
Komaba district Meguro

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Komaba 駒場 "Horse place" district
目黒区 Meguro 駒場 from the first to the fourth sub-district

In the Edo period, it was a wilderness with reed grass and pine trees, called the
Komabano 駒場野 Komaba wilderness
where horses roamed and were kept.
There were also many birds like pheasants and larks, rabbits and wild boars roamed in this place thus suited for hunting.
Around 1720, the Edo Bakufu Government established this area as a hunting ground for the Shogun, especially 将軍吉宗 Yoshimune, who came here 15 times. Since the Shogun was supposed to catch something on a hunting excursion, the villagers kept some prey in cages and let them loose on a hunting day. These villagers were called
tsuna sashi 綱差 rope feeders.
One of these feeders was 川井権兵衛 Kawai Gonbei.
He planted soy beans in a large plot of land. From a hidden hut he observed when the pheasants came to eat the beans. When many had come he pulled a rope with a net and caught them. But very often before the pheasant there came raven and crows to eat the beans, so he had to run through the fields with a long wooden sword to drive them away . . .
When the Shogun came, he cut small wounds in the wings of the birds and let them fly as an easy pray for his lord.
The Kawai family kept this job for some generations.

. Kami-Meguro - The Shogun's Hawk-Hunting Grounds .

The horses for a hunting expedition were kept in this area, hence the name.

In 1932 named as 駒場町 Komaba machi, 1968 named Komaba.
(Part of it belongs to 青葉台四丁目 Aobadai fourth sub-district.)

The famous campus of the 駒場東大 Komaba Todai University is located here.

- quote
a residential neighborhood in the northern area of Meguro, Tokyo, Japan. Consisting of four chōme, the neighborhood has a population of 6,771.
The neighborhood is known as a center for education being the location of a number of selective entry high schools and the Komaba Campus of the University of Tokyo.
- Landmarks
University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus incorporating the Graduate School of Art and Science, the Graduate School of Mathematics, the Institute of Industrial Science Research, and the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
Komaba Park, historic 1923 residence and garden estate of the Maeda family.
Japan Museum of Modern Literature (on the grounds of Komaba Park)
Komabano Koen, featuring a municipal sports center and the Kellner Rice Fields
Japan Folk Crafts Museum
National Center for University Entrance Examinations
- MORE in the wikipedia -


Koma Koen 駒場公園 Koma Park
the former residence of the 前田屋敷 Maeda clan from Kaga domain (now Ishikawa prefecture), the living quarters of 前田利為侯爵 Maeda Toshinari (1885 - 1942).

- quote -
Marquis Toshinari Maeda 前田利為侯爵 Maeda Toshinari Kōshaku,
... Maeda's former home built in 1929 in Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo, survives today as the historic centerpiece of Komaba Park.
... In 1957 ownership was transferred to Meguro Ward. Part of the grounds of the estate now host the Japan Museum of Modern Literature.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


駒場野公園 Komabano Koen Park

- CLICK for photos of the University !

- - - - - University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus HP
- reference source : c.u-tokyo.ac.jp... -


駒場野 Komabano

広重 Hiroshige II Shigenobu

- quote

江戸名所図絵 Edo Meisho Zue

Komabano, located in the northern part of what is now Meguro Ward,
this picture depicts the area surrounding Komabano, a wide plain that stretched from Yoyogino.
In Edo times, the area boasted large populations of larks, quails, pheasants and rabbits,
and from the Kyōhō era (1716-1736), 495,000㎡of land (some 150,000 tsubo in Japanese)
was used for falconry by the shogunate, with a herb garden also being established in the area.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -


駒場野一揆 Komaba Riot / Uprising


- reference source : city.meguro.tokyo.jp/gyose... -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

shimo dokuru machikado bakari Komaba machi

snow melts
in all the street corners
of Komaba city


. 石田波郷 Ishida Hakyo (1913 - 1969) .


