

. Persons and People of Edo - Introduction .
Sukeroku 助六

. The famous 18 big spenders of Edo 十八大通 .

Ooguchiya Jihei 大口屋治兵衛 Oguchiya Jihei
was one of them.
It is said he was the real original for the main character of the famous kabuki play SUKEROKU 助六.
He had a special hairstyle and wore special cloths. Even his clogs (geta) were made of especially expensive wood.

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Sukeroku Kabuki

These rich merchants supported the Kabuki actors and theater, even learning shamisen and dance themselves and sometimes took part in the orchestra behind hidden windows.
Since they practiced many forms of art themselves, the artists they sponsored were also of high quality.


. Kabuki in Edo 江戸の歌舞伎 .

The play "Sukeroku" was staged for the first time in the 3rd lunar month of 1713 in Edo at the Yamamuraza.

Sukeroku Yukari no Edo-zakura 助六由縁江戸桜

- quote
Sukeroku is among the most popular and famous of kabuki plays. Closely associated with the Ichikawa Danjûrô line of actors, it is counted among the Kabuki Jûhachiban.

The story centers on Sukeroku, a samurai and otokodate, a prominent patron of the Yoshiwara, and especially of Agemaki, the top courtesan of the Miura-ya teahouse. Drawing upon elements of the classic Soga Monogatari, Sukeroku is later revealed to be Soga Gorô in disguise, working to seek out his father's killer and avenge his father's death.

The play is well-known for a number of iconic elements, including Sukeroku's purple headband, bullseye-pattern umbrella, and distinctive kumadori (face makeup) pattern. After the hero of Shibaraku, Sukeroku might be among the most recognizable characters in kabuki.

- - - - - Persons
Sukeroku - a samurai, frequent patron of the Yoshiwara, especially of Agemaki of the Miura-ya, and a street tough, who often starts fights on the streets of the pleasure quarters. Secretly Soga Gorô
Agemaki - the top courtesan of the Miura-ya, famous and popular throughout the district; she is known to be especially close to Sukeroku, but Ikyû has his eyes on her as well
Ikyû - an older, bearded samurai who seeks to steal Agemaki away from Sukeroku
Manko - Sukeroku's mother, disguised as a samurai
Shinbei - Sukeroku's brother, secretly Soga Jûrô
Kanpera Monbei - retainer to Ikyû

- - - - - Plot Summary
The play opens with a drunken Agemaki being escorted in by a small entourage. They sit her down on a bench and give her some medicine to help sober her up, along with a letter that has just arrived from Sukeroku's mother, Manko. Manko writes that Sukeroku is supposed to be busy working on avenging his father's murder, and should not be dallying in the Yoshiwara, seeing courtesans and engaging in street brawls; she asks Agemaki to break things off with Sukeroku and to encourage him to get back to his task. But Agemaki says she cannot do this, as she loves Sukeroku too dearly.

An attendant appears and tells Agemaki that the samurai Ikyû is on his way to see her. He enters with a small entourage, as does the courtesan Shiratama. It becomes clear that Ikyû has already seen Agemaki a number of times in the past, and that he is a high-paying and well-known Yoshiwara patron. However, Agemaki dislikes him, and when he begins saying nasty things about Sukeroku, she berates him and exits, despite Shiratama's efforts to calm her down.

A shakuhachi plays, and Sukeroku enters on the hanamichi, swaggering jauntily and showily in wooden geta, performing a type of step, or walk, called tanzen roppô[3]. He has one arm tucked inside his kimono, his umbrella over his shoulder, a purple headband tied to one side, the ends dangling down the right side of his face. He stops at shichi-san, and performs a number of poses and gestures meant to display his bravado, style, and charm. In total, his walk down the hanamichi and dance at shichi-san, known as a deha, takes about fifteen minutes, and is one of the chief highlights of the play, an opportunity for the star actor to show off, and for the audience to enjoy watching the star perform these dramatic poses, prideful walk, and charming character.

Courtesans and others fawn over him as soon as he enters, many offering him kiseru (pipes) to smoke. Ikyû, looking abandoned, his side of the stage relatively empty, declares that he'd like a smoke too, but Sukeroku, now possessing quite a few pipes, says they're all in use. He then offers Ikyû one with his foot, but Ikyû resists losing his temper.

One of Ikyû's retainers, Kanpera Monbei, comes out of the teahouse annoyed, wondering where the girl who was supposed to be entertaining him in the bath has gone. Sukeroku trounces him, and a number of Ikyû's other followers, declaring himself the best in both fighting and in love, and challenging Ikyû, who refuses to be provoked, insisting Sukeroku unworthy of his sword. He and his retainers enter the teahouse, leaving Sukeroku onstage outside.

