Showing posts with label - - - Kaido Highways -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - - Kaido Highways -. Show all posts


Sumiyoshi Kishu Kaido Highways

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Sumiyoshi Kaido 住吉街道 Sumiyoshi Highway

- source : HP of Sumiyoshi Shrine Osaka -

. Sumiyoshi Jinja 住吉神社 Sujiyoshi Shrines in Japan .
Sumiyoshi Taisha 住吉大社 Sumiyoshi Grand Shrine
located in the Sumiyoshi ward in the city of Osaka.
There are more than two thousand Sumiyoshi shrines found across Japan.

The Sumiyoshi Kaido branches off the 紀州街道 Kishu Kaido, passes across the large compound of the Shrine Sumiyoshi Taisha
and ends at present-day 長居交差点 Nagai intersection.

. Sumiyoshi jinja 住吉神社の諸玩 amulets from Sumiyoshi shrine .


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Historic and modern roads in Sakai
Takenouchi Road (Takenouchi old highway)
Nishi-Koya Kaido Highway
Kumano Kaido (Oguri Kaido)
- Nagao Kaido
The Nagao Kaido wasonce known as the Yamato Kaido, a route connecting Nara and Sakai. A small shrine houses a Jizo guardian in front of the Osaka-Izumi-Sennan Highway along with a slone monument with an historical inscription. Another monument in front of Hochigai Shrine is inscribed with a tanka poem from the Manyoshu.
- Kishu Kaido
The Kishu Kaido flourished as an Edo-period trade route between the domains of Kishu and Senshu. At the eastern end of the route there are many rows of old houses and storefronts, and in the shopping district in Zaimokucho-Higashi can be found old signposts indicating the directions of destinations such as Osaka.
- reference source : -

. Takenouchi Kaido 竹内街道 / 竹ノ内街道 Takenouchi Highway .


Nagao Kaido 長尾街道 Nagao Highway

Connecting 大阪府堺市堺区 the Sakai ward in Osaka with 長尾神社 the Nagao Shrine
in 奈良県葛城市 Katsuragi, Nara.
Passing 二上山 Mount Nijosan and the pass 田尻峠 Tajiri Toge.
The part in Sakai city is also called 花田口筋 Hanataguchi suji road.


Nagao Shrine 長尾神社
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... a Shinto shrine dedicated to the goddesses Amaterasu-ōmikami, Toyouke-ōmikami, Mihikahime-mikoto and Shirakumowake-mikoto.
It is located in the city of Katsuragi in Nara Prefecture, Japan.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Shibagaki Shrine 柴籬神社
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Located centrally between the Nagao-kaido and Takenouchi-kaido highways,
the shrine grounds are located at the site of the ruins of the 18th Japanese emperor's palace.
According to the Kojiki - the oldest existing Japanese historical text - a palace once stood on these grounds. They were the location of the last capital of the Kawachi Dynasty. Scholars say the Kawachi Dynasty was a peaceful time marked by abundant harvests of grains where people lived in happy abundance. With a number of place names in the area such as Mt. Gokuden ("extravagant palace") alluding to the existence of an ancient capital, the region has been designated as holding a high distribution of Buried Cultural Properties in the area.
7-12-22 Ueda, Matsubara-shi, Osaka
- source : -


Kishu Kaido 紀州街道 Kishu Highway

A road connecting Osaka and Wakayama,
with Sumiyoshi Taisha in the middle to give the people a chance to partake on the Shrine festivals.
- - - - - Connecting Osaka with 和歌山 Wakayama.

- Stations on the way
大坂城下(大阪市中央区) - Osaka castle
今宮村(大阪市浪速区)- Imamiya village
天下茶屋(大阪市西成区)- Tenga Chaya
住吉村(大阪市住吉区) - Sumiyoshi village
安立町(大阪市住之江区)- Anryu
堺(堺市堺区)- Sakai
下石津村(堺市西区)- Shimo-Ishizu village
高石南村(高石市)- South Takaishi village
下条大津村(泉大津市) - Gejo Otsu vilage
忠岡村(忠岡町)- Takaoka village
岸和田城下(岸和田市)- Kishiwada Castle
貝塚寺内(貝塚市) - temple Kaizukadera
鶴原村(泉佐野市)[孝子越街道と分岐] - Tsuruhara village / branching to Kyoshigoe Kaido 孝子越街道
樫井村(泉佐野市)- Kashii village
信達宿(泉南市)- Shindachi juku station
山中宿(阪南市)- Yamanaka shuku
雄ノ山峠 - Onoyama toge pass
山口宿(和歌山市)- Yamaguchi station - Wakayama
永穂村(和歌山市)- Nango
和歌山城下(和歌山市)- Wakayama castle town


Kyoshigoe Kaido 孝子越街道 Kyoshigoe Highway
A beach byroad of the 紀州街道 Kishu Kaido.
About 25 km long.
Crossing over the pass 孝子峠 Kyoshi Toge, hence the name
"Highway leading over the Kyoshi pass".

- green on the map

From 本市 Honichi to Wakayama city.
Used to transport seafood and other marine products.
Connecting many villages on the way.

Branching off the Kishu Kaido at 鶴原 Tsuruhara.

