
Aoyanagi Restaurant

. ryoorijaya 料理茶屋 Chaya tea stall serving food .

Aoyanagi 青柳 Restaurant

A famous tea stall serving food.

- quote

東両国の駒留橋 at Komatodomebashi, Eastern Ryogoku
広重 Hiroshige
- source : ndl.go.jp/landmarks


Aoyanagi Ryogoku Haru-no-suke 青柳両国春之助
Toto ryuko sanjuroku kaiseki 東都流行三十六會席
(Thirty-Six Fashionable Restaurants in Edo)
Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Nakamura Fukusuke as Higuchi (Jirô) Kanemitsu disguised as the boatman Matsuemon

Thirty-six Fashionable Restaurants of the Eastern Capital
(Tôto ryûkô san-jû-rokkaiseki, 東都流行三十六會席 / 東都流行三十六会席 )
This series shows bust portraits of kabuki actors in character with restaurants in the background.
Dogu-ya Restaurant at Mukôjima Jubei 道具屋向島甚三 Jinzo
Suzaki Restaurant 洲嵜
Ôji Restaurant
Yagenaki Restaurant
Nanakusa no kwan Restaurant at Yushima 湯嶌
Yagenori Restaurant
Konpa-ro (Kinparo) (Golden Wave) Restaurant in Imado
Sobai Restaurant at Mukôjima 向島葱賣
Mukôjima Restaurant
Okina-an, meaning “cottage of the old man”
Sanya Restaurant 山谷
Ôdo Terasaki (or Ooto-kichi)
Yanagibashi Restaurant in Baisen

- source : kuniyoshiproject.com -


- More famous restaurants in Edo

大七 Daishichi (向島)serving river fish and lending Yukata
平岩 Hiraiwa (向島)famous for its koi 鯉料理
万八 Manpachi(柳橋)visited by many bunjin 文人墨客 literati
田川屋Tagawaya (大音寺前)on the way home from Yoshiwara, with a bathing facility

植木屋 Uekiya(木母寺)Since the time of Tokugawa Iemitsu 掛茶屋
- also called 植半 Uehan (Uekiya Hanemon)
植木屋半兵衛 The cook was Uekiya Hanbei

- source : ndl.go.jp/landmarks


Edo Culture: Daily Life and Diversions in Urban Japan, 1600-1868
Matsunosuke Nishiyama, Gerald Groemer

Other restaurants:
Massaki, Shikian, Kinparo, Musashiya, Ogura-An, Sakuragawa, Manpachi and Tagawa
Almost all these restaurants lay along the boat route of the Sumida River.
Yaozen and Hirasei
tsuukaku "men of taste"
- source : books.google.co.jp -


Scene in a Yoshiwara Kitchen
In the kitchen you can see the preparation for fish and octopus.
Hishikawa Moronobu 菱川師宣 (1618 - 1694)


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

. WKD : ao yanagi, aoyanagi 青柳 green willows .
- - kigo for late spring - -


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. ryoorijaya 料理茶屋 Chaya tea stall serving food .

. yaozen 八百善 Yaozen restaurant .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

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Yaozen restaurant

. Food in Edo 江戸の食卓 .

yaozen 八百善 Yaozen restaurant

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/shiotetsu_2011

This famous restaurant opened in 1803 near Yoshiwara. The founder was
Yaoya Zenshiroo 八百屋善四郎 Yaoya Zenshiro
(1768 - 1839)

The restaurant was located in 江戸浅草山谷 Asakusa Sanya. It has started as a food delivery service (仕出屋 shidashiya) and Zenshiro was the 4th generation.
He turned the restaurant to a ryoori chaya 料理茶屋 "tea stall serving food" and soon into a high-class venture, much loved by the 俳諧 Haikai poets of its time.
Some of its famous customers were
酒井抱一 Sakai Hoitsu (1760-1828), 大田南畝 Ota Nanpo (1749-1823), 亀田鵬斎 Kameda Hosai (1752 - 1826) and 谷文晁 Tani Buncho (1763 - 1841).

Zenshiro had also published a book:
Edo Ryuukoo Ryooritsu 江戸流行料理通 Edo Ryuko Ryori-Tsu

The book contains the recipes of the seasonal dishes served at the restaurant.
He worked on it from 1822 to 1835, when it was finally all published.

CLICK for more photos !

