
- - - JJJ - - -


. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


- - - JJJ - - -

. J-HORROR - Japanese Horror Stories .
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. jidaigeki 時代劇 "period drama" .

jigami uri 地紙売り Kagema boys selling paper for fans
. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .

. jigokue, jigoku-e 地獄絵 paintings of hell .

. jigyooshi 地形師 "ground-preparing" worker, ground leveling worker .
jigyoo 地形 Jigyo, the part under the foundation of a building

. jiguchi 地口, dajare 駄洒落 pun, wordplay, paronomasia .
jiguchi andon 地口行灯 lanterns with paintings and puns, 伝法院通り Denboin-dori

. Jikkendana 十軒店(じっけんだな) / Nihonbashi Muromachi . Jikkencho (Jukkendana)

. Jinboochoo, Jinbōchō 神保町 Jinbocho, Jimbocho . - Kanda, Chiyoda

jinya 陣屋 Jin'ya, regional administrative headquarter
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. jishin 地震 earthquake, Erdbeben .

. jishinban 自身番 / kidoban 木戸番 Guardian of a neighbourhood "gate" .

. jisho 辞書 dictionaries of Edo .

. jitte, jittei, jutte 十手 / 實手 metal truncheon "ten hands" .

. Jiyuugaoka, Jiyūgaoka 自由が丘 Jiyugaoka district . - Meguro

. jooge-e 上下絵 Joge-e, Two-way pictures .

. jookamachi 城下町 Jokamachi. castle town .
- - - and - - - monzenmachi 門前町 "town in front of the gate"

. jookyooreki, Jōkyō-reki 貞享暦 Jōkyō calendar, Jokyo calendar .
. . . . . in use from 1684 to 1753.

. joomae 錠前 locks of Edo .
- joomae naoshi 錠前直し repairing locks of homes and warehouses

. joonan 城南 Jonan, south of the castle area . - Shinagawa
. . . . . 花房山 Hanabusayama, 池田山 Ikedayama, 島津山 Shimazuyama, 御殿山 Gotenyama and 八ツ山 Yatsuyama.
. . . . . joohoku 城北 Johoku, north of the castle /// joosai 城西 Josai, west of the castle

. joosai uri, joosai-uri 定斎売り selling Josai medicine .

. jusha 儒者 Confucian scholar .
. . . . . Hayashi Razan 林羅山 (1583 – 1657)

. juuhachi daitsuu 十八大通 18 big spenders .

. juukumonya 十九文店 shops selling everything for 19 mon
juukumon ya, juukumon no mise .

(Now we have the hyakuen shoppu  百円ショップ Shops selling for 100 Yen.)

. Juujoo, Jūjō 十条 Jujo district . - Kita





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. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


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. kabe 壁 wall, all kinds of walls .

. Kabuki 歌舞伎 Kabuki Theater .
Edo Sanza 江戸三座 - the three famous Kabuki theaters of Edo

. kabukimon, kabuki mon 冠木門 simple roofless gate .

. kabukimono (かぶきもの / 傾奇者 / 歌舞伎者 extravagant, flamboyant people .

. kabunakama, kabu nakama 株仲間 merchant guild, merchant coalition
za 座 trade guilds, industrial guilds, artisan gulids .

. kabuto 兜 / 冑 / かぶと samurai helmets and armour and Dolls for Boys .
----- . kabuto 兜 and Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 .
. Kabutocho 兜町 . Tokyo, Chuo

. Kachidoki 勝どき "cry of victory" district . Tsukishima, Chuo

. kachuu 江戸甲冑 Edo warrior armor .

. kadozuke 門付け / 門付 strolling musician .

. Kaga 加賀 3 districts in Tokyo.
- 加賀平右衛門 Kaga Heiemon . 銀座加賀町 Ginza Kaga cho district
- 市谷加賀町 Ichigaya Kaga cho, Kaga domain, Maeda Mitsutaka 前田光高
- 板橋区 加賀 Itabashi Kaga

. kagami 鏡 / かがみ mirrors .
- kagami migaki 鏡磨き / kagami togi 鏡研ぎ mirror polisher
- kagamishi 鏡師 mirror maker

. kago 駕, 駕籠 palanquin, sedan chair .
aiaikago あいあい駕篭 two riding in the same palanquin
anhotsu あんぽつ / 京坂あんだ
hoozenji kago はうせんじ駕籠 / 宝仙寺駕籠
kagokaki, kago kaki 駕籠舁き palanquin carrier
kyoo yotsukago 京四つ駕籠
machikago 町駕籠 "town palanquin" carried by two bearers
rokunin kaki 六人舁き carried by six bearers
shukukago 宿駕籠, postal station palanquin, in Hakone etc.
toomarukago 唐丸駕籠 - 鶤鶏駕籠 closed palanquin for criminals
tsujikago 辻駕篭 "crossroad palanquin"
yamakago 山駕篭 palanquin for the mountains
yotsude kago 四つ手駕籠 four-strut palanquin

. kago 籠 / 篭 / かご basket, baskets of all kinds .
mekagao 目籠 openwork bamboo basket / zaru ざる / 笊 bamboo basket
..... kagoshi, kago-shi 駕籠師 craftsman making baskets / kago shokunin 籠職人
..... mikan kago 蜜柑籠 "basket for tangerines" - synonym for an abandoned child

. kago nuke, kagonuke 籠抜け crawling through a narrow bamboo basket . street performance

. Kagurazaka 神楽坂 in Shinjuku (牛込神楽坂 Ushigome) .


