
Mejiro district

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Mejiro 目白 the Mejiro district
目白一丁目 - 目白五丁目 with five sub-districts.

- quote -
The district's name is after Mejiro Fudō, which is one of the Goshiki Fudō.
Mejiro is home to the prestigious Gakushuin University.
The university's predecessor was established in 1877 to educate the children of the nobility.
Its notable alumni include most members of the present Imperial House of Japan
as well as the 59th Prime Minister of Japan Tarō Asō.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Mejiro Fudo 目白不動 Fudo with white eyes . .
豊山新長谷寺 Shinchokokuji (Shin-Hasedera) in Toshima has a statue of Fudo Myo-O, made by Kobo Daishi himself.
When Kobo Daishi was in 荷沢河 Hezawa, 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai appeared to him and then changed into Fudo Myo-O.
The Deity wielded its own sword and cut off its left arm at the ellbow.
A lot of smoke and flames came out of this burning wound.
Kobo Daishi made the statue just as he had seen this.


- quote
Mejiro - A Historic and Quiet Town
- - - - - Townscape and Security
Mejiro is known as one of the most prestigious residential areas on the JR Yamanote Line.
There are a number of academic institutions such as the Gakushuin University in this small hilly area.
Mejiro Bunka Mura, a residential district developed by the Seibu Group is located on the west of JR Mejiro Station, while Tokugawa Village is located on the east, on the site of the former Owari Tokugawa family’s residence.
Both of the districts have quiet neighborhoods. Streets around the station are lined with banks, shops, and restaurants, but there is no entertainment district, thus ensuring that Mejiro is a safe place to live.
- - - - - Mejiro - The Town of History and Academics
The name, Mejiro, comes from the Mejiro Fudo Temple which is one of the Five Color Edo Fudo Temples (Goshiki Fudo).
In the Edo Period (1603-1868), the residences of daimyo (feudal loads) and hatamoto (direct retainer of the shogun) were built on Mejiro Hill.
Since then, the area has historically been home to government officials. The area around the hill is also a high-class residential district where many prestigious houses have been built on the ruins of former nobilities’ residences.
Mejiro has been known as a town of academics since the Gakushuin University was established as an educational facility for members of the Imperial family and members of the nobility in the Meiji Period (1868-1912).
- source : tokugawa-village.jp ... -


- quote -
Mejiro - White Eyes
- - - The Famous White Horse Theory
This theory says, without stating much else, that a famous white horse was born here, a 白い名馬 shiroi meiba, if you will. This theory is plausible because, well… ok, anything’s possible. But naming a place after a single white horse seems a little silly. Anyways, the etymological basis for this derivation is that the original place name was 馬白 Mejiro “white horse” – 馬 representing a dialectal variant of ma (horse), me.
- - - The “Tokugawa Iemitsu Did It” Theory
Having researched a ton of Tōkyō place names this year, I’m starting to see patterns emerge that set off my BS detectors. Theories that say the third shōgun, Tokugawa Iemitsu, came into some place and renamed it are a dime a dozen.
The story states that one day Tokugawa Iemitsu came to Meguro for falconry and thought the name 目黒 Black Eyes was inauspicious and ordered the area to be called 目白 White Eyes. The stupidest thing about this theory is that anyone who looks at a map will see that the modern Meguro and Mejiro are nowhere near each other. And while – yes, anything is possible – there could have been another village called Meguro here at one point, it’s pretty unlikely. Even if it was true, why didn’t Iemitsu care about the other Meguro? And he was the shōgun for fuck’s sake – the samurai dictator of the realm. I doubt he was such a pussy as to change the names of villages simply because the name scared him.
- - - The “Buddha Did It” Theory
At the beginning of the Edo Period, the super monk, 天海 Tenkai, was placed in charge of developing Buddhist temples in the area. His pet project was to build a cluster of 5 temples dedicated to Acala, called 不動 Fudō The Unmovable One in Japanese.
Each temple’s statue of Fudō had a different colored pair of eyes. The one in 目黒 Meguro Black Eyes had black eyes. The statue in 目白 Mejiro White Eyes had white eyes. The presence of a temple established by Tenkai, which was part of a grouping of 4 other temples was prestigious for the area and probably brought many pilgrims to the town’s 門前町 monzen-chō (town built at the front of a temple). The area then derived its name from this temple’s claim to fame, the white eyed statue.
This theory sounds plausible on the surface, but the fact is that the name Mejiro pre-dates the Edo Era, so sorry to say, the statue’s eye color might originate from the place name, but the place name does not originate from the statue. The name Mejiro allegedly first appeared in one of Tokugawa Ieyasu’s original surveys of Edo when he moved into the area and was sizing up his new holdings.
- - - Tokugawa
in 1932, the head of the 尾張徳川家 Owari Tokugawa-ke Owari branch of the Tokugawa Family built a residence here. Since then, his property has been turned into an exclusive planned community called the Tokugawa Village. It’s home to high ranking diplomats and über-rich douche bags of every stripe and it’s home to the 徳川黎明会 Tokugawa Reimeikai Tokugawa Dawn Society which sounds like an evil cult, but on the surface it seems to be a group dedicated to historical research related to the Tokugawa. It’s affiliated with the prestigious 徳川美術館 Tokugawa Bijutsukan Tokugawa Fine Art Museum in Nagoya which preserves the largest collection of art and property of the Tokugawa family and has a hell of a gift shop if you want goods with the Tokugawa family crest printed on them.
- source : japanthis.com... -


