
Aomonocho District

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Aomonochoo 青物町 Aomonocho "vegetable" district

. Edo Dento Yasai 江戸伝統野菜 Traditional Vegetables of Edo .

After Tokugawa Ieyasu founded the town, many people came to work here and to feed them all was one of the great projects that had to be taken care of. For fresh vegetables, Ieyasu had a market set up with the help of

Soga Kozaemon 曽我小左衛門 / 曾我小左衛門
He had come from Odawara, Kanagawa and settled in the district near Nihonbashi and Yorozucho 萬町 / 万町, which soon took the name of the Odawara original.

- quote
- source : 田代道彌

To the North of Aomonocho was
Ikedai Yashiki 活鯛屋敷 
where the fish for Edo Castle were kept in ikesu 生洲 fish preserve ponds.

Soon other wholesalers came to live in Amonocho too, like tea merchants, soy sauce merchants, dried foods merchants and even incense stick merchants and many more
問屋が多く、定飛脚問屋、乾物問屋、茶問屋、紙煙草入問屋、鍋釜問屋、干菓子問屋、薬屋、筆墨硯師、醤油酢問屋など . . .
Near the wholesalers, smaller vegetable shops also set up business.

Most of this area got lost and parts of it are now reconstructed and excarvated from the ruins.

aomono-tori 青物取り taking green things,
is still a common word for collecting sansai 山菜 mountain vegetables in spring.

Nihonbashi Ichome 日本橋1丁目 First District of Nihonbashi
現在の日本橋1丁目の地は、中央通り(日本橋通り)を中心に、通1~4丁目、通 1丁目新道、西河岸町、呉服町新道、元四日市町(活鯛屋敷・日本橋蔵屋敷)江戸橋広小路、本材木町1・2丁目、万町、青物町、平松町の一部、佐内町などの多くの町があり、江戸城下の中心として活気あふれる庶民の町でした。Yorozucho 万町とAomonocho 青物町の間の 南北の通りを中通りといいました。
- source : makibuchi/chuo_aruku -


Edo no Aomono Ichiba 江戸の青物市場 Vegetable Markets in Edo
In the "three vegetable district" 青物三ケ町 Aomono Sangamachi in Kanda
Tachō, 多町 Tacho - 連雀町 Renjakucho - 永富町 Eifukucho

. Daikongashi 大根河岸 Daikon-gashi district - Kyobashi . - Chuo

. Tachō, 神田多町 Kanda Tacho district .
and the greengrocer 河津五郎太夫 Kawazu Goro Daiyu

From there street vendors would take off every day.

aomono uri 青物売り vegetable vendor

- source : edosanpo.blog109 -


There are other districts in Japan with this name.

神奈川県 Kanagawa 小田原 Odawara

Aomonocho Shotengai 商店街  Shopping Street

岩手県 Iwate, 盛岡市 Morioka

The district used to be called 仙北町新小路 Senboku and was re-named to Aomonocho in 1812. It is the district in front of the shrine 駒形神社 Komagata Jinja.

The 明治橋 Meiji Bridge of Aomonocho


. Kappa legends from Iwate 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ .

カッパ Kappa and Sumo wrestler 七つ瀧 Nanatsu-Taki (Seven Waterfalls)
At 青物町 Aomonocho there lived a former Sumo wrestler, he now dealt with horses (bakuroo バクロウ). Once he went to the river with a horse, where he met a Kappa. The Kappa wanted to pull the horse into the water, but the strong Nanatsutaki pulled him out with ease. The Kappa apologized and promised never to pull humans into the water again.
He promised to stay off from 明神淵 Myojin-Fuchi to 御舟小屋 Ofune-Koya. And all other Kappa would also respect this promise.
Since this day, no fatal water accidents happened there and people now bring offerings to the local shrine festival


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

aomono o kau nyoobo no awase kana

the summer robe
of my wife buying
vegetables . . .

binboo na aomonoten ya natsu daikon

this poor
vegetable shop -
Daikon in summer

. Kawahigashi Hekigoto 河東碧梧桐 .

. daikon 大根 Radish, Reddish, Raphanus sativas .


harukaze ya aomono ichi no ato hiroshi

spring wind -
the remains of the vegetable market
are quite large

at Senju 千住 in Tokyo

koorogi ya aomono ichi no koboreha ni

this cricket -
it sits on a fallen leaf
at the vegetable market

. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .

. koorogi 蟋蟀 cricket, Gampsocleis buergeri .
- kigo for autumn -











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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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Fukiyacho District

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Fukiyachoo 葺屋町 Fukiyacho District of roof thatchers
yanefuki, yanebuki 屋根葺 roofing, roof covering, roofer
kayabuki 茅葺 thatching, thatched roof
. 中央区 Chuo Ward - 日本橋 Nihonbashi .

In former times this was a large wetland with lots of reeds.
In 1615 it was drained and made into a district.
Many craftsmen for roof thatching came to live here, hence the name.
- - - - - yanefuki 屋根葺き roofer, see below

In 1634, the famous Kabuki theaters were erected in the area and nearby Sakai.
堺町 - 葺屋町 Sakai Machi, Fukiya Choo
. Edo Sanza 江戸三座 - the three famous Kabuki theaters of Edo .

Soon there were many small tea stalls in the area.

Fukiya and Sakai


Kayabacho 茅場町
Kayabacho is in the southern part of the Nihonbashi area.
In the Edo Period, reed fields abounded in the area. Many merchants selling roof thatch lived here.
Since Kayabacho is near the Tokyo Stock Exchange, it has become a business district with many stock brokerage firms. It is called one of the world's Big Three financial centers and Japan's Wall Street. The streets are filled with businessmen.Going to Nippon Budokan and Tokyo Disney Resort is also convenient.
There are many business hotels around the subway station.In 1887, Tokyo Dento Co., Japan's first electric power company, built Japan's first power plant in Kayabacho. It started supplying electricity to nearby customers such as Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK Line) and the Tokyo Post Office.Two branches of the Kamejima River flow through Kayabacho and empty into the Sumida River. The Kamejima River branches off from the Nihonbashi River.Upstream where the Kamejima River branches off, there is the Nihonbashi Sluice Gate. And downstream at the river mouth is the Kamejima River Sluice Gate. Both gates prevent flooding caused by high tide countercurrents.
- source : gurunavi.com/en -

Minami Kayabachoo 南茅場町 Minami Kayabacho, Minami-Kayabacho
Apart from the roof thatch dealers, soon more drinking places and restaurants were built there.