The Kamaboko served at Yaozen was made from the following ingredients:
鰹味噌 bonito miso,、鯛 sea bream, 甘鯛 sweet sea bream、鱚 Kisu whiting, 鮭 salmon, 鰆 Sawara makerel, 鱈 codfish, 平目 flunder, 生貝 raw shells, 雲丹 Uni sea urchin, 烏賊 Ika cuttlefish
玉子黄身 yellow of an egg, 濃茶 thick (strong) tea.


Of the first catch of the very expensive First Bonito, three fish were given to a famous restaurant Yaozen
for the price of 2 Ryo.

The price for a normal menu at Yaozen was

. WKD : hatsugatsuo 初鰹 first bonito .

- quote
創業享保二年 江戸料理「八百善」

- - - - - Check out the homepage of the present Yaozen :
- source : yaozen.net

yaozen wa chozuke ni suru

Let's go to Yaozen to have some O-Chazuke.
(O-chazuke was a cheap dish of plain cold rice with a bit of flavor and warmed with pouring green tea over it.)

. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall .


source : ab.auone-net.jp/~hcstoria/shibutsu

Visitors at the second floor of Yaozen 八百善の二階座敷
in the middle is 亀田鵬斎 Kameda Hosai, on the left 大窪詩佛 Okubo Shibutsu (1767 - 1837), on the right 蜀山人 Shokusanjin (Ota Nanpo) and with the back to the onlooker, 谷文晁 Tani Buncho.
Painting by 鍬形恵斎 Kuwagata Keisai (北尾政美 Kitao Masayoshi) (1764 - 1824)


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Yaozen (Sanya)
Founded in 1717 in Asakusa Sanya and became one of the most famous restaurants in Edo, and became a high class salon where a number of writers and artists gathered. Playwright and author of comic poems Ota Nanpo was a regular patron of the restaurant and composed a poem that praised the restaurant as first-class.

歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige

In 1822 the cuisine text Edo Ryuko Ryoritu was published, which also became popular as a souvenir of Edo.
- source : ndl.go.jp/landmarks/e -

This is probably a meeting of a 狂句合 Kyoku poetry group. (Kyoku is similar to the present-day Senryu 川柳 humorous poems.

yaozen to kiite shooga wa hazusu nari

shoga was a secret word for a ketchinboo けちん坊, a stingy person.


Yaozen 八百善
After the great fire of Meireki 明暦の大火 in 1657, the shop opened anew at 新鳥越2丁目(山谷) Sanya.

扇地紙形枠内に 山谷八百善とあり、風景は隅田川。石浜には上客用の別荘がありました。
人物は柳橋金子屋の小竹。The lady is O-Take from Yanagibashi.
豊原国周 Toyohara Kunichika (1835 – 1900)

Around 1810 it started anew as a Shidashiya and from 1818 it built some 座敷 rooms to entertain the visitors.
守貞漫稿 Morisada Manko writes that in 1853 Yaozen has stopped to have guest in his house, and did only delivery service of food, but around 1850 begun anew to have guests.
栗山善四郎 Kuriyama Zenshiro, the fourth generation of Yaozen masters, begun inviting the literati of his time.
Even 葛飾北斎 Katsushika Hokusai frequented his restaurant.
- - - ryooritsuu, ryoori tsuu 料理通 a food expert, gourmet of our time.

- Here is the list of a 会席料理 Kaiseki Ryori menu
鱠 -- 紙塩鯛薄作り・じゅん菜巻き葉・織切りわさび、煎酒酢。
汁 -- 粒はつたけ・はぜすり流し。
椀盛り -- うずら摘入れ・笹がき牛蒡・丸しめじ。
焼物 -- 骨抜き鮎の魚田。
吸い物 -- 裂きまつたけ・絞り汁。
口取り -- 火取りのしあわび・桜の葉塩漬け。
香の物 -- 菜漬け・丸うり味噌漬け。
硯蓋七色 -- 鯛かまぼこ・あわびやわらか煮・篠さより・裏白かわたけ・黒くわいきんとん・ゆずうま煮・朝日防風。
- reference : kabuki-za.com/syoku -


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Comparison of Menus (Oryori Kondate Kurabe)
1815 (Bunka 12)
This is a ranking list covering serious restaurants within Edo. Promoters include
"Yaoya Zenshirō" also known as "Yaozen", an owner of the high-end restaurant that was loved by many educated men.

