
Miike Kaido Okan Road

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Miike Kaido 三池街道 / Miike Okan 三池往還 Miike Road

Used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1587 as an army road built by 加藤清正 Kato Kiyomasa, Lord of 熊本城 Kumamoto Castle.
It started at Kumamoto castle,

- Postal stations on the road -
Mitori Shimachi 味取新町
Konoha 木葉
Takase 高瀬町
Kanayama 金山
Fumoto 府本
Iwamoto 岩本
Miike 三池

In former times also called
高瀬街道 Takase Kaido.




Mitori Shinmachi 味取新町
(now in 熊本市北区 Kita Ward, Kumamoto city)
The Buzen Kaido 豊前街道 Buzen Highway
branched off at Mitori Shinmachi.
The town thrived as the starting point of the Buzen Kaido.
When 細川忠利 Hosokawa Tadatoshi (1585 - 1641) became the lord of the region,the town got its name.
There were more than 100 Hatago lodgings in town.

. Buzen Kaido 豊前街道 Buzen Highway .


Tabaruzaka 田原坂 Tabaru slope
A mountain road leading up about 80 m via three slopes along 1,5 km along the river 木葉川 Konohagawa.


Konoha 木葉
(former 木葉村 Konoha village, now 玉名郡玉東町 Tamana district, Gyokuto town)
The temple 徳成寺 Tokujo-Ji is located in this town.
The kiln 木の葉猿窯元 Konoha Sarugamamoto is located here, with a history of more than 1300 years, making the famous
three monkeys.
. Konoha saru 木の葉猿 monkey from Konoha .


Takase 高瀬
(now 玉名市 Tamana city)
Before the Mejij period there was no bridge over the river 菊池川 Kikuchigawa (about 100 wide river) and travelers had to use a boat.
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Tamana Onsen
Tamana Onsen is one of the best hot springs in Kumamoto, being proud of its abundant, high-quality spring water with a history over 1,300 years old.
It is also called ”Ryuganji Onsen,” and has been popular with local people since the olden days.
Legends say that a heron used the water to heal its wounded wing, after which it was able to fly. The old part of the town, near Hikino Shrine, still has a tasteful atmosphere to date, and ”Ryuganji Park”, in the town center, offers a free foot baths, which are popular with visitors who wish to unwind their minds and bodies.
- source : kumanago.jp/en... -


Kanayama 金山
(now 荒尾市金山 Arao city, Kanayama)
It was the residence of the 大野一族 Ono clan since the 戦国時代 Sengoku period (1467 – 1600).
Arao was a large coal mining town, but it has since lost a great deal of its population, due to the closing of the mine.
Arai is famous for its Shōdai ware, an art form almost completely exclusive to Arao, involving slow kilning and under glazing.
Also, the Arao nashi pear is a fruit product grown widely in this town. The pear is round, brown and about the size of a bowling ball.
- wikipedia -


Fumoto 府本
(now Arao city, Fumoto荒尾市府本)
In 1714 Fumoto got permission from the Hosokawa domaine to become a postal station of the Miike Highway.
The shrine 熊野宮 Kumano-Gu has an old stone marker from 1743.


At the border between the old provinces of Bungo and Miike is the
Iwamoto Bansho barrier 岩本番所.
(now 荒尾市上井出 Arao, Shimo-Ide)
The 高瀬奉行所 Takase Bugyo barrier office from the Hosokawa clan was located here.
The families of 内野 Uchino and 桜井 Sakurai held this position for many years and their descendants still live in the town.
Before a bridge was built, travelers had to use a boat to cross the river 諏訪川 Suwagawa.
In 1865, the barrier was abolished.

. 岩本橋 Iwamotobashi bridge .
Buzen Kaido 豊前街道 Buzen Highway

- - - - - Info from Temple 徳成寺 Tokujo-Ji
- reference : tokujoji.hakuai-net.com


. Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 (1537 - 1598) .


