
Togoshi district Shinagawa

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Togoshi 戸越 Togoshi district
Shinagawa, 戸越一丁目 - 六丁目 first to sixth sub-district

Shinagawa was the first station of the Tokaido Highwy and thus "out of Edo".

The meaning of the name relates to this:
The second character of Edo : 戸 o koshite 越 - finally out of Edo
江戸を越えた! 江戸越えが「戸越」

. The 53 stations of the Tokaido Highway 東海道五十三次 .
1. Shinagawa-juku 品川宿 (Shinagawa) .

Since 1559, three was 小田原衆所領役帳 an outpost from Odawara and the place was called とごえ Togoe.
In 1793, a boat merchant named 山路勝孝 moved here and begun to grow 孟宗竹 bamboo as a speciality of the village.
The area was then also called 荏原郡 Ebara district.

In 1889, it became part of 平塚村 Hiratsuka village.
In 1932, the area was called 荏原区戸越町 Ebara ward, Togoshi town.
In 1941, the area was departed into 西戸越・東戸越 Western and Eastern Togoshi, 平塚 Hiratsuka, 荏原 Ebare and 小山台 Koyamadai.

In 1965, the six sub-districts of Togoshi were established, including Western and Eastern Togoshi, 東中延 Higashi-Nakanobu and parts of 西品川 Nishi-Shinagawa.

After the bubble times, the local shopkeepers tried hard to invigorate their long shopping mall, with special events, modernizing toilets and recently English advertisements for the many tourists which come visiting.

Togoshi Ginza 戸越銀座 Togoshi Shopping mall
After the Great Earthquake in 1923, may people from the Ginza district moved to Togoshi, where much of the rubble was burried, and later kept the name for their own shopping mall.
The Shopping Mall is the pride of the citizens. It houses many food stores that sell over the counter.
There are many stores with specialities and often events cater to other shops of Tokyo.

To reach the shopping street easily, a station was soon added:

Togoshi Eki 戸越駅 Station
The mark includes part of the the character to bring people together under one roof.


- quote -
Street Food Adventure at Togoshi Ginza, Tokyo's Longest Shopping Road
It might not be the most famous spot in Tokyo but it's surely worth a visit for its uniqueness. Togoshi Ginza is a homely shotengai (shopping street) located in Shinagawa Ward. With its 1.3 km length it's the longest shopping street of the capital and one of the longest in the Kanto area. Be charmed by the energetic shopkeepers and the laid-back atmosphere, and enjoy some of the best street food that Tokyo has to offer!
- Ginza's Rightful Namesake
Hundreds of shopping streets around Japan incorporated the name "Ginza" hoping to bask in the reflected glory of the fancy Tokyo district. But Togoshi Ginza might have been the first to do so and it actually has a reason for it.
After the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923, the district of Ginza was having problems with the disposal of bricks from devastated zones. These bricks ended up being given to the area of Togoshi who used them to pave the poorly draining streets that often caused floods. After this, the area took the name of Togoshi Ginza.
The story of Togoshi Ginza's name is explained in a plaque. You can see the actual bricks that came from Ginza.
- the Tokyu Ikegami line was opened in 1927. In 2015 it underwent some remodeling works and now it sports beautiful wooden structures made to resemble old station buildings.
- Dive Into the Everyday Life of Tokyoites
The first thing I noticed about Togoshi Ginza was the lack of utility poles, which are omnipresent in Japan. Here, all the cables were installed underground for a safer and more spacious place. Thanks to this the street looks very pretty and there is more room to walk.
The street is closed to cars from Monday to Saturday between 3:00pm and 6:00pm, and from 2:00pm to 7:00pm on Sundays and holidays.
You will meet a lot of different people here. Office workers scurrying around in their suits. Tiny old ladies getting an early morning massage or chatting with the shop owners. A lot of people walking their dogs, often in a stroller. A multitude of young mothers are constantly zigzagging through the crowd in their mamachari (literally 'mom bicycles', they are equipped with luggage racks and several child seats). ...
- Let Togoshi Ginza's Official Mascot Show You Around
... a mascot character called Togoshi Ginjiro or Gin-chan for short ...
You can also purchase Gin-chan merchandise!...
- Read more on this extensive introduction !
- source :digjapan.travel/en... -