kaibutsu ehon 怪物絵本  "Illustrated Book of Monsters" Nabeta Gyokuei
Aoi no Ue -- Character from The Tale of Genji who suffers episodes of spirit possession
Buruburu -- Forest-dwelling ghost that causes victims to shiver violently
Daibutsu-kaibutsu -- Mysterious pile of crumbling skulls
Futsukeshibaba (a.k.a. Hikeshibaba) -- Mysterious old woman in white who extinguishes lanterns
Hitotsume-bōzu -- Monk with cyclopean eye
Kasha -- Cat-like demon that descends from the sky to feed on corpses before cremation
Mikoshi-nyūdō -- Monk-like creature that grows taller the more you look at it
Nekomata -- Fork-tailed cat with a host of supernatural abilities
Noderabō -- Strange creature standing near a temple bell
Nue -- Chimera-like bringer of misfortune that can fly and morph into a dark cloud
Nyūnaisuzume -- Sparrows flying from the mouth of exiled poet Fujiwara no Sanekata
Raigō -- 11th-century monk reborn as a giant book-eating rat (a.k.a. Tesso - "Iron Rat")
Shiriyau (a.k.a. Shiryō) -- Spirit of the dead
Shuten Dōji -- Fearsome oni known for kidnapping, enslaving and devouring young Kyoto maidens
Sōgenbi -- Fiery ghost of oil-thieving monk (based on Kyoto legend)
Tanuki-bō -- A monk who turned into a tanuki
Tengu -- Bird-like demon
Teratsutsuki -- Mononobe no Moriya's resentment turns into a woodpecker
Ubagabi -- Fiery ghost of old woman encountered along the Hozu River in Kyoto
Ubume -- Ghost of woman who died during childbirth
Umizatō -- Blind lute player who walks on the sea
Waraime (a.k.a. Kerakera-onna) -- Giant cackling woman
Yamao -- One-eyed mountain creature (possibly related to the yama-waro of Kyushu)
Yanari -- Little demons that produce the creaking sounds heard in old houses
Yūrei -- Ghost
- source : pinktentacle.com


. kaichoo 開帳 Kaicho show a secret Buddha statue .

. kaidoo 日本の街道 the Kaido Highways of Japan .

. kaijuu 怪獣 Kaiju - mythological beasts and animals .
- genjuu 幻獣 Genju, mysterious creature, cryptid

. kaji 火事 fire .
- machibikeshi 町火消し the fire brigade

. Kajibashi 鍛冶橋 Kajibashi Bridge, "Blacksmith Bridge" .
- - - - - Kajichoo, Kajimachi 千代田区 鍛冶町 in Chiyoda - - same as -
- - - - - Kajiyachoo, Kajiyamachi 神田 鍛冶屋町 in Kanda (Chiyoda)

kakejayak kake chaya 掛け茶屋 / 掛茶屋 refreshment shops
. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall - with a side business .

. Kakigarachoo 蛎殻町 Kakigaracho, Kakigara district . - - Chuo

. kakine 垣根 hedge, fence // kakoi 囲い, saku さく. hei 塀 .

. Kakinokizaka 柿の木坂 / 柿ノ木坂 / 柿木坂 Kakinoki slope of the persimmon tree .

. kakure kirishitan, kurisuchan 隠れキリシタン, 隠れクリスチャン Hidden Christians  .

. kamado 竈 earthen kitchen hearth .
- kamado nuri, kamadonuri 竈塗り repairing the earthen hearth

. Kamata 蒲田 "bulrush district" - Ota ward .
..... Kamata Ume Yashiki 蒲田梅屋敷 Kamata Plum Tree Estate

. Kameari 亀有 Kameari district . - Katsushika

- - - - - kami 紙 paper in Edo
. kamikuzu kai 紙くず買い / kamikuzuya 紙屑屋 buying waste paper .
..... kamikuzu hiroi 紙屑拾い picking up used paper
..... sukikaeshi, suki-kasehi 漉き返し業者 re-making of paper
- Kamisukichoo 紙漉町 Kamisuki-Cho district of paper makers
..... kamisukishi、kamisuki shi 紙漉き師 making paper, paper making artisan
..... kamiya, kami-ya 紙屋 paper maker
..... Asakusagami, Asakusa-gami 浅草紙

. Kamimakichoo 上槇町 Kamimakicho, Upper Kamimaki district .
..... 下槇町 Shimomakicho, Lower Shimomaki district

. Kamiyachoo 神谷町 Kamiyacho, Kamiya district .

. kamiyuidoko 髪結床 hairstylist shop .
kamiyui 髪結い hairdo master, hair dresser - all about hair

. kamon 家紋 family crest - Familienwappen .
..... monuwaeshi, mon uwa eshi 紋上絵師 painting family crests

. Kanasugi, Mikawashima, Minowa 箕輪 金杉 三河しま . - Minowa

. Kanasugibashi Shibaura 金杉橋芝浦 Bridge . - Minato
..... 芝金杉浦 Shiba-Kanasugi-ura(現在の芝 present-day Shiba, Minato)

. kanban 看板 Kamban, Shop Signs .

. kanban musume 看板娘 "advertising servant girl" .

. Kanda 神田 Kanda district - "field of the Gods" . - Chiyoda

. Kanda Myojin Shrine 神田明神 .
- a controversial hero, deified Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門 (? – 940)

. Kanda Saekichoo and Sakumachoo 
神田佐柄木町 Saekicho - 神田佐久間町 Sakumacho .

. Kanegafuchi 鐘ヶ淵 riverside in Meguro .

. Kaneiji 寛永寺 Temple Kanei-Ji in Ueno .

. Kan'ei shoka keizuden 寛永諸家系図伝 Genealogies of All Daimyo Houses .
Kanei period (1624 - 1644)

. Kaneyasu かねやす / Kaneyasu Yuetsu 兼康祐悦 .
..... shop in Morikawajuku 森川宿 Morikawa rest station

. Kangaku 漢学 Chinese learning, study of the Chinese classics .

. kanmuri, kamuri 冠 crown, headdress, headgear .

. kanoke 棺桶 coffin, casket and funeral rituals .

. Kantō gundai 関東郡代 Kanto deputies, warden .

. kanzashi かんざし / 簪 hairpin - kanzashi uri かんざし売り hairpin vendor .
- - - - - and kushi 櫛 comb
..... . Edo tsumami kanzashi 江戸つまみ簪 Ornamental Hairpins . $

. Kaomise 顔見世 "Showing the Faces" and #Kabuki .

. kaoo, kaō 花押 Kao official signature .
osumitsuki お墨付き, 御墨付き official document

. Kappabashi 合羽橋 food district in Asakusa .

. Kappadera かっぱ寺 / 河童寺 Kappa temples .
- - - - -Soogenji 曹源寺 Sogen-Ji, Asakusa, Tokyo / Matsubacho 松葉町

. karakami 唐紙 - 江戸からかみ Hand-Made Patterned Paper .
Edo Karakami 江戸からかみ Hand-Made Patterned Paper for Interiors

. karakasa obake から傘お化け / 唐傘お化け umbrella ghost .

. karakuri ningyoo からくり人形 mechanical dolls .
..... Tanaka Hisashige 田中久重 (1799 - 1881), からくり儀右衛門 Kakakuri Giemon

. karakusa moyoo 唐草模様 Karakusa pattern. Karakusa arabesque .

