
kawa rivers of Edo

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

kawa 江戸の川 / 江戸の河 the rivers of Edo

That map describes four river basins:
Tonegawa 利根川 (Tone River)
Arakawa River 荒川
Tamagawa 多摩川 / 玉川 (Tama River)
Sagamigawa 相模川 (Sagami River)

. Waterways in Edo .


Arakawa 荒川
The river is 173 km long and flows through Saitama Prefecture and Tokyo.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Edogawa 江戸川 .

. Furuishibagawa 古石場川 .
- and 平久川 Heikyugawa

. Furukawa 古川 (渋谷川 Shibuyagawa) .

. Hamachogawa 浜町川 . - Chuo ward

. Hikifunegawa 曳舟川 .
- and Kasai Yōsui 葛西用水 the Kasai Waterway

. Igusagawa 井草川 .

. Kaedegawa 楓川 . - Chuo

. Kandagawa 神田川 .

Megurogawa 目黒川
The Meguro River
The river is 7.82 km in length and passes through Setagaya, Meguro and Shinagawa wards.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Miyatogawa 宮戸川 .

. Myooshoojigawa, Myōshōjigawa 妙正寺川 Myoshojigawa .

. Nakagawa 中川 Naka-gawa, Naka River .

Nihonbashigawa 日本橋川
The Nihonbashi River
The river is 4.8 km in length and passes through Chiyoda and Chuo wards.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Ooyokogawa 大横川 Oyokogawa . - Sumida

. Otonashigawa 音無川 .

. Ryukangawa 竜閑川 .

. Sengawa / Senkawa 千川上水 Josui waterway .

. Shakujiigawa 石神井川 .

. Shibuyagawa 渋谷川 (Ondengawa 隠田川) .

. Sumidagawa 隅田川 .

Tamagawa 多摩川 / 玉川 River Tama
. Tamagawa Joosui 多摩川上水 Tamagawa Josui Kanal .

. Tatekawa 竪川 and Yokokawa 横川 - vertical and horizontal canal .

. Tonegawa 利根川 / Bandō Tarō 坂東太郎 Bando Taro .


江戸の川・復活 ― 日本橋川・神田川・隅田川 - 絵図から学ぶ
渡部一二 Watabe Kazuji (1938 - )



江戸の川あるき - Walking along the rivers of Edo
栗田彰 Kurita Akira

gesuido 下水道の専門家が江戸のまぼろしの川を探し求めて東京をあるく。江戸情緒たっぷりのイラストマップ付き。


. Ochiai Water Reclamation Center 落合下水道局 Gesuido Kyoku .


鈴木理生 Suzuki Masao (1926 - 2015)


Turbulent Streams: An Environmental History of Japan’s Rivers, 1600–1930
Roderick L. Wilson
In Turbulent Streams: An Environmental History of Japan’s Rivers, 1600–1930, Roderick I. Wilson describes how the rivers of Japan are both hydrologically and historically dynamic.
Today, these waterways are slowed, channeled, diverted, and dammed by a myriad of levees, multiton concrete tetrapods, and massive multipurpose dams. In part, this intensive engineering arises from the waterways falling great elevations over short distances, flowing over unstable rock and soil, and receiving large quantities of precipitation during monsoons and typhoons.
But this modern river regime is also the product of a history that narrowed both these waterways and people’s diverse interactions with them in the name of flood control. Neither a story of technological progress nor environmental decline, this history introduces the concept of environmental relations as a category of historical analysis both to explore these fluvial interactions and reveal underappreciated dimensions of Japanese history.
- source : brill.com/view/title... -


江戸の川風 Edo no Kawakaze
羽山信樹 Hayama Nobuki (1944 - 1997)

天皇の料理人と将軍の料理人! Cooks for the Tenno


. The 御菜八ケ浦 eight special inlets with fishing rights in Edo Bay .


