain the Onjoji flower container. Jisen had purchased it for eight hundred ryo, but...
Stories from a Tearoom Window: Lore and Legends of the Japanese Tea Ceremony
By Shigernori Chikamatsu
- source : google books -

The Lumber Industry in Early Modern Japan
Conrad D. Totman
- quote -
This concise volume surveys three hundred years in the history of the lumber industry in early modern (Tokugawa) Japan. In earlier works, Conrad Totman examined environmental aspects of Japan's early modern forest history; here he guides readers through the inner workings of lumber provision for urban construction, providing a wealth of detail on commercial and technological systems of provision while focusing on the convoluted commercial arrangements that moved timber from forest to city despite exceptionally severe environmental and financial obstacles.
Based on scrupulous scholarship in the vast Japanese secondary literature on forest history, The Lumber Industry in Early Modern Japan brings to light materials previously unavailable in English and synthesizes these within a thoughtful ecological framework. Its penetrating examination of the patterns of cooperation and conflict throughout the industry adds significantly to the scholarly corpus that challenges the stock image of Tokugawa rulers and merchants as social enemies. Instead it supports the view of those who have noted the interdependent character of political and economic elites and the long-term strengthening of rural sectors of society vis-a-vis urban sectors.
- - - - - Contents
1. English-Language Approaches to Tokugawa Commerce
2. An Overview of Lumber Provisioning
3. The Process of Timber Transport
4. Entrepreneurial Lumbering in Yamaguni
5. Last Reflections
App. A Plant Species
App. B Table of Measurements
App. C Yoshino Ringyo: A Research Topic.
- source : trove.nla.gov.au/work -

The Green Archipelago: Forestry in Preindustrial Japan
Conrad D. Totman
Professor Totman raises the critical question of how Japan s steeply mountainous woodland has remained biologically healthy despite centuries of intensive exploitation by a dense human population that has always been dependent on wood and other forest products. Mindful that in global terms this has been a rare outcome, and one that bears directly on Japan s recent experience as an affluent, industrial society, Totman examines the causes, forms, and effects of forest use and management in Japan during the millennium to 1870.
He focuses mainly on the centuries after 1600 when the Japanese found themselves driven by their own excesses into programs of woodland protection and regenerative forestry.
source : amazon.co.jp
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
zaimoku 材木 timber, lumber

................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県
南設楽郡 Minamishitara district
ryuuguu 龍宮 Ryugu Dragon Palace
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
zaimoku 材木 71 to explore (01)

- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #honzaimokucho #zaimoku #timberedo #lumberedo - - - -
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