
Shirokane Shirogane district Minato

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Shirokane 白金 Shirokane district "white metal" silver district
(both readings can be found - 町名の白金は正しくは「しろかね」と発音し、「しろがね」ではない)
東京都港区白金一~六丁目 with six sub-districts

The Shirogane chooja 白金長者 lived here around 1400, known as the "silver millionair". He developed the land and his name gave rise to the district name.
He horded shirogane 白銀 silver.
白金 is now known as platinum.

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The term Shirokane narrowly refers to Shirokane 1-chōme to Shirokane 6-chōme, but is sometimes used to include the larger neighborhood formerly known as Shiba-Shirokane (芝白金), which encompasses part of Shirokanedai and Takanawa as well as Shirokane.
Shirokane is one of the most wealthy neighborhoods in Japan which located in the southwestern part of Minato, Tokyo. It is a quiet residential area that is abundant in undeveloped green space. And also this area is known for its one of the most expensive real estate fee for living in Japan. Shirokane has boundaries with the neighborhoods of Minami-Azabu, Shirokanedai, Takanawa and Ebisu. ... The recent opening of a subway allowed the area centered at Shirokane-Takanawa Station to undergo a large redevelopment.
... There are forest areas owned by academic institutions and private companies such as Seishin Joshi Gakuin and the Kitasato Institute. With the Institute for Nature Study and the Institute of Medical Science in Shirokanedai, these areas forms one of the largest green districts in the special wards of Tokyo. This large green area traces back to daimyo's mansions which existed in Edo period; later, industrialists made their residences in this place, which gave rise to the well-known upper-class neighborhood.
- - - - - Etymology
During the Ōei era (1394–1428), a government official of the Southern Dynasty who settled here became wealthy. His nickname was Shirokane Chōja (白金長者), which means "man who possesses much white gold" (白金), a reference to platinum.
Thus the name of this location is the "Platinum District".
- - - - - Slopes
Shokkō-zaka (蜀江坂)
Sanko-zaka (三光坂)
Meiji-zaka (明治坂)

- source : wikipedia

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So the story goes that in the 14th century, a powerful clan migrated here and took the area under their direct control and began the development and cultivation of the area. According to the legend, the family was called Yanagishita 柳下氏 or Yagishita or Yanashita the Yanagishita clan. The story goes so far as to allege the head of the clan was a certain 柳下上総之介 Yanagishita Kazusanosuke who was so rich that he was called the shirokane chōja 白金長者 the silver coin millionaire. Bear in mind that there is very little corroborating evidence to support this story.
The name Shirokane
first appeared in 1559, when the so-called Late Hōjō clan granted a place called Shirokane Mura 白金村 Shirokane Village to the great grandson of Ōta Dōkan.
..... judging from the topography there clearly was a pre-Azuchi-Momoyama fortress in the area[iv], which at least indicates that some powerful lord lived in the area before the coming of the Tokugawa. The ruins, which are just embankments and plateaux today, can be seen in Shirokanedai at the Shizen Kyōikuen 国立自然教育園 National Park for the Study of Nature.
..... in the Kamakura Period, this area fell under the domain of the clans such as the Edo and the Shibuya. One of these clans may or may not have had fortresses in the area – and it’s possible that they could have – and the timing is right. Apart from the anecdotal story from the late Edo Period, the Yanagishita clan is otherwise unknown in the area.
Complicating the issue,
later, after the coming of the Tokugawa and the establishment of sankin-kōtai 参勤交代 the alternate attendance system, this area became home to many palatial residences of 大名 daimyō lords. In 1627, the Sanuki no Kuni Takamatsu-han no Matsudaira-ke 讃岐高松藩松平家 the Matsudaira Family of theTakamatsu Domain in Sanuki Province, a branch family of the Tokugawa, established a shimo-yashiki 下屋敷 lower residence here. .., the lower residence was usually the grandest and would have included beautiful gardens and ponds.
In the Meiji Era,
the imperial government set about its wholesale erasing samurai history and appropriated the sprawling palace of the Matsudaira and repurposed the land as an arsenal for the Imperial Navy. In 1893, the arsenal was transferred to the Imperial Army. In 1917, the wooded area was granted to the Imperial Forestry Bureau. In 1949, the area was finally open to the public as Kokuritsu Shizen Kyōikuen 国立自然教育園 the National Park for the Study of Nature.
..... However, another intriguing theory exists.
This theory proposes that the name actually derives from a Classical Japanese phrase 城ヶ根 shiro ka ne/shiro ga ne/jō ga ne which would mean something along the lines of “the castle’s embankments” or “castle foundations.” According to this etymology, the presence of a former lord’s castle ruins from time immemorial came to be written in more auspicious kanji, ie; 白金 shirogane/shirokane “silver” or “silver coins.” In the Edo Period, a folk etymology came to be circulated which created this Shirokane Chōja Silver Coin Millionaire character and story.
Another kind of interesting thing about this place name is that it does mean “silver” or “silver coins” and to this day the area is located in the richest ward of Tokyo.
- source : japanthis.com/201...

source : shirokane-1.com/history

Many craftsmen working with silver came to live in this district, attracted by the name.
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .


Shirokanedai 白金台(しろかねだい) Shirokane-Dai
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The kanji 台 is a reference to a daichi 台地 plateau.
As mentioned earlier, the area was clearly fortified no less than 500 years ago. The area was probably a naturally high area, but it was intentionally built up too. Anyways, while one common meaning of the kanji 台 in a place name is “high ground,” it’s not always a reference to elevation in the modern geological sense (think sea level); it was a much more relative term. But in this case, it is most certainly a reference to the foundations of the old fortifications.
- source : japanthis.com/201...

