. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
mon 門 the 36 gates of Edo castle
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The 36 Gates of Edo Castle
Edo (Yedo) Castle, constructed in 1457, transformed Tokyo (then called Edo) from a small fishing village into an urban center for trade, culture, and politics. Edo Castle became the official residence of the Tokugawa shogun who ruled Japan from 1603 to 1867. Upon the shogun’s arrival in 1603, the castle was in shambles, requiring an extensive 40 year reconstruction project. The castle was upgraded to be an appropriate residence for the shogun as well as an administration center for a unified Japan.
At the time, it was the biggest castle in the world with a defensive perimeter of over 10 miles comprised of an inner and outer moat. The moats were crossed by 36 gates or watchtowers, each heavily guarded. In 1868 the Tokugawa shogun’s power toppled and the emperor was restored to the supreme ruling position, ending the feudal era and ushering the modernization of Japan. Emperor Meiji resided at the castle from 1868 to 1888 before moving to the newly constructed Imperial Palace. Unfortunately, there is little that remains of the original castle structure today. Much of it had been destroyed due to fires and earthquakes, including most of the gates. The remnants are currently being preserved as historical landmarks.
This extravagant publication at the end of the 19th century tried to capture the magnificence of the gates for tourists and historians alike. Each of the 36 gates is depicted in color with an accompanying historical description.
- source : blogs.harvard.edu/preserving...
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The inner citadels of the castle were protected by multiple large and small wooden gates (mon), constructed in-between the gaps of the stone wall.
Not many are left today. From south to southwest to north, the main gates are at Nijūbashi, Sakurada-mon, Sakashita-mon, Kikyō-mon, Hanzō-mon, Inui-mon, Ōte-mon, Hirakawa-mon and Kitahanebashi-mon.
Only the stone foundations of the other gates (meaning the gap left in between the large stone walls for the wooden gates) are still preserved. Large gates, such as the Ōte-mon, had a guard of 120 men, while the smaller gates were guarded by 30 to 70 armed men.
An eye-witness account
is given by the French director François Caron from the Dutch colony at Dejima. He described the gates and courts being laid out in such a manner as to confuse an outsider. Caron noted the gates were not placed in a straight line, but were staggered, forcing a person to make a 90 degree turn to pass on to the next gate. This style of construction for the main gates is called masugata (meaning "square"). As noted by Caron, the gate consisted of a square-shaped courtyard or enclosure and a two story gatehouse which is entered via three roofed kōrai-mon. The watari-yagura-mon was constructed at adjacent angles to each side within the gate.
All major gates had large timbers that framed the main entry point and were constructed to impress and proclaim the might of the shogunate.
The Hanzō-mon (半蔵門) Hanzomon is a gate in the kōrai style. The old gate was destroyed by fire during World War II. The Wadakura Gate was moved here in its stead.
The Hanzō-mon is the only gate to the Fukiage area from outside today.
Fukiage no funa asobi 吹上之船遊び boating pleasure at Fukiage
Toyohara Chikanobu
The Inui-mon (乾門) was in the Nishinomaru area next to today's headquarters of the Imperial Household Agency and called Nishinomaru Ura-mon. It was moved to its present location between the Kitanomaru and Fukiage garden in the Meiji era. It has its name because it was in the northwestern part of the Imperial Palace grounds.
Kikyō-mon 桔梗門 Kikyo-Mon - see below
One of the few gates left of the Ninomaru is the kikyō-mon, which is also known as the Inner Sakurada-mon, as opposed to the (Outer) Sakurada-mon in the south. The architecture of the tower is a gate and in the kōrai style.
Kitahanebashi-mon 北桔橋門, "Northern Drawbridge Gate" is the northern gate to the Honmaru ward, facing Kitanomaru ward across Daikan-cho street. It is also constructed as a masu-gate just like Ōte-mon and Hirakawa-mon, and has a watari-yagura-mon in a left angle. The bridge in front of the gate, which was once a drawbridge during the Edo period, is now fixed to the ground. The metal clasps used to draw the bridge are still attached to the roof of the gate.
Sakashita-mon 坂下門 originally faced the north, but was changed to face the east in the Meiji era. This tower gate overlooks Hamaguri-bori. The assassination of Andō Nobumasa, a member of the shōgun's Council of Elders, occurred outside this gate.
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Kikyō-mon 桔梗門 Kikyo-Mon
Kasamatsu Shiro (1898 - 1991)
. Gofukubashi Mitsuke Mon 呉服橋見附門 Gofukubashi Mitsuke Gate .
. Hanzō-mon 半蔵門 Hanzomon, Hanzo-Mon .
. Hirakawamon 平川門 Hirakawa Gate .
. Ōtemon 大手門 Otemon, main gate of the Edo Castle "Gread Hand Gate" .
. Saiwaibashi Mitsuke Mon 幸橋見附門 .
..... O-Nari Go-Mon 御成御門 or 御成橋門 O-Naribashi Mon
. Sakuradamon Gate 桜田門 and Ii Naosuke 井伊直弼 (1860) .
. Samegahashi 鮫が橋門 赤坂 Akasaka Samagahashi Gate .
. Sukiyabashi gomon 数寄屋橋御門 Gate at Sukiyabashi bridge .
. Toranomon 虎ノ門 / 虎の門 / 虎門 "Tiger Gate" .
. Wakakuramon 和田倉門 Wadakura Mon Gate / Wadakura Gomon 和田倉御門 .
Ōtemon 大手門 Otemon, main gate of the Edo Castle
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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #mon #mongate #gatemon #fukiage - - - -
Toranomon Kamiya district
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Toranomon 虎ノ門 / 虎の門 / 虎門 "Tiger Gate" district
東京都港区虎ノ門 一丁目から虎ノ門五丁目 Minato ward, Toranomon、from the first to the fifth sub-district
The gate is on the right, with a green dot.
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Toranomon (虎ノ門) is a business district of Minato ward.
- History
Literally meaning "Tiger's Gate," Toranomon was the name of the southernmost gate of Edo Castle. The gate existed until the 1870's when it was demolished to make way for modern developments.
The Toranomon Incident (虎ノ門事件 Toranomon Jiken) was an assassination attempt on the Prince Regent Hirohito of Japan on 27 December 1923 by communist agitator Daisuke Namba.
The district is home to many corporate headquarters. From the 1970s[ through the mid-1990s Japan Air System (originally Toa Domestic Airlines) was headquartered in the Mori Building (森ビル Mori Biru) in Toranomon. Air China has its Tokyo offices in the Air China Building in Toranomon.[ TV Tokyo,[ Japan Tobacco, Fuji Fire and Marine Insurance, and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines have their headquarters in Toranomon.
The Okura Museum of Art and Hotel Okura Tokyo are also located in Toranomon.
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The Toranomon (Tiger Gate), demolished in the 1870s
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Toranomon is an area in Tōkyō that is known to have been named after one of the gates of Edo Castle. The gate and the moat and bridge system that made up the area no longer exist.
It’s based on 四神思想 shijin sōō, a Chinese precept that stated that the 4 seasons and 4 compass directions were controlled by 4 distinct deities.
玄武 genbu the black tortoise, guardian of the north
朱雀 suzaku the vermilion sparrow, guardian of the south
青龍 seiryū/seiryō the blue dragon, guardian of the east
白虎 byakko the white tiger, guardian of the west
Pre-modern Japanese cities, or at least castles and religious buildings, were often laid out according to Chinese principals of 風水 fū sui feng shui and other similar mythologies. This theory states that the 虎 tora tiger is a reference to the White Tiger.
This surprised me because Toranomon is actually the southernmost gate of Edo Castle.
So I did a little more research and I found out that the White Tiger and Blue are considered polar opposites in feng shui. Among other things, the Blue Dragon represents the left-hand side, which the White Tiger represents the right-hand side.
This also seems strange
because if say north is the top and south is the bottom and the southernmost portion of the castle is the “front,” Toranomon is still south (not west) and just a tad to the left. In fact, if we continue this assumption, there is handful of other gates on the “right side” of the castle – including the actual front gate, 大手門 Ōtemon.
..... The gate was demolished/knocked down in 1873 (Meiji 6) but the name continued to be used for the area, in particular the main intersection (many Tōkyō neighborhoods derive their place names from old local landmarks that persist in intersection names that became train station and bus stops in the Meiji and Taishō Eras).
