
takenoko bamboo shoots


. Food vendors in Edo .
Edo no takenoko 江戸の筍 bamboo shoots in Edo
Bambussprossen. Bambussprössling

. take no ko, takenoko 筍 bamboo shoots   .
笋(たけのこ), takanna たかんな, たかうな、たけのこ、 竹の子
hachiku no ko 淡竹の子(はちくのこ)bamboo sprouts
madake no ko 苦竹の子(まだけのこ)- 真竹
moosoochiku no ko 孟宗竹の子(もうそうちくのこ)

. takenoko meshi 筍飯(たけのこめし) rice with bamboo sprouts .
..... nokomeshi のこめし, tako una たこうな, takanna たかんな
takenoko gohan sold in Meguro 目黒  (see below)

The Edoites liked "first things", hatsumono 初物, and one of them were the first bamboo shoots of the season.
haru no takenoko 春の筍 - bamboo shoots in spring
..... haru take no ko 春筍 / ..... shunjun 春筍

There were even some kind of hot houses around Edo where vegetables could be grown earlier than the normal season outside and sold at a good price.

source : furuhonkirikoya.blog

takenoko uri たけのこ売り vendor of bamboo shoots in Edo


takenoko isha 筍医者 a kind of yabuisha 藪医者 quack doctor
or even worse than a yabu-isha.

. isha 医者, ishi 医師 doctors in Edo .
Sugita Genpaku 杉田玄白 (1733―1817) was called takenoko isha.


. take no ko shinji 筍神事 bamboo shoots ritual .
at Shrine Asusuki Jinja 阿須々伎神社
myooga matsuri 茗荷祭 Japanese ginger festival in February


. Bamboo shoots - takenoko bamboo shoot legends - 筍 / 竹の子 伝説 .
Taketori Monogatari 竹取物語 The Tale of the Bamboo cutter
also known as
Kaguya Hime かぐや姫 Princess Kaguya, Shining Princess
and more . . .


- quote -
Springtime for bamboo
Few plants are as useful as bamboo. A member of the grass family, it is fast growing and very prolific given the right growing conditions, which makes it eco-friendly too.

The bamboo plant is indispensable in the Japanese kitchen, where every part of it is used. The leaves and bark are employed as wrappers, as well as in cooking. (Those little green leaf-shaped pieces of plastic called baran that are used as a divider in bentō boxes and takeout sushi are designed to emulate the shape of bamboo leaves — better sushi places still use the real thing.) The stalks of the plants are used as food containers, and thin skewers made of bamboo are used for everything from yakitori chicken to testing if your cake is done. So many kitchen implements are made from bamboo that it’s impossible to list them all, but it’s particularly hard to imagine making proper sushi rolls without a makisu, a bamboo sushi roll mat.

Although the tender bark is edible too, the most widely eaten parts of the bamboo plant are the shoots, which grow underground in the spring. Edible bamboo shoots are mentioned in the Kojiki, which was written in the early 8th century, but they weren’t widely eaten until the mid-1600s (early Edo Period), when a tender variety called mōsōchiku was introduced from China.

Fresh bamboo shoots are so strongly identified with springtime that they are accepted as a kigo (seasonal word) in haiku. Nowadays you can have precooked bamboo shoots year round, but in the days before canning, bamboo shoots were an eagerly anticipated sign of the end of winter. The best bamboo shoots are said to be those ones grown around Kyoto, with those grown in northern Kyushu also strong contenders.

Freshly dug bamboo shoots can be simply sliced and eaten raw, and fans of fresh raw bamboo shoots go foraging in the mountains just to enjoy this delicacy. But the longer the shoots are out of the ground the more fibrous they become, and the oxalic and phenolic acids become more pronounced, making them taste bitter unless they are cooked.

In Japan, this is most commonly done by boiling them in a mild alkaline solution — usually the white, cloudy water produced from rinsing rice, or plain water with some rice bran included, plus a sliced red chili pepper. It is believed that the outer skin of the bamboo shoots helps to tenderize them, so the skin is left on when the shoots are simmered.