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. hori 堀 moat and districts with this name .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kawa #river #rivers - - - -


Shinano district Shinjuku

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Shinanochoo, Shinanomachi 信濃町 Shinano district
Shinjuku 新宿区 信濃町 no sub-districts

It is named after the Shinano province of old, now Nagano, where the lord of Shinano
永井尚政 Nagai Naomasa had his estate.
There were no townspeople living in this district, only some Daimyo estates.
Shinano Tono Machi 信濃殿町
Shinanohara 信濃原

- quote
Shinano Province (信濃国 Shinano no kuni) or Shinshū (信州)
is an old province of Japan that is now Nagano Prefecture.
Shinano bordered on Echigo, Etchū, Hida, Kai, Kōzuke, Mikawa, Mino, Musashi, Suruga, and Tōtōmi Provinces. The ancient capital was located near modern-day Matsumoto, which became an important city of the province.
- - - - - Historical record
In 713, the road that traverses Mino and Shinano provinces was widened to accommodate increasing numbers of travelers through the Kiso District of modern Nagano Prefecture.
In the Sengoku period,
Shinano Province was often split among fiefs and castle towns developed, including Komoro, Ina, and Ueda. Shinano was one of the major centers of Takeda Shingen's power during his wars with Uesugi Kenshin and others.
Suwa taisha was designated as the chief Shinto shrine (ichinomiya) for the province.
In 1871, during the Meiji period, with the abolition of the han system and the establishment of prefectures (Haihan Chiken) after the Meiji Restoration, Shinano Province was administratively separated in 1871 into Nagano and Chikuma prefectures. These two tentative governmental and territorial units were reconfigured together again in 1876.
This became the modern prefecture of Nagano, which remains substantially unchanged from that time.
- source : wikipedia


永井尚政 Nagai Naomasa (1587 – October 16, 1668)

... was a Japanese daimyō of the Edo period, who ruled the Uruido, Koga and Yodo Domains. The eldest son of Nagai Naokatsu, he fought at the Battle of Sekigahara and the Siege of Osaka. During the Shimabara Rebellion he was assigned to defend Kyoto.
Naomasa held junior 4th court rank, lower grade (従四位下 ju shii no ge) and the title of 信濃守 Shinano no Kami.
He retired in early 1658 and became a monk, taking the name Shinsai.
- source : wikipedia -

永井尚政 数寄に通じた幕府の重鎮
深谷信子 Fukaya Nobuko


Sōka Gakkai 創価学会 Soka Gakkai

- quote -
Shinanomachi has so many buildings and believers of 創価学会 Soka Gakkai, so Shinamomachi is called
Gakkai Village, Soka Gakkai Town, or Soka Kingdom.

Daisaku Ikeda (池田大作) : The third leader of Soka Gakkai.
Komeito (公明党) : A political party founded and supported by members of Soka Gakkai.
Seikyo Shimbun (聖教新聞) : Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper.

Soka Gakkai Headquarters - Kosen Rufu Daiseido 広宣流布大誓堂
with many Soka Gakkai goods
Seikyo Shimbun (the Soka Gakkai newspaper)

Hakubundo Shoten (博文堂)
Hakubun Eikou Do (博文栄光堂)

Keio University Hopital
Shinanomachi Mint Candy
Shinanomachi Shoten Shinkokai (信濃町商店振興会)
- source : tokyodeep.info/shinanomachi-soka-gakkai... -

Tricolor flag of blue, yellow, and red are the symbol of Soka Gakkai.
Blue means peace, yellow means glory, and red means victory.

- quote -
Soka Gakkai (創価学会 - Sōka Gakkai, "Value-Creation Society")
is a Japanese Buddhist religious movement based on the teachings of the 13th-century Japanese priest Nichiren as taught by its first three presidents Tsunesaburō Makiguchi, Jōsei Toda and Daisaku Ikeda. It is the largest of the Japanese new religions and holds the largest membership among Nichiren Buddhist groups.
"The Gakkai" bases its teachings on Nichiren's interpretation of the Lotus Sutra and places chanting "Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō" at the center of devotional practice. The organization promotes its goals as supporting "peace, culture, and education".
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. Temple 長安寺 Choan-Ji .
火防地蔵 Hibuse Jizo Bosatsu to prevent fire


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Nagano 長野県
上水内郡 Kami-Minochi district 信濃町 Shinano town

Shinano is located in far northern Nagano Prefecture, bordered by Niigata Prefecture to the north.
Lake Nojiri and Mount Kurohime are in Shinano.
The area of present-day Shinano was part of ancient Shinano Province. The modern village of Shinano was created by the merger of the villages of Kashiwabara and Fujisato on July 1, 1955. Shinano merged with the neighboring villages of Furuma and Shinanojiri to form the town of Shinano on September 30, 1956.
- quote wikipedia -


. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
If a serpent or snake takes possession of a human, they must perform special exorcism rituals to heal.