Kaikoan restaurant at Minami-Kayabacho
歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige

東都高名会席尽 茅場町 葛の葉 (Kuzunoha)
Kaiko-an, Minami-Kayabacho


- quote
Thatching is the craft of building a roof with dry vegetation such as straw, water reed, sedge (Cladium mariscus), rushes, or heather, layering the vegetation so as to shed water away from the inner roof. It is a very old roofing method and has been used in both tropical and temperate climates. Thatch is still employed by builders in developing countries, usually with low-cost, local vegetation. By contrast in some developed countries it is now the choice of affluent people who desire a rustic look for their home, would like a more ecologically friendly roof, or who have purchased an originally thatched abode.
A thatched roof
is usually pitched between 45–55 degrees and under normal circumstances this is sufficient to shed snow and water. In areas of extreme snowfall, such as parts of Japan, the pitch is increased further.
- source : wikipedia

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kayabuki yane 茅葺屋根. Lit. thatching with miscanthus.
However, the word kaya 茅 includes the use of many kinds of grasses, reeds and straw. Although thatched roofs are usually associated with vernacular dwellings minka 民家, some shrine or temple buildings or gates still use this type of roofing material. Thatch roofs last a maximum of about 30 years, before thatching becomes necessary. About half the thatch can be removed, dried out and reused.
... The shape and pitch of thatched roofs vary from region to region. The steepest roofs use the gasshou style gasshou-zukuri 合掌造 (gasshozukuri), to shed snow easily while in milder areas the pitch used is relatively gentle.
- Read the details here :
- source : JAANUS-

. WKD - kaya fuku 萱葺く thatching a roof .
kaya karu 萱刈る (かやかる) cutting miscanthus (reeds)
ashi kari 蘆刈 (あしかり) cutting reeds
kaya - Schilfgras

yanefuki 屋根葺き roofer, craftsman making roofs
yaneya 屋根屋 roof maker

They used all kinds of material for roofs in Edo.
One of their most important tools were the kugi 釘 nails made of various materials.
They placed a bundle of them in the mouth to have both hands free and spit them out as work proceeded.

. kugi 釘 Japanese nail, Nagel - Introduction .

More details about the craftsmen:
. yane 屋根 roof - Dach / yaneya 屋根屋 roof maker .
okugai 屋蓋, lit. roof covering.


. Shirakawa go 白河郷 Shirakawa - Gifu .
The houses in the villages in the valley are unique to Japan. They are very big, and have thick thatched roofs that come down steeply.

. iori, an 庵 thatched roof hut .

- quote
itabuki 板葺 Wood shingles
Widely used in Japan for buildings of many kinds, ranging from palaces, elite residences, shrines and temples to ordinary houses *minka 民家. Itabuki is believed to have been used at a high social level as early as the Asuka period. On vernacular houses, it was particularly used in mountainous areas where material for thatch was relatively hard to obtain. In urban districts it was gradually displaced during the last years of the Edo period by tile, which was both fireproof and longer lasting (itabuki roofs lasted about 30 years).
Generally, the shingles were made from a log split first into quarters along the grain, and then cut or split (with wedges or a hatchet nata 鉈) into progressively thinner boards. These were less than 75mm thick, and their width was less than three times their thickness. The preferred materials were cedar sugi 杉, sweet chestnut kuri 栗 and chamaeciparis pisifera sawara 椹. Reddish, sinuous lumber was preferred.
Shingle types, in declining order of quality,
included: tochi 栩, tokusa 木賊, masa 柾, koba 木羽, and kokera 柿.
It is clear from a comparison of early medieval itabuki on vernacular houses, as depicted in illustrated handscrolls emaki 絵巻, and itabuki shown in late Muromachi to Momoyama period painted screens *byoubu-e 屏風絵, that there was a general tendency for the shingles to get smaller.
In the late Heian period,
the distance from ridge to intermediate pillars irigawabashira 入側柱, and from intermediate pillars to outer pillars kawabashira 側柱 were each spanned with a single long shingle. In the Momoyama period, four or five shingles seem to have been enough to cover the distance from ridge to eaves, suggesting that the length of individual shingles was reduced by half. By the later Edo period,
large shingles averaged between 45-85cm in length by 9-15cm in width by 1cm thick, while small ones averaged 30cm in length by 12cm in width by 3mm thick. Roofing undertaken with the larger type is called naga-itabuki 長板葺, and with the smaller, ko-itabuki 小板葺. Doubtless dwindling timber resources led to this diminution in size.
From medieval times,
however, small shingles came to be used in more refined itabuki roofs on elite residences, shrines, and presumably developed to simulate the effects of cypress-bark roofing hiwadabuki 桧皮葺. In these roofs, the lap of the shingle courses was far greater.
A variety of names were used for such roofs,
according to the detail and the type and thickness of the single, but the best known are tochibuki 栩葺 and kokerabuki 柿葺. Other forms of itabuki include sogibuki 殺ぎ葺, noshibuki 熨斗葺, yamatobuki 大和葺, odawarabuki 小田原葺, tontonbuki とんとん葺 and ishioki itabuki 石置板葺.
The character of itabuki roofs varied from the most curvaceous elegance possible, kokerabuki, which could be used for nearly any shape of roof, to the straight, shallowly pitched roofs of ishioki itabuki houses, which were almost invariably gabled kirizuma yane 切妻屋根. Fixings as well as shingle size had much to do with this contrast: kokerabuki shingles were held in place with bamboo nails, while ishioki itabuki was held in place with stones. Roofs could not be steep or the stones would roll off.

hiwadabuki 檜葺 cypress-bark thatched roofing
A roof covered with layers of Japanese cypress hinoki 桧 (檜) bark shingles. The shingles are usually 45-60cm in length, 4-15cm in width, and 9-12cm thick. The extension from the overlap of one shingle over another is 1-2cm. Cypress shingles are secured with bamboo nails.

kokerabuki 柿葺 simple shingled roof
A roof covering made with a layer of thin wooden shingles made of cypress. The shingles are about 0.3cm-0.5cm thick, 9cm-15cm wide and about 30cm long. The shingles are secured with bamboo nails. Sometimes cedar or persimmon wood is used.
- source : JAANUS -

. amigasamon 編笠門 watttle-hood gate .