Another method is to marinate the sliced bamboo shoots in grated daikon radish, which is also mildly alkaline, and preserves a crunchy texture. Still another way to reduce the bitterness is to cook the sliced bamboo shoots in oil, by deep frying them for example — this method is used in Chinese cooking.

Takenoko gohan (rice with bamboo shoots) is a quintessential springtime dish. For the recipe on this page, you could use bamboo shoots that are placed in water from rinsed rice and a sliced red chili pepper, and simmer them until a skewer goes through them easily. You can use ready-cooked bamboo shoots sold in vacuum packs or cans, but do try to make this with fresh bamboo shoots when they are in season. The rice is garnished with another quintessential springtime food — kinome, the tender young shoots of the sanshō pepper tree. Give it a go, and bring spring to your kitchen.
- source : Japan Times 2014 - Makiko Itoh -


歌川豊国 Utagawa Toyokuni

Children digging for bamboo shoots

Meguro no Takenoko 目黒の筍 Bamboo from Meguro 

山路治郎兵衛勝孝 Yamaji Jirobei Katsutaka introduced the farming of 孟宗竹 mosochiku bamboo in Meguro. He tried it first in the garden of his own villa in Shinawgawa.
He begun selling it in three venues:
1- He delivered it to the local markets in babmoo baskets high on the back of horses.
2- He sold them at the regular market of the Meguro Fudo temple, a popular spot in the Edo period.
3- He asked the tea stalls along the path to Meguro Fudo to sell 筍飯 "Babmoo Shoots with Rice" as a local speciality.

A school in Meguro has the bamboo shoots in their crest to our day.

source : edoyasai.sblo.jp/article

目黒の筍縁起 / 浅黄斑 The story of the bamboo shoots from Meguro

. Meguro Fudo Temple 目黒不動 - 瀧泉寺.

reference : edococo.exblog.jp - 目黒の筍林


Kabuki : Honchô Nijûshikô 本朝二十不孝 Honcho Niju Shiko
Twenty-Four Examples of Filial Piety

- quote -
From ancient time, the Twenty-Four Examples of Filial Piety, one of the Confucian classics, has taught respect for one's parents with stories that seem rather strange and even grotesque today.
For example, there is the story of the man whose sick mother wanted fresh fish in the dead of winter and so the man lay naked on the ice until he melted a hole through and the gods, taking pity on his plight saw that fish jumped out through this hole.
Another story has a mother who wants to eat fresh bamboo shoots in the dead of winter. A dutiful son digs through the snow and finds that, miraculously, there are bamboo shoots growing underneath the snow.
- source : www.kabuki21.com TAKENOKO HORI 筍堀」 -

. Legend about a son of great filial piety 親孝行息子 . .
Filial piety is a virtue highly praised in the teachings of Confucius.


雪中筍掘り Digging for bamboo shoots in the snow
a sobachoko そば猪口 pot for dipping soba buckwheat noodles

source : 越前屋平太


netsuke with bamboo shoot and snail 筍根付

CLICK for more photos !


tea cup with bamboo design
名乾山写 飴釉七夕文茶碗作 者寺尾陶象

source : www.gmo-toku.jp


たけのこまつり Takenoko Bamboo shoots festival
in Uchikawa 内川, Ishikawa prefecture

A samurai from the Kaga han domaine called 岡本右太夫 Okamoto Migidayu (? - 1817) had first eaten bamboo shoot dishes in Edo and liked it very much. When he came back to Kanazawa he brought some bamboo plants of mosochiku 孟宗竹 with him. He re-planted them many times to find a type that suited the soil of Kanazawa and now they are a speciality of our town, Uchikawa.

別所町在住の向田吉右衛門がこの地に栽培した . . .
- source : uchikawa-k1.bz-office.net -


. 河鍋暁斎 Kawanabe Kyosai .