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. Meguro ku 目黒区 Meguro ward .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #komaba #komabano - - - -


Kasuya district Setagaya

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Kasuya mura 粕谷村 / 糟谷村 Kasuya village
世田谷区 Setagaya 粕谷一丁目から四丁目 from the first to the fourth sub-district

The name refers to the land owner 糟谷三郎兼時 Kasuya Saburo Kanetoki,
who lived here in the Kamakura period (1185 – 1333).
His estate was on Mount Hachiman Yama 八幡山. and 入間村 Irima village belonged under his jurisdiction.
The area did not have much water and the villagers grew vegetables.
One of his descendants, 与一右衛門 Yoichiemon, was a retainer of the 吉良氏 Kira clan. When the Kira clan was extinguished, he moved to
弦巻村 Tsurumaki village and later to 野良田村 Norada village - present-day 玉川中町 Tamagawa-Nakamachi.

Kasuya village belonged to Kanagawa in 1827 and in 1889 was reclaimed by Tokyo, named 千歳村大字粕谷 Chitose mura Daigaku Kasuya.
In 1936, it became part of Setagaya as 粕谷町 Kasuya machi. In 1970, the village became part of
祖師谷一丁目 Soshigaya、烏山町 Karasuyama、廻沢町 (めぐりさわまち Megurisawa and 船橋町 Funabashi.


Shrine Kasuya Hachiman Jinja 粕谷八幡神社
1 Chome-6-4 Kasuya, Setagaya, Tokyo
In honor of 糟谷三郎兼時 Kasuya Saburo Kanetoki.

There are many old trees in the compound and it is quite dark even at daytime.
The main hall has been rebuilt in 1959. The komainu 狛犬 guardian dogs have been an offering from 2006.

One of the trees in the compound is called
wakare no sugi わかれの杉 cedar tree of departing
The writer Tokutomi Roka used to bring his visitors to this shrine and waited under this tree until they were out of sight.
When soldiers had to go to war, their families came here to pray for good fortune and a safe return, then seeing off their children.

The main festival of the Shrine is in October.


Tokutomi Roka 徳冨蘆花 / Tokutomi Kenjiro 徳富健次郎 (1868 - 1927)
Kenjiro wrote novels under the pseudonym of Roka Tokutomi. He corresponded with Leo Tolstoy. A copy of a letter is on display in the small museum located in the Roka Kōshun-en Park, along with belongings.
From February 27, 1907, until his death, he lived in a house in Musashino (Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan).
At his wife's death the property was donated to the City of Tokyo to be used as a park. It was named Roka Kōshun-en in his honor.
- quote wikipedia -

- CLICK for more photos of the beautiful park !

蘆花恒春園 Roka Koshun En Park


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. Setagaya ku 世田谷区 Setagaya ward .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kasuyamura #kasuya - - - -


Fukagawa Sanjusan Gendo Hall

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Sanjusangendo 三十三間堂 Legends .

Sanjuusan Gendoo Sanjūsangen-dō 深川三十三間堂 Fukagawa Sanjusangendo Hall
Fukagawa Sanjusangendo / Fukagawa Sanjūsangendō
"Hall with 33 Spaces"

The Hall was located east of the Shrine Tomioka Hachimangu, present day 江東区富岡二丁目 Koto ward, Tomioka second sub-district.
The main statue was a 千手観音 Kannon Bosatsu with 1000 arms.

The Sanjusangendo Hall in Kyoto is quite famous for its contest of shooting with bow and arrow. The length of the shooting range in front of the hall was about 118 m.

In 1642, 弓師備後 the Bow Master Bingo had been living in Asakusa on land given to him by the Edo Bakufu government. He then built a similar large hall than the one in Kyoto.
On orders of 将軍徳川家光 Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu the Hatamoto
吉田久馬助重信 Yoshida Shigenobu was allowed to perform izome 射初め, the ritual of the First Shot.
In 1698 the Hall was lost in a fire.
In 1701, it was re-built in the East of Tomioka Hachimangu.
In 1827, the Hall was demolished.
In the Edo period, the Shrine 矢崎稲荷神社 Yazaki Inari Jinja had been build to protect the Hall.

