
Tokugawa Ieyasu

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 . (1543 - 1616)
born as 松平竹千代 Matsudaira Takechiyo, Iyeyasu,
Naifu Dono ナイフどの / 内府(ないふ)
Taijukoo, 大樹公(徳川家康) Taiju Ko ("The Big Tree", name for a great general)

source : dur.ac.uk/mlac/japanese/tokugawa

Tokugawa Ieyasu is the founder of the Edo Shogunate, he was the first shogun and posthumously became some kind of protecting deity with his own shrine in the Nikko Mountains, north of Tokyo (an auspicious place to protect his city according to Chinese Feng-Shui Geomantic lore).
日光の東照宮 Nikko no Tosho-Gu

Here is the famous story to shed light on the temperament of the three rivaling warlords of their time:
When confronted with a nightingale in a cage, which would not sing, each had his own approach to this situation:

-- Nobunaga --
If the bird does not sing, kill it!
-- Hideyoshi --
If the bird does not sing, I will make it sing!
--- Ieyasu ---
If the bird does not sing, I will wait until it sings!

As you might imagine from the above episode, Ieyasu outlived and out-waited his opponents and then took over power, like a ripe apple falling into his hands.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was obsessed with food and medicine to prolong his life. But he also liked to try new things, like the "tempora", tempura introduced by the Portugese missionaries.

. Ieyasu and 日光の東照宮 Nikko no Tosho-Gu .

. Shinkun Iga-Goe 神君伊賀越え "The Heavenly Lord retreats via Iga" .
and Chaya Shirōjirō 茶屋四郎次郎 Chaya Shirojiro
Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyonobu 茶屋四郎次郎清信 (1545-1596) helped Ieyasu during his hasty retreat from Sakai (Osaka) via Iga to Mikawa (Aichi).
Shirojiro later got permission for the shuinsen 朱印船 "red seal Ships" .


- - - Tokugawa Ieyasu in the WIKIPEDIA !


shikami 顰 "Grimacing Face"

- quote
Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616) attacked the army of Takeda Shingen in the Battle of Mikatagahara against the advice of his vassals and suffered a great defeat.
It is believed that Ieyasu, who narrowly escaped to his castle, had a portrait of himself in fear made to remember that he must always listen to the comments of his vassals, as a lesson learned in this battle.

The statue in this photo is based on the portrait in this story.
- source : samuraistyle.jp facebook

- - - - - and on Jeans !
a combination of the Fudo Myo-O favored by Takeda Shingen and his enemy Tokugawa Ieyasu

信玄の守護神 武田不動尊像と家康の顰(しかみ)像

. Denim Jeans and Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 .


Tōshōkō Goikun 東照公 御遺訓 Teaching of Tokugawa Ieyasu
Toshoko Go-Ikun

written on January 17, 1603 while he received the title of Shogun in February of the same year

人の一生は重き荷を負うて 遠き道を行くが如し 
急ぐべからず不自由を 常と思えば 不足なし
心に望みおこらば 困窮し足る時を思い出すべし
勝つことばかり知りて 負くるを知らざれば 害その身に至る
己を責めて 人を責むるな
及ばざるは 過ぎたるに 勝れり

Your life is like carrying full of burdens, traveling a long road,
do not hurry nor complain for lack of freedom.
When you have hope in mind, remember the poor times.
Patience is the foundation of peaceful long life.
Consider your anger as your enemy.
If you know of only victories and of no losses, the harm is within you.
Blame yourself but not others.
In so doing, eventually you will win in your life.

Tr. Yoshio Kusaba

Persuade thyself that imperfection and inconvenience are the natural lot of mortals, and there will be no room for discontent, neither for despair.
Let thy step be slow and steady, that thou stumble not.
Patience means restraining one's inclinations.
- reference source : MORE Tokugawa Ieyasu Quotes -

- reference : 東照公 御遺訓 -


. Mikawa choo 三河町 Mikawa district, Kanda Chiyoda ward - Tokyo .
The name refers to the Mikawa region (now Aichi prefecture), where Tokugawa Ieyasu was born.
When he came to Edo in 1590, he had his 下級武士 junior Samurai retainers settle in this district.
It is one of the old districts in Edo.
In the Meiji period it got the name of 神田区三河町 Kanda Mikawa cho.
In 1953, the first sub-district became 鎌倉町 Kamakura machi, the second to fourth sub-district were merged to
神田司町 Kanda Tsukasa machi and the old name was lost.


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

kaibutsu 怪物 monster HOO 封(ほう)Ho Yokai

source : tyz-yokai.blog.jp/archives

When Ieyasu was still in 駿河 Suruga in the year 1609 on the fourth day of the fourth month, there appeared a strange being, a thick child, in the morning in the garden of 駿府城 Sunpu Castle. It had no fingers at his hands, pointing his arms toward heaven.
Ieyasu advised his men to chase it away to a place where humans would not see it any more, in a far away mountain forest.
Some people say this was a HOO 封(ほう)Ho Yokai and if you eat its flesh, it was a special elixir 仙薬 and you would become super-strong and fearless.

Ise odori 伊勢踊 the Dance of Ise

This dance became quite popular after 1624. Farmers would just take off and go dancing around Japan, leaving for the Ise shrine.
Legend knows that bad things happened after such a bout of Ise Odori Dance, for example an uprising in Osaka and the death of Tokugawa Ieyasu.

The okage-mairi pilgrimage to Ise was accompanied by ecstatic dances, such as Ise-odori, okage-odori and ee-ja-nai-ka (ain't it hunky-dory) that disrupted daily life
- reference -

. hatsu Ise odori 初伊勢踊 first Ise dance .
and . Hatsu Ise 初伊勢 First visit to the Ise Shrine  
as season words for the New Year

Taroo inari 太郎稲荷 the Deity Taro Inari

Tachibana Sakon no Shogen 立花左近将監 with his soldiers was on his way to Korea, but ended up in 江戸の浅草観音 Edo, near the Asakusa Kannon for about 8 years.
Then one night an old man with white hair appeared in his dream and gave him an amulet, 白木の三方に祇園守. The old man was the deity 太郎稲荷 Taro Inari.
On the next day there came a messenger of Ieyasu telling him that he could go back to his homeland.

. Legends about the Asakusa 浅草 district in Edo .
太郎稲荷神社 Shrine Taro Inari Jinja and Tachibana Sakon

Tooshooguu 東照宮の神勅 Tosho-Gu no chinshoku

Once there lived a farmer called 半七 Hanshichi in 三河国の小笠原家領内 the district of Ogasawara in Mikawa no Kuni. Many years ago he had been selling oil in the district. He had a divine message from the Tosho-Gu (Tokugawa Ieyasu), changed his name to Genseki 玄碩 and became a doctor. He prepared medicine according to the needs of each individual patient and healed many. Later when he walked around in Ise, where he had another revelation from heaven, telling him that since his own heart was pure he could heal patients so well.

source : aki-yoshida.co.jp/

Habu Genseki 土生玄碩 (1762 - 1848)
..... the Shogun's personal physician and a man celebrated for his skill in treating diseases of the eye,
and Philipp Franz von Siebold (1796-1868), a German doctor, . . . physician at the Dutch East India Company Dejima Factory. . . .
His belongings became wet dampened during a storm, and when laid out on the deck for drying, discovery was made by a Nagasaki Magistrate official of banned maps of Japan drawn by Tadataka Ino, and a Haori jacket with a hollyhock crest of the Tokugawa family, etc. During the intensive investigation that followed, Kageyasu Takahashi of the Nagasaki Magistrate, who had given the maps to Siebold, was sentenced for capital punishment.
Genseki Habu, the Shogunate doctor responsible for the Shogunate Haori, was deprived of his post, and Siebold was exiled for life out of Japan.
- source : Rio Imamura -

- - - - - the ophthalmologist Habu Genseki
- reference -

Gunma 群馬県  日光 Nikko

. Nikkoozan Tookooboo 日光山東光坊 - Tengu Tokobo. Toko-Bo from Mount Nikko .
Tokugawa in his incarnation as a Tengu !