竹林での筍(たけのこ)掘り digging for bamboo shoots in a bamboo grove

歌川豊国 Utagawa Toyokuni


- - - - - Edo specialities with bamboo shoots

junkan, shunkan 筍羹 / 笋羹 / 筍干 boiled bamboo shoots and
assorted simmered dishes, including vegetables rolled in a sheet of deep-fried tofu.
A favorite since the Muromachi period.
In Kagoshima bamboo shoots are boiled with salted meat of pigs (or wild boars) and other vegetables.

junkan / shunkan was first introduced as par of the
. fucha ryori 普茶料理 Chinese-style Buddhist vegetarian cuisine .

takenokawa makisushi 竹の皮巻すし Sushi rolled in bamboo leaves
- - - - - take no kawa 竹の皮 dried bamboo leaves were often used as wrappers.

takenoko aemono 竹の子 和え物 bamboo shoots with special dressing

takenoko dengaku 竹の子田楽 Dengaku with bamboo shoots

takenoko meshi 筍めし bamboo shoots boiled with rice

takenoko nikomi tamago 笋煎入卵 bamboo shoots boiled with eggs

takenoko sashimi 竹の子刺身 Sashimi with bamboo

takenoko shirumono 竹の子汁物 bamboo shoots in soup

takenoko sushi 筍すし Sushi made with bamboo pieces
- - - - - made from hachiku 淡竹 Hachiku bamboo.

takenoko teriyaki 照焼き broiled after being soaked in sweetened soy sauce

. 100 Favorite Dishes of Edo 江戸料理百選 .
Bamboo is not mentioned among them.


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

takenoko no chiyo mo pokkiri ore ni keri

the thousand year
bamboo shoot...
snap! broken

Kobayashi Issa

Robin D. Gill points out that pokkiri in the Edo era connoted "the sound made when a hard thing breaks." Shinji Ogawa explains:
"If there were no people, the bamboo shoot would grow to adulthood and enjoy the thousand years of its life. But someone has snapped the bamboo shoot for dinner."
Tr. David Lanoue

. WKD : take no ko, takenoko <> bamboo shoots 筍 .
- - kigo for summer - -


by Ueda Mucho 上田無腸 (1734 - 1809)

無腸上田秋成 Mucho Ueda Akinari、筍圖併俳句讃 -
- source : oukodou/gallery -

. Ueda Akinari 上田秋成 (1734 - 1809) .
He is famous for his eerie ghost stories and strange fiction in Japan.


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. Edo yasai 江戸伝統野菜 Vegetables of Edo .

. 100 Favorite Dishes of Edo 江戸料理百選 .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #edofood #edotakenoko #takenoko #bambooshoots - - - -


niuriya food

. Food vendors in Edo .
niuriya, niuri-ya 煮売屋 / 煮売り屋 / にうりや selling simmered, boiled food
saiya 菜屋
niurizakaya 煮売り酒屋 selling simmered food and sake
ichizen meshiya 一膳飯屋 quick lunch vendor
ochazuke ya お茶漬け屋 selling o-chazuke

source : cleanup.jp
niuri zakaya 煮売り酒屋 selling simmered food and sake
A kind of famires, fami res  ファミレス "family restaurant" .

They sold all kinds of simmered food, like fish, beans and boxes with a variety simmered food (nishime 煮しめ). This is the forerunner of "fast food" in Edo. Most walked around in Edo to sell their food, others had a fixed stall (yatai 屋台). Specialised shops were called
niuri chaya 煮売茶屋 tea stalls selling simmered food.
They also sold soups, sashimi raw fish, nigiri sushi, nabemono hodge-podge and other kinds of "family food".
They sold their food in the stalls on small tablets, which were placed on the tatami beside the customer.
The true 居酒屋 izakaya for drinking only did not even have a place to sit.

source : shokubun/izakaya

Most of them made their business in the evening, but theirs was also a source of fire, so they had to be very careful with open fires to heat the food.
The niuriya business was strictly forbidden in Edo to work at night from 1661 to 1799.

Others sold their food from a boat, floating along the canals of Edo.
niuribune 煮売船 / 煮売り船
They sold to customers on ferries or pleasure boats.

source : suganet_2005/sasie

. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall in Edo .

. Edo Yatai 江戸屋台 Food stalls in Edo .