Yamanashi 山梨県 千代田村 Chiyoda village
Once a roof is finished thatching, 天狗 Tengu is invited and worshipped. Tengu (and his deity version, Sarutahiko) is seen as a deity of water and should help to protect the home from fires.
The roof makers 屋根屋 have since olden times prayed to Sarutahiko as the deity of their profession.

. Sarutahiko densetsu 猿田彦伝説 Sarutahiko Legends .


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. 中央区 Chuo Ward - 日本橋 Nihonbashi .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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Bakufu Edo Government

. Edo Bakufu - articles .

Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government and Administration
Tokugawa bakufu 徳川幕府 Tokugawa Government

- quote
The Tokugawa shogunate, also known as the
Tokugawa bakufu (徳川幕府) and
the Edo bakufu (江戸幕府), was the last feudal Japanese military government which existed between 1603 and 1867.
The heads of government were the shoguns, and each was a member of the Tokugawa clan. The Tokugawa shogunate ruled from Edo Castle and the years of the shogunate became known as the Edo period. This time is also called the Tokugawa period or pre-modern (Kinsei (近世)).

The bakuhan taisei (幕藩体制) was the feudal political system in the Edo period of Japan. Baku, or "tent," is an abbreviation of bakufu, meaning "military government" — that is, the shogunate. The han were the domains headed by daimyo.

1 History
2 Government
2.1 Shogunate and domains
2.2 Shogun and the Emperor
2.3 Shogun and foreign trade
2.4 Shogun and Christianity

3 Institutions of the shogunate
3.1 Rōjū and wakadoshiyori (roojuu, roju 老中)
3.2 Ōmetsuke and metsuke (oometsuke 大目付)
3.3 San-bugyō (san bugyoo) - three administrators
3.4 Tenryō, gundai and daikan (Tenryo 天領)
3.5 Gaikoku bugyō (gaikoku bugyoo)

4 Late Tokugawa Shogunate (1853–1867)
5 List of the Tokugawa shoguns
- source : wikipedia

karoo 家老 Karo, chief retainer
He stayed at the domain and looked after the regional affairs on behalf of the Daimyo.

under construction
- - - - - keywords including BAKU 幕 - - - - -

Bakuchoo Sensoo 幕長戦争 Bakucho Senso war
between the Bakufu and the 長州 Choshu Domain
Chōshū Rebellion
also called 長州征討 Choshu Seito, 長州征伐, 長州出兵, 長州戦争
In the Kinmon Incident on 20 August 1864, troops from Chōshū Domain attempted to take control of Kyoto and the Imperial Palace in order to pursue the objective of Sonnō Jōi. This also led to a punitive expedition by the Tokugawa government, the First Chōshū expedition (長州征討).
第一次長州征討 First Chōshū expedition
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幕府放鷹制度 rules about takagari 鷹狩り hawk hunting, falconry (BF)
. takagari 鷹狩 hunting with hawks and falcons .

bakufu kansen 幕府艦船 Bakufu ships (BF)
bakufu kansenn 幕府官船

. bakufu goyootashi 幕府御用達 craftsmen working for the Bakufu government .


. bakuhan taisei 幕藩体制 Bakuhan system .


Bakumatsu 幕末 end period of the Bakufu (1853 - 1867)

. Bakumatsu 幕末 写真 photo collection .

. Bakumatsu aera 幕末の人  people visiting Japan (1853 - 1867) .

幕末のジャーナリズムー Bakumatsu Jurnalism
. kawaraban 瓦版 Edo newspaper, handbill, broadside .


. bakuryoo 幕領 Bakuryo government land, bakufu-owned land, .
bakufu chokkatsu chi 政府直轄地 / bakufu chokkatsu ryoo 幕府直轄領
shogun's direct holdings, personal land- holdings, personal fief of the Tokugawa
tenryoo, tenryō 天領 Tenryo Government Land "Land of Heaven"

. mizubugyoo, mizu bugyō 水奉行 Waterworks administrator .


A Shogun (将軍 Shōgun) "general", lit. "military commander"
was a hereditary military dictator in Japan during the period from 1192 to 1867, with some caveats. In this period, the shoguns were the de facto rulers of the country, although nominally they were appointed by the Emperor as a formality. The Shogun held almost absolute power over territories through military means, in contrast to the concept of a colonial governor in Western culture who was appointed by a king.
Sei-i Taishōgun (征夷大将軍, "Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force Against the Barbarians"
..... in reality shōguns dictated orders to everyone including the reigning Emperor.
Kamakura shogunate (1192–1333)
Ashikaga shogunate (1336–1573)
Tokugawa shogunate (1603–1868)

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- quote
Shōgun Senge  将軍宣下 appointment to shogun
After donning his ceremonial attire in the Kuro Shoin drawing room,
the Shōgun would be greeted by the Gosanke households
(three households with direct kinship to the Tokugawa household)
and top-ranking Daimyō in the Shiro Shoin before heading to the Ō-hiroma,
where he would read and receive the written decree delivered by the imperial envoy.
Following the ceremony, he would meet with Daimyō and hatamoto.
Through this process, the Shōgun gained authority of the military, government, and legislative system.
The Ō-hiroma was the stage for clear expression of the social hierarchy,
and the Shōgun reigned with supreme authority over the Daimyō
as each of them knelt down before him in turn according to his status.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library