Hiroshige 広重

Edo Meisho Zue

- quote
Sanjūsangen-dō Hall 三十三間堂 (Thirty-three "ken" hall)
The Sanjūsangen-dō Hall (thirty-three "ken" [length] hall) of Fukagawa was modeled after
the Sanjūsangen-dō Hall in Kyōto, and it was initially located in Asakusa.
It suffered a fire in 1698 and was relocated to Fukagawa in 1701.
Its grounds were used for archery practice and shooting practice, and
tōshiya 通し矢 (archery exhibition contests) were held in the main hall
during the Edo period of 1646 to 1852.
The record score was said to be established by 梶川勝蔵 Kajikawa Katsuzō,
a vassal of 石川備中守 the Ishikawa Bicchū-no-kami (Lord Ishikawa Bicchū),
who at the age of twelve, hit the target 10,011 times.
The hall was removed in 1872.
. source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library .

. Fukagawa Tomioka Hachimangu 富岡八幡宮 .
東京都江東区富岡 1-20-3


. Sanjusangendo Hall in Kyoto .
657 Sanjusangendomawari, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto

thirty-three ken 間 (length) hall
tooshiya 通し矢 Toshiya, Archery Competition at Sanjusangendo
ooyakazu 大矢数 Oyakazu, shooting many arrows
Taditionally, the contest is a ritual exercise intended to show young participants that an adult's life requires patience and self-control.
It used to be a show of the best archers from each domain in the Edo period.

The famous Hall Sanjusangendo in Kyoto, with 1000 statues of Kannon Bosatsu.


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Legends from Fukagawa 深川, Koto ward, Tokyo .

Near the Sanjusan Gendo Hall in Fukagawa, there was an empty house where nobody had lived for a long time.
When someone finally moved in, he became very ill soon after. When the neighbours checked the house they felt a cold wind blowing through the rooms.
In the bedroom was an old pillow, which was maybe the originator of the wind and misfortune. So they burned the pillow. Out of the ashes came the smell of a human body burning.
After this ritual burning, the man was healed in no time.


On the day of the festival of 富岡八幡宮 Tomioka Hachimangu a mother went there with her son of about 3 years. On the way they had to pass a large bridge, but the child only cried and never moved, so the mother went home.
Later she learned that the bridge had broken down on this day and more than 1000 people had died.
Now the mother knew that 神仏 the Gods and Buddhas had saved her and she cherished her child even more.

Tomioka Hachimangu is also called
Eitaijima Hachimangu 永代島八幡宮


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #sanjusangendo #fukagawasanjusangendo - - - -


Koto ku ward

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kootoo ku, Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River"

- quote
Kōtō (江東区 Kōtō-ku), literally "River East", is a special ward located in Tokyo Metropolis, Japan. The ward refers to itself as Kōtō City in English.
... Kōtō is located east of the Tokyo metropolitan center, bounded by the Sumida River to the west and the Arakawa River to the east. Its major districts include Kameido, Kiba, Kiyosumi, Monzen-nakachō, Shirakawa, and Toyosu. The waterfront area of Ariake is in Kōtō, as is part of Odaiba.
... The special ward was founded on March 15, 1947 by the merger of
the wards of 深川区 Fukagawa and 城東区 Jōtō - Joto .
- source : wikipedia

- - - - - There are 45 districts in Koto: - (旧城東区 - T)
- Aomi 青海 -
- Ariake 有明 -
. Botan 牡丹 .
Eitai 永代 . Eitaibashi 永代橋 Eitai-bashi bridge . - Chuo
. Edagawa 枝川 .
. Etchuujima, Etchūjima 越中島 Etchujima district .
. Fukagawa 深川 Fukagawa district .
. Fukuzumi 福住 .
. Furuishiba 古石場 .
. Fuyuki district 冬木 .
. Hirano district 平野 .
. Ishijima 石島 .

. Kameido district 亀戸 .
. Kiba district 木場 "place for wood" - lumberyards and carpenters .
. Kiyosumi district 清住町 / 清澄町 .
. Miyoshi district 三好 .
. Mori district 毛利 .
. Morishita 森下 .
. Monzen-Nakachō 門前仲町 Monzen-Nakacho district .
..... and 古石場川 the river Furuishibagawa
. Ogibashi 扇橋 .
. Ojima 大島 Oshima.