Niuriya - 落語 a Rakugo story  - told in English !
- source : kamigatarakugo.wordpress.com/ -


煮売屋の入り婿 The son-in-law of the Niuriya shop


source : 江波文學塾

niurizakaya 煮売り酒屋 selling simmered food and sake


江戸生まれの握りずし ... Nigiri Sushi born in Edo

When did nigirizushi appear in the Edo period?
It was about 200+ years ago assuming it appeared around 1810, or Bunka • Bunsei eras (1804 to 1830).
- source : benricho.org/kazu... -

. nigirizushi にぎり鮨 / 握りずし hand-kneaded sushi .

- quote -
Hanaya Yohei and the beginning of nigiri-zushi
- source : thesushigeek.com/the-sushi-geek ... -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

waga io ya ganjitsu mo kuru zooni uri

my humble hut -
but on the New Year's Day
the soup vendor comes

Tr. Gabi Greve

Kobayashi Issa

Since people were not supposed to cook on the New Year day, the vendors were very busy.
Issa lived in Edo, Hatchobori, when he wrote this haiku.

. WKD : Zoni... 雑煮 (ぞうに) New Year Soup.
- kigo for the New Year -


Fuji aogu ichizenmeshiya no sakura-ebi

looking up to Mount Fuji
the cherryblossom shrimp
of the quick lunch shop

平林孝子 Hirabayashi Takako

CLICK for more photos !

. sakuraebi, sakura ebi, sakura-ebi 桜蝦 "cherryblossom shrimp.
- - kigo for late spring -


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. Izakaya in Edo 江戸の居酒屋 .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

- - - - - #edoniuriya #niuriya #nigirizushi - - - -


kashihonya lending books


. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
kashihonya, kashihon'ya 貸本屋 booklender, booklender
furuhonya, furu-honya 古本屋 selling old books

- source : ameblo.jp/yonezu011 -

. shuppansha 出版社 publishing company, book publisher .
ABC - Introduction


- quote
Kashihon'ya, or booklenders, played a prominent role in the publishing and distribution industry of Edo period Japan. While many consumers purchased books outright from publishers/bookshops or from traveling salesmen, borrowing of books from booklenders, and from one another, was extremely popular.

They are believed to have emerged around the late 17th century, if not earlier, with one source indicating the emergence of the term in 1713. By 1808, booklenders in Edo numbered at least 656, outnumbering public bathhouses in the city; this number jumped to at least 800 by the 1840s. Similar numbers were seen in Osaka. Most booklenders/booksellers maintained storefronts, but conducted much of their business through visits directly to the homes of regular customers, or by peddling books on the street. One scholar has estimated the customer base of each kashihon'ya at, on average, 150-200 households.

The book peddler, with a rectangular pile of books on his back, is actually a very common sight in ukiyo-e genre paintings. Traveling booklenders - or perhaps staff in the employ of a booklender from one of the major urban centers - are also known to have made visits to more rural communities and individuals.

The seal of the kashihon'ya would often be placed in the front of the book - either on the inside cover, or on the first page. Along with the seals of later owners of the books (e.g. 20th century Western collectors), these booklenders' seals provide interesting and useful information about the provenance or history of a particular copy of a book.

Prices varied dramatically from city to city and from one booklender to another, but are cited by historian Eiko Ikegami as being roughly 1/6th the cost of buying the book outright. She estimates the cost of purchasing a thin kibyôshi volume at less than 16 mon, the cost of a bowl of soba, but more than the cost of a visit to the public bathhouse.
- source : wiki.samurai-archives.com

. ezooshi 絵草子 illustrated book or magazine .
「絵草子屋」 ezooshiya store
Ezoushi - Also written 絵双紙.
otogizooshi 御伽草子 popular tales
ukiyo zooshi 浮世草子 Ukiyo-zoshi - books about the floating world


- reference in Japanese - 貸本屋 江戸時代 -

- reference in English -

source : runomi.at.webry.info


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

koyomi uru monzenmachi no furuhonya

the used bookstore
of the temple town
sells calendars

Tsuchiya Kyooko 土屋孝子 Tsuchiya Kyoko

. kigo for the End of the Year .


