Showing posts with label - - - Kaido Highways -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - - Kaido Highways -. Show all posts


Onari Kaido for Shogun

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Onari Kaido 御成街道 Highway for the Shogun
Onari Michi 御成道 O-Nari, Road for the Shogun

There two roads with this name in Japan

日光御成道 Nikko Onari Michi
東金御成街道 Togane Onari Kaido


日光御成道 Nikko Onari Michi

. Morikawajuku 森川宿 Morikawa postal station Tokyo .
Here was the first ichirizuka 一里塚 stone marker mound of the 中仙道 Nakasendo Highway, where the
日光御成道 Nikko Onari Michi started.
This Onari Michi was also called 岩槻街道 Iwatsuki Kaido.

. Nikko Onari Kaido 日光御成街道 .
Nikko Reiheishi Kaido 日光例幣使街道
Nikko Nishi Kaido 日光西街道
Mibu doori 壬生通り Mibu road / Mibu michi 壬生道


Tōgane 東金御成街道 Togane Onari Kaido
From 船橋 Funabashi in 千葉県 Chiba via 東金市田間 Togane Tama to 山武市小松 Sanmu Komatsu village in Chiba.
About 37 km. Almost in a straight line.
The part from Tama to Komatsu was also called
Sunaoshi Kaido 砂押街道 Sunaoshi Highway

Gongen Michi 権現道 Road for the Great Lord

Built by the first Shogun Ieyasu, and later used his son Hidetada and then the third Shogun Iemitsu to go takagari 鷹狩 hunting with falcons.
Ieyasu had his vassal 土井利勝 Doi Toshikatsu (1573 - 1644) built the road toward 九十九里 Kujikuri.
It was built very fast, some say 三日三晩 from December 1613 to January in three days and three nights, holding up torches at night, thus the road was called
choochin kaido 提灯街道 / ちょうちん街道 Chochin Highway of Lanterns
- Others say it was built in just one day/night and is thus called
ichiya kaido 一夜街道 highway built in one night

. takagari 鷹狩 hunting with hawks and falcons .


. Funabashi 船橋 .

Ochaya Goten 御茶屋御殿 palace to rest and have tea

ちょうちん塚 - 御成街道を行く
- reference source : -




- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

onari michi ana hi iru hi no hebi ni au

the Shogun's road -
I meet a serpent ready to

町田しげき Machida Shigeki

. hebi ana ni iru 蛇穴に入る snakes go into their holes .
snakes start hibernating
- - kigo for mid-Autumn - -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #onari #onarikaido - - - -


Naganuma Kaido Chiba Fukushima

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Naganuma Kaido 長沼街道 Naganuma Highway - Chiba
千葉県 Naganuma, lit. "long swamp"

- quote
Naganuma-no-Komagata-Daibutsu 長沼の駒形大仏
Komagata Great Buddha in Naganuma

Komagata Daibutsu is a great Buddha statue located in Naganuma-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba City.
It was set up in 1703 by Noda Gennai, who was a pharmacy commission merchant in Edo and developed paddy-fields in Naganuma village. He collected voluntary subscriptions from 60 nearby villages and set it up to pray for cure of illness and safe travel of the people and horses going up and down the Onari Kaido Road.
It was designed and cast by Hashimoto Izaemon Fujiwara Shigehiro, a casting workman in Sanmacho, Asakusa, Edo. This 2.4 m tall statue is the image of seated Amida Nyorai making Jou-in (meditation mudra) in front of the abdomen. The head and body were separately cast and joined together.
The list of donators inscribed on the back of the statue shows that this Great Buddha was worshipped by a people in a wide range of area including Matsudo and Inbanuma.
The Great Buddha still gently watches over the traffic on the Naganuma Kaido Street.
Chisaki, Naganuma-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba
- source :

. Onari Kaido 御成街道 Highway for the Tokugawa Shogun .

長沼城址 Remains of Naganuma Castle
千葉県成田市 Chiba, Narita city


Naganuma Kaido 長沼街道 Naganuma Highway - Fukushima

- quote -
Naganuma (長沼町, Naganuma-machi)
was a town located in Iwase District, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
- History
The people lived in Naganuma,because of Jomon pottery(縄文土器)and Dugout(竪穴式住居)discovered from Tsukakoshi remains in 25th century BC.
Naganuma town built by Takatoki Naganuma in 1260 AD.
It is deserted castle by Decree of One Castle Per Province(一国一城令) in 1615 AD.
Old Naganuma was formed as a result of the enforcement of town organization in 1901 AD.
Old Naganuma town and Hokotsuki village merged Naganuma town in 1955 AD.
On April 1, 2005 AD, Naganuma, along with the village of Iwase (also from Iwase District), was merged into the expanded city of Sukagawa.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Koriyama Naganuma 福島県郡山市
- reference : 長沼街道沿い -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

There are many places named 長沼 Naganuma in Japan.

................................................................................. Chiba 千葉県

. Benten 弁天と伝説 Legends about Benten, Benzaiten 弁財天 Sarasvati .
At the 長沼池 Naganuma pond the Deity Benten is venerated.
The ike no nushi 池の主 master of the pond is a snake. This snake shape-shifted into a woman from another village and went with 馬車引き workers who were leading horses 馬車引き.
The pond became dirty and the shrine for Benten became dirty and other unpleasant things happened.
So the villagers decided, on advise of a fortune teller, to clean the pond and venerate Benten in a small shrine.