Miike coal mine (三池炭鉱 Miike Tankō),
also known as the Mitsui Miike Coal Mine (三井三池炭鉱 Mitsui Miike Tankō), was the largest coal mine in Japan, located in the area of Ōmuta, Fukuoka and Arao, Kumamoto, Japan.
Mining began in the region during the Kyoho era, with the Miike mine under the control of the Tachibana clan.
The mine was nationalised in 1872 by the Meiji government. The Mitsui zaibatsu took control in 1899.
The mine closed in 1997,[6] with devastating effects on the local economy.
- wikipedia -


三池街道をゆく - - Walking the Miike Kaido Road
石川保 Ishikawa Tamotsu


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Miike Hatsuichi 三池初市 first market of the year
Miike Hatsuichi is a spring market which announces the arrival of the spring to Omuta. It is said to have originated from the barter trade of farming tools, rice and vegetables along Miike Kaido Road during the Edo Era (1603 - 1867). The market has a roughly 300 year history and there is a saying, “If you feel a breeze at Hatsuichi, you won’t catch a cold all year!”
The market takes place on March 1 and 2, during which time about 200 stalls selling local specialties like flower and bamboo baskets, saplings, garden trees and food line the road.
- source : crossroadfukuoka.jp... -


. Satsuma Kaido 薩摩街道 Satsuma Highway .

. Bungo Kaido 豊後街道 Bungo Highway .

. Buzen Kaido 豊前街道 Buzen Highway .

. Hyuga Kaido 日向街道 / Hyuga Okan 日向往還 Hyuga Highway .

Miike Kaido - this page


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #miike #Miikekaido #miikeokan - - - -


Akamagaseki Karatsu Kaido highways

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
- for Karatsu Kaido, see below

Akamagaseki Kaido, Akama Seki Kaido 赤間関街道 Akamagaseki Highway
Akama Kaido 赤間街道 Akama Highway

From Shimonoseki to Akiragi (near Hagi)  Mostly in Yamaguchi 山口県
About 140 km.

part of it is called
中道筋 Nakamichi Suji

- Places of interest on the way -
Akiragi town 明木
Yokoze 横瀬
Hibari Toge pass 雲雀峠
Edo town 絵堂
Shimo no Tao 下の垰(しものたお)
Okubo dai 大久保台
Akiyoshi Cho Town 秋吉町
Kawahara 河原
Shirogahara 四郎ヶ原
Mine town 美祢
Shiomi Toge pass 塩見峠
Kami-Sadatsune 上貞恒
Shimonoseki Yoshida town 下関吉田

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This road has been used by the Bakumatsu heroes of the region:
. Yoshida Shōin 吉田松陰 Yoshida Shoin . - (1830 - 1859)
. Takasugi Shinsaku 高杉晋作 . - (1839 – 1867)


Hibari Toge pass 雲雀峠

Shiomi Toge pass 塩見峠


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Mine (美祢市 Mine-shi) is a city located in Yamaguchi Prefecture
- - - - - Attractions

- Akiyoshidai Quasi-National Park,
which includes the Akiyoshidai (秋吉台 Akiyoshi plateau) and Japan’s longest cave, the Akiyoshido (秋芳洞), the latter of which is designated a Special Natural Monument. Akiyoshidai is served by a natural history museum, visitor center, rest house, youth hostel and park headquarters building, and is traversed by a scenic roadway and several walking trails. Events include a fireworks festival in July, a “Karst Walk” in November, and an annual burning off of dry grasses in February called “Yamayaki”.
- Akiyoshido, Akiyoshido (秋芳洞).
Towards the southern end of Akiyoshidai is the Akiyoshido cave, named by Emperor Hirohito on May 30, 1926 when he was still crown prince. This spacious cave is up to 100 meters wide and has 8.79 kilometers of passages, making it the longest in Japan and one of the longest in Asia. At the present time an approximately one-kilometer-long section of the cave is open to the public as a sightseeing course, with a walkway and bridge system, entering at the cave's lowest point and exiting via an artificial elevator. This portion of the cave is also well decorated with a variety of large and colorful speleothems.
- source : wikipedia -

. Zenji Kappa 禅師河童 Kappa the Zen Teacher .
Once upon a long time
in the region of the cave 秋芳洞 Akiyoshido in Yamaguchi there was a long period of drought and only strong sunshine. ...

