. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Azabu district 麻布 "hemp cloth"
Minato ward
source : jin3.jp/juban/history...
①一の橋 ②二の橋 ③古川 ④善福寺 ⑤仙台坂(仙台藩屋敷) ⑥がま池 ⑦有栖川宮記念公園
⑧一本松 ⑨南山小学校 ⑩毛利家 ⑪六本木 ⑫広尾 ⑬四の橋 ⑭狸穴 Mamiana
麻布十番 の 歴史 History of Asabu Juban
- quote
Azabu is an area within Minato ward in Tokyo, Japan, built on a marshy area of foothills south of central Tokyo. Its coverage roughly corresponds to that of the former Azabu Ward, presently consisting of nine official districts:
Azabu-Jūban 麻布十番, Azabudai, Azabu-Nagasakachō, Azabu-Mamianachō, Nishi-Azabu, Higashi-Azabu, Minami-Azabu, Moto-Azabu and Roppongi.
It is known as Tokyo's most expensive upscale residential district; many artists, business people, and celebrities reside there.
- History
The name Azabu literally means hemp cloth. Until the early Edo period, the area was agricultural. Archaeological evidence indicates that the area was inhabited as far back as the Jōmon period. The Juban Inari shrine (formerly known as Takechiyo Inari) was constructed in AD 712, the temple of Zenpuku-ji in 824,
and the Hikawa Shrine in 939 (on orders of Minamoto no Tsunemoto).
The area became urbanized in the 17th century,
after Tokugawa Ieyasu established his seat of government in nearby Edo.
Azabu soon became home to the Juban Horse Grounds, Edo's largest horse market.
In 1859, the first United States delegation in Japan was established at Zenpuku-ji.
- source : more in the wikipedia
. Hikawa Jinja shrines 氷川神社 .
A group of 100 Koga ninja members 甲賀百人組 settled in Kanda in Edo, in
Koogamachi 甲賀町(こうかまち) Koga Machi, Koga Village.
This placename was kept until 1933, when it was renamed to
神田駿河台一、三丁目 Kanda Surugadai Ichi - Sanchome.
And Kogaichoo in Azabu 麻布の笄町(こうがいちょう)は「甲賀町 Koga-cho・伊賀町 Iga-cho」was named after the Koga and Iga ninja.
. Surugadai 駿河台 .
. Azabu Nana Fushigi 麻布七不思議 seven wonders of Azabu .
Azabu Kita Higakubo 麻布北日ヶ窪町
To the South is the river 古川 Furukawa, there is a valley up to the Roppongi Hills.
In the Edo period there lives Samurai and townspeople together. There were also the busy temple areas of
麻布正信寺 Azabu Shoshin-Ji
麻布教善寺 Azabu Kyozen-Ji.
The estate of 毛利甲斐守邸 Lord Mori Kai no Kami was also in this area, the Mori Park is a historical landmark to our day.
ヒルズの毛利庭園 Mori Koen park in Roppongi Hills
- reference source : azabusaiken.ttcbn.net/machi... -
Azabuichibeichoo 麻布市兵衛町 Azabu Ichibei district, Azabu Ichibee
Azabuichibei, Azabu Ichibei machi, azabuitibei
Minato ward, part of Roppongi 1 and 3 sub-district, Roppongi 4 sub-district
This small district borders on many other small districts in this hilly area and has access via many steep slopes.
Around 1610, it was part of the village 今井村 Imai mura, called 今井台町 Imaidai village.
In 1695, it was named after the village headman, 黒沢市兵衛 Kurozawa Ichibei.
In the beginning of the Edo period, there was a small okabasho 岡場所 red-light district, which was abolished during the Tenpō no kaikaku 天保の改革 Tenpo reform in 1840.
In 1869, part of the temple area of 麻布陽泉寺 Azabu Yozen-Ji was added and the name changed to 麻布市兵衛町 Azabu Ichibei, including the first and second sub-district, 麻布市兵衛町一丁目 and 麻布市兵衛町二丁目.
There were some rich estates in the first district, while the second district housed the townspeople and their shops.
During WWII most of the sub-districts was lost in flames, including the official 偏奇館 Henki-Kan, where 永井荷風 Nagai Kafu had lived.
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Kafu Nagai (1879 - 1959). Writer.
..... His Association with Minato City
Lived in seclusion by naming his painted house Henki-kan.
Nagai lived in a two-story timber house in Azabu Ichibei-cho (now 1-chome Roppongi) in 1920 and named the house “Henki-kan” because it was painted. He started his life of seclusion in this Western-style house with an extended kitchen and no shoji screens, sliding paper doors, or tatami mats.
The Great Tokyo Earthquake occurred in 1923, but the house fortunately received no fire damage, only a few fallen roof tiles.
..... In 1945, however, the house was destroyed in the Great Air Raids of Tokyo, and he lost his books, except for his diary and a briefcase containing his rough draft of a novel. Twenty?six years of his time in Henki-kan had ended, and until his death in 1959 at the age of 79, he never returned to Minato Ward. .....
- source : lib.city.minato.tokyo.jp/yukari... -
. Kafu the Scribbler, by Edward Seidensticker .
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Nadare-zaka なだれ坂 "Landslide slope"
The name of this slope has been written using different kanji, but it received its name because there had been a landslide.
It was also known as Kokoku(-ji)-zaka , Sachikuni-Zak and Ichibei-zaka.
Between 3-2 and 3-4 Roppongi
- source : minato-ala.net... -
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Ichimi-zaka 市三坂 "Ichi-Mi slope"
A new slope road opened around the year Meiji 20. It connected two sub-districts:
Ichibei town named after the village headman and 三河台町 Mikawadai-machi where the 松平三河守忠直 Matsudaira, Govenor of Mikawa, Tadanao's residence stood,
used the first kanji character from each town to make this road's name.
- source : ractive-roppongi.com... -
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Princess Kazu (和宮 親子内親王 Kazu-no-miya Chikako naishinnō
(1846 - 1877)
... A series of tragedies hit Princess Kazu between 1865 and 1867. Her mother, who followed her to Edo to keep her company, died on 10 August 1865, followed by her husband shōgun Iemochi, who died in Osaka while commanding the Chōshū Expedition on 20 July 1866. She became a Buddhist nun, receiving the title of Seikan'in-no-miya (静寛院宮)[1] on 9 December 1866, but just a few weeks later her brother Emperor Komei would also pass away. ...
Seikan'in arrived in Tokyo in 1874 and she took up residence in the home of Katsu Kaishū, in the mansion in Azabu ichibei-cho.
She remained there until her death in 1877 of beriberi, at the young age of 31. Her grave is at Zōjō-ji, in Minato, Tokyo.
- source : wiki/Princess_Kazu... -
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The Strange Tale of Oyuki, 1993 film
Faced with a bout of ill health, global traveller, western-educated novelist Kafu Nagai (1879-1959) began to chronicle sundry episodes in his life, as well as thoughts and observations of contemporary Japanese society, in a series of intimate journals that would eventually span the early half of 20th century. Based on A Strange Tale from East of the River, Nagai’s semi-autobiographical novella, the events presented in The Strange Tale of Oyuki begins in 1920, as a middle-aged Nagai (Masahiko Tsugawa) having recently moved into a new residence in Ichibei in the Azabu district, attempts to impress his doting mother (Haruko Sugimura) – the only relative who accepts his excessive and disreputable lifestyle – by painting the house in time for her arrival.
- source : filmref.com/2017... -
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
Azabuipponmatsuchoo , Azabuipponmatsu 麻布一本松町 Azabu Ipponmatsu district "one pine tree"
元麻布一丁目, 二丁目 Moto-Azabu, first and second sub-district
Around 1670, Ipponmatsu was created in the former Azabu mura 麻布村 Azabu village.
In the beginning there were many Samurai estates and temples, but later the townspeople and merchants took over.
Edo Meisho Zue
The print shows the compound of the temple 長伝寺 Choden-Ji and close to it many shops.
There was also a tea stall and next to it an old large single matsu 松 pine tree.
This tree was also called kanmuri matsu 冠松 "crown pine tree"
and provided shadow for the travelers.
source : deepazabu.blogspot.com/2013...
The old pine tree was destroyed by a fire in 1772, but has been replaced several times after that. The present tree was planted after WWII.
. matsu 松 pine tree - information .
江戸の華名勝會 / 江戸の花名勝会 Edo no Hana Meisho E - Sanbangumi 三番組
The Flowers of Edo: A Collection of Famous Places
An entertaining feature of the Edo-no-Hana Meisho-e prints is the use of double meanings, which often relate to place names, within the text that accompanies many of the famous landscape scenes.
..... The reference to the constant threat of flames in the city is also reinforced in each of the prints, by the display of the troop name, number and emblem of the firemen responsible for protecting the relevant Edo district pictured. Moreover, as fire-fighters were admired as great examples of enthusiasm and bravery, they were likely considered as much a Flower of Edo as any popular Kabuki actor or fashionable Ukiyo-e print artist of the period. .....
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Azabu Nana Fushigi 麻布七不思議 seven wonders of Azabu .
Several legends surround Ippon-Matsu,
for example, it is also called "Kanmuri-no-Matsu" and "Shugetsutei-no-Hagoromo-no-Matsu."
There is also a common belief that offering sweet sake in a bamboo cylinder to the tree will help cure a cough and the tree is called one of the seven wonders of Azabu. These legends and superstitions are thought to stem from the belief that gods resided in the giant trees lining the old roads. Today's pine trees were planted by the local community association after the war.
Tanukizaka 狸坂
It is said that a tanuki (raccoon dog) sometimes appeared and bewitched people. The slope is also called Asahi-zaka (morning-light slope), because it slopes upward toward the east. With Ippon-Matsu, one of the seven wonders of Azabu, as a landmark, there are four slopes branching off:
Tanuki-zaka, where the tanuki is said to have appeared;
Daikoku-zaka, site of Daiho-ji, a temple dedicated to Daikokuten, one of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune;
Kurayami-zaka, a slope that was always dark because of the trees covering it; and
Ippon-matsu-zaka, named for the lone pine tree. At the top of Ippon-matsu-zaka stands Hikawa-jinja (shrine) dedicated to Bishamonten (god of war).
Azabu Ipponmatsu-zaka 麻布一本松坂 Ipponmatsuzaka slope, Ipponmatsu slope
. saka, sakamichi 坂道 the many slopes of Edo .
- reference source : deepazabu.blogspot.com/2013 -
. Mamiana, 麻布狸穴 Azabu Mamiana district "hole of a Mami badger" .
- and
Azabu Nagasakachoo, Azabu-Nagasakachō 麻布永坂町 Azabu Nagasakacho district
No sub-districts
板倉永坂町 Itakura-Nagazakacho and 麻布永坂光照寺門前 Azabu Nagazaka Kosho-Ji Monzen
Roppongi 六本木 Roppongi district, "six trees"
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... famous for the affluent Roppongi Hills development area and popular night club scene. A few foreign embassies are located near Roppongi, and the night life is popular with locals and foreigners alike. It is in the central part of Tokyo, south of Akasaka and north of Azabu.
The name "Roppongi", which appears to have been coined around 1660, literally means "six trees".
Six very old and large zelkova trees used to mark the area; the first three were cleared, and the last were destroyed during World War II.
Another legend has it that the name comes from the fact that six daimyo Lords lived nearby during the Edo period, each with the kanji character for "tree" or a kind of tree in their names. Roppongi was not extensively populated until after the Meiji Restoration, although the area was trafficked for centuries and served as the site of the cremation of Shōgun Tokugawa Hidetada's wife in 1626.
