
Yotsugi district Katsushika

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Yotsugi 四つ木 Yotsugi district (Four Trees)
四つ木一丁目 - 四つ木五丁目 from First to Fifth district

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History of Yotsugi
The earliest mention of Yotsugi is an inscription on a statue of 聖徳太子 Shōtoku Taishi at 西光寺 Saikō-ji.
The statue has the presumably authentic date of 1341 written on it. This is roughly 140 years after Minamoto no Yoritomo’s death so let’s put some things into perspective, namely why is Yoritomo even relevant to the story? He may or may not be, but when he became the first shōgun of the 3 great shōgunates, his government put Kantō on the map – politically and economically speaking. Edo was just a fishing village at the time, but the proximity to the shōgunal capital of Kamakura was a massive boon to tiny villages in the area. By 1341, power had transferred back to Kyōto in western Japan with the establishment of the 室町幕府 Muromachi Bakufu Ashikaga Shōgunate. 140 years had passed and the prestige of Kantō was diminished.
The earliest surviving textual mention of Yotsugi comes to us from 1398 (Muromachi Period) in a document called 下総国葛西御厨注文 Shimōsa no Kuni Kasai Mikuri Chūmon Shimōsa Province’s Kasai Mikuri Annotation. It references a place called 四ツ木新田村 Yotsugi-Shinden Mura Yotsugi-Shinden Village.
In the Edo period, this area was primarily agricultural – fields and trees as far as the eye could see.
It fell under the administration of Edo Katsushika-gun 江戸葛飾郡 Katsushika District, Edo area. Yotsugi was technically under the direct control of the Tokugawa Shōgunate ...
It lay along the 本所上水 Honjo Jōsui Honjo Clean Water Aqueduct, which was later known as the 葛西用水 Kasai Yōsui Kasai Aqueduct or more popularly as the Hikifune-gawa 曳舟川 Hikifune River. The site where the Hikifune River and Ayase-gawa intersected offered a scenic riverside view that Edoites cherished. This spot was where the Hikifune Towpath began.
Because of its proximity to the shōgun’s capital and its scenic beauty, it was a popular destination for Edoites who wanted to get out of the city for a day or two. The most popular destinations were the religious institutions of 西光寺 Saikō-ji, 客人大権現 Maroudo Daigongen (modern 渋江白髭神社 Shibue Shirahige Jinja Shibue Shriahige Shrine), 木下川薬師 Kinoshita-gawa Yakushi (modern 浄光寺 Senkō-ji), and 柴又帝釈天 Shibamata Taishakuten. With the exception of Shibamata Taishakuten, these temples (and one shrine) are pretty minor, but in the Edo Period they were quite important.
During the Meiji Period, the area remained rural and agricultural – it was more or less unchanged from the Edo Period. However, in 1912 (Taishō 1), 四ツ木駅 Yotsugi Eki Yotsugi Station was built. This made the area accessible and factories that wanted to take advantage of the space, cheap land, and access to rivers for distribution and “waste disposal” were set up in the area. It’s around this time that the area became famous for the production of celluloid.
In 1922, a wooden bridge called Yotsugibashi 四ツ木橋 Yotsugi Bridge was built across the Arakawa River linking 墨田区 Sumida-ku Sumida Ward and 葛飾区 Katsushika-ku Katsushika Ward. In the chaos following the 1923 関東大震災 Kantō Daishinsai Great Kantō Earfquake, the 旧四ツ木橋 Kyū-Yotsugibashi Former Yotsugi Bridge – as it’s known today – was the site of wanton racist attacks against Chinese and Koreans living on the Sumida Ward side of the bridge. Apparently, some Tōkyōites blamed them for the earthquake or just took advantage of the chaos to indulge their own racism. At any rate, another wooden bridge was soon built and life went on as usual.
In the post-WWII years, the area rapidly urbanized. City historians cite the building of a new 四ツ木橋 Yotsugibashi Yotsugi Bridge in 1952 as making urbanization possible. Prior to the post-war era, cars were relatively rare in Tōkyō – trains and trolleys were the norm. The new bridge was a modern truss bridge made of steel that allowed automobile traffic to cross the Arakawa in this area. The area’s agricultural heritage began to fade quickly.
In 1964, the name was changed from 四ツ木 Yotsugi to 四つ木 Yotsugi
the only change was orthographic: katakana ツ tsu became hiragana つ tsu.
In 1989, during the Bubble Economy, the 曳舟川 Hikifune-gawa Hikifune River was filled in due to pollution and presumably to use it as a sewer. The remaining marshes that surrounded the river also became landfill. By 2000, the only left over bit of this once scenic Edo Period day trip spot was present-day Hikifune-gawa Shinsui Kōen 曳舟川親水公園 the Hikifune River Hydrophilic Park.
- source : Japanthis Marky Star ... -

. Hikifunegawa 曳舟川 Hikifune River .
Kasai Irrigation Water and the Kasai Yōsui 葛西用水 Kasai Waterway.