In 1949
the area got the official name 虎ノ門町 toranomon-chō. In 1977, it received an official postal code under the name 虎ノ門 Toranomon.
- source : japanthis.com/2013...
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Located between present day 港区芝虎ノ門一丁目 Kasumigaseki 1 chome and Toranomon 1 chome and refers to the area around the Tora-no-mon Gate.
There are several theories about the origin of the name Tora-no-mon Gate such as there was a cherry blossom tree called 虎の尾 tora no shippo (tiger's tail) in the residence near the gate.
Another theory is that Ota Dokan named the gate for the historical fact of the tiger when he went off to war, and also a theory which said that when they tried to bring in a tiger gifted from Korea, the cage was too big to pass through the gate and they rebuilt it.
The state of water over the floodgate and flowing into the cistern, 葵坂 Aoi-zaka Hill and 金刀比羅宮 Kotohira-gu Shrine was often painted in nishiki-e.
- source : National Diet Library -
Kamiyachoo 神谷町 Kamiyacho, Kamiya district
港区虎ノ門五丁目 Minato ward, Toranomon 5th district
Around 1614, the layout of Edo city was more or less shaped.
The living quarters of Bakufu officials (temawari 手廻, 中間 chuugen, 御小人 okobito .. others see below) were located in Asabu.
The area of official living quarter (kumiyashiki 組屋敷) was moved to Nichikubotachoo 西久保田町 Nishi-Kubota.
In 1696, the Machibugyo Governor of Edo decided there ware too many place named with TA 田 "field" and re-named the district after the place of origin of the Temawari group.
(also called 御手廻(おてまわり)仲間(ちゅうげん) O-temawari chugen)
They had come from 三河の国 Mikawa no Kuni (now Aichi) 八名郡 Yana district 神谷村 Kamiya mura village. So he named the area Kamiya cho.
Later other townspeople came to live here too.
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Served by Kamiyacho Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line, Kamiyacho is a predominantly business neighbourhood wedged between Roppongi and Toranomon within spitting distance of Tokyo Tower. Despite the lack of families, there are plenty of family restaurants in Kamiyacho.
There are also the usual chain food/coffee places like Sukiya and Doutor.
- source : tokyocheapo.com/locations/central-tokyo ...-
Kamiyachō Station (神谷町駅 Kamiyachō-eki)
March 25, 1964 Opened.
January 27, 1968 A rolling stock fire by Tobu 2000 series occurred.
March 20, 1995 Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway occurred. Due to the significant impact of this incident, the station was frequently mentioned in news reports in the aftermath of attack.
April 1, 2004 As Teito Rapid Transit Authority became private company, this station's operator became Tokyo Metro
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Kamiya station is very close to Tokyo Tower
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government and Administration .
お江戸の役人面白なんでも事典 Dictionary of the Edo Government Officials
中江克己 Nakae Katsumi
read as google book -
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Edo goyaku 江戸五役(ごやく) the five official worker groups of Edo castle
Positions for lower Samurai, involving for example cleaning and keeping the castle of Edo and its gardens clean.
The character 御 o expresses respect for the group.
御駕籠之者(おかごのもの)okagonomono, o-kago no mono
御中間(おちゅうげん)ochuugen, o-chugen
御小人(おこびと)okobito, o-kobito
黒鍬之者(くろくわのもの)kurokuwa no mono
御掃除之者(おそうじのもの)gosooji no mono, go soji no mono
御駕籠之者 okagonomono, o-kago no mono
They had to look after the kago 駕籠 palanquins for the Shogun and his heirs. (They were the private taxis of their time.)
They were divided in three groups. Each group had a special leader and about 30 members at the time of Tokugawa Ieyasu. They had special black hanten 半纏 jackets and were all rather large and strong in stature.
In 1616 they had three living quarters in 本郷湯島 Hongo Yushima. The area was called 駿河町 Suruga cho but then re-named to 三組町 Mikumi cho, District of the three groups.
In 1663, a fourth living quarter was established in 本所四つ目 Honjo Yotsume.
In 1772 after 明和の大火 the Great Fire of Meiwa the three quarters were relocated to 本郷春木町 Hongo Haruki cho. The quarter at 本所四つ目 Honjo Yotsume was relocated to 谷中の七面前 Yanaka and later to 巣鴨 Sugamo.
In 1790, the quarters were relocated to 四谷鮫ヶ橋 / 鮫河橋 Yotsuya Samegahashi.
御中間 ochuugen, o-chugen
They were responsible for the securtity of the castle, including the Women's quarters in Oku and the kitchen.
There were about 550 people, divided in 大中小 three groups.
The first group, 大組, had 4 leaders, the 中組 middle and 小組 last group had 3 leaders and 4 workers.
There were many sub-groups :
御小人 okobito, o-kobito
"The honorable "little people".
They were responsible for the security of the women's quarters, more than 500 were working. 10 people had to look after the robes of the Shogun. 2 had to hold the horses. One had to hold an umbrella, one had to prepare the sandals at the exit and more such small jobs.
They were divided into three groups 小人組, each with a leader.
Toward the end of the Edo period, their living quarters were at 本郷金助町 Hongo Kinsuke cho and 湯島切通 Yushima Kiridoshi.
黒鍬之者 kurokuwa no mono
"The men with the black hoes".
They were responsible for the cleaning and upholding the buildings, canals and waterways.
There were about 430 men in three groups with leaders.
They had special hoes, wider and stronger than usual and shorter handle, to make them easy to hit the ground.
These hoes were first made by 尾張の大野鍛冶 the blacksmiths in Owari
These special hoes ware also called hotorikuwa 畔鍬.
御掃除之者 go soji no mono
"The Cleaners" of various parts of Edo castle and the Shogun's places in Edo.
They were also running various errands and shopping. They usually wore white work robes.
There were about 200 working in 3 groups, with leaders. In times of illness they were released from their job and free to seek medical help on their own. When healed they could again apply for the job.
They were under the supervision of a 目付 Metsuke supervisor.
- some special groups :
Fukiage sooji no mono 吹上掃除之者(ふきあげそうじのもの)- about 47 people
Hama Goten sooji no mono 浜御殿掃除之者(はまごてんそうじのもの)- about 19 people
Sakurada goyoo yashiki sooji no mono 桜田御用屋敷掃除之者 - about 3 people
Momijiyama sooji no mono 紅葉山掃除之者 cleaners of Momijiyama
Momijiyama was the official graveyard of the Shogun in Edo. First there were only 10 people, later they grew to more than 70.
Momijiyama "Maple Mountain" is located in the Northern part of Nishinomaru. There were various Shinto shrines to venerate the Shoguns.
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. Haraikatamachi 牛込払方町 Ushigome Haraikata district .
"district of the payment makers"
Nando Dooshin 納戸同心 Nando Doshin : motokata 元方 and haraikata 払方
Edo joo 江戸城 Edo jo, the Castle of Edo
Das Schloss von Edo
. Yabukōji 藪小路 Yabukoji alley district, "bamboo thicket" .
Minato ward, 虎ノ門 Toranomon first sub-district
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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #toranomon #kamiyacho #kamiyadistrict #kamiya #bakufu #goyaku #edogoyaku - - - -
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Toranomon 虎ノ門 / 虎の門 / 虎門 "Tiger Gate" district
東京都港区虎ノ門 一丁目から虎ノ門五丁目 Minato ward, Toranomon、from the first to the fifth sub-district
The gate is on the right, with a green dot.
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Toranomon (虎ノ門) is a business district of Minato ward.
- History
Literally meaning "Tiger's Gate," Toranomon was the name of the southernmost gate of Edo Castle. The gate existed until the 1870's when it was demolished to make way for modern developments.
The Toranomon Incident (虎ノ門事件 Toranomon Jiken) was an assassination attempt on the Prince Regent Hirohito of Japan on 27 December 1923 by communist agitator Daisuke Namba.
The district is home to many corporate headquarters. From the 1970s[ through the mid-1990s Japan Air System (originally Toa Domestic Airlines) was headquartered in the Mori Building (森ビル Mori Biru) in Toranomon. Air China has its Tokyo offices in the Air China Building in Toranomon.[ TV Tokyo,[ Japan Tobacco, Fuji Fire and Marine Insurance, and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines have their headquarters in Toranomon.
