
Fujizuka mounds

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Fujizuka, Fuji-zuka 富士塚 Mound to honor Mount Fujisan

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Fujizuka (富士塚) are small mounds, commonly found in and around Tokyo, which represent Mount Fuji.
During the Edo period (1603–1868), a cult arose around the mountain, one of whose major devotional rites was to climb to the peak. Pilgrims who were unable through age, infirmity or gender to climb Mount Fuji would ascend one of these surrogates instead. They were usually around ten feet high, and replicate the 10 stations on Fuji itself, from the foot of the mountain to the summit. Some were also situated so as to provide pleasant views of their surrounding area, such as the Moto-Fuji at Meguro.

Although they are not included among the objects that make up the Cultural World Heritage Site, there are many Fujizuka that have been designated as Cultural Properties by the national government of Japan or by local governments. Famous Fujizuka within the precincts of Tokyo include
the Shitaya-sakamoto Fuji (within the grounds of the Onoterusaki shrine),
the Nagasaki Fuji (beside the main shrine building of the Fuji Sengen shrine) and
the Ekoda Fuji (within the grounds of the Ekoda Sengen shrine).
One such Fujizuka is found at Shinagawa Shrine near Shinbanba station in Tokyo. According to the shrine's kannushi, Mr. Suzuki, the Fujizuka, built between 1869–72, is a relatively late addition, and is said to bestow the same benefit on those who climb it as climbing Mt. Fuji.
- source : wikipedia

source : Yoko Arisaka
Map of the many Fujizuka in Edo - said to be more than 60 !
Many are off limits now and can only be climbed once a year during the Festival when the climbing season of the real Mount Fuji starts in Summer.

Many shrines in Japan had a special boulder or mound where Fuji worshippers could "climb" to the top and perform austerities and offer prayers.
. Fujikoo 富士講 Fujiko, Mount Fuji worship group .

Hatonomori Hachiman Jinja 鳩森八幡神社


Asakusa 浅草
. Fuji Asama Shrine 富士浅間神社 .


Fukagawa 深川

Ando Hiroshige


Funabori no Fujizuka 船堀の富士塚
日枝神社 Hie Jinja

Build with some lava rocks of Mount Fuji.
At the top is a small shrine of 浅間神 Asama Jinja.


Imai no Fujizuka 今井の富士塚

Located at the back of 上今井香取神社 Kami Imai Katori Jinja (1564).
It was built with the lava rocks of Mt. Fuji in 1930. It is 2.5 meters high. One stone at its base dates back to 1751.


Mizuinari Jinja 水稲荷神社 Shinjuku 新宿
Takada Fuji 高田富士

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On the north side of Hosen-ji Temple in the vicinity of Waseda University Building No.9 (in the grounds of the former Mizu-Inari-jinja Shrine), is the site of an Edo period landmark called Takada Fuji-zuka. From the middle of the Edo period (1603-1867), the divinity of Mount Fuji was a popular belief and in every region "Fuji-zuka" (Fuji mound) were constructed as replicas of Mount Fuji.
Takada Fuji was created in 1779 by Takada Toshiro, a landscaper from Takada Village and was the oldest of these mounds in Edo. It was about 5 meters high.
During 1905-1906, Waseda University purchased the grounds of the then Mizu-Inari-jinja Shrine and the Takada Fuji-zuka was destroyed. However, it was restored in the grounds of the current Mizu-Inari-jinja Shrine which itself was moved to the side of the city administered Kansen-en Park.
On the site of the original Takada Fuji-zuka now stands Waseda University Building No.9, a high rise building.
- source : kanko-shinjuku.jp -

Takada Tooshiroo 高田藤四郎 Takada Toshiro
Born I706 in Tajima no Kuni 但馬の国 (now Hyogo).
He climbed Mount Fuji for the first time when he was 16 and 34 times alltogether in his lifetime.


Nagashima no Fujizuka 長島の富士塚
at Shrine 香取神社 Katori Jinja at 東葛西 Higashi Kasai

This hill is about 4 meters hig.
The top is covered with unregular boulders, the stones at the bottom are about more round.
At the top is a stone memorial with the inscription of 浅間神社 Asama Jinja.
This mound has been built in 1917 on request of the nearby villages of 長島 /b 桑川両村 Nagashima and Kuwagawa.