Kanagawa 神奈川県 大和市 Yamato

Fukuda village 福田村 was under the direct governance of the Tokugawa clan.

yamanba 山姥 the old mountain hag
Once there lived an old mountain hag in the village, almost like a demon (oni 鬼). People feared her and once when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, they invited her for a party, gave her poisoned Sake and killed her.
But now she became a vengefull soul and appeared almost every night as a flickering monster light (鬼火) on the road and soon nobody passed this mountain path any more.
When Tokugawa Ieyasu came to this region, he wrote a Waka poem to appease her soul and all was good.

さがみなる 福田の里の やまんばは
いつのいつまで 夫を待つらむ

In Sagami at the village Fukuda this old woman
waiting for her husband for ever and ever

The "old mountain hag" was Ito, 小林大玄の妻(イト) the wife of Kobayashi Daigen (a doctor and mountain priest)
of a special group of nine people to develop the area of Fukuda, 福田開拓九人衆 . He had wandered off to see more of Japan and his wife was left all alone in Yamato in great dispair.
She was later appeased at the temple 建長寺 Kencho-Ji in Kamakura
この‘山姥’とは . . .
- reference source : blog.ap.teacup.com/hazuki69 -

Yamato, Fukuda district, temple 蓮慶寺 Renkei-Ji
The statue 木造優婆尊尼座像 represents Ito from the Yamanba legend. Now she is venerated as a deity to help bring up healthy children.
- reference source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/pokochino6324 -

The story of Kobayashi Ito 小林糸
who liked to drink Sake quite a lot and waited for her husband.

- source : c-yanagibashi/index -

Nagano 長野県

hakuba no tatari 白馬の祟り the curse of the White Horse
Once there was a dappled gray horse with four white spots, called ソウゼン Sozen.
When the horse turned 8 years, its hair became all white and it seemed cursed. The warlord who had fought with a minister of Ieyasu was defeated and lost his life, together with the white horse, in battle.
Since then a white horse was feared in the village. To appease its soul a stone memorial was put up and regular rituals held there.

Shizuoka 静岡県 
Shizuoka, 安倍川 River Abekawa

Abekawa Mochi 安倍川餅 rice cakes from Abekawa river, sprinkled with white sugar (a rarity in the Edo period) and with kinako 黄粉 soy bean flour
Once eaten by Tokugawa Ieyasu, after he had retired as Shogun. The local producers told him the yellow kinako was really gold powder.

Shizuoka, Ryoogoochi 両河内村 Ryogochi Mura in Yoshiwara district, Shimizu 清水市吉原地区

Yoshiwaraji 善原寺 Yoshiwara-Ji
925 Yoshiwara, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka

Yakushi san 薬師さん - 吉原の薬師堂 Yoshiwara no Yakushi-Do
This temple is famous for its Yakushi Nyorai, healing eye disease.
And in the Yoshiwara district are various tales about Ieyasu.

. Yakushidoo 吉原の薬師堂 Yoshiwara no Yakushi-Do .
大平の薬師様 Yakushi Sama in Ohira village. Ieyasu has his eyes healed.
吉原 Yoshiwara Town in Eastern Shizuoka.

- - - - -
吉原や平山の家康伝説 Legends about Yoshiwara and Ieyasu at Hirayama
ところで吉原地区には徳川家康にまつわる伝説が多い。曵尾 (hikyoo) という地名は、家康が「比興な奴」(hikyoo) といったことから生まれたという話である。
吉原の薬師堂にまつわる多くの疑問 About the Yakushi Hall in Yoshiwara
- reference : diycc.info/taki -

. Yakushipedia ABC-Index 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .

- - - - -

ten yori kuru to iu mono 天より来ると云ふ者 Someone coming from Heaven
In the garden of 駿府城 Sunpu Castle
something strange appeared, with four fingers on each limb, worn and torn robes and eating only green frogs.
When asked where it has come from, it said "From Heaven!"
The servants wanted to kill it, but Ieyasu told them to bring it outside and let it go.

Tokyo 東京都

sennin no moji 仙人の文字 letters of Saint Torakichi
In the year 1580 Ieyasu went hunting. He found four letters on the back of a feather of a crane he had shot down. When he showed them to 虎吉 Saint Torakichi, he told them they were four letters of a spell he used to chant constantly.

. Sendoo Torakichi 仙童寅吉 Sendo Torakichi .
Torakichi, the Tengu apprentice

Tokyo, 渋谷区 Setagaya

Oman enoki おまん榎 hackberry tree of Lady O-Man
The wife of Ieyasu, O-Man no Kata おまんの方 (お万の方), once suffered from a toothache. The priest from temple 千寿院 Senju-In took a branch from the enoki 榎 Chinese hackberry tree and made a toothpick out of it. When she put that toothpick in her mouth, she was cured very fast.
The tree is now one of the 千駄ヶ谷の七不思議 seven wonders of Sandagaya .

Senjuuin 仙寿院(せんじゅいん、法霊山仙寿院東漸寺)
- source : wikipedia -

. Edo Nana Fushigi 江戸七不思議 The Seven Wonders of Edo .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


"Tiger Daruma" 寅童子の化身、徳川家康 with reference to Ieyasu
Ieyasu was born in the year of the tiger, on the day of the tiger and in the hour of the tiger.

- - - - - Read the story here in my blog :
. Hooraiji 鳳来寺 Horai-Ji, Aichi .


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

Ieyasu Ki 家康忌 Ieyasu Memorial Day
元和2年4月17日(1616年6月1日)June 1

Nikkoo Tooshooguu sai
日光東照宮祭 (にっこうとうしょうぐうさい)
Festival at Toshogu in Nikko
Nikkoo sai 日光祭(にっこうさい)Nikko festival
Tooshooguu sai 東照宮祭(とうしょうぐうさい)Toshogu festisval
yoinarisai 宵成祭(よいなりさい)"coming on the night before"
togyosai 渡御祭(とぎょさい)"honorable parade of the main deity"
May 17, 18

. WKD : Tokugawa Ieyasu .




正岡子規 Masaoka Shiki


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #tokugawaieyasu #ieyasu #shinkun - - - -



. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Bakurochoo, Bakuro-chō 馬喰町 Bakurocho
日本橋 Nihonbashi Bakurocho

This is quite an old district of Edo.
The head horse dealers 高木源兵衛 Takagi Genbei (Takagi Genbe'e)and 富田半七 Tomita Hanshichi lived there since about 1580. They also traded in cattle.