. Saga district 佐賀 .
. Sarue 猿江 "Monkey Inlet" .
. Senda 千田 .
. Sengoku 千石 .
. Shiohama 塩浜 .
. Shiomi 潮見 .
- Shinonome 東雲 -
. Shirakawa district 白河 .
. Shinohashi 新大橋 Shin-Ohashi .
. Shin-Kiba 新木場 .
. Sumiyoshi 住吉 .
. Suna 砂 districts .
- - - Higashisuna 東砂 / Kitasuna 北砂 / Minamisuna 南砂 / Shinsuna 新砂 / Sunamachi 砂町
. Susaki, Suzaki 洲崎 / 須崎 / 州崎 Susaki district .
. Takabashi 高橋 .
- Tatsumi 辰巳 -
. Toyo 東陽 .
. Tokiwa 常盤 .
. Tomioka 富岡 .
. Toyosu 豊洲 fish market .
. Umibe 海辺 .
- Wakasu 若洲 - Wakasu Island - *
. Yumenoshima 夢の島 .


Hachimanbashi 八幡橋 - former Danjobashi 弾正橋 「旧弾正橋」「元弾正橋」
A pedestrian bridge over 楓川 the river Kaedegawa to reach the Shrine Tomioka Hachimangu on its West-Bank.
Built in 1878 as the first iron bridge (hagane 鋼 steel).


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Koto 江東区

................................................................................. Fukagawa 深川

. Sanjūsangen-dō 深川三十三間堂 Fukagawa Sanjusan Gendo Hall .
- and Fukagawa Tomioka Hachimangu 富岡八幡宮 Legends

hachi 蜂 bee,kumo 蜘蛛 spider
At the temple 本誓寺 Honsen-Ji the priest has a strange tale to tell.
Once a bee was caught in a spider's net. The spider fought to kill the bee, but the bee got free and flew away.
The spider then took a lotus leaf out of the pond and used its fibers to make a bag. The spider then hid in the bag.
A short time later a huge group of bees came back and stung the bag with the spider many many times. They left after quite some time.
The priest thought the spider must have died, but oh wonder - it crawled out of the bag and was safe !

sakana 魚 fish
In the year 1712 in the middle of the third lunar month, a strange fish was caught. It was all gray like a rat and had hair on its body. The head even looked like a rat. The tail was split into two, like a swallow tail. It also had fins on the body.


. amagoi 雨乞い ritual and prayer for rain .
In 1787 during a long dry period, the villagers offered prayers for rain and also made a renga 連歌 linked verse with prayers for rain.
After three days the leader had a dream. The Kami Deity told him the rain would soon come and so it did - with quite a thunderstorm!

................................................................................. Fukagawa Kitagawa 深川北川町

. Hokekyoo 法華経 Hokekyo, Hokkekyo, Lotus Sutra .
It happened in the 10 lunar month in 1810.
A box with the Hokekyo Sutra was found in the sea of Kitagawa village in Fukagawa. The fishermen brought it to the 町奉行所 city magistrate office.
When they checked carefully, they found an inscription dating back to the 12th lunar month of 1757.

................................................................................. Fukagawa Sendai Kaigan 深川仙台海岸

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 Legends about the Kappa water goblin .
An old manuscript, Shokoku Kenbun Zue 諸国見聞図会, has the following tale:
On the 8th day of the 5th lunar month in 1781 there was a great moat at the Sendai Kaigan shore.
Some children were found dead when they had played in the water during hot summer days. So the villagers drained the moat.
They found a very strange creature. It was fast as lightning and bite someone to death like a dog.
It was a dangerous Kappa !!

................................................................................. Eitaijima 永代島

. ryuutoo 龍燈 / 龍灯 / 竜灯 と伝説 Legends about Ryuto, "Dragon Lantern" .

In the year 1609 there was a spiritual message from 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi.
The most important priests from Mount Koyasan had to come to Eitaibashi to 法談 give lectures about the sutras.
On another occasion, at the 御影堂 Mieido for Kobo Daishi there was a secret lecture about 真言三密 The Three secrets of the Shingon sect.
Each time just before such a meeting, a "Dragon Lantern" was seen.