Meguro 目黒

Ando Hiroshige - and the 三田上水 Mita Josui waterway

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This is a picture of Meguro Fujizaka by Utagawa Hiroshige, April 1857.
The Fujizaka in Meguro was about 15 metres high and was complete with a Shintō Torii at its base and a zig zag path to a shrine at the top imitating the paths on the slopes of the real Mount Fuji. It was built in 1819 on land belonging to Kondo Juzō, an explorer of Hokkaido and a hatamato. In 1826 he was involved in a land dispute with a man called Hannosuke, the owner of a teahouse that was located in the area at the base of Meguro Shinfuji . He took the case to court and won. Hannosuke made threats and as a consequence Kondo’s son Tomizo, to avenge his father’s honour, attacked Hannosuke killing seven members of the family. Tomizo was exiled to Hokkaido and Kondo was exiled to Ōmizo Domain and place under house arrest in the care of the Lord of that Domain, Mitsuyasu Wakebe, who treated him with the utmost respect.
The story was adapted by Takeshiba Kisui for the Kabuki stage in a play entitled
‘The Incident at the foot of Meguro’s New Miniature Mountain’ (山開目黒新富士 Yamabiraki Meguro no Shinfuji).
- source : Trevor Skingle facebook 2017 -

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Meguro Moto-Fuji 目黒元不二
Meguro Moto-Fuji is a 12m high man-made Mt. Fuji at Kami Meguro, Meguro Ward
built by a Fuji-worshipping group of Meguro in 1812 (the ninth year of Bunka).
Asama Shrine 浅間神社 was dedicated at the summit, just as on the real Mt. Fuji
and at the opening of the mountain on June 1st, many would come on pilgrimages.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -


. Onoterusaki jinja 小野照崎神社 Onoterusaki Shrine .
and the Fujizuka festival 富士塚祭り

... to celebrate the opening of the mountain climbing season of Mt. Fuji.
The "Fuji Hill", a miniature of Mount Fuji, is about 7 meters high. To climb it would bring the same spiritual merit as climbing Mt. Fuji itself.
The "Fuji Hill" of this shrine was constructed in 1828.
Once every three years the festival is especially large and the mikoshi palanquin is carried around in the neighbourhood. Only when a new emperor succeeds or a crown prince is born will the festival be held in this year too.


- - - - - Shimokamata no Fujizuka 下鎌田の富士塚

There are at least two, one in 天祖神社 Tenso Jinja and one in 豊田神社 Toyota Jinja.

Built in the beginning of the Showa period by the Fujiko group 葛西講.
It has been rebuilt together with the re-moving of the shrine to its present location, now
江戸川区東葛西7-17 (中割天祖神社)Tenso Jinja


. 鐵砲洲 Teppozu Fujizuka .
at Teppozu Inari Jinja 鐵砲洲稲荷神社


The one in Toyota Jinja is about three meters high and rather new, built in 1916. The shrine itself is about 200 years old.
The Fujiko Group is 下鎌田割菱八行講. The main festivals are on the first of July and 28th of August.


. Hikawa Jinja 氷川神社 Hikawa Shrines in Japan .

Ando Hiroshige

上目黒氷川神社 Hikawa Jinja 氷川神社 in Kami-Meguro


川口氷川神社 Hikawa Jinja
Kawaguchi 埼玉県川口市青木5丁目18番48号

source : ameblo.jp/yorozu39

Amulet with Fujizuka 絵馬 ema votive tablet


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

Fujizuka ni nobori Urayasu matsuri kana

at the Urayasu
festival I climb up
the Fuji Mound . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

米倉典子 Yonekura Noriko

浦安稲荷神社 Urayasu Inari Jinja

- source and more photos : ナツパパ さん -

- - - - - Events in Urayasu
Urayasu Sanja Matsuri 浦安三社祭
Seiryuu Jinja (清瀧神社)/ Toyouke Jinja (豊受神社) / Inari Jinja (稲荷神社)
- source : sites.google.com/site -


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends - Introduction .

- - - - - #fujizukaedo #fujizuka - - - -


shinbutsu in Edo

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Temples of Edo 江戸のお寺 - INFO .
. Shrines of Edo 江戸の神社 - INFO .
shinbutsu in Edo 江戸の神仏 Kami and Hotoke in Edo

shinbutsu shūgō 神仏習合 - Syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism
shinbutsu bunri 神仏分離 - Separation of Shinto and Buddhism.