Since the beginning of the Bunka/Bunsei eras (1804 - 1830), many ranking lists that give an insight into the food culture in Edo in those days were published. This ranking is one of them, with Tagawa-ya, a famous catering restaurant in front of Daion-ji temple (in Ryūsen, Taitō ward) as the top-ranked restaurant in the east, and Kawaguchi, a Japanese style luxury restaurant in Hashiba (in Taitō ward) as the top in the west. Hashiba was an elegant place along the Sumida river with many vacation houses of wealthy merchants and luxury Japanese restaurants.
"Kayaba-chō Iseta" written in the center of referees refers to the restaurant Iseya Tahei in front of Kayaba-chō Yakushi-mae (Koto-bashi bridge in Sumida ward). This restaurant offered Tsukudani (food boiled down in soy sauce) to visitors who had come to worship at Sumiyoshi Shrine (in Tsukuda, Chūō ward) as something to go with young sake, and developed it into one of the local specialties in Edo.
- source : library.metro.tokyo.jp/Portals-

. Hashiba 橋場 Hashiba district, "place with a bridge" - Taito ward .


source : ja.ukiyo-e.org/image

上野 八百善 Ueno Yaozen 
豊原国周 1878 - Toyohara Kunichika (1835 – 1900)
開化三十六會席 - Kaika sanjuroku kaiseki /
Thirty-six famous restaurants and views of civilization


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. Food in Edo 江戸の食卓 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

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hooki broom

. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Craftsmen of Edo .

hooki 箒 / ほうき Hoki, broom, Besen

A broom is necessary to keep things clean, the home, the road . . .
hatsubooki 初箒(はつぼうき)first (use of the) broom
hakizome 掃初 (はきぞめ) first cleaning
... fukihajime 拭始(ふきはじめ)beginning to clean
... hatsusooji 初掃除(はつそうじ) first cleaning

- kigo for the New Year-

. WKD : hatsubooki 初箒 first (use of the) broom .


shuro hooki 棕櫚 ほうき broom made from Shuro palm
For a tawashi, the sheets of hemp palm are first dissipated into fibers and then bound together.
For a broom they are first rounded up into bundles, fixed with bronze wires into a shape of five or seven bundles, and in the final process dissipated for about half of the length on a special maschine.

. tawashi たわし / 束子 scrubbing brush .


. Edo shokunin 江戸職人 craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

hookishi 箒師 making brooms in Edo
hookiya 箒屋 vendor of brooms

Look at more samples of Edo Hoki here :

白木屋傳兵衛 Shirakiya Denbei
- source : edohouki.com -

- quote
- - - Brooms originated in Shinto Rituals
Brooms were first used for sweeping purposes in Heian period. Bamboo, straw, or hemp were used to make brooms at the time. It was after the Edo era began when broom cypress began to be used for making brooms. Brooms in Japan were essentially used as a magical tool - for example, to stroke down a pregnant woman’s stomach with a broom today is still customary, after 400 years. Perhaps an aristocrat’s profound desire for peace was the beginning for this quiet and gentle tool.

- - - A Reevaluation of Traditional Techniques
“Shirokiya Denbe” was founded in 1830 in Ginza, first as a tatami-mat maker. Later on, after specializing in making brooms, the techniques have been handed down from generation to generation. Following the Showa period, as “modern” living came around, vacuum cleaners lowered the demand for brooms. ...

- - - The Attraction of Edo Style Brooms
If you have never used an Edo style broom before, you might consider Edo brooms to be just an old thing. However, if you use it just once, you will know immediately how attractive a tool it can be for your life. There are a number of benefits of using Edo style brooms, such as they are soft and elastic so that one can sweep without laying unnecessary stress on it. Different from vacuum cleaners, you do not need to worry about the noise or any emissions. While it depends on how you deal with it, brooms using natural materials can last 5 to 10 years, and as you use them more, it can clean a wooden or tatami-mat floor more.