Togoshi Ginjiro 戸越銀次郎


Togoshi Hachiman Jinja 戸越八幡神社 Togoshi Hachiman Shrine

This is a quiet place within a buys shopping area, with chairs and sofas for people to sit and rest.
It has a Kagura dance hall for special ritual dances.

- reference source : -


Togoshi Kooen 戸越公園 Togoshi Koen Park

The entrance is an old gate from the Edo period!
This is a place to enjoy a quiet natural atmosphere. A waterfall gives it extra sound.


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

The night hawk prostitutes, yotaka 夜鷹 sleep during the day and walk around at night.
The name is also written 怪鴟 or 恠鴟. Sometimes called sekikitsune, seki-kitsune 隻狐 foxes along the weir.
When 今井良臰 Mister Imai lived in the village 戸越村 Togoshi mura a bird came out of the nearby forest during the twilight hours. It lay down by the side of the road and if a person passed it moved on but soon lay down again. Its form was different every night, so it must have been a real Yotaka.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


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. Shinagawa ku 品川区 "goods river" district .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #togoshi #togoshishinagawa - - - -


Kinshi district Sumida

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kinshi 錦糸 Kinshi district - "brocade thread"
Sumida ward, Kinshi 一丁目 - 四丁目 first to fourth sub-district
former name 錦糸町 Kinshicho, Kinshimachi

The name goes back to the old canal 錦糸堀 Kinshibori.
Around 1660, the area of Honjo was developed and the Kinshibori canal built.
Some say it is a local dialect for 岸堀 Kishibori "canal at the shore".
Another possibility mentions kinshi 琴糸 strings for a Koto, that were made nearby.

In the ghost stories of 本所七不思議 Honjo Nanafushigi is the canal
置いてけぼり / おいてけ堀 Oitekebori, said to have been the Kinshibori.

. Oitekebori, Oiteke-bori 置いてけ堀 / 置行堀 / 置いてけぼり "leave it behind - canal" .
This canal is near Kinshicho 錦糸町.

The fishermen heard the call to "leave it behind" and threw their catch back in the water or left their baskets just standing there.
One legend advises to throw three fish back into the canal. If you do not do so, you will get lost on your way back home and wander around the whole night.
kinshi 禁止 "don't do this" ... turned into 錦糸.

One legend tells of a 河童 Kappa, who took the catch.
It even got its own statue in the 錦糸堀公園 Kinshibori Park.

source : majin.myhome.cx/pot-au-feu...
Looking for Kappa in おいてけ堀 Oitekebori


The area developed around Kinshichoo eki 錦糸町駅 Kinshicho Station.

神奈川沖浪裏 The great wave off Kanagawa - Hokusai
錦糸町駅南口 South Exit of Kinchicho Station

. Hokusai, the Great Wave .