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .

................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県
長沼町 Naganuma town

. uma 馬 koma 駒伝説 horse legends .
At the Shrine 桙衛神社 Hokutsuki Jinja there was ema 絵馬 a votive tablet of a horse.
The horse walked off to feed and caused trouble at night. So the priest painted a kui 杭 pile and this kept the horse in place.

. Hokotsuki Jinja 桙衝神社 .
桙衝鹿島大明神 Hokotsuki Kashima Daimyojin


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #naganuma #komagata #daibutsu #chiba #hokotsuki - - - -


Fushimi Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
- for other Kaido roads, see below -

Fushimi Kaido 伏見街道 Fushimi Highway
From 京五条 Kyoto Gojo along the East bank of the river 鴨川 Kamogawa to the town of 京町 Kyocho in 伏見区 Fushimi ward, Kyoto.
About 6 km long.
The name was also written
Fushimi Kaido 伏水街道 / ふしみかいどう "road of the hidden water"

It is said to have been used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who had his famous castle in Fushimi.
It was also on the road connecting Kyoto with the harbour of Fushimi.
Pilgrims used it to reach the Shinto Shrine
. Fushimi Inari Taisha 伏見稲荷大社 .

- - - - - There are various names for different parts of the road

The part in 東山区 Higashiyama district is called
Honmachi-doori 本町通(ほんまちどおり)

The part in Fushimi ward, Fukakusa 伏見区深草 is called
Sujikaibashi-doori 直違橋通(すじかいばしどおり Sujikaibashi road

The part passing the temple with the Great Buddha of Kyoto, built by Hideyoshi at the temple 方広寺 Hoko-Ji, is called
Kyoo Daibutsu Kaidoo 京大仏街道 Road to the Kyoto Daibutsu


- quote
Fushimi (伏見区, Fushimi-ku)
is one of the eleven wards in the city of Kyoto, in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.
Famous places in Fushimi include the Fushimi Inari Shrine, with thousands of torii lining the paths up and down a mountain;
Fushimi Castle, originally built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, with its rebuilt towers and gold-lined tea-room; and the Teradaya,
an inn at which Sakamoto Ryōma was attacked and injured about a year before his assassination. Also of note is the Gokōgu shrine, which houses a stone used in the construction of Fushimi Castle. The water in the shrine is particularly famous and it is recorded as one of Japan's 100 best clear water spots.
..... Although written with different characters now, the name Fushimi (which used to be its own "town") originally comes from fusu + mizu, meaning "hidden water" or "underground water". In other words, the location was known for good spring water. The water of Fushimi has particularly soft characteristics, making it an essential component to the particular type of sake brewed in Fushimi. This also explains why the area developed as a sake-brewing center in Kyoto.
- more in the wikipedia -


. Nara Kaido 奈良街道 Nara Highway .
- - - - - Along this road are more sub-roads, explored below :

Fushimi Kaido 伏見街道 - see above
Takeda Kaido 竹田街道 - Connecting Kyoto with Fushimi
Furutsutsumi Kaido 古堤街道
Jusan Kaido 十三街道
Kiyotaki Kaido 清滝街道
Shuntoku Kaido 俊徳街道
Tateishi Kaido 立石街道 / Ooto Kaido おおと街道
Tatsutagoe Nara Kaido 竜田越奈良街道


Furutsutsumi Kaido, Furuzutsumi Kaido 古堤街道 Highway
Connecting Osaka city with 奈良県生駒市 Ikoma in Nara, via North of 生駒山北側 Mount Ikoma
Also called 竜間越 Tatsuma-goe.


Jusan Kaido 十三街道 Jusan Highway
also called
Shuntoku Kaido 俊徳街道 Shuntoku Highway
From Osaka city, 四天王寺南門 the South gate of the temple Shitenno-Ji via the pass 十三峠 Jusan toge
to 生駒郡斑鳩町 Tatsuta in Ikaruga, Ikoma district, Nara.

俊徳街道・十三街道 (河内の街道を歩く2)
杉山三記雄 Sugiyama Mikio

The famous poet 在原業平 Ariwara no Narihira passed here.
. Ariwara no Narihira 在原業平 (825 - 880) .

俊徳街道は、俊徳道ともいわれてきた。古くより、俊徳丸が生まれた、八尾の高安の里から 舞楽を習いに四天王寺に通った街道と伝わる。一方、玉造から発する十三街道は、東へ現在の 東大阪市菱屋西で俊徳街道と合流し、八尾を経由、十三峠を越えて平群・龍田に通じている。 平安初期の歌人 在原業平は、大和の龍田を通り、この峠を越え八尾高安の茶屋にいた恋人 梅野 の元へと八百夜も通いつめたといわれることから、この道はまた業平道とも呼ばれた。
The place where 俊徳丸 Shuntokumaru was born.
The Noh play Shuntokumaru was first performed in 1660.
... The blind beggar Shuntokumaru, leaning on a stick, enters, lamenting his fall from comfort and love into a life of depravity.
- - - 俊徳丸 More in the WIKIPEDIA !

View from Juusan Tooge Pass 十三峠 down to Osaka
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Kiyotaki Kaido 清滝街道 Kiyotaki Highway
Connecting Osaka with Nara.
From 四條畷市 Shijo Nawate city via the Kiyotaki Toge pass 清滝峠 to Nara.

