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. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


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. tabako-ire 煙草入れ tobacco pouch .
- - - - - tabako-bon たばこ盆 pipe-smoking tray or set, literally "tobacco tray"
- - - - - kiseru 煙管 long pipes
- - - - - tabako uri, tabako-uri 煙草売り selling tobacco

. Tabata 田端 Tabata district . - Kita

. tabi 足袋 split-toe Tabi socks .
tabiya 足袋屋 making split-toe Tabi socks / 足袋店 shop selling Tabi

. Tachō, Tachoo, Ta choo 神田多町 Kanda Tacho district .

. tagaya 箍屋 hoop repairman, clamp repairman .

. taiheiraku 太平楽 .

. taiheiki yomi 太平記読み reading the Taiheiki - street performance .

. taika 江戸の大火 Edo no Taika "Great Fires of Edo" .

. taiko uri 太鼓売り vendor of drums .

. tairoo, tairō 大老 Tairo "Great Elder" - chief councillor .

. Taishidoo 太子堂 Taishido district . - Setagaya
- - - - - 聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi (574 - 622)

. Takadanobaba, Takada no Baba 高田馬場 "Horse grounds of Takada" .
Shinjuku - Takatanobaba

. takagari 鷹狩 hunting with hawks and falcons .
- takajo 鷹所 falconry hunting ground of the shogun

. Takaido mura 高井戸村 Takaido village . - Suginami

. Takanawa district 高輪, Takanawadai 高輪台   . - Minato ward
- - - - - Takanawa Ushimachi 高輪牛町 Takanawa "Ox Town"
- - - - - Takanawa Okido 高輪 大木戸 The Gates of Edo - Takanawa

. takani momen uri 高荷木綿売り selling cotton cloth .

takarabune 宝船 / 宝舟 treasure ship, treasure boat
. takarabune no e uri 宝船の絵売り selling images of the Treasure Ship .

. Takasago 高砂 Takasago district . Katsushika

. takasebune, takase-bune 高瀬舟 large ferry boats for goods .

. Takatsu Ihei 高津伊兵衛 (1679 - )and Ninben company .

. takenoko 江戸の筍 / 竹の子 bamboo shoots in Edo .
- - - - - takenoko uri たけのこ売り vendor of bamboo shoots in Edo

. Takenotsuka, Takenozuka 竹の塚 / 竹ノ塚 Takenotsuka district . - Adachi

. takeuma furugi uri 竹馬古着売り / 竹馬古着屋 .
selling old cloths hanging on a "bamboo horse" (takeuma) carried over the shoulder

. take uri 竹売り babmoo vendors - susudake uri, (susutake) 煤竹売 seller of cleaning bamboo.

. take zaiku 竹細工 art and craft made from bamboo .
- - - - - . take gangu 竹玩具 toys from bamboo .

. taki - Edo no taki 江戸の滝 waterfalls in Edo .

. Takinogawa 滝野川 / 瀧野川 Takinogawa district . - Kita

. takumi 匠 master craftsman .

. Tamachi, Akasaka Tamachi 赤坂田町 Tamachi district, "district of rice fields" .

. Tamagawa Joosui 多摩川上水 / 玉川 Tamagawa Josui Waterway .
- - Chōfu Tamagawa 調布玉川 Chofu

. Tamagiku 玉菊 / 万字屋玉菊 Courtesan in Yoshiwara .

. Tama-ori, Tama ori 多摩織 woven fabric from Tama .

. tamago uri, tamago-uri 卵売り 玉子売り selling eggs (raw and boiled) .

. Tameike, 赤坂溜池町 Akasaka Tameike district .

. Tanabata 七夕 Star Festival .

. tanago 店子 tenant .

. Tanashi choo 田無町 Tanashi district "land without rice fields" .
- - - - - Tanashi juku 田無宿 // Tanashi Jinja 田無神社 Tanashi Shrine

. tansu 箪笥 / 簞笥 -- たんす chest of drawers, Kommode .
funadansu 船箪笥 / 舟箪笥 ship's chest, kiridansu, kiri tansu 桐箪笥 chest from paulownia wood and more
tansuya 箪笥屋 Tansu maker in Edo

. tarai 盥 - たらい tub, basin, washing bowl, wash tub .

. taru kai, taru-kai 樽買い / taruya 樽屋 buying barrels .
furudaru kai 古樽買い buying old barrels

. tatami 畳 floor mats .
. Tatamicho, Tatamichō, Tatamimachi 畳町 Tatami district .

tatebajaya, tateba chaya 立場茶屋 serving food by the roadside, eating whilst standing
. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall - with a side business .

. Tateishi Sama 立石様 "standing stone" .
Katsushika ward, Tateishi 8th district 葛飾区立石8丁目

. Tatekawa 竪川 and Yokokawa 横川 - vertical and horizontal canal .