A saké-seller named Shimbei shows up, and Sukeroku tries to start a fight with him, but Shimbei reveals himself to be Sukeroku's brother in disguise. He tries to get Sukeroku to stop provoking fights, reminding him of their quest to avenge their father's death, and revealing (to the audience) that the two are in fact Soga Gorô and Jûrô in disguise. Sukeroku explains to his brother, however, that he engages in streetbrawls here in the Yoshiwara so that he can see people's swords, in order to determine who it is that possesses the sword which killed their father. Understanding now, Shimbei (Jûrô) joins in, and the two begin picking fights with passersby, Sukeroku showing his brother how.

Sukeroku forces passersby to crawl between his legs, in a famous example of improvisation, or sutezerifu in kabuki. While many plays include short sections where one or two lines might be improvised, this entire section is left open for improvisation, which often includes contemporary references. For example, in one performance in 2008, the characters performed, briefly, a gag "sonna no kankei nai ("it's got nothing to do with that!") popularized around 2007-08 by comedian Kojima Yoshio.

Agemaki then enters with a samurai whose face is hidden by a large hat. Sukeroku tries to provoke a fight with this samurai, but is shocked to discover it is his mother, in disguise, who then scolds the two brothers for their behavior. Sukeroku explains himself, however, and their mother, Manko, is overjoyed to discover her son's devotion to the task of vengeance for their father's death. It is revealed that Ikyû is in fact Iga Heinaizaemon, an enemy of the family, and their father's killer.

Ikyû enters, and Sukeroku quickly hides beneath Agemaki's robes as she sits on a bench. Ikyû quickly finds him, however, and berates him, beating him with his cane and otherwise insulting him. He suggests that perhaps Sukeroku should give up on Agemaki and his shenanigans and that he and his brother should join Ikyû, forming an alliance which might even be powerful enough to take over the country. He seeks to demonstrate his metaphor of the power of three standing together by chopping off one leg from an incense burner, which then falls over, but too late realizes that in doing so he has revealed his sword. Sukeroku now knows for sure that Ikyû is the man he has been searching for: his father's killer.

The play often ends here, but sometimes continues with a final scene in which Sukeroku kills Ikyû and then hides from the police in a vat of water. Ichikawa Danjûrô VIII (1823-54) was quite idolized in his time, and when he performed this play, bottles of water from the vat he stepped in would later be sold to adoring fans.

- - - - - History and Style
Though the plot of Sukeroku is largely fiction, some sources indicate that the characters, and plot, may have been inspired by reality. There may have been a Kyoto- or Osaka-based merchant named Sukeroku in the 1630s who was associated with a courtesan of the Kyoto Shimabara named Agemaki. Some accounts have it that Agemaki became a nun after her affair with Sukeroku, while others tell of a double suicide.

In any case, though the kabuki play as it is known today did not debut until 1713, the characters of Sukeroku and Agemaki appeared on the bunraku stage as early as 1678. Kamigata (Kansai) kabuki theatres soon afterward began to stage productions featuring the couple in love suicide stories, including Sennichi-dera Shinjû ("Love Suicide at Sennichi Temple") and Kyô Sukeroku Shinjû ("Kyoto Sukeroku Love Suicide").

The play as it is known today - the Edo Kabuki version associated with the Ichikawa family - was first developed by Ichikawa Danjûrô II, who witnessed performances of these Kamigata plays while touring in that part of the country, and who then brought it back to Edo, debuting his version in 1713, at the Yamamura-za, with Danjûrô, Tamazawa Rin'ya, Ikushima Shingorô and Yamanaka Heikurô I as Sukeroku, Agemaki, Shimbei the saké merchant, and Ikyû respectively.

Whereas in the Kamigata plays Sukeroku was often a merchant, Danjûrô made him a samurai, giving him a black kimono, red-yellow headband, and a pattern of black face makeup (today, chiefly red on a white foundation). Danjûrô, 26 years old at the time, performed the role in the distinctive aragoto fashion pioneered by his father. Danjûrô also added a number of characters who are now standard elements of the plot, including the fool Monbei, Sukeroku's brother Shinbei (secretly Soga Jûrô), their mother Manko, and the villain Ikyû, many of whom were based on real figures.
Shinbei and the Noodle Vendor served initially as onstage advertisements for specific neighborhood merchants, as was a common practice in kabuki at the time, Shinbei being a reference to the asagao senbei ("Morning Glory Rice Crackers") sold by Fujiya Seizaemon. The noodle vendor, similarly, was introduced by Danjûrô III and named Ichikawa-ya, after an actual local noodle vendor; when the real-life noodle shop changed its name to Fukuyama, Danjûrô VII changed the character's name to Fukuyama as well. Ikyû, meanwhile, was based on the gangster Fukami Jûzaemon, also known as "Bearded Jikyû," who had in 1713 or so, at the time Danjûrô II was first adapting the story, recently returned from exile and who was thus a topic of conversation.