. shinbutsu 神仏 kami to hotoke .
- Introduction -

探訪・大江戸の神仏 - 日本のこころ - 1995

. shinbutsu 神仏と伝説 legends about Kami and Hotoke - the Deities of Japan .

. Jiun Onkoo 慈雲飲光 Priest Jiun Onko .
(1718 – 1804/1805)
founder of 雲伝神道 Unden Shinto // 葛城神道 Katsuragi Shinto
..... Jiun held that no distinction existed between Shinto and esoteric Buddhism, and that it would be impossible to learn the essence of Shinto without also understanding esoteric Buddhism.


- - - The three deities most feared in Japan:

. Shinigami 死神 God of Death "Grim Reaper" .

. Binbogami, Binboo Gami 貧乏神 Bimbogami, God of Poverty .

. Yakubyoogami 疫病神 Yakubyogami, Deity of Diseases .
- - - - - ABC list of Buddhist Temples and Shinto Shrines - - - - -

- - - - - Chooonji 長遠寺 Choon-Ji 大田区南馬込

如意輪観音 Nyoirin Kannon, 地蔵菩薩坐像 Jizo Bosatsu
不動明王 Fudo Myo-O 地蔵菩薩 - Jizo Bosatsu


. Fujizuka, Fuji-zuka 富士塚 Mound to honor Mount Fujisan .

- - - - - Hachiman Sha 八幡社 江東区

Once on the day of the Shrine festival, a mother came with her child of about 3 years. When she wanted to pass over the bridge, the child suddenly begun to cry, so she stopped without crossing and the child stopped crying soon.
A short while later the bridge collapsed and about 1000 people were injured.
The mother felt it was the help of the Deities that saved her life.

- - - - - Kaminakazato Fudo 上中里不動尊
Tokyo, Kita, Kaminakazato, 1 Chome−47−34

摩利支天 Marishi-Ten

不動明王 Fudo Myo-O

- - - - - Koomyooin 光明院 Komyo-In / 上荻2丁目

Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 in the bamboo grove

- - - - - Mejiro Fudo 目白不動尊金乗院 Konjo-In

Dragon sword of Fudo Myo-O 倶梨伽羅不動

. Mejiro Fudo 目白不動 .

- - - - - Oota Jinja 太田神社 - 高木神社 Takagi Jinja
Ōta-ku, Chūō, 6 Chome−3 太田神社

. Kuroyami Tennyo 黒闇天女 Lady Ten Deity of the Darkness .
... the Binbogami of this shrine turned into a Deity to bring good luck, Fuku no Kami,
Kuroyami Ten 黒闇天 (こくあんてん) Kokuan Ten
a Buddhist Deity of the Tenbu 天部 the Devas of India .

- - - - - Yanagimori Jinja 柳森神社 - Chiyoda, Kanda

. O-tanuki san おたぬきさん the honorable Tanuki .

ta o nuku 他を抜く
"tanuki" can also be read "ta-nuki,"
or pulling away from the crowd, a symbol of victory.

- - - - - reference - - - - -

江戸の法華信仰 - 望月真澄 Mochizuki Shincho
第1章 江戸の神仏と信仰
第2章 江戸の神仏の儀礼
第3章 祖師と守護神の霊場
第4章 加持祈禱の隆盛
第5章 法華信仰の寺院・仏像・信徒
第6章 江戸の巡拝信仰
- source : kokusho.co.jp/np -


江戸の神仏しめくくり Edo no Shinbutsu Meguri
根生院 - 南蔵院 - 亮朝院 - 津久井町の専念寺
願行寺 - 根津神社 - 東覚寺 - 大久寺 - 圓勝寺 - 上中里不動尊 / 上中里庚申堂
宗福寺 - 長遠寺 - 長遠寺の隣りの八幡神社 - 天祖神社 - 北野神社 - 熊野神社/南馬込 - 湯殿神社 - 新井宿薬師堂 - 大田区/本門寺 /妙見堂 - 十寄神社 - 遍照院
various Fujizuka
①船堀の富士塚(日枝神社) / ②桑川の富士塚(桑川神社)/ ③長島の富士塚(香取神社)/ ④今井の富士塚(香取神社)/ ⑤下鎌田の富士塚(豊田神社)/ ⑥上鎌田の富士塚(天祖神社)
江古田富士 - 庚申堂 - 下練馬富士 - 小御嶽神社 (Tengu) - 石観音堂
石神井 (Shakujii) : 禅定院 - 三宝寺 - 御嶽神社 -
杉並区 Sugita : 光明院 - 観泉寺 - 白山神社 - 西方寺 - 真盛寺 - 慈眼寺 - 宝仙寺 - 心法寺 -
- a page with many amazing photos !
- source : nobuhiro_suzu -