. Kōbō Daishi Kūkai 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 
Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai .
- Introduction -

source : 龍燈、龍灯、竜灯- wikipedia

................................................................................. Kameido 亀戸

. Legends from Kameido .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

藤田湘子 Fujita Soshi (1926 - 2005)

橋本夢道 Hashimoto Mudo (1903 - 1974)

古沢太穂 Furusawa Taiho (1913 - 2000)


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kotoward #kotoku #koto #saga ##koto - - - -


Etchujima district Koto

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Etchuujima, Etchūjima 越中島 Etchujima district, Koto
東京都江東区 越中島一丁目から越中島三丁目 from the first to the third sub-district

The estate of the regent of the former Etchu province,
旗本榊原越中守照清 Hatamoto Sakakibara Etchu no Kami Terukiyo
was located here, hence the name.
Terukiyo was the grandchild of 榊原清政 Sakakibara Kiyomasa (1546 - 1607)

Etchujima was located in the estuary of the river Sumidagawa and was a sand bar, thus named "island".
Eventually the sand bar was lost to rain and storm and Kiyomasa gave the land back to the Edo Bakufu government.
In 1711, after more landfill, the government gave the land to 43 Hatamoto and their retainers and called it
Etchujima cho 越中島町 Etchujima district.
In 1721, other citizens came to live here.
In 1730, the official garbage dump of Edo at 永代島 Eitaijima was full and the government decided to make Etchujima the next one, slowly filling the shallow parts of the estuary.

In 1855, the government claimed all the landfills and established the
Koobusho 講武所 Kobusho - Academy for Military Training.
Training places for gun shooting and swimming were added.

. 越中島川 river Etchūjimagawa .


東京海洋大学 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Etchujima Campus - 2-1-6 Etchujima Koto-ku, Tokyo

- HP of the University
- reference source : kaiyodai.ac.jp -


Etchu no Kuni 越中国 Etchū Province

- quote -
Etchū Province (越中国 Etchū-no-kuni)
was a province of Japan in the area that is today Toyama Prefecture in the Hokuriku region of Japan.
Etchū bordered on Noto and Kaga Provinces to the west, Shinano and Hida Provinces to the south, Echigo Province to the east and the Sea of Japan to the north. Its abbreviated form name was Esshū (越州).
- History
Koshi Province (越国 / 古志国 Koshi no Kuni) was an ancient province of Japan and is listed as one of the original provinces in the Nihon Shoki. The region as a whole was sometimes referred to as Esshū (越州). In 701 AD, per the reforms of the Taihō Code, Koshi was divided into three separate provinces: Echizen, Etchū, and Echigo.
However, in 702 AD,
the four western districts of Etchū Province (Kubiki, Koshi, Uonuma and Kanbara) were transferred to Echigo Province. Etchū annexed Noto Province in 741 AD, but Noto was separated out again in 757 AD. In 746 AD, the noted poet Ōtomo no Yakamochi became Kokushi, and left many references to the region in the poetic anthology Manyōshū.
..... During the Muromachi period, the Hatakeyama clan emerged as shugo regent of the region, but preferred to remain in Kyoto, and to rule through appointed deputies, such as the Jinbō clan and the Shiina clan.
Into the Sengoku period, the Hatakeyama transferred their power base to Nanao Castle in Noto province, and Etchū became an area contested by the Uesugi clan and the Oda clan with the Ikkō-ikki helping play one side against the other. The area was eventually conquered by Oda Nobunaga's general Shibata Katsuie and his deputy Sassa Narimasa, who were later replaced by Maeda Toshiie under the rule of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
The Maeda clan retained control of the province under Kaga Domain during the Edo period Tokugawa shogunate. During the mid-Edo period, Nei District and much of Niikawa District were separated from Kaga Domain into the 100,000 koku Toyama Domain, which was ruled by a branch of the Maeda clan.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source : imagenavi.jp/search...


source : xxx

越中国 神通川舟橋 / 冨山船橋 Boat Bridge at Toyama

Funahashi 船橋 boat bridge over the river 松川 Matsukawa.
In the Edo period, it was a famous bridge over the river Jinzuugawa 神通川 Jinzugawa, Jinzū River, built only with boats and planks.
In 1998, it was selected as 日本百名橋 one of the 100 famous bridges of Japan.