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Shirokanedai (白金台)
is a highly affluent district of Minato, Tokyo. The district today is made up of 5 chome.
The former neighborhood of Shirokanedai (Shirokanedaimachi, 白金台町) consisted only of very narrow area along Meguro-dori (Tokyo Prefectural Route 312) and the former imperial estate called Shirokane Goryochi. It was merged with nearby neighborhoods after the promulgation of the current addressing system in 1969.
Located at the southwestern end of Minato, the neighborhood of Shirokanedai lies between Ebisu, Kamiōsaki and Higashigotanda on the west, Takanawa on the east, and Shirokane on the north.
..... Shirokanedai remains abundant in natural green space, for historically Shirokanedai-cho was home to the former imperial estate called Shirokane Goryochi (now the Institute for Nature Study and the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum are located) and several national institutions such as the former Institute of Public Health and the former Institute of Infectious Diseases (now the Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo). Later, Shirokanedai came to be considered as one of the most upmarket residential areas in Tokyo,
- source : wikipedia -


- sub-districts in 1878

芝白金丹波町 Shiba-Shirokane
芝白金三光町 - 東名光(ひがしなこう)、西名光(にしなこう)、松久保
- turned 白金三光町 Shirokane Sanko Cho

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/sake-masumoto...
Sake from Shirokane Sanko Cho


Shrine Shirokane Hikawa Jinja 白金氷川神社
Tokyo, Minato, Shirokane, 2−1-7

- - - - -Deities in residence
素盞嗚尊 Susano no Mikoto
日本武尊 Yamato Takeru
櫛稲田姫尊 Inada hime no mikoto

Edo Meisho Zue

- reference source : jinjamemo.com/archives... -


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #shirogane #shirokane #hikawajinja #hikawashrine - - - -


Hieda Jinja Shrine

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Hieda Jinja 薭田神社(ひえだじんじゃ)
大田区 Ōta-ku, Ota ward, Kamata // Hieta Shrine

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Along with Rokugo Jinja, Mita Hachiman Jinja, and Unoki Hachiman Jinja, Hieta Jinja is one of the four candidates to be the Hieta Jinja mentioned in the Engi-shiki.

The shrine legend tells us that in the year 709 the Buddhist monk, Gyōki, made shintai (divine images) of Amaterasu Ōkami, Hachiman, and Kasuga and enshrined them. That the three shintai existed and were worshipped is probably a matter of fact, the existence of what is now the Hieta Jinja is more one of conjecture.

The first historical reference to what may have been a Hieta Jinja is in the Veritable Record of Three Generations of Emperors of Japan, published in 901. In the Engi Shiki, completed in 967, mention is made of two shrines in Ebara-gun, Musashi Province, Hieta Jinja and Iwai Jinja. In 1872 it was designated a gōsha: it is currently a kenmusha of Kamata Hachiman Jinja.

The shrine was basically destroyed in the firebombing of April 15, 1945, and while a temporary main hall was quickly put together it was not until 1954 that it was properly rebuilt. Further work was done in 2000. The koma-inu, dating to 1959, are relatively recent.

- In-ground Shrines:
Tenso Jinja 天祖神社
Sanjūban Jinja 三十番神社
Inari Jinja 稲荷神社
Yakuso Jinja 薬祖神社

- Deities in residence
Hondawake-no-mikoto 誉田別命
Amaterasu Ōkami 天照大神
Takenouchi no Sukune 武内宿禰
Kazuragi Sotsuhiko 葛城襲津彦
Kasuga Ōkami 春日大神

Note that the two kami, Takenouchi-no-Sukune and Katsuragi Sotsuhiko are semi-historical persons, father and son , and Takenouchi is said to have been an advisor to five emperors between 71 and 399. His 73rd generation descendant, Takeuchi Mitshiro (竹内睦泰), is the current custodian of what is a fascinating, if fanciful, family history.

- source and photos : Rod Lucas

. Gyooki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu . (668 - 749)


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One of the enshrined deities here is the sun goddess, Amaterasu Oomikami, considered to be the creator of the Japanese people. On the right-hand side of the main structure there are three smaller shrines with their own torii gate. By one of the shrines there is a small pond with “pure water” written in kanji. In the pond you can see tiny fishes swimming actively.
- source : Eitetsu Terakado -



東京都大田区蒲田3-2-10 Kamata

- reference source : injamemo.com/archives... -


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - ##hietashrine #hieta - - - -


Igusa village Suginami

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Igusamura, Igusa mura 井草村 Igusa village
. Suginami 杉並区 Suginami ward . from the first to the 5th sub-district
Kami-Igusa, Shimo-Igusa

. igusa 藺草(いぐさ)rushes, Juncus effusus .
Igusa is the main material for the Tatami floor mats.

- old name of 1654: 武州多摩郡井草村 Bushu Tama Igusa mura
The part in the West, closer to downtown Edo, became 上井草村 Kami (upper).
The part in the East, further away, became 下井草村 Shimo (lower).
Apart from these two, Igusa village is now part of 今川 Imagawa, 善福寺 Zenpuku-Ji, 桃井 Momoi, and Shimizu 清水 and even 上荻 Kami-Ogi and 西荻 Nishi-Ogi.

