. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Shirahige 白ひげ / 白鬚 Shirahige district "white beard"
Shirahige Daimyojin 白鬚大明神 // Shirahige Myojin 白鬚明神 Deity
The white beard is a symbol of longevity.
Shirahige is another name for the deity
. Sarutahiko no Ookami 猿田彦大神 the Great Deity Sarutahiko .
Sarutahiko is also called 比良明神 Hira Myojin.
The oldest, main Shirahige Shrine is in Shiga, 近江 Omi, with a history of more than 2000 years.
It has about 300 sub-Shrines in Japan.
The Shirahige Shrines are often included in a pilgrimage to the Seven Gods of Good Luck.
They feature the deity 寿老神 Jurojin.
. Seven Gods of Good Luck 七福神 Shichifukujin .

The Revelation Of Shirahige Myojin, The White-Bearded God
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927) - Pictures of Noh plays
- 白鬚の曲舞 Shirahige no Kusemai, 観阿弥 Kan-Ami, performed in 1374
The story tells the founding of temple Enryaku-Ji, Mount Hieizan, according to the Taiheiki.
Kusemai was a medieval Japanese art-form believed to consist chiefly of narrative chanting (kuse), accompanied by dance (mai).

Kunisada Toyokuni
- - - - - 白鬚神社 Shirahige Shrines in Tokyo
- Sub-Shrines of the Shiga / Omi Shirahige Shrine
墨田区東向島 3 Chome-5-2 Higashimukojima, Sumida
The deity in residence is 猿田彦大神 Sarutahiko.
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Shirahige Shrine Festival
This is a festival held at this shrine, which is one of Sumida River’s Seven Gods of Good Fortune. It is said that “Mukojima’s summer begins from here.”
The Aori Lion Dance has recently been revived. A large number of people come creating a lively atmosphere. Zushina (names) of parishioners still remain making one feel the tradition. The shrine’s mikoshi (portable shrine), Jusanban, parade around the town at the Main Festival held once every three years.
- source : nihon-kankou.or.jp... -
- - - HP of the Shrine
- reference source : shirahigejinja951.wixsite... -
4 Chome-36-18 Higashi-Yotsugi, Katsushika 葛飾区東四つ木
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the Shrine !
6 Chome-19-18 Tachibana, Sumida 墨田区立花
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the Shrine !
. Yotsugi 四つ木 Yotsugi district (Four Trees) .
Shiga - Omi - 滋賀県高島市鵜川215 Ukawa, Takashima city, Shiga
The main Shirahige Shrine in Japan.
- - - - - Deities in residence
Sarutahiko 猿田彦大神 / 猿田彦命
Shirahige Myojin 白鬚明神
This is the oldest shrine in the Omi region.

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Shirahige Jinja, Omi
An earlier post gave the lineage of the family called Shirahige. This post is about a visit to Shirahige Jinja in Omi. Remember how Yamato began in Awa-no-kuni, around Lake Biwa in Omi-no-kuni.
Shirahige Jinja (白鬚神社)
is in Takashima, Shiga-ken, located on the western shore of Lake Biwa. It is separated from the lake by a busy highway. Its first torii stands 58 m offshore at a height of 10 m. From the second torii of the jinja, the sun will rise through the torii on the lake on equinox days, for the shrine faces east, as most old shrines do.
This old shrine
was established by Yamato-hime, daughter of Suinin Tenno in the 25th year of his reign. The enshrined kami are Sarutahiko Okami and Shirahige Myojin. Sarutahiko is best known as the kami of the land who guided Ninigi, grandson of Amateru, in the tenson-korin tale. He is called the kami who opens the way.
Shirahige Myojin is an old man with a white beard, and he represents longevity. From our studies, we consider Sarutahiko and Shirahige (Sirahige) to be one. Recall our earlier post describing the great healing abilities of Sarutahiko and how he was the only one that Amateru met with just before his passing.
The haiden hall is unpainted wood that gives it a rustic feeling.
There are eleven sha on the premises. On the mountain beyond the red torii is the Toyouke Daijingu. It enshrines Toyouke Okami, grandfather of Amateru and great-grandfather of Oshihomimi.
- source : woshiteworld.wordpress.com... -
- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- reference source : shirahigejinja.com... -
Kanagawa - Miura - 神奈川県三浦市三崎町小網代1516