The Okura Museum of Art and Hotel Okura Tokyo are also located in Toranomon.
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The Toranomon (Tiger Gate), demolished in the 1870s
- quote
Toranomon is an area in Tōkyō that is known to have been named after one of the gates of Edo Castle. The gate and the moat and bridge system that made up the area no longer exist.
It’s based on 四神思想 shijin sōō, a Chinese precept that stated that the 4 seasons and 4 compass directions were controlled by 4 distinct deities.
玄武 genbu the black tortoise, guardian of the north
朱雀 suzaku the vermilion sparrow, guardian of the south
青龍 seiryū/seiryō the blue dragon, guardian of the east
白虎 byakko the white tiger, guardian of the west
Pre-modern Japanese cities, or at least castles and religious buildings, were often laid out according to Chinese principals of 風水 fū sui feng shui and other similar mythologies. This theory states that the 虎 tora tiger is a reference to the White Tiger.
This surprised me because Toranomon is actually the southernmost gate of Edo Castle.
So I did a little more research and I found out that the White Tiger and Blue are considered polar opposites in feng shui. Among other things, the Blue Dragon represents the left-hand side, which the White Tiger represents the right-hand side.
This also seems strange
because if say north is the top and south is the bottom and the southernmost portion of the castle is the “front,” Toranomon is still south (not west) and just a tad to the left. In fact, if we continue this assumption, there is handful of other gates on the “right side” of the castle – including the actual front gate, 大手門 Ōtemon.
..... The gate was demolished/knocked down in 1873 (Meiji 6) but the name continued to be used for the area, in particular the main intersection (many Tōkyō neighborhoods derive their place names from old local landmarks that persist in intersection names that became train station and bus stops in the Meiji and Taishō Eras).
In 1949
the area got the official name 虎ノ門町 toranomon-chō. In 1977, it received an official postal code under the name 虎ノ門 Toranomon.
- source : japanthis.com/2013...
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Located between present day 港区芝虎ノ門一丁目 Kasumigaseki 1 chome and Toranomon 1 chome and refers to the area around the Tora-no-mon Gate.
There are several theories about the origin of the name Tora-no-mon Gate such as there was a cherry blossom tree called 虎の尾 tora no shippo (tiger's tail) in the residence near the gate.
Another theory is that Ota Dokan named the gate for the historical fact of the tiger when he went off to war, and also a theory which said that when they tried to bring in a tiger gifted from Korea, the cage was too big to pass through the gate and they rebuilt it.
The state of water over the floodgate and flowing into the cistern, 葵坂 Aoi-zaka Hill and 金刀比羅宮 Kotohira-gu Shrine was often painted in nishiki-e.
- source : National Diet Library -
Kamiyachoo 神谷町 Kamiyacho, Kamiya district
港区虎ノ門五丁目 Minato ward, Toranomon 5th district
Around 1614, the layout of Edo city was more or less shaped.
The living quarters of Bakufu officials (temawari 手廻, 中間 chuugen, 御小人 okobito .. others see below) were located in Asabu.
The area of official living quarter (kumiyashiki 組屋敷) was moved to Nichikubotachoo 西久保田町 Nishi-Kubota.
In 1696, the Machibugyo Governor of Edo decided there ware too many place named with TA 田 "field" and re-named the district after the place of origin of the Temawari group.
(also called 御手廻(おてまわり)仲間(ちゅうげん) O-temawari chugen)
They had come from 三河の国 Mikawa no Kuni (now Aichi) 八名郡 Yana district 神谷村 Kamiya mura village. So he named the area Kamiya cho.
Later other townspeople came to live here too.
- quote -
Served by Kamiyacho Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line, Kamiyacho is a predominantly business neighbourhood wedged between Roppongi and Toranomon within spitting distance of Tokyo Tower. Despite the lack of families, there are plenty of family restaurants in Kamiyacho.
There are also the usual chain food/coffee places like Sukiya and Doutor.
- source : tokyocheapo.com/locations/central-tokyo ...-
Kamiyachō Station (神谷町駅 Kamiyachō-eki)
March 25, 1964 Opened.
January 27, 1968 A rolling stock fire by Tobu 2000 series occurred.
March 20, 1995 Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway occurred. Due to the significant impact of this incident, the station was frequently mentioned in news reports in the aftermath of attack.
April 1, 2004 As Teito Rapid Transit Authority became private company, this station's operator became Tokyo Metro
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Kamiya station is very close to Tokyo Tower
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government and Administration .
お江戸の役人面白なんでも事典 Dictionary of the Edo Government Officials
中江克己 Nakae Katsumi
read as google book -
- quote -
Edo goyaku 江戸五役(ごやく) the five official worker groups of Edo castle
Positions for lower Samurai, involving for example cleaning and keeping the castle of Edo and its gardens clean.
The character 御 o expresses respect for the group.
御駕籠之者(おかごのもの)okagonomono, o-kago no mono
御中間(おちゅうげん)ochuugen, o-chugen
御小人(おこびと)okobito, o-kobito
黒鍬之者(くろくわのもの)kurokuwa no mono
御掃除之者(おそうじのもの)gosooji no mono, go soji no mono
御駕籠之者 okagonomono, o-kago no mono
They had to look after the kago 駕籠 palanquins for the Shogun and his heirs. (They were the private taxis of their time.)
They were divided in three groups. Each group had a special leader and about 30 members at the time of Tokugawa Ieyasu. They had special black hanten 半纏 jackets and were all rather large and strong in stature.
In 1616 they had three living quarters in 本郷湯島 Hongo Yushima. The area was called 駿河町 Suruga cho but then re-named to 三組町 Mikumi cho, District of the three groups.
In 1663, a fourth living quarter was established in 本所四つ目 Honjo Yotsume.
In 1772 after 明和の大火 the Great Fire of Meiwa the three quarters were relocated to 本郷春木町 Hongo Haruki cho. The quarter at 本所四つ目 Honjo Yotsume was relocated to 谷中の七面前 Yanaka and later to 巣鴨 Sugamo.
In 1790, the quarters were relocated to 四谷鮫ヶ橋 / 鮫河橋 Yotsuya Samegahashi.
御中間 ochuugen, o-chugen
They were responsible for the securtity of the castle, including the Women's quarters in Oku and the kitchen.
There were about 550 people, divided in 大中小 three groups.
The first group, 大組, had 4 leaders, the 中組 middle and 小組 last group had 3 leaders and 4 workers.
There were many sub-groups :
御小人 okobito, o-kobito
"The honorable "little people".
They were responsible for the security of the women's quarters, more than 500 were working. 10 people had to look after the robes of the Shogun. 2 had to hold the horses. One had to hold an umbrella, one had to prepare the sandals at the exit and more such small jobs.
They were divided into three groups 小人組, each with a leader.
Toward the end of the Edo period, their living quarters were at 本郷金助町 Hongo Kinsuke cho and 湯島切通 Yushima Kiridoshi.
黒鍬之者 kurokuwa no mono
"The men with the black hoes".
They were responsible for the cleaning and upholding the buildings, canals and waterways.
There were about 430 men in three groups with leaders.
They had special hoes, wider and stronger than usual and shorter handle, to make them easy to hit the ground.
These hoes were first made by 尾張の大野鍛冶 the blacksmiths in Owari
These special hoes ware also called hotorikuwa 畔鍬.
御掃除之者 go soji no mono
"The Cleaners" of various parts of Edo castle and the Shogun's places in Edo.
They were also running various errands and shopping. They usually wore white work robes.
There were about 200 working in 3 groups, with leaders. In times of illness they were released from their job and free to seek medical help on their own. When healed they could again apply for the job.
They were under the supervision of a 目付 Metsuke supervisor.
- some special groups :
Fukiage sooji no mono 吹上掃除之者(ふきあげそうじのもの)- about 47 people
Hama Goten sooji no mono 浜御殿掃除之者(はまごてんそうじのもの)- about 19 people
Sakurada goyoo yashiki sooji no mono 桜田御用屋敷掃除之者 - about 3 people
Momijiyama sooji no mono 紅葉山掃除之者 cleaners of Momijiyama
Momijiyama was the official graveyard of the Shogun in Edo. First there were only 10 people, later they grew to more than 70.