- quote -
Mejiro-shita Ōarai-no-seki 目白下大洗堰 the weir at Mejiro-shita
Ōarai-no-seki was an important facility to supply water in the Kanda aqueduct
which used 井の頭池 Inokashira-Ike pond as a water source to all around the city of Edo.
Water drawn from Inokashira-Ike pond, 善福寺池 Zenpukuji-Ike pond, etc. was divided into two courses at this dam.
water was first sent to the residence of Mito Tokugawa household
and then distributed to all of Edo through the underground.
The remaining water was discharged into the Edo River.
The facility was built during the governance of the 3rd Shogun Iemitsu.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -


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. Toshima 豊島区 Toshima ward .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

- - - - - #Mejiro #edomejiro #oarainoseki #mejirofudo - - - -


Adachi 100 Fudo - backup

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 . .
. Adachi ku 足立区 Adachi ward Tokyo .
backup from . Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .

Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage

- reference source : hanaetabi.fc2web.com/hudou ... -


01 玉林院 Gyokurin-In (さいたま市緑区中尾2343)廃寺。不動堂 Fudo Hall - Saitama city
02 明音院(さいたま市南区大谷口3025)廃寺 - abandoned 。 Myoon-In
03 西林院(さいたま市南区大谷口3133)廃寺 - abandoned 。 Sairin-In
04 寶珠山吉祥寺(さいたま市緑区中尾1410) Kichijo-Ji
05 三光院(さいたま市緑区東浦和8-10)廃寺 - abandoned 。 Sanko-In
06 玉泉院(さいたま市緑区大間木296-2) Gyokusen-In
07 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji (さいたま市緑区中尾238)廃寺。現不動ヶ谷不動堂 Fudo Hall
08 光善院 Kozen-In (さいたま市浦和区元町1-231-1)廃寺。現皇山不動堂 Fudo Hall (浦和区木崎2-4-13)
09 観音寺 Kanon-Ji (さいたま市浦和区北浦和3-15-22)廃寺 - abandoned 。現廓信寺

10 観音寺(さいたま市大宮区高鼻町2-262)廃寺。現満福寺(さいたま市北区日進町2-1003) 
. 10 観音寺 Kannon-Ji .
11 景元寺 Keigen-Ji (さいたま市大宮区北袋町2-379)
12 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji (さいたま市浦和区上木崎7-19-1)
13 西林山長覺院 Chogaku-In (さいたま市浦和区領家4-20-3)
14 光珠山東泉寺 Tosen-Ji (さいたま市浦和区瀬ヶ崎2-15-3)
15 不動堂 Fudo Hall (さいたま市緑区三室601-3)現報恩寺 Hoon-Ji
16 瑠璃光山東漸寺 Tozen-Ji (さいたま市緑区馬場1-3-2)
17 大智山文殊寺 Monju-Ji (さいたま市緑区三室1956)
18 不動堂 Fudo Hall (さいたま市緑区芝原2-1-6)
19 慈了山清泰寺 Seitai-Ji (さいたま市緑区東浦和5-18-9)

20 不動堂 Fudo Hall (さいたま市緑区大間木1906八丁観音堂内)
21 醫王山薬王寺 Yakuo-Ji (川口市木曽呂934) - Kawaguchi city
22 青龍山西光院 Seiko-In (川口市戸塚2-6-29)
23 平沼弁天坊 Hiranuma Benten Bo (川口市東川口5-21-19)平沼町会会館
24 延壽院 Enju-In (川口市東川口1-10-15)廃寺 - abandoned 。現一本木町会会館
25 長久山真乗院 Shinjo-In (川口市石神1253)
26 寶泉院 Hosen-In (川口市神戸303-3)廃寺 - abandoned 。現神戸町会会館
27 長源寺 Chogen-Ji (川口市道合1221)廃寺 - abandoned 。現安養山大徳寺
28 戎光山多寶院 Taho-In (川口市新井宿157)
29 箱崎山地蔵院Jizo-In (川口市桜町5-5-39)
. 29 地蔵院 Jizo-In .

30 神明院 Shinmei-In (川口市安行領家377)廃寺。不動尊は宝厳院慈林寺
宝厳院慈林寺 Jirin-Ji (川口市安行慈林954)
源性寺 Gensho-Ji (川口市安行本町3-7-8)廃寺 - abandoned 。現本町三丁目自冶会館
瑠璃山薬林寺 Yakurin-Ji (川口市朝日1-4-33)
東明院 Tomei-In (川口市船戸1-29)廃寺 - abandoned 。現平等山善光寺
薬王山最勝院 Saisho-In (川口市飯塚1-15-24)
無動山観音寺 Kannon-Ji (東京都北区浮間4-9-2) - Tokyo, Kita ward
大教院 Daikyo-In (東京都北区浮間4-9-2)廃寺 - abandoned 。現無動山観音寺
大光寺 Daiko-Ji (川口市南町1-6-2)廃寺 - abandoned 。不動尊は珍珠山吉祥院
39 東福院 Tofuku-In (川口市西川口5-15-12)廃寺 - abandoned 。

