
Koto Ward Districts 2

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" - districts 02

There are 45 districts in Koto, some are quite small.
. Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

Hirano 平野
Miyoshi 三好
Mori 毛利


Hirano 平野 Hirano district
平野一丁目 - 平野四丁目 first to fourth district
In the first and second district are many temples of 日蓮宗 the Nichiren sect.
The area had been landfilled in 1701 and many town houses had been built there.
- - - - - 木場公園 Kiba Koen Park
The residence of the haiku poet 杉山杉風 Sugiyama Sanpu (1647 - 1732) was located in Hirano.
Sanpu was one of the 10 most important disciples of Matsuo Basho.
. Basho jittetsu 芭蕉十哲 .


Miyoshi 三好 Miyoshi district
三好一丁目 - 三好四丁目 first to third district
In the year 1701, three important money lenders got the order to built here.
In 1703, the name 三好 Miyoshi (three friends) was given to the district.
The 東京都現代美術館 Tokoy Museum of Contemporary Art is located here.
- reference : mot-art-museum.jp ... -


Mori 毛利 Mori district district
毛利一丁目 - 毛利二丁目 first and second district
In 1722, 毛利藤左衛門 Mori Tozaemon developed new fields here.
In 1732, the government built kiba 木場 a lumberyard here.
In the Meiji period,the land became part of the Imperial household.
In 1891, it was named 深川本村町 Fukagawa Honmura district and the name MORI was lost.
In 1931, 本村町 Honmura district and 猿江裏町 Sarue Uramachi were united to become 毛利町 Mori district.
In 1947, it became 深川毛利町 Fukagawa Mori district.
In 1968, 毛利一 / 二丁目 first and second district of Mori were established.
In the second district, 猿江恩賜公園 the Park Sarue Onshi is located.


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. Kootoo ku, Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .


- - - - - #kotoward #koto #hirano #mori #miyoshi #fukagawa #sarue - - - -

Koto Ward Districts

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" - districts

There are 45 districts in Koto, some are quite small.
. Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

Botan 牡丹
Edagawa 枝川
Fukuzumi 福住


Botan 牡丹 Botan district
牡丹一丁目 - 三丁目 first to third district
Most of it are residential areas.
It is close to 門前仲町 Monzen Nakacho.
In former times there lived a lot of farmers growing peonies, hence the name.

. botan ぼうたん、ぼたん、 牡丹 peony .


Edagawa 枝川 Edagawa district
枝川一丁目 - 枝川三丁目 first to third district
The first and second district have been landfilled in 1910.
The main road 三ツ目通り Mitsume-dori runs from South to North.


Fukuzumi 福住 Fukuzumi district
福住一丁目 - 福住二丁目 first and second district
This district has a long histrict, being called 深川福住 Fukagawa Fukuzumi. In 1931, the areas 伊沢町、一色町、黒江町、松村町 were united to become 深川福住町一丁目 Fukagawa Fukuzumi first district.
In 1931, the areas 永堀町、大住町、東永代町、材木町 were united to become 深川福住町二丁目 Fukagawa Fukuzumi second district.
In 1969 the two districts were renamed 福住 Fukuzumi.
There were many komegura 米蔵 storehouses for rice in the area.
The scholar 新井白石 Arai Hakuseki (1657 - 1725) lived in Fukuzumi first district (now 深川一色町 Fukagawa Isshiki district) .


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. Kootoo ku, Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .


- - - - - #kotoward #koto #botan #edagawa #fukuzumi - - - -


Ogibashi District Koto

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Oogibashi 扇橋 Ogibashi District

江東区 Koto ward, 扇橋一丁目 - 扇橋三丁目 Ogibashi first to third district

Around 1610, there was a bridge called Ogibashi, in 深川扇橋町 the Fukagaawa Ogibashi district.
In 1870, the Eastern (higashi) side of the bridge became an indepentat district called
深川東扇橋町 Fukagawa Higashi Ogigawa district.
In 1936, this district and part of 深川石島町 Fukagawa Ishijima were united to become 深川扇橋 the Fukagawa Ogibashi district.
In 1968, the part of Fukagawa was dropped and the district was simply called 扇橋 Ogibashi.

Shin-Ogibashi 新扇橋 the New Ogibashi Bridge
Over the river 小名木川 Onagigawa.
The bridge is 57.3 m long.