In the 16th century, a fisherman had caught a statue in his net and built a sanctuary to worship it.
The present-day hall had been erected by the governor of Sagami, 三浦道寸 / 三浦義同 Miura Yoshiatsu (1451 - 1515).
The deity in residence is 中筒男命 Nakatsutsu no O no Mikoto, also called Shirahige Myojin.
Fishermen from the region come here to pray for a save and bountiful catch.
. Sumiyoshi Jinja 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Shrines of Japan .
The three main deities are
Sumiyoshi Sanjin -- Sokotsutsu no Onomikoto, Nakatsutsu no Onomikoto, and Uwatsutsu no Onomikoto
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Saitama Koma-jinja 埼玉 高麗神社 Koma Shrine
833 Ooaza Niihori, Hidaka, Saitama Prefecture
Koma Shrine is located in Niihori, Hidaka City, Saitama Prefecture. The enshrined deities are Koma no Koshiki Jakko, Sarutahiko no Mikoto and Takenouchi no Sukune (a legendary statesman).
The shrine was founded in 716 by an emissary from Goguryeo, Koma no Koshiki Jakko, as the head shrine to guard the Koma district (present-day Hidaka City).
It was originally named Shirahige Myojin and is the headquarters of all the 55 Shirahige and Shirahige Myojin shrines in the Musashi province (present-day Saitama Prefecture), from which it is also called Koma Soja Shrine (the head shrine).
In the precinct are a lot of cultural properties including the Old Koma Family Residence. Since the Meiji period, a lot of people, who had visited this shrine to offer a prayer, became powerful politicians including prime ministers, the shrine has been worshipped as Shusse (career success) Myojin. Koma Shrine is also famous for cherry blossoms in spring and chrysanthemum flowers in fall.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp... -
- Now back to Tokyo! -

Shirahigebashi 白鬚橋 Shirahigebashi bridge
connecting Arakawa, Sumida and Taito.
Named after the Shirahige Shrine.
Built in 1914 by the company 白鬚橋株式会社.
There used to be a river crossing for the Shrine, 白鬚の渡し Shirahige no Watashi, at least since 1594.

Higashishirahige Koen 東白髭公園 Park
2 Chome Tsutsumidori, Sumida
This is a long, narrow park along the Sumida River.
You can walk from Asakusa along the Sumida River and enjoy the nature.

. Sumidagawa hakkei 隅田川八景 by 広重 II Hiroshige II .
白髯 落雁 Descending Geese at Shirahige
白鬚神社 Shirahige Jinja - 墨田区 Sumida ward
. Kawase Hasui 川瀬巴水 (1883 - 1957) .
woodblock prints

Yuki no Shirahige 雪の白ひげ / Shirahige in the snow
Snow at Shirahige Bridge
Twelve Scenes of Tōkyō
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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Momodayū / Shiradayū Shinkō
Momodayū is also called Hyakudayū.
The name Momodayū appears as the kami worshipped by courtesans (yūjo) of Eguchi and Kanzaki in Ōe no Masafusa's Yujoki, and Masafusa also wrote in his Kairaishiki that Kugutsu worshipped "the hundred kami" (hyakushin). The Ryōjin hishō records courtesans "praying to Momodayū for the love of men" and calls it "that which courtesans like". Momodayū is a kami worshipped by puppeteers (Kugutsu, also written as Kugutsushi) and sangaku, and was also the kami of courtesans.
Momodayū was regarded as a male kami and many hundreds of wooden images of him were carved and enshrined. Momodayū is enshrined as a massha at various shrines in western Japan, including the massha Momodayū shrine worshipped by Ebisu Mawashi at Nishinomiya Shrine, and those at Nagato ichinomiya Sumiyoshi Jinja, Hiyoshi Taisha, Iwashimizu Hachimangu, and Usa Jingu. He is also worshipped as a "tutelary of roads" (dōsojin) and as a "kami that prevents pox" (hōsō yoke no kami).
Shiradayū is the first massha of those at the shrine Kitano Tenmangu, and is worshipped at Tenmangu shrines in various regions.
Shiradayū is often confused with Momodayū. One story relates that a shrine priest (shikan) of Ise's Outer Shrine, Watarai Haruhiko (862 - 944) who became a follower of Sugawara no Michizane, evolved into the "enshrined kami" (saijin) Shiradayū.
Another tells that the saijin at Shirahige Jinja in Ōmi was enshrined as Shiradayū.
- source : Kokugakuin - Satō Masato -
................................................................................. Fukuoka 福岡県
宗像市 Munakata city
At the Shirahige Shrine people make offerings of red auspicious rice for the annual festival of the ninth day of the ninth month.
The next morning exactly half of it is gone. The deity must have eaten it, they say.
................................................................................. Yamagata 山形県
南原町 Minamiharamachi
In 1659, there was a huge flooding of the river.
Villagers saw an old man with a white beard floating by, sitting on the water practising Zazen meditation.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
Shirahige no torii ni nami ya kami watashi
the waves at the gate
of Shirahige Shrine -
gods are leaving
宮地恒子 Miyachi Tsuneko
. kami watashi 神渡し "Gods are leaving" .
- - kigo for Winter - -
According to the old lunar calendar in Novemer, when the deities of Japan, who gathered in Izumo, take leave and go back to their local areas.
There is usually a strong wind in the Izumo area.
Shirahige no torii o kuguru haguregamo
stray ducks
fly under the gate of
Shirahige Shrine
倉持嘉博 Kuramochi Yoshihiro


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. Sumida-ku 墨田区 Sumida ward, "ink field" .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #shirahige #shirahigesumida - - - -
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