- - - - - 孝子峠 Kyoshi Toge Pass - - - - -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Fukuoka 福岡県
福岡市 Fukuoka city / 筑前住吉神社一夜の松 Chikuzen Sumiyoshi Jinja

3-1-51 Sumiyoshi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka

. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 .
ichiya no matsu 一夜の松 pine tree growing in one night
In 1439, the sacred pine tree of the Sumiyoshi shrine started to bend down and probably fall on another Shrine building, so it had to be cut down.
The next morning, oh wonder, the tree was there straight and high as before.

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This shrine is dedicated to the gods of
底筒男命 Sokotsutsu-no-kami, 中筒男命 Nakatsutsu-no-kami and 表筒男命 Uwatsutsu-no-kami
and it was officially designated in ancient time as one of the high ranked shrines. It was once admired as the greatest shrine of Chikuzen area (northern part of the present Fukuoka prefecture). The surrounding area was originally a cape at the mouth of Nakagawa River flowing into Hakata Bay. It was worshipped as a tutelary shrine of navigation. The gods were also worshipped as gods of Japanese poem (waka) and ancient famous poet Sogi visited this shrine to pay respect to the god.
The straight shaped roof of the main hall of this shrine is one of the specific features of ancient architectural style, very contrastive to the later Buddhist style. The main hall is designated as a national treasure and the copper axe and sword of the shrine are designated as important cultural properties of the prefecture.
- source : -

. Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 / 神宮皇后 .
and the Sumiyoshi Shrine

................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県
いわき市 Iwaki city 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja
Fukushima, Iwaki, Onahamasumiyoshi, Sumiyoshi−1

. Oni densetsu 鬼伝説 Regional Demon Legends .
At 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Shrine there is an ema 絵馬 votive tablet. It shows a man with shaven front hair sakayaki 月代 "like a moon", a hachimaki 鉢巻 headband and a large sword at the side. He sits next to an Oni and they play a game of kubihiki 首引き "neck pulling" in a contest of strength, a kind of "Neck tug of war".

. 武士と鬼の首引 Bushi and Oni Kubihiki - tug of war .

. ema 絵馬 votive tablets .

sakayaki 月代 shaven part of the male hairstyle in the Edo period

................................................................................. Ibaraki 茨城県
鹿島市 Kashima city / Sumiyoshi Jinja in 鹿嶋市小宮作880番地

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
In front of the 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Shrine there lived a huge serpent. The animal later moved in the pond of the Shrine, but the pond dried out.

................................................................................. Mie 三重県
猪田村住吉神社 Inodamura Sumiyoshi Jinja 猪田村営 Inodamura no Miya / 猪田神社 Inoda Jinja

This Sumiyoshi Shrine is simply called 猪田神社 Inoda Jinja.
They say a Kotengu had built it. Before WWII, three were many ema 絵馬 votive tablets of Kotengu.

猪田村住吉神社 Inoda-mura Sumiyoshi Jinja
(inoda - field of wild boars) / 猪田村(いだむら)Idamura village
- reference source : -

. kotengu 小天狗 minor Tengu, crow-like goblin .

................................................................................. Osaka 大阪府
住吉区 Sumiyoshi ward 莵原郡住吉村の住吉神社 Ubara district, Sumiyoshi village

sazare-ishi, sazare ishi さざれ石 boulder grown from pebbles
This stone is located in front of the 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Shrine.
Normally there is no water in its holes, but on 土用に入る日 the first day of Doyo, water begins to accumulate.

sazare ishi さざれ石 boulder grown from pebbles
. sazare-ishi at the Kamo Shrine, Kyoto .

. doyoo 土用 Doyo, the Dog Days of Summer .

- - - - -

shironezumi 白鼠 white mouse
Near 茶屋村 Chaya village along the Sumiyoshi Highway there was a huge mouse, almost as big as a cat, that would jump out and bite people. Small dogs were quite afraid of this beast.
People eventually killed it and buried it, placing a stone on the grave. There is now 鼠の塚 a stone mound for the mouse in the graveyard of Sumiyoshi Shrine.

. nezumi 鼠  Rat, Mouse legends .

................................................................................. Yamaguchi 山口県
小野田市 Onoda city

Worshippers at 住吉神社 a Sumiyoshi Shrine are never bewitched by the Inugami イヌガミ Wolf Deity.

. Inugami 犬神 / Yamainu 山犬 Wolf / ookami 狼 Okami wolf .

山口県山陽小野田市東住吉町 Sumiyosh. Onoda, Sanyoonoda, Yamaguchi


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #sumiyoshi #osaka #kishukaido #nagaokaido #takenouchi - - - -


kinu no michi silk roads

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
- Fujisawa Kaido, see below

kinu no michi 絹の道 the Silk Roads of Japan
shirukuroodoo, shiruku roodo シルクロード Silk Road

浜街道 - 「絹の道」のはなし Hama Kaido - kinu no michi no hanashi
馬場喜信 Baba Yoshinobu

. kinu 絹 silk in Japanese culture .
- Introduction -

. kinu to densetsu 絹と伝説 Silk - legends and tales .


This Silk Road starts deep in 多摩丘陵 the mountains of Tama.
Raw silk has been transported from 八王子 Hachioji to 横浜 Yokohama.
Hachioji Kaido 八王子街道 was the name in Yokohama.
Kanagawa Okan 神奈川往還 Kanagawa Road
This part is the Hama Kaido浜街道 Beach Road.
Also called
Yarimizu Kaido 鑓水街道 Yarimizu Highway
About 44 km.
It was used since 1859, then the silk industry grew in Japan and luggage had to be transported to the port of Yokohama.