Igusamori kooen 井草森公園(四丁目)Igusamori Park
Suginami, Igusa, 4−12-1

There are various theories about the name of this village.
1 - The area around 善福寺池 Zenpukuji-Ike pond and 妙正寺池 Myoshoji-Ike pond was a swamp where 藺草 Igusa was growing wild.
2 - ashi 葦 reed was growing in the ponds, then called ike no kusa 池の草. Ikenokusa was then shortened to イグサ Igusa 葦草.
3 - Between the ponds of Zenpuku-Ji and Myosho-Ji there was a grassland. Between pond 池(井)i and soogen 草原 grassland, using the Kanji 井草.
4 - The developer of the area was 長左衛門 Chozaemon, who used the family name 井口 Iguchi. He was also called 草分け長左衛門 Kusawake Chozaemon. kusawake, lit. "dividing the grass and weeds" is a pioneer in farming areas. His familiar name, Iguchi no Kusawake, was then shortened to 井草.

The village started developing, first Kami and Shimo Igusa, around 1644.
Kami-Igusa used to be called 遅野井村 Osonoi mura "slow wilderness well".
This village name comes with a legend of itself.

In 1189, when Minamoto no Yoritomo was on his way to fight the people of Tohoku he passed this area and his soldiers felt very thirsty. They begun digging for water in the ground with their arrows. Finally some water came sprouting out, but very slowly (osoi 遅い). Yoritomo complainde "osoi no" (this is sooo slow)". Eventually this was written as Osonoi.

- - - - - Now back to Igusa Mura.
Around 1827, Osonoi village changed the name to Kami-Igusa.

Igusa village was close to the 青梅街道 Ome Kaido highway.

Tokugawa Ieyasu ordered、板倉重宗 Iwakura Shigemune (1586 - 1657) and 井上正利 Inoue Masatoshi (1606 - 1675) to be the 領主 lords of the village.
In 1645, Igusa mura became the land of Hatamoto 今川直房 Imagawa Naofusa (1594 - 1662) and stayed in his family that way until the Meiji period.

Minamoto no Yoritomo 源頼朝 (1147 – 1199)

. Iogi 井荻 Iogi district .
The name I-OGI was constructed of the first letters from Igusa and Ogikubo.

. Ōme Kaido 青梅街道 Ome Kaido Highway .


Igusa Hachimangu Shrine 井草八幡宮
Kami-Igusa 上井草商店街 / 1-33-1. Zenpuku-ji, Suginami-ku

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Igusa Hachimangu Shrine has many kinds of plants and trees in the spacious compound, including some cherry trees that are very impressive when the blossoms are in full bloom. Cherry trees along the north approach and two huge lanterns welcome visitors.
The shrine is believed to have been founded in around 1190. In front of the main shrine there used to be a red pine tree and black pine tree planted around 1200 by the Shogun Yoritomo Minamoto. Those trees withered but parts of the roots are now exhibited along the corridor of the front shrine. In 1664 Ujinari Imagawa, an influential samurai of this area, renovated the main shrine, and this vermillion-lacquered shrine is the Suginami’s oldest wooden construction and is still preserved within the main shrine.
Igusa Hachiman Shrine
is famous for yabusame that is held every five years. Yabusame is the art of shooting arrows on horseback. When it first started in around 900, it was just a martial art, but later it became a ritual for Shogun families. When they wished to ward off evil spirits or for a new-born baby’s good health, yabusame was performed.
- source : experience-suginami.tokyo/2016/06/igusa-hachimangu... -

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Igusa Hachimangu Shrine is a Japanese shrine in Tokyo with a long history. It is said that this shrine was originally built in the Heian Period when samurais had much less power than that of several aristocrats. The Heian period started in 794 and ended about 900 years ago, so Igusa Hachimangu has a really long history.
After the original one was built,
several shoguns prayed for winning the war. For example, Minamoto no Yoritomo did it before his final battle to rule Japan against the enemy force in the northern Japan. Finally he won the battle and found the Kamakura shogunate which means he became the practical ruler of Japan.

The god of Igusa Hachimangu Shrine has some power.
1. Solving troubles around you smoothly and speedily.
2. Giving you an opportunity when you messed up.

Minamoto no Yoritomo defeated the war and was about to die before his battle against the north Japanese.
Are you ready for some sort of “revenge”?
Then Igusa Hachimangu Shrine will give you a special power just like it did for Minamoto no Yoritomo.
- source : tokyoing.net/igusa-hachimangu... -

. yabusame 流鏑馬 archery on horseback .
- Introduction -


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #igusamura #igusa - - - -


Kokubunji city Koigakubo

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kokubunji shi 国分寺市 Kokubunji city

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Kokubunji is a city located in the western portion of Tokyo Metropolis.
Kokubunji is located on the Musashino Terrace of western Tokyo, approximately in the geographic centre of Tokyo Metropolis.
- History
The area of present-day Kokubunji was part of ancient Musashi Province, and was the site of the Nara period Provincial temple of that province. In the post-Meiji Restoration reform of 1878, the area became part of Kita^Tama District in Kanagawa Prefecture. The village of Kokubunji was created on April 1, 1889 with the establishment of municipalities law. Kita-Tama District was transferred to the administrative control of Tokyo Metropolis on April 1, 1893. Kokubunji was elevated to town status in 1940, and to city status on November 3, 1964.
- source : wikipedia

. Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province .

. Nishi-Suna 西砂川 / 殿ヶ谷街道 Tonogaya Highway .
- Tonogayato Teien 殿ヶ谷戸庭園 Tonogayato Garden, Park

. Kokubunji 国分寺 Kokubun-Ji temples .
A system of regional provincial temples everywhere in Japan, established by Emperor Shomu Tenno (701 – 756) .
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Kokubunji village charcoal Kiln 国分寺村 炭がま
This scene depicts a charcoal kiln in Kokubunji village and the people working there.
Kokubunji was a center of charcoal production along with Hachiōji.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -


 Koigakubo, Koi-ga-kubo 恋ヶ窪 "cave of love"
Kokubunji city, 東 Higashi-Koigakubo, 西 Nishi-Koigakubo, Eastern and Western sub-district

It is located on a plain and has rich water supplies, including the river 野川 Nogawa from Higashikoigakubo, flowing into the river 摩川水 Tamagawa.
In the many ponds of old lived koicarp fish, giving a name to the area, 鯉ヶ窪 "hollow with carp fish".