. Tatsumi geisha 辰巳芸者 in the Fukagawa district 深川.

. Tawarachoo 田原町 Tawara machi, Tawaramachi, Asakusa . - Taito

. tawaramono 俵物 goods from the trade with Nagasaki .

. tegata 手形 plates "to pass a road" / 通行手形 Tsuko Tegata .

. Teikin Oorai, ōrai 庭訓往来 Teikin Orai textbooks .

. temari 手毬 / 手まり hand balls and their song, temari uta 手毬歌 .

. Tenka Taihen 天下大変 Great disasters in the Edo Period - List .
Natural Disasters 自然災害 shizen saigai / tensai 天災 natural disaster

tenmongaku 天文学 astronomy / Tenmongata 天文方 Astronomical Bureau
Shibukawa Shunkai 渋川春海 Shibukawa Harumi - (1639 - 1715) astronomer and go player

. Tenmei 天明 Tenmei period - 1781 .

. Tenpoo, Tenpō 天保 Tenpo period - 1830 .

. tenpura てんぷら . 天婦羅 . 天麩羅 . 天ぷら Tenpura, Tempura .
tenpuraya, tenpura ya 天麩羅屋 Tempura stalls

. tenryoo, tenryō 天領 Tenryo Government Land "Land of Heaven" .
bakuryoo 幕領 Bakuryo government land, bakufu-owned land
bakufu chokkatsu chi 政府直轄地 / bakufu chokkatsu ryoo 幕府直轄領
shogun's direct holdings, personal land- holdings, personal fief of the Tokugawa

. tenshukaku 天守閣 castle tower, castle keep .

. teppoo, teppô 鉄砲 Teppo, gun, musket, matchlock, Gewehr .
hinawajuu, hinawajū 火縄銃 Hinawaju
tanegashima 種子島, also hinawajū 火縄銃 Tanegashima matchlock
teppo ashigaru  鉄砲足軽 matchlockmen
- Teppocho, Teppomachi 鉄砲町 gunsmith district

. Teppoozu 鉄砲洲 Teppozu district .
Shrine Teppozu Inari Jinja 鐵砲洲稲荷神社

. teppoogumi hyakunin tai 鉄砲組百人隊 100 Riflemen Team .
Hyakunin (hundred-man) brigade of shooters // 100 men musket corps

. terakoya 寺子屋 "temple school", private school .

. Terajimachō, Terajimacho 寺島町 Terajima district, "temple island" .
..... Terajima mura 寺島村 Terajima village, Higashi-Mukōjima 東向島 Higashi-Mukojima

. teri-furi, terifuri 照り降り "shine and rain" .
..... Terefurechoo 照降町 (てれふれ) Terefurecho, Terefure Cho district

. Tetsugakudo Koen 哲学堂公園 Philosophy Park Nakano .
..... built by Inoue Enryō (井上円了, 1858 – 1919) Professor Specter (妖怪博士, Yōkai Hakase)

- - - - - . time in Edo 江戸の時刻 Edo no jikoku - hours, days, months .

. tobishoku, tobi-shoku 鳶職 carpenters who worked in the fire brigade .
鳶 tobi、鳶口 tobiguchi、鳶の者

. Togoshi 戸越 Togoshi district . - Shinagawa

. toilet, outhouse, o-te arai .

. tokei 時計 clock, clocks and Tokugawa . shaku dokei 尺時計 pillar clock

. toki no kane 時の鐘 the time bell - Timescape .

. Tokiwabashi 常盤橋 Tokiwa bridge . - Setagaya
- and Sangenjaya 三軒茶屋 Sangen-jaya, "three tea stalls" district

. Tokiwadai 常盤台 Tokiwadai district . - Itabashi

. Tokiwazu-bushi 常磐津節 Joruri puppet theater song .

. tokkaebee とっかえべえ / tokkaebei とっかえべい
collector of old metal, gives a sweet (amedama) in return .

. tokonoma 床の間 alcove for decorations, art nook .
- - - tokobashira 床柱 tokonoma post, alcove post

. tokoroten uri ところてん売り selling tokoroten jelly .

Tokugawa Art Museum - 徳川美術館 Nagoya
- reference -

. Tokugawa bakufu 徳川幕府 Tokugawa shogunate. Tokugawa Government .
Tokugawa Shogun List

. Tokugawwa Ieyasu 徳川家康 . (1543 - 1616)

. Tokutomi Roka 徳冨蘆花 / Tokutomi Kenjiro 徳富健次郎 . (1868 - 1927) - author
- - - - - 蘆花恒春園 Roka Koshun En Park. Kasuya, Setagaya

. Tokyo Butsudan 東京仏壇 Buddhist Family Altar .