. karamono kai 唐物買い buying Karamono .
karamonoya, karamono-ya, toobutsuya 唐物屋 dealing in Karamono
- karamono, things from Kara (China or Korea)

Karasumaru Mitsuhiro 烏丸光広 (1579 -
1638) - courtier-calligrapher

. Karasuyama teramachi 烏山寺町 Karasuyama Temple Town . - Setagaya

. karoo 家老 Karo, chief retainer .

. karuta 歌留多 card games - hanafuda 花札 "flower trump".
- . Edo Yookai Karuta 江戸妖怪かるた Yokai monster cards .

. kasa 傘 Umbrellas in the Edo Period .
. . furugasa kai 古傘買い buying old umbrellas in Edo
. . . . . . kasa hari 傘張り gluing paper to umbrellas, repairing umbrellas .

. Kasai 葛西 The Kasai district . - Edogawa
..... Kasai Rinkai Koen 葛西臨海公園 Kasai Seaside Park

. kashi, kawagishi 河岸 riverside, waterfront .

. kashihonya, kashihon'ya 貸本屋 booklender, booklender
furuhonya, furu-honya 古本屋 selling old books in Edo .

. Kashiwagi mura 柏木村 Kashiwagi village . - Shinjuku

. kashi setchin 貸雪隠 portable toilet for rent .

. kasugai 鎹 / かすがい clamp, cramp, cleat, staple .

. Kasumigaseki district 霞ヶ関 / 霞が関 "fog gate" , "gate of mist" .

. Kasuya mura 粕谷村 / 糟谷村 Kasuya village - Setagaya .
. . . . . 糟谷三郎兼時 Kasuya Saburo Kanetoki / Kasuya Hachiman Jinja 粕谷八幡神社
. . . . . Tokutomi Roka 徳冨蘆花 / Tokutomi Kenjiro 徳富健次郎 (1868 - 1927)

. katana 日本刀 Sword, the soul of the samurai .

. katsura 鬘 wig and katsurashi 鬘師 wig maker .

. Katsushika ku 葛飾区 Katsushika ward and 柴又 Shibamata district .

. kawa 皮 leather and leather goods .

. kawa 江戸の川 / 江戸の河 the rivers of Edo .

. kawabiraki 川開き fireworks at 両国 Ryogoku district .

. kawara 瓦 roof tiles / kawaraya 瓦屋 瓦師, roof tile maker .
- - - - - gatoo 瓦当 end tiles
- - - - - Onigawara 鬼瓦 "demopn tiles"
- - - - - Shachi 鯱 or Shachihoko 鯱鉾

. kawaraban 瓦版 Edo newspaper, handbill, broadside .
- - - - - kawaraban uri かわら版売り vendor of a kawaraban

. Kawasaki district 川崎区 . - Kanagawa 神奈川県
- - - - - and Asao ku 麻生区(あさおく)Asao ward

. kaya 蚊帳 mosquito net - Moskitonetz .
- - - - - Oomi gaya 近江蚊帳 kaya net from Omi (near lake Biwa)
- - - - - kaya uri 蚊帳売り selling mosquito nets

. Kayabacho 茅場町 Kayabacho district, Nihonbashi . - Chuo


. Keian jiken 慶安事件 The Keian uprising in 1651 .
- - - Yui Shoosetsu - Shōsetsu 由井正雪 Yui Shosetsu (1605 - 1651)
- - - Marubashi Chuuya - Chūya 丸橋忠弥 Marubashi Chuya (? - 1651)

keibutsubon 景物本
. Advertising in Edo .

. Keioo, Keiō 慶応 Keio period - 1865 .

. keisatsu 警察 police .

. kekkon 結婚 konrei 婚礼 marriage in Edo .
and engiri, enkiri 縁切り to cut a bond - divorce .  

kenka 喧嘩 fighting, to pick a fight - the Flower of Edo

. kenyaku 倹約 frugality, thrift - Sparsamkeit .
seitaku 贅沢 luxury / shisso kenyaku 質素倹約 frugal life, modest life
shashi kinshihoo 奢侈禁止法 - shashi kinshi rei 奢侈禁止令 law against luxury

. kenzanya, kenzan ya, kenzan-ya 献残屋 present-recycling merchants, dealers of gifts .


. Kiba 木場 "place for wood" - lumberyards and carpenters .

. Kichijoojimura 吉祥寺村 Kichijo-Ji village . - Musashino

. kidai shooran 煕代勝覧 Kidai Shoran picture scroll .
depicting a busy Edo road extending from Nihonbashi to Kanda Imagawabashi.

. kido 木戸 The Gates of Edo .

. kigu shokunin 木具職人 craftsman making wooden tables .

. Kijichoo 雉子町 Kiji-Cho "pheasant district" Kanda, Chiyoda .
..... (a pun with the sound of kiji 木地 plain wood)

. Kijin no O-Matsu 鬼神のお松 The female bandit O-Matsu .
..... and Natsume Shirosaburo 夏目四郎三郎

. kikin 飢饉 great famine periods .

. kiku 菊 enjoing chrysanthemums .
..... hyakujgiku 百菊 "one hundred different types of chrysanthemums" on one stem

. Kikuzakachō 菊坂町 Kikuzakacho, Kikusaka district - Hongo . - Bunkyo
..... Kikuzaka 菊坂 "chrysanthemum slope"

. Kimekomi Ningyoo 木目込人形 Wood and Cloth Dolls .
..... 江戸木目込人形 kimekomi ningyo dolls from Edo

. kimono 着物 Kimono - yukata 浴衣 - nagajuban 長襦袢 and more robes .

. kingin 金銀 Gold and Silver in Japanese Art .

. kingyo shiiku 金魚飼育 breeding goldfish - goldfish art .
kingyo sukui 金魚すくい scooping goldfish at festivals

. kinki 禁忌 taboo, ritual restriction .

. Kinshi 錦糸 Kinshi district - "brocade thread" . - Sumida
..... 錦糸町 Kinshicho, Kinshimachi / 錦糸堀 Kinshibori canal

. kintaien 錦袋円 medicine, sold at 勧学屋 "Kangaku-ya". .

. kinuta 砧 fulling block and mallet .