Momijiyama "Maple Mountain" is located in the Northern part of Nishinomaru. There were various Shinto shrines to venerate the Shoguns.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Haraikatamachi 牛込払方町 Ushigome Haraikata district .
"district of the payment makers"
Nando Dooshin 納戸同心 Nando Doshin : motokata 元方 and haraikata 払方
Edo joo 江戸城 Edo jo, the Castle of Edo
Das Schloss von Edo
. Yabukōji 藪小路 Yabukoji alley district, "bamboo thicket" .
Minato ward, 虎ノ門 Toranomon first sub-district
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #toranomon #kamiyacho #kamiyadistrict #kamiya #bakufu #goyaku #edogoyaku - - - -
Asagaya district Suginami
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Asagaya 阿佐ヶ谷 / 阿佐谷
Suginami ward, 杉並区 阿佐ヶ谷北, Asagaya-kita North and 阿佐谷南 Asagaya-Minami South.
The first two Chinese characters do not express any meaning, they only express the pronounciation of the area name.
The name comes from the expression asai mizu no tani 浅い水の谷 a valley with shallow water.
- quote
..... At present the Asagaya area is divided latitudinally into North (阿佐ヶ谷北, Asagaya-kita) and South (阿佐谷南, Asagaya-Minami) by the Chūō-Sōbu Line.
Boundaries for this area are roughly the same as those for Asagaya Village (阿佐ヶ谷村 Asagaya-mura), dating back to the Edo Period. Longitudinally, the Japanese Zelkova serrata tree-lined boulevard, Nakasugi-dōri (中杉通り), divides Asagaya, running from Ome-kaido in the south to Waseda-dōri in the north.
From around the Taishō period people began moving from the Yamanote area (central Tokyo) into the suburbs including Asagaya. At present, the area around the station is considered upper-level Tokyo suburban housing due to its space, greenery, convenience to central Tokyo—and numerous Shōtengai, the largest of which originates from the South exit of Asagaya Station.
The origin of the area name "Asagaya"
comes from the combination of two words, the adjective "asai" meaning "shallow" and the geographical noun "yachi" (谷地) meaning "marsh" or low wetlands.
In 1921 a stop was created on the Sōbū streetcar line running on Ome-kaido from Shinjuku to Ogikubo, which later became the Tōden Suginami (都電杉並線) streetcar line, then the present subway Marunouchi line. Service on the Tōden Suginami streetcar ended in 1961.
Asagaya Station was built and added to the Kōbu railway line (built 1884; Kōbu-tetsudo (甲武鉄道) in 1924, which later became the Chūō Main Line.
After the exodus from central Tokyo
following the Kantō Earthquake of 1923, Asagaya became the home to a literature community beginning with Ibuse Masuji, and eventually including Yosano Akiko, Dazai Osamu, Aoyagi Mizuho, Iba Harube, Miyoshi Tatsuji, Hino Ashihei, Taki Huang-Murao, Masami Murao and Tokugawa Musei.
Because of this history Asagaya is also known as "Literary Town Asagaya".
- Theater
Asagaya is home to three theater spaces, Hitsuji-za, Theater Shine, and Zamuza,
- Shopping
The covered shopping street (shōtengai) Pearl Center, located on the south side of JR Asagaya station, is the largest in the area, though, smaller uncovered shōtengai also run to the north of the station
- Festivals
Asagaya has two large festivals each year.
The Tanabata (七夕祭り) is held annually during the first week of August. The Tanabata festival is known for its assortment of hanging papermache characters that adorn the Pearl Road.
Asagaya is also known for its jazz festival,
Asagaya Jazz Streets, held over the last weekend in October. This jazz festival is one of the largest in the city with musicians playing an assortment of venues.
- source : wikipedia
keyaki namiki 阿佐ヶ谷のけやき並木 Zelkova row of roadside trees
- quote -
The place name must already have been established by the 14th century because that’s when the name first shows up in the records. In the 1300’s, a noble family was granted control of the area and assumed the name of their fief, thus becoming the Asagaya-shi 阿佐ヶ谷氏 Asagaya Clan.
..... After the 関東大震災 the Great Kantō Earfquake of 1923, many artists fled from the crowded 下町 shitamachi low city to Asagaya because rent and land was cheap and there area was still connected to the center of town. The 山手 yamanote high city also lost its fair share of artists to the Asagaya area. Many were unrecognized writers in their own day – though most of them are widely respected today – they congregated in the area.
- source : japanthis.com/2015... -
阿佐谷神明宮 Asagaya Shinmeigu Shrine
Suginami, Asagayakita, 1−25-5
It was founded around 114 as a branch of the Great Shrine at Ise, Mie prefecture.
It has a large Noh stage.
- quote -
This shrine has a long 1700 years of history, and is known for warding off evil.
In late March when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, Kan-okai, a special event to appreciate the blossoms of the shrine, is held. Dances and songs to the God are performed by the shrine maidens and also a party is held under the cherry trees in the compound. This cherry blossom party is open to anybody and free sake and food is served. The date of the party is decided depending on when the cherry blossoms bloom, and may vary year to year. However, cherry blossom season in Tokyo area is typically late March – early April.
- source : experience-suginami.tokyo/2015... -
o-mamori お守り amulets to ward off evil
hachinanyoke, hachinan yoke 八難除 avoiding the eight disasters
eight here stands for many, there is a long list below.
This shrine is the only one to provide this kind of prayer ritual to ward off calamities coming with age, with directions, from water or fire and many others.
These rituals are very old and relate to the Shinto deity 天照大御神 Amaterasu Omikami.
Taking part of these rituals was also called
shoogoku mairi 正五九参り Shogoku mairi and had to be performed with Shrine visits daily for 4 months.
To avoid disaster of fire, people had to come three times a year for three years in a row, 九重参り.
- HP of the shrine
- shinmeiguu.com...-
Asagaya Keyaki Yashiki 阿佐谷けやき屋敷 / 欅屋敷 Asagaya Zelkova Mansion
Some of the 20 trees still there are older than 400 years and about 40 m high, an amazing sight in a big city like Tokyo.
This is the remains of the estate of the "estate forest" 屋敷森 of about 50 zelkova trees of the 相沢家 Aizawa family, the headman of the old Asagaya village.
The house was destroyed and has been rebuilt after the war.
- quote -
Welcome to Tokyo's 'Little Nepal': A microcosm of Japan's evolving identity
Here in “Little Nepal,” Nepalese families shop for their groceries at supermarkets, Nepalese business owners operate curry and spice shops, and Nepalese children in distinctively logoed uniforms commute to and from school or play with their friends in the vicinity of Asagaya Station.
... When the Everest International School, Japan (EISJ) was established in Asagaya in 2013, Nepalese families began flocking to the area.
- source : More in the Japan Times July 2019 -
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. Suginami 杉並区 Suginami ward .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #asagaya #asagayasuginami - - - -
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Asagaya 阿佐ヶ谷 / 阿佐谷
Suginami ward, 杉並区 阿佐ヶ谷北, Asagaya-kita North and 阿佐谷南 Asagaya-Minami South.
The first two Chinese characters do not express any meaning, they only express the pronounciation of the area name.
The name comes from the expression asai mizu no tani 浅い水の谷 a valley with shallow water.
- quote
..... At present the Asagaya area is divided latitudinally into North (阿佐ヶ谷北, Asagaya-kita) and South (阿佐谷南, Asagaya-Minami) by the Chūō-Sōbu Line.
Boundaries for this area are roughly the same as those for Asagaya Village (阿佐ヶ谷村 Asagaya-mura), dating back to the Edo Period. Longitudinally, the Japanese Zelkova serrata tree-lined boulevard, Nakasugi-dōri (中杉通り), divides Asagaya, running from Ome-kaido in the south to Waseda-dōri in the north.
From around the Taishō period people began moving from the Yamanote area (central Tokyo) into the suburbs including Asagaya. At present, the area around the station is considered upper-level Tokyo suburban housing due to its space, greenery, convenience to central Tokyo—and numerous Shōtengai, the largest of which originates from the South exit of Asagaya Station.
The origin of the area name "Asagaya"
comes from the combination of two words, the adjective "asai" meaning "shallow" and the geographical noun "yachi" (谷地) meaning "marsh" or low wetlands.
