
- - - AAA - - -


. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XXX - / - YYY - / - ZZZ -


- - - AAA - - -

. Architecture - a lot of vocabulary ! .

. Authors ベストセラー bestseller authors - Index .


. abacus, soroban 算盤、そろばん to calculate .

. aberenbo Shogun 暴れん坊将軍 "The Wild Shogun".
- Tokugawa Yoshimune 徳川吉宗将軍 (1684 - 1751)

. Abekawa, Abe-Kawa 安倍川 / 阿部川 - place names .

. abura uri 油売り selling oil - and talking too much .
. . . . . and - abura boozu 油坊主 oil monk

. Adachi ku 足立区 Adachi ward .

. Aesthetics, Japanese Aesthetics エスセティクス - Nihon no Bigaku 日本の美学 .

. Ageyamachi 揚屋町 Ageyamachi district . - Senzoku, Taito

. aizome 藍染 dyeing with indigo .
- Japan Blue ジャパンブルー

. Aizomegawa, Aisomegawa 藍染川 river Aizome-gawa .
in Iwamotochō 岩本町 Iwamotocho

. Aizuya 会津屋 Aizu store in Edo . selling Aizu urushi, Aizu nuri 会津漆 Aizu lacquerware. Fukushima

. Akabane 赤羽 Akabane district . - Kita

. akagaeru uri 赤蛙売り selling red frogs (medicine for children) .
- akahikigan 赤蛙丸 "red frog medicine"

. Akagobashi 赤子橋 bridge of the baby . - Sugamo, Bunkyo

. Akasaka Tamachi 赤坂田町 Tamachi district, "district of rice fields" .

. Akasaka Tameike 赤坂溜池町 Akasaka "Pond" district .

. Akashicho 明石町 Akashi district . - Chuo ward

. Akihabara 秋葉原 shopping area . - Kanda
..... Akihabara Electric Town 秋葉原電気街 Akihabara Denki Gai

. Akishima city 昭島市 . - Western Tokyo

. Amanuma district 天沼 "heavenly swamp" - Suginami ward .
Amanuma Benten-Ike 天沼弁天池 Pond
天沼八幡神社 Amanuma Hachiman Jinja // 天沼熊野神社 Amanuma Kumano Jinja

. amazake uri, amazake-uri 甘酒売り selling sweet amazake rice wine .
- - - - - . Food vendors in Edo .

. ame-uri, ameuri 飴売り candy vendors of Edo.

amigasa chaya 編笠茶屋 renting a large braided straw hat
. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall - with a side business .

. Antiques 古美術 kobijutsu .

. Aomonochoo 青物町 Aomonocho "vegetable" district .

. Aoto 青砥 / 青戸 / 青津 Aoto district . - Katsushika
..... Aoto goten 青戸御殿 Aoto palace // Aoto Fujitsuna 青砥藤綱 (1192-1333)

. Aoyagi Bunko 青柳文庫 The Aoyagi Library in Sendai .
- and Aoyagi Bunzoo 青柳文蔵 Aoyagi Bunzo (1761 - 1839)

. aozamurai, aosamurai 青侍 young low-ranking Samurai .

. aragoto 荒事 "wild style" and kumadori 隈取 makeup - Kabuki . .

. Arai 新井 Arai district - "new well" . - Nakano

. Arakawa ku 荒川区 Arakawa ward - "wild river" .

. Arakichoo 荒木町 Arakicho, Araki district . - Shinjuku
and Tsunokami Benzaiten 津の守弁財天 and the pond 策の池 Muchi no Ike.

. Archery, Kyudo 弓道 / mato まと target .

. asagao uri 朝顔売り vendor of morning glories . asagaozukuri 朝顔作り growing morning glory

. Asagaya district 阿佐ヶ谷 / 阿佐谷 . - Suginami
- 阿佐谷神明宮 Asagaya Shinmeigu Shrine
- Asagaya Keyaki Yashiki 阿佐谷けやき屋敷 / 欅屋敷 Asagaya Zelkova Mansion

. asagi あさぎ - 浅黄 - 浅葱 hues of light yellow, green and blue .
- asagiura, asagi-ura 浅黄裏 low-ranking Samurai

. Asakusa 浅草 Asakusa district - Taito ward .

. Asakusa Kannon 浅草観音 . - 浅草寺 Senso-Ji

. Asakusa nori 浅草海苔 sea laver from Asakusa .

. Asakusa Tenmondai 浅草天文台 Asakusa Observatory - Astronomy .
. . . . . Shibukawa Shunkai 渋川春海 Shibukawa Harumi (1639 - 1715)

. asa 麻 (あさ) hemp // taima 大麻 . ハシシ . マリファナ marijuana .
asa no ha 麻の葉 hemp leaf pattern and Kamon family crest
asao 麻苧, 麻紵, 麻緒, asahimo 麻紐, asa-ito 麻糸 hemp string
asaodana asao-dana 麻苧店 store selling hemp thread and strings
asatonya, asadonya 麻問屋 hemp dealer

. Asao ku 麻生区(あさおく)Asao ward / 川崎市 Kawasaki town . - Kanagawa

. asagao ichi 朝顔市 morning-glory market .
- Iriya asagao ichi 入谷朝顔市 market at Iriya

. Asobi 遊び The Art of Playing - and gangu 玩具 Toys .

. Asukayama 飛鳥山 - 北区 Kita ward .

. Asuke juku 足助宿 postal station Asuke .
- - - - - Ina Kaidoo 伊奈街道 Ina Highway

. Atago Jinja 愛宕神社 Atago shrine .
- - - - - Atagoyama 愛宕山 Minato ward, Shiba Atago

. Atakemaru 安宅丸 Cruize Ship of the Shogun .