BAKURO refers to a place for horse riding and horse trading (馬市). It soon became known as a district of inns (hatago 旅籠) where people prepared for their trips out of Edo, buying supplies and gifts of all kinds. From here the Road to Oshu(奥州 街道 Oshu Kaido ) started.
(In the busiest times there were about 40 Hatago inns.)
Therefore there are many wholesale stores in the district, which had four sections.
Section 4 馬喰町四 leads over to Asakusabashi Bridge.
There were also special kujiyado 公事宿 (accomodations for people who came to Edo for trials of lawsuits)
- see below.

Bakurocho was the area where Tokugawa Ieyasu kept a few hundred horsed to prepare for
Sekigahara 関ヶ原出陣 the Battle of Sekigahara.
bakuro 馬工郎 is the old name for the horse owners and traders, who came to live there.
In the nearby districts of 大伝馬町 Odenmacho and 小伝馬町 Kodenmacho there lived more
umakata 馬方 "horse men" in the service of the Bakufu.

- quote -
馬喰町馬場 - - Bakuro-chō (馬喰町), which in ancient times was written as 博労町, was the site of a horse market.
It stretched from 1 chōme to 4 chōme, and on the north side of 3 chōme,
there was a parade ground called "hatsune no baba" 初音の馬場 (also known as 追回しの馬場 "oimawashi no baba").
From the mid-Edo period onward, a number of inns were built in the area,
and there was the publication of an Edo tourist guide
which set Bakuro-chō as the starting point.
The site was in what is now Bakuro-chō 1 chōme, Nihonbashi.
. Tokyo Metropolitan Library .

The mansions of Bakufu officials dealing with the "eight districts of Kanto", Kan Hasshu 関八州の幕府直轄領 were also located in Bakurocho.

Utagawa Hiroshige: Hatsune Riding Ground
馬喰町 初音の馬場 Hatsune no Baba

This is one of the oldest Horse Grounds in Edo.

The print shows the shop of Murasakiya 紫屋染物店, a cloth dyer,
a high hi no mi yagura 火の見櫓 watch tower for fires. The large empty space was a special place to prevent fires from spreading (hiyoke chi 火除け地).

. umakata 馬方 "horse person" .
the owner of the horse or a servant in charge.

bakuroo choo 博労町
An old spelling is bakuroo choo 博労町
bakuroo 博労 Bakuro dealers of horses (馬の善し悪しを鑑定し、売買・仲介をする人)

Close to Bakurocho is also
Yokoyamachoo 日本橋 横山町 Nihonbashi Yokoyama-chō .
Bakuro-Yokoyama is a now district in Tokyo Shitamachi.

- quote -
Yamanote (山の手, "mountain's hand(s)") and Shitamachi (下町, "under city")
are traditional names for two areas of Tokyo, Japan. Yamanote refers to the affluent, upper-class areas of Tokyo west of the Imperial Palace. While citizens once considered it as consisting of Hongo, Koishikawa, Ushigome, Yotsuya, Akasaka, Aoyama and Azabu in the Bunkyō, Shinjuku, and Minato wards,[1] its size has grown to include the Nakano, Suginami and Meguro wards. Shitamachi is the traditional name for the area of Tokyo including today the Adachi, Arakawa, Chiyoda (in part), Chūō, Edogawa, Kōtō, Sumida, and Taitō wards, the physically low part of the city along and east of the Sumida River.
The two regions
have always been vaguely defined, as their identity was more based on culture and caste than on geography. While Tokugawa vassals of the warrior caste (hatamoto and gokenin) lived in the hilly Yamanote, lower castes (merchants and artisans) lived in the marshy areas near the sea. This dual class and geographic division has remained strong through the centuries while evolving with the times, and is still in common use today. Indeed, the two terms are now used also in other parts of the country. The term Yamanote still indicates a higher social status, and Shitamachi a lower one, even though de facto this is not always true.
Both the Yamanote and the Shitamachi have grown gradually over the years, and the map above shows them as they are today.
- - - - - Yamanote - - - - - - snip -
- - - - - Shitamachi - - - - -
The term originally indicated just the three areas of Kanda, Nihonbashi and Kyōbashi but, as the city grew, it came to cover also the areas mentioned above. Shitamachi was the center of Edo, so much so that the two were often thought of as coterminous. While Shitamachi was not in fact synonymous with Edo, there was originally a certain "conflation" of the two terms, and those born in Shitamachi are typically considered true Edokko, children of Edo. This conflation is evident in the Edo period habit of saying "I am going to Edo" to mean going from the area around Fukagawa in Kōtō ward to anywhere east of the Sumida river.
While the Yamanote grew west on the Musashino Plateau, in time the Shitamachi expanded east beyond the Arakawa river, and now includes the Chūō, Kōtō (Fukagawa), Sumida, and Taitō wards, plus part of Chiyoda ward.
The center of Ueno in Taitō lies at the heart of the old Shitamachi and still has several museums and a concert hall. Today the immediate area, due to its close proximity to a major transportation hub, retains high land value. The Shitamachi Museum in Ueno is dedicated to the area's way of life and culture, with models of old environments and buildings.[9]
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Centered around the castle of Edo, the main areas were
. joonan 城南 Jonan, south of the castle . - Shinagawa
Joohoku 城北 Johaku, north of the castle
Joosai 城西 Josai, west of the castle

. Taito-ku 台東区 Shitamachi Museum .

. Shitamachi 下町 "the low city" .

- 山手線29駅各駅の魅力を探る names of 29 stations of the Yamanote sen train.
- reference source : homes.co.jp/cont/town... -



. Edo Nana Fushigi 江戸七不思議 The Seven Wonders of Edo  .

Bakurocho Nana Fushigi 馬喰町七不思議 Seven Wonders of Bakurocho

鼠に似た怪しい異国の獣 - a strange beast from a foreign country, looking like a rat / mouse
卵を生む女房 a woman who was laying eggs (like a hen)
犬の珍しい行為 a dog who behaved in strange ways
天水桶の溺死 someone drowned in a rain water barrel
仲裁後の手傷 hand wound after the arbitration
三日月井戸の暗号 the code of the sickle moon well
先祖の因縁がめぐる御霊社詣 visiting shrines with attachments to the ancestors

風野真知雄 Kazeno Machio (1951 - )

訴訟でやってくる者たちが泊まる〈公事宿〉のひしめく日本橋馬喰町。お裁きがまさに始まろうとした御白州で、獣に食いつかれたような傷を残して公事師が突然死んだ。〝マミ〟が出たという騒ぎ、卵を産んだ女房、三日月井戸. . . 馬喰町七不思議のなかに隠された巨大な悪事に根岸備前守が挑む。
source : ganken.jp/nittoweb/2014


kujiyado, kuji yado 公事宿(くじやど)lawsuit inn
"lawyers' inn”, suit inn, litigation inn, Gasthaus für Litiganten

公事宿 裏始末4 孤月の剣 / 氷月葵

There were cases where managers and assistant managers of kujiyado were acting as kujishi 公事師, or kujishi were employed by kujiyado (雇下代).
Kujishi is a Japanese term used to refer to persons who would stand in for the relevant parties involved in a lawsuit in the Edo period.

