. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
- Fuchu, see below
Denenchoofu, Den-en-chōfu, Denenchōfu 田園調布 Denenchofu district
Ota, 田園調布 一丁目 - 五丁目 first to fifth sub-district
This is a very expensive residential area and many famous people lived here.
The area spreads like a fan from the Western side of the station 田園調布駅.
In 1918, 渋沢栄一 Shibusawa Eiichi (1840 - 1931) and others founded the company 田園都市株式会社 to built an "ideal residential area.
Before that it was simply called 調布村 Chofu mura, Chofu village.
It was a rural area growing 麻 hemp and 荢, which was shipped down the river Tamagawa 多摩川 / 玉川 and made into cloth sold in 府中 Fuchu.
The character 調 was also read mitsuki みつき, a kind of tax on the local cloth.
. Chōfu Tamagawa 調布玉川 Chofu .
The Koganei-bashi bridge was built across the 玉川上水 Tamagawa aqueduct.
- - - - - Other place names with Denenchofu::
Denenchofu Honcho 田園調布本町 - no sub-districts
Denenchofu minami 田園調布南 - no sub-districts
Tamagawa Denenchofu 玉川田園調布」in Setagaya(世田谷区)
一丁目 - 二丁目 first and second sub-district
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Den-en-chōfu lies along the Tama River, the natural border between Tokyo and Kawasaki, Kanagawa. It is served by Den-en-chōfu Station on the Tōkyū Tōyoko and Meguro lines. Den-en-chōfu includes many detached suburban homes with a variety of styles, including Japanese neo-classical, Edwardian villas, Swiss cottages and modern architectural designs.
- History
Den-en-chōfu was built based on the "Garden City" idea originally developed by the British city planner Ebenezer Howard. It is one of the most famous and top-class residential towns where many executives have their dwellings. Being 10 km away from the center of Tokyo, the area contains natural parks. The area has its own regulations for construction in order to preserve the town feel to the area. The residences are fairly big compared to normal housing in other areas in Japan, and the district is often compared to Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, U.S.A.
was planned as a garden suburb of Tokyo. In the early 1900s, financier Eiichi Shibusawa bought, named and developed the area by emulating the garden suburbs that were growing in metropolitan areas around the world, particularly those in Greater London.
Although the area was developing at an adequate pace,
it was the Great Kantō Earthquake of 1923 that guaranteed his success. Central Tokyo was leveled in the earthquake, but Den-en-chōfu was virtually untouched; in the aftermath, the exodus of people from the central city to the less crowded, cleaner suburbs ensured that the Den-en-chōfu would prosper.
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. Chofu Tama River 調布の玉川 .
and the Mu Tamagawa 六玉川 Six Tama Rivers.
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Shibusawa Eiichi, 1st Viscount Shibusawa 渋沢 栄一, (1840 – 1931)
a Japanese industrialist widely known today as the "father of Japanese capitalism".

He spearheaded the introduction of Western capitalism to Japan after the Meiji Restoration. He introduced many economic reforms including use of double-entry accounting, joint-stock corporations and modern note-issuing banks.
He founded the first modern bank
based on joint stock ownership in Japan. The bank was aptly named The First National Bank (Dai Ichi Kokuritsu Ginkō, now merged into Mizuho Bank) and had the power to issue its own notes. Through this bank, he founded hundreds of other joint stock corporations in Japan. Many of these companies still survive to this day as quoted companies in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, which Shibusawa also founded. The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry was founded by him as well. He was also involved in the foundation of many hospitals, schools, universities (including the first women's university), the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and charitable organizations including the Japan Red Cross.
Another notable aspect of Shibusawa's career
is that, despite being the founder of hundreds of corporations, he refused to maintain a controlling stake in these corporations, effectively preventing himself from forming a zaibatsu. What is known as the Shibusawa zaibatsu was a holding company to look after his estate for his family. The Shibusawa Zaibatsu did not hold any controlling stake in any companies. Despite his lowly origin as a farmer, he was granted the title of Viscount, while all other zaibatsu founders were awarded the title of Baron. He was also awarded Shōnii, Second Honour under the ritsuryō rank system, which is usually given to high-ranking nobility and prime ministers.
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- - - - - Some famous residents of Denenchofu - - - - -
Hamasaki Ayumi 浜崎あゆみ, singer
Hatoyama Yukio 鳩山由紀夫, former Prime Minister
Ishihara Shintaro 石原慎太郎, former governor of Tokyo
Itsuki Hiroshi 五木ひろし, singer
Kobayashi Yoshinori 小林よしのり, manga artist
Matsuura Max 松浦勝人 マックス, recording executive
Nagashima Shigeo 長嶋茂雄, baseball player/manager
Nakai Kiichi 中井貴一, actor
Nomura Katsuya 野村克也, baseball player/manager
Fujimizaka 富士見坂(田園調布)Fujimi slope to see Mount Fuji