- - - The Key to Edo Style Broom Making

The most important part of making an Edo broom is “Ho-yori,” which is selecting fine “ears.” The essential process starts here, and normally it takes 3 years for a craftsperson to become independent. Ears are sorted into 3 to 12 kinds by hardness, length, and color, but one-third of the ears will be thrown away at this stage. After sorting them out, he makes four or five small bundles, and he puts stems on them, without the tip of the ears going between the center part and the outside bundles, in order to keep a small space. Then, he gives it elasticity, which is the main characteristic of Edo-style brooms.
He attaches several tama-bundles in a row and tightens them together to the utmost with a wet hemp rope, adjusting their balance. After firmly fixing the joint of the bamboo handle to the body with an aluminum wire, he cuts the ear tips straight.
Then, he presses the body under a Japanese cushion. This entire process is done manually without air-conditioner, so as to not dry out the ears.
It definitely takes a long time to raise craftspeople with all of these techniques, so it has been a serious issue to find succesors.

- - - The Difference Between Japanese Brooms and Imports
- - - How to Use an Edo Style Broom Carefully

Shirokiya Denbe / 3-9-8 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku Tokyo
- source : tokyochuo.net/issue


Apart from the Shuro palm, there were brooms of other materials.

. habooki 羽箒 "feather broom" .
羽根箒 - to clean the space around silk worms

kusabooki 草帚 "broom from grass", often with a long handle to clean the Tatami mats
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

takebooki 竹帚 bamboo broom
The most commonly used bamboo types are
moosoochiku 孟宗竹 Moso Bamboo, Phyllostachys pubescens and
hachiku 淡竹 Phyllostachys nigra.
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

tebooki 手箒 hand broom

- reference and more photos : utinogarakuta.blog.fc2.com -


source : teramoto.co.jp/history

Seller and buyer of Hoki brooms in Edo
「hooki uri ほうき売り」and「hooki kai ほうき買い」
It was truly a recycle society.

source : edokurashi.hatenablog.com
selling baskets and brooms


source : utinogarakuta.blog.fc2.com

Takasago 高砂 Noh play
河鍋暁斎 Kyosai (1831-1889)

. Takasago 高砂 a happy couple.
This legend is one of the oldest in Japanese mythology. An old couple - his name is Joo (尉) and hers is Uba (媼)....
The old woman is using a broom to sweep away trouble
and he carries a rake to rake in good fortune. In Japanese this is also a play of words with "One Hundred Years" (haku > sweeping the floor) and "until 99 years" (kujuku made > kumade, meaning a rake).


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Hookigami, Hōkigami 箒神 (ほうきがみ) Hokigami, Hahakigami
Legends about the Broom Deity .

Many legends and tales about the broom are related to giving birth.

.......................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 ......................................



- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
115 hooki 箒 (01)


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. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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Iwamotocho district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Iwamotochoo, Iwamotochō 岩本町 Iwamotocho
Benkeibashi 弁慶橋 Benkeibashi bridge
Aizomegawa 藍染川 river Aizomegawa

- quote
Iwamotochō (岩本町) is a district of Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan.
It consists of 3 chōme.
This article also deals with Kanda-Iwamotochō (神田岩本町). As of April 1, 2007, the total population of the two districts is 1,989.

Iwamotochō is located on the northeastern part of Chiyoda. The area consisting of both Iwamotochō and Kanda-Iwamotochō borders Kanda-Sakumakaji and Kanda-Sakumachō to the north; Higashi-Kanda to the east; Nihonbashi-Kodenmachō and Nihonbashi-Honchō, Chūō to the south; and Kanda-Sudachō, Kanda-Higashimatsushitachō, Kanda-Higashikonyachō, Kanda-Konyachō, Kanda-Nishifukudachō and Kanda-Mikurachō to the west.

Showa-Dori Avenue runs between Iwamotochō and Kanda-Iwamotochō. Iwamotochō, located east to the avenue, has already undergone modernization of the addressing system while, in Kanda-Iwamotochō, located west to the avenue, the modernization has not been enforced yet. In Chiyoda, many districts in the Kanda area has the prefix Kanda-; the addressing system modernization has not been enforced in such districts.
- source : wikipedia

During the early Edo period, this area was quite a swamp and unfit for human population. There was a cliff that looked almost like a goose, Iwapuchi 岩淵 and a lot of 笹 Sasa reeds grew here.
In the middle of the Edo period the area was dried and Samurai begun to build their estates here. A lot of the area was kept empty for fire protection purposes 火除明地.
The name Iwamoto begun to be used at the time, meaning "below the cliff/rock" 岩の根元.
Now there are many shops selling cloths and tailors have their ateliers there.

The bridge 弁慶橋 Benkeibashi crossed the river 藍染川 Aizomegawa here.