. Etchu Daimon Kite Festival 越中大門凧祭り .

manhole from Daimon Town 大門町


越中鵜坂社の尻たたき祭 Etchu Usakasha Shrine - shiri tataki matsuri festival

. shiritataki matsuri 尻たたき祭 "hitting the bottom"
at Iwakura town, Kyoto 


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

umi no hi no Etchujima no shiraho kana

all the white sails
at Etchujima
on Marine Day . . .

Tr, Gabi Greve

長谷川歌子 Hasegawa Utako

. umi no hi 海の日 Marine Day, Ocean Day .
- - kigo for late summer - -


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. Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #etchujima #etchujimakoto - - - -


Sumida ward

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
- for Honjo-Hayashi, see below

Sumida ku, Sumida-ku 墨田区 Sumida ward, "ink field"

- quote
Sumida (墨田区 Sumida-ku),  is a special ward located in Tokyo Metropolis, Japan. The English translation of its Japanese self-designation is Sumida City.
- - - - - History
The ward was founded on March 15, 1947. It was previously the (ordinary) wards Honjo and Mukojima.
Mukojima, formed in 1932, contained the former town of Sumida, which along with the river gave the ward its name.
- - - - - Landmarks
Tokyo Skytree: A digital terrestrial television broadcasting tower used by NHK and other broadcasters. It is the tallest tower in the world and the tallest man-made structure in Japan.
Ryōgoku Kokugikan (National Sumo Stadium)
Edo-Tokyo Museum
Asahi Breweries Headquarters: The Asahi Beer Hall with the Asahi flame created by French designer Philippe Starck in 1989, is one of Tokyo's most recognizable modern structures.[1]
Eko-in: Buddhist temple
Honjo Matsuzaka-cho Park: the residence of Kira Yoshinaka stood on this site. The Forty-seven Ronin took his life during the Genroku era.
Hokusai-dori (street), with a series of prints by famed Japanese artist Hokusai who was born in the Kamezawa area of Sumida.
Sumida Triphony Hall, concert hall
Tobu Museum
Tokyo Irei-do (Tokyo Memorial Hall): a memorial to those unidentified people who died in the Great Kantō earthquake, the Bombing of Tokyo in World War II and other catastrophes; by Itō Chūta
Yokoamicho Park, in the Yokoami district
- source : wikipedia

. Honjo 本所 and 向島 Mukojima .

- Districts
The river 北十間川 Kitajikkengawa divides: South is former Honjo, North is former Mukojima.
. Jikkendana 十軒店 (じっけんだな) area in Chuo Ward .

北部(旧向島区)Northern Part (former Mukojima)
墨田(すみだ) Sumida
堤通(つつみどおり) Tsutsumidori
東墨田(ひがしすみだ) Higashi-Sumida
八広(やひろ) Yahiro
. 東向島 Higashi-Mukojima . - former Terajima 寺島町/ 寺島村
立花(たちばな) Tachibana
- - - . Shirahige 白ひげ / 白鬚 Shirahige district "white beard" .
文花(ぶんか) Bunka
京島(きょうじま) Kyojima

中央部(旧本所区・向島区)Central part, former Honjo and Mukojima
吾妻橋(あづまばし) Azumabashi
向島(むこうじま) Mukojima
. Narihira 業平 Narihira district .
. Oshiage 押上 Oshiage district . - Sumida
..... Oshinari おしなり Shopping, 東京スカイツリー Tokyo Skytree
..... 押上天祖神社 Oshiage Tenso Shrine / 高木神社 Takagi Shrine / 飛木稲荷神社 Tobiki Inari Shrine
横川(よこかわ)Yokogawa (as opposed to Tatekawa)

南部(旧本所区)Southern part, former Honjo
. Yokoami 横網 Yokoami district .
千歳(ちとせ) Chitose
石原(いしわら) Ishiwara
亀沢(かめざわ) Kamezawa
. Midori 緑(みどり) "Green" district .
立川 / 竪川 (たてかわ)Tatekawa (as opposed to Yokokawa)
. Kinshi 錦糸 Kinshi "brocade thread" district .