The close ties between the theatre and the broader community extended beyond such onstage references to real merchants. The play would often be performed with the hanamichi lined with real, blooming cherry trees donated to the theatre by the teahouses of the Yoshiwara, and actors playing the lead roles would often pay a visit to the Yoshiwara and offer gifts to the teahouses, receiving in exchange umbrellas, kiseru, lanterns, and other objects for use onstage and for distribution or sale to audience members following the production. The actors' visit was a fairly major affair involving a procession of many actors, and involved various traditions or rituals performed as part of the visit and of the offering of gifts; courtesans and others directly associated with the teahouses would also attend the performances at the kabuki theatres, and performed various customs even as audience members.
When the actor playing Sukeroku addressed the audience as himself (the actor) in the role of the stage manager, the courtesans would clap along with him. This addressing of the audience, incidentally, is not unique to Sukeroku, but the play is distinctive in incorporating more improvisation, and more elements of the actor shedding the character and being himself, the actor, for certain parts of the performance.

In his second performance of the play, three years later, Danjûrô played Sukeroku in a somewhat gentler manner, incorporating elements of the Kamigata wagoto style in his performance. This was the first time that wagoto and aragoto elements were combined in the same character. Danjûrô also introduced at this time other elements which would later become quite standard, and even iconic. It was during this performance that he first wore a purple headband and carried as bullseye-patterned umbrella, today two of the most iconic props or costume elements in kabuki. Purple dye was among the most expensive of colors, and had previously been restricted almost exclusively to shogunal use. The connection to Soga Monogatari was added at this time as well.

Many variations on the play were later developed and performed throughout the Edo period, and down into more modern times. The famous onnagata Segawa Kikunojô appeared in the premiere of Onna Sukeroku ("Woman Sukeroku") at the Ichimura-za in 1764, a variation in which a female Sukeroku is not the man Soga Gorô in disguise, but rather Oiso no Tora, a courtesan who is the lover of one or the other of the two Soga brothers in many of the old stories. Three theatres were staging versions of the Sukeroku story at this time; such competitions would occur in later years as well, with each theatre using a different type, or school, of music, and different interpretations of the characters and story. As is the case with most kabuki plays, it would eventually settle into a single more-or-less standard form, though never becoming wholly static.

The following year (1765), the Morita-za debuted a dance drama version of the story which focused more heavily on Agemaki's kamuro (child attendants). The title "Sukeroku Yukari no Edo Zakura" first appeared in 1782, for a performance at the Ichimura-za starring Ichimura Uzaemon IX.

Sukeroku is quite unique, as well, in its use of the katôbushi style of musical accompaniment. This style has been used for Sukeroku since 1749, when it replaced the itchû bushi style originally used for the play; other versions of the play, employing tokiwazu or kiyomoto musical styles, are still sometimes performed today, having been composed, respectively, in 1870 for Onoe Kikugorô V and in 1915 for Kikugorô VI.

While it is quite typical in kabuki for a combination of different styles of shamisen and chanting, such as kiyomoto and nagauta, to be used within a single play (often switching between styles numerous times within a single scene), Sukeroku is the only play in the current repertoire to make use of katôbushi music (which it employs alongside kiyomoto and nagauta). Due in large part to the unique traditions of the katôbushi style, which employs amateur performers alongside professionals, Sukeroku is the only play in which amateur performers appear on stage having been granted professional status just for the duration of the performance; it is also one of the only plays in which female musicians perform onstage, and the only play in which an actor onstage formally requests the musicians to play.
During the Edo period, katôbushi was especially popular in the Yoshiwara, even after its popularity in the theatre world waned. As part of the close ties between the theatres and the pleasure districts, katôbushi musicians from the Yoshiwara (i.e. not performers professionally associated with the kabuki theatres) were often invited to perform onstage in productions of Sukeroku. This was a great honor, and source of pleasure for the musicians offered this rare opportunity. Unlike in most plays, where the musicians perform behind a kuromisu screen in one corner or end of the stage, in Sukeroku, they are more fully and more centrally onstage, albeit still hidden behind a screen. This helps simulate, or recall, the idea of courtesans on display in the front windows of teahouses, allows these amateur musicians to more easily see Sukeroku's grand hanamichi entrance that is a highlight of the play, and grants them more fully the honor and pleasure of being "on stage" for the performance.

source : d.hatena.ne.jp/Rejoice+Kobikicho...