In 1890,
the Third Imperial Guard of the Imperial Japanese Army was moved to a site near Roppongi (now home to the Pacific bureau of Stars and Stripes). The influx of soldiers led to the area's rise as a nightlife district, briefly interrupted by the Great Kanto earthquake which flattened the area in 1923. Roppongi was administratively part of Azabu Ward from 1878 to 1947.
... Starting in the late 1960s, Roppongi became popular among Japanese people and foreigners alike for its disco scene, which attracted many of Tokyo's entertainment elites. Contributing to the international scene was the location of several foreign embassies and foreign corporate offices in the Roppongi area. However, many dance clubs shut down in the recession following the market crash of 1989.
The Roppongi area received a major economic boost in 2002–2003 when the Izumi Garden Tower and the Roppongi Hills high-rise complexes were completed. These projects brought high-end office and condominium space to Roppongi for the first time. The Tokyo Midtown project, which was completed in 2006, and includes the first Tokyo Ritz-Carlton Hotel, continued this trend. ...
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. 麻布市兵衛町 Azabu Ichibei
kitsune 狐 the fox
In June 1752, the maid servant of a villager of Azabu Ichibei village was suddenly possessed by a fox. They tried all kinds of exorcism, but nothing helped.
The fox seemed to live in 松平紀伊守様屋敷 the estate of Matsudaira, Governor of Mikawa.
His daughter was from the Inari shrine of 石川近江守様屋敷の稲荷, his wife from the Inari shrine of 山王町の稲荷.
So they built a small Inari shrine to honor the fox family and prayed for the protection from fires.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
fuyuzora ya Azabu no saka no agari-ori
this winter sky -
I walk up the slope
in Azabu
永井荷風 Nagai Kafu
野村喜舟 Nomura Kishu (1886 - 1983)
. kikyoo 桔梗 Platycodon grandiflorus .
- - kigo for autumn - -
Azabu Naka no Hashi
有働亨 Udo Toru (1920 - 2010)
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. Minato ku 港区 Minato ward, "Harbour ward" .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #edoazabu #azabu #azabujuban #roppongi - - - -
sakamichi slopes
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
saka, sakamichi 坂道 the slopes of Edo
- quote
- source : tokyosaka.sakura.ne.jp...
Check out the detailed list of 740 slopes on this page !
Bunkyo ward 文京区 - 117
Minato ward 港区 - 118
Shinjuku ward 新宿区 - 91
- collecting -
Bunkyō ward 文京区 Bunkyo ward
. Yayoizaka, Yayoi-zaka 弥生坂 Yayoi slope .
- also called 鉄砲坂(てっぽうざか)Teppozaka
Chiyoda ward 千代田区
. Kasumigaseki-saka 霞ヶ関坂 the Slope of Kasumigaseki .
. Koogazaka 甲賀坂 Kogazaka .
. Kudanzaka 九段坂 . - 飯田坂 Iidazaka / 飯田町中坂 Iidamachi Nakazaka
Meguro ward 目黒区
. Chayazaka 茶屋坂 Chayazaka "Tea Stall Slope" .
. Kakinokizaka 柿の木坂 / 柿ノ木坂 / 柿木坂 Kakinoki slope .
- and Tanukizaka 狸坂
Minato ward 港区
. Akasaka 赤坂 "the red slope" district .
. Azabu Ipponmatsu-zaka 麻布一本松坂 Ipponmatsuzaka slope, Ipponmatsu slope .
. Imoaraisaka 芋洗坂 .
. Nadare-zaka なだれ坂 "Landslide slope" .
- and Ichimi-zaka 市三坂 "Ichi-Mi slope"
. Mita 三田 / 御田 / 美田 "Three Rice Fields" .
Mita ward 三田区
. Gyoranzaka 魚藍坂 / 魚籃坂 .
Oota, Ōta 大田区 Ota ward
. Hakkeizaka slope 八景坂 .
Shibuya ward 渋谷区
. Doogenzaka, Dōgenzaka 道玄坂 Dogenzaka slope .
. Fujimizaka, Fujimi-zaka 富士見坂 .
- - - . Fujimizaka in 田園調布 Denenchofu .
Shinagawa ward 品川区
. Zeemusu saka, Zēmusu-saka ゼームス坂 Zemusu "James" slope .
Shinjuku ward 新宿区
. Ichigaya Oosaka 逢坂 / 逢坂 / あいざか - "slope of the meeting" .
. Ichigaya Sanaizaka 市谷左内坂 .
. Kagurazaka - Kagurasaka 神楽坂 "Slope of the Music of the Gods" .
- - - - - Ushigome Kagurazaka 牛込神楽坂
. Tsunokamizaka 津の守坂 .
Yotsuya 四谷区
. Kaigyojizaka 戒行寺坂 Kaigyoji slope .
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #edosakamichi #sakamichi #slopesedo #edoslopes - - - -
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
saka, sakamichi 坂道 the slopes of Edo
- quote
- source : tokyosaka.sakura.ne.jp...
Check out the detailed list of 740 slopes on this page !
Bunkyo ward 文京区 - 117
Minato ward 港区 - 118
Shinjuku ward 新宿区 - 91
- collecting -
Bunkyō ward 文京区 Bunkyo ward
. Yayoizaka, Yayoi-zaka 弥生坂 Yayoi slope .
- also called 鉄砲坂(てっぽうざか)Teppozaka
Chiyoda ward 千代田区
. Kasumigaseki-saka 霞ヶ関坂 the Slope of Kasumigaseki .
. Koogazaka 甲賀坂 Kogazaka .
. Kudanzaka 九段坂 . - 飯田坂 Iidazaka / 飯田町中坂 Iidamachi Nakazaka
Meguro ward 目黒区
. Chayazaka 茶屋坂 Chayazaka "Tea Stall Slope" .
. Kakinokizaka 柿の木坂 / 柿ノ木坂 / 柿木坂 Kakinoki slope .
- and Tanukizaka 狸坂
Minato ward 港区
. Akasaka 赤坂 "the red slope" district .
. Azabu Ipponmatsu-zaka 麻布一本松坂 Ipponmatsuzaka slope, Ipponmatsu slope .
. Imoaraisaka 芋洗坂 .
. Nadare-zaka なだれ坂 "Landslide slope" .
- and Ichimi-zaka 市三坂 "Ichi-Mi slope"
. Mita 三田 / 御田 / 美田 "Three Rice Fields" .
Mita ward 三田区
. Gyoranzaka 魚藍坂 / 魚籃坂 .
Oota, Ōta 大田区 Ota ward
. Hakkeizaka slope 八景坂 .
Shibuya ward 渋谷区
. Doogenzaka, Dōgenzaka 道玄坂 Dogenzaka slope .
. Fujimizaka, Fujimi-zaka 富士見坂 .
- - - . Fujimizaka in 田園調布 Denenchofu .
Shinagawa ward 品川区
. Zeemusu saka, Zēmusu-saka ゼームス坂 Zemusu "James" slope .
Shinjuku ward 新宿区
. Ichigaya Oosaka 逢坂 / 逢坂 / あいざか - "slope of the meeting" .
. Ichigaya Sanaizaka 市谷左内坂 .
. Kagurazaka - Kagurasaka 神楽坂 "Slope of the Music of the Gods" .
- - - - - Ushigome Kagurazaka 牛込神楽坂
. Tsunokamizaka 津の守坂 .
Yotsuya 四谷区
. Kaigyojizaka 戒行寺坂 Kaigyoji slope .
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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #edosakamichi #sakamichi #slopesedo #edoslopes - - - -
Nerima ward
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Nerima 練馬区 Nerima ward
- quote
Nerima-ku, "Training Horses ward" is a special ward in Tokyo. The ward refers to itself as Nerima City.
As of 1 May 2016, the ward has an estimated population of 721,858, with 323,296 households and a population density of 15,013 persons per km². 121.6% of the ward's population is over the age of 65.
The total area is 48.08 km².
- History
In the Edo period, the area was mostly farmland producing vegetables like daikon radishes, gobo burdocks, and potatoes. After the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake, many people from central Tokyo moved to the area.
In October 1, 1932, Nerima town, and Kami-Nerima, Naka-Arai, Shakujii and Ōizumi Villages were incorporated in Old Tokyo City. Prior to the creation of the ward on August 1, 1947, the area had been part of Itabashi. In 1952, the Japan Self-Defense Forces established a base there. The first division of the eastern group of the Ground Self-Defense Force has its headquarters there. The United States Forces Japan already had a base, Grant Heights, which it returned to Japanese control in 1973. Grant Heights had been Narimasu airfield under the Imperial Japanese Army until the end of World War II. The runway is now the main street in front of the IMA department store in Hikarigaoka
- source : wikipedia
- quote -
下練馬村(しもねりまむら)Shimo-Nerima mura
- 現在の北町、錦、平和台、氷川台、早宮 Hayamiya、羽沢、栄町、桜台、練馬
- Hayamiya 早宮 / Hikarigaoka 光が丘
上練馬村(かみねりまむら)Kami-Nerima mura
- 現在の田柄、光が丘 Hikarigaoka - see below (一部)、春日町 Kasuga、高松 Takamatsu,、向山、貫井 Nukui
中新井村(なかあらいむら)Naka-Arai mura
- 現在の中村北、中村、中村南
谷原村(やわらむら)Yawara mura
- 現在の谷原 Yawara, 、高野台 Takanodai, 富士見台 Fujimidai
田中村(たなかむら)Tanaka mura
- 現在の南田中 Minami-Tanaka,、三原台の一部 Miharadai
下土支田村(しもどしだむら)Shimo-Doshida mura
- 現在の旭町 Asahi cho, 土支田 Doshida,、光が丘の一部 Hikarigaoka
上土支田村(かみどしだむら)Kami-Doshida mura
現在の東大泉 Higashi Daisen、三原台 Miharadai(2、3丁目の一部)、大泉町 Daisen (2丁目の一部)
下石神井村(しもしゃくじいむら)Shimo-Sakujii mura
- 現在の石神井町 Shakuji 、下石神井、上石神井南町
上石神井村(かみしゃくじいむら)Kami-Shakujii mura
- 現在の石神井台 Shakujidai、上石神井
関村(せきむら) 竹下新田(たけしたしんでん)Seki mura, Takeshita shinden
- 現在の関町北 Sekimachi kita,、関町南、関町東、立野町 Tateno cho
橋戸村(はしどむら)Hashido mura
- 現在の大泉町 Oizumi cho
小榑村(こぐれむら)Kogure mura
- 現在の大泉学園町 Oizumi Gakuen cho, 西大泉 Nishi-Oizumi、南大泉 Minami-Oizumi
上板橋村(かみいたばしむら)Kami-Itabashi mura
- 現在の小竹町 Kotake cho、旭丘 Asahioka
武蔵国(むさしのくに)Musashi no kuni、豊島郡(としまぐん)Toshima district、新座郡(にいざぐん)Niida district
- reference source : city.nerima.tokyo.jp/annai... -
- quote -
..... Before Tokugawa Ieyasu, there was Ōta Dōkan.
Before him there was the Toshima-shi 豊島氏 Toshima Clan and the Edo Clan.
練 neri training, kneading // 馬 (u)ma horse
- One of the oldest stories, documented from the Kamakura Period says that sometime between 700 and 800, there was a road connecting 武蔵国 Mushashi no Kuni Musashi Provice and 下総国 Shimōsa no kuni Shimōsa Province. On that road the Toshima clan had a shukueki 宿駅 a horse relay station. The name of the relay town was Norinuma, 乗沼 ride-swamp”. This etymology claims that because the area was a wetland it had many lakes and, well, you could refresh your horses there, too. The local accent changed “Norinuma” to “Nerima” and eventually the kanji was changed to ateji.