八王子 Hachioji
片倉台 Katakuradai
鑓水峠 Yarimizu Toge Pass
御殿橋 Gotenbashi gridge
田端 Tabata
町田街道 Machida Kaido - see below
常磐 Tokiwa
木曽 Kiso
小鶴橋 Kozurubashi bridge
南町田駅 Minami-Machida station 
長津田辻 Nagatsuta-tsuji
川井浄水場 Kawai Josuijo
. Nakahara Kaido 中原街道 Nakahara Highway . - branching off to Edo / Tokyo
鶴ヶ峰 Tsurugamine
白根 Shirane
上星川 Kami-Hoshikawa
保土ヶ谷 Hodogaya
浅間台 Sengendai
戸部 Tobe
野毛 Noge
シルクセンター silk center Yokohama

- reference and photos : -

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Kinu no Michi, or Japanese Silk Road,
is a highway connecting Hachiouji City to Tokyo and Yokohama City of Kanagawa Prefecture and it follows the same journey as today’s Route 16.
Hachiouji City had been known as Souto (translated as the city of mulberry) since old times and thrived with the production of raw silk. In 1859, as Yokohama opened its port to limited foreign trade, raw silk became an important export and Hachiouji became a vital hub for raw silk merchants from Nagano and Yamanashi area.
The road frequently used for the raw silk trade was called Yarimizu-kaido or Hama-kaido, but because the road was what the Silk Road was to the Asian continent, it later became known as Kinu no Michi, or Japanese Silk Road.
The road has been recognized for its historical importance and some parts of the road and vicinity were restored and preserved. In Yarimizu region of Hachiouji, there is the Silk Road Museum built inside the ruins of the mansion of a famous raw silk merchant.
The Silk Road is a valuable historical record that has many stories to tell of the silk trade merchants in late Edo period and the Meiji era to this day.
- source : nippon-kichi... -


Fujisawa Kaido 藤沢街道 Fujisawa Kaido
From Hachioji to Fujisawa (Kanagawa), a port town in Sagamiwan Bay.
Fujisawa (Fujizawa) is a postal station along the Tokaido Highway.
Utagawa Hiroshige I 歌川広重 (1797 – 1858)


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Hachiōji 八王子市, Hachiōji-shi - Hachioji City
- - - - - History
The area of present-day Hachiōji was part of ancient Musashi Province. It has been an important junction point and post town along the Kōshū Kaidō, the main road that connected the historical Edo (today's Tokyo) with western Japan. Hachiōji Castle was built during the Sengoku period in 1584 by Hōjō Ujiteru, but was soon destroyed in 1590 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. During the Edo period, the area was tenryō controlled directly by the Tokugawa shogunate.
During the Meiji period, Hachiōji prospered as an important location for the production of silk and silk textiles.
The industry faded away, however, in the 1960s.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Machida shi 町田市 Machida city "city of fields" .

Machida Kaido 町田街道 Machida Kaido Avenue
A road between Machida-kaido Iriguchi Intersection in Hachioji city and Machida-shi Tsuji Intersection in Machida city.
- the part running through Machida city, also called 町街 Machikai.
It runs along the river 境川 Sakaigawa,
a watershed between the river 鶴見川 Tsurumigawa going to the Tokyowan 東京湾 Tokyo Bay and
the river Sakaigawa going to the Sagamiwan 相模湾 Sagami Bay.


Silk Road Museum Yarimizu シルクロード鑓水 
Yarimizu, Hachioji, Tokyo

鑓水峠 Yarimizu Toge Pass


- Silk Museum Yokohama - シルク博物館 -


- quote -
The Silk Road or Silk Route in China - Seidenstrasse -

is a network of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent connecting the West and East by merchants, pilgrims, monks, soldiers, nomads, and urban dwellers from China and India to the Mediterranean Sea during various periods of time.
- source : wikipedia -

. Silk Road シルクロード - Asian Highway アジアンハイウェイ .


. yama-ai no shiruku roodo 山あいのシルクロード "silk road in the mountains" .
Kotaki Kaido 小滝街道 Kotaki Highway
A waki kaido side road from the Yonezawa Kaido, Yamagata prefecture.

. Chirimen Kaidoo 縮緬街道 the Crepe-Silk Road .
Tango - Chirimen Rekishikan


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -


奥田智久 Okuda Tomohisa


絹の道句会 Kinu no Michi Haiku Group
- reference source : -

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


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. Nakahara Kaido 中原街道 Nakahara Highway .

. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kinunomichi #kinu #silk #silkroad #fujisawasaiko #seidenstrasse #yarimizu #hachioji #machida #fujizawa - - - -


Tokugawa michi road

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Tokugawa michi 徳川道 Road for Tokugawa

This road is a branch road of the
. Sanyo Kaido 山陽街道 Sanyo Highway and 西国街道 Saigoku Kaido .

To avoid accidents with foreigners coming from Kobe Harbour on their way to Edo during
he Bakumatsu 幕末 final years of the Edo period.
The harbour of 神戸市 Kobe city was opened to foreigners in 1867.