Edo no honyasan 江戸の本屋さん Book stores in Edo

Edo no kinsho 江戸の禁書 Prohibited books in Edo


hatsuharu ni maneki neko itte furuhonya

The first day of spring
there is a welcoming cat
at the old bookshop.

. by Mr. Oyadomari

. manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat .


kashihonya sho too to nihon o seotte kuru

the booklender
carries China and Japan
on his back


source : blog.goo.ne.jp/aboo-kai

kashihon no soko ni shunga ya natsu no gogo

below the rental books
there are the Shunga -
afternoon in summer

Many peddlers had two kinds of clients . . . the dilligent housewifes and then . . . their husbands, with erotic booklets hidden at the bottom of their bags.

. shunga 春画 "spring paintings" erotic pictures .


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. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #edokashihonya #furuhonya #kashihonya - - - -


kabunakama merchant guild

. The rich merchants of Edo - 豪商 gooshoo .
kabunakama, kabu nakama 株仲間 merchant guild, merchant coalition
za 座 trade guilds, industrial guilds, artisan guilds

. Tanuma Okitsugu 田沼意次 .
encouraged the kabunakama system in Edo.
Roju Tanuma 老中 田沼意次 - 株仲間の奨励

Until then most of the tax payments had been the rice produced by the farmers of a domaine.
With natural disasters, drought and the great famine Tanuma turend to the merchants for more tax money and licensing fees.
He also introduced tax pamyemnt like
myoogakin 冥加金 and
unjookin 運上金 transportation tax, 長崎運上 related to Nagasaki since 1699

But all this in the end only leads to bribes and more bribes of those who have accumulated riches.

- quote
... merchant guilds in Edo period Japan, which developed out of the basic merchants' associations known as nakama. The kabunakama were entrusted by the shogunate to manage their respective trades, and were allowed to enjoy a monopoly in their given field.

Some kabunakama, known as gomen-kabu, were even allowed to set prices and manage the operations of other nakama. Though the shogunate originally opposed monopolies, they eventually gave in to the increasing numbers and organization of merchants' associations, and decided to make an attempt to control them by officially licensing them. In 1721, the government began to authorize individual nakama to become kabunakama (kabu refers to "shares", though these were themselves not tradeable), and to oversee the organization and trade within given fields. The goal was to encourage cooperation, not competition, and always to work towards the goal of advancing the economy. It is said that these groups became quite social and merchants' moral codes thus developed to a significant degree. Those who were not following ethical market behavior, behaving uncooperatively, or encouraging competition, were shunned by their kabunakama comrades, and likely by the larger market community.

The structure was originally created to replace older guilds, known as za 座, and by 1785, there were over one hundred kabunakama in Osaka alone, including a number granted special privileges by the shogunate, but taxed heavily in exchange. Some of these were groups entrusted and authorized to control the nation's trade in precious metals, iron, and copper.

In the 1840s, rōjū grand chancellor Mizuno Tadakuni attempted to do away with the kabunakama, in order to combat monopolies, but this and many of his other reforms were resisted so strongly by the merchants of Osaka (and others) that he was forced to abandon his efforts.
The kabunakama were all dissolved, however, in 1870 as the economy modernized and new forms of business associations appeared.
- source : wikipedia

- quote -
The za (座 lit. 'seat' or 'pitch')
were one of the primary types of trade guilds in feudal Japan.
They grew out of protective cooperation between merchants and temples and shrines; merchants would travel and transport goods in groups, for protection from bandits and the vacillating whims of samurai and daimyo (feudal lords). They would also enter into arrangements with temples and shrines to sell their goods on a pitch or platform in the temple's (or shrine's) grounds, placing themselves under the auspices and protection of the temple or shrine. The word za, meaning seat, pitch, or platform, was thus applied to the guilds. The name may have also come, more simply, from the idea of merchants within a guild or association sharing a seat or platform in the marketplace.
. . . The earliest za
came into being in the 12th century, consisting not only of trade guilds, but also guilds of performers and entertainers. Even today, performers of kabuki and noh are in associations called za (see Kabuki-za).
The za trade guilds appeared as a major force in the 14th century, and lasted in their original forms through the end of the 16th, when other guilds and trade organizations arose and subsumed the za.
Za in the Muromachi period
Za in the Sengoku and Edo periods