. 竜神 the Ryujin Dragon Deity and rain rituals .


- reference and many photos


. Akama Jingu 赤間神宮 Akama Shrine .
dedicated to 安徳天皇 Antoku Tenno, a Japanese emperor who died young in the Battle of Dannoura in 1185.
4-1 Amidaijicho, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi


Karatsu Kaido 唐津街道 Karatsu Highway
From Wakamatsu, 福岡県 Fukuoka to 浜崎 Hamasaki, 唐津市 Karatsu city in 佐賀県 Saga

- Postal Stations on the Highway -
若松 Wakamatsu
芦屋 Ashiya
赤間 Akama
畦町 Azemachi
青柳 Aoyagi
箱崎 Hakozaki
博多 Hakata
福岡 Fukuoka
姪浜 Meinohama
今宿 Imajuku
前原 Maebaru
深江 Fukae
浜崎 Hamasaki

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Karatsu Kaido: A Major Artery for Ancient Travelers
A series of roads, or kaido, were built throughout Japan in the Edo Era for both feudal lords trekking to Edo and regular travelers. The most famous road in Kyushu was the Nagasaki Kaido, but there was also another road that ran through Fukuoka City: Karatsu Kaido. The road connected Karatsu in Saga prefecture to Kitakyushu via Hakata, and it was used by the lords of the Fukuoka and Karatsu domains for their trips to Edo. There were five rest areas along the Karatsu Kaido that now lie within the Fukuoka city limits:
Hakozaki, Hakata, Fukuoka, Meinohama and Imajuku.
In fact, some experts think this road was in use well before the Edo period. They speculate that it was used by people coming from and going to the Asian mainland in ancient times, thereby serving as a conduit through which Chinese culture spread throughout Japan. The Karatsu Kaido was also an important defense against the Mongol invasions of the late 13th century, and it is said that Hideyoshi Toyotomi marched down the road for his attempted invasion of Korea.
almost no signs of the old road remain within the city limits of Fukuoka, but many old historic sites, shrines and temples that once lined the road still exist today. There are also some areas along the old route where even machiya (Kyoto-style townhouses)—a rarity in Fukuoka—remain. These include the shopping districts of Hakozaki and Maidashi, the area of Hakata near the Ishidobashi Bridge, Kuromon, Tojinmachi and the shopping district of Nishijin.
Among these old station towns,
Meinohama is actively engaged in community development based on the Karatsu Kaido. Local residents established the Karatsu Kaido Meinohama Community Development Council to invigorate the community while working to preserve machiya and the history of the old road. The Council’s base is the Maizuru Miso shop, an Edo-era machiya that is now used as a gallery and concert space. Two machiya in Meinohama have been designated as Registered Cultural Properties of Fukuoka City under the city’s newly established heritage registration system. The Council also runs local guided tours and various other events, and all are welcome to attend.
- source : fukuoka-now.com/en/karatsu-kaido... -

Akamajuku 赤間宿 Akama postal station
in Fukuoka, 宗像市 Munakata city
- reference source : akamakan.info -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- Legends about 安徳天皇 Emperor Antoku Tenno -

................................................................................. Aomori 青森県

A ship from 筑前 Chikuzen (Fukuoka) was almost shipwrecked and landed in 津軽 Tsugaru.
The sailors went on land and into the mountains, where they found a woman of about 40 years, who was of the same hometown as the sailors.
She said she had left a horagai 法螺貝 conch under wakamatsu 若松 a young pine tree in her hometown.
When the sailors made it back to their hometown, they found it. The tree had become very old and the conch looked quite ancient too.
When they asked the woman again, she said during the time of Antoku Tenno she had been 20 years old.