In 1921 a stop was created on the Sōbū streetcar line running on Ome-kaido from Shinjuku to Ogikubo, which later became the Tōden Suginami (都電杉並線) streetcar line, then the present subway Marunouchi line. Service on the Tōden Suginami streetcar ended in 1961.
Asagaya Station was built and added to the Kōbu railway line (built 1884; Kōbu-tetsudo (甲武鉄道) in 1924, which later became the Chūō Main Line.
After the exodus from central Tokyo
following the Kantō Earthquake of 1923, Asagaya became the home to a literature community beginning with Ibuse Masuji, and eventually including Yosano Akiko, Dazai Osamu, Aoyagi Mizuho, Iba Harube, Miyoshi Tatsuji, Hino Ashihei, Taki Huang-Murao, Masami Murao and Tokugawa Musei.
Because of this history Asagaya is also known as "Literary Town Asagaya".
- Theater
Asagaya is home to three theater spaces, Hitsuji-za, Theater Shine, and Zamuza,
- Shopping
The covered shopping street (shōtengai) Pearl Center, located on the south side of JR Asagaya station, is the largest in the area, though, smaller uncovered shōtengai also run to the north of the station
- Festivals
Asagaya has two large festivals each year.
The Tanabata (七夕祭り) is held annually during the first week of August. The Tanabata festival is known for its assortment of hanging papermache characters that adorn the Pearl Road.
Asagaya is also known for its jazz festival,
Asagaya Jazz Streets, held over the last weekend in October. This jazz festival is one of the largest in the city with musicians playing an assortment of venues.
- source : wikipedia
keyaki namiki 阿佐ヶ谷のけやき並木 Zelkova row of roadside trees
- quote -
The place name must already have been established by the 14th century because that’s when the name first shows up in the records. In the 1300’s, a noble family was granted control of the area and assumed the name of their fief, thus becoming the Asagaya-shi 阿佐ヶ谷氏 Asagaya Clan.
..... After the 関東大震災 the Great Kantō Earfquake of 1923, many artists fled from the crowded 下町 shitamachi low city to Asagaya because rent and land was cheap and there area was still connected to the center of town. The 山手 yamanote high city also lost its fair share of artists to the Asagaya area. Many were unrecognized writers in their own day – though most of them are widely respected today – they congregated in the area.
- source : japanthis.com/2015... -
阿佐谷神明宮 Asagaya Shinmeigu Shrine
Suginami, Asagayakita, 1−25-5
It was founded around 114 as a branch of the Great Shrine at Ise, Mie prefecture.
It has a large Noh stage.
- quote -
This shrine has a long 1700 years of history, and is known for warding off evil.
In late March when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, Kan-okai, a special event to appreciate the blossoms of the shrine, is held. Dances and songs to the God are performed by the shrine maidens and also a party is held under the cherry trees in the compound. This cherry blossom party is open to anybody and free sake and food is served. The date of the party is decided depending on when the cherry blossoms bloom, and may vary year to year. However, cherry blossom season in Tokyo area is typically late March – early April.
- source : experience-suginami.tokyo/2015... -
o-mamori お守り amulets to ward off evil
hachinanyoke, hachinan yoke 八難除 avoiding the eight disasters
eight here stands for many, there is a long list below.
This shrine is the only one to provide this kind of prayer ritual to ward off calamities coming with age, with directions, from water or fire and many others.
These rituals are very old and relate to the Shinto deity 天照大御神 Amaterasu Omikami.
Taking part of these rituals was also called
shoogoku mairi 正五九参り Shogoku mairi and had to be performed with Shrine visits daily for 4 months.
To avoid disaster of fire, people had to come three times a year for three years in a row, 九重参り.
- HP of the shrine
- shinmeiguu.com...-
Asagaya Keyaki Yashiki 阿佐谷けやき屋敷 / 欅屋敷 Asagaya Zelkova Mansion
Some of the 20 trees still there are older than 400 years and about 40 m high, an amazing sight in a big city like Tokyo.
This is the remains of the estate of the "estate forest" 屋敷森 of about 50 zelkova trees of the 相沢家 Aizawa family, the headman of the old Asagaya village.
The house was destroyed and has been rebuilt after the war.
- quote -
Welcome to Tokyo's 'Little Nepal': A microcosm of Japan's evolving identity
Here in “Little Nepal,” Nepalese families shop for their groceries at supermarkets, Nepalese business owners operate curry and spice shops, and Nepalese children in distinctively logoed uniforms commute to and from school or play with their friends in the vicinity of Asagaya Station.
... When the Everest International School, Japan (EISJ) was established in Asagaya in 2013, Nepalese families began flocking to the area.
- source : More in the Japan Times July 2019 -
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Suginami 杉並区 Suginami ward .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #asagaya #asagayasuginami - - - -
Isecho Ise district
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Isechoo 伊勢町 Isecho, Ise district
中央区 Chuo ward 日本橋 Nihonbashi 日本橋室町一〜四丁目Muromachi and 日本橋本町一〜四丁目 Honcho
Along the river Nihonbashigawa 日本橋川, between the bridges 道場橋 Dojobashi and 雲母橋 Kirarabashi (Kirara-bashi).
This part was called Isechokashi 伊勢町河岸 Ise river bank.
On the North side of the river lived dealers in Katsuobushi, Nori and other kanbutsu 乾物 dried food.
The Edokko people called this area Shiokashi 塩河岸 "Salt river bank".
On the South side of the river lived dealers in rice and grains. It was called Komekashi 米河岸 "Rice river bank".
Large warehouses and store houses with white fireproof walls were on both sides of the river, it was quite a rich area.
source : Edo Meisho Zue
「伊勢町河岸通(いせちょうかしどおり)」 Isechokashidori
Many people from Ise, Mie prefecture lived here in the Edo period.
. Ise Jinguu 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu, Great Ise Shrine .
Mie Prefecture, Ise, Ujitachicho, 1
. 'O-Ise-san in Tokyo' - 東京大神宮 Tokyo Daijingu .
Tokyo Daijingu is affectionately called 'O-Ise-san in Tokyo' because of its enshrined deities.
The modern district of Isecho was founded in 1932.
Gotoo Nuidonosuke 後藤縫殿助 Goto Nuidonosuke
He was the head of the Goto family in Edo and had a gofuku 呉服 shop for robes.
伊勢町堀(西堀留川) Isecho-bori canal
source : monumento
This canal was later renamed 西堀留川 river Nishi-Horidomegawa.
- quote -
Ise Province (伊勢国 Ise no kuni)
was a province of Japan in the area of Japan that is today includes most of modern Mie Prefecture.
Ise bordered on Iga, Kii, Mino, Ōmi, Owari, Shima, and Yamato Provinces. Its abbreviated form name was Seishū (勢州).
The name of Ise
appears in the earliest written records of Japan, and was the site of numerous religious and folklore events connected with the Shinto religion and Yamato court. Ise province was one of the original provinces of Japan established in the Nara period under the Taihō Code, when the former princely state of Ise was divided into Ise, Iga and Shima. The original capital of the province was located in what is now the city of Suzuka, and was excavated by archaeologists in 1957. The site was proclaimed a national historic landmark in 1986.
The remains of the Ise kokubunji have also been found within the boundaries of modern Suzuka.
Under the Engishiki classification system, Ise was ranked as a "great country" (大国) and a "close country" (近国).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- - - - - There are many Ise-Cho and Ise-Machi in Japanese cities :
いせちょう - Isecho
伊勢町 (石巻市) - 宮城県石巻市の地名。
伊勢町 (北秋田市) - 秋田県北秋田市の地名。
伊勢町 (足利市) - 栃木県足利市の地名。
伊勢町 (熊谷市) - 埼玉県熊谷市の地名。
伊勢町 (横浜市) - 神奈川県横浜市西区の地名。
伊勢町 (川崎市) - 神奈川県川崎市川崎区の地名。
伊勢町 (守山市) - 滋賀県守山市の地名。
伊勢町 (芦屋市) - 兵庫県芦屋市の地名。
木月伊勢町 - 神奈川県川崎市中原区の地名。
いせまち - Isemachi
伊勢町 (中之条町) - 群馬県吾妻郡中之条町の地名。
伊勢町 (長野市) - 長野県長野市の地名。
伊勢町 (関市) - 岐阜県関市の地名。
伊勢町 (碧南市) - 愛知県碧南市の地名。
伊勢町 (名古屋市) - 愛知県名古屋市中区
伊勢町 (佐賀市) - 佐賀県佐賀市の地名。
伊勢町 (長崎市) - 長崎県長崎市の地名。
宮島町伊勢町 - 広島県廿日市市の地名。
- source : wikipedia
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #isecho #isemachi #nuidonosuke - - - -
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Isechoo 伊勢町 Isecho, Ise district
中央区 Chuo ward 日本橋 Nihonbashi 日本橋室町一〜四丁目Muromachi and 日本橋本町一〜四丁目 Honcho
Along the river Nihonbashigawa 日本橋川, between the bridges 道場橋 Dojobashi and 雲母橋 Kirarabashi (Kirara-bashi).