The Ichikawa family secured its control over the play in 1832, and some histories trace the current version of the play back to this year, rather than to any earlier date. As the play is extremely popular, other families have developed their own versions, such as Sukeroku Kuruwa no Momoyogusa performed by the Onoe Kikugorô line of actors. However, only the Ichikawa family uses the title Sukeroku Yukari Edo Zakura, and various stylistic elements only appear in this version of the play.
- Reference
- source : wiki.samurai-archives.com

. Asagao Senbei 朝顔仙平 / 朝顔煎餅 / 朝顔せんべい .
and the text of senbei zukushi せんべい尽くし

. aragoto 荒事 and kumadori 隈取 - Kabuki .

iegei, ie-gei 家芸 family tradition of an art


Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 - Toyokuni III


Kabuki : Hanakawado no Sukeroku 花川戸助六
- source : kabuki21.com/sukeroku -

The kabuki actor Kawarasaki Gonjuro I as Hanakawado Sukeroku. by Utagawa Kunisada

Hanakawado Sukeroku, Edo zakura (Hanakawado Sukeroku, Edo Cherry Blossom) /
Tosei mitate sanjurokkasen 當盛見立 三十六花撰 (Contemporary Kabuki Actors Likened to a Selection of Thirty-six Flowers)
- source : britishmuseum.org -

. Asakusa Hanakawadochoo 花川戸 Hanakawado machi .


. shirazake 白酒 (しろざけ) sweet white rice wine .
shirazake uri 白酒売 vendor of white rice wine

A sip of this drink is said to ward off disease for the rest of the year. During the Edo period, vendors used to walk the streets as early as February 20. The appearance of a vendor in the famous Kabuki play "Sukeroku" is especially famous.

Woodblock Print by Kunisada


. Joge-e 上下絵 Two-way pictures .

This print by Kuniyoshi (c. 1852) shows a Daruma and Tokusakari (a character from a famous Noh play). Viewed upside-down, the Daruma becomes a Gedo (an evil person) and Tokusakari becomes Ikyu (a character from the famous play “Sukeroku”).


. Food from Edo / Tokyo .

Edomaezushi Edomae Sushi江戸前寿司 / 江戸前 すし / 江戸前鮨
Sushi with fresh fish from the Tokyo Bay
started in the Edo period as a cheap food in the yatai shops.
They all have a kanpyo maki, which many gourmets eat as the last bite.
The name is almost identical in Edo with "nori maki", wrapped in nori seaweed.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Sukeroku sushi 助六寿司
Sukeroku is the name of a hero of the Edo period and famous Kabuki play. His beloved was the courtesan "Agemaki", so this sushi contains a some agesushi (inari sushi) and some makisushi.
one of them always kampyo maki, with dried gourd shavings.
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CLICK for many more Sukeroku goods !


- reference : 江戸 助六 -

- reference : Edo sukeroku -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

. shichi go choo and Kabuki 七五調 Kabuki and the 5 - 7 pattern .

yozakura ya mata Sukeroku no kenkazata (5 7 5 haiku)

Yo-za-ku-ra-ya (5) Evening cherry blossoms
Ma-ta Su-ke-ro-ku no (7) And once again
Ke-n-ka-za-ta (5) Sukeroku fights

Kawajiri Seitan 川尻清潭


. hagoita 羽子板 battledore, shuttlecock .

Sukeroku no nagashime ni au hagoita ichi

the sidelong glance
of Sukeroku fits so well
at the battledore market

金井喜美枝 Kanai Kimie






久保田万太郎 Kubota Mantaro





source : facebook

. kumadori 隈取 stage make-up .


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. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #edosukeroku #sukerokuedo #aragoto #kumadori #kabuki #iegei #ie-gei #kumadori - - - -


tori-oi chasing away birds ritual


. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
torioi, tori-oi, tori oi 鳥追 "chasing away the birds" ritual

tori oi uta 鳥追唄(とりおいうた)鳥追歌 song to chase away the birds,
bird dispersing songs, a kind of magic incantation

A ceremony held on the "Small New Year", now January 14 or 15.