................................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県

In the North-West of 定義阿弥陀堂 the Teigi Amida Hall there is a 天皇塚 Tenno Mound where relics from 安徳天皇 Antoku Tenno are burried.
On the mound is enoki 榎 a nettle tree.
If a woman wants to become pregnant, she hugs the tree, picks up a pebble from below the tree and puts it in her sleeve pocked.
The tree is now lost, but its roots are still there.

Temple 西方寺 Saiho-Ji

宮城県仙台市青葉区大倉字上下 / Joge-2 Okura, Aoba Ward, Sendai

Teigi, Sadayoshi 「定義」(さだよし)- 平貞能 Taira no Sadayoshi
He was the governor of Higo and Chikugo provinces in Kyūshū. He was a samurai commander for the Taira clan during the Genpei War around 1180.

Tennozuka 天皇塚(安徳天皇)Mound for Antoku Tenno

................................................................................. Yamagata 山形県
中津川村 Nakatsugawa

Fukada no tsuka ふかだの塚 Fukada Mound
The mound is also called Tamaniwa 玉庭 Gyokutei.
This mound is said to be the grave of Antoku Tenno.
It was to be excarvated in 1925, but the workers all got bad dreams and illness and so they stopped the project.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -


轡田進 Kutsuwada Susumi (1923 - 1999)


石川纓子 Ishikawa Eiko


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #akamagaseki #yamaguchikaido - - - -


Kanamachi Niijuku Katsushika

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Kanamachi (かなまち) 金町
Katsushika ward, 南葛飾郡金町 Minami-Katsushika
and the sub-districts Higashi-Kanamachi, Kanamachi jōsuijō, Niijuku and Tōganemachi (Toganemachi)

Kanamachi was formerly called 金町郷 Kanamachi Go.
It thrived as part of the 下総国香取神宮領 Katori Jingu Shrine of Shimofusa, Chiba.

Later renamed to 金町村 Kanamachi mura village.
In 1399 in the records of 葛西御厨注文 and in 1559 in the records of 小田原衆所領役帳 the name is already mentioned.
In the record 三浦和田文書 the place is also mentioned as 下総国金町郷.

In the middle ages, the Shinto Shrine 葛西神社(かさいじんじゃ) Kasai Jinja (later 香取神宮 Katori Jingu) became an important place in the area.

In the Edo period, it became a postal station of the Mito Kaido Highway and a sekisho 関所 barrier station at the river crossing:
金町松戸御関所 Kanamachi Matsudo Gosekisho,

located at 葛飾区東金町8-23 Higashi-Kanamachi.

During the Edo period, Niijuku became the second postal station of the
. Mito Kaido 水戸街道 Mito Highway .
Nii juku (新宿 / にいじゅく) Niijuku in Katsushika, (not to mix with Shinjuku 新宿)
Matsudo 松戸 is the third postal station along the 水戸街道 Mito Kaido highway,
on the Chiba side of the river 利根川 Tonegawa.

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Boat landing entry to Niijuku 新宿渡口
As a way station on Mito Highway,
Niijuku was located between Senju-shuku and Matsudo-shuku. Since the daimyo of Sankinkōtai (daimyo's alternate-year residence in Edo) stayed in Senju-shuku or Matsudo-shuku, Niijuku was a small post station with no Honjin (officially appointed inns for daimyo) or Wakihonjin (inns appointed as supplementary for Honjin).
There was a ferryboat landing point for crossing Nakagawa River there.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -


For protection purposes of the barrier they needed hooks and other tools for the carpenters made form metal (金 kana).
One tool was the kanejaku 曲尺 (カネジャク) curved ruler.
The area of the craftsmen was first called Magarikane 曲金(マガリカネ)"bent metal".
Kanemachi 金町 could also be written 曲町(カナマチ).

. Katori shrine 香取神宮 and Kashima Shrine 鹿島神宮 .

. Kasai Rinkai Koen 葛西臨海公園 Kasai Seaside Park .