- - Starting station : Branching off from the 西国街道 Saigoku Kaido
present day 灘区御影石町 Kobe, Nada ward, Mikage-Ishimachi
石屋川 - River Ishiyagawa
阪急六甲駅南 - South of the Rokko Station (Rokkosan 六甲山 Mount Rokko)
八幡町 - Yahata
神戸護国神社 - Gokoku Shrine, Kobe
杣谷登山口 - Somadani - along the valley Somadanizoi (杣谷沿い)
杣谷峠 Somadani toge pass
摩耶山北斜面 Northern slope of 摩耶山 Mount Maya san
桜谷分岐 Sakuradani branch divide
生田川沿い - along the river Ikutagawa
森林植物園東門 - East entrance of the Kobe Municipal Arboretum
弘陵学園高校正門前 - Main entrance of the Kobe Koryo Gakuen High School
北区山田町小部 - Obu hamlet, Yamada town, Kita ward, Kobe
鈴蘭台 - Suzurandai
白川 - Shirakawa
高塚山 - Takatsukayama
- - Final station : Branching back to the Saigoku Kaido
present day 明石市大蔵谷 Hyogo, Akashi city, Okuradani

under construction

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県
神戸市 Kobe city / 摩耶山 Mayasan / 杣谷 Somadani

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
At the pond near the graveyard in the valley Somadani at the food of mount Mayasan there lived a fox called 兵五郎 Heigoro. Once a man visiting a grave peeked into the hole where the fox lived. He head the animal growling and the man became very dizzy. He hardly found his way home.

- - - - -

source : city.kobe ...

. Temple 仏母麻耶山忉利天上寺 Butsumo Maya San Toriten Jo-Ji .
Near the top of Mount Rokko in Ashiya, Kobe
Maya mode 摩耶詣 pilgrimage to the Maya temple
chi no ike jigoku 血の池地獄 blood-red pond of hell
A special purification ritual before the pilgrimage was performed at the 不動の瀧 Fudo Waterfall near the bridge 観音橋 Kannon-bashi over a small river.
If a woman had died during giving birth, she will fall into the blood pond of hell. Her relatives make small scoops out of white cloth and scoop the water of the river. If the cloth will get holes soon, the dead woman will soon be able to go to Paradise.

六甲山 Mount Rokkosan

source :

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Mount Rokko is close to the cities of Osaka and Kobe and to the hot springs of Arima Onsen.
From the top of Mt. Rokko one has a panoramic view of Osaka Bay or the wonderful night view over the city of Kobe.
In every season Mt. Rokko offers a spectacle of nature, along with places for dining and shopping.
- source : -


. Ebisu えびす / 恵比寿と伝説 Legends about Ebisu .
Ebisu at Mount 六甲 Mount Rokkosan, Shrine Nishinomiya 西宮.

- - - - -
Hidarugami ひだる神 the Hunger God / Hidarubo ひだるぼう
If someone walks along Mount Rokkosan, the gaki 餓鬼 hunger gods bewitched him, his hands begun to tremble and he had to sit down.
In winter, even if there is snow, he begins to drip sweat from his hands and can not go on further.
If he gets a raw egg to eat, he will soon come back to his senses.
One can also just drop one grain of raw or cooked rice and say "Ahh, this was delicious" to be healed.
In the back of the temple 鷲林寺 Jurin-Ji near Nishinomiya there is the pass Kuragari toge 暗峠 (小暗峠). At the top is a small place to rest, but if a person drinks from the water flowing down the valley, he will get bewitched by Hidarugami and can not walk any more. Eating a bento 弁当 lunch will heal him.
Once upon a time, when 武田信玄 Takeda Shingen had been defeated by 信長 Oda Nobunaga, he was hiding here, but since he had no food, he died of hunger. His spirit became ひだるぼう Hidarubo
A zatoo 座頭 Zato, blind minstrel was on his way to a cure at 有馬 Arima Hot Spring, but he died on the way.
If anyone passes this valley, 座頭谷 Zatodani, he will be bewitched by Hidarubo.

座頭谷 Zatodani valley

. Hidarugami ヒダル神 / ひだる神 / ヒダルカミ .
- Hidarubo ひだるぼう

. gaki 餓鬼 hunger ghosts .
The Hungry Ghosts are part of the Six Realms of Existence, rokudoo 六道 of the Buddhist religion.

. zatoo 座頭 Zato, blind minstrel .

- - - - -

shoojiwan ショージワン Shoji bowl
At 六甲山 Mount Rokkosan there is an old pond in the form of a gourd.
The villagers from 上唐櫃の村 Kami-Arato say:
If one goes to the edge of the pond, there will be bowls coming afloat.
When they built a new pond for the village, the same thing happened.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #tokugawamichi #tokugawa #sanyodo - - - -

Rekishi no Michi 100

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Rekishi no Michi Hyakusen 歴史の道百選 100 historical roads

“Heritage Streets” (rekishi no michi) 歴史の道
“History Roads” (rekishi kaidō) 歴史街道

森田敏隆 Morita Toshitaka

- quote
bunkachō 文化庁 Agency for Cultural Affairs
- source : Agency for Cultural Affairs