From 守口市 Moriguchi city, Osaka to 四條畷市中野地区 Shijo Nawate city, Osaka it is also called
Moriguchi Kaido 守口街道 Moriguchi Highway

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Takeda Kaido 竹田街道 Takeda Highway
Connecting Kyoto with Fushimi

From 竹田村 Takeda village to 伏見港 the harbour of Fushimi.
In the Edo period this road got a stone pavement and was suited for transport of heavy loads.
It was one of the seven exit roads of Kyoto, 京の七口.


Tateishi Kaido 立石街道 / Ooto Kaido おおと街道

From 大阪府八尾市 Osaka, Yao city via おおと越 the Ooto pass to 奈良県生駒郡平群町 Heguri town in the Ikoma district.
It was also used by pilgrims to 信貴山 Mount Shigisan.

. Mount Shigisan, Temple Chogo Sonshi Ji 信貴山朝護孫子寺 .


Tatsutagoe Nara Kaido 竜田越奈良街道
Connecting Osaka with Nara

- source with many photos : -

Used by pilgrims to the Shrine 竜田神社 - 龍田神社 Tatsuta Jinja.
With many temples and shrines on the road.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Tatsuta Hiko Tatsuta Hime Jinja 竜田比古竜田比女神社 . .
奈良県生駒郡斑鳩町龍田 Tatsuta, Ikaruga town, Ikoma district Nara


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府 Fushimi 伏見区

ha 歯 a tooth
The child of a general merchant in 革屋町 Kawayacho had a tooth which had grown ober 3 cm in one night.
But the next day the tooth had broken off at the root.


ine 稲 rice ears
In the year 1683 there lived avinegar maker named 酢屋与右衛門 Suya Yoemon in 京橋 Kyobashi. He had a susuki 薄 pampas grass bush in his garden which suddenly grow rice ears.
People passing by thought this was very strange.


ka no konai ie 蚊の来ない家 a home where mosquitoes do not come
In a village East of Fushimi there was one family home where the mosquitoes never came in the summer. In the other houses there were a lot.
In this home they used kaya 蚊帳 a mosquito net for only a very short time.


kaminari no doku 雷の毒 poison of the thunder
Around 1780, there was a sudden thunderstorm and the farmers fled into a small hut near the field. A stroke of lightning hit the hut and almost all of the farmers died.
There were only two who survived. But two months later they fell ill and died. People said this was the poison of the thunder that had killed them.


. kishin, kijin, onigami 鬼神の伝説 Oni Deity Demon Legends .
A perosn named 淀屋喜兵衛 Yodoya Kihei had suddenly become crazy.
One day he said "There is a fire in this district in Edo", and later they found out that there had been a fire.
They think the Demon Deity had taken possession of him.


kitsune 狐 fox
. Yasomura Rotsu 八十村路通 .
A disciple of the Haiku poet 芭蕉 Matsuo Basho had been to 伏見稲荷 Fushimi Inari Shrine where he met an old priest, who was in fact a fox from the home of a friend from 彦根 Hikone.
Rotsu asked the fox about Hikone and the fox was happy to entertain him.

- - - - -

A man from 二見浦 Futamiura in Ise went on business to Kyoto and rested near 伏見稲荷 Fushimi Inari Shrine.
Suddenly a fox jumped around and asked him to come with him. The fox seemed to jump right over the torii 鳥居 Shrine gate.
When he came back home, his wife soon realized he was furugitsune 古狐 an old fox and she did not let the animal into the house.
The fox lived near the beach and later they built a small Shrine for it, called 塩間の稲荷 Shioma no Inari.


koi 鯉 carp

The mound Koizuka 恋塚 (Love Mound) was built on the day when 永井直清 Nagai Naokiyo (1591 - 1671) became regent of 高槻 Takatsuki.
But the mound was in fact written 鯉塚 "Carp Mound".
In former times there was a large pond, where a huge carp had lived. The carp was quite a monster and the farmers had to kill it and filled it up


raimei 雷鳴 sound of thunder
Acording to the fishermen from Fushimi, when there is a thunder in the 11th lunar month, there will be a good fishing harvest in the next year.


sekitoo 石塔 stone pagoda
sekitoo 石塔 / セキトウ / shakutoo しゃく とう stone pagoda / 五輪の塔婆
South of 下鳥羽 Shimo-Toba, in the East of 横大路村街道 the Yoko-Oji there is the Shrine 飛鳥田神社 Asukata Jinja.
During the annual grand festival, the otabisho 御旅所 resting place for the Mikoshi, is arranged under the large enoki 榎 nettle tree.
There is a stone pagoda of about 1.50 meter.
In former times this was the grave marker of the village elder, but it would produce strange and weird things.
Once a brave Samurai cut it in half with his large sword. Oh wonder, blood begun to flow out of the wound.
And then the village was quiet again.


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
In the year 1792, in a hamlet called 横大路 Yoko-Oji a man wanted to cut a branch from a three-pronged itchoo 銀杏 Gingko tree, when suddenly a strange wind begun to blow and something seemed to grab his throat, so he stopped immediately. Later he found some strange hair on his throat.
This Gingko tree must have been sacred to a local Tengu.


