
- - - SSS - - -


. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


- - - SSSS - - -

- - - - - . Shinto Keywords . - - - -

. Sex in Edo - fûzoku 風俗 Fuzoku entertainment .

. Storytelling in Japanese Art .

. street performance - daidoogei 大道芸 Daidogei .
kyokugei 曲芸 stunt artists, acrobatics
yose engei 寄席演芸 vaudeville theater, variety theatre
kado geinin 門芸人 performers at the gate (of each estate)

. Sustainability in EDO (O-edo ecology jijo) .
Eisuke Ishikawa Eisuke 石川英輔 - 大江戸えころじー事情
the full English translation


. Saga district 佐賀 . - Koto ward

. Saginomiya 鷺宮 Saginomiya district - "Shrine of the Heron - . - Nakano
- and - Shirasagi 白鷺 Shirasagi district - "white heron" -

saiken uri 細見売り selling a map of Yoshiwara pleasure quarters
Yoshiwara Saiken 吉原細見 Details Map of Yoshiwara
. fuuzoku, fûzoku 風俗 Fuzoku, entertainment and sex business - and Saiken books 細見 .

. saka, sakamichi 坂道 the slopes of Edo .

. sakariba 盛り場 amusement center .

. sake 酒 ricewine - Nihonshuu 日本酒, the Drink of Japan  .
- - - - - Hanya no Mizu 般若の水 "The Water of Wisdom"
- - - - - The religious use of sake (o-miki お神酒) / Sake 酒 for rituals and festivals

. sakoku 鎖国 "closed country" policy .

. sakonta 左官太 / 左近太 / さこんた mallet of a waterwheel.
sakontaroo 左近太郎 Sakon Taro // sako no taroo 迫の太郎 Sako no Taro

. Sakumachoo 神田 佐久間町 Kanda Sakumacho district .
- - - - - Sakuma Heihachi 佐久間平八 // Sakuma Tenmondai 佐久間天文台 Sakuma observatory // Sakumagashi 佐久間河岸 riverside

. sakuramochi from temple Chomei-Ji, Sumida ward 長命寺桜もち rice cakes .

. Samegahashi 鮫ヶ橋 / 鮫河橋 "Shark bridge" district . - Shinjuku
- - - - - 赤坂御用地鮫が橋門 Akasaka Samagahashi Gate

. Samezu 鮫洲 "Shark sand bar" district . - Shinagawa
- - - - - Samezu Hachiman Jinja 鮫洲八幡神社 Samezu Hachiman Shrine

. samuhara サムハラ SA MU HA RA divine protection .

. Samurai 侍 bushi 武士 warriour, warrior .

. sangaku 算額 mathematics in Edo .

. Sangenjaya 三軒茶屋 Sangen-jaya, "three tea stalls" .  

. Sanjikken horikawa 三十間堀川 Sanjugenbori, Sanjikken Horikawa, Sanjukken Canal . (さんじっけんほりかわ)

. sankin kootai 参勤交代 Sankin Kotai - Daimyo attendance in Edo .

. Sannenzaka 三年坂 Sannen-zaka slope . - Kojimachi, Chiyoda

. Saranuma Fudo 皿沼不動 永昌院 Eisho-In . - Adachi
- 東叡山寛永寺 The Hieizan of the East

. sarasa 江戸更紗 Edo Printed Silk Calico

. sarashi i . 晒井 / さらしい cleaning the well .

. Sarugakuchoo 猿楽町 Sarugaku Cho, Sarugaku district / 神田猿楽町 .
Kanda, Chiyoda ward

. sashimono 江戸指物 Edo wood joinery .

. Satomi Hakkenden 里見八犬伝 Legend of the Eight Samurai Hounds . - (fb)
Nanso 南総里見八犬伝 / Kyokutei Bakin 曲亭馬琴- Takizawa Okikuni滝沢興邦
. Saijiki by Bakin from 1803 俳諧歳時記栞草 .

. satoyama 里山 traditional rural landscape .


Sawaki Suushi 佐脇嵩之 Sawaki Sushi (1707 - 1772)- Painter
- - - Samples of monster paintings:
Inugami / Kami-kiri - "hair cutter"
Mehitotsubou / Mikoshi-nyudo
Nurarihyon / Nure-onna
Ushi-oni / Uwan from Aomori
Yama-warau, Yama-waro - kind of kappa
- source : pinktentacle.com

. sayaate, saya-ate 鞘当て scabbard-clashing, scabbard-collision, sheath collision .


. Seibu Railways Posters 西武鉄道 - Ukiyo-E .