Hikifune Shinsui Koen 曳舟川親水公園 Hikifune Water Park


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Barges on the Yotsugi Dōri Canal 四ツ木通用水引ふね

A "hikifune (tugboat)"
is not propelled by a boatman using oars or a rod, but is moved by pulling a rope strung between the banks of the river, and usually carries passengers. What is pictured here is the Honjo irrigation canal, but since the river is narrow and the water is shallow, the only boat that could be used is the tugboat.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library


- source :ameblo.jp/ame-ame511 yotsugi 四ツ木通用水引ふね -
- details : 絵本江戸土産を読む -


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. Katsushika ku 葛飾区 Katsushika ward .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #yotsugi #katsushika #hikifune #hikifunegawa - - - -


Sakuragi district Taito

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Sakuragi 桜木 Sakuragi district
上野桜木一丁目 - 上野桜木二丁目 Ueno Sakuragi from first to second district

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Discover craft beer, artisanal bread, and gourmet food in a collection of renovated houses
The first store in the ueno sakuragi atari block is Yanaka Beer Hall, a brewery that serves craft beer and barbecue-style food.
You can place an order from outside the window or settle yourself into the warm and welcoming hall.
The next building houses VANER, an artisanal bakery serving fresh-baked bread all day long.
And the third and final store is OshiOlive, a gourmet boutique selling olive oils, salts and other condiments and sauces.
- source : gotokyo.org/en/spot ...


. Yoojuin 養壽院 / 養寿院 Temple Yoju-In .
台東区上野桜木1-15-3 / Taito ward, Ueno, Sakuragi

. Kawabata Yasunari 川端康成 Yasunari Kawabata (1899 – 1972) .
The writer lived in 上野桜木町 Ueno-Sakuragi town.


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. Taitoo, Taitō 台東区 Taito Ward .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #sakuragi #taitoward #kawabata #yojuin - - - -


Maejima Hisoka

. Famous People of Japan .

Maejima Hisoka 前島密
(1835 – 1919)

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born Ueno Fusagorō (上野 房五郎), was a Japanese statesman, politician, and businessman in Meiji-period Japan.
Maejima founded the Japanese postal service, and is known as
Yubin Seido no Chichi (郵便制度の父), or "Father of the Postal System".

- - - Early life
Maejima was born as Ueno Fusagorō, in the village of Shimoikebe, Echigo Province (present-day the city of Jōetsu, Niigata Prefecture).
In 1866 he was adopted into the Maejima family. He was sent to Edo to study rangaku, medical science and English.
In the Bakumatsu period he was considered a radical reformer and proponent of westernization. In 1866, he submitted an unsolicited proposal to shōgun Tokugawa Yoshinobu that Japan abolish the use of kanji (Chinese characters) in its writing system.
In 1868, shortly after the Meiji Restoration, he also proposed to Ōkubo Toshimichi that the capital of Japan be moved from Kyoto to Edo.
- source : more in the wikipedia


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Government official, statesman and businessman.
Born in Niigata as the son of the Ueno family, a rich farm family in Niigata. After learning Western studies in Edo and traveling around in Japan, he took over as head of the Maejima family, a vassal of the Shogun. After serving at the new Meiji government and returning from study in England, he assumed important posts as Head of Transport and Communications and Superintendent of Transport and Communications and worked to form Japan's modern postal service.
He left government due to Political Crisis of 1881 and joined the Rikken Kaishin-to (Constitutional Reform Party).
He also served as Principal of the Tokyo Senmon Gakko (later the Waseda University) and President of Kansai Railway Company.
In 1888, he returned to the governmental world as Vice-Minister of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications and sought to establish telephone services. After retiring from the post, he became active again as a businessman.
Later, he was elevated in rank to danshaku (baron) and became a member of the House of Peers.
He is also famous for Kanji haishi ron (Kanji abolishment theory).
- source : ndl.go.jp/portrait .. -


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. Famous People of Japan .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #maejimahisoka #hisoka #japanpost #postjapan - - - -


Nakano Ward Districts 2

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Nakano ku 中野区 Nakano ward - "Middle Wild Field" - districts

. Nakano 中野区 Nakano ward - "Middle Wild Field" .