. Kasaibashi 葛西橋 Kasai Bridge .

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During the Edo period,
various flowers blooming throughout the year were planted in gardens or on footpaths between rice fields in the area surrounding Kasai.
These flowers seem to have been sold at markets in Edo.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -


Kanamachi Railway Station 金町駅
opened on 27 December 1897.


半田稲荷神社 Shrine Handa Inari Jinja
東金町4-28-22 Higashi-Kanamachi.

The Shrine was used by the 尾張徳川家 Owari Tokugawa clan.

Some records claim it was first built in 711.
In the Mid-Edo period, it became known as a place to pray for protection from diseases, especially hashika 麻疹 measles and easy birth.
The Shrine was also mentioned in Kabuki theater and Kyogen stories.
Around 1780, there was a popular song by priest 願人坊主 Gannin Bozu:

. Handa Inari Shrine Festivals .


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. Katsushika ku 葛飾区 Katsushika ward .

. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kanamachi #katsushika #niijuku #kasai - - - -


Mito Kaido Highway

. Famous People of Japan .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Mito Kaido 水戸街道 Mito Highway
From Edo, Senju Juku to Mito city in 茨城県 Ibaraki.
For Sankin Kotai of the Mito Clan.
Mito doochuu 水戸道中 Mito Dochu road
Hitachi Kaido 常陸街道 Hitachi Highway

. Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川 光圀 - Mito Komon 水戸黄門 .
(1628 - 1701)

People traveling from Mito to Edo called the road
Edo Kaido 江戸街道 Edo Highway

- - - - - Postal stations on the way - - - - -

01. Senju juku (千住宿) (also part of the Nikkō Kaidō)
02. Nii juku (新宿) Niijuku (not to mix with Shinjuku 新宿)

Chiba Prefecture
03. Matsudo juku (松戸宿)
04. Kogane juku (小金宿)
05. Abiko juku (我孫子宿)

Ibaraki Prefecture
06. Toride juku (取手宿)
07. Fujishiro juku (藤代宿)
08. Wakashiba juku (若柴宿)
09. Ushiku juku (牛久宿)
10. Arakawaoki juku (荒川沖宿)
11. Nakamura juku (中村宿)
12. Tsuchiura juku (土浦宿)
13. Nakanuki juku (中貫宿)
14. Inayoshi juku (稲吉宿)
15. Fuchū juku (府中宿)
16. Takehara juku (竹原宿)
17. Katakura juku (片倉宿)
18. Obata juku (小幡宿)
19. Nagaoka juku (長岡宿)
20. Mito juku (水戸宿)

- reference source : rekisanpota.blogspot.com... -

Details and photos of all the postal stations:
- reference source : Mito Kaido Dochu -



- quote -

Hitachi Province (常陸国, Hitachi no Kuni)
was an old province of Japan in the area of Ibaraki Prefecture. It was sometimes called Jōshū (常州). Hitachi Province bordered on Iwashiro, Iwaki, Shimōsa, and Shimotsuke Provinces.
The ancient provincial capital and temple were located near modern Ishioka and have been excavated, while the chief shrine was further east at Kashima. In the Sengoku period the area was divided among several daimyōs, but the chief castle town was usually the modern city of Mito.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- Click on the photos for more pictures !

. Senju 千住 Senju district .
Since traffic passing Senju was busy since the early Edo period, Tokugawa Ieyasu allowed a large bridge to be built over the river 隅田川 Sumidagawa in 1594. It was about 200 meters more upstream than the bridge is now, and the postal station 千住宿 Senju-Shuku was on the North side of the bridge (Kita Senju).

Senju in Musashi Province
Katsushika Hokusai


. Nii juku (新宿 / にいじゅく) Niijuku .


- reference source : 松戸宿 Matsudo juku -


Koganejuku 小金宿


Toridejuku 取手宿


Nakanukijuku 中貫宿


Inayoshijuku 稲吉宿


Takeharajuku 竹原宿


. Dolls from Tsuchiura 土浦市 .