. Higashi-Ryukancho 東龍閑町 Higashi-Ryūkanchō .
Now Chioda ward, Iwamoto district and Kanda Iwamoto district and Higashi-Kanda.


- quote -

その土手にそった現在の岩本町・東神田地区はその頃より商人と職人の町、庶民の町として栄え、特に文明 開化以後は「洋服」の街として東京の衣料の中心地として発展してきました。
- source : millionarrow.co.jp/history -


藍染川 river Aizomegawa, Aizome-gawa, Aisomegawa

This river flowed in the Shinobazunoike 不忍池 Shinobazu pond.

- quote -
Kon'ya-cho 紺屋町 
This was a town ruled by the dyer 土屋五郎右衛門 Tsuchiya Goroemon who was allowed by Tokugawa Ieyasu to purchase Japanese indigo plants from the Kanto Region and Izu from the Keicho Era (1596-1615), where many indigo dyers lived together.
The river (channel) that flowed nearby was called the Aizome-gawa River (indigo dyed river).
The ruins of the small shrine called 於玉稲荷 Otamainari and the ruins of the 於玉が池 Otamagaike reservoir are located in the north of the town and it is associated with the following legend. During the middle ages, this area was along the highway to Oshu, and there was a beautiful woman named Tama who served tea to travelers near the reservoir. 2 men proposed marriage to Tama, however she could not decide between them and drowned herself in the reservoir.
It is said the village people dedicated the small shrine to Tama's spirit.
- source : ndl.go.jp/landmarks/e/sights -

. Konyachō 神田紺屋町 Konya-Cho .
- Introduction -

. 駒込千駄木町 Komagome Sendagi .
文京区 Bunkyo ward


- reference : aizome-gawa -
"Aizome Gawa" (The Resurrection of a Woman at Aizome-gawa River), Noh Drama


Benkeibashi 弁慶橋 Benkeibashi bridge

The bridge is rather steep and once you are on the top, there are two exits, one to the right and one to the left.
A text from 1732 mentions the difficult construction of this bridge, by the master carpenter named
Benkei Kozaemon 棟梁弁慶小左衛門.
The bridge spans over the Benkeigoo 弁慶濠 Benkei Moat, in 赤坂見附 Akasaka Mitsuke.

The bridge also connects to 紀尾井町 Kioicho, the area with the estates of the Kishu Tokugawa, Owari Tokugawa and Ii from Hakone were located.

source : yasuda.iobb.net/wp-googleearth


- quote -
Benkei Bashi Bridge
At first, a Kyoto Style wooden bridge Benkeibashi was built at the outer moat of Akasakamitsuke in 1888. The name Benkeibashi was named after another bridge across the Aizome River near the Otamaike pond in Kanda, (Kanda Matsued-cho, currently Iwamoto-cho). Due to reclamation work on the river the old bridge was dismantled and what materials remained were reused in the building of the new Benkeibashi bridge.
The original ”Benkeibashi” was built by the master carpenter “Daiku Benkei Kozaemon,” who was in the service of the Edo Shogunate. The name of the bridge comes from that man’s name.
The bridge was fully reconstructed in 1985 and careful consideration was given to its setting and historical nature. The construction began in October 1983 and was completed in December 1985. The opening ceremony was held on December 18, 1985 with many guests related to the construction in attendance.
- source : koujimachi.net/newtown -


- quote -
Benkeibashi [Strong man bridge] spanned the moat protecting the Fukiage approach into the Edo Castle (and, later, the Imperial Palace) grounds from Akasaka Mitsuke. Fukiage comprised the western area of the castle grounds made into a firebreak after the great Meireki fire of 1657. (A 10-acre section of the grounds was also turned into a garden, now within the grounds of the New Otani hotel.) The bridge as seen in these images was constructed in 1889. Sadly, as with Nihonbashi, an elevated expressway now almost completely obscures from aerial view the present-day Benkeibashi.