江戸幕府の征夷大将軍‎ The Tokugawa Shoguns

Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 (1543–1616) - the first Shogun
..... He received the title sei-i taishōgun in 1603
Tokugawa Hidetada 徳川秀忠 (1579–1632)
Tokugawa Iemitsu 徳川家光 (1604–1651)
Tokugawa Ietsuna 徳川家綱 (1641–1680)
Tokugawa Tsunayoshi 徳川綱吉 (1646–1709)

Tokugawa Ienobu 徳川家宣 (1662–1712)
Tokugawa Ietsugu 徳川家継 (1709–1716)
Tokugawa Yoshimune 徳川吉宗 (1684–1751)
Tokugawa Ieshige 徳川家重 (1712–1761)
Tokugawa Ieharu 徳川家治 (1737–1786)

Tokugawa Ienari 徳川家斉 (1793–1853)
Tokugawa Ieyoshi 徳川家慶 (1793-1853)
Tokugawa Iesada 徳川家定 (1824–1858)
Tokugawa Iemochi 徳川家茂 (1846–1866)
Tokugawa Yoshinobu 徳川慶喜 (1837–1913) - the last Shogun

Tokugawa Tsunenari 徳川恆孝 (1940 - ) the 18th generation
His son, Tokugawa Iehiro , is a University of Michigan-educated translator.

- Tokugawa Branch Families
Tokugawa Mitsukuni of the Mito domain
Tokugawa Nariaki of the Mito domain
Tokugawa Mochiharu of the Hitotsubashi branch
Tokugawa Munetake of the Tayasu branch.

- - - - - The Matsudaira clan (松平氏 Matsudaira-shi)
Matsudaira Motoyasu changed his name to Tokugawa Ieyasu
Other branches were formed in the decades after Ieyasu, which bore the Matsudaira surname. Some of those branches were also of daimyo status.
Matsudaira Katamori of the Aizu branch.
Matsudaira Sadanobu, of Shirakawa
- - - - - 4 Key genealogies
4.1 Main line (Tokugawa shogun)
4.2 Hoshina-Matsudaira clan (Aizu)
4.3 Yūki-Matsudaira clan (Echizen) - Fukui Domain and Tsuyama Domain
4.4 Ochi-Matsudaira clan (Hamada)
4.5 Hisamatsu-Matsudaira clan (Kuwana)
4.6 Ogyū-Matsudaira clan (Okutono)
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tairoo, tairō 大老 Tairo "Great Elder" - chief councillor
roughly comparable to the office of prime minister.
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The system for maintaining law and order during the Edo period differed fundamentally from our modern system in that law enforcement and criminal justice were carried out by the same organs. That is to say, one agency or office carried out the functions that are today performed separately by police, prosecutors, and the courts. This means that the administrative and judicial functions of government were merged rather than deliberately separated as they are in modern democratic states.

Although the Tokugawa shogunate held sway over the daimyô (lords) of all the country’s domains, the administration of each of these domains was left to the individual daimyô; in principle, the shogunate administered only its own domains. However, since the administrative apparatus of each domain, including law enforcement and criminal justice, closely resembled the system established by the shogunate, an examination of the latter system should be sufficient to provide an overview of law enforcement in the Edo period.

The top administrative post under the shôgun was that of rôjû, or senior councillors. (At times a tairô, or chief councillor, was appointed as a superior to the rôjû, but this was not a permanent post.) Typically, the shogunate appointed four or five rôjû from among the fudai daimyô, lords of the domains that Ieyasu, the first Tokugawa shôgun, had originally granted to his loyal vassals in the early seventeenth century. The rôjû generally took turns managing the shogunate’s administrative affairs according to a monthly rotation system, although they came together to confer on matters of importance. Ranking just below the rôjû were the wakadoshiyori, or junior councillors. They were also chosen from among the fudai daimyô and likewise served according to a monthly rotation. Since the rôjû and wakadoshiyori together made up the top administrative organ of the Tokugawa government, they were inevitably involved in matters pertaining to law enforcement and criminal justice, whether directly or indirectly.

Next in importance in the central administrative apparatus were the metsuke (inspectors) and ômetsuke (inspectors general), whose main job was to monitor and control the activities of the ruling warrior class. The ômetsuke, reporting directly to the rôjû, monitored the daimyô, while the metsuke, who were under the supervision of the wakadoshiyori, focused on the shôgun’s direct retainers—the hatamoto, or bannermen, and the gokenin, or housemen. Both were selected from among the hatamoto. With its reliance on peer monitoring, the metsuke system might be compared to the military police of a modern army or the internal affairs bureau of a police department.

The highest offices with direct police and judicial authority were the three bugyô, or commissioners, who reported to the rôjû. While many of the positions within the vast shogunal bureaucracy had originated as military posts in the era of civil unrest prior to the Edo period, the posts of the three bugyô were created after the shogunate was established in Edo, and they had a distinctly civilian flavor.

The first and highest-ranking of the three was the jisha bugyô (commissioner of temples and shrines), who had authority over the lands of all the temples and shrines in the country, the priests and monks attached to those institutions, and the people living within their precincts. In addition to wielding general administrative authority over these lands and people, the jisha bugyô also adjudicated civil suits, investigated crimes, and tried suspected criminals associated with the temples and shrines.

The central job of the kanjô bugyô (commissioner of accounts) was fiscal management, but the holder of this post also wielded police authority with regard to serious crimes carried out within most of the shogunate’s direct holdings. This is because the authority of the gundai or daikan who directly governed those areas (the name depended on the size of the holding) extended only to the collection of taxes from local farmers and the prosecution and adjudication of civil cases and certain minor criminal cases; in all other criminal cases, the accused, together with the record of the preliminary investigation, was sent to the higher court in Edo, namely the kanjô bugyô. Since the kanjô bugyô thus combined the authority of a finance minister and a chief justice, only the most capable people could fill the post, and they were kept very busy. Four people ordinarily filled it on a monthly rotating basis.
- source : japanecho.com/sum/2004 -


. nengoo, nengō 年号 Nengo, "year name", era name .