In former times, Mount Fuji could be seen from the top of the slope.
Nowadays there are too many high-rise buildings
Denenchofu Fujimi Hall
1 Chome-30-1 Denenchofu, Ōta
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Fuchū Rokusho-no-miya Shrine 府中六所宮
Fuchū Rokusho-no-miya refers to 大國魂神社 Ōkunitama Shrine.
It is said that Ōkunitama Shrine began in 111,
when 大國魂神 the Ōkunitama-no-kami was enshrined as a guardian deity of Musashi-no-kuni Province.
In the Heian period, the head shrine called 総社 "sōja" which enshrine various deities together
was set up and Ōkunitama Shrine became the sōja of the Musashi-no-kuni Province.
Furthermore, at the end of the Heian period,
six prominent shrines were enshrined together and became known as Musashi Rokusho-no-miya.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
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Festival at Rokusho-no-miya Shrine 六所宮祭礼之図
Rokusho-no-miya, namely Ōkunitama Shrine Annual Grand Festival
are held during the period between April 30 and May 6.
The 競馬式 "Komakurabe" horse-riding ritual held on the evening of May 3
was held by provincial governors in the ancient times.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
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Rokusho-no-miya Rice Planting
A sacred ritual to pray for a good harvest was held in Rokusho-no-miya (Ōkunitama Shrine)
every year on the sixth day of the fifth month of the old lunar calendar.
In this ritual, naked children held sumō matches on paddy fields that were already bedded out with rice plants.
It is said that on the following morning, young plants which had been devastated during the sumō matches
would stand up straight and the various plants brought together by farmers
would come into ears all at once in the harvest time.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
kamo o yobi Denen Choofu fuyu mekeru
ducks are coming back
to Denenchofu -
beginning of winter
Tr. Gabi Greve
渋沢秀雄 Shibusawa Hideo, his haiku name was Shibutei 渋亭.
(1892 - 1984)
渋沢渋亭 Shibusawa Shibutei
. fuyu meku 冬めく winter is getting "like winter" .
Fuchuu, Fuchū 府中 Fuchu city
Musashi 武蔵
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a city located in western Tokyo Metropolis, Japan. As of 1 February 2016, the city had an estimated population of 261,488,...
The government of ancient Musashi Province was established in Fuchū by the Taika Reform, and the city prospered as the local center of politics, economy, and culture. It prospered as a post town on the Kōshū Kaidō in the Edo period, and the Kita Tama District public office was placed here after the start of the Meiji era.
645: With the Taika Reforms of the government of Musashi Province was established in Fuchū.
1333: The 分倍河原 Battle of Bubaigawara was fought. (Jinkaido 陣街道)
1602: The Fuchū post-town was established with the upgrading of the Kōshū-dochu road (Kōshū Highway).
1868: Nirayama Prefecture was established, ...
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Bubaigawara Jin-kaidō 分倍河原 陣街道
The road connecting Fuchū Honmachi and Sekito (the present-day Suwa-chō of Tama City) was known as Jin Highway.
The road's name originated in ancient times when military forces deploying troops in battle array
from Ōshu heading towards Kamakura passed by.
It was an important highway connecting Kamakura and northern Kantō and was also known as Kamakura Road.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
. Kamakura Kaidō 鎌倉街道 Kamakura Highway .
- - - - - Fuchu Meisho Map of famous places
1.けやき並木 10.東京競馬場 19.常久一里塚 28.西蔵院
2.大国魂神社 11.ルミエール府中 20.白糸台掩体壕 29.二ケ村緑道
3.高札場 12.武蔵国衛跡地 21.本宿村 常夜燈 30.新田川緑道
4.多摩川 13.御殿地 22.多摩川砂利採掘場跡 31.下河原緑道
5.浅間山 14.国分寺参道口跡 23.府中の森公園 32.綜合卸売センター
6.多磨霊園 15.三千人塚 24.府中市美術館 33.武蔵の森公園
7.高安寺 16.高倉塚古墳 25.サントリー工場 34.武蔵野公園
8.分倍河原古戦場 17.御嶽塚 26.郷土の森 35.新田義貞の像
9.熊野神社 18.人見原古戦場 27.東郷寺 36.府中の森芸術劇場
- reference source : machinetfuchu.com/city/meisho/meisho... -
. post stations along the Kōshū Kaidō Highway .
9. Fuchū-shuku (府中宿) (Fuchū, Fuchu) / 甲州街道
. Musashi Fuchu Kumano Jinja Kofun 武蔵府中熊野神社古墳 .
2-9 Nishi-Fuchu, Fuchu city

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. Oota, Ōta 大田区 Ota ward .
. Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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