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Showing posts with label - - - Persons - People. Show all posts


Yurakucho district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Yuurakuchoo, Yūrakuchō 有楽町 Yuraku-Cho district

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Yūrakuchō (有楽町) is a neighborhood of Chiyoda, Tokyo, situated in between the Ginza and Hibiya Park, near the neighborhood of Shinbashi. Unlike its tonier neighbor Ginza, Yūrakuchō provides a glimpse of Japanese life from the early postwar period, with its many izakaya (Japanese-style bars, denoted by their red lanterns known as akachochin) and outdoor yakitori restaurants, many of which are located under the train tracks serving Tokyo's JR Yamanote Line. Because of its many traditional Japanese-style eating establishments, as well as its location on the Yamanote Line with easy access to Tokyo Station, Yūrakuchō is a favorite drinking spot for businessmen on their way home from work.

Yūrakuchō is served by several train and subway stations, including Yūrakuchō Station on the JR Yamanote Line and Keihin-Tōhoku Line, and Yūrakuchō Station on the Yūrakuchō subway line.

The neighborhood takes its name from Oda Nagamasu (or Urakusai, 1547–1622), younger brother of Oda Nobunaga. Nagamasu built his mansion here on land near the Sukiya-bashi Gate of Edo Castle granted by Tokugawa Ieyasu.

In 1707, the Tokugawa shogunate established the Minami-machi Bugyō-sho, the office of one of the magistrates of Edo, in this area.

The place name dates from the Meiji period. It arises from an altered pronunciation of Urakusai.
- source : wikipedia

. Sukiyabashi 数奇屋橋 Sukiyabashi Bridge "tea room bridge".
Moto-Sukiya cho 元数奇屋町 Moto-Sukiya district, Chuo ward 中央区 銀座 五丁目 Ginza 5th district


Edomaejima, Edo Maejima 江戸前島 
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Long ago, reed beds, tidal flats, and shallow sea stretched across the area surrounding Edo Castle, and there was little even ground for people to live on; the area from today’s Hibiya to Otemachi was once known as Hibiya Bay,
while what is now the land from Nihonbashi to Yurakucho was a sandbar called Edomaejima.
When he moved to Edo in 1590, Tokugawa Ieyasu immediately set about filling in the tidal flats and shallow sea of Edo Bay and engaged in urban development focused on the use of waterways for transportation. The land reclamation conducted during the Edo period crossed over the Sumida River to reach 2,700 hectares of land. This is equal to the total area of the Shibuya and Chiyoda cities. Channels for rivers and canals were built to smoothly transport goods over water, resulting in the rapid growth of Edo to become one of the largest cities in the world with one million residents living inside its borders by the end of the Tokugawa shogunate government.
- source : botanicallegacy/en/tokyo/waterside... -


Oda Urakusai Nagamasu 織田有楽斎長益
(1547 - 1621)

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Oda Nagamasu 織田長益
(1548 – January 24, 1622) was a Japanese daimyo who lived from the late Sengoku period through the early Edo period. Also known as Urakusai (有楽斎), he was a brother of Oda Nobunaga.
Nagamasu converted to Christianity in 1588 and took the baptismal name of John.

was an accomplished practitioner of the tea ceremony, which he studied under the master, Sen no Rikyū. He eventually started his own school of the tea ceremony.

divided his fief between his sons Nagamasa and Hisanaga. Nagamasa founded the Kaijū-Shibamura Domain, while Hisanaga became lord of the Yanagimoto Domain.
- source : wikipedia -

Urakubara 有楽原 Urakubara district
This was the old name of part of the Yurakucho district, renamed in 1872.


There is also a camellia plant named after Urakusai.
Uraku Tsubaki 有楽椿(ウラクツバキ)
He liked this plant very much for his tea room decoration.

In Tokyo this Camellia is called
Taroo Kaja 太郎冠者(たろうかじゃ) Taro Kaja

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Uraku-En 有楽苑 Uraku-En Park and Jo-An 如庵
one of the famous gardens in Japan.

Jo-an (如庵) is a seventeenth-century teahouse in Inuyama, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. Said to be one of the three finest teahouses in the country, in 1951 it was designated a National Treasure.

Jo-an was originally built c.1618 in Kennin-ji, Kyoto by Oda Urakusai, younger brother of Oda Nobunaga and disciple of Sen no Rikyū. Relocated a number of times, since 1972 it has formed part of the Urakuen gardens in Inuyama.
- source : wikipedia -

Meitetsu Inuyama Hotel Urakuen / Joan - HP
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- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

kunpuu ya hanao no yuruki yuurakuen

this fragrant breeze -
the loose string of my sandal
at Yuraku-En

Tr. Gabi Greve

Satoo Mieko 佐藤美恵子 Sato Mieko

. kunpuu 薫風、kaze kaoru 風薫 scented breeze .
- - kigo for summer - -


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #yurakucho #urakusai - - - -


bijin beauties of Edo

. Ukiyo-e 浮世絵 "pictures of the floating world" - Introduction .

Edo no bijin 江戸の美人 the beauties of Edo

. kanban musume 水茶屋の看板娘 Kamban "advertising servant girl" .

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Beauties with a sumptuous body and plump face 豊かな体, ふくよかな顔 in the Early Edo period,
but the ideals for "beauty" were changing with time.