. Sumidagawa, Sumida-gawa 隅田川 River Sumida (墨田川, 角田川) .
a river which flows through Tokyo. It branches from the Arakawa River at Iwabuchi and flows into Tokyo Bay.
With many Ukiyo-E by Hokusai.
. Hokusai : 絵本隅田川 両岸一覧 Pictures of Both Banks of the Sumida River .


. Sumidagawa Shichi Fukujin 隅田川七福神 Seven Gods of God Luck .


Distant View of the Kinryuzan and the Azumabashi Bridge 吾妻橋金竜山遠望
広重 Utagawa Hiroshige


Asakusa Kinryuzan Asa no Yuki 浅草 金竜山 朝の雪
Morning Snow at Asakusa Kinryuzan

Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重


Azuma-bashi / Hiroshige


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Sumida River and Koseki 武蔵第一名所角田河絵図竝故跡附
This is a picture map indicating the famous places along the Sumida River
between Azuma-bashi bridge and Ushida village.
Not only shrines and temples, but also moon and blossom viewing spots, are introduced.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Honjo Ishiwara 本所石原町

inu no tatari 犬の祟り the curse of the dog
Around August in 1729, there lived a man in Ishiwara named 徳山五郎兵衛 Tokuyama Gorobei. One of his friends named 八郎 Hachiro suddenly begun to grow a tail like a dog at his behind. Sometimes he did not eat his breakfast for quite a few days. When they put food in a suribachi すり鉢 mortar, he ate it with delight. Then his face begun to change and he became a dog.
This was the curse of all the dogs he had killed in his lifetime.

................................................................................. Honjo Koume 本所小梅町

kitsune 狐 fox
Around 1700, a fox lived in an Inari shrine at Koume. When an old woman from the nearby tea stall called for it, the fox showed up. If other people called for it, the fox never showed up.

本所小梅 Honjo Koume
広重 Hiroshige

本所小梅 Honjo Koume Embankment
広重 Hiroshige

................................................................................. Honjo Matsui 本所松井町

kitsune 狐 fox
In 1822, the colera was rampant.There was also a fox who bewitched people and they lost their ives.
A woman in Matsui town suddenly became crazy and people thought this must have been a fox. She could answer questions and served as a medium. But this became a problem and an exorcist came to help her. She jumped out of a window and they saw a fox running away. The woman did not remember anything.

................................................................................. Honjo Midori 本所緑町

kamikiri 髪切 hair cut off
A maid servant of 善兵衛 Zenbei went to the outhouse, but suddenly became dizzy and fell down. When she came back to her senses and went to the main house, she found that her hair had been cut off.

................................................................................. Honjo Tatekawa 本所竪川通り町

ryootoo no hebi 両頭蛇 serpent with two heads
On the 24th day of the 11th lunar month in 1820, a man named 卯之助 Unosuke walked along the Tatekawa road and saw a snake with two heads. It was about 1 meter long.

................................................................................. Sumida 墨田区

. Mimeguri Jinja 三囲神社 / 三圍神社 Mimeguri Shrine .
an Inari fox deity and the Mitsui Family 三井

hyakunichizeki 百日咳(百日せき)whooping cough, pertussis
If a child had lived 100 days after being born its mother had to take a different route home, passing over seven bridges. That would protect the child from getting a whooping cough.
If by any bad luck a child got the whooping cough, the mother had to pat the skin of the baby with a 飯杓子 rice paddle and then place the baby into a komebitsu 米びつ container to keep cooked rice for serving. This would heal the baby.

. hyakunichizeki 百日咳/ 百日せき と伝説 Legends about whooping cough .

sakana 魚 fish
at 安楽寺 temple Anraku-Ji
At the sacred pond of the Temple someone had been fishing with a rod, but then got a high fever and died.
Another person had taken out fish with a net, but he also died soon after.