“There used to be parsley and shepherds-purse growing in spring on the banks of the Tamaike reservoir, and families used to got there to pick them. The flowers alongside the outer moat here were indeed so splendid that they would now be thought of as one of the sights of Tokyo. The green of the willows of Benkeibashi, too – especially in the haze of rain on a spring morning – were just indescribable.”
— Thirty Years in Tokyo, Tayama Katai, 1917

- Look at more photos here:
- reference source : oldtokyo.com/benkeibashi-akasaka-mitsuke -


- source : yasuda.iobb.net -


- quote -
Lafcadio Hearn in Japan
The scene viewed from Benkeibashi Bridge near Hotel New Otani in Akasaka,Tokyo. This place around the exterior moat of Edo Castle is now heavy traffic,but only a few passengers passed at the time of Edo period.
The left picture shows around the scene of Kinokunizaka Slope,the stage of the novel titled "Mujina".
In the beginning of the novel, there are passages as follows,

"On the Akasaka Road,in Tokyo,there is a slope called Kii-no-kuni-zaka-which means the Slope of the Province of Kii. I do not know why it is called the Slope of the Province of Kii. On one side of this slope you see an ancient moat, deep and very wide, with high green banks rising up to some place of gardens."
- source : bekkoame.ne.jp/~gensei -


Benkei Bridge - Sekino Jun'ichirō, 1945
..... His subject in this print is Benkei Bridge, which crosses the outer moat of Edo Castle on the north side. Named for a legendary monk-warrior of the twelfth century, it still stands today.

- source : myjapanesehanga.com -


The old bridge is now gone and only a marker 弁慶橋跡 reminds of its presence.

- reference source -


. Musashibo Benkei 武蔵坊弁慶 (? - 1189) .

- reference : Benkeibashi Edo -


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #iwamotocho - - - -


metsuke ometsuke inspector

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

metsuke 目付 and oometsuke . Ōmetsuke 大目付 Inspector and Inspector General
soometsuke 惣目付 Sometsuke
daikansatsu 大監察 Daikansatsu "Great Inspector"
kansatsukan 監察官 Kansatsukan, Inspector General

江戶幕府大目付の研究 - Edo Bakufu ōmetsuke no kenkyū
山本英貴 Yamamoto Hideki

Metsuke worked under the supervision of the 若年寄 Wakadoshiyori.
Ometsuke worked under the supervision of the 老中 Roju.

- quote
Metsuke (目付) were the censors or the inspectors of Tokugawa Japan. They were bakufu officials ranking somewhat lower than the bugyō. The metsuke were charged with the special duty of detecting and investigating instances of maladministration, corruption or disaffection anywhere in Japan; and particularly amongst the populace having status below the daimyō.

- - - - - Intelligence gathering
The shogunate recognized the need for some kind of internal intelligence-gathering apparatus and for some degree of covert espionage within its own ranks. It could be said that the metsuke functioned as the Shogun's intelligence agency or as internal spies, reporting to the officials in Edo on events and situations across the country.

The metsuke were charged with focusing on those ranking below daimyō-status; and their counterparts, the ōmetsuke, were responsible for supervising the activities of officials and members of the daimyō (feudal lords).

Although similarly engaged, the reporting protocols of the metsuke and ōmetsuke differed. The metsuke reported to wakadoshiyori who ranked just below the rōjū. The ōmetsuke reported directly to the four or five rōjū at the top of the shogunate bureaucracy. By design, the intelligence-gathering activities of the metsuke was intended to complement those of the ōmetsuke even though there was no official reporting relationship between the two somewhat independent groups.
There were at any given time as many as twenty-four metsuke.

- - - - - Ad hoc evolution
The bureaucracy of the Tokugawa shogunate expanded on an ad hoc basis, responding to perceived needs and changing circumstances. Sometimes one or more of the metsuke or ōmetsuke would have been selected to address a specific or even a unique problem. For example, Arao Norimasa in the period from 1852 through 1854 was charged with special duties as kaibo-gakari-metsuke.

The prefix kaibō-gakari meaning "in charge of maritime defense" was used with the titles of some bakufu officials after 1845. This term was used to designate those who bore a special responsibility for overseeing coastal waters, and by implication, for dealing with matters involving foreigners. "Kaibō-gakari-metsuke" later came to be superseded by the term gaikoku-gakari. These developments prceeded the Gaikoku bugyō system which began just prior to the negotiations which resulted in the Harris Treaty. First appointed in August 1858, the gaikoku-bugyō were bakufu officials who were charged with advising the government on foreign affairs and who were tasked with conducting negotiations with foreign diplomats both in Japan and abroad.
- - - - - In popular culture :
- - - - - List of metsuke:
Oguri Tadamasa (1859–1860).
- source : wikipedia

- - - - - List of metsuke:
. 柳生宗矩 Yagyu Munenori (1632 - 1636) . (the first one)
水野守信 Mizuno Morinobu(1632年 - 1636年)
秋山正重 Akiyama Masashige (1632年 - 1640年)
井上政重 Inoue Masashige (1632年 - 1658年)
加賀爪忠澄 Kagatsume Tadazumi(1640年 - 1650年)
- - - and many more
合原義直 Gohara Isaburo(1868年)(the last one)
- reference : Japanese wikipedia -

metsuke 目付 can also just mean a look or the looks of a person, not related to the Edo officers at all.