. Edo goyaku 五役(ごやく) the five official workers of Edo .
御駕籠之者(おかごのもの)okagonomono, o-kago no mono
御中間(おちゅうげん)ochuugen, o-chugen
御小人(おこびと)okobito, o-kobito
黒鍬之者(くろくわのもの)kurokuwa no mono
御掃除之者(おそうじのもの)gosooji no mono, go soji no mono


rusui, rusui-yaku, rusuiyaku 留守居役 caretaker

- quote -
Rusui yaku were samurai officials in the service of Edo period domains, who oversaw the administration of the domain's mansions in Edo or other cities in the lord's absence. They served an extremely important role as the domain's representative in the city, as administrators and intermediaries, facilitating the domain's involvement in political and economic matters in the major metropolises.
The responsibilities of a rusuiyaku
were diverse and extensive, including maintaining the domain's mansion and preparing it for the arrival and residence of the lord or other members of his household; communicating on behalf of the domain with the shogunate and other official institutions, including at times filing formal inquiries or complaints with the shogunate; and communicating with the rusuiyaku of other domains, as intermediaries in arranging various political, personal, or economic matters between domains; among many other activities.
- source : wiki.samurai-archives.com... -


- - - - - Alphabetical Index of Keywords 用語解説 - - - - -

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XXX - / - YYY - / - ZZZ -


江戸幕府大事典 Edo Bakufu Daijiten Dictionary
by 大石学 Oishi Manabu

将軍・老中・火付盗賊改・畳奉行・鷹匠、江戸城 ( 門・櫓・堀) ・陣屋・奉行所、参勤交代・幕府の儀式...。
年中行事 - 官僚制 - 建築物

- quote -
- 内容説明






- reference source : yoshikawa-k.co.jp... -


. Bakufu Meeting with PowerPoint .

. ninsoku yoseba 人足寄場 rehabilitation prison .
Hasegawa Heizô 長谷川平蔵 and
Law Enforcement in the Edo Period


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

kuzugakure bakufu goyoo no doo no michi

hidden in Kuzu
the copper road
of the Bakufu

品川鈴子 Shinagawa Suzuko

. doozan 銅山 Dozan copper mines in Japan .
Besshi copper mine 別子銅山 - Ehime
Ashio copper mine 足尾銅山 - Tochigi


hamayuu no honbo ni sake bakufu ato

北見さとる Kitami Satoru


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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. samurai, warriour, tsuwamono, bushi 侍, 兵、武士、兵士 .

- - - - - #edobakufu #bakufu - - - -



Cipangu,Jipangu ジパング and Hello Kitty

- quote - wikipedia -
There are many names of Japan in English, Japanese, and other languages.
Nihon (にほん / 日本)
Japon, Japón(フランス語「ジャポン」、スペイン語「ハポン」)
Yaponiya, Япония(ウズベク語「ヤポニヤ」、ロシア語「イポーニヤ」)

Cipangu described on the 1492 Martin Behaim globe.

The English word for Japan came to the West from early trade routes. The early Mandarin Chinese or possibly Wu Chinese word for Japan was recorded by Marco Polo as Cipangu. The modern Shanghainese (a dialect of the Wu Chinese language (呉語) or topolect) pronunciation of characters 日本 (Japan) is still Zeppen [zəʔpən]. The Malay and Indonesian words Jepang, Jipang, and Jepun were borrowed from Chinese dialects, and this Malay word was encountered by Portuguese traders in Malacca in the 16th century. It is thought the Portuguese traders were the first to bring the word to Europe. It was first recorded in English in 1577 spelled Giapan.

Jipangu  Cipan (日本)
Cipangu was first mentioned in Europe in the accounts of the travels of Marco Polo. It appears for the first time on a European map with the Fra Mauro map in 1457, although it appears much earlier on Chinese and Korean maps such as the Kangnido. Following the accounts of Marco Polo, Cipangu was thought to be fabulously rich in silver and gold, which in Medieval times was largely correct, owing to the volcanism of the islands and the possibility to access precious ores without resorting to (unavailable) deep-mining technologies.

The Dutch name, Yatpun, is derived from the southern Chinese pronunciation of 日本, Yatbun or Yatpun.
The Dutch J is generally pronounced Y, hence Ja-Pun.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- quote - Japan Times -
From ‘samurai’ to ‘Hello Kitty,’
search data show how the world’s view of Japan has changed

The analytics data are included in the online version of this article.

Has the image of Japan as the land of Hello Kitty upstaged its perception as a country full of swaggering samurai and mincing geisha in the Western mind? That’s what the latest Web analytics data would seem to indicate.

Japan apparently first entered the Western psyche in the 15th century as European traders expanded eastward. Cartographers called the country Cipangu in its first depiction on a Western map in 1453; the first recorded use of Giapan in English came in 1577.

Today, Web analytics tools provide data visualizations of a radically more powerful kind to understand shifting views of Japan. “Cipangu,” a word used by merchant explorer Marco Polo, was apparently adopted by Portuguese traders from Chinese dialects to indicate Japan. Google’s Ngram Viewer, a tool that searches Google’s digital book library, draws a graph that shows “Japan” had already vastly eclipsed “Cipangu” in the English corpus by the earliest date in Ngram’s library of 1800.

Some of the first literary references to provide a sense of how Westerners in the 19th century viewed Japanese culture appear soon thereafter. The words samurai and geisha enter Ngram almost as soon as data begins in 1800. “Samurai” starts to take off from the 1820s, while “geisha” comes into more common use from the 1840s. “Samurai” continues its steady rise almost to the new millennium, but “geisha” plateaus from around 1940.

For a more granular view of the past decade since Google’s search engine took off, Google Trends measures the frequency of Web search terms relative to total search volume from 2004 through the present. The term “samurai” continues to reign over “geisha” in the new millennium, but “geisha” has a brief moment of glory in 2006, when it eclipses the term “samurai” soon after the release of the film “Memoirs of a Geisha,” which was sold here as “Sayuri.”