. oogi 扇 Ogi, folding fan, hand fan .

. Edo no hashi 江戸の橋 the bridges of Edo .

. Onagigawa 小名木川 River Onagigawa .


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. Kootoo ku, Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #ogibashi #shinogibashi #ogibashibridge #foldingfan - - - -

Suna districts Koto ward

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Suna 砂 districts in Koto ward - Sunamachi 砂町
Higashisuna 東砂 / Kitasuna 北砂 / Minamisuna 南砂 / Shinsuna 新砂

Before Tokugawa Ieyasu moved to Edo,
the Hachiman shrine in this area was located a bit further to the east, in Sunamura.
The tiny village of Sunamura is located on a patch of high ground in the midst of the marshes, about five kilometers east of Edo. It is one of the oldest settlements in the area, but remains fairly rural and isolated due to the surrounding marshes.

- Sunamura 砂村 "Sand village" district
It has four sub-districts,
North, East, South and New : 北砂 Kitasuna、東砂 Higashisuna, 南砂 Minamisuna and 新砂 Shinsuna -
Since 1889 known as 砂町 Sunamachi, combined with other small districts nearby.
Sunamachi Ginza Shopping District -located at Kitasuna

Sunamachi Ginza Tanabata Festival

The district is named after its developer,砂村新四郎 Sunamura Shinshiro, the brother of
砂村新左衛門 Sunamura Shinzaemon (1601 – 1668).

He moved to Edo from Kanagawa and was tasked with developing a large sandbank. The 13 fields he could create gave reason for the name, Shinden 新田 "New Fields"

Edo jidai shoki, shinden kaihatsu ni shōgai o sasageta
溝手正儀 Mizote Masanori
- まえがき(抜粋)
目次 Table of contents
第1章 砂村新左衛門の生涯
第2章 新左衛門の遺訓に関する考察
第3章 初期砂村新田所有者に関する考察
第4章 その他の新・再発見と新仮説
第5章 新田開拓の背景
- reference source : kinokuniya.co.jp... -

One speciality of the district was
. Sunamura melons and eggplants .

砂むら元はちまん」(砂村元八幡) Moto-Hachiman Shrine, Sunamura
Utagawa Hiroshige


Sunamachi Water Reclamation Center
Sunamachi Sewage Treatment Center

Starting operation in 1930, Sunamachi Water Reclamation Center is the second oldest Water Reclamation Center in Tokyo. Sunamachi treatment area is a delta area surrounded by Sumida River and Arakawa river.
Sunamachi Water Reclamation Center is treating the sewer generated from the vast zone of 6,153ha which consists of all of Sumida Ward, most of Koto Ward, and a part of Minato Ward, Shinagawa Ward, Adachi Ward and Edogawa Ward with the Ariake Water Reclamation Center.
The treated water is discharged to Tokyo Bay. A part of the treated water is cleaned through sand filtration and used inside the center for cleaning facilities, cooling machines, and flushing toilets.
The generated sludge is carbonized and incinerated at Tobu Sludge Plant in the Center.
- source : gesui.metro.tokyo.lg.jp -


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. Kōtō 江東区 Koto Ward. .
- - - . Fukagawa 深川 Fukagawa district .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #sunamura #higashisuna #minamisuna #sunamachi #fukagawa #kotoward - - - -


Nihon himitsu secrets

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Nihon no sugoi himitsu ねずさんの知っておきたい日本のすごい秘密
The amazing secrets of Japan

by 小名木善行 Onagi Zenko

第1章 記紀に学ぶ日本の国柄
一 隠身という大切な概念
1 神話と神語 2 古事記に書かれた天地創成 3 「隠身」という大切な概念 4 天之御中主神と日の丸の旗
二 すべては神々の御心のままに・諸命以
1 諸命以・修理固成・天沼矛 2 すべては神々のもの 3 ココヲヲロロというオノマトペ
三 目指すは「よろこびあふれる楽しい国」
1 あに国なけむや 2 古代日本の庶民の暮らし 3 身分よりも人 4 盗窃せず、諍訟少なし
四 清陽も大事、重濁も大事
1 清陽も大事、重濁も大事 2 日本的な陰陽とは 3 清陽