Toba don 鳥羽殿 Honorable Sir Toba
Along the river Yodogawa there is a large pond, 小倉の湖 the Ogura no Ike.
There live two very large koi 鯉 carps. The local fishermen call them "Toba don" and venerate them as shinrei 神霊 the spirit of the lake.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #fushimikaido - - - -


Kamaishi Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
- Nanbu Kaido, see below
- Kazuno Kaido, see below


Kamaishi Kaido 釜石街道 Kamaishi Highway
Iwate 岩手県
Connecting 遠野 Tono to the coastal town 釜石 Kamaishi.

The road dated back to the middle ages and the 阿曾沼氏 Asonuma clan.
Later it connected 閉伊郡横田村 Yokota village via the pass 仙人峠 Sennin Toge and along the river 甲子川 Kasshigawa with 閉伊郡平田村 Hirata village at the 浜街道 Sanriku Hama Kaido beach road.

- Postal stations along the Kamaishi Kaido
Tono 遠野宿
Kasshi 甲子
Kamaishi 釜石


Sennin Tooge 仙人峠 Sennin Pass, 887 m
- quote -
Sennin-toge Pass is one of the main spots in Kamaishi for observing the change in color of the autumn foliage. The peak time is in late October to November. The recommended driving route is through the Sennin Tunnel towards the square on the Kamaishi side that overlooks the city while continuing on through the canopy of autumn leaves.
- source : -


- quote -
Welcome to Kamaishi
Kamaishi City is located on the southeastern coast of Iwate Prefecture, within the Sanriku Fukko National Park. The city is spread across four bays, and winds its way along the basins of the Kasshi and Unosumai Rivers. The mountain terrain stretching all the way to the sea provides the city with abundant natural beauty, whilst the waters off the coast of Kamaishi provide the perfect conditions for oysters, Japanese scallops,wakame seaweed and a large variety of other fresh seafood. As the birthplace of Japan’s modern steel industry, Kamaishi is also home to the Hashino Iron Mining and Smelting Site, a recent addition to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution.
Like so many other towns and cities along the northeast coast of Japan,
Kamaishi suffered severe damage in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster. Over 1000 lives were lost in Kamaishi alone, with a large number of homes, commercial buildings, and infrastructure destroyed. Having commemorated the 6th anniversary of the disaster in March 2017, the city is moving forward with hope and resilience as it continues with the recovery process.
In 2015,
Kamaishi was named as one of the 12 official host cities for the Rugby World Cup 2019™. The construction of the new Kamaishi Recovery Memorial Stadium is scheduled for completion in 2018, and shall accommodate 16,187 spectators in a combination of permanent and temporary seating. The announcement of the Rugby World Cup™ pool draw took place in May, with the match schedule and ticket sales to be announced in late 2017.
- reference source : -


. Sanriku Hamakaido 三陸浜街道 Sanriku Highway .
Umibe suji 海辺筋 road along the coast, part of the 釜石街道 Kamaishi Kaido.

. Tono Monogatari 遠野物語 Legends of Tono, Iwate - .
with many Kappa 河童 water goblins

The mascot of Tono -
Karin-chan and his pink wife Kururin-chan

カリンちゃん & くるりんちゃん


- quote -
Nabekura Jo 鍋倉城 Nabekura castle
Asonuma Clan, one of the local powerful clans of Tono district
(present day Iwate Prefecture) removed and reconstructed a castle in this place during the Tensho era (1573-91). In 1627, Naoyoshi Nanbu of Nejo Castle in Hachinohe was enffed this region and he changed the name of the castle to Nabekura Castle. This mountain castle stood at the top of Mt. Nabekura at 340 m altitude, which is an independent hill located at the foot of Mt. Monomiyama in the south of Tono Basin.
The castle remains existing at the present were of those constructed in the early modern times. Honmaru (the main compound) originally had a thatched roof, but after the fire broke out during the Keian era (1648-52), the roof was thatched with Japanese spindle tree. Honmaru used to be walled with wooden fences. There was a housing area of warriors at the west, north, and east foot of the mountain, outside of which spread townsmen’s houses. There were also three Doshin (feudal police) offices at the end of the town; Shimo-gumi office was located at the west end, Naka-gumi at the north, and Kami-gumi at the east.
Nabekura Observatory, which looks like a donjon, was constructed at Sannomaru ruins.
- source : -


As a symbol of Kamaishi,
the Daikannon statue stands upon Kamazaki Point, overlooking Kamaishi Bay.

It is 48.5 metres tall, and is divided into 13 stories. Inside the statue, there is much to see, including the [Honzon Gyoran Kannon], the 33 Kannons and the Grand Gallery. At the exact point at which the Kannon is holding the fish, (from the 10th to the 12th floor levels) there is an observation platform located 38 metres above the statue's base. From the platform there are spectacular views of such sights as the Ozaki Peninsula and Mada Misaki.


source :

釜石大観音 Kamaishi Daikannon
This big statue survived the earthquake on March 11, 2011.