Minamidai / Nandai 南台
Nakano 中野町
Yamato 大和町(やまとちょう) (Daiwacho)


Minamidai / Nandai 南台 districtct
南台一丁目から南台五丁目 first to fourth district
Minamidai borders Yayoicho in the north, Honmachi to the east,
Sasazuka and Hatagaya to the south, and Honan to the west.


Nakano machi 中野町 Nakano districtct
In the Edo period, there where four villages,
中野村 Nakano village, 本郷村 Hongo village, 本郷新田 Hongo Nitta and 雑色村 Zoshiki village


Yamatocho 大和町(やまとちょう) (Daiwachō) - Yamato districtct
大和町一丁目から大和町四丁目 first to fourth district
Close to the shopping district 高円寺 Koenji in 杉並区 Suginami ward.


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. Nakano 中野区 Nakano ward - "Middle Wild Field" .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .


- - - - - #nakanoward #yamato #daiwa #minamidai #nakano - - - -


Ichinoe Edogawa ward

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Famous People of Japan .
for Ninoe, see below

Ichinoe 一之江
Edogawa ward - Ichinoechō 一之江町 // Nishi-Ichinoe 西一之江 // chō 二之江町

. Edogawa ku 江戸川区 Edogawa ward .

Ichinoe Station (一之江駅 Ichinoe-eki) is a railway station in Edogawa.


Ichinoe Nanushi Yashiki 一之江 名主屋敷
This was 田島家の屋敷 the residence of the Tajima family, the first nanushi - headman of the area.
Tajima Zusho 田島図書 (たじまずしょ), His former name was 堀田 Hotta.
It was first built in 1576.
1616 - the temple 城立寺 Joryu-Ji was built.
1774 - the main building and the 長屋門 Nagayamon Gate were built.
2016 - It was established as 歴史公園 a History Park of Edo.

The estate had a very large Nagayamon Gate.
The Yashiki Inner Garden was used to grow vegetables.

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There is a real sense of the countryside with this property. Surrounded by lush vegetation that is an absolute delight during the spring and autumn seasons - summer too if I had my way - the farmhouse represents the affluence of a well-to-do farming family in old Japan. You are looking at a building and atmosphere that is literally straight out of the days of old.
The farmhouse has all of the features one would come to expect from a traditional Edo period home.
The irori indoor hearth is a personal favourite of mine, its design adding to the home-like feeling that only a live flame can provide. You'll also notice the traditional Japanese garden design with ponds, stone lanterns and koi fish. There is a clear sense of wealth here. Not ostentatious wealth but rather wealth with a sense of having being earned through solid hard work.
The woods surrounding the property contain trees that have been listed as worthy of protection by Edogawa City and include zelkova, gingko and hackberry.
Visitors will also find a moat and a nagayamon gate that once housed lower ranked samurai. In the feudal and hierarchical social system of the times, the latter two further confirm that House Tajima enjoyed an excellent social status.
Ichinoe Nanushi Yashiki really does offer a legitimate feeling of Tokyo's old Edo history and is, quite simply, a lovely place to visit.
- source : japantravel.com/tokyo/ichinoe ... ...

Japanese link with many photos :
- reference source : edogawa-photo.net ... -

The grave of Tajima Zusho 田島図書の墓
Tajima was a samurai, who fought in the battle of Sekigahara, October 21, 1600, and later came to Edo.

. Ninoe 二之江 - 妙正寺川 river Myoshojigawa .


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. Edogawa ku 江戸川区 Edogawa ward .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #edogawa #ichinoe #yashiki #ninoe #tajimazujo #zujotajima - - - -


Nakano Ward Districts 1

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Nakano ku 中野区 Nakano ward - "Middle Wild Field" - districts

. Nakano 中野区 Nakano ward - "Middle Wild Field" .
Chuo 中央
Higashi-Nakano 東中野
Honcho 本町