- Another theory says vassals of the Toshima family were training horses here. This is the most believable story, though it isn’t attested as early as the previous theory. So the name “training horses” is literal.
- Another literal theory says some dude was stealing horses and keeping them here and then training them for resale. This kind of etymology, while entertaining, is unlikely IMO.
- Another clay theory uses an alternate meaning of the kanji 練 neri. The kanji can also mean “knead” as in “knead bread” or “knead clay.” Supposedly there was an abundance of great clay for pottery making and the place was famous for kneading clay. This etymology says the name was originally Neriba 練場 Kneading Place. There are many examples of diachronic changes and dialect variants where ば ba becomes ま ma (and vice-versa). So linguistically speaking, it’s not impossible. On the site of the former Nerima Village (present day 貫井 Nukui), archaeologists discovered a type of kiln which was rare in the Edo-Tōkyō area.
- Another clay theory claims that the dirt and clay in the area was sticky as if it had been kneaded professionally. Thus the area was called Neriba, 練場 just as in the theory I just mentioned. Over time the pronunciation changed from Neriba to Nerima. The clay hypotheses are intriguing.
- or
The Shakujii Basin lowlands were an expanse of lakes and swamps and so if you looked at water filled rice-paddies they looked really deep, as in “deep to the roots.” 根 ne root + 沼 numa swamp, marsh = Ne no numa 根の沼 root deep swamp, which changed to 根沼 Nenuma root swamp. Eventually Nenuma changed to Nerima and the kanji was changed to ateji.
- source : japanthis.com/2013... -
. Hayamiya 早宮 Hayamiya district .
. Hikarigaoka 光が丘 / 光ヶ丘 Hikarigaoka district .
. Kasugachoo 春日町 Kasugacho District, Kasuga-Cho
. Shakujii Kōen 石神井公園 Shakujii River Park .
. Nerima daikon 練馬大根 radish from Nerima .
Nukui 貫井(ぬくい) "pulling out a well" village
上練馬村 Kami-Nerima / 貫井一丁目 - 五丁目 Nukui from 1 to 5 sub-districts
When Kobo Daishi Kukai visited the area, the villagers were suffering from a severe water shortage.
So he slapped is walking staff into the ground and thus water begun gushing out of the new well.
There was also a swamp, 貫井の沼 Nukui no Numa and a river, 貫井川 Nukuigawa.
Now there are various sub-districts, 本貫井 Hon-Nukui, 東貫井 Higashi-Nukui, 西貫井 Nishi-Nukui, 南貫井 Minami-Nukui, 北貫井 Kita-Nukui, 向貫井 Mukai-Nukui, 中貫井 Naka-Mukui.
. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .
The people from 貫井町 Nukui say, at a home where hitodama 人魂 a supernatural fire ball has fallen down, there will soon a child be born.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Nerima 練馬区
. Yamata no orochi 山田の大蛇 huge monster serpent .
a legendary 8-headed and 8-tailed Japanese dragon.
. keyaki 欅と伝説 Legends about the Zelkova tree .
and daija 大蛇 huge serpent
In the compound of the shrine 白山神社 Hakusan Jinja there were two zelkova trees. One of them showed a kind of kaika 怪火 ghost fire on the 25th day of the 12th month in the 12th year of the Showa period.
The other zelkova tree has a huge serpent around its trunk in the summer of 1929.
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
At a temple there lived an old fox. He had been calling out a fire warning two or three times and thus helped the villagers to live without a major fire destruction.
That is why they called it
hikeshi Inari 火消稲荷 Firefighter Inari Fox
. hikeshi 火消 firefighters, firemen in Edo .
There are other Shinto Shrines in Japan called
火消稲荷神社 Hikeshi Inari Jinja.
sakana 魚 fish
At 石神井の池 the pond in Shakuji Park there lived a strange fish, each of its scales looked like a torii 鳥居 gate of a Shinto shrine.
During flooding this fish is swept out to the surrounding rice and vegetable fields. The villagers revere it as a messenger of the deity of Shajuji Shrine and never catch it.
. 石神井神社 Shrine Shakuji Jinja .
Shakujii Kōen 石神井公園 Shakujii Park
................................................................................. Toshima ward 豊島区
. ubugami 産神 "deity of one's birthplace" .
If a woman was born in 池袋村 Ikebukuro village (former Nerima district) and is disrespectful to the deity of her birthplace, her home would be punished with disaster and misfortune.
Therefore most women of this district looked for a wedding partner here and never ventured out.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
bon no tsuki agete Nerima ni mori nokoru
looking up at the moon
during O-Bon rituals - the forest of Nerima
is still there
宮津昭彦 Miyatsu Akihiko (1929 - 2011)
. Bon Festival お盆 O-Bon, Obon .
- - kigo for early autumn - -
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - ###edonerima ###nerima - - - -
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Nerima 練馬区 Nerima ward
- quote
Nerima-ku, "Training Horses ward" is a special ward in Tokyo. The ward refers to itself as Nerima City.
As of 1 May 2016, the ward has an estimated population of 721,858, with 323,296 households and a population density of 15,013 persons per km². 121.6% of the ward's population is over the age of 65.
The total area is 48.08 km².
- History
In the Edo period, the area was mostly farmland producing vegetables like daikon radishes, gobo burdocks, and potatoes. After the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake, many people from central Tokyo moved to the area.
In October 1, 1932, Nerima town, and Kami-Nerima, Naka-Arai, Shakujii and Ōizumi Villages were incorporated in Old Tokyo City. Prior to the creation of the ward on August 1, 1947, the area had been part of Itabashi. In 1952, the Japan Self-Defense Forces established a base there. The first division of the eastern group of the Ground Self-Defense Force has its headquarters there. The United States Forces Japan already had a base, Grant Heights, which it returned to Japanese control in 1973. Grant Heights had been Narimasu airfield under the Imperial Japanese Army until the end of World War II. The runway is now the main street in front of the IMA department store in Hikarigaoka
- source : wikipedia
- quote -
下練馬村(しもねりまむら)Shimo-Nerima mura
- 現在の北町、錦、平和台、氷川台、早宮 Hayamiya、羽沢、栄町、桜台、練馬
- Hayamiya 早宮 / Hikarigaoka 光が丘
上練馬村(かみねりまむら)Kami-Nerima mura
- 現在の田柄、光が丘 Hikarigaoka - see below (一部)、春日町 Kasuga、高松 Takamatsu,、向山、貫井 Nukui
中新井村(なかあらいむら)Naka-Arai mura
- 現在の中村北、中村、中村南
谷原村(やわらむら)Yawara mura
- 現在の谷原 Yawara, 、高野台 Takanodai, 富士見台 Fujimidai
田中村(たなかむら)Tanaka mura
- 現在の南田中 Minami-Tanaka,、三原台の一部 Miharadai
下土支田村(しもどしだむら)Shimo-Doshida mura
- 現在の旭町 Asahi cho, 土支田 Doshida,、光が丘の一部 Hikarigaoka
上土支田村(かみどしだむら)Kami-Doshida mura
現在の東大泉 Higashi Daisen、三原台 Miharadai(2、3丁目の一部)、大泉町 Daisen (2丁目の一部)
下石神井村(しもしゃくじいむら)Shimo-Sakujii mura
- 現在の石神井町 Shakuji 、下石神井、上石神井南町
上石神井村(かみしゃくじいむら)Kami-Shakujii mura
- 現在の石神井台 Shakujidai、上石神井
関村(せきむら) 竹下新田(たけしたしんでん)Seki mura, Takeshita shinden
- 現在の関町北 Sekimachi kita,、関町南、関町東、立野町 Tateno cho
橋戸村(はしどむら)Hashido mura
- 現在の大泉町 Oizumi cho
小榑村(こぐれむら)Kogure mura
- 現在の大泉学園町 Oizumi Gakuen cho, 西大泉 Nishi-Oizumi、南大泉 Minami-Oizumi
上板橋村(かみいたばしむら)Kami-Itabashi mura
- 現在の小竹町 Kotake cho、旭丘 Asahioka
武蔵国(むさしのくに)Musashi no kuni、豊島郡(としまぐん)Toshima district、新座郡(にいざぐん)Niida district
- reference source : city.nerima.tokyo.jp/annai... -
- quote -
..... Before Tokugawa Ieyasu, there was Ōta Dōkan.
Before him there was the Toshima-shi 豊島氏 Toshima Clan and the Edo Clan.
練 neri training, kneading // 馬 (u)ma horse
- One of the oldest stories, documented from the Kamakura Period says that sometime between 700 and 800, there was a road connecting 武蔵国 Mushashi no Kuni Musashi Provice and 下総国 Shimōsa no kuni Shimōsa Province. On that road the Toshima clan had a shukueki 宿駅 a horse relay station. The name of the relay town was Norinuma, 乗沼 ride-swamp”. This etymology claims that because the area was a wetland it had many lakes and, well, you could refresh your horses there, too. The local accent changed “Norinuma” to “Nerima” and eventually the kanji was changed to ateji.
- Another theory says vassals of the Toshima family were training horses here. This is the most believable story, though it isn’t attested as early as the previous theory. So the name “training horses” is literal.
- Another literal theory says some dude was stealing horses and keeping them here and then training them for resale. This kind of etymology, while entertaining, is unlikely IMO.
- Another clay theory uses an alternate meaning of the kanji 練 neri. The kanji can also mean “knead” as in “knead bread” or “knead clay.” Supposedly there was an abundance of great clay for pottery making and the place was famous for kneading clay. This etymology says the name was originally Neriba 練場 Kneading Place. There are many examples of diachronic changes and dialect variants where ば ba becomes ま ma (and vice-versa). So linguistically speaking, it’s not impossible. On the site of the former Nerima Village (present day 貫井 Nukui), archaeologists discovered a type of kiln which was rare in the Edo-Tōkyō area.
- Another clay theory claims that the dirt and clay in the area was sticky as if it had been kneaded professionally. Thus the area was called Neriba, 練場 just as in the theory I just mentioned. Over time the pronunciation changed from Neriba to Nerima. The clay hypotheses are intriguing.
- or
The Shakujii Basin lowlands were an expanse of lakes and swamps and so if you looked at water filled rice-paddies they looked really deep, as in “deep to the roots.” 根 ne root + 沼 numa swamp, marsh = Ne no numa 根の沼 root deep swamp, which changed to 根沼 Nenuma root swamp. Eventually Nenuma changed to Nerima and the kanji was changed to ateji.
- source : japanthis.com/2013... -
. Hayamiya 早宮 Hayamiya district .
. Hikarigaoka 光が丘 / 光ヶ丘 Hikarigaoka district .
. Kasugachoo 春日町 Kasugacho District, Kasuga-Cho
. Shakujii Kōen 石神井公園 Shakujii River Park .
. Nerima daikon 練馬大根 radish from Nerima .
Nukui 貫井(ぬくい) "pulling out a well" village
上練馬村 Kami-Nerima / 貫井一丁目 - 五丁目 Nukui from 1 to 5 sub-districts
When Kobo Daishi Kukai visited the area, the villagers were suffering from a severe water shortage.
So he slapped is walking staff into the ground and thus water begun gushing out of the new well.
There was also a swamp, 貫井の沼 Nukui no Numa and a river, 貫井川 Nukuigawa.
Now there are various sub-districts, 本貫井 Hon-Nukui, 東貫井 Higashi-Nukui, 西貫井 Nishi-Nukui, 南貫井 Minami-Nukui, 北貫井 Kita-Nukui, 向貫井 Mukai-Nukui, 中貫井 Naka-Mukui.
. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .
The people from 貫井町 Nukui say, at a home where hitodama 人魂 a supernatural fire ball has fallen down, there will soon a child be born.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Nerima 練馬区
. Yamata no orochi 山田の大蛇 huge monster serpent .
a legendary 8-headed and 8-tailed Japanese dragon.
. keyaki 欅と伝説 Legends about the Zelkova tree .
and daija 大蛇 huge serpent
In the compound of the shrine 白山神社 Hakusan Jinja there were two zelkova trees. One of them showed a kind of kaika 怪火 ghost fire on the 25th day of the 12th month in the 12th year of the Showa period.
The other zelkova tree has a huge serpent around its trunk in the summer of 1929.
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
At a temple there lived an old fox. He had been calling out a fire warning two or three times and thus helped the villagers to live without a major fire destruction.
That is why they called it
hikeshi Inari 火消稲荷 Firefighter Inari Fox
. hikeshi 火消 firefighters, firemen in Edo .
There are other Shinto Shrines in Japan called
火消稲荷神社 Hikeshi Inari Jinja.
sakana 魚 fish
At 石神井の池 the pond in Shakuji Park there lived a strange fish, each of its scales looked like a torii 鳥居 gate of a Shinto shrine.
During flooding this fish is swept out to the surrounding rice and vegetable fields. The villagers revere it as a messenger of the deity of Shajuji Shrine and never catch it.
. 石神井神社 Shrine Shakuji Jinja .
Shakujii Kōen 石神井公園 Shakujii Park
................................................................................. Toshima ward 豊島区
. ubugami 産神 "deity of one's birthplace" .
If a woman was born in 池袋村 Ikebukuro village (former Nerima district) and is disrespectful to the deity of her birthplace, her home would be punished with disaster and misfortune.
Therefore most women of this district looked for a wedding partner here and never ventured out.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
bon no tsuki agete Nerima ni mori nokoru
looking up at the moon
during O-Bon rituals - the forest of Nerima
is still there
宮津昭彦 Miyatsu Akihiko (1929 - 2011)
. Bon Festival お盆 O-Bon, Obon .
- - kigo for early autumn - -
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - ###edonerima ###nerima - - - -
Mita district
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Mita 三田 / 御田 / 美田 "Three Rice Fields"
港区 Minato ward, Mita 1 - 5 sub-districts
御田 Honorable Fields // 美田 Beautiful Fields // 箕田 (Mida)
Mita was located in a busy district of Edo.
The old 御田郷 Mita Go district of Edo comprized more areas, from Minato ward to Chiyoda, Shinawata, Ota, Meguro and Setagaya.
荏原郡(港区、千代田区の一部と品川・大田・目黒・世田谷区)の御田郷は、古くは、港区三田~白金、目黒区三田までを含む地域で、荏原郡9 郷の一つに数えられました。
- quote
According to the 10th century book, 和名類聚抄 Wamyō Ruiju-shō (Japanese Names for Things), there was a place here written 御田 Mita.
(It’s referred to as 御田郷 Mita-gō, the 郷 gō just means “hamlet” or “small village”). That place name was originally written 屯田 Mita and fell under direct control of the Emperor and his court before the Taika Reform (645). 屯田 was specifically used for production of rice for the Imperial Court in Kyōto.
The Taika Reform
enacted sweeping land reforms and it makes sense that place names might change as the use of land changed. For a little while, the area was then used as a 神田 shinden (a rice field affiliated with a shrine), with the rice and/or its proceeds going to 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingū Ise Grand Shrine in Mie Prefecture.
The kanji 神田 can also be read as mita.
By the middle of the Edo Period, the area was coming to be increasingly written as 三田, which you have to admit is a lot simpler than the older ways. The reason is most likely that
御田 can be read as oden, onta, onda, and mita, while
神田 can be read as shinden, kamita, kanada, kada, kanda, kōda, and mita.
三田 also has variant readings, but is usually read as mita - or sanda, sata and mitsuda.
- source : japanthis.com/2013...
- quote -
... a district of Minato, Tokyo, located near Akabanebashi Station on the Toei Ōedo Line, Tamachi Station on the Yamanote Line, and Mita Station on the Toei Mita Line.
Mita is home to Keio University, Mita Hachiman Jinja, and the diplomatic missions of Kuwait, Italy, Hungary, Papua New Guinea and Australia.
- - - - - Slopes
Many roads up to the Mita plateau have named slopes of historical significance. Each is marked by a wooden post which explains the name.
Hijiri zaka 「聖坂」
corresponds to the ancient Tōkaidō 「東海道」 road. As for the slope, the name changes from the top of Isarago zaka 「伊皿子坂」to the Nihon enoki dori 「二本榎通り」.
. Gyoranzaka (魚藍坂 / 魚籃坂) .
Katsurazaka (桂坂)
is a hill road which lies between Takanawa 2-chōme and 3-chōme. A long time ago, ivy and vines covered the surface of this hill, though an alternate etymology says that a Buddhist priest who wore a wig (鬘 katsura) died along this slope suddenly on a return trip from Shinagawa.
Zakurozaka (石榴坂)
is a hill road which crosses between Takanawa 3-chōme and 4-chōme. The area has many hotels. The street was probably named because there was a pomegranate tree (石榴 zakuro) in the middle of a slope a long time ago.
Hebizaka (蛇坂)
is a slope which is in district four of Mita. Hebi means snake.
Anzenjizaka (安全寺坂)
is a hill road crossing between Mita 3-chōme and 4-chōme. The temple of Anzenji was built here in the Edo era.
Horazaka (洞坂)
is a hill road in Takanawa 3-chōme. The name means "cavernous slope," in Japanese. It is alternatively called Horazaka (法螺坂) or "conch shell slope" and Borazaka (鯔坂) or "herring slope."
Hiyoshizaka (日吉坂)
is a hill road which forms the border of Shirokane 2-chōme and 4-chōme. It goes from Meguro-dori in the southwest to Sakurada-dori in the northeast, and goes past the Kuwaharazaka (桑原坂) to the south.
The name originates from the Noh actor Hiyoshi Kahei who lived nearby.
Tsunazaka 綱坂 / 綱の手引坂
Mita Second district.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Tsunazaka 綱坂
- reference and more photos : tokyosaka -
Yuureizaka, Yūreizaka 幽霊坂 Yureizaka "Ghost slope"
- quote -
a hill road located in Mita 4-chome in Minato, Tokyo.
The slope climbs the promontory from east to west, and climbs along busy Sakurada Avenue and terminates at the intersection with Hijiri zaka. There are two possible sources for the name of the avenue:
"Yūrei" meaning ghost, due to the presence of numerous temples along the street, giving it a desolate atmosphere such that ghosts might appear and
"Yūrei," an alternate reading for the given name of the first Minister of Education in Japan, and scholar Mori Arinori, who lived in the vicinity.
Mori Arinori 森有礼 (1847 – 1889)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
日向坂 Hyugazaka - also called 袖振坂、ひなた坂
神明坂 Shinmeizaka
潮見坂 / 汐見阪 Shiomizaka
歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige
. Chayazaka 茶屋坂 Chayazaka "Tea Stall Slope" .
Meguro 目黒区三田二丁目 Mita second district
. Mita Shikoku Machi 三田四国町 "Shikoku Town" in Mita .
港区 Minato 芝2-5丁目 Shiba second to fifth sub-district
Mita Hachimangū 三田八幡宮 / 御田八幡宮 Shrine Mita Hachimangu
- Deities in residence:
Hondawakeno Mikoto (誉田別尊命)
Amenokoyaneno Mikoto (天児屋根命)
Takenouchi Sukuneno Mikoto (武内宿禰命)
- quote -
This Jinja is one of the four candidates to be the Hiei Jinja mentioned in the Engi-shiki. Said to have been established in August 709 to enshrine the guardian deity of Japan’s eastern provinces. In 1011 the shrine was moved to what was then Mita District in Musashi Province and became a centre of worship of the tutelary kami of the Watanabe clan, a tributary family of the 52nd emperor, Saga (809-823).
Construction of a main hall at what is the present site of the shrine was completed in 1628. In 1668, however, it was destroyed by fire: rebuilding was completed in 1672. In September 1869 the shrine was renamed Hiei Jinja, before being again renamed, as Mita Hachiman Jinja in 1874. Come the fire bombings of 1945 and the main hall, which had survived since 1672, was burnt to a cinder, along with the rest of the shrine. Rebuilding was completed in 1954.
- source and photos : Rod Lucas -
. Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province / Bushuu 武州 Bushu .
三田用水 Mita Yosui Waterway
三田上水 (1664) = Mitagawa
source : massneko.hatenablog.com...
The 三田上水 Mita Josui aqueduct was first constructed above ground in 1864 by 中村八郎右衛門 Nakamura Hachiroemon and 磯野助六 Isono Sukeroku.
It brought drinking water to 三田、芝、金杉 Mita, Shiba and Kanesugi.
In 1722, the 8th Shogun Yoshimune ordered some josui上水 (waterways on the ground) to be put under ground, because some thought the wooden waterways would be at risk of fire.
Since 1724 the water from 三田用水 Mita Yosui was used for farming in 14 villages in Mita, Meguro and further downstream.
Because the Mita waterway came from a plateau, they could use water mills further downstream, since Meiji even for industrial purposes in Meguro.
After the war, the Mita waterway was abolished and now only a memorial stone in Meguro reminds of its existence.
目黒の富士 Mount Fuji seen from Meguro - including Fujizuka and the Mita Yosui.
Hiroshige 広重
- quote -
View of a mini-Fuji built in 1829 on the estate of a shogunal retainer named Kondo Iuzo, well known for his exploration of the northern island of Hokkaido. It was a late Edo practice to construct miniature replicas of Mount Fuji. The first such mini-Fuji was built in 1779 in Takata (now the site of Waseda University) by a practitioner of Fujiko, a popular religion that worshipped Mount Fuji as a transcendent god. The miniature replicas enabled women, children, the elderly and infirm to climb Fuji.
The mountain shown in this print is smoother than most mini-Fujis, which were generally built of rough lava transported from Mount Fuji itself and the zigzag path mimicked the route up the real mountain. The Kondo Fuji came to be known as the "New Fuji," in distinction to the early mini-Fuji nearby, (shown in the following print). Known as a religious site it was also a pleasure spot, for the splendid view it offered of the real Mount Fuji, shown in the distance.
The stream below is the Mita Aqueduct, which ran along the bluff and around the New Fuji, and the shrine hidden in the trees in the middle distance is the popular Meguro Fuco, probably the destination for visitors stopping off at the mini-Fuji.
Seven years after the founding of the New Fuji, Kondo Iuzo's son killed a neighboring farmer and his family in a dispute in a right to sell souvenirs to mini-Fuji visitors, resulting in the disgrace of the Kondo family. The mini-Fuji was leveled in 1965 for the construction of a research institute of KDD, Japan's international telephone and telegraph company. Stone markers from the "New Fuji" are still preserved behind the hedge on the south side of the institute lawn.
- source : brooklyn museum -
. The many waterways of Edo - Introduction .
. Fujizuka, Fuji-zuka 富士塚 Mound to honor Mount Fujisan .
. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- In Mita there are 5 pilgrim temples -
13 龍生院 Ryusho-In .
65 大聖院 Daisho-In .
69 宝生院 Hosho-In .
80 長延寺 Choen-Ji .
84 明王院 Myo-O-In .