弾琴美人 Beauty playing the Koto / 鈴木春信 Suzuki Harunobu


. bijin 美人 beauty - beauty amulet 美守 - bijin kigan 美人祈願お守り .
Next to prayers for good health, prayers for a beautiful face, skin or body were quite popular.
biyoo jisha 美容寺社 praying for beauty at a Shinto Shrine


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江戸時代における美人の条件は? Conditions for a beauty in the Edo period.



biidoro o fuku musume ビードロを吹く娘 girl blowing a poppen
美人画の大家・喜多川歌麿 Kitagawa Utamaro
This Bijin is a normal girl from the village 町娘. Her kimono is special, with an Ishimatsu pattern and cherry blossoms, signs of Spring.

. poppen, hoppen ぽっぺん / ポッペン glass ball plopping .
The glass balls are also known as "biidoro ビードロ", from the Portuguese vidro.


江戸美人の原点?江戸時代初期の美人 Early Edo Period

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「浮世絵の祖」ともいわれる浮世絵師・菱川師宣 Hishikawa Moronobu (1618 - 1694)
Japanese artist known for popularizing the ukiyo-e genre of woodblock prints and paintings in the late 17th century.
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美人というより美少女 - Beautiful Young Girls
明和期(1764 - 72年)の美人 Meiwa period

chaya no kanban musume 看板娘 Kamban Musume Girls
水茶屋「鍵屋」の看板娘・お仙 Kagiya no S-Sen
浅草寺奥山の楊枝屋「柳屋」の看板娘・お藤 Yanagiya no O-Fuji
二十軒茶屋の水茶屋「蔦屋」の看板娘・およし。Tsutaya no O-Yoshi


抜群のプロポーション! Nice proportions
健康美人 Healthy Bijin

人気絵師・鳥居清長の美人画 Torii Kiyonaga (1752 - 1815)
『当世遊里美人合 たち花』Tachibana
- Conditions for a nice body:


女性らしさ満点、グラマラスな寛政美人 100 points for being a beautiful Female
Three beauties of the Kanei period 寛政の三美人

浅草寺随神門前の水茶屋「難波屋」のおきた O-Kita from Asakusa、
両国の煎餅屋「高島屋」のお久 O-Hisa from Ryogoku, Takashimaya
吉原芸者の富本豊雛(とよひな)Toyohina Geisha from Yoshiwara
by . Kitagawa Utamaro 喜多川歌麿 (1753 - 1806).


個性的すぎる文政美人 Beauties around 1818 - 1830 文政 Bunei
with strong personalities
painted by 渓斎英泉 Keisai Eisen (1790 - 1884)
- Conditions

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Keisai Eisen
(渓斎 英泉, 1790–1848) was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist who specialised in bijin-ga (pictures of beautiful women). His best works, including his ōkubi-e ("large head pictures"), are considered to be masterpieces of the "decadent" Bunsei Era (1818–1830). He was also known as Ikeda Eisen, and wrote under the name of Ippitsuan.
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【おすすめ】こちらの江戸トリビアもどうぞ - further literature and links
- source :


daidokoro bijin 台所美人 "kitchen beauties"

Kitagawa Utamaro 喜多川 歌麿

. . . CLICK here for more Ukiyo-E Bijin on stamps !


浮世絵に見る江戸美人の化粧 Cosmetics of the Edo Bijin Beauties in Ukiyo-E
白、紅、黒―三色の美 The beauty of the three colors white, red and black

white 白粉 o-shiro for face powder
beni 紅 red for lip coloring
black for teeth coloring (o-haguro お歯黒) and eyebrows 眉


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oshiroi, o-shiroi (hakufun) おしろい / 白粉 white face powder
Rice bran powder was often used to wash the face until it was white.

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During the Nara Period (710–94), women painted their face with a white powder called oshiroi, and in the Heian Period (794–1185), a white facial color continued to stand as a symbol of beauty.
During the Edo Period (1603–1868), the culture of fair skin gained ground among commoners. The look sought after at this time, however, was a natural one. Ukkiri, a term for moist, naturally colored skin, appeared in a manual on beauty titled Miyako fūzoku kewaiden (A Handbook of Cosmetics in the Capital), which was published in 1813 and remained a bible for beauty through the next century. The work introduces a range of techniques for making the skin “beautifully white,” including facial cleansing, facial packs made from a natural mineral form of lead oxide, and herbal treatments for acne.
... “The tone the Japanese seek to achieve is not milky white but translucent, like a polished stone. Since the Edo period, women have gone to great pains to achieve this.” Records show that women spent a great deal of time putting on makeup and that cosmetics were geared toward accentuating the natural beauty of the skin. Miyako fūzoku kewaiden, for example, describes how oshiroi should be repeatedly applied and removed and the cheeks rubbed with a towel in order to make the skin look like porcelain.
- source : -
- reference : edo o-shiroi white -

oshiroishi, o-shiroi shi 白粉師 making white face powder

source : メタボンのブログ

Different kinds of O-Shiroi were available, from Kyoto 京白粉, from Ise 伊勢おしろい, "natural white" 生白粉 and others.
Some were made including metal powders not really suited for the skin. Some were in powder form, some hard like soap, but all were applied with a special face brush.
suigin 水銀 mercury cloride was a main ingredient, so even the craftsmen who made the powder were exposed to this poison.
Others were white lead oxide, see below.
They had a special shop sign with a 白鷺 white heron.