. Kioichoo 紀尾井町 Kioicho district . - Chiyoda

. Kiribatake 赤坂桐畑 district, "paulownia fields" . - Akasaka, Minato

. kiriezu, kirie-zu 切絵図 detailed maps of Edo .

. kiriko 江戸切子 Edo kiriko - cut classware .

. kiseru 煙管 long pipe for smoking tobacco .
- - - - - Tobacco Pouch 刻み煙草入れ and more Japanese forms of smoking accessories

. Kita ku 北区 Kita ward, "Northern Ward" .
- - - - - Asukayama 飛鳥山

. Kitamaebune 北前船 North-bound trade ships .
“Kitame-bune” “Kitamae-bune”
Matsumaebune 松前船 Matsumae trade ships to Hokkaido

. Kitsuki bon 朽木盆 tray from Kitsuki .

. Kiyokawa 清川 Kiyokawa district . - Taito

. Kiyosumi machi 清住町 / 清澄町 Kiyosumi district . - Koto
- - - - - Kiyosumi Yahē 清住弥兵衛 Kiyosumi Yahei
- - - - - Kiyosumi Teien 清澄庭園 Kiyosumi Park
- - - - - 清洲橋 Kiyosu Bridge // Kiyosubashi Bridge


. Koamichoo 小網町 Koami district, small net" . Nihonbashi, Chuo
- - - - - Koami jinja 小網神社 Koami shrine

. kobijustu 古美術 Antiques .

. kobiki 木挽 cutting timber for construction .
- Kobikichoo 木挽町 Kobiki cho district

. KochiKame (こち亀) Police station .
- Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kōen Mae Hashutsujo (こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所)

. Kodaira shi 小平市 Kodaira city .

. Kodenmachō 小伝馬町 Kodenmacho district . - Chuo

. kodomo 子供 child, children of Edo .

. kodoogu kai 小道具買い buying Kodogu, small tools and props .

. kofun 古墳 burial mounds in Tokyo .

. Koigakubo, Koi-ga-kubo 恋ヶ窪 "cave of love" . - 国分寺市 Kokubunji city

. Koishikawa Denzu-In, Dentsu-in, Dentsuin 小石川伝通院 .

. Koishikawa 小石川養生所  Koishikawa Yojosho Hospital .

. Koiwa district 小岩 "small rock" . - Edogawa
- Kufun mound 上小岩遺跡 Kamikoiwa Iseki // 甲和里 Kowari, Kowa no Sato

. kojiki shibai 乞食芝居 beggar's performance, beggar's play .
- and kojiki, the beggars of Edo

. kokerabukishi, kokerabuki-shi 柿葺師 craftsman roofing with wooden shingles .

. koken 沽券 record of sales affairs .

. kokkeibon 滑稽本 humorous story books .

. koku, kokudaka (石 / 石高) unit of volume for rice bushels .

. Kokubunji village 国分寺村 .

. kokugaku 國學 / 国学 - lit. "National study" of Japan .

. koma 独楽 spinning top toys .

. Komaba 駒場 "Horse place" district - Meguro .
- Koma Koen 駒場公園 Koma Park // 駒場野公園 Komabano Koen Park

. Komagome 駒込 . - districts in Toshima 豊島区 / Bunkyo 文京区
- Komagome shichiken mura 駒込七軒村 Seven villages of Komagome
- Komagome Fuji Jinja 駒込富士神社 / Rikugien 六義園 '6 Poem Garden' / Komagome nasu 駒込茄子 eggplants from Komagome
- Komagome Oiwake 駒込追分 / 豊島区本駒込 Bunkyo ward, Hon-Komagome
- Komagome Sendagi 駒込千駄木町 "with 1000 trees", "a lot of trees"

. komainu, koma inu 狛犬 lit. "Korean Dog" . .
and - koma...  狛  shrine guardian animals

. Komatsugawa district 小松川 "river Komatsu" . - Edogawa
- komatsuna 小松菜 leafy vegetable,lspinach mustard, - Brassica campestris

. komedonya, kome no tonya 米問屋 rice brokers .
- the forerunners of Japan's banking system

. komon, Edo komon 江戸小紋 small fine patterns of Edo .

komonjo 古文書 documents of medieval Japan *
- source : komonjo.princeton.edu -

. kondate hyoo 献立表 menu list, food list .

. Konyachoo, Konyachō 神田紺屋町 Kanda Konya-Cho
Konyamachi, district for indigo cloth dyers .

- - - - - konya 紺屋 artisan making "blue" things, indigo cloth dyers
- - - - - aizomeya 藍染め屋 dyeing with indigo

. konyoku 混浴 men and women bathing together .

. koodan 講談  kooza 講座 kooshaku 講釈 storytelling.

. Kooenji, Kōenji 高円寺 Koen-Ji district . - Suginami

. koogushi, yashi 香具師 performer, yashi 野師、野士、弥四、矢師 .
yashi 薬師 vendor of medicine by the roadside
tsuji isha 辻医者 doctor by the roadside

. kooji, Kōji 小路 Koji alleys . - Toranomon area

. Koojimachi, Kōjimachi 麹町 / 麴町 Kojimachi district .

. koorokan 鴻臚館 Koro-Kan, Chinese Guesthouse .

. Kooraku, Kōraku 後楽 Koraku district . - Bunkyo
- - - - - 小石川後楽園 Koishikawa Koraku-En Park

. Kooshuu Kaidoo, Kōshū Kaidō 甲州街道 Koshu Kaido Road .

. Kootoo, Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

. Korean heritage 韓国 Kankoku  朝鮮 Chosen- Paekche .

. kotatsu コタツ / 炬燵 heater to keep warm .

. kote-e 鏝絵 Kote art relief picture .

. koto 箏 Koto, stringed musical instrument.
..... . Tokyo Koto (Japanese Harp) 東京琴 . $

kotori no shiiku 小鳥の飼育 breeding song birds
. naishoku 内職 home worker, side business .

. kotowaza 諺 / ことわざ idioms, sayings, proverbs - ABC-List .

. Koume, Honjo Koume 本所小梅町 district . - Sumida

. Koyanagi choo 小柳町 Koyanagi district .

. koyomi 暦 the Japanese calendar .
Jokyo calendar / Local calendars / E-goyomi (Picture calendar) /Daisho-reki calendars
Ryaku-reki (Abridged calendars). Hashira-goyomi (pillar calendar) . Kaichu-reki (pocket calendar)
- Tenmongata / カレンダー . . . . . and much more !
. . . . . . koyomi uri, koyomi-uri 暦売り selling new calendars .