. Tokyo City Air Terminal - T-CAT - Hakozaki . - Chuo ward

. Tokyo Shoko Hakuran E 東京商工博覧絵 .
- - - - - Illustrated Views of Trade and Industry in Tokyo

. Tokyo twenty twenty 2020 Olympics Mascots .

. tomikuji, takarakuji 富くじ lottery .

. Tomioka Hachimangu 富岡八幡宮, Fukagawa .

. tomoe 巴 Tomoe family crest, mitsudomoe 三つ巴 .

. Tonegawa 利根川 / 刀禰川 Tone, River Tonegawa .
..... Bandoo Taroo, Bandō Tarō 坂東太郎 Bando Taro

. Toneri 舎人(とねり)Toneri district . - Adachi

. tonya, ton'ya 問屋 wholesalers, trade brokers .
- - - - - . komedonya, kome no tonya 米問屋 rice brokers .

. too 籐 rattan -東京籐工芸 Rattan Craft . $

. toofu, Tōfu 豆腐 Tofu, Dofu, bean curd .
- toofuya とうふ屋 / 豆腐屋 tofu makers / toofu uri 豆腐売り vendor of Tofu

. tooge no chaya 峠の茶屋, toogejaya 峠茶屋 tea house at a pass .

. Tooju shoin 藤樹書院 Toju Private School, Toju Study - Shiga .
by Nakae Tōju 中江藤樹 Nakae Toju (1608 – 1648)

. tookooshi 陶工師 suetsukuri 陶工 Tokoshi, potter .

. 東京スカイツリー Tokyo Skytree . - Oshiage, Sumida

. toomegane, too megane 遠眼鏡 Tomegane, telescope .
- - - - - megane 眼鏡 glasses

. Tooshooguu 東照宮 Toshogu shrines for Tokugawa Ieyasu .

. Tooto Saijiki 東都歳事記 Toto Saijiki. Saijiki of the Eastern Capital .

. Tôto ryûkô san-jû-rokkaiseki, 東都流行三十六會席 / 東都流行三十六会席
Thirty-six Fashionable Restaurants of the Eastern Capital .

- Aoyanagi 青柳 Restaurant and more

. Tooyama 遠山景元 Toyama Saemon no Jo Kagemoto .
(1793 – 1855) Machibugyo, Tōyama no Kin-san 遠山の金さん

. Toranomon 虎ノ門 / 虎の門 / 虎門 "Tiger Gate" district . - Minato
- - - - - Kamiyachoo 神谷町 Kamiyacho, Kamiya district

. Tora san 寅さん from Katsushika Shibamata .
..... Otoko wa Tsurai yo  男はつらいよ "It's Tough Being a Man"

. torinawa 捕縄 - "capture-rope" - arresting cord .

. tori no fun kai 鳥の糞買い buying "bird droppings" .
to make uguisu no fun 鶯の糞 uguisu poo beauty cream

. tori no ichi 酉の市 market on the day of the rooster . - November

. torioi, tori-oi, tori oi 鳥追 "chasing away the birds" ritual .
A ceremony held on the "Small New Year", now January 14 or 15.

. Toriyama Sekien 鳥山石燕 (1712 – 1788) Painter .
Gazu Hyakki Yagyō 画図百鬼夜行 The Illustrated Night Parade of A Hundred Demons
Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki 今昔画図続百鬼 / Supplement 今昔百鬼拾遺
Gazu Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro 画図百器徒然袋

. toshi no ichi 歳の市 / 年の市 year-end market .

. Toyomicho 豊海町 "bountiful sea town" district . - Tsukishima, Chuo

. Toyotama District 豊玉 Nerima .

. tsujigiri 辻斬り "to cut someone down on a crossroad" .
- and
tameshigiri 試し切り "trying out a new sword"
usually done on the bodies of executed people
- and
kiri-sute gomen, kirisute gomen 斬捨御免 /切捨御免
"authorization to cut and leave"

. tsukegi uri 付木売り selling wood scraps to light a fire .
tsukegi  付木 startwood for fire, "match" /// tsukegi shi 付木師 Tsukegi makers

. Tsukiji 築地 Tsukiji district . - Chuo ward

. tsukimi 月見 the culture of Autumn Moon Viewing .
- tsukimijaya, tsukimi chaya 月見茶屋 tea house for moon viewing

. Tsukishima Area 月島地区 "moon island" district. Chuo ward

. Tsukuda 佃 "cultivated field" district . - Chuo ward

. tsukudani つくだに (佃煮) Food and Tsukudajima 佃島 / 佃嶌 Tsukuda Island .

. Tsunokamizaka 津の守坂 slope Tsunokamizaka . Shinjuku

. Tsunohazu 角筈 and Kumano Junisha shrines .

. tsuri 釣り fishing in Edo .

. tsuu 通(つう) A Tsu fashion leader .
juuhachi daitsuu 十八大通 18 big spenders




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