新たな仙女香七変化粧 - Yokai Novel

A famous brand of the time was 仙女香 Sennyo-Ko.
The name was taken from the stage name of the Kabuki actor Segawa Kikunojō 瀬川菊之丞 Segawa Kikunojo (1693 - 1749).
The poor people had to use some face wash to keep the face as white as possible, but with the rise of rich merchants in Edo the use white powder among the townspeople spread quite fast.

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In time new products arrived on Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese ships. "Among the various compounds used, oshiroi [白粉 or おしろい], a white powder, and beni (rouge) [紅 or べに] contributed in constructing a woman's beauty. White powder was used to whiten the face and other parts of the body. The oldest form of face powder was made from white soil and rice flour. In the seventh century, the manufacture of keifun (mercury chloride) [けいふん] and empaku (white lead) [鉛白 or えんぱく] was imported from China. Their use was confined to the upper classes until the seventeenth century, when it became popular among the general public." The empaku "...was used extensively during the Edo period... It was mixed with water and applied with a brush. In the 1870s, the toxic quality of lead was recognized, and soon after a lead-free facial powder began to be domestically produced." (Ibid.)

In A Treatise on Chemistry by Roscoe, Cain and Schorlemmer (published by MacMillan, 1913, p. 685) the production of keifun is described: "Calomel has long been known and manufactured in China and Japan under the name keifun (light powder). This product occurs as a light bulky powder, consisting of very thin minute scales, lustrous, transparent, and white or faintly cream coloured. It is quite free from corrosive sublimate and is manufactured by heating balls of porous earth and salt, soaked in bittern (the mother-liquor of partially evaporated sea-water), along with mercury in iron pots lined with earth. The forms hydrochloric acid from the magnesium chloride in the bittern, the mercury sublimes into the clay covers of the pots, air enters by diffusion and the following reaction occurs: 4Hg + 4HCl + O2 = 2Hg2Cl + 2H2O. The cover thus becomes filled with a network of micaceous particles of calomel."

There is an article on "Gender and Hierarchical Differences in Lead-Contaminated Japanese Bone from the Edo Period" from the Japan Society for Occupational Health (Journal of Occupational Health, vol. 40, no. 1, 1998). In this study it was found that members of the samurai class had far higher lead content in their systems than did that of farmers and fishermen. Women in both strata had higher lead deposits in their bones than did their male counterparts. In the abstract to this article it states: "We assume that facial cosmetics (white lead) comprised one of the main routes of lead exposure among the samurai class, because cosmetics were a luxury in that period." While male samurai may not have used white lead makeup they were exposed to it through their contact with samurai females and this accounts for the lead content found in their bones. In fact it would seem that the wealthier the samurai the higher the lead content.
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. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Edo craftsmen .

. shinise 老舗 a long-established store .
The store Sakamotoya 坂本屋 selling oshiroi白粉 the white powder for faces.

. oshiroi hake 白粉刷毛 cosmetic brush .

. beni 紅 lip color and
kurenaishi 紅師 making lip red from safflowers .

- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
8 tales about 白粉 to explore.


. ohaguro, o-haguro お歯黒 / 鉄漿 / おはぐろ Ohaguro, black teeth .


Edo no bijin
- reference - Edo no bijin -

Edo no bijin ga: Kanei Kanbunki no nikuhitsu ga
Paintings of Beautiful Ladies in Edo Period
- reference : -

浮世絵美人 - 解体新書 : 安村敏信

CLICK for more books about Edo Bijin !

hyooban musume 評判娘 girl with a good reputation


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Women of Edo in the eighteenth century
Spectators gathered in Fukiyacho and Sakaicho in Nihombashi from early morning to see the many performances that were given there like Kabuki plays and puppet shows with storylines that resonated with the townspeople.
Among them were those who even competed with each other in investing much money on authors and actors.
Haiku, kyoka, and senryu poetry were a popular part of the culture of self-expression.
There were even those who became haiku, kyoka, etc. poets on their own.
Furthermore, some made business ventures by investing in publishers or by introducing woodblock prints to the world upon starting their own publishing businesses.
The demand for women’s goods such as ornamental hairpins and essential items for men such as pocketbooks and tobacco pouches led to the improvement of the craftsmen’s skills; establishing whole new genres in the unique Edo culture.
The appearance of exquisite restaurants frequented by wealthy townspeople also developed the food culture of Edo.
- source : ... -


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. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
美人 89 to explore


. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Hanga 版画 in the Daruma Museum .

. Ukiyo-e in the Daruma Museum .

- - - - - #edobijin #bijinedo #edobeauties #ukiyoebijin #woman #women - - - -


Tokugawa Yoshimune

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

Tokugawa Yoshimune 徳川吉宗将軍
(1684 - 1751)

He was the first Shogun not born in Edo castle and brought up to become a Shogun. Thus his views on life were quite different from the Tokugawa Shoguns before him.
Since he lived with the common people in his youth in Wakayama, he knew about the problems of the poor and tried to improve their lot throughout his life.