40 旧鶴林山正覺院 Seikaku-In (戸田市中町2-14-3)大宮金剛寺に変更 - Saitama, Toda city
亀寶山多福院 Tafuku-In (戸田市本町3-4-3)
新龍山金剛院 Kongo-In (戸田市氷川町2-11-11)
薬王山真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji (戸田市笹目1-12)
東光山慈眼寺 Jigan-Ji (戸田市笹目5-12-11)
圓通寺 Entsul-Ji (戸田市美女木7-4-2)現三宝山徳祥寺
日輪山一乗院 Ichijo-In (さいたま市南区内谷3-7-13)
明王山西蔵寺 Saizo-Ji (さいたま市南区内谷4-2)廃寺。現内谷不動堂 Fudo Hall
四谷観音寺 Kannon-Ji (さいたま市南区四谷3-7-34)廃寺。現四谷観音堂
49 寳榮山如意輪寺 Nyoirin-Ji (さいたま市桜区田島3-28-19)廃寺。現田島観音堂

50 神童山薬王院 Yakuo-In さいたま市桜区田島5-15-5)
真光寺 Shinko-Ji (さいたま市桜区新開1-6-35)
安養山金剛寺 Kongo-Ji (さいたま市桜区道場3-15-3)
蓮乗寺 Renjo-Ji (さいたま市桜区栄和6-11-5)廃寺 - abandoned
出世山光明寺 Komyo-Ji (さいたま市桜区町谷3-11-18)
華蔵院 Kezo-In (さいたま市桜区南元宿1-13)廃寺 - abandoned 。現南元宿不動堂
三神山萬行寺 Mangyo-Ji (さいたま市桜区中島4-4-21)廃寺。
神明寺 Jimyo-Ji (さいたま市桜区塚本246-1)廃寺 - abandoned 。現塚本神明神社
大泉寺 Daisen-Ji (さいたま市西区島根634)廃寺 - abandoned。墓地のみ
59 林光寺 Rinko-Ji (さいたま市西区植田谷本504)

60 東覺院 / 東覚院 Togaku-In (さいたま市桜区神田726)廃寺。現永福寺
三光寺 Sanko-Ji (さいたま市中央区上峰4-7-28)廃寺。現円福寺
圓乗院 / 円乗院 Enjo-In (さいたま市中央区本町西1-13-10)
明王院(さいたま市中央区鈴谷8-4)廃寺 - abandoned 。現鈴谷大堂
日向不動堂 Hinata Fudo-Do (さいたま市桜区西堀10-4)
法性寺 Hossho-Ji (さいたま市中央区大戸3-13-3)廃寺 - abandoned 。現大戸不動堂 Fudo Hall
上宮山醫王寺 / 医王寺 Io-Ji (さいたま市桜区西堀2-6-17)
鹿手袋不動堂 Shikatebukuro Fudo-Do (さいたま市南区鹿手袋6-5-10)。現寶泉寺境外不動堂 Fudo Hall
遍照院 Henjo-In (さいたま市南区沼影1-6-29)廃寺 - abandoned。現沼影観音堂
69 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji (さいたま市南区別所2-5-14)

70 玉蔵院 Gyokuzo-In (さいたま市浦和区仲町2-13-22)
不動堂 Fudo-Do (さいたま市浦和区常磐1-4-23成就院内)
福壽寺 Fukuju-Ji (さいたま市浦和区岸町3-13)廃寺 - abandoned 。現調神社
醫王寺 / 医王寺 Io-Ji (さいたま市南区白幡2-16-8)
寶性寺 / 宝性寺 Hosho-Ji (さいたま市南区本町2-13-4)
不動堂 Fudo Hall (さいたま市南区文蔵4-7-5)薬師堂内
玉泉院 Gyokusen-In (さいたま市南区根岸4-2-7)廃寺 - abandoned 。現根岸薬師堂
晴曇山和光院 Wako-In (さいたま市南区辻3-11-6)
吉祥院 Kissho-In (さいたま市南区辻2-3-9)
79 東光寺 Toko-Ji (蕨市錦町6-5)廃寺 - abandoned 。

80 成就院 Joju-In (蕨市北町3-2-4)廃寺 - abandoned 。現三学院 - Warabi city, Nishiki town
81 真光寺 Shinko-Ji (川口市芝6296)廃寺。現慈星院管理 - Kawaguchi city
82 神宮寺 Jingu-Ji (川口市芝6880)廃寺 - abandoned 。現長徳寺管理
83 慈星院 Jisei-In (川口市芝5222)
84 天晴山大行院 Daigyo-In (川口市芝高木1-14-27)
85 不動堂 Fudo Hall (川口市芝下3-35-2)芝下町会会館
86 稲荷山定正寺 Josho-Ji (蕨市塚越3-2-14)廃寺 - abandoned 。現塚越稲荷神社
07 大聖山龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji (川口市青木5-5-36)
88 般若院 Hannya-In (川口市青木5-18)廃寺 - abandoned 。現青木氷川神社
89 大学院 Daigaku-In (川口市青木5-19)廃寺 - abandoned。なし