A troupe of kado geinin 門芸人 "artists by the entrance" walked from house to house, performed their ritual songs with Shamisen and got some money in return.
They were active from the first day till the 15th day of the lunar New Year.

torioi (bird chasing),
a ceremony to pray for a rich harvest, which takes place on January 14. In the ceremony, children eat rice cakes in special torioi huts made of snow and then parade through the city beating wooden clappers while singing traditional songs in order to chase away birds that might damage crops.
City of Tokamachi, Niigata Prefecture
© web-japan.org/

..... tori oi (tori-oi) 鳥追 "Chasing away the birds".
..... hut, tori-oi goya 鳥追小屋(とりおいごや)
..... tower, tori-oi yagura 鳥追櫓(とりおいやぐら)
..... song, tori-oi uta 鳥追唄(とりおいうた)

tori-oi asobi 鳥追遊び enjoying the Torioi rituals

tori-oi boo 鳥追棒 stick to drive off birds

. WKD - Songs for all seasons .


torioidayuu, tori-oi dayuu 鳥追大夫 (とりおいだゆう)
bird chasing song performer

..... tataki たたき
tataki no Yojiroo 敲の与次郎(たたきのよじろう)

torioi 鳥追い(とりおい) is an observance performed on January 14 or 15 in the villages. To get the birds (and other unwanted animals) out of the fields.

The torioi performers went from village to villate. They wear a straw sack on the back. They get some money for their performance, also some food like mochi. They were not allowed to wear robes of silk, only simple cotton. They had large straw hats to protect them from the rain.

They had special songs, for example

"The crane lives thousand years,
the tortoise lives ten thousand years,
when they come together,
we all live long prosperous lives."


Torioi Kannon 鳥追観音

The Torioi Kannon statue was made by priest Gyoki with the wish to show people an east pass-over to the paradise of Amida.

at the temple
. Myoohooji 妙法寺 Myoho-Ji . Fukushima, Aizu
The temple was founded by priest Tokuitsu in 807.


Tori-oi in the Kazusa region 上総地方, Chiba 千葉県

. hoojari ほうじゃり Hojari amulets .


torioibune, torioi-bune 鳥追舟 the Torioi Bird Chasing Boat
a Noh play from the Muromachi period

Tsukioka Kogyo

- reference - torioibune -


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- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

jinken no torioigasa no shuke no himo

the vermillion cord
from artificial silk
of the Bird-Chasing straw hat

Tr. Gabi Greve

竹下しづの女 Takeshita Shizunojo (1887 - 1951)
A member of Hototogisu -


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. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .

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kotowaza idioms abclist

kotowaza 諺 / ことわざ idioms, sayings, proverbs
gengen 諺言 / rigen 俚諺 common saying; folk proverb

日本語イディオム辞典 / By Jeff Garrison

- read it at
- source : books.google.co.jp -


. Idioms and anecdotes about Japanese Food 和食  .

. Idioms about Heaven and Hell 極楽 地獄  .

- - - - - ABC list of keywords with many proverbs

source : Dalma / fotolia . kawano

. Daruma san 達磨 だるまさん .
nanakorobi yaoki 七転び八起き and more

. nezumi 鼠 rat, mouse .

. oni 鬼 demon, devil, ogre .

saru サル 猿 申 さる monkey 
. saru suberi 百日紅 even monkeys fall from trees .

. tanuki 狸 たぬき badger .

heso no yadogae 遍楚乃屋登可 Grotesquerie Kotowaza
text by Hansui Ikkado, Osaka 1850.

- - - - - ABC list of individual idioms and proverbs

. ganbari nyuudoo hototogisu がんばり入道ほととぎす Ganbari Nyudo lesser cuckoo .
加牟波理入道, a Yokai monster of the Toilet

. ishibiri 石びり someone stingy, stinginess .
and the deity Daikoku Ten 大黒天

. umewaka no namida ame 梅若の涙雨 teardrop rain of Umewaka .


with an alphabetical index of keywords and one index of the proverbs.

- source : kotowaza-allguide.com -

genen 諺苑 - 7 volumes dictionary of the Edo Period (1797

- reference -

Japanese Sayings and Proverbs (A collection of resource links)
Japanese resources: / Japanese Slang:
- source : educating kids in Japan -

- source : hilhorst.eu/kotowaza.org -
with search in English and Japanese

30 awesome Japanese idioms we should start using in English
- source : matadornetwork.com -

- - - - - rigen 俚諺 common saying; folk proverb
- source : yokai database -
83 items to explore (20)


. Join me on Facebook - 日本語 Japanese Language Learning .