Then, in 2007, something notable happens: Hello Kitty overtakes “samurai” as a popular search term. It retains its dominance for several years, a time that produced headlines like “Hello Kitty products target young males,” before subsiding into rough parity with “samurai” at the present.

Google Trends searches are “black boxes” into which one can read only so much without understanding Google’s “secret sauce” algorithms. But given how much perceptions of Japan have changed in recent decades, it’s perhaps not pushing things too far to take the triumph of “Hello Kitty” over “samurai” as a proxy for the shifting view of Japan from one of a warlike nation to that of the nonthreatening (notwithstanding Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s push for remilitarization), ineffably cute land of “Cool Japan.”

Taking this trend to its logical conclusion, the Japanese word for “cute,” kawaii, barely registers a blip until 2010. But by July 2015, “kawaii” is up to four relative to samurai’s 10 and Hello Kitty’s eight on Google Trends’ scale of 0-100.

A sign of a continuing softening of Japan’s image in the English-speaking mind to come? Hard to say, but it should be noted that aside from a brief spike after the release of the latest Godzilla film in 2014, Hello Kitty also maintains her dominance over the iconic Japanese monster for the entire decade covered by Google Trends.

A more macro view presented by going back to 1990 in Ngram also shows more neutral cultural indicators of Cool Japan, anime and sushi trending steadily upward, while “samurai” just manages to hold steady.

At the moment, both “Hello Kitty” and “kawaii” have also eclipsed “geisha” in the world’s imagination. Once again, it’s dangerous to draw conclusions with nontransparent data, but one could speculate that the image of Japan as the land of cute has overtaken its image as a country of exotic sexuality.

Eclipsing all cultural indicators, however, are keywords that represent Japan’s continuing reputation for manufacturing prowess. Toyota registers close to the top of the 0-100 scale throughout the Google Search decade from 2004 to 2015, while “Godzilla,” “Hello Kitty” and “samurai” generally remain at 10 or under.

Sony can take some comfort in the fact that, despite its recent woes, the electronics giant still maintains a lead over all major Japanese companies in search queries in the English-speaking world surveyed by Google Trends. No doubt this is due not only to iconic products like the Walkman but also to the international nature of Sony, with its Sony Pictures and Sony Music arms. “Sony” beats not only “Toyota,” but also “samurai,” “anime,” and even that most popular of Japanese delights, “sushi.”

Google Trends also offers insights into the regional popularity of search terms. Unsurprisingly, Southeast Asia remains the area most under Japan’s cultural spell. The Philippines ranks at the top for both “samurai” and “Hello Kitty,” as well as a term symbolic of contemporary Japan like “anime.”

The analytics data are included in the online version of this article.
Next week, Mark Schreiber looks at the Japanese words that have fallen in and out of fashion in 2015.

- source : japantimes.co.jp/life/2015/11/30


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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends - Introduction .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #cipangu #hellokitty - - - -


Fujizuka mounds

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Fujizuka, Fuji-zuka 富士塚 Mound to honor Mount Fujisan

CLICK for more photos !

- quote
Fujizuka (富士塚) are small mounds, commonly found in and around Tokyo, which represent Mount Fuji.
During the Edo period (1603–1868), a cult arose around the mountain, one of whose major devotional rites was to climb to the peak. Pilgrims who were unable through age, infirmity or gender to climb Mount Fuji would ascend one of these surrogates instead. They were usually around ten feet high, and replicate the 10 stations on Fuji itself, from the foot of the mountain to the summit. Some were also situated so as to provide pleasant views of their surrounding area, such as the Moto-Fuji at Meguro.

Although they are not included among the objects that make up the Cultural World Heritage Site, there are many Fujizuka that have been designated as Cultural Properties by the national government of Japan or by local governments. Famous Fujizuka within the precincts of Tokyo include
the Shitaya-sakamoto Fuji (within the grounds of the Onoterusaki shrine),
the Nagasaki Fuji (beside the main shrine building of the Fuji Sengen shrine) and
the Ekoda Fuji (within the grounds of the Ekoda Sengen shrine).
One such Fujizuka is found at Shinagawa Shrine near Shinbanba station in Tokyo. According to the shrine's kannushi, Mr. Suzuki, the Fujizuka, built between 1869–72, is a relatively late addition, and is said to bestow the same benefit on those who climb it as climbing Mt. Fuji.
- source : wikipedia

source : Yoko Arisaka
Map of the many Fujizuka in Edo - said to be more than 60 !
Many are off limits now and can only be climbed once a year during the Festival when the climbing season of the real Mount Fuji starts in Summer.

Many shrines in Japan had a special boulder or mound where Fuji worshippers could "climb" to the top and perform austerities and offer prayers.
. Fujikoo 富士講 Fujiko, Mount Fuji worship group .

Hatonomori Hachiman Jinja 鳩森八幡神社


Asakusa 浅草
. Fuji Asama Shrine 富士浅間神社 .


Fukagawa 深川

Ando Hiroshige


Funabori no Fujizuka 船堀の富士塚
日枝神社 Hie Jinja

Build with some lava rocks of Mount Fuji.
At the top is a small shrine of 浅間神 Asama Jinja.


Imai no Fujizuka 今井の富士塚

Located at the back of 上今井香取神社 Kami Imai Katori Jinja (1564).
It was built with the lava rocks of Mt. Fuji in 1930. It is 2.5 meters high. One stone at its base dates back to 1751.


Mizuinari Jinja 水稲荷神社 Shinjuku 新宿
Takada Fuji 高田富士

CLICK for more photos !