. Australian ship in Japan, January 16, 1830 .
- The brig Cyprus - William Swallow - Makita Hamaguchi -

. awamochi no kyokutsuki 栗餅の曲つき artistic pounding of foxtail millet dumplings .

. Ayase 綾瀬 "twilling shallows" distsrict . - Adachi
- - - - - 綾瀬川 river Ayasegawa

. Azabu district 麻布 "hemp cloth" . - Minato
- - - - - Azabu Kita Higakubo 麻布北日ヶ窪町
- - - - - Azabuichibei 麻布市兵衛町 Azabu Ichibei district
- - - - - Azabuipponmatsu 麻布一本松町 Azabu Ipponmatsu district
- - - - - Azabu-Nagasakachō 麻布永坂町 Azabu Nagasakacho district
- - - - - Azabu Roppongi 六本木 Roppongi district, "six trees"
- - - - - Azabu Nana Fushigi 麻布七不思議 seven wonders of Azabu

. Azabu-Jūban 麻布十番 Asabu Juban district .

Azuma kagami 吾妻鏡/東鑑, lit. "Mirror of the East"
a Japanese historical chronicle... chronicles events of the Kamakura Shogunate from Minamoto no Yoritomo's rebellion against the Taira clan in Izokuni of 1180 to Munetaka Shinnō (the 6th shogun) and his return to Kyoto in 1266. The work is also called Hōjōbon (北条本) after the Late Hōjō family of Odawara
- wikipedia -

. Azumabashi 吾妻橋 Azuma bridge . - Sumida
Distant View of the Kinryuzan and the Azumabashi Bridge 吾妻橋金竜山遠望 / Hiroshige

. Azuma no Mori 吾嬬の森 / Shrine 吾嬬神社 Azuma Jinja . - Kameido, Koto


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- - - BBB - - -


. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


- - - BBB - - -

. BOOKS and LINKS - Reference .

- - - - - . Buddhist Keywords . - - - - -


. bafunkaki 馬糞掻き, bafun tori, maguso tori 馬糞とり, bafun hiroi 馬糞拾い, bafun-zarai 馬糞浚い
horse-shit collectors, collecting horse dung, horse droppings, horse manure .

. bakeneko 化け猫 monster cats .

. Bakin 馬琴 / 滝沢馬琴 Takizawa Bakin (1767-1848) .
- - - 曲亭馬琴 Kyokutei Bakin, 澤興邦 Takizawa Okikuni

. bakufu 幕府 military government .
Tokugawa bakufu 徳川幕府 and Edo bakufu 江戸幕府

. bakuhan taisei 幕藩体制 Bakuhan system .

. bakumatsu 幕末 Bakumatsu times (1853 - 1867) .

. Bakumatsu aera 幕末の人  people visiting Bakumatsu Japan .

. Bakurochoo, Bakuro-chō 馬喰町 Bakurocho district .

. bakuryoo 幕領 Bakuryo government land, bakufu-owned land .
bakufu chokkatsu chi 政府直轄地 / bakufu chokkatsu ryoo 幕府直轄領
tenryoo, tenryō 天領 Tenryo Government Land "Land of Heaven"
shogun's direct holdings, personal land- holdings, personal fief of the Tokugawa

. Banchoo 番町 Bancho district - Kojimachi . - Chiyoda
- - - 番町七不思議 Banchoo Nana Fushigi

. basara ばさら / 婆娑羅 / バサラ flamboyant elegance .

Beato Felice Beato / Felix Beato フェリーチェ・ベアト (1832 – 1909)
Photographer in Japan

. bekko 江戸鼈甲 Edo Tortoiseshell Products .

. Benkeibashi 弁慶橋 Benkeibashi bridge .
in Iwamotochō 岩本町 Iwamotocho
- and the carpenter Benkei Kozaemon 棟梁弁慶小左衛門.

. Benten - Edo Hyaku Benten 江戸百弁天 100 famous Benten in Edo .

. Besshi dōzan 別子銅山 Besshi Dozan, Besshi Copper Mine, Ehime .
- managed by the Sumitomo family 住友

. bigaku - Japanese Aesthetics エスセティクス - Nihon no Bigaku 日本の美学 .

. Bijin - Edo no bijin 江戸の美人 the beauties of Edo .

. bikuni 比丘尼 prostitutes clad as nuns .

. Bikunihashi びくにはし / 比丘尼橋 Bikunibashi bridge .
- over the river 京橋川 Kyobashigawa

. Bingobami 貧乏神 Bimbogami, God of Poverty .
----- Shinigami 死神 God of Death "Grim Reaper"
----- Yakubyoogami 疫病神 Yakubyogami, Deity of Diseases

. biwa 琵琶 Biwa lute .

. biwa yootoo uri 枇杷葉湯売り selling loquat leaves medicine .

. bootsuki 棒突 guards with long poles .

. Buaisoo, Buaisō 武相荘 Buaiso villa, Machida .
----- home of 白洲次郎 Jirō Shirasu and his wife Masako.

. bugyoo, bugyō 奉行 Bugyo officials in the Edo government .

. bukan 武鑑 regional records of Samurai history .

. Buke shohatto 武家諸法度 Laws for the Samurai .
Various Points of Laws for Warrior Houses
Laws for the Military Houses

. bunbu ryoodoo 文武両道 to be good at both ways - arts and martial arts . *

. Bunkamura 文化村 "culture village" . - Shibuya

. Bunkyō, Bunkyoo 文京区 Bunkyo ward . $

. burakumin 部落民 / eta 穢多 "filthy mass" - outcasts .

. burashi - Tokyo Teue Brush 東京手植ブラシ Handmade Brushes . $

. Business - Doing Business in Edo .
akinai 商い / shoobai, Shobai 商売

. bushi 武士 samurai 侍 buke, warriour, warrior .

. busshi 仏師 Buddhist sculptors and Buddha statues .