. Kozukappara keijō 小塚原刑場 Kozukappara execution grounds .


. kubizuka 首塚 head mound and execution grounds .

. kudaranai くだらない / 下らない worthless, pointless, nonsense .
kudarimono 下り物 things from Kansai

. Kugayama 久我山 Kugayama district . - Suginami
Kugayama Inari Jinja 久我山稲荷神社

. kugi 釘 nail, Nagel - Introduction .
kugikakushi, kugi kakushi 釘隠し "hiding the nails" nail-hiding ornament
kui 杭 - kigui 木杭 Pile

. kujiyado, kuji yado 公事宿 lawsuit inn, "lawyers' inn” .

. Kumedera 久米寺 Temple Kume-Dera, Nara .

. Kumegawa mura 久米川村 Kumegawa village . - Higashimurayama city 東村山市

. kumihimo 東京くみひも braided cords from Tokyo . $

. kura 蔵 storehouses and locks .

. Kuramae 蔵前 / 倉前 Kuramae district, 浅草御蔵 Asakusa Kuramae . - Taito

. Kuremasa-chō, Kuremasacho 榑正町 Kuremasa district - Shinbashi . - Chuo

Kurimoto Tanshu 栗本丹洲 - Kurimoto Masayoshi 栗本昌蔵 (1756 – 1834)
- source : wikipedia

. Kurofune 黒船 The Black Ships and Commodore Matthew Perry .

. Kuromoncho 黒門町 "Black Gate", Kuromon district .

. kusuri 薬 medicine in Edo .
kusuri-uri 薬売り all kinds of medicine vendors
. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .
- - - kusuriya 薬屋 medicine stores (M181)

. kuzu kai くず買い / kuzuya 屑屋 collecting waste paper, old cloths, old cotton pieces etc. . .


. kyokugei 曲芸 stunt artists, acrobatics .

. kyokugoma 曲独楽 acrobatics with spinning tops (koma) .

. kyokuhe 曲屁 "acrobatic farting" , performance like music .

. Kyoobashi 京橋 Kyobashi "Kyoto Bridge" district . - Chuo

. Kyoohoo no kaikaku 享保の改革 Kyoho, Kyōhō reforms .

. kyooka, kyōka 狂歌 comic tanka poem .

kyoryūchi, kyoryuuchi 居留地 Kyoryuchi, foreign settlement

. Kyū Shiba Rikyu Onshi Teien 旧芝離宮恩賜庭園 Former Shiba Villa Garden . ^ Minato
- - - the most beautifully designed garden in Tokyo

. kyuuketsuki 吸血鬼 blood-sucking demon, vampire .


- #kodomo -



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. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


- - - LLL - - -

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - と伝説 Legends from the wards .

. Law and Order 法律 - Pax Tokugawa .

. Leisure 娯楽 goraku .

. Lowell, Percival Lawrence Lowell (1855 – 1916) .
an American businessman, author, mathematician, and astronomer
- Noto: An Unexplored Corner of Japan (1891)
- Occult Japan, or the Way of the Gods (1894)
- The Soul of the Far East (1888)
- Related to Sakura Jingu 桜神宮 Sakura Shrine, Setagaya



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- - - MMM - - -


. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


- - - MMM - - -

. Medicine and Illness in Edo 医学と薬  .

. Merchants of Edo - 豪商 gooshoo .


. machi, choo  町 town and village, district .
- machiwari, machi-wari 町割り division of towns

machiaijaya, machiai chaya 待合茶屋 " tea shop for waiting and meeting"
. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall - with a side business .

. machibikeshi, machi hikeshi 町火消し local fire brigades in Edo .

. machi-bugyō, machibugyoo 町奉行 Machibugyo - own magistrate .

. Machida shi 町田市 Machida city "city of fields" .

. Machiya 町屋 Machiya district, Arakawa .

. mado 窓 Japanese window .

. Magome 馬込 Magome district, Ota ward .
- Magome Writers’ Village (馬込文士村 Magome Bunshimura)
- Magome, Edo Tokyo Yasai 江戸東京野菜 vegetables of Edo

. maisoo 埋葬 Maiso, cremation .
kasoo 火葬 Kaso, burning of the body , burial of the ashes

. makie, maki-e 蒔絵 lacquer sprinkled with gold or silver powder .

. makura-e, makurae 枕絵 "pillow pictures", type of Shunga .

. makuragaeshi 枕返し juggling with pillows, pillow turner - acrobat .

. Mama, Katsushika no Mama 葛飾の真間 Mama town .
- Mama no tsugihashi 継ぎはし linked bridge

. Mamiana, 麻布狸穴 Azabu Mamiana district "hole of a Mami badger" . Minato

. Mamiya Rinzō 間宮林蔵 Mamiya Rinzo . Explorer, (1775 - 1844)

. manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat .

. manzai 漫才. 万歳 / Banzai 萬歳 street performance .

. map - chizu 地図 maps of Edo .

. Marunouchi 丸の内 / 丸之内 / 丸ノ内 / 丸内 Marunouchi district . - Chiyoda

. Maruoka-jō 丸岡城 Maruoka castle . - Gifu

. Maruyama Kofun 丸山古墳 “Round Mountain” Kofun . 芝公園 Shiba Kōen park

. Masakado, Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門 (? – 940) .
- a controversial hero, deified as Kanda Myojin 神田明神

. Matsuchiyama 待乳山 / 真土山之図 / 真乳山 . - Sumida Hakkei

. Matsudaira Yashiki 松平屋敷 Estate of Lord Matsudaira. - in Kanda 神田

. Matsumoto-jō 松本城 Matsumoto castle . - Nagano

. matsuri 祭り festivals of Japan - Introduction .

. matsutake 松茸狩り hunting for pine mushrooms .
..... at 金竜寺山松茸狩 temple Kinryu-Ji

. Matsuyama-jō 松山城 Matsuyama castle . - Ehime

. megane メガネ / 眼鏡  glasses, spectacles, Brille .
megane uri 眼鏡売り selling glasses, exchanging old ones for new ones

. Meguro Fudoo 目黒不動 Meguro Fudo Temple .

. Meiji jidai 明治時代 Meiji period .

. Meireki no Taika 明暦の大火 Great Fire of Meireki .
... the Furisode Fire, destroyed 60–70% of the Japanese capital city of Edo on March 2, 1657.