- quote -
In the Edo period, legal matters were taken care of at kujiyado (litigation inns). The owners of these inns were the equivalent of lawyers. Mostly they dealt with disputes over money. Of the 35,000 civil suits that were addressed in 1718, about 33,000 of them involved money.
- reference : factsanddetails.com/japan -

- reference : edo kujiyado -

- quote -
公事人宿・出入宿・郷宿 Goyado・御用宿 Goyoyado とも呼ばれた。
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. hatago (旅籠, 旅篭) lodgings in Edo .
They were also called hatagoya (旅籠屋).


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

aki no ka no koe ya chikatetsu Bakurocho

the voice of
mosquitoes in autumn - underground station

Tr. Gabi Greve

Oogushi Akira 大串章 Ogushi Akira (1937 - )

Bakuro Yokoyama Subway Station


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #bakurocho #kujiyado #yamanote #shitamachi - - - -


Ezo Ainu Culture

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

Ezo, Emishi 蝦夷 エゾ Ainu Culture アイヌの文化 Yezo, Yeso, Jezo

Photo by Herbert George Ponting (1870-1935)

. Matsumae in Hokkaido 松前 .
Matsumae, one of the oldest port towns in Hokkaido, used to be busy during the summer months in the Edo period for fishing.
The name Matsumae at that time was almost identical with the old name of Ezo / Hokkaido.

. Kitamaebune 北前船 North-bound trade ships .
Matsumaebune 松前船 Matsumae trade ships to Hokkaido

. Ainu Ryori アイヌ料理 Ainu Food - Introduction .
Their traditional cuisine consists of the flesh of bear, fox, wolf, badger, ox or horse, as well as fish, fowl, millet, vegetables, herbs, and roots.
Archaeological finds
Ainu museum in Asahikawa, Hokkaido
Ainu Religion
Chiri Yukie Chiri 知里幸恵 (1903 - 1922)


... Ainu Daruma ... アイヌだるま

. Ainu Folk Art and Craft .
- - - - - including
Daruma from Enju Wood エンジュ達磨 / enju 槐 Japanese pagoda tree
Itazu Kunio 板津邦夫, a famous woodcarver, born 1931.
Ainu Kokeshi こけし


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Nibutani-attus 二風谷アツトウシ
A tradition of 紗流川流域 the Saru River basin region since ancient times. It was used in trade with other regions as a product of the Saru River basin during the Edo period.
Nibutani-attus is still made today with the same tools that were used to make it over a hundred years ago.
- source : densan kougeihin -

source : jtcw.jp/2015...
Nibutani ita 二風谷イタ Nibutani carved wooden tray

- quote -
What is Nibutani carved wooden tray ?
Nibutani Ita is a carved wooden tray produced in Biratori-cho, Saru County, Hokkaido.
The origin of the town name, Biratori-cho, is an Ainu word for a cliff, Pirautouru. The characteristic of Nibutani Ita are its patterns. A spiral pattern called Mourenoka, a thorn-shaped pattern called Aiushinoka and an eye-shaped pattern called Shikunoka (all three words are Ainu) are combined to express a beautiful Ainu design. Furthermore, Nibutani Ita always has carved scale-shapes called Ramuramunoka which fill the space between the other patterns. The tray was used daily in the days of the Ainu and it is valued as a delicate craft by modern craftsmen today.
- History
Although Nibutani Ita is assumed to be a tray because of its shape, a song in the folklore of Ainu, Uepekere, mentions Nibutani Ita as a plate on which food was served directly. Blades were a must item for Ainu life and to be able to use the blades skillfully gave men status. For this reason, an Ainu man would put all his energy into making a carved wooden item for a woman who he fancied when they reached marriageable age. With this background, the Ainu-carved wooden items, including Nibutani Ita, have long been used as expensive gifts, presents for exchange or commercial items.
During the Ansei era (1854 – 1859) at the end of the Edo period (1603 – 1868), it was recorded that Nibutani Ita was among the gifts to the Bakufu (government) of the Matsumae Domain. In 1873, Nibutani Ita was exhibited at the EXPO in Vienna. Nibutani Ita was designated as a traditional national craft for the first time in Hokkaido in March 2013.
- General Production Process ...
Biratori Ainu Bunka Joho Center
- source : kogeijapan.com/locale/en... -

Nibutani Ainu Museum 二風谷アイヌ資料館
Nibutani or Niptani (Ainu: ニプタニ), is a district in the town of Biratori in Hokkaido.
With over 80% of the residents being Ainu, it makes it the city with the largest population of its residents being Ainu in all of Hokkaido. It is the site of the Nibutani Dam, and the hometown of Shigeru Kayano. Nibutani is also the site of two Ainu museums "Kayano Shigeru Nibutani Ainu museum" and the "Nibutani Ainu Culture Museum", as well as the Nibutani Family Land.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Ishū Retsuzō 夷酋列像 Ishu Retsuzo - - Ishuretsuzo

- source : hokkaido-np.co.jp/ishuretsuzo-

- quote -C.B. Liddell
The frayed edges of modern Japan
In the Edo Period (1603-1868) and the years that followed, Japan made strenuous efforts to bring together its patchwork of feudal regions into a strongly centralized state with a unified culture. Accordingly, the nation now is one of the most homogenous in the world. But there are a couple of places where this strongly mono-cultural model begins to fray.

One is Okinawa, where there is a somewhat different identity, and the other is Hokkaido, where there are still some traces of the indigenous Ainu people and their culture. While recognizing these different ethnic areas could be problematic — leading to separatism, for example — completely ignoring them is not an option, so it is only fitting that efforts to acknowledge them is made. The exhibition “Ishuretsuzo, the Image of Ezo: Tracing Persons, Things and the World” at the National Museum of Japanese History — and from Feb. 25 at the National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka — should be viewed in these terms.

Significantly, the exhibition focuses on the Ainu not as a separate and independent culture but rather as symbiotic allies and auxiliaries of the Japanese. The curation was built around the Ishuretsuzo, a series of portraits of Ainu chieftains, painted by Hakyo Kakizaki (1764-1826), a samurai retainer of the Matsumae clan, who occupied the southern part of Hokkaido to defend the border.

Originally there were 12 portraits, painted in 1790, depicting high-ranking Ainu allies of the clan, with one of the portraits being of a woman, noticeable by her lack of a long beard and her tattooed lips.

These surprisingly skillful works were painted in the aftermath of the Menashi-Kunashir War of 1789, when Ainu attacks on Japanese tradesmen and colonists in the northeastern part of the island led to retaliation by the Matsumae clan and their Ainu allies. The whereabouts of the paintings was unknown, until 1984 when 11 of the works were rediscovered at the Besancon Museum of Fine Arts and Archaeology in eastern France.

These 11 paintings are supplemented by garments and objects, some of which have also been depicted in the pictures, as well as old maps and other artworks showing scenes from Ezo, as Hokkaido was then known. The most impressive item on display is an expansive folding screen from 1741, showing in great detail the town of Matsumae, the headquarters of the eponymous clan. Among the small figures that can be discerned are a group of Ainu visiting the town.