The city used to be a postal station along the Kamakura Kaido Highway with many red-light districts.

The name might also relate to a story around 1200.
This is the love story of Hatakeyama Shigetada and the courtesan 夙妻太夫 Asazuma Dayu.

source : onboumaru : 夙妻太夫 -

Shigetada was the lord of the land, but Asazuma was just a very beautiful prostitute of the village. Shigetada's main residence was in 埼玉県大里郡川本庁 Saitama and on his way to and from Kamakure he stopped here to see his beloved. Then Shigetada was ordered to go to Western Japan to fight. When he told Asazuma about his absence, she felt she would never see him again and was very sad. She begged him to take her with him. This was not possible so she remained here, crying all day long.
Another visitor fell in love with Asazuma, but she did not accept him as her lover.

When she heard of the death of Shigetada, she was overcome with grief and threw herself into the pond 姿見の池 Sugatami no Ike.
She was buried near the pond and a pine tree grew near her grave. This tree stretched all its branches to the West, as if to find her lover far away. The pine needles had 一葉 only one needle, an expression of her singular love for Shigetada.
The pond has been filled in 1965, but was reopened in 1998, now called 遊水地 Yusuichi.
- You might have guessed, Shigetada had not died at all and eventually came back. When he learned the fate of Asazuma, he grieved and built a small temple for her, named 無量山道成寺 Dojo-Ji. He had a statue of Amida Nyorai made and prayed there every day.

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Koigakubo, Amida-dō hall, Keisei-ga-matsu, Gozu-tennō Shrine
Koigakubo thrived since ancient times as an inn post on the highway which links the Tōhoku and Hokuriku Regions to Kyoto and Kamakura. Sugatami-no-Ike pond was a place around here where a prostitute named Asazuma Dayū drowned herself overwhelmed by her sorrow when she heard the news that Hatakeyama Shigetada, a warlord who loved her dearly, had been killed in a battle.
The pine tree of matchless beauty is a burial mound for Asazuma and Amida-dō hall is said to have been built for Shigetada who died in the war and there remained many historic spots related to Shigetada and Asazuma in Koigakubo.

source : library.metro.tokyo.jp/portals...

. Hatakeyama Shigetada (畠山重忠, 1164–1205) .
Originally fighting for the Taira clan, he switched sides for the battle of Dan-no-ura, and ended the war on the winning side.


Koigakubo Station is a railway station in Kokubunji, Tokyo.
It is operated by the private railway operator Seibu Railway. It was opened on 10 February 1955.

There are only four station names that start with koi 恋 love.
The other three are
・三陸鉄道 恋し浜駅 Koishihama station, Sanriku Tetsudo
・智頭急行 恋山形駅 Koi Yamagata station in Tottori
・北海道旅客鉄道 母恋駅 Bokoi station, Hokkaido


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

ajisai ya nerihei nagaki Kokubunji

hydrangeas -
the long stone-mud-wall
of temple Kokubun-Ji

source : slownet


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - ##kokubunji #koigakubo - - - -

Komagome district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
- Sendagi, see below

Komagome 駒込 Komagome districts "groups of horses, crowds of horses"

There are two districts with this name, one in 文京区 Bunkyo ward and one in nearby 豊島区 Toshima ward.

"Literature Capital" is a special ward located in Tokyo, Japan. Situated in the middle of the ward area.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

is one of the eight central wards of the Tokyo Metropolitan area. Located in the northern area of Tokyo,
Toshima is bordered by the wards of Nerima, Itabashi, and Kita wards, in the north, and Nakano, Shinjuku and Bunkyo in the south.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Horses were the most important means of transportation and very important to the people of Edo.
. uma 馬, koma 駒 - horse amulets .
The horse is also one of the 12 zodiac animals

In the early Edo period, Komagome was a plain, where many wild horsed lived, giving reason for its naming.
Another theory goes back to
Yamato Takeru, who was surprised to see the many horses of his allies gathered here for his Eastern Expedition and had used the many trees to bind the horses on them.
He called out: uma komitari 馬込みたり "So many horses have come together here!"
The komi later changed to gome.

. Yamato Takeru 日本武尊 .


駒込 Komagome district / 文京区 Bunkyo ward
文京区 本駒込一丁目から本駒込六丁目 Hon-Komagome from the 1st to the 6th sub-district

It is composed of many sub-districts
There were at one time seven Komagome sub-districts, called
Komagome shichiken mura 駒込七軒村 Seven villages of Komagome.
They also used to be called
. Somei shichiken mura 染井七軒村 .
Somei was a cluster of small towns and villages that specialize in growing ornamental plants and trees to plant in the gardens of all the wealthy Daimyo in Edo.


. Shrine Komagome Fuji Jinja 駒込富士神社 .
and the festival with mugiwara hebi 富士祭の麦藁蛇 the straw serpent

source : yosukenaito.blog40.fc2.com

stamp with the straw serpent, from 1965

This shrine is located in :
5 Chome-7-20 Honkomagome, Bunkyo, Tokyo


Hon-komagome-eki 本駒込駅 Honkomagome Station is a subway station on the Tokyo Metro Namboku Line in Bunkyo.