. Mejirodai 目白台 Mejirodai district . - Bunkyo

. Mejiro 目白不動 Mejiro district . - Toshima
Mejiro Fudoo 目白不動 Mejiro Fudo Statue with white eyes

. Meibutsu 江戸名物 Specialities of Edo / 名産品 meisanhin - Index .

. mekazura 目鬘 "eye wig" paper mask .

meshimori onna 飯盛女 "woman serving rice"
. meshimori hatago 飯盛旅籠 lodgings serving food (and women) .

. metsuke 目付 and oometsuke . Ōmetsuke 大目付 Inspector and Inspector General .

. meyasubako 目安箱 petition box / sojoobako, sojōbako 訴状箱 .

. mibun seido 身分制度 class system, status system .
shinookooshoo 士農工商 - samurai warriors, farmers, craftsmen, and merchants

. michikiri, michi-kiri 道切 cutting off a road with amulets .
to prevent a kappa or yokai from entering a village

. Midori cho 本所緑町 Honjo Midori district . - Sumida

mikaeri yanagi 見返り柳 willow tree of looking back
customers, who visited the red-light district Yoshiwara, used to stop around it and look back at the district with reluctance on their way home.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Mikawa choo 三河町 Mikawacho, Mikawa district .
..... 神田区三河町 Kanda Mikawa cho, Chiyoda

. mikoshi 神輿 - danjiri だんじり - portable shrines and festival floats .

. mimibukuro 耳袋 Mimi Bukuro, Mimi-Bukuro "Tales Heard" .
Book by 根岸鎮衛 Negishi Yasumori (1737 - 1815)

. mimikaki 耳掻き ear cleaner, ear pick .
- mimi no aka tori 耳の垢取り ear-cleaner service

. Mingei 民芸 folk art of Japan .
- a special BLOG

. Minowa 三ノ輪 / 箕輪 Minowa district .
- - - - - Minowa Station 三ノ輪駅 Minowa-eki // Minowabashi Terminus 三ノ輪橋停留場 Minowabashi teiryūjō

. Minuma 見沼 Dragon God and the Waterworks for Edo . and the temple hall 大日堂 Dainichi-Do, Saitama

. misemono 見世物 showing strange things .

. Mita 三田 / 御田 / 美田 "Three Rice Fields" . - Minato

. Mita Shikoku Machi 三田四国町 "Shikoku Town" in Mita .

. Mitaka 三鷹市 "three hawks" city .

. mitaoshiya 見倒し屋 / 見倒屋 second-hand dealer .
. . . . . furumono kai 古物買い to buy old things
. . . . . risaikuru shoppu リサイクルショップ recycle shop

. mitate 見立 juxtaposition, comparison .

. Mitsumata Wakarenofuchi - みつまたわかれの淵 .

. Miyabi, miyabi 雅 / みやび court elegance .

mizujaya, mizu chaya 水茶屋 "public tea house" for refreshments and meeting ladies
. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall - with a side business .
- - - mizu-shōbai 水商売 mizu shobai, the water trade

. Mizumoto 水元 Mizumoto district .

.Mogusa-mura 百草村 - Tama 

. mokko モッコ / もっこ / 畚 rope basket .

. moku chookoku 江戸木彫刻 wood sculptures from Edo .

. mokugyo 木魚 "fish gong" for prayers .

. moku hanga 江戸木版画 Woodblock Prints from Edo .

. momendana, momen dana 木綿店 cotton merchants .

. momonjiya ももんじ屋 ・百獣屋 
selling meat "from one-hundred wild animals" .

kedamonoya 獣屋 dealers in wild animals
yamaokuya 山奥屋 dealers with stuff from the far-away mountains
kusuriguiho 薬食舗 restaurant serving "medicine" meat

. Momozono 桃園天皇 Emperor and "Peach Park" .

. monjiyakiya 文字焼き屋 selling "monjiyaki" .
mojiyaki 文字焼き "frying letters". a kind of okonomiyaki お好み焼き

. Monzennakachoo, Monzen-Nakachō 門前仲町 Monzen-Nakacho district . - Koto

. Morikawajuku 森川宿 Morikawa rest station . - Bunkyo

. Morisada Mankoo 守貞謾稿 Morisada Manko .
book published about 1837 in 35 volumes about Edo customs and business

. Motoosakachoo 元大阪町 Moto-Osaka district . Chuo, Ningyocho

. moyoo 模様 traditional Moyo patterns .

. muda-bito, mudabito むだ人 socially useless people .

. mugiyu ten 麦湯店 stalls serving "hot barley water" .

. Muken no Kane 無間の鐘 "Unlimited Bell", "Soundless Bell" .
- muken jigoku 無間地獄 Hell of Incessant Suffering

. mukimi uri, mukimi-uri 剥き身売り selling shelled (stripped) clams .
like asari, hamaguri etc. - asari mukin, hamaguri mukin 浅蜊むきん蛤むきん

. Mukoojima 向島 Mukojima . - Sumida

. Murayama-Oshima Tsumugi 村山大島紬 silk pongee . $

. Muromachi district 日本橋室町 Murocho, Muro Cho . - Chuo

. Muromachi jidai 室町時代 Muromachi period (1336 - 1573) .

. Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province / Bushuu 武州 Bushu .

. Museum - Edo Tokyo Hakubutsukan 江戸東京博物館 Edo-Tokyo Museum .
1-4-1 Yokoami, Sumida-ku, Tokyo

. mushikago 虫かご / 虫籠 basket for keeping insects .
mushiya 虫家, mushi-uri 虫売り dealer for insects
mushiko uri 虫籠売り vendor of insect baskets and cages

. mushuku 無宿 / mushukunin 無宿人 vagabond, homeless person .

. Myooshoojigawa, Myōshōjigawa 妙正寺川 river Myoshojigawa .
and temple Myosho-Ji, Suginami





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. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


- - - NNN - - -

. nabe ryoori 鍋料理 stew and hodgepodge to keep warm .

. Nagasaka, Azabu-Nagasakachō 麻布永坂町 Nagasakacho district . - Minato

. Nagasaki Area 長崎 - Toshima .

. Nagasakiya 長崎屋 Nagasaki merchant .

. Nagatachō 永田町 Nagatacho district . - Chiyoda ward

. nagauta, naga-uta 長唄 "long song" music .
, na
. nagaya 長屋 ながや row houses, long houses .