夷酋列像 - Ishuretsuzo

It seems clear from looking at this screen, Kakizaki’s works and the details of the Menashi-Kunashir War, that the Japanese and Ainu were in frequent contact and occupied different economic positions, not separate and exclusive spaces. The Ainu tended to focus on hunting and fur-trapping — the exhibition includes a very large sea otter rug — while the Japanese were traders and farmers.

This was a period when Japan was closed to the rest of the world, except for a strictly controlled stream of trade through Nagasaki. But Ezo’s distance from the capital and its frontier conditions appears to have had a liberalizing effect on trade, with Hokkaido serving as something of a back door to Japan.

This is reflected in Kakizaki’s paintings, which show the Ainu chieftains wearing an outlandish mixture of Chinese, Japanese and even European garments. It is almost as if Ezo was a colder version of Tatooine, the anarchic trading planet in the “Star Wars” movies, with the more powerful Ainu chieftains being particularly colorful characters.

Although tensions occasionally flared up, as in the Menashi-Kunashir War, the mutual benefits for Japanese and Ainu meant that there was good reason for them to get along together.

It is possible to see Kakizaki’s paintings as examples of ethnographic art and depictions of the alien “other.” Attention could be drawn to the evident fascination with which he depicted the hairiness of his subjects and their swaggering and eclectic sense of fashion.

But a more fair-minded appraisal would be to draw attention to the painter’s general realism — his lack of ethnic exaggeration and exoticism. These are works by someone who seems to have been truly familiar with the Ainu people, and it shows. Although Kakizaki’s paintings represent a Japanocentric view of the Ainu, it is one that is nevertheless genuine, sensitive and artistically sympathetic.

'Ishuretsuzo: Shimochi, Ainu Chieftain of Akkeshi, by Hakyo Kakizaki (1790)

'Ishuretsuzo: Tsukinoe, Ainu Chieftain of Kunashiri' by Hakyo Kakizaki (1790)
- source : Japan Times


- quote -
Kunashiri Menashi no tatakai クナシリ・メナシの戦い Menashi-Kunashir Rebellion
Menashi-Kunashir Battle was a battle in 1789 between Ainu and Japanese on the Shiretoko Peninsula in northeastern Hokkaidō. It began in May, 1789 when Ainu attacked Japanese on Kunashir Island and parts of the Menashi District as well as at sea. More than 70 Japanese were killed. The Japanese executed 37 Ainu identified as conspirators and arrested many others. Reasons for the revolt are not entirely clear, but they are believed to include a suspicion of poisoned saké being given to Ainu in a loyalty ceremony, and other objectionable behavior by Japanese traders.

The battle is the subject of Majin no Umi, a children's novel by Maekawa Yasuo that received the Japanese Association of Writers for Children Prize in 1970.

A similar large-scale Ainu revolt against Japanese influence in Yezo was Shakushain's Revolt from c. 1669-1672.
- source : wikipedia -

Shakushain no tatakai シャクシャインの戦い Shakushain's Revolt
an Ainu rebellion against Japanese authority on Hokkaidō between 1669 and 1672. It was led by Ainu chieftain Shakushain against the Matsumae clan, . . .
- source : wikipedia -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

yana kuzure kore yori Ezo wa oni no kuni

a broken weir -
from here on its Ezo
land of the Demons

田村正義 Tamura Masayoshi (1938 - )


yukigakoi oete maki tsumi Ezo kosatsu

finishing the snow protection
it is time for collecting firewood
at an old temple in Ezo

Saitoo Setsuko 斎藤節子 Saito Setsuko



............................................................................................................................................. .

Ezomatsu 蝦夷松 / えぞ松 Pine from Ezo, (Picea jezoensis)




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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #ezoainu #ainuezo #matsumae #hokkaido #nibutani - - - -


tsujigiri killings

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
tsujigiri 辻斬り "to cut someone down at a crossroad"
"to try out one's new sword on a chance wayfarer"

. samurai, buke 侍、 武家 Samurai - Introduction .

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Tsujigiri killings are a well-loved subject of the Samurai Jidaigeki literature and films.

tameshigiri 試し切り "trying out a new sword"
usually done on the bodies of executed people


- quote
Tsujigiri (辻斬り or 辻斬 tsuji-giri, literally 'crossroads killing')
is a Japanese term for a practice when a samurai, after receiving a new katana or developing a new fighting style or weapon, tests its effectiveness by attacking a human opponent, usually a random defenseless passer-by, in many cases during nighttime. The practitioners themselves are also referred to as tsujigiri.

In the medieval era, the term referred to traditional duels between bushi, but in the Sengoku period (1467-1600), widespread anarchy caused it to degrade into indiscriminate murder, permitted by the unchecked power of the bushi. Shortly after order was restored, the Edo government prohibited the practice in 1602. Offenders would receive capital punishment. The only known incident where a very large number of people were indiscriminately killed in the Edo period was the 1696 Yoshihara spree killing (吉原百人斬), where a wealthy lord named Yoshihara had a psychotic fit and murdered dozens of prostitutes with a katana. He was treated by authorities as a spree killer and sentenced to death. Later, a kabuki play was made about the incident.
The practice of tsujigiri has been cited in the philosophical debate over moral relativism, notably by Mary Midgley in her 1989 work Can't We Make Moral Judgements?.

Kiri-sute gomen 斬捨御免 or 切捨御免,
literally, "authorization to cut and leave" - the body of the victim

is an old Japanese expression dating back to the feudal era right to strike (right of samurai to kill commoners for perceived affronts). Samurai had the right to strike with sword at anyone of a lower class who compromised their honour.
- - - - - Conditions
Because the right was defined as a part of self defense, the strike had to follow immediately after the offense, meaning that the striker could not attack someone for a past grievance. Also, due to the right being self-defense, it was not permissible to deliver a further coup de grâce. Moreover, the samurai who exercised the right had to prove the correctness of his action in court by producing a witness. Punishment for the incorrect exercise of this right was severe. An offender could be beheaded without being allowed to perform seppuku and have his house abolished, meaning that none of his sons could succeed the title. Due to the seriousness of the punishment, many performed seppuku to pre-empt the verdict. A samurai visiting a different feudal province had to be extremely careful, especially if it was in Edo, the seat of the Shogun. Wrongful executions of commoners from different feudal provinces were seen as an offense against a feudal state. It was thus advisable for samurai visiting different provinces to be accompanied by a servant, so as to provide witness.

- - - - - Right of defense

Because of the somewhat arbitrary nature of this right, anyone who was at the receiving end had the right to defend themselves by wakizashi (short sword). This situation was most common in the case of a higher samurai exercising the right against a lower ranked samurai as samurai would always carry wakizashi.
The expression is still sometimes used in modern-day as "I apologize in advance for this one" for the subtle humor in offering what amounts to an unsympathetic apology.
An instance of Kiri sute gomen is described in the story of the Hōgyū Jizō statue. A boy, whose father was killed by Kirisute gomen, made 100 stone statues in later life, in Kumamoto.
- source : wikipedia

tameshigiri (試し斬り, 試し切り, 試斬, 試切)
is the Japanese art of target test cutting. The kanji literally mean "test cut" (kun'yomi: ためし ぎり tameshi giri). This practice was popularized in the Edo period (17th century) for testing the quality of Japanese swords. It continues to the present day, but has evolved into a martial art which focuses on demonstrating the practitioner's skill with a sword.