. 青竜大権現 Seiryu Daigongen Blue Dragon from Obata 小幡.


Hitachi no Kuni Fudoki 常陸国風土記 Records of Hitachi Province
秋本吉徳 Akimoto Yoshinori


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Chiba 千葉県
我孫子市 Abiko city / 阿比古

. Ketsubon Kyo Sutra 血盆経 .
and Hossho Daizenni no rei 法性大禅尼の霊 the spirit of the nun Hossho Daizen-Ni
- - - - -
. ushi 牛と伝説 Legends about ox, bull, cow . . .
The master of the pond 手賀沼 Teganuma is a bull.
Once upon a time, a young priest came to the hamlet of Abiko and won the respect of all villagers.
But nobody had ever seen him eat anything.
One day he said "All my children and grand-children, may you stay healthy!" 「我が孫や子よ、健やかなれ」
Then he changed his form into a white ox and disappeared. Since then the spelling of ABIKO changed from
阿比古 to 我孫子 (my grand children and children)

................................................................................. Ibaraki 茨城県
藤代宿 Fujishiro juku

. oogon butsu 黄金仏 Golden Buddha .

Ibaraki 長岡 Nagaoka

- folk belief -
The family of 平塚カツ子家 Hiratsuka Etsuko does not grow shooga ショウガ /生姜 ginger or ninniku ニンニク garlic.
If they do, disaster would come over the family. But if they get it as a present or buy it at the store, this is no problem.

Ibaraki 竹原村 Takehara village

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 legends about the Kappa .
Since many people had died in accidents in the river, the villagers decided they had to do something about it.
They begun to pray to him as 水神様 Sujjin Sama and held rituals for him by the riverside.
They even built a mound for him, 河童塚 Kappazuka.

Ibaraki 取手市 Toride

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
One day grandmother did not come home and all went searching for her. She was squatting in the middle of the field when they found her. Asked what she was doing, she replied:
"I am combing the hair of this man!"
They all thought she must have been bewitched by a fox.

Ibaraki 土浦市 Tsuchiura city

In 鷹匠町 Takajo town at the temple 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji there is a special nettle tree

enoki hachiman 榎八幡 Nettle tree at the Hachiman shrine.
If people touch its leaves, the tree would take revenge.
Once upon a time, the Samurai 信太範宗 Shida Norimune had killed the child of his younger brother and it was buried at the temple Ryusen-Ji.
Since the grave was cursed, people built a Hachiman Shrine nearby and planted a nettle tree to appease the soul.

. enoki 榎 nettle tree, Japanese hackberry .

- - - - -
Inari sama no tatari 稲荷さまのたたり the curse of Inari
Once a man built a sumigama 炭竈 / 炭窯 kiln for making charcoal in a corner of his property. Soon his child became very ill and died. His next child also died suddenly. Then his third child became this strange illness. The father became suspicious and asked a fortune-teller for advise. He was told that the smoke from the kiln was annoying to the Inari Deity.
He tore town the kiln immediately and the child was saved.
. Inari 稲荷と伝説 Legends about the Fox Deity .
- - - - -
itazura boosan いたずら坊さん a naughty priest
A man walked the road at night and in front of him walked a priest, holding a bright choochin 提灯 lantern.
He hurried to come close to the priest and walk together with him, but however much he hurried, he could not catch up.
It must have been a 狐 fox or 狸 Tanuki posing as a priest.
- - - - -
. kane 鐘と伝説 Legends about the temple bell .
弁慶 Benkei had loaded the stolen temple bell on a boat and wanted to cross the lake. Close to 三又 Mimata the bell suddenly begun to sound. A strong wind begun to blow, waves got higher and the boat was about to sink. So Benkei threw the bell into the lake and soon it became quiet and the moon begun to shine bright.
The bell is at the bottom of the lake to our day, sometimes one can see a whirlpool.
On stormy nights one can even hear the bell toll.
. Benkei 弁慶と伝説 Legends about Musashibo Benkei .
- - - - -
Sankichigitsune, Sankichi Kitsune 三吉狐 The fox Sankichi
At the town hall there lived an old couple as caretakers. One day in the evening the old woman went out for an errand but did not come back. They looked for but could not find her.
Next morning they found her standing confused near 観音堂の池 the pond of the Kannon Hall. She had come as far as the lake but could not find her way back home. She must have been bewitched by Sankichi.
Once a mother with her baby on the back passed by the home of Sankichi the fox, when the baby begun to cry very loud. The mother hurried to get home, but when she looked at her baby, it was dead, killed by Sankichi.
Once a man passed by the home of Sankichi the fox on a snowy night, and Sankichi hit his head very hard.
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .

Ibaraki 牛久 Ushiku

. Ushiku 牛久 and Kappa legends .

. byooninda 病人田 / byooninbatake 病人畑 "sick field" .
and the temple 薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji

Ibaraki 若柴町 Wakashiba town / 若芝宿 / 龍ケ崎市 Ryugasaki city

Mito Kaido 水戸海道 Sea road to Mito

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
Once a man from 栗山村 Kuriyama village near Mount Tsukuba passed the postal station Wakashiba along the sea road to Mito, when a beautiful woman appeared.
He found this quite strange, but took the woman home and she became his wife. They had a child and when it was three years old, the woman was found out to be a fox and had to leave.
They say the descendants of this family still live nearby.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #mitokaido #mito #mitohighway #mitokomon #hitachi #hitachinokuni #ibaraki #ibaragi - - - -


Chiba Narita Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Chiba Kaido 千葉街道 Chiba Highway
成田街道 Narita Kaido / Narita michi 成田道 Road to Narita

Connecting Edo / Shinjuku to the famous temple in Narita.

source : xxx

. Narita San 成田山 Shinshō-Ji 新勝寺 "New victory temple" .
The temple was established in 940 to commemorate the victory of the forces dispatched from the Heian capital to suppress a revolt by the powerful Kantō region samurai, Taira no Masakado.

. Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門 .
(? – 940)


The part from Shinjuku to Sakura was often used by officials of the Edo Bakufu government and also called
Sakura Kaido 佐倉街道 Sakura Highway.
Daimyo from Sakura and along the Boso Peninsula (Chiba) used it for Sankin Kotai.

There was 行徳船 a boat connection from Gyotoku to Narita, to transport salt and in the late Edo period even sometimes passengers.

- - - - - Postal stations - - - - -
Shinjuku 新宿
Yawata 八幡
Funabashi 船橋
Owada 大和田
Usui 臼井
Sakura 佐倉
Shisui 酒々井
Narita 成田

Shinjuku, in the Edo period, was a postal station on the Mito Kaido.
水戸街道新宿(にいじゅく)Mito Kaido Niijuku)

. Mito Kaido 水戸街道 Mito Highway .


- Look at the many photos at the links given below -

Yawata juku 八幡宿
- reference source : home.e02.itscom.net/tabi/naritakaidou... -


Funabashi shuku 船橋宿
- reference source : home.e02.itscom.net/tabi/naritakaidou... -

. Funabashi and the Gyotoku Salt Fields 行徳塩田 .


Owada juku 大和田宿
- reference source : home.e02.itscom.net/tabi/naritakaidou... -


Usui juku 臼井宿
- reference source : home.e02.itscom.net/tabi/naritakaidou... -


Sakura juku 佐倉宿
- reference source : home.e02.itscom.net/tabi/naritakaidou... -
Sakasai no watashi 逆井の渡し The Ferry Crossing at Sakasai
Utagawa Hiroghige
This was the beginning of Sakura Michi 佐倉道 the Sakura Road.
It crossed Nakagawa 中川 the river Nakagawa.
(sakasa-i means upside-down well.)
Sakasai was the name of a local lord, who had built 逆井城 the Sakasai castle in 茨城県坂東市 Ibaraki, Bando city.
- quote -
Sakasai castle
Sakasai Castle was the easternmost frontier of the Hojo territory
standing in opposition to the Satake, Yuki and other lords of the area.
For the time period, it is a fairly large and tough castle that made use of the river and wetlands surrounding it as a natural defense.
Sakasai Castle was abandoned after the Hojo were defeated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1590.
- source and more : jcastle.info/view ... -