- quote -
History of the Kamaishi Mine | Nittetsu Mining Co
Because it was opened during the Edo Period, the Kamaishi Mine developed in line with the growth of Japan's iron and steel industry through the Meiji, Taisho and Showa periods. As a producer of good-quality iron ore, the Kamaishi Mine supported the "iron town" of Kamaishi and Japan’s iron manufacturing for more than a century.
1857 - Oshima Takato, a retainer of the Morioka domain, constructed Western-style blast furnaces in Ohashi and succeeded in producing molten pig iron from iron ore. (To commemorate his success, December 1 is still celebrated as Iron Commemoration Day.)
This paved the way for a total of 10 blast furnaces to be built at the end of the Edo Period (three each in Ohashi and Hashino, two in Sahinai, and one each in Kuribayashi and Sunakowatari), laying the foundation for the modern iron and steel industry in Japan. ...
1993 - Large-scale iron ore mining was discontinued.
Businesses involving the new mine, mineral water and use of the underground spaces were launched.
(Even today, mining continues with a production rate of 100 tons per year.)
- source : Nittetsu Mining -


Nanbu Kaido 南部街道 Nanbu Highway, Nambu Highway
Iwate 岩手県
Connecting 遠野 Tono to the 気仙郡 Kesen district on the coast.
Already mentioned on 葛西領内地図 a map from 1335.
In former times 盛岡藩 Morioka domain was called 南部藩 Nanbu domain.
Connecting the Nanbu domain with 久保田(秋田)藩 the Kubota domain in Akita),
In Iwate, this road was called
Kazuno Orai 鹿角往来 / Kazuno Kaido 鹿角街道.
- see below

- Postal stations along the Nanbu Kaido
Yokota village 横田村 (Tono city)
Aozasa 青笹
Kamigo Hirakura 上郷平倉
Alabane Toge pass 赤羽根峠
Kasai 葛西

In former times Kasai belonged to the 伊達領 Date domain.
The Kasai Clan 葛西氏 reigned in an area stretching from the center of Mutsu no Kuni 陸奥国中部 - present day Sanriku Kaigan in Miyagi 宮城県三陸海岸 to the 岩手県南部 Nanbu area of Iwate.

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Junisho kuchi 十二所口
Obonan kuchi 生保内口
Kaya toge pass 萱峠 between Iwate and Akita, 644 m
Komatsugawa kuchi 小松川口

. Junisho Kaido 十二所街道 .
- Obonai Kaido 生保内街道

. Kesen Michi 気仙道 / 東浜街道 Higashi Hamakaido .


. Akita Kaido 秋田街道 Highways in Akita .

Kazuno Kaido 鹿角街道 Kazuno Highway
Connecting Morioka city in Iwate 岩手県盛岡市 via Hachimantai city 八幡平市 with 秋田県鹿角市 Kazuno city and 大館市 Odate city in Akita.

- Postal stations along the Kazuno Kaido
Morioka 盛岡城下 - Iwate
Tando 田頭- Hachimantai
Terada 寺田
Niiya 新谷町
Tayama 田山
Yuze 湯瀬 - (Akita (Kazuno city)
Oxato 大里
Hanawa 花輪
Kanda 神田
Kemanai 毛馬内
Matsuyama 松山
Sawajiri 秋田領沢尻
Junisho 十二所
Ogita 扇田

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Kazuno city (鹿角市, Kazuno-shi)
- - - - - History
The area of present-day Kazuno was settled in prehistoric times, and contains major Jōmon period archaeological sites and numerous burial mounds from the Kofun period. The area was part of ancient Mutsu Province and was ruled by the Nambu clan of Morioka Domain during the Edo period. After the start of the Meiji period, the area became briefly part of Rikuchū Province before being transferred to Akita Prefecture in 1871. It was organized as part of Kazuno District, Akita Prefecture in 1878 with the establishment of the modern municipalities system.
The city of Kazuno
was founded on April 1, 1972 by the merger of the towns of Hanawa, Towada, and Osarizawa and the village of Hachimantai.
- source : wikipedia -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Iwate 岩手県
Iwate 釜石町 Kamaishi town

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
kohebi, shooja 小蛇 small serpent
In the year 1916, three members of a family got sick at the same time. This happened because they had killed a small red snake in their garden.
The serpent had been the master of the nearby riverpool, who wanted the third daughter of the family as his wife. When the daughter died, the other family members got well.
They buried the body of the girl, but the bones soon disappeared.

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A beautiful woman had gone to the mountain forest to pick kuwa no ha 桑の葉 leaves of the mulberry tree, but went missing.
A pilgrim came along and said she had been elected to become 水性の主 the Master of the Water. She was allowed to come back only once every year.
. kuwa 桑 (くわ) mulberry tree .

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. kuchisake onna 口裂け女 slit-mouthed woman .
When she went outside, she wore a mask and looked like a beautiful woman with long hair. When she took off the mask, on could see her mouth all the way to the ears.
Sometimes she would walk around and ask people if they found her beautiful.

Iwate 九戸郡 Kunohe district

. Izumo taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine, Shimane .
The father of 森越仁太郎氏 Morikoshi Jintaro had built a small shrine and called it 出雲さん "Izumo San", hoping to have some good fortune.
In 1943, he became an inspector of the mines at Kamaishi.
A huge rock came falling down a cliff, but it did not hit him and stopped right before him.
A steel frame came falling down but did not hit him either . . . he was well protected.