こらむ 教育と文化の国を目指した日本

第2章 古代の日本と周辺国との関係
一 日本建国の理由
1 建国理由を教えない日本 2 日本建国の詔を読む 3 建国までの経緯を学ぶ 4 たびかさなる試練 5 諸外国と異なる建国の経緯
二 疫病対策を成功させた崇神天皇
1 甚大な被害をもたらした疫病の歴史 2 記紀に描かれた疫病被害 3 たいせつな手水舎の教え 4 ほろびない国であることの大切さ
三 神功皇后の三韓征伐と栲衾の国
1 意味のないことで騒ぐ 2 不思議なお告げ 3 お告げがもたらした千八百年間の平和 4 現代をどうみるか
四 仁徳天皇が築いた国際国家日本
1 二年分のお米の備蓄 2 災害に備える 3 災害対策によって豊かになった日本
五 雄略天皇による古代日本の建て直し
1 よろしく攻め伐って天罰をくだせ 2 不正をただす 3 人質 4 高句麗の行った自立自存 5 雄略天皇の御心とは

こらむ 漢字渡来の嘘
1 漢字は部品でできている 2 阿比留草文字 3 漢字は異なる記号の組み合わせ文字 4 漢字渡来の嘘 5 日本独自の漢字の使用

第3章 日本の基礎を築いた中世日本
一 人口の三分の一が渡来人だった平安初期
1 歴史の再現性 2 蓬莱山の国、扶桑の国 3 新撰姓氏録といまの日本 4 黄金の国ジパング
二 日本書紀、万葉集が編纂された理由
1 持統天皇という偉大な存在 2 日本書紀と万葉集 3 日本文化を創造した天皇
三 万葉集にある「令和」の根拠となった歌
1 初春の歌 2 元号のもたらす意味
四 いまこそ大切にしたい日本の国柄
1 迩々芸命のご事績を日本の国の形とされた神武天皇 2 大水田を誕生させた仁徳天皇 3 仁徳天皇の事績を踏襲された雄略天皇 4 和の国を打ち出した聖徳太子 5 再び民のカマドの煙を持ち出された舒明天皇 6 天智天皇・天武天 7 教育と文化による国つくりをした持統天皇

こらむ シルクロードはジャパンロード
1 シルクロードは 19世紀に創られた名前 2 長安の人口 3 原始取得物の物々交換

第4章 黄金の国だった日本の近世
一 徳川家康と大阪経済
1 家康が豊臣方と戦った理由 2 商流経済と生産者優先経済 3 家康の行った大偉業
二 古代に学んだ信長の誇り
1 織田弾正信長 2 桶狭間の戦いの意味 3 桶狭間効果
三 鎌倉幕府の崩壊と児嶋高徳
1 財政破綻のおそろしさ 2 持明院統と大覚寺統 3 児嶋高徳 4 臥薪嘗胆
四 和気清麻呂に学ぶ
1 皇居にある二人の銅像 2 かかあとやっこ 3 道鏡の陰謀 4 宇佐八幡の御神託 5 道鏡失脚 6 皇統を護る
五 武士道とお能の不可分の関係とは
1 武家文化としてのお能 2 熊野の物語 3 松風の物語 4 鵺の物語 5 武士道を築いたお能

あとがき 日本文化が巨大な胃袋を持つといわれる理由とは

- source : garo.co.jp/archives... -


- blog.goo.ne.jp/kendokun - Nezu san BLOG -


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. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #edohimitsu #Edosecrets #himitsu - - - -


Miyake Izu Oshima

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Miyake Mura 三宅村 Miyake village, Izu Oshima
Izu shotō 伊豆諸島 Izu Islands / 三宅島 Miyake Island

1 釜の尻バス停
2 火の山峠
3 ひょうたん山
4 三池浜園地
5 三池港
6 都道
7 旧阿古小中学校
8 島しょ保健所三宅出張所

A 三宅支庁舎
B 三宅村文化会館
C 大路池周廻遊歩道
D 阿古漁港船客待合所
E 火山体験遊歩道
   -source : Tokyo Government Miyake divistion -