In March 10 / 11, 1641, there was a great fire in Oke-machi 桶町火事. More than 400 people lost their lives and 123 homes of Samurai were burned down.
The fire started in the home of a medicine maker (薬師 kusushi) named Matsuo 松尾, and spread fast in the strong wind.
The home of the Government official 大目付 Ometsuke 加賀爪忠澄 Kagatsume Tadazumi (1586 - March 11, 1641) burned down and he died in the fire.
After this fire, the Shogun Iemitsu established a fire brigade of the Daimyo, 大名火消 Daimyobikeshi.

. okechoo, okemachi、桶町 Okecho, "Bucket district" .


Asakusa Abekawachoo 阿部川町 Abekawa machi
Since 1636 a lot of government workers called "o kobito shuu" (okobito) 御小人衆 lived here, working for Metsuke office. At that time, the district did not have a special name yet. Since having no name was confusing as Edo grew, in the year 1696 it came under the directive of 細井九左衛門 Hosoi Kuzaemon, who gave it the name.
The leader of the Okobito, 川村太四郎 Kawamura Taishiro, had come from the Abekawa region of Shizuoka.
The ABE spelling changed from 安倍 to 阿部.

. Abekawa, Abe-Kawa 安倍川 / 阿部川 .


- quote -
Metsuke: Intelligence gathering

kangen no metsuke 観見の目付け

(the text of this page is the same as the wikipedia.
- source : america.pink/metsuke -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

shooreisai kaji shoozoku no oometsuke

pine torch festival -
the inspector wears robes
of the fire brigade

Tr. Gabi Greve

Mihara Seigyoo 三原清暁 Mihara Seigyo

. shoorei sai 松例祭 Shoreisai, pine torch festival .
toshiya matsuri 歳夜祭(としやまつり)
hyaku taimatsu no jinji 百松明の神事 ritual of 100 pine torches
- - kigo for mid-winter - -

on the last day of the old year, leading into the new year.
The last day of the 100 day-long winter austerities of the yamabushi at Dewa sanzan in .
It was held in former times to ward off the epidemy of tsutsugamushi, scrub typhus, along the coast of Northern Japan, about 1300 years ago.
The epidemy demons were driven out with large pine torches.


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

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geta wooden clogs

. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Craftsmen of Edo .

geta 下駄 ashida 足駄 Geta wooden clogs

. Geta 下駄 Wooden Sandals, Clogs .
- Introduction and Haiku -
Geta with only one "tooth" to balance on 一本歯の下駄
Often worn by Tengu 天狗.

Utagawa Toyokuni III (Kunisada)

- quote
Geta (下駄) are a form of traditional Chinese-Japanese footwear that resemble both clogs and flip-flops. Geta were invented by the Chinese and then introduced to Japan from China. They are a kind of sandal with an elevated wooden base held onto the foot with a fabric thong to keep the foot well above the ground. . . . . .
According to Japanese superstition, breaking the thong on one's geta is considered very unlucky.
- source : wikipedia


yukigeta, yuki geta 雪下駄 Geta for snow

source : xadachi-hanga.com/ukiyo-e

蒲原 Kanbara juku (Tokaido) 夜之雪 Night with snow
歌川広重 Hiroshige


Look at the toes holding these high Geta!

- Look at more photos of feet on Ukiyo-E here:
- source : みさと接骨院 -


下駄 浮世絵 Geta with Ukiyo-E patterns are also popular !
Click on the photo for more samples !


getaya 下駄屋 craftsman making Geta

Since the middle of the Edo period, Geta had made their way into the city not only as an item of every-day use but also an item of fashion.
The much cheaper straw sandals were used for every-day walking, especially by the 長屋 Nagaya population living in cheap quarters.