. . . . . there were a wide variety of cuts used on cadavers and occasionally convicted criminals, from tabi-gata (ankle cut) to O-kesa (diagonal cut from shoulder to opposite hip). The names of the types of cuts on cadavers show exactly where on the body the cut was made.
- source : wikipedia

Ō-Edo Shitai-kō 大江戸死体考 “Reflections on the Corpses of Edo”

- reference : - PMJS tsujigiri discussion

. seppuku 切腹 -- harakiri 腹切り ritual suicide .


Shinto in History: Ways of the Kami
By John Breen, Mark Teeuwen

On his deathbed Tokugawa Ieyasu had the sword 三池光世 Miike Mitsuyo “tested” on a prisoner, only to declare the sword to be the seat of a kami he himself is going to become after his death.
- reference : books.google.co.jp -

Miike Mitsuyo

The Tokugawa shogunate founder Ieyasu had such an unswerving belief in the spiritual power of this sword that on his death bed he officially transferred his spirit to it, vowing to ensure the eternal prosperity of the shogunate. As a gesture to indicate the Tokugawa family’s position of ultimate control, he ordered the tip of the sword, when displayed, to be pointed toward the region of the Toyotomi clan, which had threatened his hegemony. The sword was the symbol of Ieyasu’s role as protector of the country and became treasured as the main object of worship in the deification of Ieyasu as Tosho Shinkun, the Great God of the Shrines of Eastern Japan.
- source : Yoko Haruhara -

. katana, nihonto 日本刀 The Japanese Sword .


"Trying Out One's New Sword," by Mary Midgley
- - - - - Summary
Midgley argues that not only is moral isolationism – the view that one ought to respect other cultures but not judge them – incorrect, it is logically incoherent. She does so by presenting four self-contained arguments: that judgment is logically antecedent to respect, that outsiders can judge foreign cultures, if on a provisional basis, that moral isolationism leads to a complete inability to make moral judgments of any kind, and that cultures are not, as moral isolationism holds, subject to isolating barriers.
. . . . . First, she argued that
"there is a contradiction between the claim that we cannot understand these rules, and the claim we must respect them." (Midgely) This only means that we, ourselves, can understand people in other cultures. In the following paragraphs, Midgely was able to illustrate some relevant examples to explain the importance of analyzing other culture’s morals in order to form educated judgments about them. She gives an example of ancient Chinese samurai warriors whom before going off to battle would test the sharpness of their swords on innocent strangers. (Midgely)
. . . . . "The Japanese custom tsujigiri involves an owner of a sword and a traveler; the situation is that this owner will have to try out his/her sword to any traveler. This is to check if the blade is really that sharp and that the sword can really kill someone in just a single blow."
source : npapadakis.wordpress.com


Kajiwara Heizô Homare no Ishikiri 梶原平三誉石切
石切梶原 ー Kabuki
first presented as a Joruri puppet theater 三浦大助紅梅靮 in 1730 at the 大阪竹本座 Takemoto-za in Osaka.
The title "Kajiwara Heizô Homare no Ishikiri" was used for the first time in June 1892, in Nagoya at the Suehiroza.

Ôba Saburô and his bombastic villainous brother Matano Gorô, who are both Heike warriors, are at a shrine in Kamakura celebrating their recent victory over the enemy general, Yoritomo, when Kajiwara Heizô, who also fought in the same battle, enters and joins them.

An elderly man and his daughter then appear and approach Ôba. Old Rokurôdayû wishes to sell a precious sword in his possession to help his daughter Kozue, and asks Ôba to buy it. Just as Ôba is about to go ahead, his brother objects and says that before anyone parts with 300 gold pieces he wants the sword examined. Kajiwara, who is known to be an outstanding swordsman, agrees to examine the sword. As he does so, he notices not only its excellence but sees something on the hilt that indicates the sword is a treasure of the enemy Genji, but he keeps that information silent. Kajiwara gives the sword his unqualified approval, and the sale is about to through again when Matano says that if it doesn't cut well it is more useless than a rusty fish knife, and insists that it is tested-by cutting two condemned prisoners in half.

The prison official reports that unfortunately there is only one prisoner currently under the death sentence, so Ôba says that he cannot buy the sword and readies himself to leave. Rokurôdayû, however, is desperate to sell the sword because he is secretly a Genji sympathizer and he needs the money to give to the Genji cause, so he offers himself as the second body, on the understanding they give the money to his daughter after his death. Matano is satisfied and plans to do the slicing himself, but Kajiwara intervenes and says he will test the sword. The condemned man is brought in and lain on top of Rokurôdayû. Kajiwara brings down the sword with precision, but only the criminal is killed. Rokurôdayû is still safely in one piece. Matano is disgusted that the sword has failed its reputation and leaves with Ôba. Kajiwara then reveals that he deliberately gauged the power of his stroke so that Rokurôdayû would not die. He, Kajiwara, recognizes the power and significance of the sword, and will buy it for himself, for he is also secretly a Genji sympathizer. And to prove the sword is in no way defective he brings it down on a stone water trough, cutting it clean in two. All three are delighted with the outcome and leave for Kajiwara's mansion to settle payment.
- reference : kabuki21.com/ishikiri -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

In Kanagawa, Yokohama 横浜市, 泉区
To appease the souls of people who got killed in a hold-up (追剥ぎ oihagi) or Tsujigiri people built a 供養塔 stone memorial for prayers.
Later wild cats begun to dance around this stone.


Hōgyū Jizō 放牛地蔵 Hogyu Jizo, Kumamoto
are Japanese stone statues; mostly of Ksitigarbha and other kinds of stone statues made by Buddhist monk Hōgyū (around 1672-1732) between 1722 and 1732 in Kumamoto, Japan. When Hōgyū was about 14, in 1686, his father was killed by a samurai. Later he made stone statues for the repose of the soul of his father.
In January 1686,
a blacksmith called Hichizaemon, a heavy drinker, threw a bamboo blower at his son. It accidentally hit the forehead of a samurai, Ohyano Genzaemon. Despite repeated apologies, Genzaemon immediately killed Hichizaemon with a sword, that being legal at the time by kiri sute gomen. Genzaemon, the son and his sister all wrote witness statements, and the Bugyō did not punish Genzaemon.
Out of grief,
the son entered the Buddhist priesthood for the repose of his father, and offered a prayer with a vow that he would make 100 stone statues. He made 107 stone statues between 1722 and 1732. He died in 1732. The 100th statue was in Ōjō-in Temple in Kumamoto, and it was the biggest statue (186 centimetres (73 in) high) among others standing on the big stone lotus.