一 福山街道 北海道上ノ国町

二 奥州街道―蓑ケ坂・長坂・高山越 青森県三戸町・南部町・五戸町

三 羽州街道―矢立峠越 青森県碇ケ関村―秋田県大館市

四 鹿角・南部街道―梨ノ木峠越 岩手県安代町―秋田県鹿角市

五 生保内・雫石街道―国見峠越 岩手県雫石町―秋田県田沢湖町

六 北国街道―三崎山越 秋田県象潟町

七 出羽・仙台街道※―中山越・山刀伐峠越 宮城県鳴子町―山形県最上町・尾花沢市

八 陸奥上街道※ 宮城県岩出山町

九 羽州街道―金山峠越※ 宮城県七ケ宿町―山形県上山市

一〇 貞山堀運河 宮城県仙台湾沿いの岩沼市~石巻市

一一 米沢・福島街道―板谷峠越 山形県米沢市―福島県福島市

一二 万世大路―栗子峠越 山形県米沢市―福島県福島市

一三 越後・米沢街道―黒沢峠・大里峠・鷹ノ巣峠越 山形県小国町―新潟県関川村

一四 出羽三山登拝道 山形県羽黒町・朝日村

一五 佐渡路―会津街道・束松峠・滝沢峠越 福島県会津坂下町・会津若松市

一六 八十里越 福島県只見町―新潟県下田村

一七 下野街道※ 福島県田島町・下郷町・会津本郷町

一八 陸前浜街道―十王坂越 茨城県十王町

一九 日光杉並木街道※ 栃木県今市市・日光市

二〇 佐渡路―三国街道 群馬県新治村―新潟県湯沢町・大和町・川口町

二一 清水越新道 群馬県水上町―新潟県塩沢町

二二 中山道―碓氷峠越 群馬県松井田町―長野県軽井沢町

二三 下仁田街道 群馬県下仁田町・南牧村

二四 鎌倉街道―上道 埼玉県小川町・寄居町・毛呂山町

二五 見沼通船堀※ 埼玉県浦和市

二六 鎌倉街道―上総路・千葉県袖ケ浦市・市原市

二七 浜街道―鑓水峠越 東京都八王子市

二八 東海道―箱根旧街道※・湯坂道・西坂 神奈川県箱根町―静岡県函南町・三島市

二九 鎌倉街道―七口切通※ 神奈川県鎌倉市・横浜市・逗子市

三〇 松之山街道 新潟県安塚町・松代町・十日町市

三一 松本・千国街道※ 新潟県糸魚川市―長野県白馬村・小谷村

三二 北陸道―倶利伽羅峠越 富山県小矢部市―石川県津幡市

三三 臼ケ峰往来 富山県氷見市―石川県志雄町

三四 石動山道 富山県氷見市―石川県鹿島町

三五 白山禅定道 石川県尾口村―福井県勝山市―岐阜県白鳥町

三六 北陸道―木ノ芽峠越・湯尾峠越 福井県敦賀市・今庄町

三七 富士吉田口登山道※ 山梨県富士吉田市

三八 鎌倉街道―御坂路 山梨県御坂町・河口湖町

三九 棒道※ 山梨県小淵沢町・長坂町・大泉村

四〇 中山道―信濃路※ 長野県立科町・和田村・楢川村・木祖村・南木曽町・山口村

四一 野麦道 長野県奈川村

四二 中山道―東美濃路※ 岐阜県中津川市・恵那市・瑞浪市・御嵩町

四三 東海道―小夜の中山道・金谷坂・大井川川越遺跡※ 静岡県掛川市・金谷町・島田市

四四 本坂通 静岡県細江町―愛知県豊橋市・豊川市

四五 下田街道―天城越 静岡県河津町

四六 東海道―鈴鹿峠越 三重県関町―滋賀県土山町

四七 伊勢本街道―飼坂峠越 三重県美杉村―奈良県御杖村・曽爾村・榛原町・桜井市

四八 熊野参詣道 伊勢路―三重県海山町・尾鷲市 紀伊路―和歌山県広川町・日高町 中辺路※―那智勝浦町・熊野川町・田辺市

四九 宮津街道 京都府宮津市・大江町

五〇 山陰道―細野峠越 京都府三和町

五一 竹内街道 大阪府太子町

五二 山陰道―蒲生峠越 兵庫県温泉町―鳥取県岩美町

五三 柳生街道 奈良県奈良市

五四 高野山参詣道―町石道※ 和歌山県九度山町・かつらぎ町・高野町

五五 大山道―川床道 鳥取県大山町・中山町・東伯町・関金町―横手道 鳥取県大山町―岡山県久世町・湯原町

五六 智頭往来―志戸坂峠越 鳥取県智頭町―岡山県西粟倉村

五七 石見銀山街道 降路坂道―島根県温泉津町・大田市 やなしお道―邑智町

五八 広瀬・清水街道 島根県広瀬町・安来市

五九 山陽道―大山峠越・玖波 広島県東広島市・広島市・大野町・大竹市

六〇 萩往還※ 山口県萩市・旭村・山口市・防府市

六一 赤間関街道―中道筋・雲雀峠越 山口県美東町・秋吉町

六二 讃岐街道―大坂峠越 徳島県板野町―香川県引田町

六三 土佐北街道―笹ケ峰越 愛媛県川之江市・新宮村―高知県大豊町

六四 檮原街道―韮ケ峠越 愛媛県五十崎町・河辺村・野村町―高知県梼原町

六五 野根山街道 高知県奈半利町・北川村

六六 長崎街道―冷水峠越 福岡県筑穂町・筑紫野市

六七 肥前・筑前街道―脊振坂越 福岡県那珂川町―佐賀県東脊振村

六八 太閤道―唐津街道 佐賀県唐津市・鎮西町

六九 長崎街道―日見峠越・井樋尾峠越 長崎県長崎市・多良見町・諌早市・大村市

七〇 豊後街道―小倉路※ 熊本県阿蘇町・一の宮町・産山村

七一 豊前街道―鶴崎路 熊本県山鹿市・三加和町・南関町

七二 薩摩・肥後街道 熊本県水俣市―鹿児島県出水市

七三 菊池川水運 熊本県玉名市

七四 日田・中津街道 大分県日田市

七五 日田・竹田街道 大分県天瀬町

七六 飫肥街道 宮崎県日南市・北郷町

七七 東目筋・大口筋※ 鹿児島県吉田町・姶良町・加治木町

七八 国頭・中頭方西海道※ 沖縄県那覇市・浦添市・恩納村


- quote -
"The Road of History to Explore, See, and Feel" Project
Roads and waterways have traditionally hosted an exchange of culture and people.
They are one of the most common cultural properties that are vitally important for understanding the history of Japan. The Agency for Cultural Affairs has launched a program to research and develop the Road of History since 1978 to conduct a comprehensive and systematic research and preservation project on old roads and canals from the pre-Edo period together with cultural properties and the surrounding environment.
Since 1993, the Agency for Cultural Affairs has been advocating for the "Road of History to Explore, See, and Feel" project in an attempt to help people understand local history and culture, as well as to promote the protection of cultural properties and their surrounding environment. The "Road of History" project provides opportunities to explore old roads and experience local cultural properties throughout the country. 1995 was the first year in which the Nara Central Conference was held, along with two regional conferences in Tochigi and Fukushima.