Iwate 唐丹町 Toni town

. Hitachibo Kaison Sennin 常陸坊海尊仙人 .
Retainer of 源の義経 Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159 - 1189)

At the temple 光学寺 Kogaku-Ji there is a mound named 大徳塚 Daitokuzuka, but nobody remembers what is venerated there.
Once a yamabushi 山伏 mountain priest came to visit the mound and when asked about the origin, he replied
"This is the grave of 亀井六郎 Kamei Rokuro (重清 Kamei Shigekiyo ? - 1189) ), a retainer of Yoshitsune.
The Yamabushi must have been Hitachibo Kaison.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
釜石 岩手県 - OK
106 遠野 岩手県 (00)


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Kamaishi sen 釜石線 Kamaishi train line

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The Kamaishi Line (釜石線, Kamaishi-sen)
is a 90.2 km rural railway line in Iwate Prefecture, Japan, operated by the East Japan Railway Company (JR East). It connects Hanamaki Station in the city of Hanamaki with Kamaishi Station in the city of Kamaishi.
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. 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Kappa, the Water Goblin of Japan! .
カッパ淵 Kappabuchi, Tsuchibuchicho Tsuchibuchi, Tōno, Iwate
Kappabuchi is a small pool and river bank of the 足洗川 Ashiaraigkawa river ...


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kamaishi #kamaishikaido #iwate #tono #akita #kazuno #nanbu #nambu - - - -


Miyazu Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Miyazu Kaido 宮津街道 Miyazu Highway
Connecting Miyazu, passing 大江山 Oeyama, leading to 福知山 Fukuchiyama.
Also called
Oda no michi 普甲道

Crossing the 普甲峠 Oda Toge Pass.
Used by the Daimyo of 宮津藩 the Miyazu domain for Sankin Kotai.
The pilgrims of Saigoku 33 Temples 西国三十三所 also used this road.

. Tango Kaido 丹後街道 Tango Highway .
From 敦賀 Tsuruga, Fukui to 舞鶴 Maizuru, Kyoto.


Oda Toge 普甲峠 Pass with stone pavement

South of Miyatsu city, in the mountains of Oda. From the pass there is a nice view of the city and the 宮津湾 Miyazu bay.
The stone pavement was ordered by the lord of Miyazu province to use for his military activities.
About 1 km of this old road near Oeyama has been repaired and can now be seen.

oni 鬼 demon
Jiemon 大谷の治右ェ門 from Otani came home on a Winter day from Kyoto. After he had passed the 普甲峠 Oda Toge the 薦池の鬼 demon from Komoike appeared and asked him not to throw beans at him.
This is the reason why the the farmers from Otani never throw beans during the Setsubun festival.

. Setsubun 節分 the "Seasonal Divide" .


. Oeyama 大江山 .
and the legend of 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji

. Nariaiji 成相寺 Nariai-Ji .
The main statue is a Bijin Kannon 美人観音 "Beautiful Kannon Bosatsu".
Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage 西国三十三所


宮津市 Miyazu city
Located in Miyazu City is 天橋立 Amanohashidate, the "bridge to heaven", one of the three most beautiful sights of Japan.
The naturally formed land bridge is 3.6 kilometers long and covered in pine trees.
An Imperial decree in July 1899 established Miyazu as an open port for trading with the United States and the United Kingdom.


keshoo Jizoo 化粧地蔵群 group of painted Jizo Bosatsu

source :


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府
宮津市 Miyazu city

. Gengoroogitsune 源五郎狐 The Fox Gengoro .
and his wife Kojoroogitsune 小女郎狐 Kojorogitsune

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. inu 犬と伝説 Legends about the dog / Hund .
Even if the old man taking care of the temple hall and the bell fell asleep in the afternoon, there always came a dog and woke them up in time. One day the old man and the dog slept both and there was no bell ringing at the usual time.
That night the dog took responsibility for this, cut his tongue and commited suicide.

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. komajishi 高麗獅子 Korean lion dog .
Once a stone statue of a lion dog became alive, flew up to the sky and came to town. There it did a lot of bad things and troubles.
A roonin 浪人 Ronin, masterless Samurai cut off its leg, the lion dog fell down but soon got up again and run away.
Next morning the leg of the stone statue was cut off and blood was oozing out.

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O-Kiku Inari Shrine お菊稲荷
2159 Tsuruga, Miyazu, Kyoto

About 200 years ago there was a maid of the Lord of Miyazu castle, who was falsely charged with a misdeed. She felt so helpless she threw herself into the well to die.
This well, O-Kiku ido お菊井戸 was burred a few years ago, but a small shrine in her honor, O-Kiku Inari is still there.

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oo-onna 大女 a huge woman
In 1702, there was an epidemic in the village of 宮津村 Miyazu, which finally ebbed down.
On the 7th day of the first lunar month in the evening, a villager saw a large woman of about 3 meters in white robes sitting at the foot of a pine tree. When he came home he fell ill with a fever, and mumbled the words of the woman:
"I was the servant of the lady of the castle and was executed because of an intrigue. To get my revenge I made the epidemic come to the village. If you hold a special ritual for me on the 17th day of the second lunar month, I will be saved and become the mamorigami 守り神 protector deity of this village."