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. Minato ku 港区 Minato ward, "Harbour ward" .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #edomita #mita - - - -
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Mita 三田 / 御田 / 美田 "Three Rice Fields"
港区 Minato ward, Mita 1 - 5 sub-districts
御田 Honorable Fields // 美田 Beautiful Fields // 箕田 (Mida)
Mita was located in a busy district of Edo.
The old 御田郷 Mita Go district of Edo comprized more areas, from Minato ward to Chiyoda, Shinawata, Ota, Meguro and Setagaya.
荏原郡(港区、千代田区の一部と品川・大田・目黒・世田谷区)の御田郷は、古くは、港区三田~白金、目黒区三田までを含む地域で、荏原郡9 郷の一つに数えられました。
- quote
According to the 10th century book, 和名類聚抄 Wamyō Ruiju-shō (Japanese Names for Things), there was a place here written 御田 Mita.
(It’s referred to as 御田郷 Mita-gō, the 郷 gō just means “hamlet” or “small village”). That place name was originally written 屯田 Mita and fell under direct control of the Emperor and his court before the Taika Reform (645). 屯田 was specifically used for production of rice for the Imperial Court in Kyōto.
The Taika Reform
enacted sweeping land reforms and it makes sense that place names might change as the use of land changed. For a little while, the area was then used as a 神田 shinden (a rice field affiliated with a shrine), with the rice and/or its proceeds going to 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingū Ise Grand Shrine in Mie Prefecture.
The kanji 神田 can also be read as mita.
By the middle of the Edo Period, the area was coming to be increasingly written as 三田, which you have to admit is a lot simpler than the older ways. The reason is most likely that
御田 can be read as oden, onta, onda, and mita, while
神田 can be read as shinden, kamita, kanada, kada, kanda, kōda, and mita.
三田 also has variant readings, but is usually read as mita - or sanda, sata and mitsuda.
- source : japanthis.com/2013...
- quote -
... a district of Minato, Tokyo, located near Akabanebashi Station on the Toei Ōedo Line, Tamachi Station on the Yamanote Line, and Mita Station on the Toei Mita Line.
Mita is home to Keio University, Mita Hachiman Jinja, and the diplomatic missions of Kuwait, Italy, Hungary, Papua New Guinea and Australia.
- - - - - Slopes
Many roads up to the Mita plateau have named slopes of historical significance. Each is marked by a wooden post which explains the name.
Hijiri zaka 「聖坂」
corresponds to the ancient Tōkaidō 「東海道」 road. As for the slope, the name changes from the top of Isarago zaka 「伊皿子坂」to the Nihon enoki dori 「二本榎通り」.
. Gyoranzaka (魚藍坂 / 魚籃坂) .
Katsurazaka (桂坂)
is a hill road which lies between Takanawa 2-chōme and 3-chōme. A long time ago, ivy and vines covered the surface of this hill, though an alternate etymology says that a Buddhist priest who wore a wig (鬘 katsura) died along this slope suddenly on a return trip from Shinagawa.
Zakurozaka (石榴坂)
is a hill road which crosses between Takanawa 3-chōme and 4-chōme. The area has many hotels. The street was probably named because there was a pomegranate tree (石榴 zakuro) in the middle of a slope a long time ago.
Hebizaka (蛇坂)
is a slope which is in district four of Mita. Hebi means snake.
Anzenjizaka (安全寺坂)
is a hill road crossing between Mita 3-chōme and 4-chōme. The temple of Anzenji was built here in the Edo era.
Horazaka (洞坂)
is a hill road in Takanawa 3-chōme. The name means "cavernous slope," in Japanese. It is alternatively called Horazaka (法螺坂) or "conch shell slope" and Borazaka (鯔坂) or "herring slope."
Hiyoshizaka (日吉坂)
is a hill road which forms the border of Shirokane 2-chōme and 4-chōme. It goes from Meguro-dori in the southwest to Sakurada-dori in the northeast, and goes past the Kuwaharazaka (桑原坂) to the south.
The name originates from the Noh actor Hiyoshi Kahei who lived nearby.
Tsunazaka 綱坂 / 綱の手引坂
Mita Second district.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Tsunazaka 綱坂
- reference and more photos : tokyosaka -
Yuureizaka, Yūreizaka 幽霊坂 Yureizaka "Ghost slope"
- quote -
a hill road located in Mita 4-chome in Minato, Tokyo.
The slope climbs the promontory from east to west, and climbs along busy Sakurada Avenue and terminates at the intersection with Hijiri zaka. There are two possible sources for the name of the avenue:
"Yūrei" meaning ghost, due to the presence of numerous temples along the street, giving it a desolate atmosphere such that ghosts might appear and
"Yūrei," an alternate reading for the given name of the first Minister of Education in Japan, and scholar Mori Arinori, who lived in the vicinity.
Mori Arinori 森有礼 (1847 – 1889)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
日向坂 Hyugazaka - also called 袖振坂、ひなた坂
神明坂 Shinmeizaka
潮見坂 / 汐見阪 Shiomizaka
歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige
. Chayazaka 茶屋坂 Chayazaka "Tea Stall Slope" .
Meguro 目黒区三田二丁目 Mita second district
. Mita Shikoku Machi 三田四国町 "Shikoku Town" in Mita .
港区 Minato 芝2-5丁目 Shiba second to fifth sub-district
Mita Hachimangū 三田八幡宮 / 御田八幡宮 Shrine Mita Hachimangu
- Deities in residence:
Hondawakeno Mikoto (誉田別尊命)
Amenokoyaneno Mikoto (天児屋根命)
Takenouchi Sukuneno Mikoto (武内宿禰命)
- quote -
This Jinja is one of the four candidates to be the Hiei Jinja mentioned in the Engi-shiki. Said to have been established in August 709 to enshrine the guardian deity of Japan’s eastern provinces. In 1011 the shrine was moved to what was then Mita District in Musashi Province and became a centre of worship of the tutelary kami of the Watanabe clan, a tributary family of the 52nd emperor, Saga (809-823).
Construction of a main hall at what is the present site of the shrine was completed in 1628. In 1668, however, it was destroyed by fire: rebuilding was completed in 1672. In September 1869 the shrine was renamed Hiei Jinja, before being again renamed, as Mita Hachiman Jinja in 1874. Come the fire bombings of 1945 and the main hall, which had survived since 1672, was burnt to a cinder, along with the rest of the shrine. Rebuilding was completed in 1954.
- source and photos : Rod Lucas -
. Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province / Bushuu 武州 Bushu .
三田用水 Mita Yosui Waterway
三田上水 (1664) = Mitagawa
source : massneko.hatenablog.com...
The 三田上水 Mita Josui aqueduct was first constructed above ground in 1864 by 中村八郎右衛門 Nakamura Hachiroemon and 磯野助六 Isono Sukeroku.
It brought drinking water to 三田、芝、金杉 Mita, Shiba and Kanesugi.
In 1722, the 8th Shogun Yoshimune ordered some josui上水 (waterways on the ground) to be put under ground, because some thought the wooden waterways would be at risk of fire.
Since 1724 the water from 三田用水 Mita Yosui was used for farming in 14 villages in Mita, Meguro and further downstream.
Because the Mita waterway came from a plateau, they could use water mills further downstream, since Meiji even for industrial purposes in Meguro.
After the war, the Mita waterway was abolished and now only a memorial stone in Meguro reminds of its existence.
目黒の富士 Mount Fuji seen from Meguro - including Fujizuka and the Mita Yosui.
Hiroshige 広重
- quote -
View of a mini-Fuji built in 1829 on the estate of a shogunal retainer named Kondo Iuzo, well known for his exploration of the northern island of Hokkaido. It was a late Edo practice to construct miniature replicas of Mount Fuji. The first such mini-Fuji was built in 1779 in Takata (now the site of Waseda University) by a practitioner of Fujiko, a popular religion that worshipped Mount Fuji as a transcendent god. The miniature replicas enabled women, children, the elderly and infirm to climb Fuji.
The mountain shown in this print is smoother than most mini-Fujis, which were generally built of rough lava transported from Mount Fuji itself and the zigzag path mimicked the route up the real mountain. The Kondo Fuji came to be known as the "New Fuji," in distinction to the early mini-Fuji nearby, (shown in the following print). Known as a religious site it was also a pleasure spot, for the splendid view it offered of the real Mount Fuji, shown in the distance.
The stream below is the Mita Aqueduct, which ran along the bluff and around the New Fuji, and the shrine hidden in the trees in the middle distance is the popular Meguro Fuco, probably the destination for visitors stopping off at the mini-Fuji.
Seven years after the founding of the New Fuji, Kondo Iuzo's son killed a neighboring farmer and his family in a dispute in a right to sell souvenirs to mini-Fuji visitors, resulting in the disgrace of the Kondo family. The mini-Fuji was leveled in 1965 for the construction of a research institute of KDD, Japan's international telephone and telegraph company. Stone markers from the "New Fuji" are still preserved behind the hedge on the south side of the institute lawn.
- source : brooklyn museum -
. The many waterways of Edo - Introduction .
. Fujizuka, Fuji-zuka 富士塚 Mound to honor Mount Fujisan .
. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- In Mita there are 5 pilgrim temples -
13 龍生院 Ryusho-In .
65 大聖院 Daisho-In .
69 宝生院 Hosho-In .
80 長延寺 Choen-Ji .
84 明王院 Myo-O-In .
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. Minato ku 港区 Minato ward, "Harbour ward" .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #edomita #mita - - - -
Higashimurayama Kumegawa
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Higashimurayama city 東村山市
- quote
..... a city located in the western portion of Tokyo Metropolis, Japan. As of 1 February 2016, the city had an estimated population of 150,984, and a population density of 8810 persons per km². Its total area is 17.14 square kilometres (6.62 sq mi).
Higashimurayama is approximately in the north-center of Tokyo Metropolis, on the Musashino Terrace.
- History
The area of present-day Higashimurayama has been inhabited since Japanese Paleolithic times, and numerous remains from the Jōmon, Yayoi and Kofun periods have been discovered.
During the Nara period, it became part of ancient Musashi Province.
During the Kamakura period, it was the location of the Battle of Kumegawa in 1333.
In the post-Meiji Restoration reform of April 1, 1889, several villages merged to form Higashimurayama Village in Nishitama District, at that time part of Kanagawa Prefecture.
The entire district was transferred to the control of Tokyo Prefecture on April 1, 1893.
On April 1, 1942, Higashimurayama Village became the town of Higashimurayama. On April 1, 1964, Higashimurayama was elevated to city status.
- source : wikipedia
秋津町 Akitsu // 青葉町 Aoba // 久米川町 Kumegawa // 諏訪町 Suwa ・野口町 Nogushi // 多摩湖町 Takako ・廻田町 Megurita // 本町 Honcho ・栄町 Sakaecho // 恩多町 Onta // 美住町 Misumi ・富士見町 Fujimi // 萩山町 Hagiyama
- reference source : city.higashimurayama.tokyo.jp... -
. Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province / Bushuu 武州 Bushu .
Kumegawa mura 久米川村 Kumegawa village
As you can see on the map above, Kumegawa village is just in the middle of Higashimurayama city.
Its name dates back to a Kume clan 久米部 Kumebe, Kume-Be / 久米氏 Kume Shi
The Kumebe were one of the five military clans : the Otomo, Kume (Kumebe), Imibe, Mononobe, and Nakatomi. The Kuma clan held the land on both sides of the 川 river, soon named after them.
久米川 (江戸名所図会より)
It was a postal station along the
Kamakura Kaido 鎌倉街道
Kamakura Kaidō, Kamakura Highway or Highways during the Kamakura Period.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Higashimurayama 東村山市
keyaki 欅 zelkova tree
There was a huge zelkova tree along the highway. They say it used to cry.