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. kinki 禁忌 taboo, ritual restrctions .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .

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Nezumi Kozo Jirokichi

. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
Nezumi Kozoo, Nezumi Kozō ねずみ小僧 Nezumi Kozo, a famous thief
Nakamura Jirokichi 仲村次郎吉 (1797 - 1831)

- and other nusutto ぬすっと robbers / villains of Edo - see below

- quote
Nezumi Kozō (鼠小僧) is the nickname of Nakamura Jirokichi (仲村次郎吉, 1797 - 1831), a Japanese thief and folk hero who lived in Edo (present-day Tokyo) during the Edo period.

In 1822, he was caught and tattooed, and banished from Edo. On August 8, 1831, he was captured again, and confessed to the burglary of over 100 samurai estates and the impressive theft of over 30,000 ryō throughout his 15-year career. He was tied to a horse and paraded in public before being beheaded at the Suzugamori execution grounds. His head was then publicly displayed on a stake. He was buried at Ekō-in located in the Ryōgoku section of Tokyo. So many pilgrims chip away pieces of his tombstone for charms that substitute stones have had to be constructed since shortly after his death.

At the time of the arrest, Jirokichi was found to have very little money. This, combined with the public humiliation he dealt out to the daimyo, resulted in the popular legend that he gave the money to the poor, turning the petty crook into a posthumous folk hero similar to Robin Hood. The fact that he died alone, serving his wives with divorce papers just prior to arrest in order to protect them from sharing in the punishment as the law decreed, further enhanced his stature.

Jirokichi's nickname, Nezumi Kozō, is not a name. Nezumi is the Japanese word for "rat"; a kozō was a young errand-boy who worked in a shop in the Edo period. The nickname can thus be roughly translated as "rat boy". Since a nickname containing the term kozō was often given to pickpockets, who were often young boys and girls since the profession required nimble fingers, it has been suggested that Jirokichi was a well known pickpocket when he was younger.

In popular culture
His exploits have been commemorated in kabuki theatre, folk songs, jidaigeki movies, video games, and modern pop culture.
- source : wikipedia

Nezumi Kozo never took money from the storehouses of the rich merchants in Edo, since they kept a strong guard around them and often hired Ronin to protect their property.
He stole money from the Samurai estates, since there the guards were not strict, and the pride of a Samurai would forbid many to report a thief.
He also did not give the money to the poor (as in the movies) but spent most of it on women, drinking and gambling.


Nezumi, Edo o Hashiru 鼠、江戸を疾る
Nezumi-Kozo, Running Around Edo

Jirokichi (Hideaki Takizawa) - Movie after a novel from Jiro Akagawa.

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- English reference -


Kokeshi wooden doll ねずみコケシ

- Toys with Nezumi Kozo ! -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

nezumi kozoo mie kiru hagoita sore ga yoshi

a battledore
with Nezumi Kozo striking a pose -
just right

Tr. Gabi Greve

Takazawa Ryooichi 高澤良一 Takazawa Ryoichi

. WKD : Battledore, Shuttlecock (hagoita 羽子板) .
- - kigo for the New Year - -


gizoku 義賊 honorable thief
nusutto 盗人、ぬすっと robber, thief

日本左衛門 Nihon Zaemon (Nippon Saemon) / 日本駄右衛門 Nippon Daemon
(? - 1747)
He was known as a beautiful man and was the leader of about 30 or 40 followers. They robbed the homes of rich Daimyo lords and merchants, but eventually he was captured and executed at the age of about 30.

Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞

He was the first of the group of five bandits :
. Shiranami Gonin Otoko 白波五人男 The Shiranami Five .
"Five Men of the White Waves"

- - - - - The other four are
弁天小僧 菊之助 Bentenkozo Kikunosuke, 南郷 力丸 Nango Rikimaru, 赤星 十三郎 Akaboshi Juzaburo, and
忠信 利平 Tadanobu Rihei.
This group is also the subject of Kabuki.


. Oni-Azami Seikichi 鬼あざみ清吉 Oniazami Seikichi .


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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .

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utsurobune ufo ship


. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .
utsurobune, utsuro-bune 虚舟(うつろぶね)うつろ舟 "hollow ship"

Seen in Ibaraki, Oarai town.

source : wikipedia


- quote
The Utsuro-bune or the hollow ship refer to an unknown object which allegedly washed ashore in 1803 in Hitachi province on the eastern coast of Japan. The tale has been told in three texts; Toen shōsetsu (1825) , Hyōryū kishū(1835) and Ume-no-chiri (1844). The book Toen shōsetsu contains the most detailed version.