90 寶林寺 / 宝林寺 Horin-Ji (川口市南5-14)廃寺 - abandoned 。現吾智堂
駒形山真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji (川口市辻736)
円通山法福寺 Hofuku-Ji (川口市里1577)
明達院 Myotatsu-In (川口市上青木2-27)廃寺 - abandoned 。現上青木氷川神社
観了坊/ 読了坊 Dokuryo-Bo (川口市前川4-30-13)現補陀洛山観福寺
萬福寺 Manpuku-Ji (川口市前川4-30-13)現補陀洛山観福寺
大光寺 Daiko-Ji (川口市伊刈975)廃寺。現伊刈町会会館
大慈山観音院 Kannon-In (川口市柳崎4-11-30)
安樂寺 Anraku-Ji (さいたま市南区大谷2015)現信成院
99 善應院 Zenno-In (さいたま市南区広ヶ谷戸320)
100行弘寺 Gyoko-Ji (さいたま市南区太田窪2310)


- reference source : tesshow -


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

. Adachi ku 足立区 Adachi ward Tokyo .

- - ###adachi100fudo #adachifudo #Fudoadachi #fudopilgrim -


tezuma wazuma magician

. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Craftsmen of Edo .

tezumazukai 手妻使い, wazumazukai 和妻使い traditional magician

「手を稲妻の如く素早く動かす」 - te o inazuma no gotoku subayaku ugokasu
To move the hands (te) as fast as a flash of lightning (inazuma)
- quote
“Edo Tezuma” is a traditional form of Japanese magic from the Edo Period, with very few practitioners in this day and age. We were very lucky to speak to a rare practitioner of Tezuma magic, who along with his master Shintaro Fujiyama, is a resident of Suginami, Tokyo.
Taijyu Fujiyama has gone from Suginami to all around the world thanks to his magic, catching attention of people worldwide, even “Penn & Teller” in the U.S.
We spoke to Taijyu to find out more about his adventures in the world of Tezuma, and from Tezuma to the world. Our interview with Taiyu is translated into English here.
- Could you give a brief explanation about what makes it different from other magic?
- Taijyu Fujiyama:
“Tezuma” is magic conducted in Japanese style, where components of traditional dance and other classic arts are preserved in the performance. There are two important characteristics of this in Tezuma, those being “kata” and “mitate”. These concepts are common among many Japanese performing arts.
“Kata” are the poses that you can often see in Kabuki and such; established movements or routines. No matter how we move, if we strike a pose the movement becomes more refined, and furthermore we can express a character. These movements help to achieve these aims.
“Mitate” is the expression of using one thing to represent another. This is common in traditional Japanese dance, for example, such as when a sensu folding fan would be used to express various things like a flute or a sword.
- source : experience-suginami.tokyo ...


- source : dd-g.jp/wp/archives ... -


- source : musician-navi.net ... -


江戸時代の女手品師 a female magician of the Edo period
- source : edo-g.com/blog ... -


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. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #tezuma #wazuma #magician #streetperformance - - - -


Momozono Emperor

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Famous People of Japan .

Emperor Momozono 桃園天皇
(1741 – 1762)

- quote
Emperor Momozono (桃園天皇, Momozono-tennō, 14 April 1741 – 31 August 1762)
was the 116th Emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession.
Momozono's reign spanned the years from 1747 until his death in 1762.
Momozono's reign was mostly quiet, with only one incident occurring that involved a small number of Kuge
who advocated for the restoration of direct Imperial rule.
These Kuge were punished by the shōgun, who held de facto power in the country.
Momozono fathered two sons with his one and only lady in waiting, but he died at a young age in 1762.
The line of succession fell to Momozono's sister, Princess Toshiko, who became Empress Go-Sakuramachi.
Due to the young age of Momozono's sons, she also became empress regent to
the future Emperor 後桃園天皇 Go-Momozono until he became of age to rule.
- MORE in the wikipedia
- wikipedia - Emperor Go-Momozono -
- wikipedia - Empress Go-Sakuramachi (1740 - 1813) -


. 旧桃園川 former River Momozonogawa .
and now 桃園川緑道 “Momozono River Green Way”.
Nakano ku 中野区 Nakano ward

- quote -
Momozono Shunkyō 桃園 春興 Enjoying Spring at Momozono Park
There was a garden called Momozono with peach trees planted on the orders of the 8th shogun Yoshimune
around present day Nakano, Nakano Ward.
Initially, when the 5th shogun Tsunayoshi issued the "edict against cruelty to all living things",
they built a hut here as a refuge for dogs.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府
京都市 Kyoto City

wazauta, dooyoo 童謡 a nursery song
Around 1750, a nursery song was very popular
Soon after that 桜町天皇 Emperess Sakuramachi (1720 - 1750) died.
In the year 1762 another song became popolar
anbantan saru ni ari 安本丹猿にあり
In this year, Emperor Momozono died.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


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. Nakano ku 中野区 Nakano ward .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #momozono #nakano #emperor #park #sakuramachi - - - -


Tenpyo Kodo Road

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Tenpyo Kodoo 天平古道 Tenpyo Kodo, Old Highway
located in 島根県松江市竹矢町 Shimane, Matsue city, Chikuya town.