"free" markets and guilds, known respectively as rakuichi (楽市) and rakuza (楽座).
... One of the new types of organization was called nakama (仲間), or kabunakama (株仲間) when they were authorized by the Shogun.
... Another type of trade group, called toiya (or tonya in Edo), served as wholesale merchants, focusing primarily on shipping and warehousing. At this time, Osaka came into its own as a great port, and eclipsed Kyoto as the nation's primary center of trade, contributing further to the downfall of the original za.
- continue reading
- source : wikipedia -

- quote -
Ton'ya 問屋 trade brokers
called toiya outside of Edo, were trade brokers in Japan, primarily wholesalers, warehouse managers, and shipment managers; the term applies equally to the traders themselves and to their shops or warehouses. First appearing as early as the 12th century, ton'ya came to serve a crucial role in the economy of the Edo period (1603-1867).
The earliest record of a toi-otoko (問男) may be one from 1175, in which a number of Court officials hire an outside boatsman to transport them down the Yodo River. As he was not a servant or agent of the Court, or any manor, but rather a man hired out privately, this represents the emergence of the sorts of private enterprises which would come to dominate the economy centuries later.
The ton'ya of the Edo period were little different, essentially acting as independent agents for specific elements of the domestic trade; most often they were shippers, but many were local handlers, middlemen, or warehousers. They would be hired by a firm (a merchant, a shop, etc.) which operated out of one of the big cities to manage or handle the firm's goods in some other portion of the country. Wholesale freight shippers operating out of Osaka, transporting goods to Edo, numbered at least 24 in 1700, and a great many "guilds" existed specializing in the handling of individual types of goods, such as cotton, sugar, or paper. In addition, there were groups such as the Satsuma Tonya and the Matsumae clan Tonya, who specialized in the handling and transportation of goods within two of Japan's four great "gates" to the outside world; Matsumae, in Hokkaidō, governed the trade with the Ainu and Imperial Russia, while Satsuma, in Kyūshū, controlled trade with the Ryūkyū Kingdom and, through them, trade with Qing China.
Between the ton'ya and the numerous other types of groups in Osaka and Edo, including kabunakama, rakuza, and rice brokers (komedonya), Japan's primary urban commercial centers were extremely organized and powerful by the middle of the Edo period. Most of these groups would dissolve or evolve into something else entirely by the end of the Edo period, but they served an important role in facilitating the emergence of fully nationwide trade in early modern Japan.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. komedonya, kome no tonya 米問屋 rice brokers - Introduction .

. juuhachi daitsuu 十八大通 18 big spenders in Edo .
most of them were the money-lenders of Kuramae 蔵前.

. tonya, toiya 問屋と伝説 Legends about trade brokers .


- quote -
. . . Merchants and shopkeepers occupied the bottom of the social scale.
Initially they were hampered by restrictions on travel and trade, but later the increase in urban population as well as the need for greater cooperation between fiefs, led to the creation of guilds, and restrictions were lifted. Through the formation of guilds, which required official sanction from the Baku-Han, a nationwide network of commerce was established. It met important needs of both the Tokugawa Government and the local Daimyo. Tokugawa officials needed a convenient way to exchange for gold the tax revenue they received in rice. The Daimyo needed a central location at which to exchange their provincial goods for the goods of other provinces and thereby enhance the self-sufficiency of their fief. Both the Daimyo and the Tokugawa lords were motivated to support the guilds by a desire to increase the splendor of their lives.

The Baku-Han designated the city of Osaka as the principle port of exchange. There, great rice warehouses were established and a central currency was promoted. Rice warehouses became brokers and then lenders, trading on rice futures. The sanction of specific trade guilds, such as silk and sugar, soon followed. Next were the shipping guilds which improved the flow of merchandise and the carpentry guilds which enabled large-scale construction. Osaka quickly became the country's main center of commerce and its population of sellers, buyers and middlemen steadily grew.
- source : Steven Hunziker -


The kabunakama system has been abolished in 1841.