. kitsune 狐 the fox in Japanese culture and tales .
If a fox takes possession of a human, they must perform special exorcism rituals to heal.

inari イナリ the fox deity
Sometimes people are allowed to sit on a Inari fox statue and dance, イナリオドリ inari odori.
Such a person is able to answer all kinds of questions during such a session. To end the ritual, people must chant:

. neko 猫 / ねこ と伝説 Legends about cats, Katzen .
Cats can take possession of humans.
Once a poor old woman was so hungry she killed a cat and ate it. But the cat took possession and the woman begun to run around the eaves of her home.


yuurei 幽霊 ghost
A ghost appears when the dead person has left some unfinished business and grudges in this world.
Some take the form of a woman with long tangled hair, with hands hanging down below the breast and no feet.
Once a farmer saw such a ghost under 柳の木 a willow tree.
Another one was seen in the private graveyard of an estate.
But the reason why some can see them is not quite clear.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

. Shinano, home of Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .


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. Shinjuku 新宿区 Shinjuku Ward .

. Hokkoku Kaido 北国街道 Hokkoku Highway Roads in Shinano .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #shinano #shinanodistrict - - - -


Morikawajuku station Bunkyo

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Morikawajuku 森川宿 Morikawa rest station
森川宿追分 Morikawajuku Oiwake  // 森川町 Morikawa cho
文京区 Bunkyo ward 本郷 Hongo fifth and sixth sub-district

Here was the first ichirizuka 一里塚 stone marker mound of the 中仙道 Nakasendo Highway, where the 日光御成道(岩槻街道) Nikko Onari Michi started.

Until the middle of the 18th century, there ware many enoki 榎 nettle trees along the road, but they were cut down to make a wider road for fire prevention and enlargement of the street.
The corner shop 高崎屋 Takasakiya in the Edo period was a Sake store and also money changer, who only sold goods for money.
The road to the left of the store is the Nakasendo Highway.

Oiwake Ichirizuka post


Kaneyasu かねやす

A saying from Edo:
Hongo mo Kaneyasu made wa Edo no uchi 本郷もかねやすまでは江戸の内
Hongo belongs to the city of Edo until the store of Kaneyasu.

Kaneyasu Yuuetsu 兼康祐悦 
Kaneyasu was a 口中医(歯医者) dentist who came to Edo at the time of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
兼康祐元 Kaneyasu Yugen, the third generation, opened the corner store かねやす Kaneyasu in 1617. The store also sold nyuukoosan 乳香散 Nyukosan, a kind of toothpaste.
His store was at the traffic crossing Hongo Third District 本郷三丁目の交差点. It remains there to our day, now as a store selling cloths.
nyuukoo 乳香 francinsense, Olibanum, was an ingredient of Nyukosan.

. Hongō, Hongoo 本郷 Hongo district .


Walking along the Nakasendo from the store of Kaneyasu, there was the station 森川宿 Morikawa-juku.
The 宿 juku here does not mean a postal station, but just a place to stand and take a rest, tatejuku 立宿.
Travelers and horse leaders could take a rest and refreshments, before coming to the first postal station of the Nakasendo,
Itabashi-shuku 板橋宿 Itabashi.

. Nakasendoo 中山道 Nakasendo Highway .


In the Edo period, there was the estate of
森川金右衛門 Morikawa Kinemon.
Kinemon was an official of the Edo Bakufu government, taking care of the safety of this crossroads.


. Yaoya no O-Shichi 八百屋のお七 Greengrocer's Daughter Oshichi .
She was born in Morikawajuku.


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. Bunkyoo, Bunkyō 文京区 Bunkyo ward, "Literature Capital" .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #Morikawa #morikawajuku - - - -


Enoki machi Shinjuku

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Enokimachi, Enoki machi, Enokicho 榎町 Enoki district "nettle tree"
東京都新宿区 Shinjuku, 榎町 (no sub-districts)

In the North-East of Shinjuku ward.
The road 外苑東通り Gaien Higashidori crosses it from South to North.