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... the eighth shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan, ruling from 1716 until his abdication in 1745. He was the son of Tokugawa Mitsusada, the grandson of Tokugawa Yorinobu, and the great-grandson of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
... Yoshimune was from the branch of Kii. The founder of the Kii house was one of Tokugawa Ieyasu's sons, Tokugawa Yorinobu. Ieyasu appointed him daimyo of Kii. Yorinobu's son, Tokugawa Mitsusada, succeeded him. Two of Mitsusada's sons succeeded him, and when they died, Tokugawa Yoshimune, Mitsusada's fourth son, became daimyo of Kii in 1705. Later, he became shogun. ...
... In 1697, Genroku underwent the rites of passage and took the name Tokugawa Shinnosuke. In 1705, when Shinnosuke was just 21 years old, his father Mitsusada and two older brothers died. Thus, the ruling shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi appointed him daimyo of Kii. ...

Shogun (1716–1745)
Yoshimune succeeded to the post of the shogun in Shōtoku-1 (1716). His term as shogun would last for 30 years.
Yoshimune is considered among the best of the Tokugawa shoguns.

Yoshimune established the gosankyō to augment (or perhaps to replace) the gosanke. Two of his sons, together with the second son of his successor Ieshige, became the founders of the Tayasu, Hitotsubashi and Shimizu lines. Unlike the gosanke, they did not rule domains. Still, they remained prominent until the end of Tokugawa rule, and some later shoguns were chosen from the Hitotsubashi line.

Yoshimune is known for his financial reforms. He dismissed the conservative adviser Arai Hakuseki and he began what would come to be known as the Kyōhō Reforms.

Yoshimune also tried to resurrect the Japanese swordsmithing tradition. Since the beginning of the Edo period, it was quite difficult for smiths to make a living and to be supported by Daimyō, because of the lack of funds. But Yoshimune was quite unhappy with this situation, causing a decline of skills. And so, he gathered smiths from Daimyō fiefs for a great contest, in 1721.
The four winners who emerged were all great masters, Mondo no Shô Masakiyo (主水正正清), Ippei Yasuyo (一平安代), the 4th generation Nanki Shigekuni (南紀重国) and Nobukuni Shigekane (信国重包). But it didn't worked well to arouse interest, quite like tournaments in modern Japan.
Yoshimune also ordered the compilation of Kyōhō Meibutsu Chō (享保名物帳), listing the best and most famous swords all over Japan. This book allowed the beginning of the Shinshintō period of Nihontō history, and indirectly contributed to the Gassan school, who protected the Nihontō tradition before and after the surrender of Japan.

Although foreign books had been strictly forbidden since 1640, Yoshimune relaxed the rules in 1720, starting an influx of foreign books and their translations into Japan, and initiating the development of Western studies, or rangaku.

Ogosho (1745–1751)
In 1745, Yoshimune retired, took the title Ōgosho and left his public post to his oldest son. The title is the one that Tokugawa Ieyasu took on retirement in favor of his son Hidetada, who in turn took the same title on his retirement.
Yoshimune died on the 20th day of the 5th month of the year Kan'en-4 (July 12, 1751).
- source : wikipedia

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Tokugawa Yoshimune (1684-1751)
was a Japanese ruler, or shogun. He attempted most energetically to revitalize the Tokugawa shogunate after it began to encounter economic and other difficulties in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. ....
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..... Yoshimune is known for taking a more proactive tack in effecting shogunate control over many facets of the economy of the realm. Among his many policies, he effected a dramatic increase in the domestic production of sugar, silk, and ginseng, three goods which had previously been heavily imported, as part of efforts to stem the outflow of silver from the country. He also imposed a variety of sumptuary laws, and granted authorization to merchant groups to form kabunakama, groups which paid the shogunate fees in exchange for monopoly rights to production and distribution of certain goods. .....
..... The ritual protocols and procedures surrounding Yoshimune's accession to the position of shogun are an oft-cited example of shogunal ritual, and in particular of shogunal proclamations (宣下, senge), the most important type of ritual in the Tokugawa Book of Rites (Tokugawa reiten roku).
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Yoshimune installed the
meyasubako 目安箱 petition box
suggestion box / complaints box / Vorschlagskasten für Petitionen
sojoobako, sojōbako 訴状箱

Only he had to key to open it, thus hearing the voice of the people directly and giving them a chance to complain about their superiors.

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Petition box
The petition box was a process employed at various times and places, notably in Edo period Tosa han, to allow members of society, regardless of their status, to have their comments and suggestions heard by the lord.
..... The first shogun to implement a petition box system was Tokugawa Yoshimune.
He did so in 1721, after having overseen a similar system as daimyô of Wakayama han, installing the box in front of the hyôjôsho (judicial offices). Prior to this, people often petitioned the shogunate illegally, through petitions known as osso (direct appeals to high officials) and sutebumi (anonymous petitions left at the gates of the castle); the creation of a petition box allowed for a legal avenue for such grievances to be expressed.
While social commentary could be submitted into the shogunate's petition box easily enough, petitions which called for legal appeals could only be submitted in certain types of cases, where other legal avenues had already been tried. The petition box system was considered quite successful, however, and was not only maintained, but was expanded to Kyoto, Osaka, and Sunpu, and remained in place until 1868. A number of policy moves, such as the establishment of the Edo fire brigades, have been traced to suggestions made in petitions placed in the box. ....
- reference source : -


Yoshimune established a public hospital at the garden in
Koishikawa 小石川養生所  Koishikawa Yojosho
with free treatment for all and a large herb garden for medicine.