According to legend an attractive woman arrived to the coast of Japan aboard the Hollow Ship. This woman was unlike the other women in the region. Local fisherman accompanied this strange-looking female inland, but they were unable to establish communication since this visitor could not communicate in Japanese.

This historical event took place on February 22, 1803 when the round looking object, which according to texts was made of iron and glass, floated ashore. The object was unlike any other ships in the region, and according to history, at the time this “ship” washed ashore- there were no round ships in Japan. This “hollow ship” had very strange symbols on its metallic surface which the locals did not manage to decipher. According to the Ume-no-chiri , the ship reminded the witnesses of a rice cooking pot, around its middle it had a thickened rim. It was also coated with black paint and it had four little windows on four sides. The windows had bars and they were clogged with tree resin. The lower part of the boat was protected by brazen plates which looked to be made of iron of the highest western quality.

The female visitor was not very tall, according to ancient texts, 1.5 meters, she had very pale skin and was dressed in a very strange way, the woman seemed very polite and had fiery red hair with red eyebrows. In her hands she held a box that was 60 cm in length.

There were two books published early that speak about this strange incident. One book is called Toen Shousetsu, published in 1825 and the other book is Ume no Chiri, published in 1844.The stories that were told in the books are considered to be based on old tabloid-like newspapers that are commonly called kawara-ban, while there are also many stories that originate from local folklore.

One of the most mysterious and interesting aspects of this legend revolves around the box that the female visitor held in her hands. A rectangular shaped box was made out of material unlike anything found in Japan. The female visitor did not allow anyone to touch the box so we can assume that it was extremely important to the visitor, but the exact purpose of the box is till unknown.

Ink drawing by Kyokutei Bakin 曲亭馬琴 (1825)

In the Toen shōsetsu story, an old villager is said to have made a speech at the female visitor was present in the village:

“This woman may be a daughter of a king in a foreign country and might have been married in her home country. However, she loved another man after marriage and her lover was put to death.
Since she was a princess before, she could get sympathy and avoid the death penalty. She had been forced to be put in this boat and was left to the sea to be trusted to fate. If this guess is correct, her lover’s severed head is inside the square box.
In the past, a similar boat with a woman inside drifted ashore in a beach not far from here. In that incident, a severed head placed on a kind of chopping board was found inside the boat. Judging from this kind of secondhand information, the contents of the box may be similar. This may explain why the box is so important to her and she is always holding it in her hands.
We may be ordered to use much money to investigate this woman and boat. Since there is a precedent for casting this kind of boat back out to sea, we had better put her inside the boat and send it away.From a humanitarian viewpoint, this treatment is too cruel for her. However, this treatment would be her destiny.”
- source : Ivan Petricevic



source : yaji-kita.comxxx


江戸「うつろ舟」ミステリー Utsurobune mystery
加門正一 (著)

うつろ舟 - 澁澤龍彦 Shibusawa Tatsuhiko

- Japanese reference -


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. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .

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makuragaeshi pillow turner


. 大道芸 Daidogei street performance .
makuragaeshi 枕返し juggling with pillows, pillow turner

They used the typical hako makura 箱枕 pillow box, also called kimakura 木枕 wooden pillow.
This act has been popular in China for a long time, but in Japan it became popular in the Edo period, when a juggler from Kyoto made it to Edo to show his skills.

Some could use up to 10 pillow boxes standing on top of each other.
There were different makura for their show:
- source : kyokugoma.blog. -

Pillows in the Edo period where of two types.
-- kukuri makura くくり枕 stuffed pillow, sometimes so long it lasted for two persons
-- hako makura 箱枕 "pillow box" wooden box with a bit of soft cover for the head, it was ment to protect the large coiffures of people.
. makura 枕 pillow .


Later makuragaeshi (まくらがえし) turned into a yokai monster.


- source : wikipedia -

- quote
枕返し pillow flipper - 枕小僧 makura kozō

Makuragaeshi are a kind of zashiki-warashi: a child ghost which haunts specific rooms of a house. They are found all over Japan, though details about them vary from region to region. They take the form of a small child dressed as a Niō, a monk, or a samurai, and appear in bedrooms late at night.