This part was called Isechokashi 伊勢町河岸 Ise river bank.
On the North side of the river lived dealers in Katsuobushi, Nori and other kanbutsu 乾物 dried food.
The Edokko people called this area Shiokashi 塩河岸 "Salt river bank".
On the South side of the river lived dealers in rice and grains. It was called Komekashi 米河岸 "Rice river bank".
Large warehouses and store houses with white fireproof walls were on both sides of the river, it was quite a rich area.
source : Edo Meisho Zue
「伊勢町河岸通(いせちょうかしどおり)」 Isechokashidori
Many people from Ise, Mie prefecture lived here in the Edo period.
. Ise Jinguu 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu, Great Ise Shrine .
Mie Prefecture, Ise, Ujitachicho, 1
. 'O-Ise-san in Tokyo' - 東京大神宮 Tokyo Daijingu .
Tokyo Daijingu is affectionately called 'O-Ise-san in Tokyo' because of its enshrined deities.
The modern district of Isecho was founded in 1932.
Gotoo Nuidonosuke 後藤縫殿助 Goto Nuidonosuke
He was the head of the Goto family in Edo and had a gofuku 呉服 shop for robes.
伊勢町堀(西堀留川) Isecho-bori canal
source : monumento
This canal was later renamed 西堀留川 river Nishi-Horidomegawa.
- quote -
Ise Province (伊勢国 Ise no kuni)
was a province of Japan in the area of Japan that is today includes most of modern Mie Prefecture.
Ise bordered on Iga, Kii, Mino, Ōmi, Owari, Shima, and Yamato Provinces. Its abbreviated form name was Seishū (勢州).
The name of Ise
appears in the earliest written records of Japan, and was the site of numerous religious and folklore events connected with the Shinto religion and Yamato court. Ise province was one of the original provinces of Japan established in the Nara period under the Taihō Code, when the former princely state of Ise was divided into Ise, Iga and Shima. The original capital of the province was located in what is now the city of Suzuka, and was excavated by archaeologists in 1957. The site was proclaimed a national historic landmark in 1986.
The remains of the Ise kokubunji have also been found within the boundaries of modern Suzuka.
Under the Engishiki classification system, Ise was ranked as a "great country" (大国) and a "close country" (近国).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- - - - - There are many Ise-Cho and Ise-Machi in Japanese cities :
いせちょう - Isecho
伊勢町 (石巻市) - 宮城県石巻市の地名。
伊勢町 (北秋田市) - 秋田県北秋田市の地名。
伊勢町 (足利市) - 栃木県足利市の地名。
伊勢町 (熊谷市) - 埼玉県熊谷市の地名。
伊勢町 (横浜市) - 神奈川県横浜市西区の地名。
伊勢町 (川崎市) - 神奈川県川崎市川崎区の地名。
伊勢町 (守山市) - 滋賀県守山市の地名。
伊勢町 (芦屋市) - 兵庫県芦屋市の地名。
木月伊勢町 - 神奈川県川崎市中原区の地名。
いせまち - Isemachi
伊勢町 (中之条町) - 群馬県吾妻郡中之条町の地名。
伊勢町 (長野市) - 長野県長野市の地名。
伊勢町 (関市) - 岐阜県関市の地名。
伊勢町 (碧南市) - 愛知県碧南市の地名。
伊勢町 (名古屋市) - 愛知県名古屋市中区
伊勢町 (佐賀市) - 佐賀県佐賀市の地名。
伊勢町 (長崎市) - 長崎県長崎市の地名。
宮島町伊勢町 - 広島県廿日市市の地名。
- source : wikipedia
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #isecho #isemachi #nuidonosuke - - - -
Edogawa ward Shishibone
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
- Shishibone, see below -
Edogawa ku 江戸川区 Edogawa ward
is one of the 23 special wards of Tokyo. It takes its name from the river Edogawa that runs from north to south along the eastern edge of the ward.
Yuki no Edogawa 雪の江戸川 - Evening Snow at Edo River
Kawase Hasui 川瀬巴水 (1883-1957)
. Kobayashi Issa and Edogawa .
- - - - - districts in Edogawa - - - - -
. Kasai 葛西 The Kasai district .
- Kitakasai // Nakakasai // Nishikasai // Higashikasai // Minamikasai
Koiwa 小岩 - see bwlow // 北小岩 Kitakoiwa // 西小岩 Nishikoiwa // 東小岩 Higashikoiwa // 南小岩 Minamikoiwa
Komatsugawa - see below // 西小松川町 Nishikomatsugawachō // 東小松川 Higashikomatsugawa
Shishibone - see below
Chuo, Chūō 中央 "Central part"
Tobu 東部 "Eastern part"
Edogawa 江戸川
. Funabori 船堀 Funabori district .
. Ichinoe 一之江 .
- - - Ichinoechō 一之江町 // Nishi-Ichinoe 西一之江 // Ninoechō 二之江町
Haruechō 春江町
Kamiisshiki 上一色
. Hirai 平井村 .
Hon'isshiki, Honisshiki 本一色
Horie 堀江町
Komatsugawa 小松川 - see below
Matsue 松江村
Matsushima 松島
Matsumoto 松本 // Higashimatsumoto
Mizue 瑞江 // Nishimizue // Higashimizue
Mizuho 瑞穂村
. Nīhori, Niihori 新堀村 .
Ōsugi 大杉
Okinomiyachō 興宮町
Rinkaichō 臨海町
Seishincho, Seishinchō 清新町
Shikamoto 鹿本村
Shinozaki 篠崎村 / Shinozakimachi // Kamishinozaki // Shimoshinozakimachi // Higashishinozaki // Higashishinozakimachi // Minamishinozakimachi
Shishibone 鹿骨 - see below
Ukitachō 宇喜田町
Yagouchi 谷河内
Koiwa district 小岩 "small rock"
Edogawa, 小岩 一丁目- 八丁目 first to eighth district
北小岩 Kitakoiwa // 西小岩 Nishikoiwa // 東小岩 Higashikoiwa // 南小岩 Minamikoiwa
The first spelling of this district was 甲和里 Kowari, Kowa no Sato.
It is already mentioned in old scriptures of 721.
The sound of 甲和 kowa eventually changed to 小岩 Koiwa.
In 1952, at the Kofun mound 上小岩遺跡 Kamikoiwa Iseki (now Kita-Koiwa) they found earthenware. This means there have been people living here since olden times.
These remains date back to the Yayoi period (300 BC – 250 AD).
The relics found here show that there was trade with the Tokai area.
- reference : 上小岩遺跡 -
Komatsugawa district 小松川 "river Komatsu"
Edogawa, 小松川 一丁目-四丁目 first to fourth district
Along the river (-gawa) were growing small pine trees (ko-matsu).
Once Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune came here during a hawking expedition and was given a regional vegetable, komatsuna, which he liked very much.
. komatsuna 小松菜 leafy vegetable, like spinach - Brassica campestris .
Komatsuna, or spinach mustard,
is commonly eaten during the New Year. In season from November through March, nearly 10,000 tons of spinach mustard is produced yearly in Edogawa Ward. Komatsuna gets its name from the Komatsugawa district, which includes Edogawa, Katsushika and Adachi wards. Tokyo was the second-largest regional producer of komatsuna in 2004.
The hardy green vegetable tastes best in winter, when its leaves become rich in flavor. Komatsuna is served blanched or in zoni boiled rice cake soup. Demand for komatsuna peaks around this time of the year.
Shishibone district 鹿骨 "bones of the deer"
江戸川区鹿骨一丁目から鹿骨六丁目 Edogawa district, Shishibone from the first to the 6th sub-district
Shishibone cho 鹿骨町(ししぼねちょう)was established in 1932.