But this was only a made-up story (狂言 kyogen) bt its owner who did not want the tree to be cut down.
- quote -
梅岩寺 Zelkova Tree of Baigan-ji Temple
Baigan-ji Temple is an ancient temple of Sotoshu sect, said to be refounded by Asan Donseki in 1651.
There are two Japanese Zelkova trees on both sides of Sanmon entrance gate. The tree on the left side of the gate is “Zelkova Tree of Baigan-ji Temple” designated as Natural Monument of Tokyo. According to the topography “Shinpen Musashi Fudoki-ko” edited in Bunka and Bunsei era (1804-1830), the mention about this temple is found in the article of ‘Kumegawa Village’. Also, there is the mention about this Zelkova tree in the article; ‘There are two trees on the both side of the gate. One is an old Zelkova tree of 2 jyo in circumference. Another is Kajyu of 1 syaku 2jyo’.
This tree has about 27 meters in height and about 7.3 meters in circumference. Its main trunk branches off into several thick limbs at a height of about 3 meters and the branches widely spread out. It grows thick and has a strong vitality.
Furthermore, the tree mentioned as ‘another is Kajyu of 1 syaku 2 jyo’ in the topography indicates the Kaya tree on the right side of the gate.
This tree is “Kaya Tree of Baigan-ji Temple” designated as Natural Monument of Higashimurayama City.
- reference source : syougai.metro.tokyo.jp/bunkazai... -
. keyaki 欅と伝説 Legends about the Zelkova tree .
恩田町 Onda
Tenno Sama 天王様 deity "Heavenly King"
In a part of the village it was not allowed to grow cucumbers or pumpkins, without the special permission of the Deity.
This was due to the fact that the family crest of the Gion Shrines, where Gozu Tenno is venerated, looked very similar to the form of a cut through a cucumber.
. the Deity Gozu Tennō 牛頭天王 and the Gion shrines .
. The Shrine crest of the Gion shrine .
鹿児島県 Kagoshima 伊佐郡 Isa district
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #higashimurayama #kumegawa - - - -
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Higashimurayama city 東村山市
- quote
..... a city located in the western portion of Tokyo Metropolis, Japan. As of 1 February 2016, the city had an estimated population of 150,984, and a population density of 8810 persons per km². Its total area is 17.14 square kilometres (6.62 sq mi).
Higashimurayama is approximately in the north-center of Tokyo Metropolis, on the Musashino Terrace.
- History
The area of present-day Higashimurayama has been inhabited since Japanese Paleolithic times, and numerous remains from the Jōmon, Yayoi and Kofun periods have been discovered.
During the Nara period, it became part of ancient Musashi Province.
During the Kamakura period, it was the location of the Battle of Kumegawa in 1333.
In the post-Meiji Restoration reform of April 1, 1889, several villages merged to form Higashimurayama Village in Nishitama District, at that time part of Kanagawa Prefecture.
The entire district was transferred to the control of Tokyo Prefecture on April 1, 1893.
On April 1, 1942, Higashimurayama Village became the town of Higashimurayama. On April 1, 1964, Higashimurayama was elevated to city status.
- source : wikipedia
秋津町 Akitsu // 青葉町 Aoba // 久米川町 Kumegawa // 諏訪町 Suwa ・野口町 Nogushi // 多摩湖町 Takako ・廻田町 Megurita // 本町 Honcho ・栄町 Sakaecho // 恩多町 Onta // 美住町 Misumi ・富士見町 Fujimi // 萩山町 Hagiyama
- reference source : city.higashimurayama.tokyo.jp... -
. Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province / Bushuu 武州 Bushu .
Kumegawa mura 久米川村 Kumegawa village
As you can see on the map above, Kumegawa village is just in the middle of Higashimurayama city.
Its name dates back to a Kume clan 久米部 Kumebe, Kume-Be / 久米氏 Kume Shi
The Kumebe were one of the five military clans : the Otomo, Kume (Kumebe), Imibe, Mononobe, and Nakatomi. The Kuma clan held the land on both sides of the 川 river, soon named after them.
久米川 (江戸名所図会より)
It was a postal station along the
Kamakura Kaido 鎌倉街道
Kamakura Kaidō, Kamakura Highway or Highways during the Kamakura Period.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Higashimurayama 東村山市
keyaki 欅 zelkova tree
There was a huge zelkova tree along the highway. They say it used to cry.
But this was only a made-up story (狂言 kyogen) bt its owner who did not want the tree to be cut down.
- quote -
梅岩寺 Zelkova Tree of Baigan-ji Temple
Baigan-ji Temple is an ancient temple of Sotoshu sect, said to be refounded by Asan Donseki in 1651.
There are two Japanese Zelkova trees on both sides of Sanmon entrance gate. The tree on the left side of the gate is “Zelkova Tree of Baigan-ji Temple” designated as Natural Monument of Tokyo. According to the topography “Shinpen Musashi Fudoki-ko” edited in Bunka and Bunsei era (1804-1830), the mention about this temple is found in the article of ‘Kumegawa Village’. Also, there is the mention about this Zelkova tree in the article; ‘There are two trees on the both side of the gate. One is an old Zelkova tree of 2 jyo in circumference. Another is Kajyu of 1 syaku 2jyo’.
This tree has about 27 meters in height and about 7.3 meters in circumference. Its main trunk branches off into several thick limbs at a height of about 3 meters and the branches widely spread out. It grows thick and has a strong vitality.
Furthermore, the tree mentioned as ‘another is Kajyu of 1 syaku 2 jyo’ in the topography indicates the Kaya tree on the right side of the gate.
This tree is “Kaya Tree of Baigan-ji Temple” designated as Natural Monument of Higashimurayama City.
- reference source : syougai.metro.tokyo.jp/bunkazai... -
. keyaki 欅と伝説 Legends about the Zelkova tree .
恩田町 Onda
Tenno Sama 天王様 deity "Heavenly King"
In a part of the village it was not allowed to grow cucumbers or pumpkins, without the special permission of the Deity.
This was due to the fact that the family crest of the Gion Shrines, where Gozu Tenno is venerated, looked very similar to the form of a cut through a cucumber.
. the Deity Gozu Tennō 牛頭天王 and the Gion shrines .
. The Shrine crest of the Gion shrine .
鹿児島県 Kagoshima 伊佐郡 Isa district
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #higashimurayama #kumegawa - - - -
Musashi Province
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province / Bushuu 武州 Bushu
- quote
Complete Map of Musashi province 武蔵国全図
Painted by Hashimoto Gyokuran (Utagawa Sadahide)
This is a map of the 22 counties of Musashi Province. Rivers, marshland, and the ocean are drawn in blue, mountainous areas in green, and the confines of the city in deep colors to distinguish from the outskirts. Also, in the blank space an explanation of place names, a brief history, a list of temples and shrines, and a list of famous spots of Musashi Province are noted.
Musashi Province is a large region that covers the present day Tokyo Metropolis, Saitama Prefecture and a large portion of Kawasaki City and Yokohama City in Kanagawa Prefecture.
Initially Musashi Province was formed from the 19 counties of
豊島 Toshima, 荏原 Ebara, 橘樹 Tachibana, 久良岐 Kuraki, 都筑 Tsuzuki, 多摩 Tama, 足立 Adachi, 入間 Iruma, 比企 Hiki, 横見 Yokomi, 埼玉 Saitama, 大里 Ohsato, 男衾 Obusuma, 幡羅 Hara, 榛沢 Hanzawa, 那賀 Naka, 児玉 Kodama, 賀美 Kami and 秩父 Chichibu.
However in the 8th century, the Koma County and the Shiragi County (which later became the Niikura County) and in the beginning of Edo period, a part of the Katsushika County of Shimōsa Province were integrated to make 22 counties.
- source : library.metro.tokyo.jp...
. 稲城市 Inagi City / 穴澤 Anazwaa / Yanokuchi 谷の口 / 矢野口 .
. Chōfu 調布市 Chofu city
. 調布市佐須町 Sazumachi, Chōfu City .
- quote -
Musashi Province (武蔵の国 Musashi no kuni)
was a province of Japan, which today comprises Tokyo Metropolis, most of Saitama Prefecture and part of Kanagawa Prefecture. It was sometimes called Bushū (武州). The province encompassed Kawasaki and Yokohama. Musashi bordered on Kai, Kōzuke, Sagami, Shimōsa, and Shimotsuke Provinces.
Musashi was the largest province in the Kantō region.
- Name
The name Musashi, recorded in early records as 牟射志 muzasi, has been conjectured to be of Ainu origin. It has no apparent meaning in Japanese, but mun-sar-i or mun-sar-ihi (weed-marsh-POSS) is a hypothetical Ainu form that would mean "marsh/wetland of (i.e. belonging to) weeds/inedible or otherwise useless plants," with Musashi in the middle of the Kantō Plain.
- History
Musashi had its ancient capital in modern Fuchū, Tokyo, and its provincial temple in what is now Kokubunji, Tokyo. By the Sengoku period, the main city was Edo, which became the dominant city of eastern Japan. Edo Castle was the headquarters of Tokugawa Ieyasu before the Battle of Sekigahara and became the dominant city of Japan during the Edo period, being renamed Tokyo during the Meiji Restoration.
was designated as the chief Shinto shrine (ichinomiya) of the province; and there are many branch shrines.
The former province gave its name to the battleship of the Second World War Musashi.
- Timeline of important events
708 (Keiun 5):
The era name was about to be changed to mark the accession of Empress Gemmei; but the choice of Wadō 和銅 as the new nengō for this new reign became a way to mark the welcome discovery of copper in the Chichibu District of what is now Saitama Prefecture.
The Japanese word for copper is dō (銅); and since this was indigenous copper, the "wa" (the ancient Chinese term for Japan) could be combined with the "dō" (copper) to create a new composite term—"wadō"—meaning "Japanese copper".
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Adachi ku 足立区 Adachi ward .
. Ebara district, Himonya village 武州荏原郡碑文谷村. .
. Fuchuu, Fuchū 府中市 Fuchu city .
. Higashimurayama city 東村山市 and 久米川村 Kumegawa village .
. Itabashi ku 板橋区 Itabashi ward / 武州板橋 Bushu Itabashi .
. Katsushika ku 葛飾区 Katsushika ward .
. Kichijoojimura 吉祥寺村 Kichijo-Ji village .
. Kodaira shi 小平市 Kodaira city and 小川町 Ogawa district .
. Machida shi 町田市 Machida city "city of fields" .
. Musashino Plain 武蔵野 Musashino Uplands .
A part of the 関東平野 Kanto Heiya plain.
. Musashi Fuchu Kumano Jinja Kofun 武蔵府中熊野神社古墳 burial mound .
. Negishi 根岸 Negishi district - Taito ward .
. Sakuragaoka 桜ヶ丘 / Tama .
. Tamagawa 多摩川 / 玉川 River Tamagawa, Tama .
. Tanashi 田無 and 保谷 Hoya . - Nishi-Tokyo
. Toshima 豊島区 Toshima ward, "Rich Island" .
and 巣鴨 Sugamo district "ducks nest"
. Shrine Hikawa Jinja 氷川神社 . - Musashi Ichi no Miya 武蔵一の宮
Saitama 埼玉県
. Shrine Musashi Mitake Jinja 武蔵御嶽神社 .