. nagayamon 長屋門 entrance gate .

. naginata 薙刀 / 長刀 / 眉尖刀 Japanese halberd .

. naishoku 内職 home worker, side business   .

. Nakabashi Hirokoji Cho 中橋広小路町 Nakabashi Hirokoji Town .

. Nakano ku 中野区 Nakano ward - "Middle Wild Field" .

. nakoodo isha 仲人医者 doctor as matchmakers for marriage .
. . . . . keian 慶庵 / 桂庵 Keian matchmaker / 仲人 Nakodo - nakabito なかびと

. Namamugi jiken 生麦事件 Namamugi incident - 1862 .

. namazu-e 鯰絵 catfish pictures . - to prevent earthquakes

. nana fushigi 七不思議 the seven wonders .
many districts of Edo hat their own !

. Nanjing Tamasudare たますだれ (玉簾/珠簾) .
performance with bamboo sticks

. nanshoku、danshoku 男色 homosexuality .
wakashudō 若衆道, kagema 陰間 "the shadow quarters"

. Narihira 業平 Narihira district . - Sumida

. Narimasu 成増 Narimasu district . - Itabashi
. . . . . 田中左京成益 Tanaka Sakyo Narimasu, also known as 田中泰彦 Tanaka Yasuhiko

. nariwai 生業 profession, business in Edo .

. Naruhito 徳仁天皇 Emperor 2019 .

. nattoo uri 納豆売り natto fermented beans vendor in Edo .

. nazotoki 謎解き making riddles / nazokake なぞかけ .

. Negishi 根岸 Negishi district - Taito ward .

. neko 猫 cat / chin shoobai 珍商売 strange business in Edo .
neko no ekaki 猫の絵描き painter of cats
neko no nomi-tori 猫の蚤取り picking fleas from cats

. nengoo, nengō 年号 Nengo, "year name", era name .

. Neribei,eribeichō 神田練塀町 Kanda Neribei diesrict . Chiyoda
練塀小路 Neribei koji "Alley of the Mud Wall"

. netsuke 根付 miniature sculptures and carvings .

. Nezu district 根津 - Bunkyo ward .
..... Nezu Jinja 根津神社 Nezu Shrine

. Nezumi Kozō ねずみ小僧 / 鼠小僧 Nezumi Kozo, a famous thief .

. Nihonzutsumi 日本堤 Nihon Embankment, Minowa . Taito

nikki 日記 diaries of the Samurai

. ninbetsuchoo 人別帳 Ninbetsucho census register .

. ningyooyaki 人形焼 figure waffles from Ningyo-Cho .
Ningyoochoo, Ningyōchō 人形町 Ningyocho, Ningyo-Cho

. ningyoo - Edo Ishogi Ningyo 江戸衣裳着人形 costume dolls from Edo .

. ninja 忍者 Ninja spy - Introduction .
- 服部半蔵 Hattori Hanzo, 風魔小太郎 Fuma Kotaro

. ninsoku yoseba 人足寄場 rehabilitation facility for criminals .

. Nippon Daemon 日本駄右衛門 / 日本左衛門 Nihon Zaemon (Nippon Saemon) . - (? - 1747) Thief

. Nippori 日暮里 - district in Arakawa .

. Nishikata 西片 Nishikata district . - Bunkyo

. Nishiki, Azuma Nishiki-E 東錦絵 Nishiki-e prints from Tokyo .

. Nishitōkyō-shi 西東京市 Nishitokyo city, Nishi-Tokyo, "West-Tokyo" .
- Edo-e 江戸絵 Edo prints

. niuriya, niuri-ya 煮売屋 / 煮売り屋 / にうりや selling simmered, boiled food .
saiya 菜屋
niurizakaya 煮売り酒屋 selling simmered food and sake
ichizen meshiya 一膳飯屋 quick lunch vendor
ochazuke ya お茶漬け屋 selling o-chazuke
- niuribune 煮売船 / 煮売り船

. niwa 江戸庭 Gardens in Edo .
. . . . . Edo no engei 江戸の園芸 gardening in Edo

. Noo, Nō 能 Noh - Nōgaku 能楽 Nogaku - Noh Theater .

. noomin 農民, hyakushoo 百姓 nomin, hyakusho - farmer, farmers .
. . . . . noogyoo 江戸の農業 nogyo - farming business
asobi-bi 遊び日 official holiday
mura no okite 村の掟 village regulations
shinden kaihatsu 新田開発 developing new farming land
tsubure 潰れ declaring bancruptcy
warichi 割り地 / 割地 land distributing system

. noren 暖簾 / のれん door curtain .   

. nori 糊 starch, glue / himenori 姫糊 "princess nori glue". .
. . . . . nori uri, nori-uri  糊売り selling natural glue, starch
. . . . . nikawa 膠 animal glue

. nusutto 盗人 / ぬすっと robbers / villains of Edo .
gizoku 義賊 honorable thief

. nyooboo, nyōbō 女房 Nyobo, official wife .


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- - - OOO - - -


. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .


- - - OOO - 000 - - - OOOO oooo

. obi 帯 belt, sash .

. obidome 帯留 belt buckle for ladies .
- - - - - Sanada himo 真田紐 Sanada-himo ribbon // Ochiai Water Reclamation Center 落合下水道局 Gesuido Kyoku

. Ochanomizu 御茶ノ水 / 御茶の水 / お茶之水 / 御茶ノ水 "water for tea2 .

. Ochiai 落合 Ochiai district . - Shinjuku
- - - - - Ochiai hotaru 落合蛍 / 落合ほたる / 落合螢 fireflies at Ochiai

o-chiyobune, ochiyobune お千代舟 O-Chio Boat
. daidoogei 大道芸 Daidogei street performance .

. Odaiba お台場 / Daiba 台場 Daiba district . - Minato

. Odawara joo, Odawara-jō 小田原城 Odawara castle .

. Odawara choo, Odawara machi 小田原町 Odawara district .
Chuo ward, Nihonbashi 室町 Muromachi and Honcho 本町 // Minami Odawara Machi 南小田原町 and Hon-Odawara Machi 本小田原町

. Odawara-jō 小田原城 Odawara castle . - Kanagawa

. Odenmacho 大伝馬町 / 御伝馬町 The Communications Center . - Chuo

. odori 踊り dance (Kanto) / mai 舞 dance (Kansai) .