Kinshibori kooen 錦糸堀公園 Kinshibori Park
江東橋四丁目17番1号 / Kotobashi

- quote -
... When we get off the train at Kinshicho Station, we first head towards the shopping in the buildings lined up outside of the South Exit. There is a monument in memory of Ito Sachio inscribed with one of his poems. Believe it or not, back during the Meiji Period (1868-1912), this area mainly was used for ranches. Ito wrote various works during his time while running a cow-milking business here.
Termina, a department store directly connected to the station, offers everything from clothing, to household goods, to groceries. The adjacent amusement facility of Tokyo Rakutenchi offers saunas and natural hot spring baths as a way to relax after your shopping and enjoying things like the movie theaters and bowling alleys.
WINS Kinshicho,
off-track horse racing and betting, is located on Keiyo Road across from the station rotary. Just behind the building sits Koto-ji temple. Kobayashi Ichizo, a businessman who developed the Tokyo Rakutenchi (noted before), built this temple wishing for the city’s development and enshrined Koto Kannon in the temple. The horse-headed deity Bato Kannon can also be found on the grounds and just may have some connection with the nearby WINS complex.
A five-minute walk to the south of Kinshicho Station takes us to Kinshibori Park. A statue of a kappa (a river monster) stands at this site that was previously the Kinshi-bori moat, or more popularly known as “Oiteke-bori.”
According to one of the local ghost stories, “The Seven Mysteries of Honjo,” back during the Edo Period (1603-1867), some people were out fishing in the moat and caught an abnormally large amount of fish one day. Just as they were about to happily go home with their big catch, a scary voice was came from somewhere inside the moat saying, “Oiteke! (Leave your things and get out of here!)” Everyone was terrified but still took their fish baskets and hurried home.
Upon arrival, they reluctantly opened their fish baskets only to find them completely empty. ...
- source : att-japan.net/en... -


shopping mall アルカキット錦糸町 Arcakit Kinshicho
2 Chome-2-1 Kinshi, Sumida

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. Yanagishima 柳島 Yanagishima district "Island of Willow Trees" .
Meguro ward 墨田区 toward Koto ward 江東区 :
墨田区業平 Narihira - 横川 Yokogawa - 太平 Taihei - 錦糸 Kinshi and Koto ward 江東区亀戸 Kameido

. Narihira 業平 Narihira district . - Sumida


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

asagao no hachi o hodoo ni Kinshichoo

pots of morning glories
placed on the pavement -

Tr. Gabi Greve

轡田進 Kutsuwada Susumu

source : mapple.net/spot_article...

. asagao ichi 朝顔市 market selling morning glories .
- - kigo for Summer - -
Iriya asagao ichi 入谷朝顔市 market at Iriya in Edo


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. Sumida ku, Sumida-ku 墨田区 Sumida ward, "ink field" .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kinshi #kinshisumida #sumidakinshi #kinshicho #kinshibori #arcakit - - - -


Narihira district Sumida

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Narihira 業平 Narihira district
Sumida, Narihira 一丁目 - 三丁目 first to third sub-district

Named after . Ariwara no Narihira 在原業平 (852 - 880) .
Waka poet of the Heian period.

The Narihirazuka 業平塚 Mound for Narihira used to be in the compound of 南蔵院 Nanzo-In and 業平神社 Narihira Shrine.
Narihira had visited this area and the mound in in his memory. Legend says he died here.
The name of the bridge, 業平橋 Narihirabashi, is also very old.
In 1662 the bridge was built East of the Shrine 業平神社 Narihira Jinja.

The name of this area in rather new, since 1872 when 小梅業平町 Koume Narihiracho was formed, and renamed in 1930.
Now famous for being close to the Tokyo Skytree Tower.

source : edo.amebaownd.com/posts,,, 小梅業平町 Koume Narihira Cho
業平橋 Narihirabashi and 東京スカイツリー Tokyo Skytree

南蔵院も葛飾区に Nanzo-In has been moved to Katsushika ward.
It is famous for the statue of
. Shibarare Jizoo 縛られ地蔵 . しばられ地蔵 Jizo bound by ropes .

The old river 大横川 Oyokogawa is now almost completely reclaimed, to become
大横川親水公園 Oyokogawa Shinsui Koen Park.

The park has 5 zones :
釣川原 Tsurikawara, 河童川原 Kappakawara, 花紅葉 Hanamomiji, パレットプラザ Palette Plaza
and ブルーテラス Blue Terrace.