Rikugien 六義園 '6 Poem Garden'
6-16-3 Hon-komagome, Bunkyo

- quote -
Rikugien is often considered Tokyo’s most beautiful landscaped garden. Built by the 5th Tokugawa Shogun Tsunayoshi in the 17th century, it reproduces 88 scenes from famous Japanese poetry. It has a traditional Edo-period design with a pond, small hill and trees. The garden was later neglected following the death of it’s key designer and was restored in 1878 by the owner of Mitsubishi, Iwasaki Yataro before it was donated to the Government in 1938.
It is one of Tokyo’s more spacious parks and takes roughly an hour to explore, and longer during cherry-blossom and autumn-leaf viewing seasons. There are different tea houses serving traditional tea and sweets to the public (around ¥500 each), including Fukiage Chaya which is located on the water’s edge. Seasonal flowers are a major attraction even in spring and summer, with plenty to explore and admire throughout the year.
- source : tokyocheapo.com/// -

. Haiku about Rikugi-En .


. Komagome Oiwake 駒込追分 .

The Nakasendo Highway branch off of the Nikko Highway at 駒込追分 Komagome-Oiwake.


Komagome nasu 駒込茄子 eggplants from Komagome
. Edo yasai 江戸野菜 vegetables from Edo .

とくに、ナスは優れたものが出来たことから「駒込ナス」として江戸庶民に好まれ、徳川幕府が発行した「新編武蔵風土記稿」(1828年)にも記されています。農家はナス苗や種子の生産にも力を入れるようになり。タネ屋に卸していました。 現巣鴨駅の北西にある旧中山道にはタネ屋が集まり、さながらタネ屋街道の趣をなし、駒込、滝野川など周辺の農家が優良品種の採種に大きく貢献していました。

- reference source : tokyo-ja.or.jp/farming.. -


駒込 Komagome district / 豊島区 Toshima ward
豊島区本駒込 Toshima ward, Hon-Komagome

In the Edo period, the village 駒込村 Komagome mura was located here.

- quote -
Is Hon-Komagome the Original Komagome?
- - - - - No, it isn’t.
When the same place name has variations, the kanji 本 is sometimes read as moto “source” (in place names, often “old, original.”
But Hon-komagome is different. In the former Tōkyō City, there was an ward called Hongō-ku 本郷区 Hongō Ward but in 1966 administrative units were re-assigned when the city became the Tōkyō Metropolis. At that time, Bunkyō Ward and Toshima Ward found themselves both in possession of areas called Komagome. The area in Toshima (the former Toshima District) kept the original name Komagome. The new Bunkyō Ward merged the former Hongō Ward name with the old name and so it became Hon(gō) + Komagome = Hon-komagome. So the meaning is not “Original Komagome” as some might think, the original Komagome is the area still called Komagome.
- source : japanthis.com... -

Komagome-eki 駒込駅 Komagome Station is a railway station in Toshima.


. Magome 馬込 Magome district, 大田区 Ota ward .


Komagome Sendagi choo 駒込千駄木町 Komagome Sendagi "with 1000 trees",
"a lot of trees"

文京区 Bunkyo ward 千駄木一丁目から千駄木五丁目 from the first to the 5th sub-district

- quote -
Sendagi is a mixed residential and shopping area between Nezu and Yanaka. Today the area is distinctly shitamachi. However, if you go there you’ll notice slopes which are clear indicators that in the Edo Period the area was mixed with the elites living on the yamanote (high city) and the merchants and other people living on in the shitamachi (low city) while low ranking samurai naturally lived on the hillsides according to rank.
... 谷根千 Yanesen, an abbreviation based on the collective areas of 谷中 Yanaka, 根津 Nezu, and 千駄木 Sendagi.
The area is dotted with temples, shrines, shops dating as far back as the Edo Period, and is literally so steeped in history ...
The area was formerly part of Komagome Mura 駒込村 Komagome Village and in fact today is still officially part of Komagome. The name Komagome isn’t attested until the Sengoku Period. One the other hand, 千駄木 Sendagi isn’t attested until the early Edo Period when it appears as a label in a map. The label reads Ueno Tōzen'in mochi Komagome Sendagi o-hayashi 上野東漸院持ち駒込千駄木御林 the Komagome Sendagi o-hayashi which is controlled by Ueno Tōzen Temple.
Another early Edo Period map includes the label Ueno Kanshō'in mochi Komagome Sendagi o-hayashi 上野寒松院持ち駒込千駄木御林 the Komagome Sendagi o-hayashi which is controlled by Ueno Kanshō Temple. An 御林 o-hayashi was a hilltop wooded area owned by the shōgunate, but control of the area was granted to a lord or temple.
About 1656,
the former hilltop forest came to be the site of a daimyō residence of the lords of Bungo no Kuni Funai Han 豊後国府内藩 Funai Domain, Bungo Province (present day Oita Prefecture in Kyūshū). The family was the 大給松平家 Ōgyū Matsudaira, a samurai family from Mikawa no Kuni 三河国 Mikawa Province, Tokugawa Ieyasu’s homeland. As Edo depended on the shōgunate and the shōgun himself was from Mikawa, having a Mikawa family bearing the name Matsudaira bolstered the area’s prestige[. The hill became a yamanote town comprised of high ranking samurai residences. It seems that because the Ōgyū residence was first the prestigious palace built on the hilltop, the area came to be to be known as Ōgyūzaka 大給坂 Ōgyū Hill. If you go to the top of Ōgyūzaka there is a crappy little park with a huge gingko tree called the 大銀杏 Ōichō. They say this tree stood inside the original Ōgyū property.
is another hill called 道灌山 Dōkanyama. It’s said that at the end of the Muromachi Period, 太田道灌 Ōta Dōkan had a branch castle here which he built for tactical support of Edo-jō 江戸城 Edo Castle.
..... 千駄 senda was another word for takusan 沢山 a lot.
- The 1000 Da Theory - firewood
da 駄 is a unit of measurement that describe how much stuff you can put on a horse’s back.
- The Ōta Dōkan Did It Theory
he re-forested the area by planting sendan 栴檀 Chinaberry trees here.
- It’s a Reference to a Traditional Japanese Prayer For Rain
..... amagoi 雨乞い prayer for rain. In the common parlance, this activity was called 千駄焚き senda-taki burning 1000 da.
There is also the district 千駄ヶ谷 Sendagaya.
- source : japanthis.com... -