The road leads from Matsue city, 意宇(いう)平野 Iu Hirano in a straight line
to 出雲国分寺 the Kokubun-Ji temple of Izumo.
It was built on request of Emperor Shōmu 聖武天皇 Shomu Tenno (701 - 755).
In the Nara period (710 - 794) it was 6 meters wide and about 486 meters long.
Now it is used by the local farmers.
In former times, this area was the center of the Izumo culture.
On the South side of the road were the buildings of the Kokubun-Ji temple.

. Matsuyama Kaido 松山街道 .
松山と高知を結ぶ道 A road to connect Matsuyama with Kochi

. Kokubunji, Kokubun-Ji 国分寺 temples in Japan .
Izumo Kokubunji 出雲国分寺
The remains of this temple are well preserved.
The pillars were placed on stone podestals.

From the 南門 Southern gate to the 中門 Middle Gate and then the main 金堂 Golden Hall.
There was also a 講堂 Lecture hall
and 僧房 Living quarters for the priests.
There was also 国分尼寺 a Kokubunji for Nuns.
The regional Lord of Izumo, 石川年足 Ishikawa Toshitari, had the temple built.

- quote -
ISHIKAWA no Toshitari (688 - 762)
was a noble who lived from the end of the Asuka period to the middle of the Nara period. He was a grandson of a Shonagon (lesser councilor of state) SOGA no Yasumaro, who became the head of the Soga clan after the Jinshin War, and was a son of a Sangi (councillor) ISHIKAWA no Iwatari. He was at the Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) and was a Gyoshi-taifu, an equivalent position to Dainagon (chief councilor of state).

- - - Summary
Although his father Iwatari had been alive until Toshitari became more then 40 years old, his first investiture was very late: it was finally taken place when he was 47 years old, and it was after Iwatari's death. Subsequently, however, he showed his excellent skill in politics, and in 739, he was granted thick silk fabric and linen by Emperor Shomu in praise of his good government as a kokushi (provincial governor) of Izumo Province.
Around that time, the influence of the Fujiwara clan was temporarily becoming weaker because four Fujiwara brothers died one after another due to smallpox. However, once FUJIWARA no Nakamaro, the second son of FUJIWARA no Muchimaro, who was a close friend of Toshitari's father Iwatari, became powerful, Toshitari could also enjoy Nakamaro's patronage because Toshitari was a second cousin of Nakamaro. When the Shibi Chudai (the office handled the principal Empress Komyo's affairs) was established in 749, he started to support Nakamaro as a daihitsu (undersecretary), and shortly after that, he was ennobled as a Sangi (councilor) although he was already 61 years old.
He was dispatched to Gango-ji Temple in 756. From 757 through 759, he contributed to the enforcement of the Yoro Ritsuryo Code, the change of official post names, and the compilation of 20 volumes of Bessiki (operational regulations of the Yoro Ritsuryo Code), which was not enforced in fact, and he was appointed as a Gyoshi-taifu (or Dainagon) in recognition of his great work in 758 in spite of his great age of 70. This was the highest official rank among members from the Soga (or Ishikawa) clan after his grandfather Yasumaro, and he finally ended his life at the age of 74 in 762, when a dark sign began to be seen in the influence of Nakamaro due to Empress Komyo's death, which occurred shortly after Toshitari's taking office, and the rise of Dokyo, a priest who healed the Retired Empress Koken.
People appreciated his personality and said, 'He was honest and diligence, and was granted a post called Shohanji because of a great achievement as a governor and the head of the family,' and 'He was happy as long as he could read books while on duty,' after his death. In 1820, his epitaph was discovered in Settsu Province more than 1,000 years after his death, and it is now designated as a National Treasure. Additionally, Manyoshu (The Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves) includes one Japanese poem composed by Toshitari.
- source and more : japanese-wiki-corpus ... -


- reference source : pref.shimane.lg.jp/infra ... -
- reference source : tabi-mag.jp ... -


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. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

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Somei Shichiken Komagome

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Craftsmen of Edo .

Somei Shichiken mura 染井七軒村 Seven Villages of Somei

There were at one time seven Komagome sub-districts, called
Komagome shichiken mura 駒込七軒村 Seven villages of Komagome.
They also used to be called
. Somei shichiken mura 染井七軒村 .

- quote
Somei Gardener 染井之植木屋 Somei no Uekiya
The village of Somei, currently the Sugamo and Komagome areas of Toshima Ward,
was the area where many gardeners lived.
The famous "Somei Yoshino" cherry tree is said to have been named after this village,
as it was born in Somei village.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum

- quote -
Somei 染井 in Edo
the Somei area -- a general name given to a cluster of small towns and villages that specialize in growing ornamental plants and trees to plant in the gardens of all the wealthy daimyo in Edo. The two main towns in this area are Komagome and Sugamo, but most people in Edo know the area as "Somei" and the farmers who live in the region are known as the Somei uekiya (the landscape gardeners of Somei).
They get their reputation from their great skill in raising thousands of different types of ornamental plants. The farms in the Somei area produce most of the ornamental plants that the daimyo plant in their gardens, and many flower markets are held in the small towns along the Nakasendo, where common people can also buy flowers, trees and shrubs.
In fact, even the beautiful gardens inside Edo Castle are landscaped and tended by gardeners from Somei.
Somei is the home of one of the most famous gardeners in Edo: Ihei Masatake.
Masatake is the son of perhaps the greatest landscape gardener ever -- Ihei Sannojo,
and many believe that Masatake is as good at actual gardening as his famous father.
- Continue reading here :
. Somei Gardeners .
江戸の園芸について、浮世絵 Edo Gardening seen through Ukiyo-E