歌川国芳 Utagawa Kuniyoshi

- source : Tobacco and Salt Museum -

- quote -
The Role of the Merchant Coalition
in Pre-modern Japanese Economic Development:
An Historical Institutional Analysis
- source : Tetsuji Okasaki - pdf file -



岡崎哲二 - amazon com


Change in Tokugawa Japan
Economic Institutional Change in Tokugawa Japan
Edo jidai ni okeru kabu nakama kumiai seido

- reference -

Economy of Feudal Japan:
Nanban Trade, Shoen, Rice Broker, Za, Han, Scrip of EDO Period Japan, Wada Kaichin, Koban, Koku, Tonya, Ie, Kabunakama
- source : www.amazon.co.jp -


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. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

- - - - - #edokabunakama #kabunakama #tonya #brokers - - - -


sonryoya rental agent


. Recycling and Reuse in Edo - リサイクル と 再生 / 再使用 .

sonryooya, sonryoo-ya 損料屋 Sonryo-Ya, rental agent
kashimonoya  貸物屋

The Sonryoya would lend anything people in the big towns needed.
The rental business of our modern times starts here.

From robes or futon bedding to furniture, pots and pans . . . anything.

rentaru shoppu レンタルショップ rental shop

Sonryoya Kihachiro shimatsu hikae  損料屋喜八郎始末控え
山本一力 Yamamoto Ichiriki



In the towns of Kyoto and Osaka were also specialized shops for funeral robes.
But in Edo there were none.

iroya いろや / 素ろ屋 / (色屋)


貸し物屋お庸 江戸娘、店主となる / 平谷美樹 Hiraya Yoshiki
O-Yo from the Rental Shop becomes a Shop Owner


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

sonryooya namida ga shimite gohyaku tori

the rental shop owner
for tear spoils in the robes
asks 500 extra

When lending robes for a funeral, the rental shop owner would charge extra money when the robed were brought back, because they usually were spoiled by tears.
This was called
yogoshi dai 汚し代 extra money for spoiling something

sagegami de gozaimasu ka to sonryooya

"Does the hair
hang down?" asks
the rental shop owner

If the hair or a person hangs down, a kimono collar would get dirty much easier, and thus the prize when lending would go up.


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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

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juukumon cheap shops

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

juukumonya 十九文店 shops selling everything for 19 mon
juukumon ya, juukumon no mise

ichimon, ichi mon 一文 one Mon. a penny; a farthing
ein Pfennig; ein Heller

shimonya 四文屋 "Four Mon Shop"
Small shops in Edo where everything cost just one coin, the "Four Mon Coin".
That was the beginning of our 100 Yen Shop, the One Dollar Shop, the One Euro Shop.
Other cheap items in Edo were multiplied with four.

. Money in Edo - coins 銭 zeni .
- Introduction -


source :oshie-miyabi.com/topics
juuhachi mon 十八文 18 mon dealer

These one-price for all shops began to appear in the Mid-Edo-Period around 1723.
Also written 19文店 or 19文屋.

At that time a bowl of soba buckwheat noodles cost 16 mon, so in our times it would be a price of 400 to 500 Yen.

They did not have fixed shops but sold on the busy streets on sunny days. Spreading a straw mat on the ground they could display their merchandise, from toys to household goods.
There were always many customers and onlookers at their "shop".

There was a time of decline in their popularity, but by 1810 they were back on the streets. Some changed their unified price to 38 mon 38文.
They sold lacquered bowls, hairpins and other more luxury items.

Other shops soon followed with a cheaper unified price of 13 mon 十三文, 13文.

In our modern times, we have
the 100 Yen shops 100円ショップ
where everything has one price (and mostly made in China).


100円ショップ 大江戸

A modern kit with origami patterns from Edo 折り紙キット
sold at a modern 100 Yen Shop
- source : orioriori.at.webry.info


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

juukumon mise ni inaka ga go roku nin

to the one-price cheap shop
five-six folks from the country come
to have a look

Tr. Gabi Greve

Many were on their way back to the countryside and wanted some cheap souvenirs for the family back home.


- reference -


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. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

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