... The hospital was established in 1722 by the shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune in the herb gardens of what is now the Koishikawa Botanical Gardens at the suggestion of the town physician Ogawa Shosen. The hospital offered its services only to the indigent. It was eventually merged into Tokyo University's medical school.
- source : wikipedia -


. - Edo 江戸 the Castle Town - .
Matsuo Basho at Koishikawa


hanabi 花火 Fireworks after an epidemy

..... Yahei studied large-scale fireworks and showed his marvelous works at the Water God Festival in 1717. When the country suffered many deaths due to famine in Kansai (west) and cholera in Edo, the 8th shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune held a Water God Festival at Sumida River to console the souls of the dead, with Yahei’s fireworks.
This is said to be the beginning of Sumidagawa Fireworks that continues to attract millions of people in Tokyo today.
. HANABI 花火 Japanese Fireworks - Introduction .


Along the new river banks and open spaces to protect from fire he had many cherry trees planted and thus supported the old custom of
hanami 花見 cherry blossom viewing and merrymaking.
He wanted to give the townspeople a chance to enjoy life.
The most famous spots are 飛鳥山 Asukayama, 御殿山 Gotenyama, Koganei and Mukojima.

飛鳥山 - 広重 Asukayama, Hiroshige

「飛鳥山花見」勝川春潮 Katsukawa Shuncho (1781 - 1788)
The ladies wore special Hanami Kimono for the occasion.

And the food was of course
. hanami bentoo 花見弁当 Bento lunch box for blossom viewing .

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In the early eighteenth century, shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune planted many cherry trees in the area and opened up the land for the enjoyment of the "Edokko" or citizens of Tokyo. The park was formally established, alongside Ueno Park, Shiba Park, Asuka Park, and Fukagawa Park, in 1873 by the Dajō-kan, as Japan's first public parks.
- source :wikipedia -

御殿山花見之図 - 広重 Gotenyama, Hiroshige


To boost the coffers of the Bakufu, he encouraged the development of new rice fields -
shinden kaihatsu 新田開発 reclamation projects.
development program of newly cultivable lands / developing new farming land

source : edo/kaikaku/sinden

He also initiated reforms for the use of koban 小判 gold money.

. shinden kaihatsu 新田開発 developing new farm land .
and the taxing system (nengu 年貢) for farmers


. Tokugawa Muneharu 徳川宗春 (1696 - 1764) .

「増税派の吉宗」Yoshimune for more taxes
「減税派の宗春」Muneharu for less taxes

. kenyaku 倹約 frugality, thrift - Sparsamkeit .
. Buke shohatto 武家諸法度 Laws for the Samurai .
12 Samurai throughout the realm are to practice frugality.


. takagari 鷹狩 hunting with hawks and falcons .
The hunting grounds of the Shogun

. Ohanajaya お花茶屋 Ohanajaya district Katsushika .
よ】 吉宗の 病治した お花さん Yoshimune no yamai naoshita O-Hana san
Hanafuda flower trump card for the letter よ YO - Yoshimune.


Oka Echizen 大岡越前 - Ōoka Tadasuke 大岡忠相 
(1677 – February 3, 1752)
as a Japanese samurai in the service of the Tokugawa shogunate. During the reign of Tokugawa Yoshimune, as a magistrate (machi-bugyō) of Edo, his roles included chief of police, judge and jury, and Yamada Magistrate (Yamada bugyō) prior to his tenure as South Magistrate (Minami Machi-bugyō) of Edo. With the title Echizen no Kami (Governor of Echizen or Lord of the Echizen), he is often known as Ōoka Echizen (大岡越前). He was highly respected as an incorruptible judge. In addition, he established the first fire brigade made up of commoners, and the Koishikawa Yojosho (a city hospital). Later, he advanced to the position of jisha bugyō, and subsequently became daimyo of the Nishi-Ōhira Domain (10,000 koku).

..... Ōoka Tadasuke has been the central character in two jidaigeki television series. In one, Ōoka Echizen, actor Gō Katō played the lead. In the other, Meibugyō! Ōoka Echizen, Kinya Kitaōji played the same role.
In addition, series such as Abarenbo Shogun have portrayed Ōoka as an intimate of the shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune.
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. Akasaka Hitotsugi choo 赤坂一木町 / 一ツ木町 Edo .
Around 1696, the residence of the city magistrate 大岡忠相 Oka Tadasuke Echizen no Kami was located here.
The 豊川稲荷 Toyokawa Inari Shrine in the compound is still there now.


Yoshimune is well loved as a Jidaigeki hero, the

aberenbo Shogun 暴れん坊将軍 "The Wild Shogun".
He was rather large for his times and very strong, throwing huge Sumo wrestlers in the sand like nothing in his youth.

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Abarenbō Shōgun
a Japanese television program on the TV Asahi network. Set in the eighteenth century, it showed fictitious events in the life of Yoshimune, the eighth Tokugawa shogun. The program started in 1978 under the title Yoshimune Hyōbanki: Abarenbō Shōgun (Chronicle in Praise of Yoshimune: The Bold Shogun) who went after rogue Councillors and Daimyo who were abusing their power. After a few seasons, they shortened the first two words and ran for two decades under the shorter title until the series ended in 2003; a two-hour special aired in 2004, and then restarted from Oct. 13, 2013 at 7:00PM (Japan time) and still runs today. The earliest scripts occasionally wove stories around historic events such as the establishment of firefighting companies of commoners in Edo, but eventually the series adopted a routine of strictly fiction.