176 Mitakesan, Ome, Tokyo
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
azarashi, suiko 水豹 / 海豹 (あざらし) seal // todo トド, 魹、sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus
Seals have been living in the rivers of Musashi province and many are born in spring near the sea. When they grow up, they become sea lions, but later in their life they go back to be seals.
ryuugyo 鰡魚 bora, striped black mullet; a springer, Mugil cephalus
When the Bora gets older, he changes his form, even becoming a sea lion or a seal. This fish is born in the Musashi province and then moves on South, where he spends about one year in the sea at 紀州 Kishu, Wakayama. He is never caught there in a net or with an angler's hook. A few years older he turns back into a seal. Since he likes the cold, he now moves up to Hokkaido to live there.
. - Suiko 水虎 Water Tiger, Water Beast - .
Osaki Kitsune をさき狐 / オサキキツネ fox with a split tail
- known in 埼玉県 Saitama,東京都 Tokyo and 神奈川県 Kanagawa
This is a kind of Yokai monster weasel or small fox with a split tail, also written 尾先, 尾裂」「御先狐」or「尾崎狐」. Some see it as a Yokai. It used to be known in the Chichibu area and then spread all over Musashi province. Before choosing a bride or groom, on has to carefully investigate the family to make sure it does not live with the family and comes along. The bride might give birth to foxes and leaves the family soon after giving birth.
Some Kitsune-women also give birth to mice before disappearing, and the whole family becomes unhappy and unlucky.
also known as osakigitsune オサキギツネ
. kitsune densetsu 狐 伝説 fox legends .
武蔵国多摩郡中野 Nakano hamlet in the Tama district
. The 怨念 grudge of Taira no Masayori 平将頼 (? - 940) .
武蔵国比企郡 Hiki district
takejo 竹女 "Bamboo woman"
Around 1640, there lived a priest in Hiki who performed austere practises and venerated 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai. He later went up to 羽黒山 Mount Hagurosan, There he had a dream vision about the servant Takejo (Bamboo woman) who lived in Sakuma. So he went back to Edo and Sakuma and prayed in front of Takejo. Takejo was ill, but his prayers helped her to die in piece, wrapped in a purple cloud on her ascent to paradise.
. Haguro San 羽黒山 . 羽黒出羽三山 Three mountains of Dewa - Yamagata .
. Kanda 神田佐久間町 Sakuma cho district .
................................................................................. Kanagawa 神奈川県
川崎市 Kawasaki
. 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Kappa, the Water Goblin of Japan! .
Near 武蔵国河ごえ the town of Kawagoe there is a place called たて Tate.
A child once wanted to wash a horse, but the horse went wild and the child fell in the river. The villagers saw a Kappa nearby, caught it and wanted to kill the Kappa.
A priest from a nearby temple felt pity for the Kappa and asked the villagers to forgive him. The Kappa promised never to attack humans or animals in the river and then went off.
That night, the priest found two buna 鮒 carps at his bedside, a present from the greatfull Kappa.
. buna densetsu 鮒 伝説 crucian carp - kigo and legends .
川越藩 Kawagoe Han 武蔵国入間郡 Iruma district(現在の埼玉県川越市 Now Saitama, Kawagoe town)
川崎市 Kawasaki 中原区 Nakahara ward
. yoogooseki 影向石 Yogoseki Stone with Yakushi Nyorai Image .
. Nakahara Kaido 中原街道 Nakahara Highway .
多摩区 Tama ward
koshoo 古松 the old pine
橘樹郡宿河原村 In the Tachibana district, Shukugawara village there is an old pine on the top of the mountain.
Around 1834 is suddenly withered and all villagers were very sad. In this year, a young man from the next village had used some branches for firewood, but he came down with a high fever. So his family took the remainder of the branches, placed them around the old tree and said prayers and apologies. Soon the young man became well again.
. matsu 松と伝説 pine legends .
................................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県
川口市 Kawaguchi
zenibashi 銭橋 Zenibashi bridge
When Tokugawa Ieyasu was hunting with hawks, part of the path near 青木村 Aoki village collapsed and he could not go back.
The villagers collected all their zeni coins and burried them here to build a bridge.
大里郡 Osato district 寄居町 Yorii
. tanuki 狸と伝説 racoon dog, badger legends .
In the ruins of 鉢形 Hachibata castle in Chichibu there live many foxes and Tanuki.
At night when there was a poetry meeting at the nearby temple, there was suddenly a strange laughter from below the brazier, just at the most scary time of the night.
When they moved the brazier, a black monster animal jumped out and run toward the Buddha statue. When they looked at the statue the next morning, the statue begun to laugh. Then they tried to cut the statue into pieces, a black monster animal like a Tanuki run away fast.
さいたま市 Saitama city
. yao bikuni 八百比丘尼(やおびくに)nun for 800 years - Legends .
happyaku bikuni 八百比丘尼 / ハッピャクビクニ
武蔵国足立郡水波田村 In the Adachi district, at the temple 慈眼寺 Jigen-Ji, there was a huge enoki 榎 nettle tree cut down, the open cut covering a huge size of the ground.
This tree had been planted by a Happyaku Bikuni nun from 若狭 Wakasa. When the villagers dug deeper, they found the statue of Jizo Bosatsu in a stone box, with an inscription dating to 大化元年 the year 645. This Bikuni must have lived for more than 1000 years.
................................................................................. Tokyo 東京都
日野市 Hino city
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Taira-mura Burial Mound of Taira no Koremori Tairamura 平村 - 平惟盛古墳
A sacred stone monument believed to have been built in 1271 (the eighth year of Bun'ei)
remains within an orchard located in 南平 Nampei, Hino City.
The monument is said to be the grave of 平惟盛 Taira no Koremori.
This was built by a samurai named 平資綱 Taira no Suketsuna who lived in this area,
in order to pray for the repose of Koremori's soul.
Taira no Koremori was a descendant of the eldest son of 平清盛 Taira no Kiyomori,
and he committed suicide by drowning himself in the sea of Kishū (Wakayama Prefecture)
in 1183 during 源平合戦 the Battle of Genpei.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -
- quote -
Hino no tsu 日野津 Hino no watashi
Hino-no-watashi, along the Koshū Highway, was an ferry landing officially recognized by the shogunate.
It is said that the ferry landing was finally set up in its current location during the Jōkyō era (1684-1687).
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
hakuhatsu no okina 白髪の翁 old man with white hair
In 武蔵国多摩郡久保村 the village of Kubomura in Tama there lived a farmer named 藤五郎 Kikugoro, whose son named 藤蔵 Fujikura died when he was six years old. At the funeral there came an old man with white hair and took away the spirit of Fujikura (some say the body of the boy who was still alive). Fukukura lived in a dark place for three years and then came back to the world of men. Now he was born in the same Tama district in the village of 中野村 Nakano as the second son of 源蔵 Genzo, named 勝五郎 Katsugoro.
When Katsugoro was nine years old, he said he was in fact the son of Kikugoro and could tell all the stories of Kikugoro's family and the son Fujikura.
港区 Minato ward
In the year 1005 during the reign of 一条天皇 Emperor Ichijo Tenno suddenly it begun to rain 幣 ritual wands and huge fangs from the sky in 武蔵国日比谷村 Hibiya village.
To appease the deity, the villagers built the Shrine
. 芝大神宮 / 芝神明社 / 芝神明宮 Shiba Myojin Gu .
練馬区 Nerima ward
. Yamata no orochi 山田の大蛇 huge monster serpent .
(八岐大蛇、八俣遠呂智、八俣遠呂知 ー ヤマタノオロチ)- a legendary 8-headed and 8-tailed Japanese dragon.
When the deity 素盞鳴の尊 Susanoo killed the huge serpent of Yamata there have not yet been metal swords in Japan. The first 鉄剣 iron sword is said to be in the shrine 石神井神社 Shakujii Jinja at the 武蔵国豊島郡下石神井村 Shimo-Shakujii village in the Toshima district.
. Shakujii Park 石神井公園 Shakujii Kōen .
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
渋谷区 Shibuya ward
. Hatagaya Fudo 幡ヶ谷不動 / 荘厳寺 Shogon-Ji .
藤原秀郷 Fujiwara Hidesato came here to pray for victory against 平将門 Taira no Masakado.
立川市 Tachikawa
reiken 霊験 spiritual achievement
武蔵国多摩郡芝崎村 鎮守八幡宮 Chinju Hachimangu
At 八幡宮 the Shrine Hachimangu in Shibazaki village in the Tama district there is a Buddha statue said to have been made by 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi. People come here to pray for spiritual achievements.
Once upon a time, there was a fire at the Shrine, but the statue had flown away just in time. The temple was reconstructed around 1717. At the pine tree in the compound there was a strange light and when they dug there, they found the statue, safe and secure.
. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . - (774 - 835)
. Chinju Sama, Chinjusama 鎮守様 Guardian Deity Legends .
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Shibazaki Fusai-ji Temple 芝崎 普済寺
Genbu-san Fusai-ji in Shibazaki-chō, Tachikawa City, is a famous temple of the Rinzai Buddhism.
People in the Edo period could see panoramic views of the Tama hillside, the mountains of Tanzawa,
and even Mt. Fuji from this temple.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - ##musashi ##musashino #chofu #choofu - - - -
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province / Bushuu 武州 Bushu
- quote
Complete Map of Musashi province 武蔵国全図
Painted by Hashimoto Gyokuran (Utagawa Sadahide)
This is a map of the 22 counties of Musashi Province. Rivers, marshland, and the ocean are drawn in blue, mountainous areas in green, and the confines of the city in deep colors to distinguish from the outskirts. Also, in the blank space an explanation of place names, a brief history, a list of temples and shrines, and a list of famous spots of Musashi Province are noted.
Musashi Province is a large region that covers the present day Tokyo Metropolis, Saitama Prefecture and a large portion of Kawasaki City and Yokohama City in Kanagawa Prefecture.
Initially Musashi Province was formed from the 19 counties of
豊島 Toshima, 荏原 Ebara, 橘樹 Tachibana, 久良岐 Kuraki, 都筑 Tsuzuki, 多摩 Tama, 足立 Adachi, 入間 Iruma, 比企 Hiki, 横見 Yokomi, 埼玉 Saitama, 大里 Ohsato, 男衾 Obusuma, 幡羅 Hara, 榛沢 Hanzawa, 那賀 Naka, 児玉 Kodama, 賀美 Kami and 秩父 Chichibu.
However in the 8th century, the Koma County and the Shiragi County (which later became the Niikura County) and in the beginning of Edo period, a part of the Katsushika County of Shimōsa Province were integrated to make 22 counties.
- source : library.metro.tokyo.jp...
. 稲城市 Inagi City / 穴澤 Anazwaa / Yanokuchi 谷の口 / 矢野口 .
. Chōfu 調布市 Chofu city
. 調布市佐須町 Sazumachi, Chōfu City .
- quote -
Musashi Province (武蔵の国 Musashi no kuni)
was a province of Japan, which today comprises Tokyo Metropolis, most of Saitama Prefecture and part of Kanagawa Prefecture. It was sometimes called Bushū (武州). The province encompassed Kawasaki and Yokohama. Musashi bordered on Kai, Kōzuke, Sagami, Shimōsa, and Shimotsuke Provinces.
Musashi was the largest province in the Kantō region.
- Name
The name Musashi, recorded in early records as 牟射志 muzasi, has been conjectured to be of Ainu origin. It has no apparent meaning in Japanese, but mun-sar-i or mun-sar-ihi (weed-marsh-POSS) is a hypothetical Ainu form that would mean "marsh/wetland of (i.e. belonging to) weeds/inedible or otherwise useless plants," with Musashi in the middle of the Kantō Plain.