うわさの神仏 ー 江戸TOKYO陰陽百景
3 volumes by 加門七海 Kamon Nanami

2 行ってみます?
今戸神社―かわいい?巨大招き猫が鎮座 - Imado Jinja
銀座八丁のお稲荷さん―狐口密集地帯!?銀座を行く - Ginza no Inari
秋葉原―最先端のPC街、その主は天狗だった  - Akihabara no Tengu

3 行きたいなら止めません。
渋谷―犬が南向きゃ、魔物がのさばる!? - Shibuya - dogs and monsters
池袋―一度ハマると抜けられぬ。「袋」に溜まるモノあれこれ - Ikebukuro and bags
上野―旧幕軍のサムライが徘徊!?お化けの宴会にご用心 - Ueno - old samurai
at amazon com


. Ginza Hatcho Jinja 銀座八丁神社 Shrines in 8 Ginza districts .

1.幸稲荷神社 Saiwai Inari Jinja
2.銀座稲荷神社 Ginza Inari Jinja
3.龍光不動尊 "Fashion" Ryuko Fudo Son
4.朝日稲荷神社 Asahi Inari Jinja
5.銀座出世地蔵尊 Ginza Shusse Jizo
6.宝童稲荷神社 Hodo Inari Jinja
7.あづま稲荷神社 Azuma Inari Jinja
8.靍護稲荷神社 Kakugo Inari Jinja 
9.成功稲荷神社 Seiko Inari Jinja
10.豊岩稲荷神社 Toyoiwa Inari Jinja
- and 八官神社 Hachikan Jinja // 宝珠稲荷神社 Hoju Inari Jinja


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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends - Introduction .

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Edo Yuzen Dyeing

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
Edo Yuuzen 江戸友禅 Edo Yuzen

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yuuzenzome 友禅染  "Yuzen-style Kimono dyeing."
A form of paste-resist dyeing with beautiful colors and pictorial designs. Itis named after the Kyoto fan painter 宮崎友禅 Miyazaki Yuzen, who is credited with perfecting the technique around 1700.
. yuuzenzome 友禅染 - "Yuzen-style dyeing" .
- Introduction -

- quote
Tokyo Tegaki Yuzen 東京手描き友禅 友禅

Main Areas of Manufacture
Shinjuku Ward, Nerima Ward, Arakawa Ward

Traditional Technologies and Techniques
-- For Tokyo Tegaki Yuzen (hand-painted kimono), preliminary designs are sketched on textiles using an extract from spiderwort (青花 aobana, Asian dayflower), etc.
-- Resist dyeing is done by applying either dye-resistant pastes to textiles or by covering areas with wax.
-- Various types of brush are used for coloring and the painting of designs.
-- Crests are applied either by brush or by using paper cut-out stencils.
-- Embroidery is undertaken by hand.
1- 下絵は、青花等を用いて描く。
2- 防染は、糸目糊、白付け糊、堰(せき)出し糊、伏せ糊、又はろう(原文は「ろう」は漢字)描きによる。
3- 挿し及び描き染めは筆又は刷毛(はけ)を用いる。
4- 紋章上絵(もんしょううわえ)は、毛描き又は紋章彫刻をした型紙を用いる刷り込みによる。
5- 刺繍(ししゅう)は、手刺繍による。

Traditionally Used Raw Materials
Woven silk textiles - 絹織物

History and Characteristics
The origins of yuzen dyeing are said to lay in the Edo Period's Jokyo Era (1684-1687) during which there was an artist in Kyoto whose real name was Hioki Kiyochika 日置清親 (1650-1736). This person nevertheless used Miyazaki Yuzensai 宮崎友禅斎 as his professional name.

In 好色一代男 "The Life of an Amorous Man," a well-known work of fiction of the Edo Period by Ihara Saikaku (1642-1693), there is a woodblock print called "The Twenty Dyed Fan Yuzen," this title hints at the fact that Miyazaki Yuzensai was also known to be a painter of fans. One day, due to a request received from a drapery, Miyazaki painted a design that featured a pattern of family crests, and it subsequently became wildly popular. The pattern represented a departure from dyed goods up until then, with its popularity said to have stemmed from its use of color. Ogata Korin 尾形光琳 (1658-1716), one of the most well-known artists in Japanese history also tried his hand at yuzen techniques, and examples of his work remain with us today.

When Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616) established the Edo Shogunate (1603-1868), many dyers and artists employed by daimyo (feudal lords) relocated from Kyoto to Edo. Various technologies and techniques were patronized, and this resulted in the creation of a wide variety of both woven textiles and dyed goods. That water was an integral part of dyeing processes also proved a very important factor. Thus, many dyers ended up living along the banks of the Kanda River.

A drapery called "Echigoya" 越後屋呉服店 opened in Nihonbashi (now known as the Mitsukoshi Department Store) in the first year of the Enpo Era (1673). It established a dye works further up the Kanda River around Tokyo Yamanote (close to modern Takadanobaba in Shinjuku Ward). Even today, the largest number of dye works in Tokyo is found in Shinjuku. Concerning Tokyo Tegaki Yuzen (hand-painted kimono), from development of conceptualizations, the sketching of preliminary designs, and until project completion, craftspeople carry out tasks as a continuous operation, each working individually. A feature of such kimono is that even within garments of a single color, there is a sense of beauty and elegance.

Tokyo Kogei Senshoku Cooperative Association
- source : sangyo-rodo.metro.tokyo.jp


yuuzenzomeshi 友禅染師 artisan dyeing Yuzen cloths

Since the very expensive Kimonos made of stiching patterns with gold and silver thread and other kinds of high-class patterns were eventually forbidden in Edo, the craftsmen had to think of other methods to bring some "color" in the daily life of the citizens.

The process of Yusen-dyeing is quite complicated and soon specialists for each process came together in a workshop to share the work.
From painting the images, applying paste, adding color, steaming, drying,
washing in a river (yuuzen nagashi 友禅流し Yuzen nagashi
 . . . , drying again . . .


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

. Kaga Yuzen 加賀友禅 from Ishikawa .

Kaga yuuzen egaku hyakka ya fuyu tomoshi

Kaga Yuzen
painted with so many flowers -
winter lights

Tr. Gabi Greve

楠久子 Kusu Hisako


yuku aki ya Kaga yuuzen no koburoshiki

autumn has come to an end -
this small Furoshiki wrapper
from Kaga Yuzen

Tr. Gabi Greve

新田美智子 Nitta Michiko

CLICK for more Yuzen Furoshiki !


加賀友禅筆より草の花生まる 野崎ゆり香

しぐるるや加賀友禅の鏡掛 中橋文子
人とその影加賀友禅を晒しをり 石原八束
冬ざれの赤を散りばめ加賀友禅 中山純子
冬川をたぐり寄せては布放つ(加賀友禅) 飴山實

春雨の加賀友禅の街にあり 岩崎すゞ
短日や加賀友禅の先ぼかし 新井佳津子
赤多き加賀友禅にしぐれ来る 綾子


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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends - Introduction .

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Renjakucho District Kanda

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Renjakuchoo, Kanda renjaku machi 神田連雀町 Renjaku-Cho district
千代田区 Chiyoda ward

Now comprising the following districts in Kanda :
神田連雀町 - - - 万世橋 Manseibashi bridge toward 須田町一丁目 Sudacho first district and 、淡路町二丁目 Awajicho second district.
This district existed since 1573, was destroyed by fire in 1657. The inhabitants were relocated to
Mitaka, taking the names of 三鷹 地区名 - - 上連雀、下連雀. (- see below )
Now the 交通博物館 Traffic Museum is the central part of it.

The street vendors kept their backpacks at the entrance of the home. There were also many craftsmen who made the renjaku backpacks.

The name refers to the renjaku 連尺 / 連索 backpacks of the street vendors who lived there, carrying their ware around Edo.
shiyoiko 背負子(しよいこ) "street vendor with a backpack"

renjaku akinai 連尺商い "doing business with a backpack"

. kago 籠 / 篭 / かご basket, baskets of all kinds .
seoi-kago 背負いかご / 背負い籠 backpack basket

The Chinese characters are a pun :
renjaku 連雀 Japanese waxwing, Bombycilla japonica
. WKD : kigo for late autumn .


江戸行商百姿 - 花咲 一男

. gyooshoonin 行商人 Gyoshonin - street vendors .