Sakasaibashi 逆井橋 Sakasai Bridge


Shisui juku 酒々井宿
- reference source : home.e02.itscom.net/tabi/naritakaidou... -

- quote -
- - - - - Etymology
The name of Shisui in the Japanese language is formed from three kanji characters. The first, 酒, means "sake",
The second, 々, is an ideographic iteration mark, indicating a repetition of the first character, and the third, 井 means "well".
The area in present-day Shisui was noted for its freshwater springs, and a local legend arose that pure sake gushed freely from the ground, creating "wells of sake".
- - - - - History
The area around Shisui has been inhabited since at least the Japanese Paleolithic, and archaeologists have found stone tools and the foundations of houses dating 24,000 years ago. During the Muromachi period, the area was under control of the Chiba clan. After the start of the Edo period, much of the area of Shisui was part of Sakura Domain, a feudal domain under the Tokugawa shogunate.
After the Meiji Restoration, Shisui Town was founded on April 1, 1889 within Inba District of Chiba Prefecture. Proposals to merge Shisui with the neighboring city of Sakura failed to pass a public referendum in 2002.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Boso Okan 房総往還 Boso Kaido 房総街道 .
Otaki Okan 大多喜往還 Otaki Kaido大多喜街道 in Chiba

. Onari Kaido 御成街道 Highway for the Tokugawa Shogun.
Togane 東金御成街道 Onari Kaido


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Chiba 千葉県
印旛郡 Inba district 酒々井町 Shisui town

- zokushin 俗信 folk belief

- related to giving birth and . Ubusunagami 産土神 deity of one's birth place . :
On the 21st day after birth, the baby was presented to the Ubusunagami. The monther pinched its nose to make it cry on the way and if it did, the child would grow up safely.
On day 100 after birth the baby was given its first food, and to pray for strong teeth the baby was given a stone to lick.

- - - related to . kadomatsu 門松 New Year pine decoration .
If the Kadomatsu was put up on the 29th day of december, it was called
kumatsu 苦まつ pine of pain
If it was put up on the 31st day of december, it was called
ichiya matsu 一夜松 pine put up over night.
These two days had to be avoided.
The Kadomatsu should not feel the wind of the seventh day of January, and had to be put down on January 6. Sometimes people did it on day 7, but in the early morning of day 5 or 7.

- - - - -
- - - related to hot water:
To put water into it to make it cooler was ok. But it would bring bad luck to put hot water into cold one.
Carrying hot water for hakamairi 墓参り, when visiting the graves of the ancestors must be used and not taken back home.
- - - related to weddings:
Pouring soup or tea over sekihan 赤飯 red auspicious rice, it would bring rain on the wedding day.
- related to fire:
Throwing yuzu 柚子 citrons under the veranda would cause fire.
Pouring clear water into a tokkuri 徳利 Sake flask and place it near the daikokubashira 大黒柱 main pillar of the home would prevent fire.
- - - related to graves
Take off the joint of a bamboo stick and put it on the grave, bottom side up. This way the spirit can escape through the hole. When visiting the grave, pour water through the bamboo pipe.
The soul can hear the sound and rejoice or even relieve its thirst.


. deidaarabotchi デエダラボッチ, ダイダラボッチ Daidarabotchi monster .
dedarabochi デエダラボッチ


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


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. Gyotoku Kaido 行徳街道 Gyotoku Highway .
From 市川市 Ichikawa city in 千葉県 Chiba to 浦安市 Urayasu town.

. Kaido 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - ##chiba #chibakaido #naritamichi #naritakaido #sakasai - - - -