Makuragaeshi gets it is named for its primary activity: flipping pillows. People who sleep in a room haunted by a makuragaeshi often wake up to find that their pillow has been flipped and is now at their feet. Makuragaeshi are also known for other minor pranks, such as running through ashes and leaving dirty footprints around the rooms they haunt.

While most stories about makuragaeshi present them as harmless pranksters, there are a few stories that describe scarier powers. Some don’t flip the pillow, but lift up and flip people instead. Others pick up entire tatami mats that people are sleeping on and bounce them around. Still others are said to sit on their victim’s chest while he or she sleeps, pressing down hard and squeezing the wind out of the lung. They occasionally cause kanashibari, or sleep paralysis. The most extreme stories say that anyone who sees a makuragaeshi loses consciousness, after which the makuragaeshi steals their soul, leaving them dead.

There are as many theories as to where makuragaeshi come from as there are variants of zashiki-warashi. Most often they linked to the ghosts of people — particularly children — who died in the room they come to haunt. As makuragaeshi are generally lower in rank than zashiki-warashi, they are often the result of ghosts which died tragically, such as murder victims. However, some makuragaeshi have also been attributed to shape-shifting, prank-loving yokai such as tanuki or saru.
Others still have attributed this spirit to the actions of monster cats such as kasha.
- source : yokai.com/makuragaeshi

- - - - - Yokai legends from the prefectures

zashiki warashi 座敷童子 girl spooks in the best room


............................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県
広田村 Hirotamura

nawamesuji, nawame suji ナワメスジ Nawame road
The small mountain road near the big mountain is called Nawame road, and sometimes even Mashoosuji 魔性筋 Masho, Evil Spirit Road".
If a home is built along this road, the pillow turner shows up regularly. If someone sleeps with his head in one direction, he will find himself facing in the opposite direction the next morning.

............................................................................... Gunma 群馬県
東吾妻町 Higashiagatsuma In Edo is a place called 吾妻町(あづまちょう)

neko 猫 cat
When a human comes to sleep in the house the 化けたネコ bakeneko cat turns the pillow.
If a person had been sleeping with his head to the West, he will find himself now facing East (and vice-versa).

............................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県
水府村 Suibumura


............................................................................... Iwate 岩手県

tanuki 狸 badger,saru 猿 monkey



warashi ワラシ / 童子



chiisa na ko 小さな子 a small child

下閉井郡 Shimohei district

Kappa 河童
In the compound of the 金子家 Kaneko family there was a well with fresh water. There lived a Kappa who sometimes came into the house and turned the pillow.

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 Kappa Legends - Introduction .

............................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
亀岡市 Kameoka

About 350 years ago at the temple 嶺樹院 Reiju-In there was a scroll with a Daruma painting said to be by the Chinese Zen painter 顔輝 Ganki (Yan Hui).
When the priest wanted to sell it to make some money, Daruma came to his dream pillow and said
"I want to go home!" 「帰りたい」.

............................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県

hinoki 桧の木 Japanese cypress tree

............................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県

zashiki boozu 座敷坊主 - kura bokko クラボッコ


makuragami 枕神 "god of the pillow"
a deity that appears in your dream at your pillow (yumemakura 夢枕)

If you have a difficult problem on your mind, you can ask the "god of the pillow" to come in your dream and show you a solution.

Iwate, 奥州市 Oshu

neko 猫,nezumi 鼠 cat and mouse / rat
In a certain temple there lived a huge rat, which was trying to kill the priest. So his cat called together all her cat friends to help getting rid of the big rat. But the cat got killed instead. The cat appeared in his dream with the makuragami and spoke with a grudge:
"If you had shouted to support my efforts, I would still be alive!"

Saga 小川島 Ogawajima Island

nanpamono no haka 難破者の墓 grave of shipwrecked people
On the beach of the island are many graves of drowned people of shipwrecks. But since folks did not speak well of them, many families rebuild a grave in their own home-graveyard.
Sometimes the drowned people appear with the makuragami in a dream and ask to be taken to their own family graves.

Shimane 邇摩郡 Nima district

. Yakushi no men 薬師の面 mask of Yakushi .


yumemakura 夢枕 "dream pillow", 112 legends to explore
- source : Yokai database -

makura 枕 171 legends to explore
南枕,北枕 / 枕飯 / 枕団子 / 枕小僧 makura kozoo / . . .
- source : Yokai database -

- source : Yokai database -

. yumemakura, yume makura omamori 夢枕お守り "dream pillow" amulet .
Tsumagoi Jinja shrine 嬬恋神社, Tokyo

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - Introduction .


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. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. 大道芸 Daidogei street performance .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .

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