小梅業平町 Koume Narihiracho became 東駒形四丁目 Higashi-Komagata 4th sub-district.
中ノ郷業平町 Nakanogo Narihiracho became first and second sub-district of Narihira.
In 1967, it merged with 平川橋1-5丁目 Hirakawabashi 1 to 5th sub-district to become Narihira.

The former Shrine 業平天神社 Narihira Tenjinsha, who gave the name to the area, was lost.

Another theory about the name includes the grave of a Samurai from Chiba,
里見成平 Satomi Narihira.


. Yanagishima 柳島 Yanagishima district "Island of Willow Trees" .
Meguro ward 墨田区 toward Koto ward 江東区 :
墨田区業平 Narihira - 横川 Yokogawa - 太平 Taihei - 錦糸 Kinshi and Koto ward 江東区亀戸 Kameido

. Kinshi 錦糸 Kinshi district "brocade thread" .


押上天祖神社 Oshiage Tenso Shrine
東京都墨田区業平2-13-6 / 2 Chome Narihira, Sumida

. Oshiage 押上 Oshiage district, Sumida .


Narihira no shijimi 業平のシジミ /  業平しじみ Shijimi corbicula shells from Narihira

source : www2.ssh.nir.jp/~y-yoshi-1234/azuma....

They are collected near the 業平橋 Narihirabashi bridge. They are rather small, but have an appealing taste.
They were sold in many parts of Edo.

. shijimi 蜆 (しじみ) corbicula . - Corbicula japonica


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

. Narihira Ki 業平忌 Narihira Memorial Day .
- - kigo for mid-Summer - -

Narihira ki Kyoo ni sumitagaru Kyoo onna

Narihira memorial day -
as a woman from Kyoto I want to live
in Kyoto

笠井百合彦 Kasai Yurihiko

Narihira ki kamome no koe no shio sabi

Narihira memorial day -
the call of the seagulls
so sad in the tide


Narihira o utsutsu ni sunaru akigi noo



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. Sumida ku, Sumida-ku 墨田区 Sumida ward, "ink field" .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #narihira #narihirabashi - - - -


Edo Tokyo Hyakkei 100 Views

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Edo Tokyo Hyakkei 百景 100 views of Edo / Tokyo

Maybe the most famous is
Meisho Edo Hyakkei 名所江戸百景 One Hundred Famous Views of Edo
by 歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige

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One Hundred Famous Views of Edo
(in Japanese 名所江戸百景 Meisho Edo Hyakkei)
is a series of ukiyo-e prints begun and largely completed by the Japanese artist Hiroshige (1797–1858). The prints were first published in serialized form in 1856–59, with Hiroshige II completing the series after Hiroshige's death. It was tremendously popular and much reprinted.
- - - Full list in the WIKIPEDIA !

12 . Uenoyama Shita 上野山した / 野山志た .
37 . Sumida-gawa Hashiba no kawaragama 墨田河橋場の渡かわら竈 .
95 . Maple Trees at Mama, Tekona Shrine and Linked Bridge 真間の紅葉手古那の社継はし .
103 . Kanasugi, Mikawashima 蓑輪金杉三河しま / 箕輪 金杉 三河しま .


Shin Tokyo Hyakkei 新東京百景 1928 - 1932

In 1928, a group of eight Japanese artists got together to produce a series of prints, called
Shin Tokyo Hyakkei, One Hundred Views of New Tokyo, New One Hundred Views of Tokyo

- quote
Shin Tokyo Hyakkei:
The Eastern Capital Revisited by the Modern Print Artists