In the Edo period, there grew a huge nettle tree, large enough to have a man shelter is a cave of its trunk.
Around 1685, there lived a strange man in this tree cave. He wore beggar's robes and had a cooking pot dangle from his waist. He left the cave every morning, walked around to collect the droppings of horses and cows and sold them (as was a common job in Edo at that time). When he got some money, he bought rice, collected fallen branches from the trees, made a fire and cooked a meal.
He never talked to grown-ups, but always laughed and taught poems to the local children. They all called him
maguso sennin 馬ぐそ仙人 The Hermit of Horse Droppings.

The big Enoki burned down during a fire around 1730.
All that is left of him is now the name of this little district.

. enoki 榎 nettle tree, Chinese hackberry tree .
Chinese nettle-tree or Japanese hackberry
Celtis sinensis var. japonica.


Saishooji 蔭凉山 済松寺 Saisho-Ji
東京都新宿区榎町77番地 Enoki machi Nr. 77

Built by Tokugawa Iemitsu for 祖心尼 Lady Soshin-Ni (1588 - 1675)
Soshin-Ni is also called おなあ O-Nao, おのう O-No
She was the daughter of 伊勢国・岩手城主 牧村利貞 Makimura Toshisada (1546 - 1593).
She was later adopted to the family of 前田利家 Maeda Toshiie in the Kaga domain.
She was the niece of Kasuga no Tsubone.
She practised Zen and taught it to Iemitsu.
When Iemitsu died, Soshin-Ni left the Ooku Harem of Edo castle and lived here in this temple.

- HP of the temple
- reference source : saishouji.or.jp... -


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. Shinjuku 新宿区 Shinjuku Ward .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #enokimachi #enoki - - - -


Udagawa district Minato Shibuya

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
- for Miyamasu, Ukita, see below

Udagawa choo, Udagawachō 宇田川町 Udagawa district
渋谷区 Shibuya ward, no sub-districts

The name might refers to a retainer of the Hojo clan
宇田川和泉守長清 Udagwa Izumi no Kami Nagakiyo
who had his estate in this area.
In 1590, Toyotomi Hideyoshi defeated the Hojo in Odawara and Hojo Ujimasa killed himself.
Later Udagawa in Edo became the head man of a district named after him.

The river Udagawa 宇田川 can not be seen from this district.
It used to be a small shopping district of Tokyo, but recently many highrise buildings were erected.


River 宇田川 Udagawa is a tributary of the river 渋谷川 Shibuyagawa.
In a print by 長谷川雪旦 Hasegawa Settan, Yoyogi Hachimangu, there is a Shinto shrine on a hill, with the river Udagawa running below.
In the Edo period, there was a bridge, 五石橋 Goseki-Kyo over the river.
(Now this is around 神山町5番 Kamiyama, fifth sub-district.
It flowed into the Shibuyagawa close to Shibuya station, at the bridge 宮益橋 Miyamasubashi.

The Udagawa River is a tributary of the Shibuya River. Though now a culvert, its name lives on -- the district north of JR Shibuya Station is called Udagawacho. The Shibuya River used to flow round an elevated area, which was to the right of the land depicted in the print -- and which encompasses what are now Yoyogi Park and Meiji Shrine. Today it runs along part of Meiji-dori near Ebisu Station and then on into Tokyo Bay.
. Yoyogi Hachimangu 代々木八幡宮 .


- quote -
Miyamasu Chiyoda Inari Shrine 渋谷宮益 千代田稲荷之図
Chiyoda Inari Shrine was said to have begun with calling upon Fushimi-Inari in Kyoto
when 太田道潅 Ōta Dōkan built the Chiyoda (Edo) castle in 1457 (the first year of Chōroku).
After that, in 1602 (the seventh year of Keichō) when Tokugawa Ieyasu extended the Edo castle,
it was moved to Shibuya 宮益町 Miyamasu-chō.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -

- quote -
Fujimi-zaka slope and Lone Pine 富士見坂一本松 ippon matsu
The slope leading westward from Miyamasu in Shibuya
was known at the time as Fujimi-zaka.
The name indicates that Mt. Fuji could be seen from the slope.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -


Ukita choo 宇喜田町 Ukita Cho district
Edogawa 江戸川区, no sub-districts

The name refers to the developer of new fields in the Edo period
宇田川喜兵衛 Utagawa Kihei
Kihei was a retainer of the Hojo Clan and Tokugawa Ieyasu gave him this wilderness, where reeds grew, to 新田開発 develop new fields.
In the beginning, the area was called
宇喜新田 Uki Shinden
Later when more farmers moved here, it became 宇喜田村 Ukita mura village.