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- - - - - maybe
Hideo Nagata studied every statue of Hōgyū and stated that the Hogyu was not the boy whose father was killed. The statues might be connected with the circumstances of the time such as famine.
- source : wikipedia -

正田吉男/文 上原恵/絵 杉山静香/絵

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .


michikiri, michi-kiri 道切 / 道切り "Cutting off the Road"
tsujigiri 辻切り(つじぎり) cutting off a crossroad

At the part where the main road enters a village, Dososhin deities are enshrined, sacred 注連縄 shimenawa ropes (or sometimes snakes made of straw) and other amulets are hung and 草履 zori (or waraji) straw sandals are offered to the deities in order to prevent evil spirits and monsters (or Kappa in this story) from entering and drive them away.

. Kanjonawa rope 勧請縄 sacred rope above a road .


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #tsujigiri #kirisutegomen #tameshigiri #hogyujizo #ishikiri - - - -


taika great fires

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

taika 江戸の大火 Edo no Taika "Great Fires of Edo"

During the Edo period, when people lived closely in wooden homes and used open fire for cooking, fires were especially terrible.
Fire and fighting are the flowers of Edo (kaji to kenka wa Edo no hana)
is an old proverb of these dangerous times.

hatsu kaji 初火事 first fire
The first fire of the new year is often seen as a bringer of bad luck, if it happens during the first three days of the New Year.

Matsuo Basho's first "Basho Hut (Bashoo An 芭蕉庵" burned down, on January 25, 1683.

. WKD : kaji 火事 fire .
hi no ban 火の番 on the lookout for fire
machibikeshi, machi hikeshi 町火消し local fire brigade
hi no yoojin 火の用心 fire prevention goods


江戸の火事と火消 / 山本純美

- quote
Fires in Edo
were fires which occurred in Edo (江戸), now Tokyo, during the Edo period. The city of Edo was characterized by frequent great fires as the saying "Fires and quarrels are the flowers of Edo" goes.
Even in the modern days, the old Edo was still remembered as the "City of Fires" (「火災都市」). The city was something of a rarity in the world, as vast urban areas of Edo were repeatedly leveled by fire. The great fires of Edo were compared to the Chinese gods of fire Shukuyū (祝融) and Kairoku (回禄), and also humorously described as "autumn leaves".
..... During the 267 years between 1601 (Keichō 6), the year after the Battle of Sekigahara (関ヶ原の戦い), and 1867 (Keiō 3), the year of Taisei Hōkan (大政奉還, literally "return of sovereignty"), Edo was struck by 49 great fires.
..... The strong winter monsoon from the north was a meteorological condition unique to Edo. It contributed to many winter and spring fires that occurred in dry weather brought about by prevailing northwest and north winds.....

December 26, 1601 / 6 Keicho/11
March 10or11, 1641 / 8 Kan-ei/1/29or30 - Oke-machi Fire 桶町火事
March 2–3, 1657 / 3 Meireki/1/18-19 - Great Fire of Meireki 明暦の大火
January 25, 1683 / 2 Tenna/12/28 - Great Fire of Tenna 天和の大火
October 9, 1698 / 11 Genroku/9/6 - Chokugaku Fire 勅額火事
December 25, 1704 / 16 Genroku/11/29 - Mito-sama Fire 水戸様火事
March 14, 1745 / 2 Enkyo/2/12 - Rokudō Fire 六道火事
March 22, 1760 / 10 Horeki/2/6 - Hōreki Fire 宝暦の大火
April 1, 1772 / 9 Meiwa/2/29 - Great Fire of Meiwa 明和の大火
April 22, 1806 / 3 Bunka/3/4 - Great Fire of Bunka 文化の大火
April 24, 1829 / 12 Bunsei/3/21 - Great Fire of Bunsei 文政の大火 / 江戸神田佐久間町の大火 Great fire in Sakumacho 1829
. March 16, 1834 / 5 Tempo/2/7 - Kōgo Fire 甲午火事 - and Sakuma Fire .
March 2, 1845 / 2 Koka/1/24 - Aoyama Fire 青山火事
November 11, 1855 / 2 Ansei/10/2 - Earthquake Fire 地震火事

Tokugawa shogunate's fire prevention measures
Firefighting organizations

- machibikeshi (町火消, chōnin firefighters).
- buke hikeshi (武家火消 samurai firefighters)
-- daimyō hikeshi (大名火消, daimyo firefighters) and
-- jōbikeshi (定火消, hatamoto firefighters).

Anti-arson measures
- Hitsuke tōzoku aratame 火付盗賊改方

Urban planning - fire barrier zones

- Hiyokechi 火除地 and hirokōji 広小路
- Fire-resistant and fireproof structures
- Prohibitions and fire alert orders
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Meireki no Taika 明暦の大火 Great Fire of Meireki
March 2–3, 1657 / 3 Meireki/1/18-19
... also known as the Furisode Fire, destroyed 60–70% of the Japanese capital city of Edo (now Tokyo) on March 2, 1657, the third year of the Meireki Imperial era. The fire lasted for three days, and is estimated to have claimed over 100,000 lives.
The fire was said to have been started accidentally by a priest who was cremating an allegedly cursed kimono. The kimono had been owned in succession by three teenage girls who all died before ever being able to wear it. When the garment was being burned, a large gust of wind fanned the flames causing the wooden temple to ignite.
. . . . . On the 24th day of the new year, six days after the fire began, monks and others began to transport the bodies of those killed down the Sumida River to Honjo, Sumida,_Tokyo, a community on the eastern side of the river. There, pits were dug and the bodies buried; the Ekō-in (Hall of Prayer for the Dead) was then built on the site.
. . . . . Under the guidance of Rōjū Matsudaira Nobutsuna 松平信綱, streets were widened and some districts replanned and reorganized
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Matsudaira Nobutsuna 松平信綱 (1596 – 1662)
was a Japanese daimyo of the early Edo period, who ruled the Kawagoe Domain. First serving Tokugawa Iemitsu as a page, Nobutsuna was renowned for his sagacity. He was named a rōjū in 1633. Nobutsuna led the shogunal forces to their final victory over the rebellion at Shimabara. His court title was Izu no Kami, which was the origin of his nickname, "Izu the Wise" (知恵伊豆 Chie Izu).
. . . . . In his later years, he joined senior Tokugawa officials such as Hoshina Masayuki in supporting the underaged 4th shogun, Ietsuna. With Hoshina he planned how to rebuilt the town of Edo after the great fire.
. . . . . Shogun Ietsuna calls him "as ugly as a toad".
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The bridge 両国橋 Ryogokubashi across the 隅田川 Sumida river was constructed on request of Hoshina and Matsudaira to provide an escape road for the townspeople. The land on the other side soon thrived as a popular amusement district, as did many other of the newly built hirokooji 広小路 Hirokoji, Wide Roads, which provided space for yatai 屋台 stalls and evening business.

. Ryoogokubashi 両国橋  Ryogokubashi bridge .

The 天守閣 tenshukaku tower of Edo castle was also lost during the Meireki fire.
It was not rebuilt any more, to express the lasting peace of the Tokugawa bakufu and the money was spent to rebuilt the town. The gates at the other bridges of Edo were also kept open for free transportation and trade in Edo, thus improving the life of the citizens. This also expressed the now lasting peace of the Bakufu, showing that a castle for war defense was no longer needed.

. Edo joo 江戸城 Edojo, Edo Castle .