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/yousan02 - 『七十一番職人歌合』
A craftsman is just about to put a whole into the wood for the Hanao.
First the hole is made with a drill, and the wood standing up is then burned down with metal chopsticks
that can be heated in fire.

Geta New Road 下駄新道 Geta Shinmichi
Situated around what is now JR Kanda Railway Station, during Edo times
there were many manufacturers of wooden clogs ("geta" in Japanese) along the back alleys
at the western end of Kaji-chō 2-chōme.
This led to the area being known as Geta Shinmichi (literally "Geta New Road").
- source - Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -

komageta 駒下駄 Komageta, the wooden parts are made of one piece.

- quote -
Geta are made of one piece of solid wood forming the sole and two wooden blocks underneath. These blocks may have a metal plate on the section that touches the ground in order to lengthen the life span of the Geta. A V-shaped thong of cloth forms the upper part of the sandal.
The dai (台, stand)
may vary in shape: oval ("more feminine") to rectangular ("more masculine") and color (natural, lacquered, or stained). The ha (歯, teeth) may also vary in style; for example, tengu-geta have only a single centered "tooth". There are also less common geta with three teeth. Merchants use(d) very high geta (two long teeth) to keep the feet well above the seafood scraps on the floor. The teeth are usually not separate, instead, the geta is carved from one block of wood. The tengu tooth is, however, strengthened by a special attachment. The teeth of any geta may have harder wood drilled into the bottom to avoid splitting, and the soles of the teeth may have rubber soles glued onto them.
The hanao 鼻緒, cloth thong)
can be wide and padded, or narrow and hard, and it can be made with many sorts of fabric. Printed cotton with traditional Japanese motifs is popular, but there are also geta with vinyl and leather hanao. Inside the hanao is a cord (recently synthetic, but traditionally hemp) that is knotted in a special way to the three holes of the dai. In the wide hanao there is some padding as well. The hanao are replaceable. It sits between the two first toes because having the thong of rectangular geta anywhere but the middle would result in the inner back corners of the geta colliding when walking.
- source : wikipedia -



using extra high Geta for the toilet

- Look at more illustrations here:
source : miyuki-honpo/getanorekisi

- - - Different kinds of Geta

- reference : miyuki-honpo/getanosyurui -


ryoogoku ni furishi getaya ya fuyu no ame

at Ryogoku
there is an old Geta shop -
rain in winter

Katsumata Itto 勝又一透 (1907 - 1999)


source : blog.goo.ne.jp/aboo-kai/e

getaya no teishu 下駄屋の亭主 Getaya the Husband


his wife left him -
the husband is at a loss
in the spring rain


fuufugenka geta o haku made owaranai

a fighting couple
will not give up
until one slips into the Geta

One partner is at the entrance hall and all ready to leave the home now in anger . . . but well, the good couple comes back to its sense and all is well again.

- reference : senryu about geta -


geta no haire, geta ha-ire 下駄歯入れ repairing wooden geta clogs

geta haireya 下駄歯入れ屋 Geta repairman

This was a job for a repairman walking along the streets of Edo.


source : blog.goo.ne.jp/s10683726/e ...
getaya no kanban 下駄屋の看板 shop sign of a Geta store


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県
蔵王町 Zao

furugeta no urami 古下駄の怨 the grudge of the old Geta
In the early Meiji period the region of 自由ヶ丘公園 Jiyugaoka Park was still a quiet Pine grove. The decided to build a 寺子屋 Terakoya school there. During the construction someone threw an old pair of geta in the fundament without much thought. Eventually the building was finished, but every night there was the sound of wooden Geta walking around and a hig-pitched whailing and crying: "This heavy stone is hurting by broken back!"
When they opened the fundament to have a look, they found the pair of Geta and took it out. Now all was quiet.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
117 to explore (01)


Nozarashi Gosuke 野晒五助

Gosuke wears a robe with a skull pattern. From the sword on his back hangs a Geta with marks in the form of a skull too.
He is the henchman for the robber chief 日本駄右衛門 Nippon Daemon. He is known as a street knight (otokodate). They lived by a strict code of honor which dictated that they always have to assist people in need. It is also the theme of a popular kabuki play.

Kuniyoshi moyo shofuda tsuketari genkin otoko 国芳もよう正札附現金男
(Men of Ready Money with True Labels Attached, Kuniyoshi Style)
source and reference


source : edokurashi.hatenablog.com/entry - 渡辺京二


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. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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