. butsudan 東京仏壇 Tokyo Buddhist Altar . $

. Buyo Inshi 武陽隠士 - 世事見聞録 Lust, Commerce, and Corruption - Book .

. byoobu, tsuitate 屏風、衝立 folding screen .





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- - - CCC - - -

. Chinese learning 漢学 kangaku - study of the Chinese classics .
- - - - - toohon 唐本 Books from T'ang China

. Christians in Japan .
Saint Xavier 聖ザビエル and later
kakure kirishitan, kurisuchan 隠れキリシタン, 隠れクリスチャン "hidden Christians"

. Colors, the Colors of Edo .
- - - - - There were also 48 different shades of green and the 100 gray shades, in a famous saying: shijuuhatcha hyakunezumi 四十八茶、百鼠.

. Confucianism 孔夫子 and Neo-Confucianism in the Edo period . - Sekiten 釈奠 or Sekisai 釈菜 Confucius

. Criminal Punishment in Edo .
gokei 五刑 five judicial penalties
keijoo, keijō 刑場 execution ground
Kodenma-choo, Kodenma-chō 小伝馬町 Kodenma-cho prison in Edo
rooya 牢屋 prison, jail
shokei 処刑 execution


. chaban, chaban kyoogen 茶番狂言 Chaban Kyogen performance .

. chabudai ちゃぶ台 / 卓袱台 / 茶部台 table for tatami rooms .
shippoku しっぽく
karazukue 唐机(からづくえ) "Chinese Tang Table"

. chanoma, cha no ma, cha-no-ma 茶の間 private family living room .

. cha no yu, 茶の湯 chado, sado 茶道 tea ceremony .

. charumera チャルメラ flute of a street vendor or yatai shop .

. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall .
Chayamachi, Chayachoo 茶屋町 Chaya district in Asakusa 浅草

. Chayazaka 茶屋坂 Chayazaka "Tea Stall Slope" .
..... Jiji ga Chaya 爺々が茶屋 Grandfather's Tea House, 目黒の秋刀魚 Meguro no Sanma

. chigaidana, chigai-dana 違い棚 staggered shelves .

. Chihaya area 千早, Toshima .

. chinko kiri 賃粉切り cutting leaf tobacco for money .

. chiyogami 千代紙 colored paper, decoration paper .

. Chiyogasaki district 千代ヶ崎 "Chiyo peninsula" . Meguro
----- Chiyo ga Ike, Chiyogaike 千代が池 Pond of Lady Chiyo

. chizu 地図 maps of Edo .

. choki 猪牙 fast ferry boat to reach pleasure quarters .
short for chokibune 猪牙舟

. chonmage ちょんまげ / 丁髷 topknot, "samurai bun" .
- hairstyles in Edo

. choochin 提灯 - 堤燈  Lanterns and andon 行灯 lamps .
- choochin harikae 提灯張り替え repairing paper lanterns
choochin hari 提灯張り gluing paper to lanterns - naishoku
..... . Edo tegaki choochin 江戸手描提灯 Hand-Painted Paper Lanterns from Edo .

. Chōfu Tamagawa 調布玉川 Chofu .

. chookin 東京彫金 metal chasing from Tokyo . $

. choonin 町人 Chonin, "townspeople" of Edo .

. choozu, temizu 手水 ritual purification of hands .
mitarashi 御手洗 / choozubachi 手水鉢 basin to wash hands

. chuuma no michi 中馬のみち Chuma "road for transport horses" .

. Chūō ku, Chuuoo Ku 中央区 Chuo Ward "Central Ward" .
Nihonbashi Area (日本橋地区) / Kyōbashi Area (京橋地区) / Tsukishima Area (月島地区)

. Chuushingura 忠臣蔵  Chushingura and the 47 Ronin .

. chuujoo 中条 doctors specializing in abortion .

. Cipangu ジパング  Zipangu, Jipangu - Japan .

. conpasu コンパス compass / jishaku, jiseki 磁石, rashinban 羅針盤 .

. Criminal Punishment in Edo .





- - - DDD - - -


. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


- - - DDD - - -

. disasters in the Edo period .
Natural Disasters 自然災害 shizen saigai / tensai 天災 natural disaster
Tenka Taihen 天下大変 Great disasters in the Edo Period - List


. Daiba 台場 Daiba district / Odaiba お台場 . - Minato

. Daibutsu 東京大仏 Great Buddha of Tokyo .

. daidokoro 台所 kitchen - Introduction .
- - - - - irori 囲炉裏 / いろり open sunken hearth - and more vocabulary

. daidoogei 大道芸 Daidogei street performance .

. daikagura 太神楽 Edo Daikagura street performers .

. Daikan 代官 Assistant deputy - Edo Bakufu government .
- - - - - Daikanyama 代官山, former 代官山町 Daikanyamacho district, Shibuya

. Daikongashi 大根河岸 Daikon-gashi district . - Kyobashi, Chuo ward

. daikon yakusha 大根役者 "radish actor", ham actor . - Asakusa -
- and Matsuchiyama Shooten 待乳山聖天 Honryuuin 本龍院 Honryu-In

. daiku 大工 carpenter, tooryoo 棟梁 master carpenter .

. daimyoo 大名 Daimyo, Lord of a Domain .

. daimyoo gyooretsu 大名行列 Daimyo Gyoretsu - procession .
- sankin kootai 参勤交代

. Daimyō kōji 大名小路 Daimyo Koji, the "Daimyo Alley" .
- Chiyoda
. daimyoo yashiki 大名屋敷 Daimyo Residence in Edo .
- - - buke yashiki 武家屋敷 samurai residence

. dajare 駄洒落 ダジャレ, だじゃれ puns, . - "local dialect" jiguchi 地口

. Danjūrō 市川 團十郎 Ichikawa Danjuro - Kabuki .
- - - "Narukami Fudo Kitayama Zakura" 雷神不動北山桜

. Danzaemon 弾左衛門 / Eta-gashira 穢多頭 Burakumin Eta leader .