- History
Musashi had its ancient capital in modern Fuchū, Tokyo, and its provincial temple in what is now Kokubunji, Tokyo. By the Sengoku period, the main city was Edo, which became the dominant city of eastern Japan. Edo Castle was the headquarters of Tokugawa Ieyasu before the Battle of Sekigahara and became the dominant city of Japan during the Edo period, being renamed Tokyo during the Meiji Restoration.
was designated as the chief Shinto shrine (ichinomiya) of the province; and there are many branch shrines.
The former province gave its name to the battleship of the Second World War Musashi.
- Timeline of important events
708 (Keiun 5):
The era name was about to be changed to mark the accession of Empress Gemmei; but the choice of Wadō 和銅 as the new nengō for this new reign became a way to mark the welcome discovery of copper in the Chichibu District of what is now Saitama Prefecture.
The Japanese word for copper is dō (銅); and since this was indigenous copper, the "wa" (the ancient Chinese term for Japan) could be combined with the "dō" (copper) to create a new composite term—"wadō"—meaning "Japanese copper".
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Adachi ku 足立区 Adachi ward .
. Ebara district, Himonya village 武州荏原郡碑文谷村. .
. Fuchuu, Fuchū 府中市 Fuchu city .
. Higashimurayama city 東村山市 and 久米川村 Kumegawa village .
. Itabashi ku 板橋区 Itabashi ward / 武州板橋 Bushu Itabashi .
. Katsushika ku 葛飾区 Katsushika ward .
. Kichijoojimura 吉祥寺村 Kichijo-Ji village .
. Kodaira shi 小平市 Kodaira city and 小川町 Ogawa district .
. Machida shi 町田市 Machida city "city of fields" .
. Musashino Plain 武蔵野 Musashino Uplands .
A part of the 関東平野 Kanto Heiya plain.
. Musashi Fuchu Kumano Jinja Kofun 武蔵府中熊野神社古墳 burial mound .
. Negishi 根岸 Negishi district - Taito ward .
. Sakuragaoka 桜ヶ丘 / Tama .
. Tamagawa 多摩川 / 玉川 River Tamagawa, Tama .
. Tanashi 田無 and 保谷 Hoya . - Nishi-Tokyo
. Toshima 豊島区 Toshima ward, "Rich Island" .
and 巣鴨 Sugamo district "ducks nest"
. Shrine Hikawa Jinja 氷川神社 . - Musashi Ichi no Miya 武蔵一の宮
Saitama 埼玉県
. Shrine Musashi Mitake Jinja 武蔵御嶽神社 .
176 Mitakesan, Ome, Tokyo
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
azarashi, suiko 水豹 / 海豹 (あざらし) seal // todo トド, 魹、sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus
Seals have been living in the rivers of Musashi province and many are born in spring near the sea. When they grow up, they become sea lions, but later in their life they go back to be seals.
ryuugyo 鰡魚 bora, striped black mullet; a springer, Mugil cephalus
When the Bora gets older, he changes his form, even becoming a sea lion or a seal. This fish is born in the Musashi province and then moves on South, where he spends about one year in the sea at 紀州 Kishu, Wakayama. He is never caught there in a net or with an angler's hook. A few years older he turns back into a seal. Since he likes the cold, he now moves up to Hokkaido to live there.
. - Suiko 水虎 Water Tiger, Water Beast - .
Osaki Kitsune をさき狐 / オサキキツネ fox with a split tail
- known in 埼玉県 Saitama,東京都 Tokyo and 神奈川県 Kanagawa
This is a kind of Yokai monster weasel or small fox with a split tail, also written 尾先, 尾裂」「御先狐」or「尾崎狐」. Some see it as a Yokai. It used to be known in the Chichibu area and then spread all over Musashi province. Before choosing a bride or groom, on has to carefully investigate the family to make sure it does not live with the family and comes along. The bride might give birth to foxes and leaves the family soon after giving birth.
Some Kitsune-women also give birth to mice before disappearing, and the whole family becomes unhappy and unlucky.
also known as osakigitsune オサキギツネ
. kitsune densetsu 狐 伝説 fox legends .
武蔵国多摩郡中野 Nakano hamlet in the Tama district
. The 怨念 grudge of Taira no Masayori 平将頼 (? - 940) .
武蔵国比企郡 Hiki district
takejo 竹女 "Bamboo woman"
Around 1640, there lived a priest in Hiki who performed austere practises and venerated 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai. He later went up to 羽黒山 Mount Hagurosan, There he had a dream vision about the servant Takejo (Bamboo woman) who lived in Sakuma. So he went back to Edo and Sakuma and prayed in front of Takejo. Takejo was ill, but his prayers helped her to die in piece, wrapped in a purple cloud on her ascent to paradise.
. Haguro San 羽黒山 . 羽黒出羽三山 Three mountains of Dewa - Yamagata .
. Kanda 神田佐久間町 Sakuma cho district .
................................................................................. Kanagawa 神奈川県
川崎市 Kawasaki
. 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Kappa, the Water Goblin of Japan! .
Near 武蔵国河ごえ the town of Kawagoe there is a place called たて Tate.
A child once wanted to wash a horse, but the horse went wild and the child fell in the river. The villagers saw a Kappa nearby, caught it and wanted to kill the Kappa.
A priest from a nearby temple felt pity for the Kappa and asked the villagers to forgive him. The Kappa promised never to attack humans or animals in the river and then went off.
That night, the priest found two buna 鮒 carps at his bedside, a present from the greatfull Kappa.
. buna densetsu 鮒 伝説 crucian carp - kigo and legends .
川越藩 Kawagoe Han 武蔵国入間郡 Iruma district(現在の埼玉県川越市 Now Saitama, Kawagoe town)
川崎市 Kawasaki 中原区 Nakahara ward
. yoogooseki 影向石 Yogoseki Stone with Yakushi Nyorai Image .
. Nakahara Kaido 中原街道 Nakahara Highway .
多摩区 Tama ward
koshoo 古松 the old pine
橘樹郡宿河原村 In the Tachibana district, Shukugawara village there is an old pine on the top of the mountain.
Around 1834 is suddenly withered and all villagers were very sad. In this year, a young man from the next village had used some branches for firewood, but he came down with a high fever. So his family took the remainder of the branches, placed them around the old tree and said prayers and apologies. Soon the young man became well again.
. matsu 松と伝説 pine legends .
................................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県
川口市 Kawaguchi
zenibashi 銭橋 Zenibashi bridge
When Tokugawa Ieyasu was hunting with hawks, part of the path near 青木村 Aoki village collapsed and he could not go back.
The villagers collected all their zeni coins and burried them here to build a bridge.
大里郡 Osato district 寄居町 Yorii
. tanuki 狸と伝説 racoon dog, badger legends .
In the ruins of 鉢形 Hachibata castle in Chichibu there live many foxes and Tanuki.
At night when there was a poetry meeting at the nearby temple, there was suddenly a strange laughter from below the brazier, just at the most scary time of the night.
When they moved the brazier, a black monster animal jumped out and run toward the Buddha statue. When they looked at the statue the next morning, the statue begun to laugh. Then they tried to cut the statue into pieces, a black monster animal like a Tanuki run away fast.
さいたま市 Saitama city
. yao bikuni 八百比丘尼(やおびくに)nun for 800 years - Legends .
happyaku bikuni 八百比丘尼 / ハッピャクビクニ
武蔵国足立郡水波田村 In the Adachi district, at the temple 慈眼寺 Jigen-Ji, there was a huge enoki 榎 nettle tree cut down, the open cut covering a huge size of the ground.
This tree had been planted by a Happyaku Bikuni nun from 若狭 Wakasa. When the villagers dug deeper, they found the statue of Jizo Bosatsu in a stone box, with an inscription dating to 大化元年 the year 645. This Bikuni must have lived for more than 1000 years.
................................................................................. Tokyo 東京都
日野市 Hino city
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Taira-mura Burial Mound of Taira no Koremori Tairamura 平村 - 平惟盛古墳
A sacred stone monument believed to have been built in 1271 (the eighth year of Bun'ei)
remains within an orchard located in 南平 Nampei, Hino City.
The monument is said to be the grave of 平惟盛 Taira no Koremori.
This was built by a samurai named 平資綱 Taira no Suketsuna who lived in this area,
in order to pray for the repose of Koremori's soul.
Taira no Koremori was a descendant of the eldest son of 平清盛 Taira no Kiyomori,
and he committed suicide by drowning himself in the sea of Kishū (Wakayama Prefecture)
in 1183 during 源平合戦 the Battle of Genpei.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -
- quote -
Hino no tsu 日野津 Hino no watashi
Hino-no-watashi, along the Koshū Highway, was an ferry landing officially recognized by the shogunate.
It is said that the ferry landing was finally set up in its current location during the Jōkyō era (1684-1687).
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
hakuhatsu no okina 白髪の翁 old man with white hair
In 武蔵国多摩郡久保村 the village of Kubomura in Tama there lived a farmer named 藤五郎 Kikugoro, whose son named 藤蔵 Fujikura died when he was six years old. At the funeral there came an old man with white hair and took away the spirit of Fujikura (some say the body of the boy who was still alive). Fukukura lived in a dark place for three years and then came back to the world of men. Now he was born in the same Tama district in the village of 中野村 Nakano as the second son of 源蔵 Genzo, named 勝五郎 Katsugoro.
When Katsugoro was nine years old, he said he was in fact the son of Kikugoro and could tell all the stories of Kikugoro's family and the son Fujikura.
港区 Minato ward
In the year 1005 during the reign of 一条天皇 Emperor Ichijo Tenno suddenly it begun to rain 幣 ritual wands and huge fangs from the sky in 武蔵国日比谷村 Hibiya village.
To appease the deity, the villagers built the Shrine
. 芝大神宮 / 芝神明社 / 芝神明宮 Shiba Myojin Gu .
練馬区 Nerima ward
. Yamata no orochi 山田の大蛇 huge monster serpent .
(八岐大蛇、八俣遠呂智、八俣遠呂知 ー ヤマタノオロチ)- a legendary 8-headed and 8-tailed Japanese dragon.
When the deity 素盞鳴の尊 Susanoo killed the huge serpent of Yamata there have not yet been metal swords in Japan. The first 鉄剣 iron sword is said to be in the shrine 石神井神社 Shakujii Jinja at the 武蔵国豊島郡下石神井村 Shimo-Shakujii village in the Toshima district.
. Shakujii Park 石神井公園 Shakujii Kōen .
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
渋谷区 Shibuya ward
. Hatagaya Fudo 幡ヶ谷不動 / 荘厳寺 Shogon-Ji .
藤原秀郷 Fujiwara Hidesato came here to pray for victory against 平将門 Taira no Masakado.
立川市 Tachikawa
reiken 霊験 spiritual achievement
武蔵国多摩郡芝崎村 鎮守八幡宮 Chinju Hachimangu
At 八幡宮 the Shrine Hachimangu in Shibazaki village in the Tama district there is a Buddha statue said to have been made by 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi. People come here to pray for spiritual achievements.
Once upon a time, there was a fire at the Shrine, but the statue had flown away just in time. The temple was reconstructed around 1717. At the pine tree in the compound there was a strange light and when they dug there, they found the statue, safe and secure.
. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . - (774 - 835)
. Chinju Sama, Chinjusama 鎮守様 Guardian Deity Legends .
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Shibazaki Fusai-ji Temple 芝崎 普済寺
Genbu-san Fusai-ji in Shibazaki-chō, Tachikawa City, is a famous temple of the Rinzai Buddhism.
People in the Edo period could see panoramic views of the Tama hillside, the mountains of Tanzawa,
and even Mt. Fuji from this temple.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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