ソメイヨシノ/染井吉野/そめいよしの Somei Yoshino Cherry Blossoms

Edo Engei Hanazukushi 江戸園芸花尽くし
at 太田記念美術館


- quote -
Denchū Somei-Ōji Chrysanthemum culture guide

The cultivation of chrysanthemums began flourishing around the start of the Edo period,
and in the middle of the period, it became so popular that competitive new type of the flower shows were held.
During the 19th century, it became popular to create figures of people, birds and animals out of chrysanthemums.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -


Komagome Shichiken Cho 駒込七軒町 Komagome Chichiken Town
北豊島 Kita-Toshima
This district was abolished in 1869.
Now it is called 豊島区駒込一、三丁目Toshima ward, Komagome first and third district.

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【北豊島】染井七軒町 Kita Toshima, Somei Shichiken Town
This district was abolished in 1869.
- reference source : amebaownd.com/posts ... -


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. Komagome in 文京区 Bunkyo ward .
. Toshima 豊島区 Toshima ward, "Rich Island" .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - ##somei #someishichiken #shichiken #komagome #Denchū #denchu - - - -


gakubuchi picture frames

. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Craftsmen of Edo .

Tokyo gakubuchi 東京額縁 picture frames made in Tokyo

- quote
Painters, art dealers and art collectors: Our customers are giving the largest number of requests in the world.

Painters regard picture frames as part of own work and take pride in the completeness that they provide.
Whereas art dealers look to frames to add extra value to paintings, art collectors are interested in the integration of paintings with interior spaces. That is why there is no standard design for picture frames; no ready-made picture frame can meet a special or specific demand.
The craftsmen of Tokyo Gakubuchi (picture frames) listen to the requests of painters and art dealers, and create the best designs, sometimes based on consultation with the client.
In the picture frame manufacturing process that developed in the 19th century with the popularization of Western art, Sashimono (cabinetwork), sculpture, and coating craftsmen were separately involved.
In Tokyo Gakubuchi, these independent skills are brought together and applied in a continuous operation to produce frames that reflect various demands. Clients trust the craftsmen’s sense of beauty and their experience, including a method for matching the painting colors to the display space, in addition to a technique for creating a grainy texture through coating. Although a particular design may be copied for picture frames intended for printmaking, the craftsman places importance on his/her manual work in order to make each picture frame special.

Main Area : Taito Ward, Toshima Ward, Arakawa Ward

Raw material
Base woods for picture frames include Cedar, Cherry, Magnolia and other species with similar qualities.
A natural lacquer is used for lacquering processes.
Gold and silver leaf are used for gilding frames

Traditional Technologies and Techniques
For both 和額 wagaku (Japanese picture frames) and 洋額 yogaku (western picture frames), wedges and joints are used to strengthen the outer frame edges.
Japanese picture frames are finished using the following techniques:
① Painting: This involves the application of refined lacquer by hand.
② Gilding: This involves the application of gild over primary applications of lacquer.
③ Natural Finishes: This involves wax finishing over applications of polishing powder.
When engraving natural materials used in the manufacture of western picture frame facings, decorations are applied using female molds, while gilding is done over primary layers of lacquer.

History and Characteristics
Since ancient times in Japan there has been a love affair with folding-screen pictures used to adorn living spaces.
Among the ancient folding-screens still in existence, a prime example is the 鳥毛立女屏風 "Torige Ryujo no Byobu" (a six-panel folding screen of women dressed in the Tang style). It is held by the Shoso-in (the treasure house of the Todai-ji Temple in Nara).
In the administration of Ashikaga Yoshimasa (the 8th Shogun of the Ashikaga Shogunate) during the Muromachi Period (approx. 1337-1573), splendid folding-screens became widespread. These works were set against backgrounds of gold.
During the blossoming of culture in the Azuchi-Momoyama Period under Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi (approx. 1573-1603), 狩野永徳 Kano Eitoku produced the magnificent
唐獅子図屏風 "Karajishi" (the "Guardian Lions") folding screen.
Among other works, the Genroku Era (1688-1704) of the Edo Period saw the production of the wonderful
風神雷神図屏風 "Fujin Raijin-zu" ("Picture of Wind and Thunder Gods") by 俵屋宗達 Tawaraya Sotatsu.