- source : Agency for Cultural Affairs -


- quote -
「歴史の道百選」完成 四国遍路道など新規36件 -
The list was finished on October 29, 2019
- reference source : Sankei Shinbun -


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #rekishikaidohyakusen #hyakusen #rekishinomichi #rekishimichi #kodo #monbusho - - - -


Sanyodo Saigoku Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Sanyo Kaido 山陽街道 Sanyo Highway and 西国街道 Saigoku Kaido
San'yōdō 山陽道 Sanyodo
"on the sunny side of the mountains"

The first part of the Sanyo Kaido 山陽街道 runs from Kyoto to 西宮 Nishinomiya in 兵庫県 Hyogo
Also called 山崎通り Yamazaki-dori.

The main Saigoku Kaido 西国街道 Highway to the Western Provinces
runs from Nishinomiya to 下関 Shimonoseki in 山口県 Yamaguchi.
- also called
Chugoku Kaido 中国街道, Chugokuji 中国路, Sanyoji 山陽路


- quote
San'yōdō (山陽道) is a Japanese geographical term.
It means both an ancient division of the country and the main road running through it. The San'yōdō corresponds for the most part with the modern conception of the San'yō region. This name derives from the idea that the southern side of the central mountain chain running through Honshū was the "sunny" side, while the northern side was the "shady" (山陰 San'in) side.
The region was established as one of the Gokishichidō (Five provinces and seven roads) during the Asuka period (538-710), and consisted of the following eight ancient provinces: Harima, Mimasaka, Bizen, Bitchū, Bingo, Aki, Suō and Nagato. However, this system gradually disappeared by the Muromachi period (1333-1467).
The San'yōdō, however,
continued to be important, and highly trafficked through the Edo period (1603-1867). Running mostly east-west, its eastern terminus, along with those of most of the medieval highways (街道, kaidō), was at Kyoto. From there it ran west through Fushimi, Yodo, Yamazaki, and Hyōgo; from there it followed the coast of the Seto Inland Sea to Hagi, near Shimonoseki, the western terminus of both the San'yōdō and the San'indō, and very near the westernmost end of the island of Honshū. It ran a total of roughly 145 ri (approx. 350 miles).
As might be expected,
the road served an important strategic and logistical role in a number of military situations over the course of the years. Emperor Go-Daigo in the 14th century, Toyotomi Hideyoshi in the 16th century, and many others used it to flee from conflict, to return to the core of the country (kinai), or to move troops. Many daimyō also used this road as part of their mandatory journeys (sankin kotai) to Edo under the Tokugawa shogunate. The road also served the more everyday purpose of providing transport for merchants, traveling entertainers, pilgrims and other commoners.
The modern national highway, Route 2, the San'yō Expressway, and the San'yō Main Line of the West Japan Railway Company, follow the approximate route of the San'yōdō.
- source : wikipedia

. Harima Kaido 播磨街道 Harima Highway .
播磨大路 Harima Oji // 播磨大道 Harima Daido


京都 - 西宮(山崎通り Yamazakidori )- Yamazaki Kaido 山崎街道
Starting in Kyoto.
The part from Kyoto to Yamazaki is called called
唐街道 Kara Kaido

Often used for Sankin Kotai to avoid Osaka.