by James B. Austin
In his introduction to the catalogue of modern Japanese prints exhibited at the Art Institute of Chicago early in 1960, Oliver Statler distinguishes four generation of sosaku hanga artists.
First came the pioneers, men such as Yamamoto Kanae and Tobari Kogan who pointed the way. Then came a second generation “who created a sound intellectual base for the movement, who fought through to recognition of their prints as serious art, and who, by their personal magnetism, attracted scores of younger artists.” This was the generation which began to reach artistic maturity in the early days of Showa. Though few of them had, at that time, achieved either the artistic freedom or personal style which was to characterize their later work, all were experimenting. Moreover, they were collectively striving to form some viable association which would solidify the movement and nurture its growth. These efforts, from the acceptance of such prints at the Government show of 1927 to the formation of the Nippon Hanga Kyokai in 1931, are described by Onchi in his Nippon Gendai Hanga (of which a partial translation in English appeared in Ukiyo-e Art, No. 11, 1965) and by Fujikake in his book, Japanese Wood-Block Prints (1938).
An interesting and revealing example of this tendency
was a group of eight artists who, in 1928, banded together to publish, over the next four years, a series of prints entitled Shin Tokyo Hyakkei (One Hundred Views of New Tokyo).
These artists were
Hiratsuka Un-ichi, Onchi Koshiro, Fukazawa Sakuichi, Kawakami Sumio, Maekawa Sempan, Fujimori Shizuo, Hemmi Takashi and Suwa Kanemori.

Hiratsuka recalls that this series was planned so that many aspects of Tokyo could be “remembered by people for a long time.” In this connection, one must keep in mind that much of Tokyo had been destroyed in the great earthquake and fire of 1923 so that the city and its life which the artists wished to depict were, in many respects, rather new.
One cannot help wondering whether they were intending, consciously or unconsciously, to record the current scene against the possibility of new disasters. They were, in a way, repeating what Hiroshige had done 75 years before in his Meisho Edo Hyakkei series.

- - - - - look at the full list on this page
- source : myjapanesehanga.com/home...


Another list of Tokyo 新東京百景一覧
compiled in 1982.
- - - List in the WIKIPEDIA !

. 73 田無山総持寺 Tanashisan Soji-Ji .

新東京百景 by 山口瞳 Yamaguchi Hitomi


. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

Tokyo Shitamachi Hyakkei (Japanese Edition)
by Tsuchimochi Shinji

"100 Views of Tokyo" gets the idea from "One Hundred Famous Views of Edo", Hiroshige Utagawa’s works.
These artworks were rendered views of extant old town in Tokyo. It published on the web and created a sensation until finish in 2016. We gather these works into one book. Moreover, we added newly drawn pictures like guide maps of 3 areas in Tokyo and 5 Views of Osaka.
This book is written in Japanese and English. Therefore this is the most suitable gift from Japan or for friends in Japan.


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #edohyakkei #tokyoshinhyakkei #shinhyakkei #onehundredviews - - - -


Susaki district Koto

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Susaki, Suzaki 洲崎 / 須崎 / 州崎 Susaki district
Koto ward, 東京都江東区東陽一丁目の旧町名 The old name for 東陽一 Higashiyoichi first sub-district

Due to landfill in the early Edo period, this area became known as
深川洲崎十万坪 Fukagawa Susaki Jumantsubo (Jūman-tsubo) .
It was known for its beautiful scenery.
In 1888, a pleasure quarter from Nezu was moved here.
Until 1958 there was a large pleasure quarter, the 洲崎パラダイス Susaki paradise".

There is also an area called Susaki in 墨田区向島5丁目 the fifth sub-district of Mukojima in Sumida ward, with the spelling 須崎.
Another Susaki 洲崎 is known in 千葉県 Chiba and 神奈川県 Kanagawa.

In the Edo period the river 小名木川 Konagigawa was used for transportation from the Susaki area to the fish markets of Edo.
In 1791, there was a great flooding of the area and many merchants lost their estates. Since then the Bakufu government forbid to build living quarters in Susaki.
The area was always popular for shiohigari 潮干狩り hunting for clams and seafood on the shore