. DARUMA - Edo Daruma 江戸だるま 江戸達磨  .
Edo Hariko 江戸張子 Papermachee Dolls
- - - Azuma hariko 東張子 papermachee dolls from Azuma
- - - Edo Kaku Tako 江戸角凧
- - - Honjo Daruma Yokochoo 本所達磨横丁
- - - Kodenmachoo Daruma 小伝馬町だるま

deaf people and poets in Edo
- source : deafjapan.blogspot.jp

deaijaya, deai chaya 出会茶屋. 出会い茶屋 "tea stall to meet someone"
. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall - with a side business .

. Dejima 出島 "exit island" in Nagasaki .
The Dutch East India Company - (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, VOC)

. Denenchoofu, Den-en-chōfu, Denenchōfu 田園調布 Denenchofu district . - Ota

. dengaku mai 田楽舞 Dengaku dance and performance .

. densetsu - Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - と伝説 Legends .

. Design デザイン - and book information on aesthetics .

. dodoitsu 都々逸 Dodoitsu comic poems .
and - 都々逸坊扇歌 Dodoitsubo Senka the First (1804 - 1852)

. Doogenzaka, Dōgenzaka 道玄坂 Dogenzaka slope . - Shibuya
..... 道玄坂地蔵尊 Dogenzaka Jizo statue // Shibuya109 - SHIBUYA109

. Dookanyama 道灌山 Mount Dokanyama .
and 太田道灌 Ota Dokan (1432 - 1486)

. dooningyoo, doo ningyoo 胴人形 "body dolls" .
life-size dolls as props for Kabuki or for medicine

. dooro 道路 Doro roads // kaidoo 街道 Kaido highways .

. Doosanbori 道三濠 Dosanbori, Dosan-bori moat .
- - - . Manase Dōsan 曲直瀬道三 Doctor Manase Dosan .

. dooshin 同心 Doshin, lesser police officer .

. doozan, dōzan 銅山 Dozan copper mines .

. Dutch East India Company and Nagasaki .
- ##dutch #holland #nagasaki -





- - - EEE - - -


. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


- - - EEE - - -

Many words come with EDO at the beginning - here is a growing list:
. Edo Meibutsu 江戸名物 Specialities of Edo .


. Ebisu 恵比寿 Ebisu district . - Shibuya
..... 恵比寿ガーデンプレイス Yebisu Garden Palace - Yebisu Beer

. eboshi 烏帽子 official hat, cap .

. Ecology 大江戸えころじ-事情 O-edo ecology jijo .

. Edogawa ku 江戸川区 Edogawa ward .
- and river Edogawa 江戸川

. Edokko 江戸っ子 / 江戸ッ子 born and raised in Edo .

. Egawachoo 江川町 Egawacho, Egewa district .
..... Egawa Tarozaemon 江川太郎左衛門 (1801-1855)

. Egota, Egoda, Ekota, Ekoda 江古田 Egota district . - Nakano
..... ego no ki エゴノキ Japanese snowbell tree, Styrax japonica

. Ejima Jiken 絵島事件 "Ejima incident" .
- Ejima-Ikushima affair 江島生島事件 Ejima Ikushima jiken

. Ekooin, Ekō-in, Ekoin 回向院, Eko-In Temple - Ryogoku .

. ema 絵馬 votive tablets, prayer boards .
- ema uri 絵馬売り selling ema votive tablets / emagaku uri 絵馬額売り

. emaki 絵巻 picture scrolls . *

. Enmadoo 閻魔堂 Emma-Do, Emma Halls in Edo .
- - - - - Fukagawa "深川ゑんま堂" Fukagawa Emma-Do .
- 華徳院 Ketoku-In - Suginami // - 太宗寺 Taiso-Ji - Shinjuku // - 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji - Toshima

. ennichi, en-nichi 縁日 monthly festival and prayer days .

. Enoki machi, Enokicho 榎町 Enoki district "nettle tree" .

. eta 穢多 "filthy mass" , 部落民 burakumin .

. Etchuujima, Etchūjima 越中島 Etchujima district, Koto .

. Ezo 蝦夷 エゾ Ainu Culture アイヌの文化 - Yezo, Yeso, Jezo .

. ezooshi 絵草子 Ezoshi, illustrated book or magazine .
otogizooshi 御伽草子 otogi-zoshi - popular tales
ukiyo zooshi 浮世草子 Ukiyo-zoshi - books about the floating world


- #eta #ejima #eboshi #ema -


- - - FFF - - -


. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


- - - FFF - - -

. Fires - Edo no taika 江戸の大火 "Great Fires of Edo" .

. Fishing in Edo 魚釣り sakanatsuri .

. - - - Food 江戸料理百選 100 Favorite Dishes of Edo .
- - - - - Edomae Sushi 江戸前寿司 Sushi with fish from Edo Bay

. Food vendors in Edo .
The most famous three Yatai stalls \ were for Sushi, Tenpura and Soba buckwheat noodles.


. Fuchuu, Fuchū 府中 Fuchu city . - Musashino

. fudasashi 札差 rice brokers .

. fude 筆 brush and pens .
..... Edo Fude 江戸筆 Handmade Calligraphy Brushes

. Fujisan Fujiyama 富士山 Mount Fuji .

Fujimi chaya, Fujimijaya 富士見茶屋 "tea shop to view Mount Fuji"
There were quite a few in the region.
. Meguro 目黒 Fujimi chaya .
Zôshigaya Fujimi chaya - Teahouse at Zoshigaya / print by Hiroshige
Otome-toge Fujimi-chaya, Hakone

. Fujizuka, Fuji-zuka 富士塚 Mound to honor Mount Fujisan .