Introducing some sweet stores in Renjaku loved by Ikenami Shotaro
- quote

- source : tokyo-kurenaidan.com/ikenami-renjyaku


Renjakumachi れんじゃく町 (Renjaku District)
Kanda Gosairei 神田御祭礼 (The Kanda Festival)

Torii Kiyonaga (鳥居清長)

Girl dressed as the legendary gold merchant Kaneuri Kichiji, seated on a horse piled with cushions, and surrounded by 'attendants', part of the Kanda Festival procession.
- source : britishmuseum.org -


Kaneuri Kichiji 金売吉次 / 金売り吉次 / 吉次信高 / 橘次末春
Kichiji Nobutaka, Kitsuji Sueharu, Kane-uri Kichiji
a gold merchant of the Heian period, involved in trade with Ôshû, Hiraizumi in Tohoku 奥州の金商人吉次.
He is mentioned in the old records about the Heike, and Yoshitsune.

source : mt-zao-onsen-resort

- quote -
When Shanaō (Ushiwakamaru, later Yoshitsune) was sixteen years old, a merchant named Kitsuji Sueharu (also known as Kaneuri Kichiji or Kichiji Nobutaka) visited Kurama based on rumors of the talented youth. He had no idea what the child in question looked like, but he happened to spot Shanaō while walking the mountain path. He was surprised by the outstanding figure - almost doubted his eyes at the splendor - but Kitsuji knew he found the famous child of Yoshitomo.
When he returned to Oshu, he told Fujiwara no Hidehira of his experience. Hidehira, who was ecstatic to hear that the rumors of Yoshitomo's offspring were true, ordered for the boy to be fetched to Oshu at once. He wished to have the child nearby should the battle against the Heike one day rise again. After being informed about the history behind the rumors, Hidehira was willing to accept the boy as though he were own son, wishing to protect Yoshitomo's lost legacy.
- source : wiki/Yoshitsune_Minamoto -

. Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源の義経 (1159 - 1189) .
- Introduction -
Shanaoo, Shanaō 遮那王 Shanao (his boyhood name at Kurama)
牛若丸 Ushiwakamaru // Hoogan 判官 Hogan (his court title)

Oshu Hidehira Uhatsu no Hanamuko: Kurayama no dan -
Awaji Puppet Theater
- quote -
One day, a Heike warrior Nanba Jûrô came to the foot of Kuramayama mountain in Kyoto. He stopped at a teahouse, which served dengaku (skewered tofu glazed with miso). He came here because he heard that Ushiwakamaru of Genji clan had hidden himself in the mountain. Suddenly, a shout of victory came from the rear mountain. Nanba Jûrô confirmed that Ushiwaka had collected his allies as he suspected and went back to let Heike party know the fact.

Ushiwaka appeared from the rear mountain and easily defeated 5 monk-soldiers of the Kuramayama temple. Viewing this fight, the teahouse manager laughed at defeated poor monks. The monks got angry with the manager and tried to beat him, but they were defeated again this time by the teahouse manager and chased away.

When Ushiwaka tried to fight with the manager, the manager suddenly kneed in front of him and said ‘You are truly the lord Minamoto no Ushiwaka’. In fact, the manager named Kaneuri Kichiji was a servant of the lord Hidehira in Ôshû. He showed Ushiwaka a letter from his lord, which tells that Hidehira wanted to invite Ushiwaka to Ôshû to prepare for a war against Heike. Ushiwaka accepted the proposal and left for Ôshû, disguising himself as a mean road-horse man. Ushiwakamaru was 16 at that time.

In the meantime, Nanba Jûrô came back bringing Heike soldiers with him. Kichiji wore a mask of Tengu (a long-nosed mountain goblin) and tried to threaten and chase them away. But he was discovered as human and he fought with them. Finally, Kichiji destroyed all Heike warriors and hurried for Ôshû, following Ushiwaka.
- source : awajiningyoza.com -

- - - - - quote -
Yumeyakata - historical tale of the Oshu-Fujiwara clan
Scene 18: Yoshitsune entering Hiraizumi

Hidehira, the third generation Oshu-Fujiwara, was appointed governor of the area in 1170 and governor of Mutsu in 1181. Hidehira became the most powerful man in Mutsu and was known as the ‘King’ of northern Japan. At the same time, Yoshitsune Minamoto came to Hiraizumi, counting on Hidehira’s help.
Yoshitsune was accompanied by a gold trader named Kaneuri Kichiji.
Yoshitsune was the son of Yoshitomo Minamoto who was defeated by Kiyomori Taira in Heiji Rebellion. The scene depicts Hidehira welcoming Yoshitsune in front of the mansion Kyara-no-gosho.
- source : yumeyakata-historical-tale-of-oshu -