October 9, 1698 - Chokugaku Fire 勅額火事
Also called 元禄江戸大火 or 中堂火事
It started from Kyobashi and by a southern wind spread fast. Soon it came down from Surugadai to Shitaya 下谷、Kanda Myojin Shita 神田明神下 and 湯島天神下 Yushima Tenjin Shita.
Then to 下谷池之端 Shitaya Ikenohata and on to Asakusa. It was stopped by a great rain after 22 hours.
More than 3000 dead.
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. Shitaya 下谷 and modern Taitō-ku 台東区 Taito Ward .


April 22, 1806 - Great Fire of Bunka 文化の大火
Also called 丙寅の大火 or 車町火事 or 牛町火事.
It started in 車町, passed the Kamiyashiki of the Satsuma clan.
It destroyed much of the Ryogoku, Kyobashi and Nihonbashi districts of Edo, and on to Kanda and Asakusa.
Next day came a great rain and the fire extinguished.
More than 1200 dead.

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 and the Shitaya Fire Haiku .
Issa lived in 下谷 Shitaya at that time.

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Ueno Hirokoji / Shitaya / Yamashita
The area around the present day Ueno Park (the former Kan'ei-ji Temple).
Ueno Hirokoji is the area from the entrance to present day Ueno Park to Matsuzakaya.
After the Great Fire of Meireki (1657), the street width was widened and the area was made into a firebreak. This was a shopping quarter lined with grocery stores, restaurants and other shops along the route of the Onarimichi (a special road used by the imperial family, regents and advisers and the shogun) successive Shoguns throughout history when they went to worship at the Kan'ei-ji Temple.
At the intersection of the present day Chuo St. and Shinobazu St. the Shinobu-gawa River flowed, and there were 3 bridges over it so the area was called Mihashi (three bridges). Matsuzakaya and Mihashi were both pictured in nishiki-e.
Shitaya refers to a section on the east side of Kan'ei-ji Temple (present day Ueno Park), and the name (lower valley) was in reference to Ueno, which was a plateau.
Yamashita (below mountain) refers to being beneath Toeizan. It was located in the area within the present day JR Ueno Station building and the plaza in front of the station. In 1737 it was made into a firebreak after a fire, and became an amusement district with stores and entertainment booths rather than a residential area.
- reference source : ndl.go.jp/landmarks/e/sights -


Three Great Fires of Edo 江戸の三大大火

Meireki 明暦の大火
Meguro Gyooninzaka 目黒行人坂の大火 Meguro Gyoninzaka (Meiwa no taika)
Hinoe Tora 丙寅の大火
(Bunka no taika)

- source : gakken.co.jp/kagakusouken -

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Meguro Gyōnin-zaka slope and Fuji 目黒行人坂冨士
Gyōnin-zaka is a steep slope at Shimo-Meguro, Meguro Ward.
The slope was so named because ascetics from Mt.Yudonosan in Ushū (Yamagata Prefecture)
built a Dainichinyorai-do hall there. ("gyōnin" means "ascetic".)
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Tokyo 文京区 Bunkyo Ward

. The Fire at 伝通院 Temple Denzu-In, Dentsu-In .

Tokyo 中央区 Chuo Ward

At the Great Bunsei Fire on there was a shop sign that did not burn.
Near the origin of the fire, there was a small hut that did not burn.

Tokyo 練馬区 Nerima

kitsune 狐 the fox
There lives an old fox in the temple. When he called out, he warned people of a fire, so three or four times a great fire could be averted. He is therefore called

火消稲荷 Fire-extinguishing Inari
a form of hi no kami inari 火の神稲荷, Inari as a Fire Deity.

Tokyo 西多摩郡 Nishi-Tama district 檜原村 Hinohara village

akai kami 赤い紙 a red paper
A poorly looking traveler was refused to stay over night.
The traveler went to the outskirts of the village, folded a red paper and let it fly.
The paper flew to the home where the traveler had been refused and caused a fire.
Many other homes also burned down that night in a large fire.

Tokyo 品川区 Shinagawa ward

O-Koojin sama お荒神様 the Venerable Kojin Deity
Once there was a fire in a shopping area in front of Shinagawa station.
A man took a small sancutary of the Kojin Deity, placed it on the roof in the direction of the fire and opened the doors of the sanctuary.
Soon the wind changed direction and the fire stopped at his neighbours house.
. Kojin, Aragami 荒神と伝説 Legends about the Aragami deity .


- source : nichibun yokai database -


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. taika 大火と伝説 Legends about big fires in Japan .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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Tenryo Government Land

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

tenryoo, tenryō 天領 Tenryo Government Land "Land of Heaven"
bakuryoo 幕領 Bakuryo government land, bakufu-owned land
bakufu chokkatsu chi 政府直轄地 / bakufu chokkatsu ryoo 幕府直轄領

shogun's direct holdings, personal land- holdings, personal fief of the Tokugawa

- quote
Tenryō, gundai and daikan
The shogun directly held lands in various parts of Japan. These were known as bakufu chokkatsuchi; since the Meiji period, the term tenryō has become synonymous.
In addition to the territory that Ieyasu held prior to the Battle of Sekigahara, this included lands he gained in that battle and lands gained as a result of the Summer and Winter Sieges of Osaka. By the end of the seventeenth century, the shogun's landholdings had reached four million koku. Such major cities as Nagasaki and Osaka, and mines, including the Sado gold mine, also fell into this category.
- source : wikipedia


. Ashio doozan 足尾銅山 Ashio Dozan, Ashio Copper Mine . - Tochigi
and Besshi doozan 別子銅山 Bessgu copper mine, Ehime

. Gyotoku enden 行徳塩田 Gyotoku salt fields in Chiba .

. Hita 日田市 - Bungo no Kuni Hita 豊後国日田 . Oita
Hita Tenryo Matsuri 日田天領まつり Hita Tenryo Festival
Tenryo Hita Hina Doll Festival 天領日田雛まつり

. Iwami Ginzan 石見銀山 Silver Mines at Iwami, Shimane .

. Sadokoku Sado koku 佐渡国 Sado Province .


信濃の天領陣屋 Jinya Government Building in Shinano
江戸幕府の天領 - 村上直
- source : town.iijima.lg.jp -

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明治初期に旧幕府直轄領が天皇の御料(直轄領)になったときに天領と呼ばれるようになったため、さかのぼって幕府時代のものも天領と通称するようになったもので、江戸時代に使われていた用語ではない。江戸時代には支配所 shihaisho(しはいしょ、しはいじょ)、支配処(しはいしょ、しはいじょ)と呼んだ。また通称で御料 goryo(ごりょう)、御料所 goryosho(ごりょうしょ、ごりょうじょ)、御料地 goryochi(ごりょうち)、公儀御料 kogi oryo (こうぎごりょう)などとも呼ばれた。
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CLICK for more types of Sake and even Tenryo water!


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

tenryo no sora kagayakasu kiji no kira

the glittering
of the pheasant brings a shine
to the "Land of Heaven "

Tr. Gabi Greve

Endoo Masako 遠藤正子 Endo Masako

. WKD : kiji 雉 pheasant .
- - kigo for all spring - -


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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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