. Fukagawa Edo Museum 深川江戸資料館 . - Shirakawa, Koto

. Fukagawa Hachiroemon 深川八郎右衛門 .
and the Fukagawa area, where Matsuo Basho lived

. Fukiage area 吹上 and 半蔵門) Hanzomon Gate .

. Fukui-jō 福井城 Fukui castle . - Fukui

. Fukuromachi 袋町 - fukurokooji 袋小路 Fukurokoji, cul-de-sac .

. fukuromonoshi 袋物師 / 嚢物師 making bags and pouches .
fukuromonoya 袋物屋 shop for bags and pouches
fukuromono tonya 袋物問屋 pouches wholesaler

. Funabashi and Gyootoku, Gyōtoku 船橋 と 行徳 Gyotoku .

. Funai Bikō 府内備考 Notes on Edo - Guidebook .
. . . . . Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo

funamanjuu 船饅頭 "sweet buns on a boat"
..... . fuuzoku, fûzoku 風俗 Fuzoku, entertainment and sex business .

. Funabori 船堀 Funabori district . - Edogawa

. Funagawara 市谷船河原町 Ichigaya Funagawara district .

. fune 舟 boats and ships on the rivers of Edo .
choki 猪牙 / chokibune 猪牙舟 water taxi, river taxi
hanabi-bune 花火舟 boat for watching fireworks
hanamibune 花見舟 boat for blossom viewing
sobakiri-uri no fune そば切り売りの舟 boat selling buckwheat noodles
suzumibune 納涼舟 boat to enjoy a cool evening breeze
tsukimibune 月見船 boat for moon viewing in autumn
urourobune, uro-uro-bune うろうろ舟 ‘casual wandering’ boat
watashibune わたし舟 / 渡し舟 / 渉舟 ferry boat, river ferry
yakatabune 屋形船 "palace boat", river cruise boat
..... gozabune 御座船 boat with goza mat flooring
yanebune 屋根舟 boat with a (low) roof

. furiuri, furi-uri 振売 peddlers, salesmen .
bootefuri 棒手振り pedlers with a pole on the shoulders

. furugane kai, furukane kai 古金買い / 古かね買い buying scrap metal .
furutetsu kai 古鉄買い buying scrap iron
kanemonoya 銅物屋(かなものや) dealer in scrap metal

. furugasa kai 古傘買い furui kasa, buying old umbrellas .
..... furubone kai 古骨買い buying old parasols and umbrellas (the "bones")

furugi 古着 old robes
. furugiya 古着屋 / furugi kai 古着買い dealer in old cloths .
..... furuteya, furute-ya 古手屋 in Kamigata

. furusato ふるさと 故郷、古里 hometown, my home village .

. fusuma 襖絵 sliding door .
- - - - - hikite 引き手, 引手 catch to open the fusuma door
- - - - - hyooguya 表具屋 fusuma mounter (002-127)

. fuurin 風鈴 Edo Furin, wind chimes .

. Fuyukiya 冬木屋 a lumber merchant .
Fuyukichoo 冬木町 Fuyuki district // 冬木弁天堂 Fuyuki Benten Hall // Fuyuki kosode 冬木小袖 garment

- ##fujisan - >





- - - GGG - - -


. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


- - - GGG - - -

. gakki 楽器 musical instruments .
- - - - - ko 鼓 drum, all kinds of drums
- - - - -tsuzumi 鼓 small handheld drum

. gakubuchi 東京額縁 Tokyo picture frames .

. gakumonjo 学問所 Academies of Higher Learning - domain schools .
Gakushukan 学習館 Kishu
Jishukan 時習館 Kumamoto
Kodokan 弘道館 Mito
Kodokan 弘道館 Saga
Kojokan 興譲館 Yonezawa
Meirindo 明倫堂 Kanazawa
Meirindo 明倫堂 Owari.
Meirinkan 萩明倫館 Hagi .
Nisshinkan 日進館 Aizu
Shizutani Gakko 閑谷学校 Okayama
Shoheizaka Gakumonjo 昌平坂学問所 Edo
Tooju shoin 藤樹書院 Toju Private School - Shiga .
Yokendo 養賢堂 Sendai
Zoshikan 造士館 Satsuma

. Galapagos Syndrome, Galápagos syndrome ガラパゴス化 Garapagosu-ka .
- - - Gara-phone (ガラケー gara-kei) - our modern times 2015

. gamaabura uri がま油売り selling toad grease medicine .

. gangu 玩具 toys from Edo .
- - - ganguzukuri 玩具作り making toys for children - naishoku

. garasu, Edo garasu 江戸硝子 glassware from Edo .

. geemu ゲーム, asobi 遊び games enjoyed in Edo .
[ 折鶴 orizuru (origami folded crane) ]
[ 影絵 Kage-e (shadow pictures ]
[ 文字絵 Moji-e (picture with characters ]
[ 知恵の板 Chie-no-ita (tangram) ]
[ 判じ物 Hanjimono (rebus and guess puzzle) ]

. Geisha 芸者 .
- - - Oiran 花魁 . . . ladies of Edo

. gekokujo 下剋上 scoundrels, basara, kabukimono .

. Genroku 元禄 Genroku period .

. gesui 下水 sewage .
- - - Ochiai Water Reclamation Center 落合下水道局 Gesuido Kyoku

. getaya 下駄屋 craftsman making Geta .
and - geta no haire, geta ha-ire 下駄歯入れ repairing woode geta clogs

. ginki 東京銀器 silver objects, silverware from Tokyo

. Ginza 銀座 Ginza district .