Chuuoo, Chūō 中央 Chuo district districtct
中央一丁目 - 中央五丁目 first to fifth district

Lit. chuo - Central - in the middle of Musashino Daichi 武蔵野台地 the Musashino plain
Chuo borders Higashinakano and Nakano in the North, Kita-Shinjuku to the East, Honchō to the South, and Koenji to the West.
The old names before 1967 (wikipedia)
中央一丁目 = 宮園通一丁目の一部、川添町の一部、塔の山町の一部、本町通一丁目の一部、小淀町
中央二丁目 = 宮園通一丁目の一部、宮園通二丁目の一部、塔の山町の一部、本町通二丁目の一部、本町通三丁目の一部、宮前町
中央三丁目 = 宮園通三丁目の一部、本町通三丁目の一部、本町通四丁目の一部、上町の一部、仲町
中央四丁目 = 宮園通三丁目の一部、宮園通四丁目の一部、上町の一部、橋場町の一部、本町通四丁目の一部、本町通五丁目の一部
中央五丁目 = 宮園通四丁目の一部、宮園通五丁目の一部、橋場町の一部、本町通五丁目の一部、本町通六丁目の一部


Higashinakano 東中野 Higashi-Nakano districtct
東中野一丁目 - 五丁目 first to fifth district

The old names before 1966 (wikipedia)
東中野一丁目 = 氷川町、川添町、宮園通一丁目の各一部
東中野二丁目 = 上ノ原町、高根町の各全域、氷川町、宮園通一丁目の各一部
東中野三丁目 = 桜山町、昭和通一丁目の各一部
東中野四丁目 = 住吉町の全域、桜山町、小滝町、氷川町の各一部
東中野五丁目 = 小滝町の一部
The first to third district are mostly residential districts.


Honcho 本町 Honcho districtct
本町一丁目 - 本町六丁目first to sixth district

The old names before 1966 (wikipedia)
本町一丁目 = 相生町、本町通一丁目
本町二丁目 = 東郷町、朝日ヶ丘、本町通二丁目
本町三丁目 = 東郷町、朝日ヶ丘、道玄町、本町通三丁目
本町四丁目 = 本町通三丁目、本町通四丁目、本町通五丁目、道玄町、西町、千代田町、宮里町
本町五丁目 = 宮里町、千代田町
本町六丁目 = 本町通五丁目、本町通六丁目、西町

象小屋跡 - remains of the Elephant House for the Elephant that Shogun Yoshimune got from Vietnam.
長者橋 - Chojabashi bridge, crossing 神田川 the river Kandagawa
The Choja rich man from Nakano was 鈴木九郎 Suzuki Kuro (1371 - 1440), who had founded 成願寺 the temple Jogan-Ji. 山手通りの神田川にかかる橋。成願寺を開いた「中野長者」鈴木九郎に由来。首都高速「中野長者橋出入口」の名称にも採られている。
石森製粉の石臼 - stone mortar from Ishimori Seifun company, making buckwheat powder. ストーンミル stone mill

. Jooganji, Jōganji 成願寺 Jogan-Ji - Nakano .


Hon-chō Apothecary - Hon-chō Yakushu-dana
Hon-chō was the first settlement of what was to become the city of Edo.
When Tokugawa Ieyasu (subsequent founder of the shogunate) came to the Edo region in September 1590,
he started by developing a commercial and residential district.
This area of the city came to be known as "Hon-chō" (literally "the original district")
because it was both located directly east of Edo Castle's Ōtemon (the great gate),
and next to Nihonbashi (the starting point of the five major overland routes to the provinces).
Furthermore, the architecture of the area was typified by streets
lined with numerous earthen-walled warehouses.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -


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Nakano-no-Tō Tower 中野塔(なかののとう) Nakano no To
The tower of Nakano was a three-storied pagoda which was said to have been donated by Iizuka Sōbei
during the Kan'ei era (1624 -1643) and was one of Edo's famous places
along with the five-storied pagoda located in Kan'ei-ji Temple, Ueno.
It was located on the grounds of Hōsen-ji Temple, Chūō, Nakano Ward,
but burned down during the air raids of 1945 (the twentieth year of Shōwa).
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -


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. Nakano 中野区 Nakano ward - "Middle Wild Field" .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .


- - - - - #nakanoward ##nakano # - - - -


Koto Ward Districts 5

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
- - - next is 2020 September 03 at 11 am ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" - districts

There are 45 districts in Koto, some are quite small.
. Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

Toyo 東陽
Tokiwa 常盤
Yumenoshima 夢の島


Toyo, Tooyoo 東陽 Toyo district
東陽一丁目 - 東陽七丁目 first to seventh district
Named after the primary school Toyo Shogakko 東陽小学校, which was opened in 1900.
In 1967, the inhabitants decided on this name.
- source : toyo-sho.koto.andteacher.jp ... -


Tokiwa 常盤 Tokiwa district
常盤一丁目 - 常盤二丁目 first and second district
Used to be part of 深川常盤町 - 深川区 Fukagawa ward Tokiwa district.