The Utagawa family lived here in their special estate in 江戸川区江戸川五丁目 the fifth sub-district of Edogawa district.
Their nagayamon 長屋門 entrance gate is still there.



- - - - - Not related - - - - -

. Udagawa Yōan 宇田川榕菴 Udagawa Yoan (1798 - 1846) .
a 19th-century Japanese scholar of Western studies, or "Rangaku".
Tsuyama Archives of Western Learning 津山洋学資料館
The origin of the Chinese characters for coffee 珈琲
Mead, Mede in the Edo Period in Japan ミード / 蜂蜜酒 


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. Shibuya ku 渋谷区 Shibuya ward .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #udagawa #udagawadistrict #fujimizaka #fujimisaka #fujimislope - - - -


Hashiba district Taito

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo no hashi 江戸の橋 the bridges of Edo .

Hashiba 橋場 Hashiba district, "place with a bridge"
台東区 Taito ward, 橋場一丁目及び橋場二丁目 Hashiba first and second sub-district
In the North-East of Taito ward.

The river crossing of the river Sumidagawa was already known in the Heian period.

In the Edo period, this district was called
Asakusa Hashiba machi 浅草橋場町
The name implies that there must have been a bridge in former times.
The bridge might have been constructed by 太田道灌 Ota Dokan. Some remains of the wooden piles were found later.

. 太田道灌 Ota Dokan (1432 - 1486) .

In 1913, the oldest crossing of the river Sumidagawa、 橋場の渡し Hashiba no watashi was designated.
In 1964, the local people decided to give the name of Hashiba to the whole district along the West side of the river.

. Sumidagawa 隅田川 River Sumidagawa in Edo .


- source : National Diet Library -
Hiroshige 広重 and Sumidagawa Hashiba - Imado

Taito-ku, Imado / Hashiba
- - - - - Description
The area from Imado-bashi Bridge to Kanegafuchi on the right bank of the Sumida-gawa River. It is noted in the "Gikeiki" (a military epic about the life of Yoshitsune) and the "Genpei Seisuiki" (The Rise and Decline of the Minamoto and Taira Clans) that there was a floating bridge at Hashiba, and that is said to be the origin of the name.
The Hashiba ferry linked the present day Hashiba 2 chome with Sumida Ward Tsutsumi-dori Road.
A new port was opened in Imado while an old port existed in nearby Ishihama, and it is thought the name Imazu (current port) became linguistically corrupted to Imado.
Imado Ware (dolls, tiles, etc.) were one of Edo's meibutsu (famous products), and the kilns and smoke of Imado Ware being baked were often pictured in nishiki-e.


橋場 暮雪 Twilight Snow at Hashiba


橋場雪中 Hashiba in Snow
江戸自慢三十六興 Edo Jiman Sanjurokukyo


墨田河橋場の渡かわら竈 Sumida-gawa Hashiba no kawaragama
Tile Kilns and Hashiba Ferry on the Sumida River

名所江戸百景 Meisho Edo hyakkei


隅田川橋場渡之図 Sumida-gawa Hashiba no watashi no zu
江戸高名会亭尽 Edo Komei kaitei zukushi


- - - - - and
. Sumida-gawa hakkei 隅田川八景 Eight Views from Sumidagawa .


. Imado Shrine 今戸神社 Imado jinja .


. Comparison of Menus (御料理献立競 Oryori Kondate Kurabe) .
Since the beginning of the Bunka/Bunsei eras (1804 - 1830), many ranking lists that give an insight into the food culture in Edo in those days were published. This ranking is one of them, with Tagawa-ya, a famous catering restaurant in front of Daion-ji temple (in Ryūsen, Taitō ward) as the top-ranked restaurant in the east, and Kawaguchi, a Japanese style luxury restaurant in Hashiba (in Taitō ward) as the top in the west.
Hashiba was an elegant place along the Sumida river with many vacation houses of wealthy merchants and luxury Japanese restaurants.
- source : library .metro. tokyo.