After arranging the meeting of Hidehira and Yoshitsune, Kichiji went back to Kyoto, with many presents and a lot of of gold dust.
At least that is what the legends tell us. There are doubts whether he was a real person or just an addition to the Yoshitsune legends.
Still there are places which claim to have the grave of Kichiji (or his brother) in various parts on the way from Kyoto to Hiraizumi 平泉. Some legends say he was murdered, others say he fell ill and died on the way.

. 牛若丸 Ushiwakamaru - Yoshitsune 義経 .

source : echatxfiles.blog
The mysterious Kaneuri Kichiji

- reference : kaneuri kichiji -


Mitaka Kami-Renjaku 三鷹上連雀村 Renjaku village district in Mitaka
三鷹市 Mitaka city, 三鷹上連雀一丁目から上連雀九丁目 from the first to the ninth sub-district

The new farming area was called 連雀前新田 Renjaku-mae Shinden New Fields in 1957, after 明暦の大火 the Great Fire of Meireki.
Mitaka used to be the hawking area of the Tokugawa Shoguns.

Mitaka city 三鷹市 "three hawks"
is located on the Kantō Plain, just outside the 23 special wards of Tokyo Metropolis, which are on its eastern borders.
The Tamagawa Josui Canal, which runs alongside Mitaka station, has an important place in history, built in 1653 to feed the local metropolis. It is also the place where novelist Osamu Dazai committed suicide in 1948. The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan is located in Mitaka.
- History
The area of present-day Mitaka was part of ancient Musashi Province. In the post-Meiji Restoration catastral reform of July 22, 1878, the area became part of Kitatama District in Kanagawa Prefecture.
The village of Mitaka was created on April 1, 1889 with the establishment of municipalities law. Kitatama District was transferred to the administrative control of Tokyo Metropolis on April 1, 1893. Mitaka was raised to town status in 1940.
Mitaka City was officially founded on November 3, 1950. A motion to merge with neighboring Musashino City failed in 1955 by only a single vote in the Mitaka city assembly.
- wikipedia -

牟礼 Mure, 井の頭 Inokashira, 新川 Shinkawa, 深大寺 Jindaiji, 井口 Iguchi, 北野 Kitano, 野崎 Nozaki,
大沢 Ozawa, 中原 Nakahara
Many jutaku danchi 住宅団地 housing districts. Mitaka is primarily a bedroom community for Tokyo.

. Inokashira 井の頭 "Head of the Well" .

. Jindaiji 深大寺 Jindai-Ji, Daruma Temple .

- quote -
Aoi-no-yashiro, Torakashiwa-no-yashiro 青渭社 虎柏社
Aoi-no-yashiro is a shrine located in Jindai-ji Temple, Chōfu City
and has attracted worshippers as the head tutelary shrine of Jindai-ji Temple since old times.
It was also called 青波天神社 Seiha Tenjin (blue wave god) Shrine
because spring water in a large pond within the shrine grounds looked like blue waves.
Torakashiwa Shrine located in 調布市佐須町 Sazumachi, Chōfu City
was built during the reign of 崇峻天皇 Emperor Sushun (589).
It is said that the shrine was built as the village tutelary god of the Chinese and Koreans
who settled in 狛江郷 Komae-gō (the area covering present Komae City and 調布 Chofu City).
-source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -

- quote -
Senryū-ji Temple 泉龍寺
It is said that Senryū-ji Temple began when 良弁 Rōben, the priest who opened 東大寺 Tōdai-ji Temple in Nara,
built a temple in this area when he offered prayers for rain in 765.
Although the temple deteriorated during the Warring States period,
it was reconstructed in the Edo period by 石谷清定 Ishigaya Kiyosada
who took an office of estate steward in charge of 入間村 Irima village (Chōfu City) and
和泉村 Izumi village (Komae City) under Tokugawa Ieyasu.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -

- quote -
Izumi-mura Reisen 和泉村霊泉 Izumi Village
It is said that spring gushed out when the priest Rōben offered prayers for rain.
The spring is the sacred spring that still remains in the temple grounds
and gave the place its name of Izumi (which means "spring").
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -

- further reference : mitaka tokyo -


Shinkawa 新川 Shinkawa sub-district "new river"
新川一丁目 - 新川二丁目 first and second sub-district
in the former Kyobashi area 京橋地域.
The area used to be called 平川 Hirakawa (the former river 元の神田川 Kandagawa), it was an island in the estuary of 八丁堀川 Hatchoborigawa called 江戸中島 Edo Nakashima (Nakajima). During the rebuilding of Edo by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the rivers were relocated and the Shinkawa area developed at the Reiganjima area.