Along with Zenigata Heiji and Mito Kōmon, it ranks among the longest-running series in the jidaigeki genre. Like so many other jidaigeki, it falls in the category of kanzen-chōaku, loosely, "rewarding good and punishing evil."

Goyō toritsugi
The goyō toritsugi (御用取次) (his reform of the soba yōnin (側用人) was a Hatamoto person who scheduled appointments for the Shogun. He is generally a man of advanced years. In the first two casts, the character's name was Kanō Gorozaemon (played by comic Ichirō Arishima). Next came Tanokura Magobei (Eiji Funakoshi), and a few followed in the cast changes of the last years of the show.
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Jidaigeki (時代劇) is a genre of film, television, and theatre in Japan.
Literally "period dramas", they are most often set during the Edo period of Japanese history, from 1603 to 1868. Some, however, are set much earlier—Portrait of Hell, for example, is set during the late Heian period—and the early Meiji era is also a popular setting. Jidaigeki show the lives of the samurai, farmers, craftsmen, and merchants of their time. Jidaigeki films are sometimes referred to as chambara movies, a word meaning "sword fight", though chambara is more accurately a subgenre of jidaigeki. Jidaigeki rely on an established set of dramatic conventions including the use of makeup, language, catchphrases, and plotlines.
..... List of jidaigeki films
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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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yatai food stalls

. Food vendors in Edo .

yatai 屋台 food stalls, pushcart stalls
hikiko 引き子 puller of the yatai

In modern times, we now have "food stall villages", yatai mura, where many are located together to share water supply and toilets.

. Eating out in Japan - Introduction .

Edo Yatai 江戸屋台 Food stalls in Edo

The most famous three ones were for Sushi, Tenpura and Soba buckwheat noodles.
Others sold food based on cooked rice, like 稲荷ずし Inarizushi, 茶飯 Chameshi rice cooked with green tea or 麦飯 Mugimeshi mixed with barley. Others sold all kinds of mixes soups.
Sweets were also sold in Yatai stalls.
There were about 7600 yatai in Edo, because there were so many single men coming here to work who needed food.
The yatai was carried around, but it had all that was needed. A lamp (andon) at one side, stove (kama) at the other.

. Sushi 寿司屋台 Sushi Yatai .

. Tenpura 天ぷら屋台 Tempura Yatai .


Soba Yatai 蕎麦屋台 in Edo
They were out all evening and allowed to work the streets until morning. Carried on the shoulder pole, the two boxes contained all the cook needed.

CLICK for more photos !

The nihachi soba 二八蕎麦 (80% buckwheat and 20% wheat) was mostly frequented.

In the beginning, buckwheat was served as
sobagaki 蕎麦掻 (そばがき) buckwheat dumplings
Later it was cut in noodle form, kirisoba 切り蕎麦

tenpura soba 天麩羅そば Soba with Tempura topping
one of the more expensive ones.

The prize of Soba was in doubles of four Mon, the smallest coin available in Edo.
Simple Soba were just 16 Mon (about 320 Yen now), Tempura Soba and other delicious toppings cost 32 Mon.

. shimonya 四文屋 "Four Mon Shop" .
- Introducing the money of the Edo period -


fuurin soba 風鈴そば Furin "windbell Soba"

. Edo Fuurin 風鈴 Furin Wind Chimes from Edo .


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The first person to eat soba noodles in Edo was a monk from Nihombashi (Nihonbashi 日本橋)
The first person to eat soba noodles in Edo was a Nihombashi resident four hundred years ago.

The first time soba noodles appeared in Edo literature was when it was mentioned in the Jisho Diary (1614), which was written by the monk Jisho of the Sonshoin Temple in Kyoto. The entry of February 3rd shows that he ate buckwheat noodles with Sencho of Edo Nihombashi’s Tokoin Temple and Kuun of Oumi Sakamoto’s Yakujuin when they went to a bathhouse but could not enter because it was too crowded.
Tokoin Temple was in Nihombashi’s Shinnawacho (now Nihombashi Honcho 4-Chome). It was then transferred and is now in Nishiasakusa. Soba noodles are a dish that spread out from temples and shrines out to the general public.

It is said that “Shinanoya”, which opened in Nihombashi’s Setomoncho (now Nihombashi Muromachi) during the Kanbun period (1661 to 1673) was the first soba noodle shop in Edo.
The noodles that were served at Shinanoya were called “kendon” noodles. Kendon noodles were originally served as light finishing meals served during tea ceremonies at places such as temples. They are served as single orders on bamboo trays and enjoyed by dipping small portions in broth. The broth is “taremiso”, which is made with strained miso and water containing plenty of flavorings such as juice derived from daikon, citrus peel, perilla, dried plum, and dried seaweed.

The soba broth we know today was developed around the mid- to late Edo period (mid-seventeenth century to the late eighteenth century), when it became easy for common people to get their hands on dried bonito, which serves as the base. It is also around this time when soy sauce, sake, and sweet cooking rice wine became what they are today. ...