. Ginza Hatcho Jinja 銀座八丁神社 Shrines in 8 Ginza districts .
1.幸稲荷神社 Saiwai Inari Jinja
2.銀座稲荷神社 Ginza Inari Jinja
3.龍光不動尊 "Fashion" Ryuko Fudo Son
4.朝日稲荷神社 Asahi Inari Jinja
5.銀座出世地蔵尊 Ginza Shusse Jizo
6.宝童稲荷神社 Hodo Inari Jinja
7.あづま稲荷神社 Azuma Inari Jinja
8.靍護稲荷神社 Kakugo Inari Jinja 
9.成功稲荷神社 Seiko Inari Jinja
10.豊岩稲荷神社 Toyoiwa Inari Jinja
- and 八官神社 Hachikan Jinja // 宝珠稲荷神社 Hoju Inari Jinja

. gofukuchoo 呉服町 Gofukucho, district of the Kimono shops .
後藤縫之助 / 後藤縫殿助 Goto Nuinosuke / bridge Gofukubashi 呉服橋 / Gofukubashi Mitsuke Mon 呉服橋見附門 Gofukubashi Mitsuke Gate

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- - - - - Gofunai Bikō 御府内備考 Gofunai Biko, Notes on Edo

. gokenin 御家人 lower vassals .

. Gokuraku to Jigoku 極楽と地獄 Paradise and Hell .

. Gompachi, Hirai Gonpachi 平井権八 and Komurasaki 小紫 .
- - - - - 幡随院長兵衛 Banzuin Chobei - (1622–1657)

. goraku 娯楽 leisure in Edo . *

. Gotanda 五反田 Gotanda district . - Shinagawa
- - - - - 西五反田 Nishi-Gotanda / 東五反田 Higashi-Gotanda

. goten 御殿 palace, mansion .
- - - - - tonosama 殿様 feudal lord, Daimyo

. Gotenyama 御殿山 Gotenyama in 品川 Shinagawa .
- - - - - a place for cherry blossom viewing since Shogun Yoshimone

. goyaku, Edo goyaku 江戸五役 the five official worker groups of Edo castle .

. goyootashi 御用達 official merchants .

. goyoo toritsugi, goyō toritsugi 御用取次 chamberlain .
and soba yoonin, soba yōnin 側用人 - shogunal liaison officer

. gundai 軍代 Deputies. warden .

. Gyooninzaka, Gyōnin-zaka 行人坂 Gyoninzaka slope .

. Gyootoku, Gyōtoku 行徳 Gyotoku town .





- - - HHH - - -


. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


- - - HHH - - -

. Hachiman 八幡 Shrines in the Edo period .

. Hachioji sennin dooshin 八王子千人同心 1000 officials from Hachioji .
..... Hachiooji 八王子 Hachioji district

. hafu 破風 / 搏風 gable, gables .
..... kara-hafu 唐破風 "Chinese Gable"

. hagoita 羽子板 Battledore, Shuttlecock .
..... 江戸押絵羽子板 Padded Collage Paddles from Edo

. Haijima 拝島町 "island of reverence" village .
..... Haijima Daishi Daruma ichi 拝島大師だるま市 Daruma Market

. haikai 江戸俳諧, Edo Haikai, haiku meeting .

. haikai 灰買い buying ashes .

. hake 江戸刷毛 brush, Edo brushes .

. hakkei 八景 Eight Views of Edo .

. Hakkeizaka slope 八景坂 . - Ota

. Hakozakichoo, Hakozakichō 箱崎町 Hakozaki-Cho district . - Chuo

. Hakutaku, Kutabe, Pai Che 白澤 monster and amulet . *

. Hamacho 浜町 and Hisamatsucho 久松町 districts . - Chuo

. Hamagoten 浜御殿 Hama Goten, Seaside palace . - Chuo
..... Hamarikyu Gardens 浜離宮恩賜庭園 Hama-rikyū Onshi Teien

. Hamagurichoo 蛤町 Hamaguri Cho district .
..... Hamaguribori 蛤堀 Hamaguri moat // hamaguri clamshell, Venus clam dishes in Edo

. Hamamatsuchō 浜松町 Hamamatsucho, Hamamatsu district .

. hamono 東京打刃物 Hand-Forged Blades from Tokyo .

. han 藩 feudal domaine, shohan 小藩 small domaine .

. hanabi 花火 fireworks . 両国の花火 Ryogoku no hanabi
- - - - - 鍵屋弥兵衛 Kagiya Yahei and 玉屋 Tamaya

. Hanakawado, Asakusa Hanakawado 浅草花川戸町 district .

. hanami 花見 the culture of Cherry Blossom Viewing .

. . hanashigame uri, hanashi kame 放し亀売り selling turtles to be set free .
and - hanashi tori uri 放し鳥売り vendors of birds (sparrows) to be set free at rituals at Hachimangu Shrines in Edo .

. hana-uri, hana uri 花うり / 花売り flower vendor .

. Haneda 羽田 Haneda district "wings and fields" .
..... Haneda Airport 羽田空港 Haneda Kūkō / Haneda bugyō 羽田奉行 Haneda Bugyo governor

. hanga - Edo Moku-Hanga 江戸木版画 Woodblock Prints .

. hanji-e 判じ絵 Puzzle pictures, Rebus of Old Edo .

. hanzai 犯罪 crime and punishment .

. Hanzomon 半蔵門 Gate of Edo castle .
..... Hattori Hanzo 服部半蔵, the famous Ninja (1541 - 1596)

. happyakuyachoo, happyaku-yachō 八百八町 Happyaku Yacho - the 808 Towns in Edo .

. Haraikatamachi 牛込払方町 Ushigome Haraikata district - Shinjuku .
..... "district of the payment makers" // motokata 元方 and haraikata 払方

. hareku 破礼句(はれく) erotic Senryu poems .

. harigane uri 針金売り selling wire .