- quote -
On the north side of Hosen-ji Temple in the vicinity of Waseda University Building No.9 (in the grounds of the former Mizu-Inari-jinja Shrine), is the site of an Edo period landmark called Takada Fuji-zuka. From the middle of the Edo period (1603-1867), the divinity of Mount Fuji was a popular belief and in every region "Fuji-zuka" (Fuji mound) were constructed as replicas of Mount Fuji.
Takada Fuji was created in 1779 by Takada Toshiro, a landscaper from Takada Village and was the oldest of these mounds in Edo. It was about 5 meters high.
During 1905-1906, Waseda University purchased the grounds of the then Mizu-Inari-jinja Shrine and the Takada Fuji-zuka was destroyed. However, it was restored in the grounds of the current Mizu-Inari-jinja Shrine which itself was moved to the side of the city administered Kansen-en Park.
On the site of the original Takada Fuji-zuka now stands Waseda University Building No.9, a high rise building.
- source : kanko-shinjuku.jp -

Takada Tooshiroo 高田藤四郎 Takada Toshiro
Born I706 in Tajima no Kuni 但馬の国 (now Hyogo).
He climbed Mount Fuji for the first time when he was 16 and 34 times alltogether in his lifetime.


Nagashima no Fujizuka 長島の富士塚
at Shrine 香取神社 Katori Jinja at 東葛西 Higashi Kasai

This hill is about 4 meters hig.
The top is covered with unregular boulders, the stones at the bottom are about more round.
At the top is a stone memorial with the inscription of 浅間神社 Asama Jinja.
This mound has been built in 1917 on request of the nearby villages of 長島 /b 桑川両村 Nagashima and Kuwagawa.


Meguro 目黒

Ando Hiroshige - and the 三田上水 Mita Josui waterway

- quote -
This is a picture of Meguro Fujizaka by Utagawa Hiroshige, April 1857.
The Fujizaka in Meguro was about 15 metres high and was complete with a Shintō Torii at its base and a zig zag path to a shrine at the top imitating the paths on the slopes of the real Mount Fuji. It was built in 1819 on land belonging to Kondo Juzō, an explorer of Hokkaido and a hatamato. In 1826 he was involved in a land dispute with a man called Hannosuke, the owner of a teahouse that was located in the area at the base of Meguro Shinfuji . He took the case to court and won. Hannosuke made threats and as a consequence Kondo’s son Tomizo, to avenge his father’s honour, attacked Hannosuke killing seven members of the family. Tomizo was exiled to Hokkaido and Kondo was exiled to Ōmizo Domain and place under house arrest in the care of the Lord of that Domain, Mitsuyasu Wakebe, who treated him with the utmost respect.
The story was adapted by Takeshiba Kisui for the Kabuki stage in a play entitled
‘The Incident at the foot of Meguro’s New Miniature Mountain’ (山開目黒新富士 Yamabiraki Meguro no Shinfuji).
- source : Trevor Skingle facebook 2017 -

- quote -
Meguro Moto-Fuji 目黒元不二
Meguro Moto-Fuji is a 12m high man-made Mt. Fuji at Kami Meguro, Meguro Ward
built by a Fuji-worshipping group of Meguro in 1812 (the ninth year of Bunka).
Asama Shrine 浅間神社 was dedicated at the summit, just as on the real Mt. Fuji
and at the opening of the mountain on June 1st, many would come on pilgrimages.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -


. Onoterusaki jinja 小野照崎神社 Onoterusaki Shrine .
and the Fujizuka festival 富士塚祭り

... to celebrate the opening of the mountain climbing season of Mt. Fuji.
The "Fuji Hill", a miniature of Mount Fuji, is about 7 meters high. To climb it would bring the same spiritual merit as climbing Mt. Fuji itself.
The "Fuji Hill" of this shrine was constructed in 1828.
Once every three years the festival is especially large and the mikoshi palanquin is carried around in the neighbourhood. Only when a new emperor succeeds or a crown prince is born will the festival be held in this year too.


- - - - - Shimokamata no Fujizuka 下鎌田の富士塚

There are at least two, one in 天祖神社 Tenso Jinja and one in 豊田神社 Toyota Jinja.

Built in the beginning of the Showa period by the Fujiko group 葛西講.
It has been rebuilt together with the re-moving of the shrine to its present location, now
江戸川区東葛西7-17 (中割天祖神社)Tenso Jinja


. 鐵砲洲 Teppozu Fujizuka .
at Teppozu Inari Jinja 鐵砲洲稲荷神社


The one in Toyota Jinja is about three meters high and rather new, built in 1916. The shrine itself is about 200 years old.
The Fujiko Group is 下鎌田割菱八行講. The main festivals are on the first of July and 28th of August.


. Hikawa Jinja 氷川神社 Hikawa Shrines in Japan .

Ando Hiroshige

上目黒氷川神社 Hikawa Jinja 氷川神社 in Kami-Meguro


川口氷川神社 Hikawa Jinja
Kawaguchi 埼玉県川口市青木5丁目18番48号

source : ameblo.jp/yorozu39

Amulet with Fujizuka 絵馬 ema votive tablet


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

Fujizuka ni nobori Urayasu matsuri kana

at the Urayasu
festival I climb up
the Fuji Mound . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

米倉典子 Yonekura Noriko

浦安稲荷神社 Urayasu Inari Jinja

- source and more photos : ナツパパ さん -

- - - - - Events in Urayasu
Urayasu Sanja Matsuri 浦安三社祭
Seiryuu Jinja (清瀧神社)/ Toyouke Jinja (豊受神社) / Inari Jinja (稲荷神社)
- source : sites.google.com/site -


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends - Introduction .

- - - - - #fujizukaedo #fujizuka - - - -


shinbutsu in Edo

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Temples of Edo 江戸のお寺 - INFO .
. Shrines of Edo 江戸の神社 - INFO .
shinbutsu in Edo 江戸の神仏 Kami and Hotoke in Edo

shinbutsu shūgō 神仏習合 - Syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism
shinbutsu bunri 神仏分離 - Separation of Shinto and Buddhism.

. shinbutsu 神仏 kami to hotoke .
- Introduction -

探訪・大江戸の神仏 - 日本のこころ - 1995

. shinbutsu 神仏と伝説 legends about Kami and Hotoke - the Deities of Japan .