In 1970, the six sub-districts were established
source : chimei-yurai.seesaa.net/article
. The famous Kasuga shrine deer 春日大社の鹿 .
The name of this district go back to the legend of the deity Takemikazuchi no Mikoto 武甕槌神 in the Nara period.
The "Great God of Kashima" rode on a white deer from Kashima, Ibaraki, all the way to the Kasuga shrine in Nara as a divine messenger, and the deer became the symbol of Nara.
The Edo version of the legend
tells us that the deer died on the way and was buried here.
御籤 Mikuji holder from Kasuga Taisha
Shishimizuka jinja 鹿見塚神社 Shrine
江戸川区鹿骨 3-1-1
where the mound for the grave of the deer was made.
The mound is no longer there, but a stone memorial reminds of its existence.
The character 鹿 is usually read shika.
The reading SHISHI expresses the respect for this special sacred animal.
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
Once on the 27th day of the 8th lunar month, a man surprized four white foxes sleeping on the road and the foxes run away. Then it begun suddenly to rain and he went to a home where he usually took shelter. The owner of the house was just taking the coffin for his wife to the graveyard, so he asked the man to wait until he would come back.
While he was there the ghost of the dead wife appeared and tried to eat his arm. A nearby farmer saw how the man run up and down the dam, bleeding from his arm. He was bewitched by a fox and the farmer washed his arm with clear river water to purify it. Thus he came back to his senses. He prepared fried Tofu and went to apologize to the foxes.
It had not really rained that day, but his arm had a wound and was hurting for a long time.
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #edogawa #shishibone - - - -
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
- Shishibone, see below -
Edogawa ku 江戸川区 Edogawa ward
is one of the 23 special wards of Tokyo. It takes its name from the river Edogawa that runs from north to south along the eastern edge of the ward.
Yuki no Edogawa 雪の江戸川 - Evening Snow at Edo River
Kawase Hasui 川瀬巴水 (1883-1957)
. Kobayashi Issa and Edogawa .
- - - - - districts in Edogawa - - - - -
. Kasai 葛西 The Kasai district .
- Kitakasai // Nakakasai // Nishikasai // Higashikasai // Minamikasai
Koiwa 小岩 - see bwlow // 北小岩 Kitakoiwa // 西小岩 Nishikoiwa // 東小岩 Higashikoiwa // 南小岩 Minamikoiwa
Komatsugawa - see below // 西小松川町 Nishikomatsugawachō // 東小松川 Higashikomatsugawa
Shishibone - see below
Chuo, Chūō 中央 "Central part"
Tobu 東部 "Eastern part"
Edogawa 江戸川
. Funabori 船堀 Funabori district .
. Ichinoe 一之江 .
- - - Ichinoechō 一之江町 // Nishi-Ichinoe 西一之江 // Ninoechō 二之江町
Haruechō 春江町
Kamiisshiki 上一色
. Hirai 平井村 .
Hon'isshiki, Honisshiki 本一色
Horie 堀江町
Komatsugawa 小松川 - see below
Matsue 松江村
Matsushima 松島
Matsumoto 松本 // Higashimatsumoto
Mizue 瑞江 // Nishimizue // Higashimizue
Mizuho 瑞穂村
. Nīhori, Niihori 新堀村 .
Ōsugi 大杉
Okinomiyachō 興宮町
Rinkaichō 臨海町
Seishincho, Seishinchō 清新町
Shikamoto 鹿本村
Shinozaki 篠崎村 / Shinozakimachi // Kamishinozaki // Shimoshinozakimachi // Higashishinozaki // Higashishinozakimachi // Minamishinozakimachi
Shishibone 鹿骨 - see below
Ukitachō 宇喜田町
Yagouchi 谷河内
Koiwa district 小岩 "small rock"
Edogawa, 小岩 一丁目- 八丁目 first to eighth district
北小岩 Kitakoiwa // 西小岩 Nishikoiwa // 東小岩 Higashikoiwa // 南小岩 Minamikoiwa
The first spelling of this district was 甲和里 Kowari, Kowa no Sato.
It is already mentioned in old scriptures of 721.
The sound of 甲和 kowa eventually changed to 小岩 Koiwa.
In 1952, at the Kofun mound 上小岩遺跡 Kamikoiwa Iseki (now Kita-Koiwa) they found earthenware. This means there have been people living here since olden times.
These remains date back to the Yayoi period (300 BC – 250 AD).
The relics found here show that there was trade with the Tokai area.
- reference : 上小岩遺跡 -
Komatsugawa district 小松川 "river Komatsu"
Edogawa, 小松川 一丁目-四丁目 first to fourth district
Along the river (-gawa) were growing small pine trees (ko-matsu).
Once Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune came here during a hawking expedition and was given a regional vegetable, komatsuna, which he liked very much.
. komatsuna 小松菜 leafy vegetable, like spinach - Brassica campestris .
Komatsuna, or spinach mustard,
is commonly eaten during the New Year. In season from November through March, nearly 10,000 tons of spinach mustard is produced yearly in Edogawa Ward. Komatsuna gets its name from the Komatsugawa district, which includes Edogawa, Katsushika and Adachi wards. Tokyo was the second-largest regional producer of komatsuna in 2004.
The hardy green vegetable tastes best in winter, when its leaves become rich in flavor. Komatsuna is served blanched or in zoni boiled rice cake soup. Demand for komatsuna peaks around this time of the year.
Shishibone district 鹿骨 "bones of the deer"
江戸川区鹿骨一丁目から鹿骨六丁目 Edogawa district, Shishibone from the first to the 6th sub-district
Shishibone cho 鹿骨町(ししぼねちょう)was established in 1932.
In 1970, the six sub-districts were established
source : chimei-yurai.seesaa.net/article
. The famous Kasuga shrine deer 春日大社の鹿 .
The name of this district go back to the legend of the deity Takemikazuchi no Mikoto 武甕槌神 in the Nara period.
The "Great God of Kashima" rode on a white deer from Kashima, Ibaraki, all the way to the Kasuga shrine in Nara as a divine messenger, and the deer became the symbol of Nara.
The Edo version of the legend
tells us that the deer died on the way and was buried here.
御籤 Mikuji holder from Kasuga Taisha
Shishimizuka jinja 鹿見塚神社 Shrine
江戸川区鹿骨 3-1-1
where the mound for the grave of the deer was made.
The mound is no longer there, but a stone memorial reminds of its existence.
The character 鹿 is usually read shika.
The reading SHISHI expresses the respect for this special sacred animal.
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
Once on the 27th day of the 8th lunar month, a man surprized four white foxes sleeping on the road and the foxes run away. Then it begun suddenly to rain and he went to a home where he usually took shelter. The owner of the house was just taking the coffin for his wife to the graveyard, so he asked the man to wait until he would come back.
While he was there the ghost of the dead wife appeared and tried to eat his arm. A nearby farmer saw how the man run up and down the dam, bleeding from his arm. He was bewitched by a fox and the farmer washed his arm with clear river water to purify it. Thus he came back to his senses. He prepared fried Tofu and went to apologize to the foxes.
It had not really rained that day, but his arm had a wound and was hurting for a long time.
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #edogawa #shishibone - - - -
Kodaira city Ogawa
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
Kodaira shi 小平市 Kodaira city
- quote
Kodaira is located in the Musashino Terrace near the geographic center of Tokyo Metropolis.
The area of present-day Kodaira
was part of ancient Musashi Province. In the post-Meiji Restoration catastral reform of July 22, 1878, the area became part of Kita-Tama District in Kanagawa Prefecture.
The village of Kodaira was created on April 1, 1889 with the establishment of municipalities law. Kitatama District was transferred to the administrative control of Tokyo Metropolis on April 1, 1893. The population of the area expanded after the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake with the relocation of universities and housing areas from central Tokyo. Kodaira was elevated to town status in 1944 and to city status on October 1, 1962.
- source : wikipedia
Ōmekaidō Station is a railway station in Kodaira, by the Seibu Railway.
. Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province .
The name Kodaira refers to two things:
小 ko (read O in the name of Ogawa Kurobei)
平 daira (taira) as in a flat piece of land.
The plain which was rather dry was irrigated by the
. Tamagawa Joosui 多摩川上水 Tamagawa Josui canal .