- quote -
Sendagi 千駄木

Sendagi Dango-zaka Hanayashiki

This area was originally forest land called 千駄木御林 Sendagi Ohayashi, and was contributed as a supply area for firewood after the construction of Ueno Kan'ei-ji Temple. It is said that the area was named Sendagi because senda was the amount of goods carried by a thousand horses and a senda of firewood was cut each day. Because the top of 団子坂 Dango-zaka Hill, which runs from Sendagi to Yanaka and Ueno, overlooks 佃沖 Tsukuda-oki , it was also known as 汐見坂 Shiomi-zaka Hill, and there were many dango (rice dumpling) shops along the roadside. There were many gardeners on top of the hill, and some sort of garden plants could be seen throughout the year. In 1856, a gardener who cultivated chrysanthemum moved to Sendagi from 染井 Somei, and the area became known for kiku ningyo (dolls wearing clothing made of chrysanthemums).
At the bottom of the hill, the 谷戸川 Yato-gawa River (Aizome-gawa River) threaded between the Hongo and Ueno plateaus, but it was turned into a culvert after the Great Kanto Earthquake. It is said a gardener named 宇平治 Uheiji opened a flower garden called 紫泉亭 Shisentei and established a pond.
- source : ndl.go.jp/landmarks/e/sights/sendagi -

- quote -
Sendagi Station is located in the Sendagi district of Bunkyo Ward of Tokyo. It is operated by Tokyo Metro for its Chiyoda Subway Line.
Sendagi is part of the historical area known as 谷根千 Yanesen.
The atmosphere of this simple and cozy residential district still holds signs of the Edo period. One can still find traditional wooden houses, small old-styled pubs (Izakaya), and a large number of old temples here mainly because this area has miraculously survived the 1923 Kanto earthquake and the World War II bombings. Walking through the narrow streets of Sendagi will take you to many of these sights. Among the most prominent of these are:
Daienji Temple
Choanji Temple
Tennoji Temple
Yanaka Cemetery
Asakura Choso Museum ( Choso Sculpture Hall )
Yanaka Ginza
- source : tokyo-tokyo.com/Sendagi -

- reference : sendagi edo -
Sendagi Dango-zaka Hanayashiki
Flower Pavilion on Dangozaka Hill in Sendagi - Hiroshige
Yanaka, Nezu, Sendagi 谷中・根津・千駄木 - - 谷根千 Yanesen

- reference : aizome-gawa -
"Aizome Gawa" (The Resurrection of a Woman at Aizome-gawa River), Noh Drama


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #komagome #sendagi - - - -


Toshima ward Sugamo

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Toshima 豊島区 Toshima ward, "Rich Island"

source : ぐるっと豊島

- quote
Toshima is a special ward in Tokyo, Japan. It is one of the eight central wards of the Tokyo Metropolitan area. Located in the northern area of Tokyo, Toshima is bordered by the wards of Nerima, Itabashi, and Kita wards, in the north, and Nakano, Shinjuku and Bunkyo in the south.
The ward was founded on March 15, 1947, and reached a peak resident population of 370,000 in 1965.
..... Although Toshima is a ward, it is referred to as a city. The ward offices are located in Ikebukuro, which is also the commercial and entertainment center of Toshima.
- - - - - History
Toshima was formed in 1932 by the merger of four towns, Sugamochō, Nishi-sugamochō, Takadachō, and Nagasakichō, bordered by the quickly expanding former city of Tokyo.
The area evolved from a suburban agricultural district in the Edo period to the urban commercial center that it is today. The growth was fueled by the construction of various rail lines built in the Meiji and Taishō periods.
The former Somei village, now part of Toshima, is the birthplace of the Somei Yoshino, Japan's most popular variety of sakura (cherry blossom tree). The variety was developed at the end of the Edo period.
- source : wikipedia

. the Toshima-shi 豊島氏 Toshima Clan .
and the Nerima 練馬区 Nerima ward

. Toshima Henro Pilgrimage 豊島八十八ヶ所霊場 .

- Districts
- - - - - Nagasaki Area 長崎
. Chihaya 千早 .
. Kanamechō 要町 .
. Mejiro 目白 the Mejiro district .
. Nagasaki 長崎 / Minaminagasaki 南長崎 .
. Nishi-Ikebukuro 西池袋 .
. Senkawa / Sengawa 千川 .
- - - - - Nishisugamo Area / Nishi-Sugamo 西巣鴨
. Higashi-Ikebukuro 東池袋 . Ikebukuro Honchō / Kamiikebukuro / Minamiikebukuro
. Kitaotsuka 北大塚 / 南大塚 Minamiotsuka .
. Mejiro 目白 the Mejiro district .
- - - - - Sugamo Area 巣鴨
. Komagome 駒込 Komagome district .
Sugamo (this page)
- - - - - Takada Area 高田
. Mejiro 目白 the Mejiro district .
. Minami Ikebukuro 南池袋 / Nishi Ikebukuro 西池袋 .
Zōshigaya / Zoshigaya 雑司が谷 / 雑司ヶ谷 - see below -