. Jiun Onkoo 慈雲飲光 Priest Jiun Onko .
(1718 – 1804/1805)
founder of 雲伝神道 Unden Shinto // 葛城神道 Katsuragi Shinto
..... Jiun held that no distinction existed between Shinto and esoteric Buddhism, and that it would be impossible to learn the essence of Shinto without also understanding esoteric Buddhism.


- - - The three deities most feared in Japan:

. Shinigami 死神 God of Death "Grim Reaper" .

. Binbogami, Binboo Gami 貧乏神 Bimbogami, God of Poverty .

. Yakubyoogami 疫病神 Yakubyogami, Deity of Diseases .
- - - - - ABC list of Buddhist Temples and Shinto Shrines - - - - -

- - - - - Chooonji 長遠寺 Choon-Ji 大田区南馬込

如意輪観音 Nyoirin Kannon, 地蔵菩薩坐像 Jizo Bosatsu
不動明王 Fudo Myo-O 地蔵菩薩 - Jizo Bosatsu


. Fujizuka, Fuji-zuka 富士塚 Mound to honor Mount Fujisan .

- - - - - Hachiman Sha 八幡社 江東区

Once on the day of the Shrine festival, a mother came with her child of about 3 years. When she wanted to pass over the bridge, the child suddenly begun to cry, so she stopped without crossing and the child stopped crying soon.
A short while later the bridge collapsed and about 1000 people were injured.
The mother felt it was the help of the Deities that saved her life.

- - - - - Kaminakazato Fudo 上中里不動尊
Tokyo, Kita, Kaminakazato, 1 Chome−47−34

摩利支天 Marishi-Ten

不動明王 Fudo Myo-O

- - - - - Koomyooin 光明院 Komyo-In / 上荻2丁目

Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 in the bamboo grove

- - - - - Mejiro Fudo 目白不動尊金乗院 Konjo-In

Dragon sword of Fudo Myo-O 倶梨伽羅不動

. Mejiro Fudo 目白不動 .

- - - - - Oota Jinja 太田神社 - 高木神社 Takagi Jinja
Ōta-ku, Chūō, 6 Chome−3 太田神社

. Kuroyami Tennyo 黒闇天女 Lady Ten Deity of the Darkness .
... the Binbogami of this shrine turned into a Deity to bring good luck, Fuku no Kami,
Kuroyami Ten 黒闇天 (こくあんてん) Kokuan Ten
a Buddhist Deity of the Tenbu 天部 the Devas of India .

- - - - - Yanagimori Jinja 柳森神社 - Chiyoda, Kanda

. O-tanuki san おたぬきさん the honorable Tanuki .

ta o nuku 他を抜く
"tanuki" can also be read "ta-nuki,"
or pulling away from the crowd, a symbol of victory.

- - - - - reference - - - - -

江戸の法華信仰 - 望月真澄 Mochizuki Shincho
第1章 江戸の神仏と信仰
第2章 江戸の神仏の儀礼
第3章 祖師と守護神の霊場
第4章 加持祈禱の隆盛
第5章 法華信仰の寺院・仏像・信徒
第6章 江戸の巡拝信仰
- source : kokusho.co.jp/np -


江戸の神仏しめくくり Edo no Shinbutsu Meguri
根生院 - 南蔵院 - 亮朝院 - 津久井町の専念寺
願行寺 - 根津神社 - 東覚寺 - 大久寺 - 圓勝寺 - 上中里不動尊 / 上中里庚申堂
宗福寺 - 長遠寺 - 長遠寺の隣りの八幡神社 - 天祖神社 - 北野神社 - 熊野神社/南馬込 - 湯殿神社 - 新井宿薬師堂 - 大田区/本門寺 /妙見堂 - 十寄神社 - 遍照院
various Fujizuka
①船堀の富士塚(日枝神社) / ②桑川の富士塚(桑川神社)/ ③長島の富士塚(香取神社)/ ④今井の富士塚(香取神社)/ ⑤下鎌田の富士塚(豊田神社)/ ⑥上鎌田の富士塚(天祖神社)
江古田富士 - 庚申堂 - 下練馬富士 - 小御嶽神社 (Tengu) - 石観音堂
石神井 (Shakujii) : 禅定院 - 三宝寺 - 御嶽神社 -
杉並区 Sugita : 光明院 - 観泉寺 - 白山神社 - 西方寺 - 真盛寺 - 慈眼寺 - 宝仙寺 - 心法寺 -
- a page with many amazing photos !
- source : nobuhiro_suzu -


うわさの神仏 ー 江戸TOKYO陰陽百景
3 volumes by 加門七海 Kamon Nanami

2 行ってみます?
今戸神社―かわいい?巨大招き猫が鎮座 - Imado Jinja
銀座八丁のお稲荷さん―狐口密集地帯!?銀座を行く - Ginza no Inari
秋葉原―最先端のPC街、その主は天狗だった  - Akihabara no Tengu

3 行きたいなら止めません。
渋谷―犬が南向きゃ、魔物がのさばる!? - Shibuya - dogs and monsters
池袋―一度ハマると抜けられぬ。「袋」に溜まるモノあれこれ - Ikebukuro and bags
上野―旧幕軍のサムライが徘徊!?お化けの宴会にご用心 - Ueno - old samurai
at amazon com


. Ginza Hatcho Jinja 銀座八丁神社 Shrines in 8 Ginza districts .

1.幸稲荷神社 Saiwai Inari Jinja
2.銀座稲荷神社 Ginza Inari Jinja
3.龍光不動尊 "Fashion" Ryuko Fudo Son
4.朝日稲荷神社 Asahi Inari Jinja
5.銀座出世地蔵尊 Ginza Shusse Jizo
6.宝童稲荷神社 Hodo Inari Jinja
7.あづま稲荷神社 Azuma Inari Jinja
8.靍護稲荷神社 Kakugo Inari Jinja 
9.成功稲荷神社 Seiko Inari Jinja
10.豊岩稲荷神社 Toyoiwa Inari Jinja
- and 八官神社 Hachikan Jinja // 宝珠稲荷神社 Hoju Inari Jinja


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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends - Introduction .

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