. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
Kawase Hasui 川瀬巴水 (1883 - 1957)
- quote
He was one of the most prominent print designers of the shin-hanga ("new prints") movement.
..... Style
Kawase worked almost exclusively on landscape and townscape prints based on sketches he made in Tokyo and during travels around Japan. However, his prints are not merely meishō (famous places) prints that are typical of earlier ukiyo-e masters such as Hiroshige and Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849). Kawase's prints feature locales that are tranquil and obscure in urbanizing Japan.
considered himself a realist and employed his training in Western painting in his compositions. Like Hiroshige he made travel and landscape prints, though his subjects were less known locations rendered with naturalistic light, shade, and texture, without the captions and titles that were standard in prints of Hiroshige's age.
left a large body of woodblock prints and watercolors. Many of the watercolors are linked to the woodblock prints, he also produced oil paintings, traditional hanging scrolls and a few byōbu (folding screens).
In the West,
Kawase is mainly known as a Japanese woodblock printmaker. He and Hiroshi Yoshida are widely regarded as two of the greatest artists of the shin-hanga style, and are known especially for their landscape prints.
- source : wikipedia

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Tokyo Juni Dai 東京十二題 / Tôkyô jûnidai
Twelve Scenes of Tōkyō / Twelve Views of Tokyo / (1919–1921)
Tokyo Niju Kei / Tokyo Nijukkei 東京二十景 Twenty Views of Tokyo
The twelve views are produced in more subdued colors and often feature people who live in this area.
. Akashi 明石町 .
- hokakebune 帆かけ舟 boat with high sail - Akashi bay
12 - full moon at Akashi bay
- Akashi 明石町乃雨後 Akashi after the rain /20
. Arakawa Satsuki ame 五月雨(荒川) May Rain Arakawa .
Early Summer Rain, Arakawa River (1932) (Samidare (Arakawa)
. Atagoyama in spring 春のあたご山 Haru no Atagoyama .
. Daikongashi no asa 大根河岸の朝 Morning at Daikon Gashi / Daikon-gashi .
12 / 20
. Edogawa - Yuki no Edogawa 雪の江戸川 - Evening Snow at Edo River .
. Fukagawa Kaminohashi 深川上の橋 Kami no Hashi, Bridge over the Fukagawa .
. Ikegami 池上本門寺の塔 Honmonji Temple at Ikegami .
- Honmonji Temple in Snow / Pagoda
. Inokashira 井の頭 .
Inokashira 井の頭の残雪 Snow at Inokashira
The Inokashira Benten Shrine in Snow (Shatô no yuki)
. Kiba no yuugure 木場の夕暮れ Dusk at Kiba, Twilight at Kiba .
. Kiyosu Bridge 清洲橋 Kiyosubashi Bridge . - Koto ward
. Komagata kashi, Komagatagashi 駒形河岸 Komagata embankment .
12 Komagata-gashi
. Magome no tsuki 馬込の月 Moon at Magome .
- - - - - Moon at Umagome 20
. Mukôjima, yuki no Mukoojima 雪の向島 Snow at Mukojima .
. Ochanomizu in Snow お茶の水 .
. Sakuradamon 桜田門 Sakurada Gate .
. Sannoo - Hie Jinja 日枝神社 Sanno 山王 .
samidare furu Sanno 五月雨ふる山王 After Rain at Sanno Shrine
. Sekiyado 雪の関宿 Snow in Sekiyado .
. Sensoku ike / Senzoku ike 千束池 Senzokuike pond .
Shiba 芝増上寺 Snow at Shibazojoji Temple
Shinagawa oki 品川沖 Bay off Shinagawa
. Shinkawa - yoru no Shinkawa 夜の新川 / 夜乃新川 Shinkawa at night .
. Shirahige - Yuki no Shirahige 雪の白ひげ / 白鬚 Shirahige in the snow. .
. Terajima mura 寺嶋村 / 寺島村 .
Terashima - yuki ni kure no Terashima mura 雪に暮れる寺嶋村 Evening Snow at Terashima Village / Terajima in Snow
Yuki ni ?Kururu (fururu), Terashima-mura) 寺島
12 / 20
. Toyama no hara / Toyama-no-hara 戸山の原 Toyama plain .
東京都新宿区中央部 ・ 戸山ヶ原 Toyamagahara
Tsukijima - Snow at Tsukijima
. Ueno 上野 .
上野清水堂 Ueno Kiyomizudo in snow
上野東照宮 Snow at Toshogu
上野春の夕 Evening Glow at Toshogu
. Yaguchi 矢口 - 矢ノ口 Yaguchi .
kumoribi no Yaguchi 曇り日の矢口 Cloudy Day at Yaguchi / 12 views and 20 views
. Yotsuya 四谷 / 四ッ谷 Misty Morning at Yotsuya Mitsuke .
Some of the places listed above might belong to different series.

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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #kawase #kawasehasui #hasui - - - -
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