Hashibaji Fudo-In 橋場寺不動院 Temple Hashiba-Ji Fudo-In
2 Chome-14-19 Hashiba, Taitō, Tokyo 111-0023

- quote -
Hashiba-fudo-son 橋場不動尊 was founded in the fourth year of Hoji era(760) in Tempyo period. In march of the first year of chokan (1163) the temple, which had belonged to the Hosso sect was reorganized by Kyoenbo into the Tendai sect and became a department of Sensoji temple.
According to tradition,
a high priest created the principal image of Fudo-myoo, Roben-sojo (who is also known as the creator of the Daibutsu in Nara) as one of triplet-born images carved from same wood. One of Them has been preserved in Oyama temple of Soshu (present Kanagawa prefecture) and is familiar by the name of Oyama-Fudo.
Roben carved three identical images of Fudo-son,
Leaving one of them to Oyama-dera, the second to himself and the third to his best disciple, Jakusho-shonin. In the forth year of Hoki (773), which was the Year Roben passed away, on his way to Kazusa(present Chiba prefecture) Jakusho happened to be here to be inspired by Buddha with the idea that this should be the place to enshrine the image. He constructed a small shrine, which he named Sunao-Fudo-son.
For 1,250 years local peasants have worshiped it and since the temple attained an image of Yakushi-Nyorai, which is supposed to be the creation of Eshin-sozu, it has also been called Sunao-Yakushi.
The present head-priest, Kamiya Ryoshu is the hundredth successor of Hashiba-Fudo-son.

Hashiba Fudo-in and it is dedicated to Hotei.

- HP of the temple
- reference source : www.fudoin.jp... -

. 関東三十六不動霊場 Pilgrimage to 36 Fudo Temples in Kanto .
Hashiba Fudo-In is Nr. 23

. Rooben Soojoo 良弁僧正 Roben Sojo (689 - 773) .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Arakawa 荒川区

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .

Oide Kitsune, Oidegitsune 御出狐 the Fox Oide and the shrine おいで稲荷 Oide Inari
Around 1780 there lived an old woman in the tea stall at 真崎稲荷 Masaki Inari shrine, who was friends with a fox. When the woman called
"Oide おいで Come here, come here!"
the fox came to look at her and was thus called Oidegitsune.
The fox later bewitched the daughter of the old woman and told her it had to go home to its hometown in Northern Japan.
As a memento the fox left a hand fan with a poem on the bench of the tea stall and was not seen again.

In the back of Masaki Inari is the Oide Inari shrine. People make a wish and offerings of 油揚 Abura-age Tofu in the evening and if the offering is gone next morning, their with will be granted.
Oide Inari 「招来(おいで)稲荷」


The mystery of the Shinto shrines 真崎稲荷 Masaki Inari and 石浜神社 Ishihama Jinja
There are two names for the same shrine located at
真先稲荷 東京都荒川区南千住 3-28-58 / 3 Chome-28-58 Minami-Senju, Arakawa ward

Close to the shrine was the Hashiba crossing of the river Sumidagawa.

石浜神社 Ishihama Jinja
東京都荒川区南千住3-28-58 / 3 Chome-28-58 Minamisenju, Arakawa ward

- HP of Ishihama Jinja
- reference source : ishihamajinja.jp... -


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. Taitoo, Taitō 台東区 Taito Ward .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #hashiba #hashibataito - - - -


Negishi district Taito

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Negishi 根岸 Negishi district - Taito ward
台東区根岸 / Taitō-ku, Negishi / 根岸一丁目から根岸五丁目 from the first to the fifth sub-district
Located in the North of the Uenodai plateau.

The name might have been
beyond the gake 崖 cliff of the plateau 上野台 Uenodai. Below was the kishi/gishi 岸 shore line
looking garbled like ne 根 roots of trees.
The name is already mentioned in books of the Muromachi period as
武蔵国豊島郡根岸村 Negishi village in the Toshima district of Musashi no kuni.
In the Edo period, it became part of 武蔵国豊島郡金杉村 Kanasugi mura village.