Jūmantsubo 深川州崎十万坪 Jumantsubo Plain at Fukagawa Susaki
Utagawa Hiroshige

In the past, Suzaki was so vast that it was called
"Fukagawa Suzaki one hundred thousand tsubo (330,000 square meters)"
and was also a scenic spot overlooking the ocean.
It was a popular resort for the first sunrise viewing, moon viewing,
shellfish gathering and boating before severe damage
caused by massive tsunami in 1791 (the third year of Kansei).
After that, the shogunate government made it a non-residential zone.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -


- quote -
Shinagawa Shiohi 品川汐干
Hasegawa Settan
Shinagawa has been always introduced as one of the best spots for shellfish gathering together with Suzaki in Fukagawa.
Shinagawa, which prospered as a seaside post station was a year-round resort and offered sakura (cherry blossoms) and shellfish gathering in spring and autumnal leaves in the fall.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -


Susaki Benten 洲崎弁天
浮弁天州崎神社 Uki Benten, Shrine Susaki Jinja
江東区木場6-13-13 Koto ward, Kiba

- Fukagawa Susaki Benten
Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳

Shrine Susaki Jinja 州崎神社

The Shrine was under the special protection of the mother of 将軍徳川綱吉 Shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi.
People came here to pray for protection from water disasters and for good fishing.
The Shrine was on a small island on the beach, thus called
uki-Benten 浮き弁天 the floating Benten shrine

In modern times all this became landfilled and nothing of the atmosphere of Edo is left.

- One of the
. Edo roku Benten 江戸六弁天 Six famous Benten in Edo .


Susakibashi bridge すさき橋 / Hiroshige


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Susaki 洲崎

hamaguri 蛤 clam shell
At the beach of 洲崎浜 Suzakihama in Shinagawa, in the eleventh lunar month,
some fishermen were peeling clam shells,
when they found one with a very small golden statue of 地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu inside,

. hamaguri 蛤 clam shell, Venus clam .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

Utagawa Hiroshige
洲さき汐干かり shiohigari at Fukagawa Susaki 深川洲崎 in Spring
Shiohigari(Shellfish gathering at low tide) which was one of the beach activities for the people in Edo,
could be seen as an annual event in March on the beaches such as
Shinagawa, Shibaura, Fukagawa Suzaki.
Among all Suzaki was especially crowded with many people as a famous spot for shellfish gathering.
source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

Fukagawa ya momo no naka yori shiohigari

Fukagawa !
through the peach blossoms
people are gathering shells

Tr. Gabi Greve

. WKD : shiohigari 汐干狩 hunting (for clams and seafood) on the shore .
shiohigari - gathering shells and small seafood at low tide.
Fukagawa had a great flatland tidal area where people could collect cheap seafood.


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. . Kootoo, Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" . .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - ##susaki #suzaki #susakibenten #shiohi - - - -


Takinogawa district Kita

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Takinogawa 滝野川 / 瀧野川 Takinogawa district
北区 Kita, 滝野川一丁目から滝野川七丁目 from the first to the seventh sub-district
滝之川 / 滝の川 - Taki no Kawa, Takinokawa

The river Shakuji-I gawa 石神井川 became quite steep and fast at 板橋区加賀 Kaga in Itabashi and this part was called
Takinokawa 滝野川 "Waterfall River"

There used to be at least seven natural waterfalls of the river Shakuji-I gawa 石神井川 river Shakujii , also called 滝野川 Takinogawa in Edo.
. Edo no taki 江戸の滝 waterfalls in Edo .

There were two main sub-districts :
滝野川西地区 Takinogawa Western area
滝野川東地区 Takinogawa Eastern area

In 1889, the area was called
滝野川村 Takinogawa mura village
and in 1913
滝野川町 Takinogawa cho town
In 1923 it became part of Tokyo and was named
滝野川区 Takinogawa ku ward
In 1942, this ward was renamed
王子区 Oji ku ward
In 1967, the seventh sub-district, 滝野川七丁目 was added.