- six postal stations along the road

山崎宿(大山崎町・島本町) - Yamazaki
芥川宿(高槻市)- Akutagawa
郡山宿(茨木市)- Koriyama
瀬川宿(箕面市)- Segawa
昆陽宿(伊丹市)- Koya
西宮宿(西宮市)- Nishinomiya


- A small by-road from Nishinomiya to 宝塚Takarazuka is called
Nishinomiya Kaido 西宮街道 Nishinomiya Highway
The last station is called
Kohama juku 小浜宿 Kohama

This road was also called
Uma Kaido 馬街道 "road for the horses"

Along the road were some famous spots :

Mukogawa 武庫川 river Mukogawa
Iwashizu Jinja 伊和志津神社 Shrine
Heirinji 平林寺 Temple Heirin-Ji
Takarazuka Jinja 宝塚神社 Shrine
Monkoten Jinja, Monko Tenjin Sha, (Monto Tenjin Sha) 門戸天神社 Shrine


The Saigoku Kaido 西国街道 Highway to the Western Provinces
from 西宮 Nichinomiya to 下関 Shimonoseki

- 50 postal stations along the road

-- 京都東寺 - 起点 - starting station Kyoto Temple To-Ji
01 山崎 (大山崎町・島本町)- Yamazaki
02 芥川 (高槻市) - Akutagawa
03 郡山 (茨木市)- Koriyama
04 瀬川 (箕面市)- Segawa (Mino city)
- - - - - branching off to . Nose Kaido 能勢街道 Nose Highway .
05 昆陽 (伊丹市)- Koya
06 西宮 (西宮市)- Nishinomiya

07 大蔵谷 (明石市)- Okuradani
08 加古川 (加古川市)- Kakogawa
09 御着 (姫路市) - Gochaku
10 姫路 (姫路市)- Himeji
11 正條(たつの市)- Shojo
12 片島(たつの市)- Katashima
13 有年(赤穂市)- Yunen
14 三石(備前市)- Mitsuishi
15 片上(備前市)- Katakami
16 藤井(岡山市)- Fujii
17 岡山(岡山市)- Okayama
18 板倉(岡山市)- Itakura
19 川辺(倉敷市)- Kawabe

20 矢掛(矢掛町)- Yakake
21 七日市(井原市)- Nanukaichi
22 高屋(井原市)- Takaya
23 神辺(福山市)- Kannabe
24 今津(福山市)- Imazu
25 尾道(尾道市)- Onomichi
26 三原(三原市)- Mihara
27 本郷(三原市)- Hongo
28 四日市(東広島市) Yokkaichi - (also called 西条 Saijo)
29 海田市(海田町)- Kaitaichi

30 広島(広島市)- Hiroshima
31 廿日市(廿日市市)- Hatsukaichi
32 玖波(大竹市)- Kuba
33 関戸(岩国市)- Sekido
34 玖珂(岩国市)- Kuga
35 高森(岩国市)- Takamori
36 今市(周南市)- Imaichi
37 呼坂(周南市)- Yobisaka
38 久保市(下松市)- Kuboichi
39 花岡(下松市)- Hanaoka

40 徳山(周南市)- Tokuyama
41 福川(周南市)- Fukugawa
42 富海(防府市)- Tonomi
43 宮市(防府市)- Miyaichi
44 小郡(山口市)- Ogori
45 山中(宇部市)- Yamanaka
46 船木(宇部市)- Funaki
47 厚狭市(山陽小野田市)- Asaichi
48 吉田(下関市)- Yoshida
49 小月(下関市)- Ozuki
50 長府(下関市)- Chofu
-- 下関(下関市) - - final station - Shimonoseki


- - - - - Connecting Kyoto with Osaka

- 鳥羽街道 Toba Kaido - 京街道 Kyo Kaido - 大坂街道 Osaka Kaido
From Kyoto 京都の羅城門跡 Rashomon remains to 淀 Yodo.
Also connected to the 東海道 Tokaido Highway.

. 京街道 Kyōkaidō - Kyo Kaido Kyoto Highway .
an old name for the Osaka Kaido.


Chugoku Kaido 中国街道 / 中国路 Chugoku ji / Chugoku Hama Kaido 浜街道
From the center of Osaka 大坂城下高麗橋 connecting to the 西国街道 Saigoku Kaido.
via 難波橋 Naniwabashi,
十三の渡し Juso no watashi,
神崎の渡し Kanzaki no watashi,
大物浦 Daimono Ura,
尼崎城下 Amagasaki castle town
. hamakaido, hama kaido 浜街道 coastal roads, "road along the beach" .


. Tokugawa michi 徳川道 Road for Tokugawa .
A branch road of the Sanyodo.
Starting from present day 灘区御影石町 Kobe, Nada ward, Mikage-Ishimachi
back to the Sanyodo at
present day 明石市大蔵谷 Hyogo, Akashi city, Okuradani


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県
知多郡 Chita district / 中国道 Chugoku do Road

. Kōbō Daishi Kūkai 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説  Kobo Daishi Kukai Legends .
migawari Daishi 身代わり大師 Kobo Daishi substitutes for us

Once a man was on his way home from a trip to the Ise Shrine. On the 中国道 Chugoku road a truck came the wrong way, hit his car and he was thrown out. He climbed out of his car and checked his body for injuries, but he did not even have a small scratch.
When he came home and checked his pocket, he found an amulet of Kobo Daishi substituting for humans - that has helped him !

................................................................................. Okayama 岡山県

- - - - - Legends from the essay 旧山陽道周辺の山伏寺
(Temples for Yamabushi mountain priests along the old Sanyodo Road)

by 中山薫 Nakayama Kaoru

吉備郡 Kibi district 足守町 Ashimori town

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .

At many temples where Yamabushi come to practise, they perform rituals to protect people from illness or misfortune.
Often malicious foxes are responsible for this.
At the temple 神福寺 Shinpuku-Ji there is a fox revered as
. ushirogami ウシロ神 Kami in the back .
who can also help to protect people

- - - - - Ushirogami 後神 / ウシロ神 "behind spirit"
- quote -
Ushirogami looks like a ghost with long black hair, and a large single eyeball located on the top of its head. It doesn’t have feet, but instead has a long, twisting body which allows it to leap high into the air.
... Ushirogami is thought to be a kind of okubyogami — a spirit that causes cowardice, or that specifically targets cowardly people. Its name comes from the words ushiro (behind) and kami (spirit).
However, there is a hidden pun in its name: ushirogami also means the hair on the back of your neck, and the phrase ushirogami wo hikikaeru (to have the hairs on the back of your neck pulled) means to do something with painful reluctance. It describes a person who has to do something that they really don’t want to do. As they search for some way out of it, they turn around and look behind them as if the hairs in the back of their head were being metaphorically pulled. The pun is that the ushirogami (spirit) is pulling on your ushirogami (hair), causing you to become cowardly and not want to do something. You turn around to see who pulled your hair, but there is no one back there. Thus the ushirogami can be explained as both an external entity which causes fear, or as the internal personification of your own cowardice or reluctance.
- source : -

井原市 Ibara 東江原 Higashiebara

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

At the Yamabushi Temple 福寿院 Fukuju-In they perform byooki kitoo 病気祈祷 rituals to ward off illness.
People bewitched by a fox also come here for help.
At the graveyard of the temple a Tengu is venerated, there is even a special 天狗腰掛の松 pine tree where the Tengu comes to sit.

Mukogawa 武庫川 River Mukogawa / Hyogo 兵庫県

- quote -
... The Muko River originates at Mount Shirakami (白髪山 Shirakami-yama) in the Tanba Highland. It flows through the Sanda Basin, and creates the Mukogawa Keikoku Ravine between Sanda and Takarazuka. It continues into Osaka Plain at Takarazuka, and flows in the Osaka Metropolitan Area to create the borders between Takarazuka and Itami as well as between Nishinomiya and Amagasaki. This river flows into Osaka Bay, and was used to transport the Kohama style of sake from the Kohama-juku (小浜宿) in Amagasaki Domain of Settsu Province during the Edo period. ...
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

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hotaru 蛍 fireflies along the river Mukogawa
The fireflies along the river Mukogawa are said to be the "demon fires" in memory of the Samurai 明智光秀 Akechi Mitsuhide and his family.

. onibi 鬼火 / kika キカ "demon fire", "devil's fire" .
. Akechi Mitsuhide 明智光秀 (1528 - 1582) .
. hotaru 蛍 firefly legends .

- - - - -

obame オバメ ghostly fire
Near the river 武庫川 Mukogawa there is 石塚 a stone mound with the inscription Kameido no Hokora 亀井戸の社 "Shrine of Kameido".
In former times criminals were executed there (ishikozume 石子詰め) by burring them in the ground with the head sticking out.
On summer nights a ghostly fire is flickering above this stone.

- - - - -

rooshoo 老樟 the old camphor tree
At the bank of the river 武庫川 Mukogawa there is an old camphor tree with two main trunks.
If someone cuts it down, there will be a large fire and the man will be cursed.
During some repairs to the riverside the tree was cut down. The man who did it broke his nokogiri 鋸 saw and he developed a high fever.

. kusu no ki 樟の木 camphor tree, Cinnamomum camphora .

Takarazuka 宝塚 Hyogo 兵庫県

takara zuka 寶塚 a mound full of treasures
This name refers to the treasures burried by Jingu Kogo. If people find something worth picking up on this mountain, they will be lucky.

. Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 / 神宮皇后 .
AD 170 - 269, Regent from 201 - 269

- - - - -

- quote -
This town has a long history.
In 825, the Sumiyoshi Shrine was built.
Between 1492 and 1500: Kohama town was established as a temple town for Koushou-ji.
- Now it is best known for the Takarazuka Grand Theatre (宝塚大劇場 Takarazuka Dai Gekijō)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

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ryuume 竜馬 "dragon horse"
Minamoto no Mitsunaka 源満仲 (912 - 997) had been asked by 竜女 Ryujo, a Dragon Lady, to kill a daija 大蛇 huge serpent.
As a reward he got a ryuuma 竜馬 "dragon horse" with horns.
Its skull is buried at the temple 普明寺 Fumyo-Ji. The bones are useful for amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals.

. amagoi 雨乞いと伝説 Legends about rain rituals / Regenzauber .

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. ryuujin 竜神 /龍神 と伝説 Ryujin, Legends about the Dragon Deity .
To perform amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals, the head of ushi 牛 a bull is offered on the side where the waterfall comes down at the ryuujin-iwa 龍神岩 Dragon-God Boulder.
The fresh blood of the animal falls down along the boulder.
If the Dragon God feels the blood, he gets angry and makes rain to fall and storm to blow.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
山陽道 / 中国道 / 武庫川 / 宝塚


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. Sanin Kaido 山陰街道 Sanin Highway, San'in Highway .
San'indō 山陰道 Sanin-Do, Sanindo / そとものみち Sotomono Michi
"in the shade of the mountains"

. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #sanyodo #saigoku #saikoku #saigokukaido #chugoku #chugokukaido #yamabushi #tokugawa - - - -