. seidoo 聖堂 Seido hall for Confucius .
- - - - - 湯島聖堂 Yushima Seido

. seihonshi 製本師 bookbinder - Buchbinder .

. Seijoo 成城 Seijo district . - Setagaya

seisatsu, o-seisatsu 御制札 edicts on the roadside
- - - - - . mentioned in Haiku by Kobayashi Issa .

Sekigahara 関ヶ原 battlefield and
. Sekigahara-juku 関ヶ原宿 postal station .
- reference : 2 legends - nichibun -

. Sekiguchi 関口 Sekiguchi district . - Bunkyo

. sekisho 関所 checkpoint, barrier .

. Sekiyado 関宿 river crossing to Chiba .

. sekizoro 節季候 New Year Street performers .

. senbei 煎餅 "Edo Daruma Hakkei" 江戸だるま八景 .

. Sendagi 千駄木 district / 駒込千駄木町 Komagome Sendagi . Bunkyo

. sendoo, sentoo 船頭 boatman, chief fisherman, ferryman .
- - - - - choki、猪牙船 small boat, river taxi in Edo  
- - - - - watashibune わたし舟 / 渡し舟 / 渉舟 ferry boat

. Sengoku 千石 Sengoku district "one thousand stones" . - Bunkyo and Koto // Sengoku Ryochi 千石緑地 Sengoku Green Space

. senjimono uri 煎物売 medicine seller, The Tea Seller (Kyogen) .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Sennyuji 御寺 泉涌寺 Mitera Sennyu-Ji "honorable Temple" Kyoto, for the Imperial Family

. senryoobako 千両箱 Senryobako money box .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo - Introduction .

. Senju 千住 Senju district . - Adachi

. Senzoku 千束 / 洗足 Senzoku districts .
Taito ward : Senzoku // Ota wadt : Kita-Senzoku 北千束, Minami-Senzoku 南千束
Sensoku ike / Senzoku ike 千束池 / 洗足池 Senzokuike pond

. sentaku 洗濯 washing, doing the laundry .
sentakuita, sentaku-ita 洗濯板 a wooden board
arai-hari, araihari, arai hari 洗い張り / 洗張り wash and stretch
tokiarai, toki-arai 解き洗い / 解洗い take apart and wash

. sentoo 銭湯 public bath houses .

. seppuku 切腹 -- harakiri 腹切り ritual suicide .

. setomono mise 瀬戸物店, setomonoya 瀬戸物屋 .
瀬戸物町 Setomonocho, Setomono-Cho
瀬戸物売り setomono uri - vendor of pottery and crockery

. setta naoshi 雪駄直し repairing leather-soled sandals .


shafu 車夫 rikshaw man, rikshaw puller

. shakan, sakan 左官 plasterer, stucco master .

. Shakujii Koen 石神井公園 Park in Nerima .
..... 石神井池 Shakujii Pond and 三宝寺池 Sanpō-Ji Pond // 石神井神社 Shakujii Jinja

. shamisen 三味線 Shamisen "three flavor strings" instrument .
..... . 東京三味線 Tokyo Shamisen . $

. Shashin - Photo Collections of Old Japan 写真集 .

. shibai 芝居 performance, Kabuki theater .

shibaijaya, shibai chaya 芝居茶屋 tea shop near a theater
. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall - with a side business .

. Shibamata 柴又 Shibamata district - Katsushika .
..... Shibamata Taishaku-Ten 柴又帝釈天

. Shiba-Ura 芝浦 Shibaura and fishing in Edo .

. shibui 渋い / shibusa 渋さ subdued elegance . in art and architecture

. shichifukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .

. shichiya 質屋 pawn shop .

shichiya, o-shichiya お七夜 the seventh night (day) after a baby was born.
- お七夜の空荒れ通す城下町

. shikki - Edo shikki 江戸漆器 Edo laquerware .

. Shikoku 四国 The Shikoku Gallery .

. shimogoe tori 下肥取り collector of human manure, night soil collector .
..... shooben kaishuu 小便回収 collecting urin

. shimonya 四文屋 "Four Mon Shop" .

. Shinagawa ward 品川区 "goods river" district .

. Shinanochoo, Shinanomachi 信濃町 Shinano district . - Shinjuku

. Shinbashi, Shimbashi 新橋 "new bridge" district . - Minato

. shinbutsu in Edo  江戸の神仏 Kami and Hotoke in Edo .

. shinden kaihatsu 新田開発 developing new farm land . .

. Shingen-bukuro. Shingenbukuro 信玄袋 Shingen leather drawstring-pouch .
..... named after Takeda Shingen 武田信玄 

. shinise 老舗 a long-established store .