瀧野川 紅葉 Maple leaves at Takinogawa
広重 Hiroshige II

Ōji Takinogawa River
Takinogawa River is another name of the Shakujii River that runs through Ōji.
Asuka-yama was nearby, the current in this part of the river is rapid
and so the area received many visitors as a nature rich resort place
where some waterfalls such as Fudō-no-taki and Benten-no-taki can be seen.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -


Takinogawabashi 滝野川橋 Takonogawa bridge
finished in 1961.
- source and more photos -


Takinogawa kooen 滝野川公園 Takinogawa Koen Park
even with a waterfall in the park and a walk along the river.


Takinogawa Hachiman Jinja 瀧野川八幡神社 Shrine

Built in 1202.
The main hall was restored in 1885.
The prayer hall was restored in 1922.
There used to be a market of vegetable seeds.

- Deity in residence
品陀和氣命(ほんだわけのみこと)Hondawake no Mikoto - 應神天皇 / 応神天皇 Ojin Tenno (200 - 310)

goshuin 御朱印 stamp - to win in sports 勝

- HP of the Shrine
- source : takinogawahachiman... -


0oji Fudoo no Taki 王子不動之滝 Fudo Waterfall in Oji, Edo

Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重

There used to be at least seven waterfalls of the river Shakuji-I gawa 石神井川,
also called Takinogawa 滝野川 in Edo.
People came here in summer to feel the cool, have a snack and relax.
Now part of Nerima ward.
. Fudo Myo-O and waterfalls in Edo .
The statue of Fudo 滝不動尊 is now preserved at the temple 正受院 Shoju-In
(北区滝野川2-49-5) Kita-ku, Takinogawa.

. Edo no taki 江戸の滝 waterfalls in Edo .


- quote -
Maple season at Takinogawa, Oji, Tokyo, c. 1910.
“A notice of the floral festivals of the year as observed in Japan demands some mention of the maple – for the reddening leaf of the maple, like the foliage of many other blossomless trees, is regarded as a flower in Japan.
“The rich tints of the changing leaves of certain deciduous trees hardly distinguishable from the colouring of blossoming shrubs, such as the azalea, form a favourite object of attraction during the Autumn months. The native term, momiji, which is commonly translated ‘maple’, is, strictly speaking, a general name applied to many trees which redden in the Fall.

“Of the maple itself, there are many varieties distinguished both by the form of their leaves and the tone of their changing colour. No garden is considered complete without its group of such reddening trees, placed beside some artificial hill towards the West, to receive additional splendour from the setting sun.

“… At Ko-no-dai, a famous prominence commanding a view of the whole plain of Tokio, there are some magnificent maple trees noted for their enormous size … About the end of October, in the glen called Taki-no-gawa at Oji, a suburb of Tokio, the slopes of a natural glen between the hills are planted with thick masses of these trees forming a most romantic spot where from the galleries of a rustic arbour the sight of the foliage in all its burning splendour may be enjoyed. Shinagawa and Meguro, other well known spots in the vicinity of the capital, have also good groups of maples which attract many sight seers. Picnicking and mushroom gathering are pastimes which accompany the viewing of the maple.

“In the poems and pictures of the country, the maple is associated with deer:
How full of sorrow seems the Autumn! when
In solitary rambles slowly straying,
Amid the russet foliage of the glen,
I listen to the lonely stag’s sad baying.”

– The Floral Art of Japan: The Flowers of Japan and the Art of Floral Arrangement, Josiah Conder, 1899
- source : oldtokyo.com... -


岩屋弁天 Iwaya Benten - 弁天の滝 Benten Waterfall
松橋弁天洞窟 Matsubashi Benten cave does not exist any more.

北区滝野川3-88-17Kita ward, Takinogawa / 金剛寺 Temple Kongo-Ji

Bentendoo 辨天堂 Benten Do Hall

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

. Edo roku Benten 江戸六弁天 Six famous Benten in Edo .


. Takinogawa ninjin 滝野川人参 carrots .


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. Kita ku 北区 Kita ward, "Northern Ward" .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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