. Reiganjima 霊巌島 / 霊岸島 Island Reiganjima .
中央区新川 / Shinkawa, Chūō ward
Saint Reigan developed this land between the rivers Kameshimagawa and Sumidagawa and built the temple Reigan-Ji.

. Hirakawachoo 平川町 Hirakawa-Cho, Hirakawa district .


. Kawase Hasui 川瀬巴水 (1883 - 1957) .
woodblock prints

Yoru no Shinkawa 夜乃新川 / 夜の新川 Shinkawa at Night (1919)
from the series Twelve Scenes of Tokyo


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. Kanda 神田 Kanda district 千代田区 Chiyoda ward .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends - Introduction .

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BOOK asobi

. Reference and Links .

- Edo geemu 江戸ゲーム games enjoyed in Edo -

- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -

[ 折鶴 orizuru (origami folded crane) ]
This describes how to make 49 types of renzuru - the joining of 2 to 100 paper cranes out of one single sheet of paper.
The descriptions, however, do not actually give specific steps on how to create the various types of renzuru, but only shows how one would prepare the necessary cuts in the open origami paper before making the renzuru.

[ 影絵 Kage-e (shadow pictures ]
In the past, people enjoyed shadow performances at banquets and other functions, using hands and legs, or small implements to create shapes in the form of a wild goose or a cat behind a shoji sliding door. Try and imagine what it would look like behind the shoji and how the shadows would appear on the shoji.

[ 文字絵 Moji-e (picture with characters ]
Here you see characters depicting the names of occupations drawn into the pictures, forming the bodyline of the figures. You can learn about the manners and customs of venders and artisans during the Edo period. Can you see where the characters are hidden in the pictures?
Tawamureru Edo no moji-e 戯れる江戸の文字絵 Playful picture characters in the Edo period
Author: Yang Xiao Jie; Itasaka Noriko (Gen. Ed.) published by Maar-sha

[ 知恵の板 Chie-no-ita (tangram) ]
Chie-no-ita is made from a square board cut into 7 pieces. It is a puzzle game where you arrange 7 pieces to make various shapes.
How to play: You can select one of the 3 square boards to bring up the image of a completed form in the center of a page.
Drag 7 pieces around with you to match the final shape.

[ 判じ物 Hanjimono (watch and guess puzzle) ]
In the Edo period, there were many printed puzzles published to allow people to guess hidden words and meaning of pictures. This one here not only hides the place names, it also hides the title outside the frames and even the name of the printer. Can you guess the words inside the frames and the meaning of the pictures?


. kage-e 影絵 shadow pictures .

- quote -
Impromptu Shadow Series (即興かけぼし尽し Sokkyō Kageboshi-zukushi)
This is a kage-e (shadow picture), a type of omocha-e (toy picture), which was painted by Utagawa Hiroshige I, the famous artist for prints depicting famous spots.
People in the Edo period enjoyed Kageboshi, in which people showed shapes of a wild goose or a cat by casting shadows on shōji doors using the hands, feet, or small gadgets.
- source : tokyo Metropolitan Library -


. hanji-e  江戸の判じ絵 Picture Puzzles, Rebus Pictuers .


vocabulary - Asobi no gogen

- quote

- contents  目次

1 子供の遊び

2 文芸

3 雅楽
楽屋/二の舞/二の句/乙/打ち合わせ/呂律/やたら/図に乗る/太平楽 taiheiraku /千秋楽/後生楽/めりはり

4 楽器

5 歌舞伎など

6 囲碁・将棋

7 賭博

8 遊郭

- source : bensei.jp/index.php?main


Kobayashi Issa - toshi wasure

ichi nin no taiheiraku ya toshiwasure

all alone
babbling idiocies...
drinking away the year

This haiku refers to an end-of-year drinking party.
Taiheiraku is "irresponsible talk." Evidently, the sake is loosening someone's tongue (Issa's?).

David Lanoue



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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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