Shinanoya in Nihombashi’s Shinzaimokumachi (now Nihombashi Horidomecho) began serving “bukkake soba” (soba noodles covered with toppings) during the Genroku period (1688 – 1704). It was from around the Kansei period (1789 – 1801) a hundred years later when it started to be called “kake soba”.
- - - The Big Four of Edo Dining
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A Long Story of the Long Soba
..... According to the book Soba-Edo no Shokubunnka (Buckwheat noodles―The Food Culture of the Edo Period) (2001) by Toshiya Kasai, the very origin of Soba found so far is pollen from a stratum of the beginning of the Jomon period. The direct origin of eating Soba on New Year’s Eve can be dated back to the Edo period. Soba was always eaten on special events in those days, and Toshi-koshi-soba, which means the New Year’s Eve Soba, used to be one of them. Today, Soba is not regarded as something to eat on special occasions, but still the tradition of Toshi-koshi-soba remains. Two different traditions, the tradition of eating Soba in December and the tradition of eating Soba at the end of each month have fused into the tradition of Toshi-koshi-soba.
..... Firstly, the tradition of eating Soba in December was popular among the people of the Edo period because it was the last chance of the year to taste Shin-soba, which is Soba made from fresh buckwheat flour.
..... Secondly, people tended to eat Soba at the end of each month in the Edo period. It was called Misoka-soba, since Misoka means ‘the last day of a month’. Soba was regarded as a frugal but special meal. They ate Misoka-soba to celebrate the fact that they have been able to live another month working hard with good health.
- source : - Tomoko Takahashi -


sobachoko 蕎麦猪口 dipping pot with Daruma design

In Summer, Soba were served cold.
At the Edo food stalls, the dipping sauce in the small cup/pot was mostly
hishio, 醤油 strong soy sauce base.


yotaka soba 夜鷹蕎麦 Soba for "night hawker" prostitutes

source : - 蘭鋳郎の日常

Most ladies of the night did not even have sandals and had to make do with a hot pot of Soba to get warm between serving customers.

. yotaka 夜鷹 "nighthawks (night hawks)" cheap prostitutes .


Here is Daruma san, eating his fill at Moriyama, Tokaido
守山 - 「達磨大師」
He has various trays with Soba like a mountain (yama 山) filled with many Soba (mori 盛り)to make a pun of the place name Moriyama.

Print by Utagawa 歌川国芳

Daruma Yobanashi だるま夜話 "Night Stories" and more prints
. Daruma eating Buckwheat noodles .

. soba 蕎麦 Legends about buckwheat .


. soba 蕎麦 buckwheat - plant and food .
Polygonum fagopyrum - with kigo from various seasons

Buchweizen, Buchweizennudeln


Oniazami no Seikichi / Oni-Azami Seikichi 鬼あざみ清吉 Oniazami Seikichi
The Bandit Seikichi (Demon Thistle) - the thief Oniazami - Gangster Oniazami

He was a famous thief and soon the model of some novels, prints and stories.
He was caught in 伊勢 Ise and brought back to Edo, where he died in 1805.

source :

The print shows the famous thief Oniazami no Seikichi, hiding in a Soba Yatai.

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Sato Moyo Azami no Ironui - Izayoi Seishin
This Sewamono, commonly called "Izayoi seishin," was written by Kawatake Mokuami. It depicts the vicissitudes of Seishin, a priest at Gokurakuji temple, and the courtesan Izayoi.
Seishin was expelled from his temple for nyobon (Buddhist priest's illicit sexual relations with a woman). Izayoi realizes that she is pregnant with Seishin's child, and escapes from the kuruwa (licensed prostitution quarter). Izayoi and Seishin meet near the Inase river, and jump into the river in an attempt to commit double suicide.
However, unknown to each other, they both survive. Seishin has become an outlaw because he accidentally killed a man, and Izayoi has become the mistress kept by Hakuren, who rescued her from drowning. Later, Izayoi and Seishin meet again in the mountains of Hakone.
They became thieves calling themselves Oniazami no Seikichi and Osayo, and visit Hakuren to extort money from him.
At present,
the play is performed from the 'Inasegawa hyappongui' scene in which Izayoi and Seishin attempt to commit double suicide, to the 'Hyappongui kawashimo' scene in which the two of them, each not knowing that the other has survived, pass by each other.
A highlight of the 'Hyappongui kawashimo' scene is Seishin's "Shikashi mateyo" speech after he has committed the crime of murder, and the evil in his heart has awakened.
- source : -

- reference : oniazami seikichi -

Oniazami is also a story of Rakugo in Kansai. 上方落語の演目の一つ.

. jooshuu oniazami 上州鬼薊 thistle, Cirsium okamotoi .
and other types of Oniazami plants in Japan

. nusutto 盗人 / ぬすっと robbers / villains of Edo .


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

koya kake no sobaya ikken yukimagusa

just one stall
of a Soba vendor -
plants out of the snow

Tr. Gabi Greve

岡本菊絵 Matsumoto Kikue

. WKD : yukimagusa 雪間草 plants peeking out of a break in the snow .
- - kigo for early spring - -


aosora ya ikusa de shinda oniazami

this blue sky -
Oniazami was killed
in the fight

駿河静男 Suruga Shizuo


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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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Yayosugashi district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Yayosugashi 八代洲河岸  / やよすがし Yayosu Quay
Now in Chuo Ward. Yaesu 八重洲

Yayosu / Yeasu is named after the Dutch merchant from Holland,
Jan Joosten van Lodensteyn
ヤン・ヨーステン ファン・ローデンスタイン (1557 - 1623) / 耶揚子

source : rootsdiscovery/yaesu3

A map from 1865. The letters 「八代洲(やよす)川岸」 can be seen beside the gate 和田倉門前.
Jan Joosten presented Tokugawa Ieyasu with 24 lion cubs 虎の子.
In 1872 this area became 八重洲町 Yaesu and in 1929 part of Marunouchi 丸の内.
The district was named 中央区八重洲 in 1954.
Yaesu Avenue has a monument dedicated to Jan Joosten and his life after his arrival in Japan on the Liefde with William Adams.

