. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
nengoo, nengō 年号 Nengo, "year name", era name, period name
The system of Japanese era names (年号 nengō, "year name") was irregular until the beginning of the 8th century. After 701, sequential era names developed without interruption across a span of centuries.
..... The system on which the Japanese era names are based originated in China in 140 BC, and was adopted by Japan in AD 645, during the reign of Emperor Kōtoku.
The first era name to be assigned was "Taika" (大化), celebrating the political and organizational changes which were to flow from the great Taika reform (大化の改新) of 645. Although the regular practice of proclaiming successive era names was interrupted in the late seventh century, it was permanently re-adopted in 701 during the reign of Emperor Monmu (697–707). Since then, era names have been used continuously up through the present day.
..... In historical practice, the first day of a nengō (元年 gannen) starts whenever the emperor chooses; and the first year continues until the next lunar new year, which is understood to be the start of the nengō's second year.
- quote : wikipedia -
All the Nengo have a detailed Timeline in the wikipedia:
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1596 慶長 Keichō
. Keicho no Eki 慶長の役 Fight of Keicho .
Kato Kiyomasa 加藤清 in Kumamoto
Tokugawa Ieyasu founded the Edo Bakufu in Keicho 8.
He passed on the title of Shogun to Hidetada in Keicho 10.
The 鎖国政策 Sakoku policy of closing the land for trade, except for Holland, was introduced in Keicho 14. (1609)
Banning Christianity followed in Keicho 18 (1613).
大坂冬の陣 Osaka Fuyu no Jin, the Winter Siege of Osaka and final victory for the Tokugawa government was in Keicho 19. (1615).
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1615 元和 Genna - also Genwa
Genna 02 - Death of Tokugawa Ieyasu (1616)
- - Summer Siege of Osaka
- - . Buke Shohatto 武家諸法度 laws for the Samurai .
Genna 09 - Tokugawa Iemitsu becomes Shogun
. Unpei fude 雲平筆 Unpei brush - Fujino Unpei 藤野雲平.
made since the Genna period
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1624 寛永 Kan'ei (Kanei)
Empress Meishō, 1629–1643; Emperor Go-Kōmyō, 1643–1654.
Kanei 01 - Spanish trade ships were banned.
Kanei 10 - Japanese were forbidden to travel outside of Japan - Sakoku policy was firmly installed.
Kanei 11 - Building of 出島 Dejima island in Nagasaki.
Kanei 12 - Buke Shohatto Samurai laws became even stricter. 参勤交代 Sankin Kotai visits to Edo were enforced.
Kanei 14 - . 島原の乱 Shimabara no Ran Rebellion .
Kanei 19 - 1642 . 寛永の大飢饉 Great Famine of Kanei .
. Kaneiji 寛永寺 Kanei-Ji - Temple in Ueno .
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1644 正保 Shōhō
1648 慶安 Keian also Kyōan
Keian 06 - 1651 . Keian jiken 慶安事件 The Keian uprising .
- - - Yui Shoosetsu - Shōsetsu 由井正雪 Yui Shosetsu (1605 - 1651)
- - - Marubashi Chuuya - Chūya 丸橋忠弥 Marubashi Chuya (? - 1651)
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1652 承応 Jōō also Shōō; Emperor Go-Sai, 1655–1663.
1655 明暦 Meireki also Myōryaku or Meiryaku
Meireki 03 - . Great Fire of Meireki 明暦の大火 .
March 2–3, 1657 / 3 Meireki/1/18-19
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1658 万治 Manji
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1661 寛文 Kanbun Emperor Reigen, 1663–1687.
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1673 延宝 Enpō also Enhō - Enpo
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1681 天和 Tenna also Tenwa
Tenna 02 - . Great Fire of Tenna 天和の大火 .
January 25, 1683 / 2 Tenna/12/28
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1684 貞享 Jōkyō Emperor Higashiyama, 1687–1709.
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1688 元禄 Genroku
Genroku 11 . Chokugaku Fire 勅額火事 .