. - Basho Inari Jinja 芭蕉稲荷神社 Basho Fox Shrine - .

Tokiwa, Koto Ward 江東区常盤1-3 Tokyo

Yumenoshima 夢の島 Yumenoshima district
夢の島1丁目 - 夢の島3丁目 - first to third district
- quote -
Yumenoshima (夢の島, lit. Dream Island or Island of Dream) is a district in Kōtō, Tokyo, Japan, consisting of an artificial island built using waste landfill.
... Yumenoshima is a fairly small district, and contains:
Yumenoshima Park, a public park with an array of facilities, including a tropical botanical garden, a sports complex, a barbecue area, a colosseum, a yacht marina, and a track and field stadium
Yumenoshima Stadium, a football and athletics stadium used for youth competitions and lower league football matches.
Yumenoshima Baseball Field, a baseball field for local youth teams
Koto Incineration Facility, an incineration facility for Koto ward
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


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. Kootoo ku, Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .


- - - - - #kotoward #koto #kotodistricts #tokiwa #yumenoshima #toyo #tooyoo - - - -

Koto Ward Districts 4

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" - districts

There are 45 districts in Koto, some are quite small.
. Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

Shin-Kiba 新木場
Sumiyoshi 住吉
Takabashi 高橋


Shin-Kiba 新木場 Shinkiba district ("New Lumberyard")
新木場一丁目 - 新木場四丁目 from first to fourth district
kiba originally was called chobokujo 貯木場 a place to store lumber.
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Shin-Kiba is located north of Wakasu, east of Tatsumi, south of Yumenoshima, and west of the Arakawa River.
It is built on reclaimed land.
The name "Shinkiba" means "New Lumberyard", and is taken from the area's historical importance in the lumber industry. It is termed "New" to distinguish it from Kiba (Lumberyard), another area in Koto.
Kiba had been the main centre of the lumber industry in Tokyo since 1657, when the Tokugawa shogunate moved it there after a major fire. In the 1970s Kiba was rapidly being developed, so the lumber businesses were relocated to reclaimed land named Shin-Kiba. In more recent times performance venues have been established in Shin-Kiba.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Kiba 木場 Lumberyards and Carpenters .
Kiba is a low-lying district on the very edge of Edo bay, on the east bank of the Sumida river.


Sumiyoshi 住吉 Sumiyoshi districtt
住吉一丁 - 住吉二丁目 first and second district.
地名の由来 1934年(昭和9年)の成立の際、縁起の良い「吉」の字を用いて深川住吉町と命名された[4]。住吉神社との関連はなく、近隣に同名の神社も存在しない。
This name is not related to the famous Shrine 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja


Takabashi 高橋 Takabashi district
No sub-districts.

Shin-Takabashi bridge


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. Kootoo ku, Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .


- - - - - #kotoward #koto #takabashi #takahashi #sumiyoshi #shinkiba - - - -

Koto Ward Districts 3

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" - districts 03

There are 45 districts in Koto, some are quite small.
. Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

Shiohama 塩浜
Shiomi 潮見
Shinohashi, Shin-Ohashi 新大橋


Shiohama 塩浜 Shiohama district (salty beach)
塩浜一丁目 - 塩浜二丁目 first and second district
In 1968, The inhabitants of the two districts 塩崎町 Shiosaki and 浜園町 Hamazono decided on the new name, using one character of each name.


Shiomi 潮見 Shiomi district (to watch the tide)
潮見一丁目 - 潮見二丁目 first and second district
潮見1丁目 Shomi first district later became a place for 廃棄物処分場 a waste disposal site.
- Disposing of waste in Tokyo port
- source : jsce.or.jp/kokusai/civil_engineering -


Shinohashi 新大橋 Shin-Ohashi, Shinohashi district (new big bridge)
新大橋一丁目 - 三丁目 first to third district
The name refers to the Shin-Ohashi corssing over 隅田川 the river Sumidagawa.

. Shin Oohashi 新大橋 Shin Ohashi "New Big Bridge". .
The bridge was later named 新両国橋 Shin Ryogoku-bashi.


. Matsuo Basho and the New Big Bridge .
大はしあたけの夕立 - Evening rain at the Ohashi bridge
Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重


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. Kootoo ku, Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .


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