- quote
Miyake (三宅村, Miyake-mura)
is a village located in Miyake Subprefecture, Tokyo Metropolis.
Miyake Village covers the island of Miyakejima, in the Izu archipelago in the Philippine Sea and the nearby uninhabited Ōnohara Islands, 180 kilometres (110 mi) south of central Tokyo.
- - - - - History
It is uncertain when human settlement first began on Miyakejima, but the island was known to be inhabited since at least in the early Nara period, and is mentioned in historical records for its many volcanic eruptions.
The island was used as a penal colony during the Edo period.
After the start of the Meiji period, in 1878, the island came under the control of Tokyo-fu and was organized into five villages (Izu, Kamitsuki, Igaya, Ako and Tsubota) under Oshima subprefecture on October 1, 1923.
Miyake subprefecture was created out of Oshima subprefecture on April 1, 1943.
On August 31, 1945, during the Allies' occupation of Tokyo, ground gunners on Miyake-jima fired three shots at an American transport aircraft, with no casualties. These were to be amongst the last shots fired in the war.
The three villages of Izu, Kamitsuki and Igaya merged on October 1, 1946, to form the village of Miyake, which was joined by Abo and Tsubota on February 1, 1956. The village was evacuated in the year 2000 due to volcanic eruptions, and the inhabitants were only allowed to return from 2005.
- source : wikipedia

Izu Oshima, an island of Japan, is famous for its cultivation of camellia
. Camellia Festival, Tsubaki Matsuri .

. quote .
Izu - View of Ōshima Habu-minato harbor 大島波浮湊
Ōshima Island is the largest of the Seven Islands of Izu.
This picture shows Habu-minato village located to the southeast of Ōshima Island
and the scenery of the habor which was praised as a fine port is well conveyed.
. source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum .

. quote .
View of fishing at Chigasaki 千賀崎遊竿の図
Chigasaki is a cape located in the northernmost tip of Ōshima Island.
The tide flows fast in the sea under the cape and it was a good place for fishing.
. source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum .

Complete Illustrated Map of Toshima Island 利島全図
Toshima Island is a conical island located between Ōshima Island and Niijima Island.
The inhabitants of Toshima Island engage more in agriculture than in fishing,
something which is rare among the Seven Islands of Izu
and the products of island include camellia oil, firewood and dried fish.
. source . Tokyo Metropolitan Database .

Koozushima 神津島全図 Kozushima map
Kōzushima Island is located to the south of 式根島 Shikinejima Island.
It is said that the god who created the Izu Islands used Kōzushima Island
as a meeting point with other gods and for this reason,
the island's name was also spelt with a different set of Chinese characters
for 神集島 "god", "gather" and "island".
Kōzushima Island is blessed with fine harbors, and the island's fishing industry prospered from ancient times.
Bonito fishing prospered in the Seven Islands of Izu and
in order to preserve the freshness of caught bonito fish,
the fish were unloaded at Kōzushima Island and then processed to make dried bonito.
Bonito fishing held such an importance that a sacred event
known as "bonito catching" was held in a shrine on the island.
It is said that gods gathered at 天上山 Mt. Tenjō which is located in the center of Kōzushima Island
and is the tallest mountain on the island.
Located to the south of the mountain is the Kushigamine peak,
which provides a complete view of the Seven Islands of Izu.

Kōzushima Island: A Boggy Bank 神津島沼の入江の図
This seems to depict 千両池 Senryō-Ike pond, north of the present-day Kōzushima Island Port.
Senryō Pond refers to a small inlet located in a gourd-shaped pond under the lighthouse.
It is said that in the times past, the area was a place where a great number of
千両船(北前船) Senryōbune (coasting vessels of the Edo period that transported goods
from northeast Japan to Ōsaka) were pulled in and it was so named.
. source . Tokyo Metropolitan Database .

Miyakejima Island: Sanbon-dake peak 三宅島三本岳の図
Sanbon-dake is a group of reefs located off the west-southwest shore of Miyakejima Island.
The official name for the reef is 大野原島 Ōnohara Island, but it is commonly called 三本嶽 Sanbon-dake peak.
The name comes from three lava necks which are seen steeply rising
when looking from Miyakejima Island (Sanbon-dake means "three peaks").
. source . Tokyo Metropolitan Database .