Tomisaka Inari fox shrine 富坂稲荷
The maid of a certain family once went for an errand as usual but did not come back. When they searched for her, they found her crouching at the Shrine for Tomisaka Inari. She had been bewitched by a fox and even her facial expression had changed. She begun to eat a lot and soon lost her senses.
This also happened to another maid servant and then even to the daughter of the family. Eventually the family was extinguished and the only daughter left had a hard life herself.
She had some exorcist rites done and eventually was healed.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


. Shubi no Matsu 首尾の松 "Pine of Success" .
On the bank of the river Sumidagawa


Honjo Hayashi cho 本所林町 Honjo Hayashi, Honjo-Hayashi
墨田区 Sumida、立川 / 竪川 Tatekawa, first to third district

This area has been developed since 1661, after the Ryogokubashi bridge had been cast over the river Sumidagawa. It was a swamp and many new canals were dug out to get the area dry,
for example 竪川 Tatekawa and 横川 Yokokawa.
On the higher land beside the rivers, new estates of Samurai could now be built. Honjo Hayashi was one of them. It was on the South side of Tatekawa.
The name refers to 旗本 Hatamoto bannerman clan named 林氏 the Hayashi.

. Tatekawa 竪川 (vertical canal) / Yokokawa 横川 (horizontal canal) .
Midorichō 本所緑町 Honjo Midori "Green district"


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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Mita Shikoku Machi district Minato

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Mita Shikoku Machi 三田四国町 "Shikoku Town" in Mita
港区 Minato 芝2-5丁目 Shiba second to fifth sub-district

The estates of the Daimyo from the four domaines of Shikoku island,
阿波 Awa, 土佐 Tosa, 讃岐 Sanuki and 伊予 Io,
had been here in Mita 二丁目 second sub-district and 三田同朋町 Mita Dobo-Cho.

On the East side of the main road was the Naka-Yashiki of the Daimyo of the Awa Tokushima domain and this part was called Awa Yokocho 阿波横丁 Awa Alley.

Another theory of the name relates to
the estates of the four government officials of 四ヶ国 the four districts
因幡 Inaba, 阿波 Awa, 薩摩 Satsuma and 三河 Mikawa.
the estates of the four government officials of 四ヶ国 the four districts
鹿児島 Kagoshima, 徳島 Tokushima, 挙母 Koromo (Aichi) and 因州新田 Inshu Nitta.

In 1872, the area was called 三田四国町, but the name was abolished in 1964.
(In 1947, the area of 三田 Mita had become 芝 Shiba.)

.  Shiba 芝 / 柴村 Shiba mura / 芝町 Shiba machi   .


. Darumapedia - 四国 Shikoku - Gallery .

Ehime / Iyo 愛媛 / 伊予
Kagawa / Sanuki 香川 / 讃岐
Kochi / Tosa 高知 / 土佐
Tokushima / Awa 徳島 / 阿波


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

In 1890, the family M. (father, son and daughter) had moved to 芝区三田四国町二番町 and lived a pleasant life.
But around the 10th day of the 10th month strange things begun to happen.
The tobacco tray and the hibachi brazier begun to move all by themselves or seemed to be drawn up to the ceiling.
Even in the kitchen things came to life, like the rice container, the mortar, the kettle and the tea cups.
At another occasion, when the family had gone to bed, there were grains of rice and ash falling from the ceiling. This went on for a few days and the young children became quite afraid. So the father decided to go to the bottom of this and put a sharp knife near his pillow . . . but even this knife begun to fly around in the bedroom.
The spook continued, now even the sound of a flute was heard from below the stairs and the paper sliding doors begun to swing in rhythm with it.
The worried father went to the nearby 高輪警察 police station at Takanawa.
They told him to get an exorcist and with proper rituals the spook calmed down and nothing happened any further.
- reference : deep azabu . blogspot -


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. Minato ku 港区 Minato ward, "Harbour ward" .

. Mita 三田 / 御田 / 美田 "Three Rice Fields" - Minato .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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