- quote -
Map of Bushū Toshima Area, Edo (Bushū Toshima-gōri Edo no Shōzu)
// Bushū Toshimagun Edo-shō zu
This picture is representative of early Edo period illustrations and is considered to have been drawn in 1632 (Kaei 9). It is the oldest Edo map with accurate details according to current knowledge. It allows us to know the early Edo period town.
This illustration is a copy, but the original is assumed to be the oldest published map.
Beginning with the castle keep and Mt. Momiji, the pictorial technique is adapted to the topography of Nichieda Shrine, a reservoir to Mt. Atago and Zōjō-ji temple, etc., and the geographical expressions of other districts. It is said to be a transitional piece leading to the making of fully-fledged maps. Many similar types of drawings such as tracings and reproductions are in circulation and are generally called illustrations in the Kan'ei style.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -


. Ikebukuro district 池袋 "pond bag" .
- - - including Kami Ikebukuro / Nishi Ikebukuro / Higashi Ikebukuro
Kanamecho 要町
. Komagome 駒込 . - districts in Toshima 豊島区 / Bunkyo 文京区
Mukohara 向原
. Minami Otsuka 南大塚 "South Otsuka" .
Sugamo - see below


Sugamo 巣鴨 Sugamo district "ducks nest"
Toshima ward, Sugamo sub-district 1 - 5.

Sugamo kooshinzuka 巣鴨庚申塚 Koshinzuka mound
江戸名所図会 Edo Meisho Zue

The area used to be a set of swamps, where many water fowl hat their nest (su 巣), especially the ducks (kamo 鴨)- as is written in an old guide book of 1722.
But maybe there is a different reason for the name, which had been written with various characters :
須賀茂 洲鴨 菅面 洲処しやくじい面 洲処面
すが suga refers to a mound of sand carried along by a river, like a"a field of sand" 砂原.
Originally it was suga-mo.

In the Edo period, the Nakasendo Highway passed through the area and it begun to prosper as a rest station. Since 1737, townspeople were allowed to live here. Many gardeners came to live here.

. Somei 染井 district in Edo .
Many uekiya 植木屋, niwashi 庭師 gardeners lived here and in Sugamo.

On the old print of Edo above there are many rest shops along the road beside the mound. They sold dumplings and water melons to the travelers.
Around 1740, potted chrysanthemums were sold here, a well-loved hobby of the Edo population. They even grew a chrysanthemum in the shape of Mount Fujisan and ever more visitors came to Sugamo.

To our day, the Chrysanthemum festival in Sugamo is now well-loved.


Jizō-dōri 地蔵通り Jizo-dori
is a famous shopping street for the older generation. It is therefore better known as "Harajuku of the old ladies".

- quote -
Harajuku may be Tokyo’s centre for flamboyant youth fashion, but Sugamo is where the golden generation go to strut their styles. This otherwise unspectacular corner of Toshima ward is famed for its Jizo-dori, an 800m shopping street where elderly folks from all over the city and further afield stroll, shop and spend quality time with each other.
Although the area essentially owes its popularity among retirees to a single statue – a depiction of the Jizo Bodhisattva housed at Koganji Temple (3-35-2 Sugamo, Toshima-ku, 03 3917 8221), more on that in a moment – its charm has far deeper roots nowadays. Passing underneath the sign that marks the entrance to Jizo-dori – a ubiquitous prop on Japanese television whenever anything senior-related gets airtime – you’ll soon notice that the doorways to virtually every shop, café, clinic and pub lining the street are free of stairs or other obstacles, with most wide enough to be entered in wheelchair.
Equally accessible is the grand temple around which Jizo-dori originally developed, where visitors from near and far queue up for their turn to wash the iron likeness of Togenuki Jizo, the miracle-making statue said to have the power to heal any ailment. Doing the deed at least once a month is supposed to ensure optimal health benefits – a dictate much appreciated by local merchants and eateries, we’re sure.
..... Visiting Sugamo is best done on the fourth, 14th or 24th day of the month, when local shops and restaurants put out stalls over the length of Jizo-dori and the line at Koganji snakes out through the temple gates. If you can’t make it on any of these dates, consider going on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, when the shopping street is off limits to cars between noon and 6pm (3-6pm on other days).
- reference source : timeout.com/tokyo/things-to-do... -

- quote -
... The district's popular, 800 meter long Jizo Dori shopping street is also affectionately known as the "Old Ladies' Harajuku" in lighthearted comparison to the Harajuku district's status as one of Japan's foremost youthful shopping and fashion destinations.

The flat and handicap accessible shopping street is lined by over 200 shops that sell clothing, traditional food and other goods marketed toward the elderly. Among the most popular items is the district's signature red underwear, which comes in a variety of styles and is thought to bring luck to the wearer. Sugamo is also known for its traditional sweets, especially Shio-Daifuku, pounded rice cakes that contain sweet bean paste and salt to moderate the sweetness.
The original reason for Sugamo's popularity is found at Koganji Temple halfway down the shopping street.
The small temple is home to the highly popular Togenuki Jizo statue which depicts the popular Jizo Bodhisattva and is thought to help heal ailments. People line up in a queue to wash the statue with small hand towels which they then press to their ailing body part in hope of relief. Sugamo becomes particularly lively on the 4th, 14th and 24th of every month when the temple holds a small festival.
- reference source : japan-guide.com... -


Kooganji 高岩寺 Temple Kogan-Ji

togenuki, toge-nuki Jizoo とげぬき地蔵 Toge nuki Jizo, "Thorn-pulling Jizo"

- quote -
If you have an ache or an ailment that has been bugging you, a visit to the Togenuki Jizo Kouganji Temple may just be the cure you need. Millions visit the historic Buddhist temple, located minutes by foot from Sugamo Station on the JR Yamanote Line, to pay their respects each year.
The chief Buddhist image of the temple is the Enmei Jizo Bosatsu who, legend has it, has the powers to miraculously heal illnesses and extend one's life. The name Togenuki, meanwhile, means "thorn removal," and has its roots in Japanese folklore. A housemaid once accidentally swallowed a needle, which she managed to spit out after ingesting a piece of paper that bore the image of the Jizo deity. You can still buy this talisman, known as the o-sugata, at the temple — though a more common practice now is to apply it on a bothersome body part.
- source : gotokyo.org/en... -

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction .


. Shinshooji 真性寺 / 眞性寺 Temple Shinsho-Ji .
医王山 Iozan 東光院 Toko-In 真性寺 Shinsho-Ji
豊島区巣鴨3-21-21 / 3 Chome-21-21 Sugamo, Toshima ward

. Zenyooji 善養寺 Temple Zenyo-Ji .
- 薬王山 Yakuozan 延寿院 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji
豊島区西巣鴨4-8-25 / Toshima ward, Nishi-Sugamo, 4 Chome 8-25


Sugamo Okago Machi 巣鴨御駕籠町 Sugamo "Palanquin district"
文京区 Bunkyo ward 本駒込 六丁目 Hon-Komagome 6th sub-district,
豊島区 Toshima ward, 駒込 Komagome second sub-district

Since 1697, the palanquin makers of the Edo Bakufu government lived here, said to be about 51 craftsmen.
They made palanquins for the Shogun himself and for his family. Some of the craftsmen were sworn to secrecy to protect the safety of the Shogun. They were given special black Hanten coats to show their status.
The district was rather long and narrow, with many estates of Samurai in-between.
There was a bridge over a canal, called
Okagobashi 御駕橋(おかごばし) bridge of the palanquin. The name later turned to
Akagobashi 赤子橋(あかごばし) bridge of the baby.
Some say the bridge was re-named because children had been abandoned there.

. kago 篭 / 駕籠 or かご palanquin, sedan chair .
The taxi of the Edo period.


Zooshigaya. Zōshigaya 雑司が谷 / 雑司ヶ谷 Zoshigaya
豊島区 Toshima ward, first to third sub-district, part in Minami-Ikebukuro

Zoushigaya Fujimi Chaya 雑司かや不二見茶や Fujimi Teahouse at Zoshigaya
Utagawa Hiroshige

- quote -
Heartlands: Zoshigaya
Small winding streets and low-rise houses.
Zoshigaya is only a short walk away from the malls, highways and flashing lights of Ikebukuro, but feels like a silent suburb in comparison.
This homely heartland has maintained its Showa-era (1926 – 1989) atmosphere, with winding lanes lined with family homes and small shops selling everyday conveniences.
A soft silence permeates the air around this shitamachi area that is heavy with history.
- source : metropolisjapan.com/heartlands ... -

- quote -
Zōshigaya Hōmyō-ji Temple 雑司谷法明寺 Zoshigaya Temple Homyo-Ji
Hōmyō-ji was established in 810 (the first year of Kōnin) as a temple of Shingon Buddhism.
It converted to Nichiren Buddhism in 1312 (the first year of Shōwa) and in the Edo period, the temple received a shogunal charter from the third shogun Iemitsu,
and became a grand temple in possession of 14 temples such as 真乗院 Shinjō-in, 蓮光院 Renkō-in and
玄静院 Genjō-in and 観静院 Kanjō-in Temples.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Sugamo 巣鴨

reimu 霊夢 oracle dream
Around 1802, the younger brother of a Samurai family in Sugamo had a special dream: In 三方 Mikata a cut-off head of a criminal had been put on show with a number written on his head.
At the same time in 谷中 Yanaka at the temple 感応寺 Kanno-Ji there was a tomikuji 富くじ lottery, so he bought a ticked with that number and indeed, he won !!

. tomikuji, takarakuji 宝くじ / 富籤 lottery in Edo .

................................................................................. Toshima 豊島区

There was a Deity who wanted to eat 1000 children. He would pass a home where the skin of みかん a bitter summer orange was divided into three parts and hung up at the entrance. People who did not do this had their children die. During an epidemic in Edo, people say the Deity has come to eat children.
- - - - -
. Mejiro Fudo 目白不動 Fudo with white eyes .
豊山新長谷寺 Shinchokokuji (Shin-Hasedera) in Toshima has a statue of Fudo Myo-O, made by Kobo Daishi himself.
When Kobo Daishi was in 荷沢河, 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai appeared to him and then changed into Fudo Myo-O.
The Deity wielded its own sword and cut off its left arm at the ellbow. A lot of smoke and flames came out of this burning wound.
Kobo Daishi made the statue just as he had seen this.

Mejiro is a district with 一丁目 - 五丁目 five sub-districts.

. Mejiro 目白 the Mejiro district .

................................................................................. Bunkyo 文京区
Komagome 駒込

. Shrine Komagome Fuji Jinja 駒込富士神社 .
and the festival with mugiwara hebi 富士祭の麦藁蛇 the straw serpent

source : yosukenaito.blog40.fc2.com

stamp with the straw serpent, from 1965

This shrine is located in :
5 Chome-7-20 Honkomagome, Bunkyo, Tokyo

. Komagome 駒込 Komagome districts in Tokyo .
There are two districts with this name, one in 文京区 Bunkyo ward and one in 豊島区 Toshima ward.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #toshima #sugamo #nottoyoshima #bushu #minamiotsuka #zoshigaya #mejiro - - - -