Hachijōjima Island: Nishiyama 八丈島西山の図
Hachijōjima Island has two mountains-Mt. Higashi 東山 (Mountain in the East), which has a complex shape,
and Mt. Nishi (Mountain in the West), which is shaped like Mt. Fuji.
Mt. Nishi, also known as 八丈富士 Hachijō-Fuji, is the tallest mountain among the Izu Islands.
An incident of an eruption in 1605, which caused great damage
to village on the foot of the mountain, is kept in a remaining record.
. source . Tokyo Metropolitan Database .

Hachijōjima Aigae-minato harbor 八丈島藍ヶ江湊の図
Aigae-minato harbor 藍ヶ江, of which the name refers to how the water within the bay
is a shade of blue that resembles indigo dye ("ai" means "indigo"),
is known as a place with scenic beauty in the island.
Furthermore, as it is a village benefiting from a rich supply of water in Hachijōjima Island,
it had many rice fields and was also an area with large rice crop.
. source . Tokyo Metropolitan Database .

Hachijō-kojima Island 八丈島小島の図
The small island lying in the west of Hajijōjima Island is the Hachijō-kojima Island.
In the Edo period, two villages called 鳥打 Toriuchi and 宇津木 Utsuki were located there.
On this island, until the villages of Toriuchi and Utsuki were set up in 1947,
the feudal system of 名主 Nanushi (the nominal holder in charge of rice field lots) had been kept.
. source . Tokyo Metropolitan Database .

Hachijōjima Island: Fish 八丈島魚の図
This picture depicts perch, abalone, striped sea bream and other seafood caught near the island.
. source . Tokyo Metropolitan Database .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Tokyo 東京都
三宅島 Miyakejima 三宅村 Miyake village

hana no takai hito 鼻の高い人 a man with a long nose
Once a man went hunting but did not come back.
The villagers found him about a week later.
He said:
"There was a man with a large nose sitting in a tree.
I sat under the tree and we ate red dumplings."


uma no kubi 馬の首 the head of a horse
Once a horse fell in love with a young woman and wanted her as his bride.
The mother of the girl said: "First you must grow a horn on your head"!
So the horse had a horn grow and then used it to kill the girl.
The horn of this horse is still in the home of the family.
They say on the 24th of January it flies around the village.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
63 三宅島 (02)
59 三宅村 collecting

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


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. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #Miyake #miyakeisland #izu #izuoshima #oshima - - - -

Ojima Koto Ward

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Ojima district 大島 Oshima, Koto ward


- quote -
Ojima Komatsugawa Park
Tokyo-to Ojima Komatsugawa Park was created with intentions of servicing the circumstances of natural disasters.
Located on the eastern end of the Koto delta, it spans across Koto-ku and Edogawa-ku, across former river Nakagawa, where it is a place of recreation and disaster-prevention. In the event of a natural disaster, it can be used as an evacuation site, servicing 20 million people.
With recreation in mind, the park is comprised of five sectors: a sporting field, ‘Wansaka’ plaza, a free open space, a seasonal square (of North and South sectors), and the Wind area.
Proximal to the free open space is the athletic area – garnering popularity with children – and a barbeque area. There is also a paid parking area available.
- source : tokyo-eastpark.com/ohjima -


- quote -
Nakagawa-guchi 中川口(なかがわぐち)
There was a facility called 中川番所 Nakagawa Bansho (guard station) in present-day Ōjima, Kōto Ward, to monitor river boats entering and leaving Edo.
The passage of cargo was particularly under strict checking and this served an important role as the checkpoint to Edo's water transport distribution.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -


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Edo meishozue, Pictorial Guide to Famous Places of Edo
the Hall of Five Hundred Rakan in Honjyo Itsutsume (presently, in the Ōshima district, Kōtō Ward), published in 1834

- source : library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp... -

. Gohyaku Rakan 五百羅漢 Fivehundred Arhats .


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Sazai hall - Temple of Five Hundred Rakan
by Katsushika Hokusai
Temple of Five Hundred Rakan was established at the Kameido village(today’s Oojima-cho, Koto-ku, Tokyo Prefecture) in 1695.
Sazai (sazae) means a turban shell because the corridor of the hall took the spiral-shape.
When people finished climbing up the corridor, they could see the panorama of the lazy Sumida River and beautiful Mt.Fuji.
Those who watch the mountain are the geisha, samurai, child and merchants.
- source : masterpiece-of-japanese-culture.com ... -

. sazae 栄螺, サザエ the turban shell .


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. Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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