. Ōgaki-jō 大垣城 Ogaki castle . - Gifu

Ogasawara-ryū 小笠原流 "Ogasawara school" - Ogasawara ryu
a traditional Japanese system of martial arts and etiquette, formalised and handed down by the Ogasawara clan.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Ogawa cho 小川町 Ogawa district, "small river" .
- - - - - 小川九郎兵衛 Ogawa Kurobei (1622 - 1670) // 小川寺 (しょうせんじ) Temple Shosen-Ji

. Ogikubo 荻窪 Ogikubo district . - Suginami

. Ogu 尾久 / 尾久町 Ogu machi - district in Arakawa .

. ohaguro, o-haguro お歯黒 / 鉄漿 / おはぐろ Ohaguro, black teeth .

. Ohanajaya お花茶屋 Ohanajaya district . - Katsushika

. oi 笈, oibako 笈箱 backpack of the Edo period . *

. oiran 花魁 the great courtesans .
geisha 芸者 Geisha
kawahori かわほり night hawker, harlot
keisei 傾城 courtesan
yotaka よたか cheap prostitutes "night hawks" (B176)
yuujoo 遊女 prostitute, harlot

. Oitekebori, Oiteke-bori 置いてけ堀 / 置行堀 / 置いてけぼり "leave it behind" - canal .

. Olympics Tokyo Olympics 2020 - Olympiade .

. Okabasho 岡場所 "Place on a Hill", cheap pleasure quarter .

. Okachimachi 御徒町 Okachimachi district .

. okappiki 岡引 / 岡っ引 semi-official detective .

. oke 桶 bucket, barrel - okeya 桶屋 bucket maker .
- (002-128)

. Okusawa 奥沢地区 Okusawa district - Setagaya .

. Ookubo, Ōkubo 大久保 Okubo district, Shinjuku .
..... ookubo 大窪 "great sunken place", "great hollow"

. 大久保藤五郎 主水 Okubo Togoro Monto. (? - 1617) .

. onna 女 women of Edo .

. Onnazuka Jinja 女塚神社 . - Ota, Nishi-Kamata

. Onagigawa 小名木川 canal .

. Onchiseiyō (OnchiSeiyo, Onchi Seiyo) 温知政要 .
published 1731 by Tokugawa Muneharu 徳川宗春

. Ondenmura, Onden mura 隠田村/ 穏田村 Onden village "with secret fields" .
..... Shibuya, Jingu-Mae // Onden Jinja 穏田神社(穩田神社) Onden Shrine

. ondo 音頭 popular music and dance .

. onnagata 女形 female Kabuki actors .

. oogi uri, oogi-uri 扇売り vendor of hand fans .
o-harai oogibako お払い扇箱 "Buying back fan boxes" / oharaibako
- - - oogizukuri 扇子作り making hand fans - naishoku
- - - sensu 扇子 folding fan, hand fan - cooling down in Edo

. Ō-hiroma, oohiroma 大広間 O-Hiroma reception room . - Edo castle

. Ooi, Ōi 大井 Oi district "Great Well" . - Shinawaga

. Ooji, Ōji 王子 Oji district . - Kita

. 0oji Fudoo no Taki 王子不動之滝 Fudo Waterfall in Oji .
now in Nerima ward

. Ōoku , Ooku 大奥 Oku, "great interior" .
- - - Harem of Edo Castle

. Oome, Ōme 青梅 / おうめ Ome town . - Suginami
..... Omejima, ome-jima 青梅縞 striped fabrics, weaving from Ome
..... Musashi Mitake Jinja 武蔵御嶽神社
. Ōme Kaido 青梅街道 Ome Kaido Highway .

. oometsuke . oometsuke, Ōmetsuke 大目付 Ometsuke - Inspector General .

. Omi no kuni, Ōmi 近江国 Omi province .

. Oomiya, Ōmiya 大宮 Omiya, Saitama . - Saitama

. oomizu 大水, koozui 洪水 flooding .

. Oomori, Ōmori 大森 Omori district "Great Forest" . Ota ward
..... 大森和中散 Omori Wachusan medicine // Ōmori Kaizuka 大森貝塚 Omori Shell Mound and Park // 大森の海苔 Omori no nori sea lettuce

. Oosaka 逢坂 / 逢坂 / あいざか - "slope of the meeting". 大坂 Great Slope .
..... Ichigaya 市谷

. Oosaki, Ōsaki 大崎 Osaki district . - Shinagawa
..... 上大崎 Kamiosaki

. Ooshima Hakkaku, Ōshima 大島伯鶴 Oshima Hakkaku . - family of 講釈 Koshaku story tellers

. Ootemachi, Ōtemachi 大手町 Otemachi district . - Chiyoda

. Ootsuka 大塚 Otsuka "big mound" district . - Toshima

. ooya, Ōya 大家 Oya, landlord .

. Oranda オランダ / 阿蘭陀 Holland .
..... Dutch learning 蘭學 / 蘭学 rangaku
..... Nanban art 南蛮美術 Namban "Southern Barbarians"

. Ōsaka-jō 大坂城 / 大阪城 Osaka castle .

. Oshiage 押上 Oshiage district . - Sumida
..... Oshinari おしなり Shopping, 東京スカイツリー Tokyo Skytree
..... 押上天祖神社 Oshiage Tenso Shrine / 高木神社 Takagi Shrine / 飛木稲荷神社 Tobiki Inari Shrine

. oshi-e, oshie 押し絵 / 押絵 raised or padded cloth picture .
fabric picture, lit. pressed picture

. oshiroi, o-shiroi (hakufun) おしろい / 白粉 white face powder .

. otchanai ochanai おちゃない.おちゃない collecting hair fallen to the ground .
and sell it to wig makers

. Otowachoo 音羽町 Otowa district in Edo .
..... and 桂昌院 Lady Keisho-In.

. Owari, Tokugawa Owari Clan 尾張徳川 .

. Owarichoo 尾張町 Owaricho district . - Chuo, Tokyo
..... The Owari Domain (尾張藩 Owari han)

. "oya kookoo de gozai" "親孝行でござい" selling filial piety .

. ozenjo 御膳所 - 御弁当所 obentojo - "place to eat" .
御小休所 oshonbensho - "place to use a toilet"

御腰掛 okoshikake, 御立寄所 otachiyorijo, 御仲休所, 御休憩所 okyusokujo - "resting place" for the Shogun