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. ryuutoo 龍燈 / 龍灯 / 竜灯 と伝説 Legends about Ryuto, "Dragon Lantern" .
At Amanohashidate, at night on the 16th day of every month, there is a strange light coming from the ushitora 丑寅 North-East direction and heading to the Monju Do 文殊堂 Hall for Monju Bosatsu at the temple 智恩寺 Chion-Ji. In front of the hall is one pine tree, which is called
ryuutoo no matsu 竜灯の松 "pine of the Dragon Lantern"

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shikazu no kane 撞かずの鐘 the bell which could not be made
The villagers were collecting money to have a bell, but one family had not yet made any contribution.
At the house there was an old man who said he was so poor, he could only give the baby of the family. So they took the baby and threw it into the ritual fire.
When they rang the bell for the first time there appeared the figure of a baby and the crying of the child was heard all over the village.

................................................................................. Tango no Kuni 丹後国

A person from 丹後国宮津出 Tango no Kuni, Miyazu came to Kyoto to do business, but he became ill and could not hear any more.
He followed the advise of a friend and went to Osaka for three years, but his deafness did not heal. Finally he went back to Miyazu.
But his language had changed and he now talked like someone with the dialect of Osaka!


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

try to shoot the skin of my belly, nyaa, nyaa

. Buson Yokai Emaki 蕪村妖怪絵巻 Buson Monster Scroll .
He painted this scroll while he was living in 丹後 Tango, 京都府宮津市 Kyoto, Miyazu city from 1754 - 1757.


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #miyazukaido #miyatsu #fukuchiyama #maizuri #tango #amanohashidate #kyotango - - - -


Matsumae Fukuyama Kaido

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Matsumae Kaido 松前街道 Matsumae Highway
Fukuyama Kaido 福山街道 Fukuyama Highway

1900: Fukuyama town was founded.
1940: Fukuyama changed its name to Matsumae.

The Matsumaedō 松前道 Matsumaedo connected 仙台 Sendai via Matsumae
with 函館 Hakodate, 北海道 Hokkaidō.

Also called
Hamamichi 浜道 beach road
Sotogahama Kaido 外ヶ浜街道

Sotogahama is a town in Aomori.

. Ōshū Kaidō 奥州街道 Oshu Kaido Highway .
Sendai and the Oshu Kaido

- Postal stations along the Matsumae Highway in Hokkaido
Matsumae 松前
Fukushima 福島
Shiriuchi 知内
Kikonai 木古内
Hakodate 函館


. Matsumae city 松前宿 Hokkaido .

. Matsumaebune 松前船 Matsumae trade ships to Hokkaido .
Kitamaebune 北前船 North-bound trade ships


- quote

Matsumae Castle 松前城, Matsumae-jō
is a castle located in Matsumae in Hokkaidō, Japan, and is the northernmost castle in Japan.
The only traditional style Edo period castle in Hokkaidō, it was the chief residence of the han (estate) of the Matsumae clan.
- History
First built in 1606 by Matsumae Yoshihiro under orders from the Tokugawa shogunate requiring his clan to defend the area, and by extension the whole of Japan, from the Ainu 'barbarians' to the north, it burned down in 1637 but was rebuilt in 1639. It once controlled all passage through Hokkaidō to the rest of Japan.
The present castle complex,
which dates from 1854, was constructed to deter attacks by foreign naval forces. Only the 30-metre-high tenshu (main tower) and a gatehouse survived destruction following the Meiji Restoration, which began in 1868. However, the tenshu burned down in 1949 and a concrete replica was built in 1960.
All of the castle site is today a public park.
- source : wikipedia


source and more photos :

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Hakodate (函館市, Hakodate-shi)
is a city and port located in Oshima Subprefecture, Hokkaido, Japan. It is the capital city of Oshima Subprefecture.
- History
Hakodate was Japan's first city whose port was opened to foreign trade in 1854, as a result of Convention of Kanagawa, and used to be the most important port in northern Japan. Also, the city had been the biggest city in Hokkaido before the Great Hakodate Fire of 1934.
... Pre-Meiji restoration
Hakodate (like much of other parts of Hokkaido) was originally populated by the Ainu. They lived in the Oshima Peninsula.
The name "Hakodate" might originate from an Ainu word. Another possibility is that it means "box" or "building" in Japanese which refers to the castle built by the Kono (Kano) clan in the fifteenth century.
Hakodate was founded in 1454,
when Kono Kaganokami Masamichi constructed a large manor house in the Ainu fishing village of Usukeshi (the word for bay in Ainu).
... Hakodate flourished during the Hoei period (1704–11), and many new temples were founded in the area. The town's fortunes received a further boost in 1741 when the Matsumae clan, which had been granted nearby areas on the Oshima Peninsula as a march fief, moved its Kameda magistracy to Masamichi's house in Hakodate. ...
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. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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Genko 玄狐 / Kurogitsune 黒狐 black fox
A black furred fox that incarnated into a Big Dipper.
Before becoming a manifestation of a constellation, Genko was an ordinary black fox that served under the Shinto agricultural deity Ukanomitama as it migrated to Northern Japan. In the historical manuscript "Hokuho-bunmei-shiwa" [北方文明史話] (1930) by Shunzo Nakajima [中島峻蔵] , the descendant of the Matsumae Feudal Family [松前藩], Genko was originally from Kujo [九条] in Kyoto that travelled to Hokkaido with Princess Hatsuhime [初姫] the daughter of Lord Tokimasa Kazanin [花山院 常雅] during the Edo Period.
Since the day she began to live with the Matsumae Family in the year 1771, Princess Hatsuhime continued her devotion towards Ukanomitama and for this, whenever she went to the land of Ainu people in Ezo [蝦夷地], a horde of foxes discreetly followed her as guards under the command of Ukanomitama and Genko was one of them.
Unfortunately, Princess Hatsuhime died due to illness only a few years later, but Genko remained in Northern Japan instead of returning to Kyoto for he made a family there.
Then in the year 1788, Genko reappeared as a vulpine spirit at the Benten Buddhist Monastery [弁天堂] in Hakodate City [函館市], Hokkaido.
Discovered by the yamabushi mountain monk Daishoin [山伏 大昌院] one night after his spiritual training. Genko told the Yamabushi how it died after being shot down by a hunter for its fur and how it waited for him for 99 days in the monastery to ask Yamabushi a favor.
The favor was to build a shrine for Genko since its soul was never able to pass-on to the afterlife and in return, Genko promised to become a guardian of Northern Japan, forever.
Yamabushi fulfilled Genko’s request and thus the Genko Inari Shrine [玄狐稲荷神社] in Matsumae City was established during the Kyowa Era (1801-1804).
This story above is one of the several legends regarding Genko.
- reference source : kaldibeta/7-types-of-kitsune-spirits-in-japan...-