. hariki 歯力 lifting heavy things with the teeth - performance .

. Harumi 晴海 "clear sea" district . Tsukishima, Chuo

. hashi 橋 bridges in Edo .

. Hashiba 橋場 Hashiba district, "place with a bridge" . - Taito ward
..... 橋場寺不動院 Hashiba-Ji Fudo-In

. hashi, o-hashi お箸 chopsticks .
hashishi, hashi shi 箸師 making chopsticks
waribashi uri 割り箸 売り selling disposable chopsticks
Edo Kibashi 江戸木箸

. hatago 旅籠, 旅篭 lodging, Edo-style Hotel .

. hatamoto 旗本 samurai class .

. Hatchoobori, Hatchōbori 八丁堀 Hatchobori moat . - Chuo

. hatsugatsuo uri 初鰹売り selling first Katsuo bonito .

. hatsumono, hatsu-mono 初物 first things of each season .

. hatsu uma, hatsu-uma 初午 (はつうま) First Day of the Horse .
With many rituals and festivities

. Hayabusachoo, Hayabusachō 隼町 Hayabusacho district . - Chiyoda

. Hayamiya 早宮 Hayamiya district . - Nerima

. hayaokeya, hayaoke ya 早桶屋 "fast coffin maker" , undertaker .
- - - - - soogiya 葬儀屋 / saihooya 西方 / koshiya 輿屋 = undertaker

. he, onara 屁  / おなら  fart, farting .
- and kyokuhe 曲屁 "acrobatic farting" , performance like music

. heoi bikuni, he-oi bikuni 屁負比く尼 / 屁負比丘尼 fart-pretending nuns .

. Hibiya Mitsuke 日比谷見附 / 日比谷御門 Hibiya Go-Mon Gate .
- - - - - Hibiya Kooen 日比谷公園 Hibiya Koen Park

. Hieda Jinja 薭田神社/ 稗田神社 Hieda Shrine (Hieta) . Ota ward, Kamata

. Higashimurayama city 東村山市 and 久米川村 Kumegawa village .

. Higashi-Mukōjima 東向島 Higashi-Mukojima . - Sumida

Higashiyama Sakura Soshi, Kabuki play about the real-life story of Sakura Sogoro
- reference -

. Hikarigaoka 光が丘 / 光ヶ丘 Hikarigaoka district - "shining hill" . - Nerima

. Hikawa Jinja 氷川神社 Akasaka 赤坂 .

. hikeshi 火消 machibikeshi fire brigade .

hikidejaya, hikide chaya 引手茶屋 special tea stall
. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall - with a side business .

. hikifuda 引札 advertising circulars, chirashi チラシ  .

. hikyaku 飛脚, hayabiykakuk 早飛脚 "flying legs", fast runner to deliver messages .
- and the . Hikyakugitsune 飛脚狐 Fox from Tottori .

. Himeji-jō 姫路城 Himeji castle . - Hyogo

. himonoshi 檜物師 "artisan making things from Hinoki cypress wood" .
magemonoshi 曲物師 craftsmen of bentwood products / himonoya 檜物屋 vendor

. hinawajuu, hinawajū 火縄銃 Hinawaju, matchlock .
tanegashima 種子島, Tanegashima matchlock
teppoo, teppô 鉄砲 Teppo, gun, musket, matchlock, Gewehr

. Hirakawa-mon 平川門 Hirakawa Gate of Edo castle .
- - - - - Hirakawabori 平川堀 Hirakawa moat

. hitobashira 人柱 human sacrifice, "human pillar" .

. hitorishibai, hitori shibai 一人芝居 one-man theater .

. hitorizumoo  一人相撲 / 一人角力 Hitori Sumo - one-man wrestling .

. hiuchigama uri 火打ち鎌売り selling tools to strike a fire .
"fire beating sickle" - store Masuya 升屋 near Shiba Shinmei 芝神明 shrine

. hitsuboku uri 筆墨売り selling brushes and ink .

. hiyakashi 冷やかし half for fun, in jest . - and recycling paper in Asakusa

. hiyakuseiguya, hiyaku seigu ya  秘薬性具屋 selling medicine and sex tools .
- - - - - otona no omocha-ya 大人の玩具屋 toy store for grown-ups
- - - - - Yotsumeya 四つ目屋

. hiyokechi 火除地 fire barrier zones .

. Hiyoshi Jinja 日吉神社 Hiyoshi Shrine .
The Hiyoshi Sanno deity was regarded as that of the Tokugawa family.

. Honba Kihachijo 本場黄八丈 silk fabric . $

. Honchoo, Itabashi Honchoo 本町 Honcho district . - Motomachi, Itabashi

. Hongō, Hongoo 本郷 Hongo district . - Bunkyo

. Honjo 本所 / ほんじょ Honjo district . - Sumida

. Honjo Hayashi cho 本所林町 Honjo Hayashi, Honjo-Hayashi . - Sumida

. Honyoshi 本由 - Sudoo Yoshizoo 須藤由蔵 Businessman .

honzoogaku, honzôgaku 本草学 Honzokaku, natural history
The Knowledge of Nature and the Nature of Knowledge in Early Modern Japan
- source : press.uchicago.edu -

. honya 本屋 bookstore .

. hoochoo 包丁 Hocho, kitchen knife .
..... waboochoo 和包丁 Wabocho Japanese knife

. Hooei 宝永 Hoei eruption of Mount Fuji - December 16, 1707 .

. hoozuki ichi 鬼燈市 / 酸漿市 ほおずきいち lampion flower market . - Asakusa - 鬼灯

. horo 母衣 (ほろ) back protector for Samurai on horseback .

. hori 堀 moat, canal, and districts with this name .

. Horidomechoo 堀留町 Horidomecho District . Horidome river system

. Horiechoo 堀江町 Horie Cho district / 堀江六郎 Horie Rokuro .