Edo Meisho Zue

Negishi no Sato 根岸の里 Negishi village
It was a rural district with uguisu and kawazu 蛙 frogs and many people of good taste lived here. It had something special for any season.
A Saijiki of 1838 mentions the voice of the first uguisu 鶯 in Edo and Negishi is one of the areas.
. uguisu no hatsune 鶯の初音 first call of the nightingale .
- Kigo season word for spring

So Negishi was also called
hatsune no sato 初音の里 village of the bush warbler
A legend from 1670 tells of a priest from Kyoto, Hieizan, who came all the way to hear the voice of the nightingales.
But the shy birds from the forests in Ueno did not sing for him.
So he went back to Kyoto and asked 尾形乾山 Ogata Kenzan to gather about 3500 nightingales from the forests around Kyoto and bring them to Ueno. The birds were set free in Ueno and soon the local birds were able to sing just as beautiful as their friends from Kyoto.

Now Uguisudani station 鶯谷駅 "Nightingale valley" is located in Negishi
東京都台東区根岸一丁目4-1, first sub-district

. . Uguisudanichō 鶯谷町 Uguisudani district . - Shibuya ward

Ogata Kenzan 尾形乾山 (1663–1743), potter and painter.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Minowa 三ノ輪 / 箕輪 Minowa district .
including 根岸 Negishi 5th district

. Yanaka - 根岸谷中辺絵図 Negishi Yanaka Map .


Saizooin 西蔵院 Temple Saizo-In
3 Chome-12-38 Negishi, Taitō

source - Edo Meisho Zue 江戸名所図会 
People are playing 囲碁 Igo in a tea stall
In front is
the pine O-gyoo no matsu 御行の松 O-Gyo no Matsu
Pine of the Religious Practise

The pine was in the temple Saizo-In with a hall for 不動堂 Fudo Myo-O.

The first O-Gyo no Matsu must have been quite famous, since it is depicted in the Edo Meisho Zue
and by Utagawa Hiroshige.
A priest of the temple 上野寛永寺 Kanei-Ji in Ueno practised austerities under this tree.
Nearby in Arakawa ward, Nippori, is the
otooto matsu 弟松 Younger Brother Pine
In 1925, this pine became a 天然記念物指定 national treasure. At that time it was about 14 m high.
In 1928, the tree withered and died, so the national treasure position was revoked.
It must have been more than 350 years old at that time.
In 1956, the second pine was planted, but it soon withered.
In 1976, a third pine was planted and right by its side a bonsai-version of a pine was also planted
to give the local people more incentive to look after its well-being.
Legend says
the statue of Fudo Myo-O was carved from the roots of the first pine.

. pine 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree .


Negishi no Sato 根岸の里 Negishi village
絵本江戸土産(広重)Ehon Edo Miyage, Hiroshige

- quote
Negishi no Sato 根岸の里
Negishi no Sato was located in 上野の山蔭 Yamakage, Ueno.
It was a place with artistic elegance, so many writers and artists lived there
from the Edo period onwards.
There were also country villas of the large store owners in Nihonbashi and Kyōbashi
and people went there to enjoy the pleasant scenery of the four seasons.
It was also a home to uguisu 鶯 bush warblers.
. source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library .


The Rakugo storyteller family of 海老名 Ebina live in Negishi in the 7th generation
Hayashiya Sanpei the first 初代林家三平 was even called
Negishi no shishoo 根岸の師匠 The Teacher from Negishi
Now 8代目桂文治 Katsura Bunji in the 8th generation lives here.



. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Taito 台東区

. 東叡山寛永寺 Ueno Tōeizan Kanei-Ji .
1 Chome-14-11 Uenosakuragi, Taitō,

gama 蝦蟇 toad - - - hebi 蛇 serpent
In November 1820 a couple went to 東叡山根岸の弁才天の祠 the Benten shrine in the compound of the Kanei-Ji (Negishi).
That night one of their man-servants had a dream of a toad. The toad said it lived under the kitchen sink and was 癩蝦蟇 Kattai-gama, leprosy toad.
It said the mistress had violated the rules of the shrine visit and next night a serpent would come for revenge. But the Toad would protect them.
Next morning when they looked they found a large dead toad under the sink.
The next night the toad appeared in the dream of the master. It said: "I have died but I left enough children to keep protecting you!"
Then following night the serpent appeared in his dream and said: "From now on, I will also protect your home and family!"

. gama 蝦蟇と伝説 Legends about toads .

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

Masakoa Shiki 正岡子規 and his
. "Negishi no sato no wabizumai" 根岸の里の侘び住まい
the simple abode of the retired poet in Negishi .


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. Taitoo, Taitō 台東区 Taito Ward .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #negishi #negishitaido - - - -