. Shinkawa 新川 Shinkawa sub-district "new river" - Kanda . - Chiyoda

. Shinkun Iga-Goe 神君伊賀越え "The Heavenly Lord retreats via Iga" .
..... Tokugawa Ieyasu

. Shinobazu no Ike 不忍池 Shinobazu Pond . - Ueno, Taito

. Shintomi 新富 Shintomi district "new riches" . - Chuo
..... Shintomi-za 新富座 Kabuki, 新富稲荷神社 Shintomi Inari Jinja

. Shiodome 汐留 Shiodome district / 塩留 . - Minato

. shiohi-gari, shiohigari /潮干狩 shellfish gathering at low tide .
at 洲崎 / 須崎 (州崎) Suzaki and other beaches

. Shirasagi 白鷺 Shirasagi district - "white heron" - . - Nakano

. Shirandoo 芝蘭堂 Shirando Academy . - for Dutch Learning

. Shirakabechoo 神田白壁町 Kanda Shirakabe-Cho district .

. Shirakawa 白河 Shirakawa district . - Koto

. Shiranami Gonin Otoko 白波五人男 The Shiranami Five Bandits .
日本駄右衛門 Nippon Daemon, 弁天小僧 菊之助 Bentenkozo Kikunosuke, 南郷 力丸 Nango Rikimaru, 赤星 十三郎 Akaboshi Juzaburo, and 忠信 利平 Tadanobu Rihei

. shiro 城 castle, Schloss, Burg - Introduction .

. Shirokane 白金 Shirokane district "white metal" silver district .
- Minato ward. 白金台 Shirokane-Dai / 白金三光町 Shirokane Sanko Cho // 白金氷川神社 Shrine Shirokane Hikawa Jinja

. Shiroki-ya 白木屋 kimono store .

. Shishibone district 鹿骨 "bones of the deer" .
- Shishimizuka jinja 鹿見塚神社 Shrine // 江戸川区 Edogawa ward

. shishi odoshi, shishiodoshi 鹿威し deer scarer .
and sōzu, soozu 添水 water fountain

. shishuu 刺繍 shishu, embroidery .
and sashiko 刺し子 embroidery decorations
..... . shishuu 江戸刺繍 embroidery from Edo . $

. Shitamachi 下町 Old Edo Districts .

. Shitamachi 下町八社巡り 8 Shrines in Shitamachi downtown .
鷲神社 Otori Jinja / 今戸神社 Imado Jinja / 第六天榊神社 Dairokuten Sakaki Jinja / 下谷神社 Shitaya Jinja
小野照崎神社 / 水天宮 Suitengu / 小網神社 Koami Jinja / 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja
. 東京下町八社巡り Pilgrimage to 8 Shrines in Shitamachi - amulets .

. shitateya 仕立屋 / 仕立て屋 tailor, seamstress .
- - - - - futomonodana 太物店, momenya 木綿屋, kiwataten 木綿店 cotton cloth dealers

. Shitaya, former Shitaya ku 下谷区 Shitaya Ward . - now Taito

. shokunin  職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
- - - - - takumi 匠 master craftsman

. shoo (笙) Sho, Japanese reed flute .

. Shoan 荻野松庵 doctor Ogino Shoan . (? - 1665)
- - - - - 西高井戸松庵稲荷神社 Nishi-Takai Shoan Inari Jinja

. shoobai 商売 Shobai, business in Edo .   

. shoobengumi 小便組 Shobengumi, "the urine gang" prostitutes .

. shoogi, shōgi 将棋 Shogi generals' chess, Japanese chess .

. Shoogun, Shōgun 将軍 Shogun "military commander".
Shoogun senge 将軍宣下 imperial investiture of the shogun

. Shootoo, Shōtō 松濤 Shoto district . - Shibuya

. Shôheibashi 昌平橋 Shoheibashi bridge - Kandagawa .

. Shubi no Matsu 首尾の松 "Pine of Success" - Kuramae, Taito .

. shukuba 宿場 post stations - .
- - - - - Edo shishuku 江戸四宿 The four most important SHUKUBA out of Edo
- - - - - okabasho 岡場所 brothels at a shukuba
- - - - - toiyaba 問屋場 Tonya: General offices that helped manage the post town.

. shunga 春画 "spring paintings", erotic scenes .
shunhon, shunbon 春本 erotic books

. shuppansha 出版社 publishing company, book publisher .
ABC - Introduction

. shuinsen 朱印船 "red seal Ships" - trade with Asia .

. shuuriya 修理屋, shuuri shokunin 修理職人 repairmen in Edo .