Full-scale production of picture frames in Japan started in the Meiji Era (1868-1912) as the nation sought to adopt western (oil) painting techniques.
In response to instructions received from artists, cabinetmakers made wooden picture frames, sculptors of Buddhist statues engraved decorations on them, and lacquer craftsmen added a finish.
Specialized picture frame craftsman appeared in Japan in the 25th Year of the Meiji Era (1892). In that year, a lacquer craftsman called 長尾健吉 Nagao Kenkichi established Japan’s first picture frame factory on a small scale in Shiba Atagocho (in modern Minato Ward) at the behest of the oil painter 山本芳翠 Yamamoto Hosui who had returned from France.
In the picture framing business, 額装 “gakuso” is a term used to describe the placing of a picture in a frame (it means to literally “dress a picture”). This expression embodies the spirit of a framer in their desire to create frames that bring out the heart and soul of pictures painted by artists.
- source : Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs


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. Traditional Crafts of Edo and Tokyo .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

- - - - - #gakubuchi #tokyogakubuchi #pictureframe - - - -


Okusawa district Setagaya

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Okusawa 奥沢地区 Okusawa district
Setagaya, 奥沢1 - 3丁目 from first to third sub-district

In the far South-East of Setagaya, sometimes called
Setagaya no Oku zashiki 世田谷の奥座敷 the back-room of Setagaya.
It is well connected with many tranin stations and bus lines.


. Okusawa Jinja 奥澤神社 Okusawa Shrine .
Okusawa Hachiman 奥澤八幡 - 世田谷区奥沢5-22-1
On September 2 is the festival of the great serpent.


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. Setagaya ward 世田谷区 .

. Kitazawa 北沢 .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - ##okuzawa #okusawa #setagaya #kitasawa #kitazawa - - - -


Horinouchi district Suginami

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Horinouchi 堀之内 / 堀ノ内 Horinouchi district

堀ノ内一丁目 - 堀ノ内三丁目 from first to third sub-district


- quote -
Horinouchi Yodobashi Mizuame 堀之内淀はし水飴 Sweets
妙法寺 Myōhō-ji Temple, located in Horinouchi, Suginami Ward,
is the head temple of the Nichiren Buddhism and was known
as a temple with divine favor for expelling misfortune.
Watery candy from a candy shop called "Benkei" and baked dumpling called "Ōdango"from dumpling shops
are famous as souvenirs for Myōhō-ji Temple visits.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -

- quote -
Founded in 1615, Myohoji Temple is situated in the southern part of Koenji, a 10-15 minute walk from the closest Tokyo Metro Stations. Its beautiful iron gate is a Japanese-Western blend design and is designated as an important cultural asset of Japan. In rainy season, usually in June and early July, around the temple’s pond, lots of Japanese iris and hydrangea bloom so beautifully that a lot of people visit this temple to view them in the traditional atmosphere.
Also, this is a temple where you can participate in “Joya no Kane”, and strike the temple’s huge copper bell on New Year’s Eve for free. The bell, cast in 1725, can be rung from midnight, but it’s better to be there a little earlier because there is always a long line of people.
However, it will be worth the wait for a unique Japanese New Year’s experience!
- source : experience-suginami.tokyo ... -

- quote -
Horinouchi Myōhō-ji Temple 堀之内妙法寺
Enshrined in Myōhō-ji Temple is the holy image of
The Venerable Nichiren known as the "Founder in Horinouchi," praised as warding off misfortune.
Many people have visited this place to see the holy image.
When the "Hokke Senbu-e," in which a thousand Buddhist scriptures
are recited for memorial services and prayers
and the "Eshiki," which is a memorial service for the death of
The Venerable Nichiren are conducted in July and October,
the temple grounds would be filled to the brim with people.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -

. Saint Nichiren 日蓮 (1222 – 1282) .
Namu Myoho Renge Kyo 南無妙法蓮華経


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. Suginami 杉並区 Ward .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - ##horinouchi #shinjuku #suginami - - - -


Omiya Saitama

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Oomiya, Ōmiya 大宮 Omiya in Saitama
- quote wikipedia
Ōmiya (大宮区, Ōmiya-ku) is one of ten wards of the city of Saitama, in Saitama Prefecture, and is located in the northeastern part of the city. Although Urawa-ku is the governmental center of Saitama City, Ōmiya-ku is the most active commercial and business centre in both Saitama City and Saitama Prefecture thanks to its transport infrastructure, especially railways connected at Ōmiya Station.
- - - - - History
Ōmiya derives its name from a famous Shinto shrine, the Hikawa Shrine, which has been a place of pilgrimage since at least the Heian period.
During the Edo period, the area flourished as Ōmiya-shuku, a post station on the Nakasendō highway, which connected Edo with Kyoto.
Following the Meiji restoration, it became part of Urawa Prefecture which merged with Iwatsuki, Urawa, and Oshi Prefectures in 1871 to form Saitama Prefecture. The modern town of Ōmiya was officially created within Kitaadachi District, Saitama with the establishment of the municipalities system on April 1, 1889.
On November 3, 1940 Ōmiya merged with the neighboring villages of Mihashi, Osato, Miyahara and Nisshin and was elevated to city status. Ōmiya continued to expand after the end of the war, absorbing the villages of Sashiougi, Mamiya, Uemizu, Katayanagi, Haruoka, and Nanasato on January 1, 1955.
On May 1, 2001 Ōmiya merged with Urawa and Yono to form Saitama City. In April 2003 Saitama became a city designated by government ordinance, and now the area of former Ōmiya City was divided between
Kita-ku (north), Minuma-ku (east), Nishi-ku (west), and Ōmiya-ku (south).
- source : wikipedia

. Musashi Ichi no Miya 武蔵一の宮 - Hikawa Jinja 氷川神社 .
Saitama 埼玉県さいたま市大宮区高鼻町一丁目407番地 / Saitama, Omiya Ward, Takahanacho, 1-407

Ōmiya-shuku 大宮宿 Omiya Postal Station was Nr. 4 on
. Nakasendoo 中山道 The Nakasendo Highway .