. 元禄 Haiku Poets of the Genroku period .
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This period spanned the years from ninth month of 1688 through third month of 1704. The reigning emperor was Higashiyama Tennō (東山天皇).
..... The years of Genroku are generally considered to be the Golden Age of the Edo period. The previous hundred years of peace and seclusion in Japan had created relative economic stability. The arts and architecture flourished. There were unanticipated consequences when the shogunate debased the quality of coins as a strategy for financing the appearance of continuing Genroku affluence. This strategic miscalculation caused abrupt inflation. Then, in an effort to solve the ensuing crisis, the bakufu introduced what were called the Kyōhō Reforms. .....
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !

1704 宝永 Hōei Emperor Nakamikado, 1709–1735.
Hoei 04 - 1707 . 富士山が噴火 Great Eruption of Mount Fujisan .
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1711 正徳 Shōtoku - Shotoku
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1716 享保 Kyōhō Emperor Sakuramachi, 1735–1747.
Kyoho 17 - 1732 . 享保の大飢饉 Great Famine of Kyoho .
Kyoohoo no kaikaku 享保の改革 Kyoho, Kyōhō reforms
- and Tokugawa Yoshimune,
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- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1736 元文 Genbun
1741 寛保 Kanpō also Kanhō
1744 延享 Enkyō Emperor Momozono, 1747–1762.
1748 寛延 Kan'en
1751 宝暦 Hōreki also Hōryaku;
Empress Go-Sakuramachi, 1762–1771.
Horeki 10 - . Hōreki Fire 宝暦の大火 Horeki Fire .
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1764 明和 Meiwa Emperor Go-Momozono, 1771–1779.
Meiwa 09 - . Great Fire of Meiwa 明和の大火 .
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1772 安永 An'ei (Anei) Emperor Kōkaku, 1780–1817.
1781 天明 Tenmei
Tenmei 03 - 1783 . 浅間山が大噴火 Great eruption of Mount Asamasan . 浅間山が大噴火
- followed by
Tenmei 03 - . 天明の大飢饉 Great Famine of Tenmei .
Tenmei 04 - 1784 . Tenmei inflation of currency .
and the reforms of Tanuma Okitsugu 田沼意次
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1789 寛政 Kansei
1801 享和 Kyōwa
1804 文化 Bunka Emperor Ninkō, 1817–1846.
Bunka 03 - . Great Fire of Bunka 文化の大火 .
- - 江戸神田佐久間町の大火 Great fire in Sakumacho 1829
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1818 文政 Bunsei
Bunsei 12 - . Great Fire of Bunsei 文政の大火 .
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1830 天保 Tenpō also Tenhō
Tenpo 03 - 1832 . 天保の大飢饉 Great Famine of Tenpo .
Tenpoo no kaikaku 天保の改革 Tenpo no taikaku Reforms
and Mizuno Tadakuni.
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Tenpooreki 天保暦 Tenporeki Calendar
- 天保壬寅元暦 Tenpō jin'in genreki - by Shibukawa Kagesuke
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- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1844 弘化 Kōka Emperor Kōmei, 1846–1867.
1848 嘉永 Kaei
Kaei 06 - 1854 . Commodore Perry and the "black ships" ペリー来航 - 黒船 .
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1854 安政 Ansei
1860 万延 Man'en (Manen)
1861 文久 Bunkyū
1864 元治 Genji
1865 慶応 Keiō
慶應義塾 Keio University
Keio University (慶應義塾大学 Keiō Gijuku Daigaku), abbreviated as Keio (慶應) or Keidai (慶大), is a Japanese private university located in Minato, Tokyo. It is known as the oldest institute of modern higher education in Japan. Founder Fukuzawa Yukichi originally established it as a school for Western studies in 1858 in Edo (now Tokyo).
- quote : wikipedia -
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
1868 明治 Meiji - Emperor Meiji, 1868–1912.
- - - Timeline in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Reiwa Jidai 令和時代 Reiwa period .
Starts in May 2019. Heisei comes to an end.
- source reference : wikipedia

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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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