. Horikane no i ほりかねの井 / 堀兼の井 / 堀難之井 Well of Horikane . - Takaido, Suginami

. Huish Marcus Bourne Huish . - (1843- 1904) - Author about Japanese Art

. Hyakkasen 百歌撰(ひゃっかせん)Selection of One Hundred Poems .

. hyakumanako, hyaku manako 百眼 "one hundred eyes" - mekazura eye mask performance .

. hyooban musume 評判娘 Hyoban, girl with a good reputation .

. hyoogu 江戸表具 Hogu, scroll mountings .
Edo Hyogu 江戸表具 scroll mounting from Edo


- #hashi #hoei #hhhh -


- - - I I I - - -


. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


- - - III - I I I iiiii - - -

. iainuki, iai nuki 居合い抜き sword performance .
some selling gama-abura, gamaabura がま油 toad grease. also called torite 捕手 / hamahoo 浜法 

. Ichigaya 市谷 / 市ヶ谷 / 市ケ谷 "Market Valley" district . Shinjuku
..... with many sub-districts

. Ichigokubashi 一石橋 bridge .

iemoto 家元 head of a school, for example Ikebana or the tea ceremony - 家元制度
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iemoto : "family foundation"

. Ieyasu - Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 (1543 - 1616) .

. igaku 医学 medicine in Edo .

. Igusamura, Igusa mura 井草村 Igusa village . - Suginami ward
Igusa Hachimangu Shrine 井草八幡宮

. Iidamachi, Iida-machi 飯田町 Iidamachi district and Kudanzaka .

ijidoozu, iji douzu 異時同図 successive events at the same illustration

. ikakeya 鋳掛屋 / 鋳掛け屋 / いかけや tinker, repairing metal tools, pots and pans .
ikakeshi 鋳掛け師

. Ikegami Honmonji 池上本門寺 Ikegami Honmon-Ji  temple .

. Ikejiri 池尻 Ikejiri district . - Meguro
..... Ikejiri Inari Jinja 池尻稲荷神社

. Ikenohata district 池の端 Taito ward .

. iki いき / イキ / 粋 / 意気 the CHIC of Edo .
hari ("spirit") / bitai ("allure") / akanuke ("urbanity")

. ikkanbari 一閑張 papier mache style lacquer .

. ikebana 生け花 / 活花 Flower arrangement / Bonsai 盆栽 .

. illness in Edo (byooki 病気) .
hashika 麻疹 measles
suitoo 水痘 / 水套 chicken pox
tennentoo 天然痘 / toosoo 痘瘡 smallpox, variola

. Imado 今戸 district in Asakusa / 今戸焼  Imado ware .

- . Imadobashi 今戸橋真乳山 Imado bridge Matsuchiyama .

- . Imagawa district 今川, Suginami 杉並区 .

. imayoo, imayō 今様 Imayo, popular song , imayoo uta 今様歌 .

. Imoseyama Onna Teikin 妹背山女庭訓 Kabuki play .

. Ina Kaidoo 伊奈街道 Ina Kaido Highway .
- - - - - Itsukaichi Kaido Highway 五日市街道

. Inari Daimyojin 稲荷大明神 .
澤蔵司稲荷 Takuzosu Inari and 伯蔵主稲荷 Hakuzosu Inari

. inkan 印鑑, hanko 判子 seals and stamps .

. inniku no shikae 印肉の仕替へ / inniku uri 印肉売り
exchanging and selling stamp pads .

. Inokashira 井の頭 "Head of the Well" . - 三鷹市 Mitaka
- - - - - Inokashira Park 井の頭恩賜公園 Inokashira Onshi Kōen

. inroo, inrō 印籠 Inro, pillbox, pill box, Pillenschachtel .
inrooshi, inroo shi 印籠師 Inro maker

. Iogi 井荻 Iogi district . - Suginami

. ippon-matsu 麻布一本松町 Azabu Ipponmatsu "one pine tree" .

. irezumi 刺青, horimono, bunshin 文身 Tatoo .

. Irifune 入船 Irifune district . - Chuo
- - - - - 入船稲荷神社 Irifune Inari Jinja

. Iro 伝統色 the traditional colors of Edo .

irojaya, iro chaya 色茶屋 "tea shop to meet colors" (prostitutes)
. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall - with a side business .

. irori 囲炉裏 / いろり open sunken hearth .
- - - - - jizaikagi 自在鈎 pothook and more

. Isechoo 伊勢町 Isecho, Ise district . - Chuo ward
- - - - - Shiokashi 塩河岸 "Salt river bank" and Komekashi 米河岸 "Rice river bank".

. Ise Mairi 伊勢参り pilgrimage to Ise Shrine .
..... O-kage mairi お陰参り, O-Ise mairi

. Iseya 伊勢屋 Iseya Store . - Ninben にんべん, Ihee Takatsu 高津伊兵衛 (1679 - )

. isha 医者, ishi 医師 doctor, doctors in Edo .

. Ishikawa Eisuke Ishikawa 石川英輔 (1933 - ) . - Books about Edo

. ishizue 礎 corner stone, stone foundation .

. Itabashi ku 板橋区 Itabashi ward .
Itabashi Jukkei 板橋十景 10 special viewpoints / Itabashi-shuku 板橋宿 First Station at Nakasendo Highway

. Iwamotochoo, Iwamotochō 岩本町 Iwamotocho .
Benkeibashi 弁慶橋 Benkeibashi bridge / Aizomegawa 藍染川 river Aizomegawa

. Iwato / Ushigome Iwato cho 牛込岩戸町 Ushigome Iwato district .

. Izanagi-ryu いざなぎ流, Monobe Masks, Shikoku .

. Izakaya, 居酒屋 public drinking house - Kneipe   .