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nishin 鰊 herring, Genko 玄狐 / Kurogitsune 黒狐 black fox
Since the herring dislike foxes, they never came to this area after a Shrine for Genko was erected.

. nishin 鰊 / 鯡 青魚 herring .

. Ukanomikami, Uka no Mikami 宇迦之御魂神 / 倉稲魂神 .
Deity venerated at Inari fox shrines.


- - - - - The three famous Cherry Trees of Matsumae - - - - -

Ezo Kasumizakura 蝦夷霞桜
at the temple 龍雲院 Ryuun-In, the oldest temple in Matsumae
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

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kechimyakuzakura sakura 血脈桜 blood-line cherry
Near the castle of Matsumae there were two temples, 光善寺 Kozen-Ji and 龍雲寺 Ryuun-Ji with two cherry trees, their roots intertwined.
Legend knows this:
Once upon a time, a girl named お芳 O-Yoshi had come from 芳の山 / 吉野山 Yoshinoyama with a branch of a cherry tree. This branch begun to grow into one cherry tree with yaezakura 八重の花 double-flower blossoms. This tree was the first in the line of trees, but for a long time nobody came to visit.

Kechimyaku Zakura from which the Naden descend . . .
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Meotozakura 夫婦桜 Couple Sakura
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Hokkaido’s vividly colored cherry blossoms.
- source : -

松前領 Matsumae region

reija 霊蛇 "spirit snake"
In the year 1823, the wife of 立之助 Ryunosuke from Ahinoma village was simple and not greedy.
In the sixth lunar month when she worked in the fields, she found a lot of kozen 古銭 old coins. She kept working in the fields but then took some coins home.
On her way back home, a small snake followed her, but was not to be seen any more when she was home.
When Ryunosuke heard this, he checked the basket for carrying soil, there was a small snake inside. He killed the snake with his kiseru キセル metal pipe.
Then he went out to the field, hoping to find more coins, but did not find anything. This was because he had killed the serpent.

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .

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yanone ishi 矢ノ根石,yajiri ishi 鏃石 arrowhead stone
Once after a strong rain-storm in Matsumae, it begun to rain stones in the form of an arrowhead.

松前町 Matsumae town

daifuku mai 大福米 "Good Luck Rice"
At the estate of 蠣崎友広 Kakizaki Tomohiro (1598 - 1658), the chief retainer of the Matsumae domain, a lot of rice came out of a well.
Tomohiro called it "Great Luck Rice" and offered it to his lord. The lord filled them into many bottles and kept them.
This rice kept clean for many generations to come. Each time someone opened a bottle, there was something lucky happening.

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yamabushi 山伏 mountain priest
The fishing for herrings had been very bad, so the villagers asked a Yamabushi for a purification ritual.
The priest fasted for seven days and nights and then had a divine revelation.
The villagers were happy and made new nets.
But how much they waited, the herring did not come. Eventually the herring season was over and they hat caught nothing. Now the village was in deep trouble.

. nishin 鰊 / 鯡 青魚 herring .

Matsumae 厚岸町 Akkeshi town

reiki 霊亀 "spirit turtle"
In the year 1825, in the region of Akkeshi, they caught a large turtle, in fact a suppon スッポン soft-shelled turtle.
When the fish dealer 惣助 Sosuke came, the turtle made him cry. The man who had caught the turtle also felt sorry, so they let it go.
Since then they never had a bad fishing season. This must have been the magical power of the turtle.

. kame 亀 turtle legends .

爾志郡 Nishi district 乙部町 Otobe town

Sasayama Jinja 笹山神社 Sasayama Inari Shrine
About 200 years ago, there was a traveler visiting the Sasayama Shrine, oan on his way back he saw three shika 鹿 deer.
He felt lucky and performed a 鹿子舞 deer dance at the shrine.
The wife of the Lord of Matsumae had been ill, but this dance helped her to get well again.
This is a pun with
shishimai 獅子舞 lion dance


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

深瀬春一 Fukase Harukazu


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -


城村貞子 Jomura Sadako


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #matsumae #fukuyama #hokkaido #fukushima #shiriuchi #kikonai #genko #blackfox - - - -