. Silk Road シルクロード / Asian Highway アジアンハイウェイ .

. sokuriki 足力 "strong legs" massage .
- - - - - sokuriki anma 足力按摩 / 足力あんま massage with the feet

. somemono 染 - Tokyo Mujizome 東京無地染 Plain Dyeing . $

. sonryooya, sonryoo-ya 損料屋 Sonryo-Ya, rental agent .
kashimonoya  貸物屋

. soogamae 総構え / 総構 total structure of a castle .

. Sooka, Sōka Gakkai 創価学会 Soka Gakkai .

soomen uri 索麺売 selling somen noodles
. Food vendors in Edo .

. sooshiki 葬式 soogi 葬儀 soshiki, sogi - funeral service .

. soroban 算盤 / そろばん abacus, Abakus calculator .
- soroban naoshi 算盤直し / そろばん直し repairing abacus calculators

. Sotobori 外堀 / 外濠 outer moat of Edo castle .

. Sotokanda, Soto-Kanda 外神田 "outer Kanda" district . - Chiyoda


. Sudacho 神田須田町 Suda district Kanda .

. sudare 簾 blinds - take sudare 竹簾 bamboo blinds .
- - - - -goza 茣蓙 light seating mats / misu 翠簾 (みす)
- - - - - yohsizu 葭簀 (よしず ) reed screen
- - - - - and more for the home to keep cool in summer
- - - - - . Edo Sudare 江戸簾 Slatted Blinds .

. Suga cho 須賀町 Suga district .

. Sugamo 巣鴨 Sugamo district "ducks nest" . Toshima ward
- - - - - Sugamo kooshinzuka 巣鴨庚申塚 Koshinzuka mound
- - - - - Sugamo Okago Machi 巣鴨御駕籠町 Sugamo "Palanquin district" / Okagobashi 御駕橋 bridge

. Sugatami 姿見橋 Sugatamibashi Bridge / 面影橋 Omokagebashi . - Shinjuku, Nishi-Waseda

. Sugiyama Waichi 杉山和一 (1614–1694) .
"Father of Japanese Acupuncture". Getting jobs for blind people, thanks to Shogun Tsunayoshi.

. sugoroku 双六 (すごろく) Sugoroku board game .

. Suidoo, Suidō 水道 Suido district . - Bunkyo and Shinjuku
- - - - - 水道 suido, the waterways and canals of Edo

. suikinkutsu 水琴窟 literally "water koto cave" .
- and related omamori お守り amulets

. suisha 水車 waterwheel - sakonta 左官太 watermill hammer .

. Sukeroku 助六 - Hero of Edo .

. Sukiyabashi 数奇屋橋 "Tea House Bridge .
- - - - - 数寄屋橋公園 Sukiyabashi Park / Sukiyabashi gomon 数寄屋橋御門 gate / Moto-Sukiya cho 元数奇屋町 Moto-Sukiya district, Chuo ward

. Sumida-ku 墨田区 Sumida ward, "ink field" .

. Sumidagawa 隅田川 River Sumida .
- also called 住田河 Sumidagawa、宮古川 Miyakogawa、大川 Okawa 、浅草川 Asukagawa

. sumi uri 炭売(すみうり) charcoal vendor .

. sumoo 相撲 Sumo wrestling .

sumoojaya, sumoo chaya 相撲茶屋 tea shop near a Sumo arena
. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall - with a side business .

. sunae, suna-e 砂絵 painting with sand .

. Suna 砂 districts in Koto ward .
- - - Higashisuna 東砂 / Kitasuna 北砂 / Minamisuna 南砂 / Shinsuna 新砂 / Sunamachi 砂町
Sunamura Shinzaemon 砂村新左衛門 (1601 – 1668) and his brother 砂村新四郎 Sunamura Shinshiro

. Surugadai 駿河台 .
and Surugachoo 駿河町 Suruga Cho, Suruga Quarter, Suruga street

. Susaki, Suzaki 洲崎 / 須崎 / 州崎 Susaki district . - Koto

. sushiya すし屋 Sushi restaurant .
Sushi 寿司 すし 寿し 

sushi uri 寿司売り selling sushi / inarizushi uri 稲荷寿司売り
. Food vendors in Edo .

. Suzugamori keijoo 鈴ヶ森刑場 Suzugamori execution grounds . Shinagawa

. suzuri 翡翠硯 inkstone .
- suzurishi 硯師 making ink stones

. suzushisa 涼しさ / ryoomi 涼味 "taste of coolness".
How to feel cool in summer in Edo


- #sumidagawa -

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