The estates of the farmers were distributed to both sides of the canal as narrow, but rather long pieces of land, like a tansaku 短冊 long slip of paper to write poetry on it.
Since the farmers had to walk around these long fields to visit each other, they made a small path after the main gardens, the
takaramichi たから道 "treasure path".
- reference source : toshi-nogyo.jp/point... -
Ogawa cho 小川町 Ogawa district, "small river"
東京都小平市小川町一丁目及び小川町二丁目 Kodaira city, from 1 to 2nd sub-district
This district takes its name from
小川九郎兵衛 Ogawa Kurobei (1622 - 1670), who developed the land in the early Edo period, around 1656, with the permission of the Edo Bakufu government.
Kurobei was from a Samurai family, which was loyal to the Odawara Hojo clan and had to flee when the clan was devastated. They went to Oku-Tama to 岸村 Kishi mura, where Kurobei was born.
He also developed a system of drainage canals to keep the village from flooding (nigemizu no sato 逃げ水の里).
The land was uninhabited and only thieves and robbers lured here, making it unsafe for travelers, who could not find shops or water.
Not many farmers wanted to live in such conditions in the beginning, and Kurobei even used his own money to persuade some to come here.
This sons were the headmen of the village for many generations.
Ogawa was located along the 青梅街道 Ome Kaido Highway. The village of 小川村 Ogawa mura profited from the highway travelers, providing the with fresh horses (馬継場).
The village had ケヤキ並木 zelkova trees for shadow along the road and 防風林 windbreak trees around the farm houses.
. 青梅街道 Ome Kaido highway from Shinjuku to Kofu. .
Shoosenji 小川寺 (しょうせんじ) Temple Shosen-Ji
In honor of 小川九郎兵衛 Ogawa Kurobei.
His grave is in the temple compound. You can also see the protective trees around the temple.
Ogawa machi 小川町 Ogawa district, Chiyoda ward
- quote -
Ogawamachi (小川町), or formally Kanda-Ogawamachi (神田小川町), is a district in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan.
It consists of 3 chōme. As of March 1, 2007, the district's population is 875. Its postal code is 101-0052.
is located on the northern part of Chiyoda. It borders Kanda-Sarugakuchō, Kanda-Surugadai and Kanda-Awajichō to the north, Kanda-Sudachō to the east, Kanda-Nishikichō, Kanda-Tsukasamachi and Kanda-Mitoshirochō to the south, and Kanda-Jinbōchō to the east.
A commercial neighborhood, Kanda-Ogawamachi is home to a number of buildings and stores. Notably, many sporting-goods stores can be found on Yasukuni-Dori Ave. Since the district is located adjancent to Kanda-Jinbōchō, home to a massive book town, several publishers and bookstores can be found as well.
- source : wikipedia -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Kodaira 小平市
oni 鬼 demons
On the night of the Setsubun rituals to drive out the demons,those driven out from the neighbourhood came to the Ogawa family. They were served sekihan 赤飯 red auspicious rice and ritual Sake.
At the hme of the 植竹家 Uetake family there was a kamidana 神棚 shelf for the gods named oni no yado no kamisama 鬼の宿の神様 Deity of the lodging of the Demons. with a black zushi 厨子 miniature shrine. During the Setsubun rituals, the demons could shelter there.
source : myth.maji.asia/amp/item_kisyuku...
kishuku 鬼宿(きしゅく)lodging for the demons
. setsubun 節分 "seasonal divide" rituals - Introduction . .
In Kodaira they call
oni wa uchi 鬼は内 Demons come in!
oni MO uchi 鬼も内
(Good luck come in and) Demons also come in!
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #Kodaira #ogawa - - - -
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
Kodaira shi 小平市 Kodaira city
- quote
Kodaira is located in the Musashino Terrace near the geographic center of Tokyo Metropolis.
The area of present-day Kodaira
was part of ancient Musashi Province. In the post-Meiji Restoration catastral reform of July 22, 1878, the area became part of Kita-Tama District in Kanagawa Prefecture.
The village of Kodaira was created on April 1, 1889 with the establishment of municipalities law. Kitatama District was transferred to the administrative control of Tokyo Metropolis on April 1, 1893. The population of the area expanded after the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake with the relocation of universities and housing areas from central Tokyo. Kodaira was elevated to town status in 1944 and to city status on October 1, 1962.
- source : wikipedia
Ōmekaidō Station is a railway station in Kodaira, by the Seibu Railway.
. Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province .
The name Kodaira refers to two things:
小 ko (read O in the name of Ogawa Kurobei)
平 daira (taira) as in a flat piece of land.
The plain which was rather dry was irrigated by the
. Tamagawa Joosui 多摩川上水 Tamagawa Josui canal .
The estates of the farmers were distributed to both sides of the canal as narrow, but rather long pieces of land, like a tansaku 短冊 long slip of paper to write poetry on it.
Since the farmers had to walk around these long fields to visit each other, they made a small path after the main gardens, the
takaramichi たから道 "treasure path".
- reference source : toshi-nogyo.jp/point... -
Ogawa cho 小川町 Ogawa district, "small river"
東京都小平市小川町一丁目及び小川町二丁目 Kodaira city, from 1 to 2nd sub-district
This district takes its name from
小川九郎兵衛 Ogawa Kurobei (1622 - 1670), who developed the land in the early Edo period, around 1656, with the permission of the Edo Bakufu government.
Kurobei was from a Samurai family, which was loyal to the Odawara Hojo clan and had to flee when the clan was devastated. They went to Oku-Tama to 岸村 Kishi mura, where Kurobei was born.
He also developed a system of drainage canals to keep the village from flooding (nigemizu no sato 逃げ水の里).
The land was uninhabited and only thieves and robbers lured here, making it unsafe for travelers, who could not find shops or water.
Not many farmers wanted to live in such conditions in the beginning, and Kurobei even used his own money to persuade some to come here.
This sons were the headmen of the village for many generations.
Ogawa was located along the 青梅街道 Ome Kaido Highway. The village of 小川村 Ogawa mura profited from the highway travelers, providing the with fresh horses (馬継場).
The village had ケヤキ並木 zelkova trees for shadow along the road and 防風林 windbreak trees around the farm houses.
. 青梅街道 Ome Kaido highway from Shinjuku to Kofu. .
Shoosenji 小川寺 (しょうせんじ) Temple Shosen-Ji
In honor of 小川九郎兵衛 Ogawa Kurobei.
His grave is in the temple compound. You can also see the protective trees around the temple.
Ogawa machi 小川町 Ogawa district, Chiyoda ward
- quote -
Ogawamachi (小川町), or formally Kanda-Ogawamachi (神田小川町), is a district in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan.
It consists of 3 chōme. As of March 1, 2007, the district's population is 875. Its postal code is 101-0052.
is located on the northern part of Chiyoda. It borders Kanda-Sarugakuchō, Kanda-Surugadai and Kanda-Awajichō to the north, Kanda-Sudachō to the east, Kanda-Nishikichō, Kanda-Tsukasamachi and Kanda-Mitoshirochō to the south, and Kanda-Jinbōchō to the east.
A commercial neighborhood, Kanda-Ogawamachi is home to a number of buildings and stores. Notably, many sporting-goods stores can be found on Yasukuni-Dori Ave. Since the district is located adjancent to Kanda-Jinbōchō, home to a massive book town, several publishers and bookstores can be found as well.
- source : wikipedia -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Kodaira 小平市
oni 鬼 demons
On the night of the Setsubun rituals to drive out the demons,those driven out from the neighbourhood came to the Ogawa family. They were served sekihan 赤飯 red auspicious rice and ritual Sake.
At the hme of the 植竹家 Uetake family there was a kamidana 神棚 shelf for the gods named oni no yado no kamisama 鬼の宿の神様 Deity of the lodging of the Demons. with a black zushi 厨子 miniature shrine. During the Setsubun rituals, the demons could shelter there.
source : myth.maji.asia/amp/item_kisyuku...
kishuku 鬼宿(きしゅく)lodging for the demons
. setsubun 節分 "seasonal divide" rituals - Introduction . .
In Kodaira they call
oni wa uchi 鬼は内 Demons come in!
oni MO uchi 鬼も内
(Good luck come in and) Demons also come in!
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #Kodaira #ogawa - - - -
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