. William Adams - Miura Anjin 三浦按針 .
(1564 - 1620)


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Nihonbashi, Yaesu-dōri / Chūō-dōri
Joosten was born in Delft 1556 and died in the South Chinese Sea 1623.

The monument is located in the middle of the Yaesu-dōri (= Jan Joosten Avenue) on the intersection with the Chūō-dōri (Chuo Avenue).

Bronze plaque with two rings, which are shaped as navigtational instruments. The left is dedicated to Jan Joosten van Lodensteyn, includes a copy of the Jan Joosten bust made by L. Braat, which is found a couple of hundred meters further in the Yaesu Shopping Mall. The right ring is dedicated to the ship De Liefde. Both halves contain a long explanation in Japanese and Dutch.

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Jan Joosten van Lodensteijn
(c. 1560 – 1623), or simply Jan Joosten, was a native of Delft and one of the first Dutchmen in Japan, arriving as one of William Adams's shipmates (the second mate) on the De Liefde, which was disabled on the coast of Kyūshū in 1600.
- - - - - Early life in Japan
The De Liefde departed Rotterdam in 1598, on a trading voyage and attempted a circumnavigation of the globe. It was wrecked in Japan in 1600. The 24 survivors were received by future Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu, who questioned them at length on European politics and foreign affairs. As with William Adams, Joosten was selected to be a confidant of the Shogun on foreign and military affairs, and he contributed to the development of relations between the Netherlands and Japan, thereby weakening the influence of Portugal and Spain.

For his services, Jan Joosten was granted a house in Edo (now Tokyo) in a part of the city that came to be called "Yayosu Quay" after him — his name was pronounced yan yōsuten in Japanese (short: Yayōsu (耶楊子)) — and the name exists in the name of Yaesu side of Tokyo Station. Although not allowed to return to the Netherlands, Joosten was allowed to take a Japanese wife and was given a permit to engage in foreign trade. He was privileged to wear the two swords of the samurai and received an annual stipend which placed him (along with Adams) among the ranks of the hatamoto or direct retainers of the Shogun. Joosten was said to be a drunk with a choleric temperament, and at one point was not welcome at Ieyasu's court.

Joosten is reported to have made a fortune in trade between Japan and Southeast Asia, chartering several Red Seal Ships under license from Tokugawa Ieyasu.
After the establishment of the Dutch Factory in Hirado, he became a middleman between Dutch merchants and the Shogunate.
He is also said to have been to Siam on one of his ships, with the Japanese adventurer and author Tenjiku Tokubei. Later, he attempted to return to the Netherlands, but after reaching Batavia, he was denied permission by Dutch authorities to proceed further.
He drowned in the South China Sea in 1623 when his ship sank as he was returning to Japan.
- - - source : WIKIPEDIA

Tenjiku Tokubei 天竺徳兵衛 (1612 - c. 1692)
a Japanese adventurer and writer of the early 17th century. He traveled to Southeast and South Asia, hence his "Tenjiku" (Japanese: 天竺, East Asian name of "India") nickname.
He was born in Sendo-machi, Takasago-cho, in today's Hyōgo Prefecture in 1612. His father was a salt wholesaler.
At the age of fifteen, in 1626, Tokubei was hired by a trading company in Kyoto. He pursued commercial activities aboard Japanese Red Seal Ships.
In 1627, Tokubei visited China, Vietnam and Siam (modern Thailand) on board a Japanese Red Seal ship. He would stay for some time in Siam and again visit the country on board one of the ships of the Dutch adventurer Jan Joosten van Lodensteijn. He also sailed to India, to the source of the Ganges, and the country of Magadha, and returned with great wealth and numerous stories to tell.
Upon his return to Japan,
and after the introduction of the Seclusion policy (Sakoku), Tokubei wrote an essay titled "Tenjiku Tokai Monogatari" (天竺渡海物語, "Relations of sea travels to India") on his adventures in foreign countries, which became very popular in Japan.

彩入御伽草 Eiri Otogi Zôshi - Kabuki actor 尾上松助 Onoe Matsusuke
Utagawa Toyokuni 歌川豊国

- - - - - The Kabuki character ...
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Utagawa Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Utagawa Hiroshige was born in 1797 in the Yayosugashi district of Edo, the son of Ando Genemon, a member of the fire-fighting brigade maintained by the Tokugawa Shogunate. At the time, Kitagawa Utamaro and Toshusai Sharaku were at their prime as ukiyo-e artists. Ukiyo-e, which means art of the floating world, refers to the impermanence of life and the enjoyment of pleasure free of mundane concerns. ...
After the death of his parents in 1809, Andō Tokutarō (Hiroshige) took over his father's place as a firefighter.
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. Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 .


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

Yaesu ooji futo akikaze ni deai keri

at Yaesu Road
I come to meet a bout
of autumn wind . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

Sutoo Shooko 須藤省子 Suto Shoko (1923 - )


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

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