- quote -
Ōmiya Hachimangū 大宮八幡宮 Shrine Omiya Hachimangu
Ōmiya Hachimangū Shrine, also called Wada Hachimangū, was built by Minamoto no Yoriyoshi
in 1063 (the sixth year of Kōhei),
on his way back from the Early Nine Years' War, as a branch of Iwashimizu Hachimangū Shrine in Kyoto,
which was closely associated with the Minamoto Clan.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -
. Minamoto no Yoshiie Hachimantaro 源八幡太郎義家 / 源義家 (1039 - 1106) .

- quote -
Kurakake no matsu 鞍掛松 saddle-hanging pine tree
There is a pine tree with the bent trunk on the approach to Ōmiya Hachimangū Shrine.
Legend has it that when Minamoto no Yoshiie hung his horse saddle on a branch of this pine tree
on his way to conquer Ōshū and so it was called "Kurakake-no-Matsu" (saddle-hanging pine tree).
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -

- quote -
Kurakake no matsu
The stocks of the Minamoto Clan had risen immensely since the end of the Former Nine Years War in 1063. Lead by the astonishingly capable warrior, Minamoto no Yoshiie, the Minamoto rose with military power and earned the right to rule over the northern provinces of Japan.
But success brings with it its own trials and the Kiyowara, once allies of the Minamoto twenty years earlier in the Former Nine Years War, had begun proving themselves poor stewards in the north. Agitating against Minamoto rule far from Kyoto, house Kiyowara earned the ire of Minamoto no Yoshiie. Now known as Hachiman-taro - the Son of the God of War - the Kiyowara would soon have a fight on their hands.
Travel by horseback was convenient, but also tiring and on his way, Yoshiie stopped to rest in the area now known as Suginami City. Unsaddling his ride, Yoshiie found a pine tree on which to hang the saddle and allow his horse to rest. While peaceful for the moment, the subsequent three years would see some savage warfare in the distant north. Minamoto no Yoshiie would eventually emerge victorious, but on that day, in Suginami, the legendary warrior would rest, his future unknown.
With its twisted trunk bending towards the sky, Kurakake no Matsu - the saddle-hanging pine tree - lies on the road to Omiya Hachimangu Shrine in Tokyo's Suginami City. Surrounded by homes, roads and telephone poles, this lone pine tree has hundreds of years of legend behind it, a living memorial to one of Japan's most legendary sons.
- source : japantravel.com/tokyo... -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県

. お六所様 Deity O-Rokusho Sama. .
and the first unohi, u no hi 卯の日 day of the rabbit in the 5th lunar month

Saitama 大宮市 Omiya city

. Kappa no myooyaku 河童の妙薬 Myoyaku special medicine of Kapa .
When Kappa wants to apologize for his bad deeds, he teaches the farmer how to prepare special medicine.

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. karasu 鴉 / 烏と伝説 legends about the crow, raven .
If karasu からす a crow sits on the tree of a home, a family member will have misfortune.
If karasu からす a crow craws on a kaki no ki 柿の木 persimmon tree, a person living nearby will become ill.

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. yao bikuni 八百比丘尼 a nun for 800 years .
The name of 櫛引町 Kushibiki town, Nisshin Village dates back to a visit of 八百比丘尼 a Yao bikuni nun.
She came to the village and planted two enoki 槻 zelkova trees.
But the trees have dried and died.

One more similar legend about the Yao Bikuni nun from 武蔵国足立郡波田村 Hata Village.

Saitama 大宮市 Omiya city 上小町 Kamiko town

. Kubikiri Jizo 首切地蔵 Jizo with his head cut off - .
Jizo posed as a substiture for a human.
Saitama 大宮市 Omiya city 吉敷町 Kishiki town

azuki baa, azuki babaa 小豆婆 old Hag washing Azuki beans
In the evening, the sound of someone washing beans can be heard from the nearby river.
(This story is told in many parts of Japan.)
. azuki arai 小豆洗い washing red Azuki beans .

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. shio Jizo son 塩地蔵尊 Jizo made from salt .
If people come with an offering of salt, their wish will be granted.

Saitama 大宮市 Omiya city 植水村 Uemizu village 水判土 Mizuhata

. yao bikuni 八百比丘尼 a nun for 800 years .
In the hamlet of Mizuhata, there is a story abuot a nun for 800 years.
At 慈願寺 the Temple Jigan-Ji there is a small golden statue called kotobuki Jizo 寿地蔵 Jizo for Longevity.
It is a protector deity for nuns.

Jizo statue in the compound
There is also 水波田観音 Mizuhata Kannon Bosatsu at 慈眼寺(じげんじ) Jigen-Ji.

Saitama さいたま市 Saitama city

. Samuhara jinja サムハラ神社 Samuhara Shrine .
and a gun specialist from Kishu.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


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. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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